Ezekiel Part 14


Sunday school from December 10th, 2023


Ezekiel Part 15

Ezekiel Part 15

Let's pray and then we'll get into it. Lord Jesus again as we open up your word We asked through the Holy Spirit to help us to understand what is revealed there
So that we may properly believe confess and do that teach us to want to not listen to the false
Voices out there claiming to be bringing your voice to us but who aren't and we ask Lord that we would be attentive to your word and through your through the
Holy Spirit repent of our sins our different ways in which we believe wrongly and Through the power of the
Spirit bear fruit in keeping with repentance in the daily mortification of our sinful flesh. We ask in Jesus name.
Amen okay, so We are you know, did you have you notice?
I've been on my soapbox a little bit lately during the Sunday school classes I just you know Louise I don't believe what you just he said no
Even your body language says that you were not telling the truth by saying no, I just say
So all of that being said We're gonna we're gonna back up just a little bit because we didn't really get too far into Ezekiel 13 last week because I went on a bunny trail showing from other passages of Scripture that That the true test of a prophet that this still applies
Today from Deuteronomy 18 as well as Deuteronomy 13 if somebody's theology doesn't line up with Scripture Then they're they're not a true prophet if somebody's if somebody gives a predictive prophecy, it doesn't compact come to pass
That's a word that God hasn't spoken. And so that being the case You'll note that we have a lot of people today within the charismatic movement who are teaching that God allows for fallible
Prophets and they twist God's Word in order to to make it appear that the standard operating procedure from for for prophets
Is that it's that the word is fuzzy. They sometimes get it wrong they sometimes interpret the word incorrectly and and bizarre things like this and all of this to Justify the wing that wacker doodle prophecies that they give that we cover on on on fighting for the faith on prophecy
Bingo, and then you'll note this last week we released a video where we legitimately gave an audit a full -on audit of Of the 2023 prophecies and these weren't these weren't from you know
The the you know the kind of fly -by -night to set up their own prophecy shop on YouTube kind of people these were the ones that were put forward by charisma magazine as The prophecies that were supposed to the people were supposed to be listening to and that that video had more than a hundred thousand views
I think it's like somewhere in the to the neighborhood of a hundred and forty four hundred forty five thousand views and And and and it's just absolutely terrifying when you think about it because In testing each of those prophecies those guys said nothing
They legitimately said nothing and is these one -size -fits -all Prophecies and one of them notably got it wrong
I did it any of you guys experienced a great wealth transfer in the year 2023 and I'm not talking about money to the government or money to the oil companies because the gas prices are higher
I'm talking about what they call the you know Where pagans show up at your door and then hand their 401k over to you and say
I don't know why I'm giving you this But here's all my wealth, you know, that that's just crazy stuff So coming back then to Ezekiel 13 the word of Yahweh came to me son of man prophesy against the prophets of Israel who are prophesying and say to those who prophesy from their own hearts and that's
Legitimately what's happening today all of these false prophets today? They are not prophesying from God this the words that they are given are not from God at all
And it's demonstrable that that's the case. So the only other option is they're prophesying from their own hearts or They are they are prophesying via demonic spirits.
Those are your only other options left or the person's mentally ill you know, I hate to say this but Over the course of time that I've been doing fighting for the faith
We've run into a few people that were considered to be notable prophets who at the end of the day were
Like certifiably mentally ill. Okay. I think of one particular woman from Australia and this woman had the platform at Catherine and Alice Church and she would say things like that one time she was
She was at a conference and she was speaking and she was translated in the spirit to Nova Scotia Okay, and so one minute she was in Australia the next minute
She was in Nova Scotia and she was on a cliff in Nova Scotia And there was a fellow that was thinking about driving his vehicle over the cliff in Nova Scotia And and she preached the gospel to him and brought him to saving faith in Christ and then whoosh
She got whisked away back to Australia. I mean just bonkers stuff like this and it turns out that you know that She legitimately it was diagnosed with a mental illness
She you know And and she had spent some time in psych wards and things like this
And so I end up having you know I'm reaching out to Catherine and Allah with this information and but the fact that other people were exposing her
And had a private meeting with Catherine and all that to kind of walk this walk through and say this woman's not hearing from God she needs help and And this woman got sat down she got you know
And and she didn't like being sat down and it ended up with Rinala ending their their their prophetic relationship
But you know, it's this this is the kind of stuff that we run into But the one thing
I have yet to run into is somebody who's prophesied from actually hearing the voice of God I haven't seen any prophets today who do that.
