Ed Litton Fake Repents - Spiritual Manipulation

AD Robles iconAD Robles



Hello there, this is AD Robles and you're listening to AD on the Fight Laugh Feast Network.
All right, you may be confused to know that, that I'm an anonymous YouTuber.
Yeah, that's right. I'm an anonymous social media user. I know that I started my
I know that I started this conversation with my name. And you can see a video image of me.
And yeah, actually, you could have met me the other day I was at the Fight Laugh Feast conference, live and in person using my real name and all of that.
But, but yeah, so but I am I am an anonymous social media person. Just in case you wanted to know, by the way, speaking of the
Fight Laugh Feast conference, a couple things. This is a mug from the company Kepler. And the you know, the couple that that got arrested with with Gabe for singing psalms last year, we me and my wife had a chance to meet them.
They were like the nicest people you could possibly imagine. Like, if you ever needed any evidence, you know that that the people that lie about, you know, those in Moscow are just complete liars.
Like, you know, these are the folks that I was told that, oh, yeah, you know, they're just it's just a publicity stunt.
I remember I said, Yeah, even if it was a publicity stunt, what's the big deal? But but it obviously wasn't me. These are like the most the most humble sort of unassuming people that I've ever met in my life.
They were so nice. And it was a great time meeting you guys. So God bless you, both of you. And but by the way,
I heard they're suing the city. Good move on that one.
I'm glad you're suing the city for that because that's ridiculous. Now the other thing I wanted to say is I'm wearing a shirt here.
This is a good one too. This comes from wrath and grace as well wrath and grace .com this image is well, that time those punk kids were making fun of Elijah the prophet, and then got mauled by a she bear.
Well, that's what's on my shirt. And then underneath it says Leviticus. I forget the look at it.
Leviticus 1932, which is the honor your father and mother passage. Otherwise, you might get mauled by a she bear.
So there you go. That's a cool shirt. Hey, by the way, thanks for the shirt, brother. So yeah, let's let's jump right into this one today.
The anonymous, you know, since I'm an anonymous troll, I just figured I'd comment on the
Ed Litton situation. He's, this is the the president of the Southern Baptist Convention. He's also a pastor.
He's plagiarized many, many sermons. And we've done numerous videos about this.
It's hilarious. I mean, he word for word, steals stuff from JD Greer. He word for word steals stuff from Tim Keller.
His wife also gets in on the action. And he allegedly he has this whole preaching team and this whole preaching team gathers together and and they come out with plagiarized sermons.
So it's a big scam that they're running here. And he's currently on a poor me routine here.
This is a conversation with, I guess this is Adam Greenway. I don't know who knows what this person is.
But this is at a seminary, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. And this is preposterous.
Like, you're bringing a plagiarizer to say, oh, poor me to a seminary where I would assume you don't expect your, your students to plagiarize.
But anyway, let's hear him out. Because I wasn't going to do a video on this. But I watched John Harris comment on it.
And I love John, very, very much. He's a real nice guy, though. And so when I heard what was being said by Ed Litton, and I heard
John Harris's nice reaction to it, you know, I said, you know, we need a little bit of spice in here.
And so we're gonna get some spice. And I didn't even flip a coin this time, we're just gonna go for it. So let's listen and see what he has to say.
Conversation, controversy, claims have been thrown around, particularly as it relates to your preaching ministry in the context of your service at Redemption Church in Mobile, where you've been the pastor now for many, many years.
It's not just claims, by the way. So this is funny, he tries to make it seem, well, there's just a lot of people that are making these claims.
It's more than claims. Because these videos have come out, which line up the word for word stealing of sermon illustrations, things that allegedly happened to Ed Litton, but really just happened to J .D.
Greer, like, it's, it's brutal. The Tim Keller one is my favorite, which is the worst one, because his wife gets in on it.
And his wife is plagiarizing, just like Ed is plagiarizing, which means that it's totally plagiarism, because the chances of both the wife and Ed magically coming out with the exact same wording as Tim Keller, are just too great.
I mean, obviously, Ed didn't do that either. I'm just saying, if you were going to believe that Ed magically just came out with the same words and the same illustrations and the same everything, you're,
I mean, if you believe that you're stupid, but if you believe that both of them did it magically, independently, then you're,
I mean, it's hopeless for you at that point. Talk to us about that, because there've been all kinds of statements and claims.
You can imagine that when I posted on social media that we were hosting you for this conversation. There was a lot of snark that came back, particularly from the anonymous social media accounts that proliferate these days.
