Blacks and Latinos Have Tremendous Economic Power BUT Thabiti Promotes a Strange Thread

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Black's in America have tremendous economic power. Literally the likes of which the world has rarely seen. Yet Thabiti promoted a twitter thread that made it seem like they are in a similiar situation to when we had slavery. Correction: at one point I say Dr Boyce Watkins believes in White supremacy...I misspoke. I meant to say that he believes in white privilege.


All right, well, I wasn't gonna do a video today, but then I saw this lovely tweet
Twitter thread Posted approvingly by the beady. I've been Willie and I read it and I was just Completely dumbfounded.
So the fact that the beady Retweeted it it surprises me even to this day Although I'm starting to realize that probably shouldn't be surprised by this anymore
Anyway, this woman Hannah Anderson's is is retweeting a New York Times article that is saying why is why why are blacks?
Unemployed. Why is the african -american unemployment rate so low and historic lows
Under the Trump administration, but all the other metrics for racial progress failing now, I didn't
I'm not gonna read this articles I'm not gonna spend too much time on this, but I would imagine that these other metrics for racial progress
There's probably very it's probably very problematic put it that way But anyway, and her comment on this starts like this.
Let's not forget that under slavery African -american unemployment was zero. I just have no words for this.
I'm I'm trying to think of what to say. This is just preposterous comparing african -american slavery chattel slavery one of the worst things ever perpetrated in humanity
Stealing people from their homes ripping them from their homes selling them and bringing them over the the the
Atlantic Ocean Many of them dying and and and and then when they get here treated like beasts
This is one of the most horrible and she's comparing that to african -american employment today
Unbelievable absolutely unbelievable She says the question is not whether a person works But whether they can benefit from the work that they do if society is structured against this unemployment numbers mean nothing
What is she even talking about? Do black people benefit from the work they do?
Yes, absolutely Objectively so because they buy things that they prefer to have rather than the money every exchange every time you buy something
You're getting a better standard of living than what you had because what you're saying when you buy something is I'd rather have that item
Than this money. And so when I give you this money and you give me the item I'm better off than I was before and so to say that they don't benefit from the work.
They do. It's just an absolute shockingly Economically ignorant ridiculous thing to say
She says when people who hold racist views celebrate low unemployment in the very groups They disdain you can bet they aren't concerned about their holistic flourishing
I'm gonna turn this into a drinking game to every time I read flourishing. I don't know who she's talking about here
Maybe she's talking about actual races, but I would assume she's actually talking just about general Trump supporters
They're holding racist views and celebrating low unemployment. That is Slander that is a lie at the end of the day
She says a person's ability to benefit from their work is directly tied to how we perceive their humanity Do they have the freedom to serve
God in their own families or do they serve us? What is she talking about? There is no slavery anymore.
Welcome to 2018 blacks aren't enslaved anymore What are you talking about?
This is this is Let me calm down. Let me call every time I put this Ethiopia soccer team shirt on I get angry
How can you say that there's the blacks don't have the freedom to serve God in what way I'd like to see specifics on that one
And and how can you say that that blacks don't have an opportunity of freedom to serve their own families?
I'd like to see some receipts on that. You can't just say things like this. This is just ridiculous You say these things like it's obvious.
It's not obvious I can't I can't even think of a single way where blacks are not free to serve
God or free to serve their families and They do serve white people. I can't think of a single way. I'd like to see some receipts on that She says when we do not see people as being made in the image of God called to work in authority over Their bit of this earth.
We will treat them like animals and slaves again. Show me the receipts. What are you even talking about? Show me one place where society treats black people as not in the image of God.
I'm not talking about Individual people, of course, they're individual buffoons out there that are racist and they don't think blacks are made in the image of God Those are idiots.
I'm not talking about the idiots I'm talking about Everyday people who aren't racist who love black people and respect them and all of that stuff that who treats blacks as animals and slaves
Who does it? She says make no mistake. You can't simultaneously hold racist views and operate justly in the marketplace again
Who are you talking about? Because here's the thing operating justly in the marketplace works like this
Hey, I've got the I've got this book here And I'd like to sell this book for a certain amount and then you say well
I'd like to have that book and I have a certain amount and then freely with no coercion nothing
I give you the cash you give me the book and everything's fine Name one place where that doesn't happen when it comes to black people because I have
I'm a Latino, right? I have never ever ever said hey, sir. I'd like to buy your product and then the person goes.