Not a one and I've been looking for decades Okay, so so God says
Prophesy against the prophets of Israel who are prophesying and say to those who prophesy from their own hearts
Hear the word of Yahweh. So There's an irony going on here. And that is is that they claim that they're hearing the direct voice of God But they're gonna hear the voice of God not directly.
They're gonna hear it through his real prophet Ezekiel. So hear the word of Yahweh Thus says the
Lord Yahweh woe to the foolish prophets who follow their own spirit and have seen
Nothing, your prophets have been like jackals among ruins. Oh Israel You have not gone up into the breaches or built up a wall for the house of Israel that it might stand and battle in the day of Yahweh They have seen false visions and lying divinations.
They say Declares Yahweh when Yahweh has not sent them and yet they expect
Yahweh to fulfill their words Okay I decree and declare by the power of the Lord and from the office of the
Prophet that I this year is gonna be a year of sudden leaves ah You know, you know
Nonsense, right? Okay. Have you not seen a false vision and have you not uttered a lying divination?
Whenever you have say when in whenever you have said declares the Lord, although I have not spoken therefore thus says the
Lord Yahweh Have you ever seen like a comedy or a movie where there's a particular scene where somebody is trash -talking?
Somebody behind their back with the assumption that they're not there when the whole time they're standing right behind them
Yeah, just this is kind of the picture that's going on here, you know And and that is this that there is a
God in heaven and he fills the earth There's not a place that you can go to hide yourself from God So when you stand up and say thus sayeth
Yahweh Yahweh standing right behind that person going did I really say that now?
Okay, and and they're going to at one point in their life either upon their death or the return of Christ They're gonna come to realize that God was standing there behind them the entire time and And he doesn't take kindly to when people take his name and drag it to vanity
You shall not take God's name. You should not carry it to vanity to false prophecies to worthlessness
That's kind of how that sentence works in the Hebrew. We talked about that last week. Hang on a second I poured myself a little bit more coffee and some of it ended up on my desk because I'm a man
Okay Women are the ones who have the good graces when it comes to Things like this men, you know,
I prefer truck stop coffee and things like that And so, you know, I me I have a clearly have a drinking problem because I can't pour a drink properly.
Okay All right So we continue verse 8
Therefore thus says Lord Yahweh because you have uttered falsehood and you have seen lying visions
Therefore behold I am against you declares the Lord Yahweh My hand will be against the prophets who see false visions who give lying divinations
They shall not be in the council of my people nor be enrolled in the register of the house of Israel Nor shall they enter the land of Israel Consider this in an eschatological way.
Okay, you're gonna note That What God is saying here these false prophets they will not be saved
That's what he's saying They will will not be in the council of my people nor enrolled in the register of the house of Israel you and I are enrolled in the register of the house of Israel by Grace through faith, even though we are
Gentiles. We've been grafted into Israel So and then nor shall they enter the land of Israel this is not talking about the postage stamp piece of property out there in the
Middle East is this is talking about the real land of Israel the Promised land that Abraham was looking for the heavenly one, right?
And so you're gonna note that this comports perfectly then with what we hear
God say in Exodus chapter 20 Exodus chapter 20 verse 7.