But I'd love for you to just talk about it, particularly in light of... There's so many. And the thing is, like, obviously, I'm not anonymous.
But the thing is, there's so many people commenting about this that are not anonymous either.
This is just all a big scam. And Ed Litton is over here with his glasses in his hand.
I'm going to look very serious. I'm very thoughtful here. And let's just see what Ed has to say about this.
Because Ed's been saying a variety of things. If you remember, the initial thing was, well, you know, my team did it.
Yeah, it was my team who did it. I didn't do it. And then it was like, well, you know, like, I asked J .D.
Greer's permission. So, like, first it was the team, then it was me, but I asked permission. Let's see what he's up to now.
Come to be known in the common parlance as the sermon plagiarism controversy. And I'd like to even hear you accept the term plagiarism to describe your actions in terms of your preaching ministry.
Yes or no? Why? Just help us understand for the benefit of our seminary community, the issue here. Well, first, let me start by saying that I take preaching very seriously.
Seven and a half years as a church planter in Arizona and 27 years at Redemption Church, it is critical that the man of God preach the
Word of God and the truth of God to God's people, and that there is a trust relationship built. You can see kind of like the way he answers here.
These are all prepared questions and prepared answers. So first of all, I'm very glad you asked.
I was talking to some guys at the conference about how the authenticity of this channel and like the
Fight, Laugh, Feast guys and stuff like that. Like, it's just so apparent that we don't talk about, you know,
I'm going to ask you these three questions beforehand so you can prepare. It's like, it's not like that. But you can always tell with like Big Eva conferences or speeches where it's like so obviously pre -planned, but they try to pretend like it's not.
It'll be something like, well, you know, what do you think about this, Ed? And he's like, well, I'm so glad you asked that question.
I've got a three point answer. It's like, obviously, we all talked about it. It's just so artificial is what it is.
This is an artificial answer, Ed. But this is actually makes it even worse, because this is pre -planned, pre -thought out.
And we're going to see what he comes up with. This is brutal, guys. Like if it was off the cuff, and it was like he was surprised by this question, you could at least excuse it because he's trying to make something up on the fly.
But this is like a well thought up lie. So let's just listen to this. So there is a high value and primacy in preaching.
The situation we find ourselves in today is that a series of messages we did last year on the book of Romans, which
I want to just be honest with you, was intimidating for me. I've preached Romans before, but a lot of things have changed in my life in the last 10 years that I may get to in a moment.
But when I approached that, I noticed that I had my commentaries, I bought new commentaries preparing for that series, we actually plan our preaching about two years in advance.
And in that particular case, I started listening to JD Greer, who had done a series previously.
Yeah, that's what I do. First of all, so one of the things that Ed tries to your guys, and this is something
I don't know if you ever listened to like, anti MLM content or stuff like that.
But regularly, a lot of it and you know, whatever, if you want to do MLM, I don't have a problem with it.
But like, the point is like a lot of the presentations you hear will start to introduce like spirituality into it.
Well, God wants you for this for you. He wants you to have time freedom and stuff like that.
And it's almost like this, this spiritual manipulation. Ed Litton actually does a lot of spiritual manipulation here, the very he starts to set it up here.
In the beginning, where he wants you to believe that he's like this uber spiritual sort of guy.
And here's how he sets it up. Well, I was, I was quite intimidated by preaching Romans and, and I got all my, my, my, my, my commentaries.
And, and then I started listening to J .D. Greer and it's like, Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, yeah, that's what you do, right?
Like, if you're intimidated by Romans, instead of just, you know, manning up and, you know, finding your courage to preach it, which
I can certainly understand. No, no, no, what you do is you listen to J .D. Greer, that he's the one that you want to listen to you get the commentaries.
Yeah, you know, you got Matthew Henry, you got John Calvin, you got Luther, and then you got
J .D. Greer. I mean, that's, that's, I mean, what giants, the shoulders of giants were standing on here.
But you can see he's setting up this manipulation where he's like, well, feel sorry for me because I was intimidated. It's like man up, bro.
I was really moved by the way he handled some very challenging passages in Romans. So I called
J .D. and I asked him, I said, first of all, would you mind sharing with me how you broke down Book of Romans to do it in one year, which he sent me a spreadsheet with all that information that was very helpful.
So as a part of the preaching planning, but then I said, there's material here. Do you mind if I use this material?
He was very gracious. And I think he even quoted Adrian Rogers, if my bullet fits your gun, shoot it. And I said, that's fine.