Well, I'm not so sure Let me check your skin color to make sure I'll sell it to you Now, I'm not saying that never happens, but if it did that would be national news
It would be roundly condemned and that business would be over overnight Business would be ended overnight that used to happen back in the day
That doesn't happen anymore Too many of us believe that the market is neutral that a free market means something akin to a blank slate
But a free market is simply a marketplace with limited intervention a marketplace that reflects the values of society more immediately
It does not mean a fair market That's very true, but I'd like to see some evidence that the marketplace that we have is not
Fair, it's not a free exchange because I'm pretty sure that if a black person wants an iPhone They can get an iPhone and they do because black people have a ton of spending power
See, this is the thing all that to say. Here's what she said all that to say. I'm sorry It's entirely possible to participate in the marketplace and still not receive full reward for your work because of larger social forces that leave a free market unchecked
She says all that to say unemployment is not necessarily predict flourishing see this is the problem this is the problem
What Hannah doesn't seem to understand is that black people in the United States have tremendous spending power
They have more spending power than the majority of entire countries in the world
That is an amazing gift of the free market That's an amazing gift of capitalism
If all black people pooled all their spending all their money all their wealth and spending power it pulled it together
I don't know the exact statistic But it would be more money more spending power than almost every single country out there
There's a few that they would be under but but almost every single let me show you this video
This is a guy named Boyce Watkins He he and I would not agree on these racial issues in general, but I love this guy's channel
In fact, I recommend you watch it because this guy he wants to he supports reparations.
He supports all this stuff He still he believes in white supremacy, but here's his this is why I like him so much
His solution is look. I think we should get reparations, but they're never gonna happen And so here's what we need to do black people
We need to use the tools of capitalism We need to own our own progress and we can do it because capitalism is great and we can start
Investing in things and changing our behavior. Look what he says about black spending power Hi, I'm dr.
Boyce Watkins from financial Juneteenth in the black wealth boot camp One of the things that I figured out over 20 years of teaching finance to college students is that black people have a hell of a
Lot of spending power. We have a lot of money at our disposal They say the black people can't create jobs, but that's actually not true
We create a lot of jobs for other people because unfortunately we're in the habit of giving our money away Well, how much spending power black people have about 1 .1
trillion dollars, that's right You don't sound like a lot of money to some people but let me put it into context to help you understand
Exactly. How much 1 .1 trillion dollars actually is with 1 .1 trillion dollars. You could buy a thousand
NFL football teams If you could buy one of my three thousand predominantly white universities all across the country
You can purchase the annual budget for 1 .4 million charter schools across America You could pay full tuition for an entire year at Howard University for 50 million people
You could build eight hundred and fifty four thousand community centers and on top of that you could buy NBC CBS and ESPN and still have a trillion dollars left over So when you look at black unemployment, you see the black unemployment is typically
Really do black unemployment is typically right now about ten point four percent compared to four percent for white
America Victim that's why I like this guy. He's not a victim When that 1 .1
trillion could according to most economists create 12 .2 million jobs in the black community
So the point in all of this the reason I'm telling you all of this is because you have to understand one important fundamental
Fact your money is your power and you do not give your power away
I'm talking about man. See that guy gets it. He understands it Look, he even he look him and I don't see eye to eye on things.
He thinks there's a racist under every rock I disagree, but here's the point He knows that despite that fact even if there was a racist under any block the system in the
United States is set up in such a way that if black people pulled their money and started investing and spending differently and all these things that it would be
Impossible to raise themselves out because he knows it's happened in the past you ever heard of oh my goodness. What was it?
Was it black Wall Street or forget what it was called. Anyway, um Look that stuff up man.
This is this is the thing Hannah doesn't understand economics. She thinks that we're still in slavery I don't understand why she thinks that but it's absolutely shocking that she thinks that she thinks that black people are similar position to They were in slavery.
That is shocking and I can't believe that the beady. I've been Willie would promote this kind of nonsense
This is this is love. This is a lie. This is a lie. This breaks the commandment. You shall not bear false witness
This is false witness. Every one of these tweets was false witness and to be proves this Approvingly tweets this