Listen to what this says. You shall not take you shall not carry That's that's what the word there means
Yictal you shall not carry the name of Yahweh your God in vain You shall not take it to vanity for the
Lord Yahweh will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain So what
I find fascinating is that if you read the comments on my youtube videos, especially
When I'm going after false prophets or doing prophecy bingo and things like this one of the things that is a is a continual stream in the in my comments are the people who show up who are
Charismatics and say you have blasphemed the Holy Spirit Who and and so or they'll say you you need to back off because you are dangerously close to blaspheme
There we go You are dangerously close to blaspheming the Holy Spirit they say and and this is always the threat and I when
I was a when I Was in the latter rain movement barb and I who it was the same thing, you know
If anybody like opened up their Bible and questioned the prophetess that was over us
Oh brother, you are you are getting dangerously close to blaspheming the Holy Spirit. How dare you in fact?
You guys you ever heard of the guy by the name of William Branham? Branham I years ago
I reviewed a sermon of William Branham's and William Branham in that sermon
Legitimately said that anybody that denies that he's a true prophet that that person wouldn't even be saved
Okay, that that's that that's the level of blasphemy we're talking about here yet It's the opposite of what they're saying
It is the exact opposite these false prophets these people who claim that they're hearing from God when clearly they are not
They are the ones who will not It be in the Council of God's people nor be enrolled in the register of the
House of Israel Nor will they enter the land of Israel Christ's words from? Matthew 7 come roaring in here and and should cause
You know cause them some pause and and and sober them up, but it doesn't seem to do that Again Christ says beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves and Have any of you ever watched
Dan longs? YouTube channel the long for truth channel that he is his research on the history of Pentecostal ism and the
Hucksters the Continual parade of Hucksters that have come through that movement and still continue to come to that movement
I'll give you an example. So There's a fellow by the name of Chris Reid and Chris Reid recently took over Morningstar ministry from Rick Joyner Okay, he became the guy who inherited
Morningstar ministry. Did you know that two years ago? Chris Reid went on the
Elijah the Elijah streams, you know Program and he claimed that God that God gave him a vision that showed that the
Apostle John was still alive and living in a cave in Turkey and That and that he was going to reappear and help help the church to brightly understand the book of Revelation Just and this is the guy who engages in cold reading, you know,
I You know, I I haven't looked on the internet, but does the name Louise mean anything to anybody, you know, is that does that mean any
Louis? I I I feel the Lord is telling me that there's somebody in your life named Bill Bill, you know
And here's you're supposed to go. Whoa, okay the same cold reading kind of nonsense, right?
This guy is a complete Huckster. He's the guy who's who's inherited Morningstar ministries and And the and then you think of like Benny Hinn you think of Ken Copeland you think of Kenneth Hagan?
I mean the list just goes on and on and on and on of all these people
Who are just corrupt to the core Todd Bentley? if you guys remember when
Todd Bentley, you know when I started the fighting for the faith podcast the The Lakeland revival was in full swing at that time and I actually
Reviewed one of Todd Bentley's sermons from that from that so -called revival and it turns out the guy was sleeping with his babysitter divorced his wife
You know Divorced his wife married the babysitter He got removed from ministry and then was
Rick Joyner Re -established him in ministry and then he went on and just spent a decade basically engaging in all kinds of rank sexual immorality all of it came to a head and the person spearheading the investigation against him was
Michael Brown and Michael Brown said that in his final statement regarding Todd Bentley said that Todd Bentley should never be in ministry again, at least not without with not without you know
Somebody having authority over him and then went on to say but we do not deny that he had a valid healing gift
Todd Bentley did not have a valid healing gift. This is the guy who claims that he Cured a woman of cancer by kicking her in the stomach with his biker boot just crazy stuff
And so you're gonna note here Initially, you know Christ's initial warning against the false prophets is
Beware false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves You'll recognize them by their fruits our grapes gathered from thorn bushes.
No our figs from thistles No so every healthy tree bears good fruit
But the diseased tree bears bad fruit and when you look at the charismatic and Pentecostal movements in the NAR and the latter rain
This is one bad tree that continues to bear
Horrifically awful just rancid fruit and they sit there and go well, no, no
No that you're you're just being hypercritical right a healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit Nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit
Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire and thus you will recognize them by their fruits
And then he goes on in that same breath and says not everyone who says to me Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven
But the one who does the will of my father who is in heaven on that day many Will say to me
Lord Lord. Did we not prophesy in your name and cast out demons in your name? This sounds like Come out and to come out in Jesus name movie.