And I appreciate it. So there are in particular, a couple of particular cases, times where I made statements that others have been able to line up with statements that from the same text, the same passage that J .D.
used. So to answer your question, I don't consider that plagiarism. Let me tell you where my sin was.
My sin was. Let's stop. Let's let's stop here. Let's stop here. I don't consider that plagiarism. And he makes it seem like it's like, well, these people were able to edit it in such a way where it kind of seems similar and you line it up.
And like, that's not what happened, bro. Like it is word for word down to the illustrations.
Stop lying, man. This is just preposterous. It's like, it's not like it's similar.
It's not like it's similar wording. It's not like you use the same word because yeah, like you use the word Trinity. I use the word
Trinity. It's like, it's not like that. That's kind of the impression he's trying to give here. What it is, is it's the outline is exactly the same.
The wording is exactly the same with minor variations. And the illustrations that you say allegedly happened to you or whatever, didn't happen to you.
They happened to J .D. Greer, maybe. We don't even know if it happened to J .D. Greer, because J .D.
Greer is what at least used to be a customer of Docent Research Group. So that's not plagiarism, according to him.
So copying the sermon illustrations, copying the outlines, that's not plagiarism, according to Ed Litton.
But he's about to tell us what his big sin is. I'm ready.
I did not credit him for my church. And I've been asked why. And I'm a little mystified by that, too.
Because I'm very transparent with my people. And the goal of using material, whether it's written by R .K.
Hughes or International Critical Commentary or any other commentary you use, is to expound on the text and to make sure people understand the verse by verse meaning of that text.
So it's not plagiarism, but he admits he didn't cite it. And he says that's a sin.
So what's the sin? If it's not stealing, then what is it? This is what
I don't understand. Like, he's apologizing for something, but we're not even sure what that thing is.
And he's not being forthcoming with, well, you know, I didn't cite him. That's what plagiarism is, by the way, when you when you say what somebody else said, but don't cite him.
And he said, well, I'm very transparent with my people. I'm mystified as to why I didn't. I know why you didn't cite it, because it would have been apparent you didn't do the work,
Ed. That's why you didn't cite it, because it's not like a line here or there. Like, imagine if I quoted someone, like he just did it.
He quoted Adrian Rogers, and he said, if my bullet fits your gun, go ahead and shoot it. And he just said that, and he didn't quote
Adrian Rogers. Like, some people might be upset about that. But I would understand that, because sometimes you're talking fast, you quote someone, you don't remember the name of the person, whatever it is, and it just might happen.
Or this is the kind of, we're gonna talk about this in a second, you might remember a phrase, but you don't remember that it's a quote and you just, but it's not just a quotation.
It's not just a turn of phrase. It's the entire sermon, large sections of thoughts and processes and logical progressions.
It's not just, he's trying to make it seem like, well, it's just a one liner, and my big sin is I didn't cite it.
No, no, it's the whole thing, though. And it's the whole series as well. I mean, John Harris was saying,
I think that the number of sermons that we've found that are like this, it's at least 10, if not more.
And it's hard to find the rest of them because the church that he's a part of deleted all the sermons, because, you know, well, they didn't have enough room.
The internet doesn't have enough room for these sermons, is what they said. Ridiculous. But let's let him continue.
That was my goal. It wasn't to become famous, because quite frankly, if that was my goal, I would not have picked Davey Greer as someone to quote.
The problem was, I did not credit him. I have repented of that to my church. I have repented that to our leadership. And quite frankly, we're in a process of changes.
What did you repent of, though? If it's not stealing, which is what plagiarism is, then what is it?
We don't know. We don't know. And and I like that where he tries to make he tries to he tries to say,
Well, I wouldn't have quoted J .D. Greer. And that mystifies us as well. But but you certainly would have quoted
J .D. Greer because you understand that J .D. Greer was the recent president of the
SBC. He's a very popular guy. Why wouldn't you steal from J .D. Greer if you wanted to become famous?
I mean, a lot of you guys are stealing from each other because you want to be known and famous and stuff like that. You go to Tim Keller's church.
I used to go to Tim Keller's church and he's not the only preacher there. But every preacher there preaches just like Tim Keller.
They've got the same I'm a professor, you know, style as Tim Keller. Why? Because, well, they think it works and they want to be famous.
I mean, it's just it's just that simple. I'm fasting from listening to preaching. He's fasting.
This is what I. Let's let's rewind. Hold on. Hold on. All right. He's talking about the the changes that he's making to his approach.
And I want you to hear this. This is so stupid. I can't even I can't even fathom how stupid this is.
Let's let's listen in. I'm famous because quite frankly, if that was my goal, I would not have picked J .D. Greer as someone to quote.
The problem was I did not credit him. I have repented of that to my church. By the way, he didn't.
It's not just that he quoted him. Let's let's just get that out of the way again. Again, he's making it seem like just one little quote.
No, it's the entire sermon, Ed. That's the problem. So it is again, it's confusing to me why you would want to steal
J .D. Greer sermon. But that's not that's not for me to explain. That's for you to explain.
So I don't know why you did it, but you did it. Now let's listen to this. This is this is the big changes are coming.
Big changes to to Ed Litton's sermon prep. I have repented that to our leadership. And quite frankly, we're in a process of changing.
I'm fasting from listening to preaching. He's fasting from listening to preaching. Let me let me just translate this into Normie Normie speak for you because again, he's setting he's a spiritual man.
I mean, you know, I was terrified of preaching Romans and well this whole controversy here.
It's like I have to fast. What would he fasting from? Well, I'm fasting from listening to sermons.
Like what he really means by that is I don't I'm gonna stop stealing sermons for the time being.
He's calling it a fast to make it spiritual. Dude, this is so this is so manipulative.
Sorry about that. I had to pause it there. You know, didn't have didn't have much of a nice way to say what
I was gonna say. But but this is this is so manipulative, right? Because, you know, if you at this point, if you're gonna steal hold on to the reality that he's plagiarizing, what he wants you to think is that you are you're beating someone while they're repenting.
He's not repenting of anything. fasting from listening to sermons. Are you kidding me? Just because you make it sound spiritual doesn't mean that it's actually, you know, good.
You what you're good. What you're saying as well, you know, it the problem that I had was that I was listening to many sermons.
And I just, well, we're gonna hear about that in a minute. Let's listen to the rest of this. Turns out I have a capacity to remember statements that are made in an audible sermon that I hear.
It's a little too good. Sometimes it gets mixed up. But the truth is, this has been a very painful process.
Stop it right there. So so he's fasting from listening to sermons. And the reason he's fasting from listening to sermons is because he's got this capacity.
It's like a superpower. He's got this superpower. And the superpower is, well, you know, I remember these, these things from the sermons, like I remember the entire outline of an hour long sermon, including all the illustrations, including all of the, the, the, the, the points and the bullets and stuff.
But I get confused. I'm just confused. Now. See, now, if you're going to stay with this, now you're you're beating up on a man who was just, you know, really wanted to honor
God. He was terrified. So he's fearing God. And he's already repented of what?
Well, we have no idea. But he's, but he's fasting. That's good. We know that fasting is good. So he's doing a good thing now.
And so he's fasting and you're beating up on an old man who's just confused. He just got confused is what happened.
It's not that he stole the sermons. It's not that he stole Tim Keller's and JD Greer's sermons. It's not that his wife stole
Tim Keller sermon. No, no, no, no. He's just a confused old man. And so now you're beating up on an uber spiritual and very smart, confused old man who's already repented.
So get over it. This is such a manipulation guys. And I really hope that you see this for what it is.
And you see through this nonsense. He wants this to stop, but he's not going to do the things he needs to do, which is actually repent of the sin of stealing by plagiarizing.
That's what he's been doing. And he's been stealing his income as well, because he hasn't been doing the work that he's been claiming to do.
We had those videos, the podcast that he did, where he pretends like his sermon prep is like 10, 12, 12 hours, maybe 20 hours of sermon prep.
What really all it is, is listening to JD Greer and remembering things too well, like unbelievable nonsense here.
But let's continue because I've heard it gets better. It's been a hot process.
Let me explain what I mean. You're very familiar with the fact that the Scripture teaches us that we are being refined.
I feel like I'm in a refiner's fire. Now, I want to tell you this, it's easy to criticize the source of the fire.
Nowhere does the Scripture tell us to do that. The Scripture tells us to put our eyes on the refiner, because he knows when to turn up the heat, he knows when to allow it to get to a certain place, and he knows when to shut it off.
And so through this, I have accepted the reality of this fire, and I embrace it by the grace of God.
And God is refining me. There is a depth in me that I have discovered of insecurity, that needed praise for my preaching, that God has been in the process of burning out.
So I think he's being honest here, just between you and me, and everyone on the internet.
He's being honest here. He's saying that there is something in me that I desire to be praised for the quality of my preaching.