It sounds like the domino revival movie This sounds like today's deliverance murder ministries. This sounds like Isaiah Saldivar's channel
This sounds like all the folks in the charismatic move, but I would note though This doesn't sound to look like anybody in confessional
Lutheranism. Okay It's it's not even close right on that day
Many will say to me Lord Lord Did we not prophesy in your name and cast out demons in your name and do mighty works in your name and then
I will declare to them I Never knew you Depart from you workers of lawlessness and you'll note so Christ is in perfect accord with what
I with Ezekiel is saying that That these people these lying prophets they will not be in the council of his people
They will not be enrolled in the register of the house of Israel nor shall they enter the land of Israel So you shall know that I am the
Lord Yahweh precisely because they have misled my people saying peace When there is no peace and because when this when they when the people build a wall these prophets smear it with whitewash
Say to those who smear it with whitewash that it shall fall There will be a deluge of rain and you
Oh great hailstones will fall and a stormy wind break out and when the wall falls
Will it not be said to you? Where is the coating with which you smeared it?
therefore thus says the Lord Yahweh I will make a stormy wind break out in my wrath and there shall be a deluge of rain in my anger and great hailstones and wrath to make a full end and I will break down the wall that you have smeared with whitewash and bring
It down to the ground so that its foundations will be laid bare when it falls
You shall perish in the midst of it and you shall know that I am Yahweh So you'll know this is a phrase that you're going to hear throughout the book of Ezekiel Especially when we get into when
Ezekiel prophesies against the the pagan nations, you're going to hear this same
Response then they will know that I am Yahweh, but note here This is not a knowledge of Yahweh that is born from repentance or hearing his word
This is not this is not knowing of Yahweh that has to do with receiving from him mercy and forgiveness
It's a knowing of Yahweh when he Points his laser beam of wrath straight at your face and pulls the trigger
Okay, then you will know I am Yahweh when I bring you to a cataclysmic end and they'll go.
Oh That's Yahweh You know, and it's that's this is not a knowledge that saves them
This is a knowledge that condemns them So pay attention because we're gonna see this a lot throughout the book of Ezekiel Thus I will spend my wrath upon the wall and upon those who have smeared it with white
Whitewash and I will say to you the wall is no more and those who Those who smeared it nor those who smeared it the prophets of Israel who prophesied concerning Jerusalem and saw visions of peace for her when there was no peace declares the
Lord Yahweh and you're gonna note In order for God to get rid of the wingnut wackerdoodle prophets at the time of Jeremiah and Ezekiel He he had to legitimately
Send true to true prophets who then completely contradicted the message that these wingnut wackerdoodle prophets were giving and then
The wackerdoodle prophets got egg on their face over and over and over again to the point where nobody listened to them or they finally did what they were supposed to do and and Executed them and you know as people who committed a capital crime by taking
God's name in vain But by the time we get to Nehemiah and Ezra, which we've already read those those books
These wingnut wackerdoodle prophets are gone Okay, but note what it took to get rid of them which is why
I'm looking at the current apostasy that we're in right now going is I Don't I don't foresee any any way of getting rid of these people
I just you know And you know, I'll just continue to be a hyper critic, you know
That's what I get accused of. I I'm not a critic. I'm a hyper critic. I you know, I'm just a fundamentalist
I put the fun in fundamentalism, you know, but this is what they claim and this is nonsense, right and you oh son of man
Set your face against the daughters of your people who prophesy out of their own heart.
So here we've got prophetesses Doing the same thing. I can't help but hear Kay Nash's, you know voice here, right?
Yeah prophesy against them and say thus says the Lord Yahweh Woe to the women who sew magic bands upon all wrists and make veils for their head
The heads of persons of every stature in the hunt for souls Will you hunt down souls belonging to my people and keep your own souls alive?