And so if you kind of like, you know, take all of this and just try to accept it all, right?
He just got done saying a few seconds ago, if I was trying to be famous for my preaching, I wouldn't have quoted
J .D. Greer, kind of throw in some shade J .D. Greer's way, and I think he did that, probably to give it a little bit more credibility.
But then now he's saying a few seconds later, we're not talking, you know, the next day or something, a few seconds later saying,
I do have this desire to be praised for my preaching. And so I think what he's doing, he's revealing that this is actually what happened here.
It's not that he remembers too well. That's ridiculous. That's stupid. It's that he does have this desire to be praised for his preaching.
And he knows that J .D. Greer, for who knows what reason, is praised for his preaching.
J .D. Greer is praised for his preaching. I don't know why. Listen, I've listened to it.
Not my cup of tea. I don't understand it. But he is. And so that's why
J .D. Greer, I'm sorry, Ed Litton, steals J .D. Greer's jokes, his illustrations, his examples, his applications, he steals all of it.
It's not just a little quotation like he's trying to get you to believe right here. This man is lying to you.
He's manipulating you as well. I'm in this refiner's fire, and I found out about myself that I've got this desire.
Now you're beating a man while he's admitting that he's doing all this stuff. But he's not really admitting it because what he gives you with one hand, he takes away with another.
So there's some progress here. He's kind of revealing his soul a little bit here, but not all the way.
And he's definitely not repenting. He's repenting of, I don't know, listening to sermons.
I mean, because that's what he said, like, well, there's some big changes being made. I'm fasting from listening to... Are you fasting from listening to sermons?
Listening to sermons is not the problem, Ed. The problem is you stole this sermon and passed it off as your own, and not just a couple phrases.
But you see the manipulation. This is a spiritual manipulation where he's like, well, I'm not supposed to criticize the source of the refining.
And it's like, that's me. I'm one of the sources of the refining that this guy over here and this guy has pretended we're just these anonymous, no -name trolls.
I think they do that to try to dehumanize us a little bit so that we don't get treated with any kind of human dignity. I'm not anonymous,
Ed. My name is Adam. My last name is Robles. You can find me on email. I have a
PO box you can send something to. You can't have my address because I don't trust you. And that kind of stuff.
I'm not anonymous. But the thing is, he wants to dehumanize me. But he wants to make it seem like it's the refiner.
You can't criticize the source of the refining. But you do, though. You do. You try to dehumanize us. We all see through this,
Ed. And so I hope you really are being refined. I hope that you see this insecurity and this, quite frankly, idolatry in your heart, because you're still holding on to the idol,
Ed. You're holding on tight. And you can't let it go. Because if you let it go, then you have to admit what actually happened here.
And what actually happened here is not that you just misremembered. I'm just an old man. I'm confused. No, no. What happened here is you didn't do your job.
Yet you took the money for doing your job. And you pretended that you did do your job by stealing from two other people, at least.
That's two that we know about, Ed. That's two that we know about. And you had your wife do it too, which is like,
I don't know, was she participating in it? Or did she think that her husband had written these sermons, and she was going to preach them against the scripture?
God only knows why she thinks that was okay. But maybe she thought Ed wrote these. I don't know. But if that's the case, you made your wife to sin as well.
And so that's what you need to repent of, Ed. Not this nameless sin of, I didn't attribute it.
Well, that's plagiarism, Ed. Stop downplaying it, man. It's so manipulative.
I feel bad for the people in this church. I really do, because they're being manipulated by this man.
And this is the president of the Southern Baptist Convention. And it is a painful thing.
And there are more things. As a matter of fact, some of my critics, if they knew what God knew about my heart, this would be a never ending
Twitter feed. But the truth is, God is far more gracious. This is true of everybody, Ed. Of course, if you knew the depths of the depravity in my heart that God is sanctifying in myself, of course, you'd have a lot more to criticize about me than you do.
People criticize me anyway, right? But you don't see me complaining about it. And the thing is, when people call me out for sin, and I agree that it's a sin,
I just repent of it publicly. I've done it a couple times on the channel, probably three or four times,
I would say. And I say, this is exactly what I did. This is exactly why I believe it was wrong. This is why he called me out.
And this is why I'm repenting. I've asked for forgiveness. He said yes, he said no, whatever the case may be, like,
I explain it in detail. And then and then I usually, I've not done this one time, but I usually leave the videos up where I've sinned, pointing back to them so that I'm not trying to hide it.