That's a great question Yeah here you're hunting down real souls and do you think by doing so you're gonna keep yourself alive you have profaned me
God says among my people for handfuls of barley for pieces of bread
Putting to death souls who should not die in keeping alive souls who should not live
By your by your lying to my people who listen to lies That's quite the description
And so, you know, they're the prophesying for gain for food, right and they're putting to death souls who should not die
You know the faithful who actually believe the word of Yahweh in the Bible and they're keeping alive those who reject the word of Yahweh The ones who like to listen to lies
Alas, all right. So therefore thus says the Lord Yahweh behold I am against your magic bands with which you hunt the souls like birds and I will tear them from your arms
I will let the souls whom you hunt go free the soul the souls like birds your veils also
I will tear off and I will deliver my people out of your hand and they shall no more be in your hand as Prey, and so you're gonna note here that the way
God views the victims of false prophets He views them as those who've been hunted down and where the prey of these people think you think back to the term ravenous wolves
Okay and so what God does is he has mercy on those victims of these false prophets and I would note that I'm a
I'm a Example of God's mercy in this way when
Barb and I were in the latter rain We had a prophetess over us and to say that we were under their control is an understatement
This was practically a cult. They kept us busy Six days a week at church.
We were there from the time. I got off work we were there until 9 10 11 at night and then
I would go to work and just Exhausted and do it all over again the prophetess that we had over us
She prophesied that Barb and I would have five children She also profit, you know She I also was required to give her my paycheck
Every month and she gave me a stipend from that for Barb and I to live on that's the level of control that they had over us
Okay, but I really legitimately view Barb and I getting out of the latter rain as God's merciful hand as one we were
Completely hunted down by these people and God set us free That's that's the only way
I can describe it. But the thing is is that you all have to understand we Willingly participated in our own deception
That's that's the hard part that goes along with this And so, you know it was when we were in the latter rain we were introduced to deliverance ministries in the book pigs in the parlor and all that kind of nonsense and The reason why
I'm going so hard after today's deliverance minutes is because Barb and I've been there done that we have all the scars
To prove it and we know that what these people are doing is actually putting people in bondage rather than delivering them
That's exactly what they're doing And so God here is describing the victims of these false prophets as those who are souls that were captured like birds
But God says that he's going to set them free and so I've seen God do this in my own life and you shall know that I am
Yahweh because you have Dis you have disheartened the righteous falsely
Although I have not although I have not grieved him and you have encouraged the wicked That he should not turn from his evil way to save his life
That always you can always tell you're dealing with a false teacher or a false prophet when they're doing that, right?
So, you know Ken Copeland doesn't preach repentance Ken Copeland doesn't tell people to turn from their sins
You know Ken Copeland preaches give me a thousand dollar seed offering and God's gonna is God's gonna make you rich Okay So you get a note here.
He's basically telling the wicked that everything's gonna be okay with them Just send me some money and and God will make everything great for you
No, the the message of repentance and the forgiveness of sins practically lost on this fellow, right?
Therefore you shall no more see false visions nor practice divination I will deliver my people out of your hand and you shall know that I am
Yahweh Okay continuing
So the idolatrous elders of Israel remember those Those 70 elders that God had
Ezekiel see that they were in that inner room in the darkness and they were Worshiping those images on the wall inside of inside of the temple.
Okay, those Idolatrous elders now are going to they're they got they're gonna get a talking to by God here
So then certain of the elders of Israel came to me and sat before me and the word of Yahweh came to me son of man these men have taken their idols into their hearts and Set the stumbling block of their iniquity before their faces
What a phrase What a phrase that is Wow, okay
They have set the stumbling block of their iniquity before their faces Should I indeed let myself be consulted by them?
So you'll know idolatrous elders of Israel. These guys are secretly idolaters.
They're engaging in secret worship of idols, but again They can't hide any of that from God.
So God knows exactly full. Well what they've been up to and so Son of man, these men have taken their idols into their heart
They've set the stumbling block of their iniquity before their faces. Should I indeed let myself be consulted by them?
Therefore you speak to them and you say to them thus says the Lord Yahweh Anyone of the house of Israel who takes his idols into his heart and sets the stumbling block of his iniquity before his face and yet comes to the
Prophet I Yahweh will answer him as he comes with the multitude of his idols that I may lay hold of the hearts of the house of Israel who are all estranged from me through their idols
You'll note the language of estrangement. So over and again throughout the scriptures Idolatry is likened to adultery.
So when you know, if you we've all known couples like this You know married couple whose marriage blows apart
One of them commits adultery and they're estranged and the heart of that of the one of the person committing adultery whether it be the male
Or the female that it's it's they've lost all interest in their spouse and they're completely devoted to The their their adulterous partner, right?
Same picture being portrayed here therefore say to the house of Israel thus says the
Lord Yahweh repent and turn away from your idols and Turn away your faces from all of your abominations.
Yeah Stop showing your face to your idol instead show it to me
God is saying right for any one of the house of Israel or of the strangers who sojourn in Israel who separates himself
From me taking his idol into his heart and putting the stumbling block of his iniquity before his face and yet comes to a
Prophet to consult me through him. I Yahweh will answer him myself and I will set my face against that man
I will make him a sign and a byword and cut him off from the midst of my people and this so no note here
God is basically saying I'm gonna make an example of that fellow so that everyone will realize.
Oh, we better turn away from our eyes Okay So the one who steps forward and continues in an idolatry and has their heart set on their idols
God's gonna make an example of them to everyone else and then you shall know that I am
Yahweh again in in his wrath and if the Prophet is deceived and speaks a word
I Yahweh have deceived that prophet and I will stretch out my hand against him and I will destroy him from the midst of my people
Israel and they shall bear their punishment the punishment of the Prophet and the prophet and the punishment of the inquirer shall be alike and That the house of Israel may no more go astray from me nor defile themselves anymore with all their transgressions
But that they may be my people and I may be their God declares the Lord Yahweh And the word of Yahweh came to me son of man when a land sins against me by acting faithlessly
And I stretch out my hand against it and break its supply of bread and send famine upon it and cut off from it man
And beasts even if these three men Noah Daniel and Job were in it then they would deliver
But they would deliver but not but their own lives But by their righteousness declares the
Lord Yahweh interesting note here note who's in the list here
Daniel Daniel's alive at this time. And so God is comparing
Noah to Daniel and Daniel to Job and vice versa and the fact that his name shows up is a big deal because Daniel is currently in the palace at Nebuchadnezzar.
It's just crazy You know what's going on here? So when you when you realize that Jeremiah Ezekiel and Daniel are all living at the same time
That they are contemporaries of each other It kind of opens up some new dimensions of understanding these texts that are so fascinating but God is basically saying that when a when a nation goes completely acts faithlessly that That even if Noah Daniel and Job were there he would still punish that nation
But those men would they would survive by their righteousness But no one else would so keep that in mind so if I cause wild beasts to pass through the land and they ravage it and it be made desolate so that no one may pass
Through it because of the beast even if these three men were in it as I live declares the Lord Yahweh They would deliver neither sons nor daughters
They would they alone would be delivered but the land would be desolate and here we see kind of the end of apostasy
And this is this is gonna require us to take a look at another text. Let me find it
I want 2nd Peter, I think hang on a second here Yeah, yeah here it is
So listen to this from 2nd Peter I'll put it in context
Verse chapter 2 verse 1 But false prophets also arose among the people just as there will be false teachers among you
Who will secretly bring in destructive heresies even denying the master who bought them?
bringing upon themselves swift destruction Many will follow their sensuality and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed in their greed
They will exploit you with false words. Their condemnation from long ago is not idle and their destruction is not asleep for if God did not spare angels when they sinned but cast them into hell and Committed them to chains of gloomy darkness to be kept until the judgment if he did not spare the ancient world, but preserved
Noah a Herald and this is the Karuk's here. It means he's a preacher
He's a preacher of righteousness With seven others when he brought a flood upon the world of the ungodly
So you're gonna note here. We have a reference to Noah Noah preached for a hundred and twenty years he was a herald of righteousness calling the ancient world to repentance and Nobody listened to Noah except his family
Nobody and so when apostasy gets past a certain point You guys remember the movie?
back to the future 3 right they had to get it they had to figure out how to get a train up to 88 miles an hour and They had to think fourth dimensionally because you know
It was going to cross a bridge that wasn't completed back in the 1800s but would have been completed in the 20th century and So they had to get the train up to 88 miles an hour and there was a as they were
Accelerating the train there was a sign that they had that they had that noted that once they got to that point it was the point of no return because there was no way to stop the train at that point without it careening over the cliff and so You know
Apostasy has a particular point to which once it gets past the point of no return
Then no preaching is going to turn anybody around It's it's it's it's kind of like that So Noah a herald of righteousness who preached for a hundred and twenty years
The only people were saved were his own family Because that's how how deeply embedded the apostasy had become and so this is what
God is kind of referencing here in this portion talking about that that even if if Noah if Daniel if If Job we're living at that time
They still the those men would be the only ones that were saved. It's it's
Sobering absolutely sobering what God is saying here So, you know so that when a when a when a land sins against me by acting faithfully
I stretch up my hand against it So no This is the this is where when it reached the reaches the point of no return is when
God finally says that's it I'm going to act in judgment and I stretch out my hand against it and I break its supply
I've all these kind of things at this point It's it's we're past the point of no return and although there will be righteous people alive at that point it's only them who will survive the rest
God intends for judgment and That's the sobering bit
So and you're gonna know God God is the one who destroys the food supply. God's the one who sends famine
God's the one who sends pestilence Okay, so, you know remember when when
Ken Copeland got up and then he rebuked kovat 19 while standing in the office of the Prophet Let me be blunt.
God ultimately is the one who sent kovat 19 on planet Earth and He had no authority to undo what
God was doing. That was a judgment of God against the unfaithfulness and unbelief of humanity
You know as we get as the days grow darker and darker and darker God sends things like this for the purpose of calling us to repentance
But at some point when he's when he said God says enough is enough That's it. There's no hope for For the unbelieving they will not repent and God won't allow them to repent
If I cause wild beasts to pass to the land and they ravage it, okay And it'd be made desolate so no one may pass through it because of the beast
Even if these three men were in it as I live declares the Lord Yahweh, they would deliver neither sons nor daughters
They alone that would be delivered but the land would be desolate if I bring a sword upon the land and say let a sword pass through the land and I cut
Off from it man and beasts though. These three men were in it as I live declares the Lord Yahweh They would deliver neither sons nor daughters
But they alone would be delivered or if I send a pestilence into land and pour out my wrath upon it with blood
To cut off from it man and beast even if Noah Daniel and Job were in it as I live declares the
Lord Yahweh They would deliver neither son nor daughter. They would deliver but their own lives by their righteousness
For thus says the Lord Yahweh how much more when I send upon Jerusalem my four disastrous acts of judgment sword famine wild beast and pestilence disease
God sent all of them He ever have you ever heard like Bill Johnson God nowhere ever sends disease.
Oh He does right here. You know, I Think this counts as an example of that right to cut off from that man and beast and behold some
Survivors will be left in its sons and daughters who will be brought out Behold when they come out to you and you see their ways and their deeds you will be consoled for the disaster that I have brought
Upon Jerusalem for all that I have brought upon it They will console you when you see their ways and your and their deeds and you shall know that I have not done without Cause all that I have done in it declares the
Lord Yahweh and that's the thing when God finally acts in judgment He never ever acts without cause he always acts with cause and he's been brought to the point of provocation
They provoked God over and over and over again and God finally acts and he does act in judge in judgment injustice, so All right.
I hate to say this, but I have to go So since I have a little bit of a longer drive ahead of me
I think we've what we've gone almost an hour and what I'm gonna do is Stephen Elliot I'm gonna make you the host and If you all would like to stay on and have some fellowship time and chat together
You are welcome to do so, but I'm going to gather up my stuff and head out