Right? I didn't delete my whole channel. When somebody said, well, you know, this, I did take a few videos down because and there were some reasons for that.
And I got criticized, but I get it. I get it. But if you're really being refined, you have to let go of the idol, though.
That's the thing. Let go of the idol. And what the scripture tells me, and tells all of us, is that we pray for those who say all manner of evil against us.
False or true. We pray for them. We ask a blessing. I can say, but some may have meant for evil. God has meant for good.
Because at the end of the day, the purpose of preaching is the saving of many souls. That's true. So what people have meant for evil,
God has meant for good. That's true. But then the thing is, that's not an excuse to continue in your evil.
Obviously. Obviously. This is so basic.
And by the way, if you actually understood Romans, which who knows if you do or not, because you stole the sermons, it talks about this.
This exact thing. Man. My church has been incredibly gracious and loving and supportive.
And I also have a unique process, too. I've been mentoring young preachers for many years now. We have multiple campuses.
We have live preachers. Give me strength. How? How? He's now bragging about mentoring other preachers, and he can't even preach.
He steals sermons. How can he mentor other preachers? This is just...
Give me strength. There is no way. I stole that line from somebody.
I don't even know his name. He's a conspiracy guy. I've been watching his... He's got this like five -hour -long thing about the different civilizations of the world and how the buildings look so similar and how it's impossible that people made these things.
It's just... And he's... Give me strength. There is no way. They got to find that clip, man.
I got to talk about that, because that's another one that kind of freaks me out. Preaching on all of our campuses. And so we have a process of studying together, and we have a process of working it out.
Now, when that became public knowledge, that opened up even more criticism that I was perverting or misleading other students. But we've had honest, candid conversations about how we credit and what we do with the information that we're sharing with them.
This is ridiculous, because has not someone found one of his little proteges doing the exact same thing, stealing from J .D.
Greer? Am I misremembering that? Because I'm pretty sure that there was one such example of the person that you've been mentoring,
Ed, that is now sinning as well in the same way that you did. So that's two people,
Ed, that you've made to sin. Your own wife, for goodness sake, and then one of these guys that you're mentoring now that you're trying to get a poor me, you know, spiritual manipulate people on.
Well, you know, the open criticism for them, too. And that's what I really care about. It's the other people. Are you kidding,
Ed? And so we're learning and growing through this experience. In light of this, particularly, we have, obviously, students who are here, who are studying, preaching, who are, microphone.
Yeah, their microphone is horrible. Who are studying, preaching, who are preparing for pastoral ministry. Obviously, the old line, it may be
Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday, but Sunday's always coming. And yet the demands of pastoral ministry, particularly in today's age, where in any given moment, a phone call, a text, a tweet, something else can disrupt the entire course of life.
In light of what you have been through, and in light of how you have reflected upon that, I'm curious if you have any particularly pastoral words for our seminary community, for our seminary students, and for pastors in terms of how they can learn from this and not have to experience that same degree of pain that you've gone through in terms of this particular issue, since there but for the grace of God could go anyone.
You see how they shift this? This is unbelievable. Like, if you go to this seminary, like, you should quit.
You should get the heck out of this. This is awful. Why don't you teach us, you know, from the pain that you've been going through?
It's just pain. Yeah, it's just, it's just this, like, I'm just a passive player. I'm just receiving this pain.
I don't want anyone to go through this pain. No, dude, you sinned. You brought this upon yourself.
You did this. Nobody edited this to make it look clever. No, no, no. This is you.
Stop shifting here. Let's listen to this. I can't believe that he's asking for this guy's advice. We're gonna end with this and we're gonna get this guy's sage advice.
I'm just confused. I'm just confused. Somebody said that this is the evangelical Joe Biden. I have to say it probably is.
Yeah, I can't even hear this. Oh, well. Well, I guess we're gonna end there. Well, you know, I hope you found that helpful.
Let's end with this. This is, I'm, again, I'm an anonymous YouTuber, but I ended up on Apologia Radio somehow.
Yeah, that's right. I photobombed Apologia. Let's check it out. Let's do the play -by -play here.
We got, they're interviewing Darren Doan and I just decided, you know what? I'm gonna make it on Apologia Radio.
So, I did. Two hours, I'm in the corner and they talk for two hours and they get done talking like, oh,
Bill, you know, they get done and he looks over at me and Mattson is Mattson and he goes.
Oh, yeah. Look at me in the back. Look at me in the back. So, I pretend like I'm going that way and then, but the whole time, I was just trying to photobomb this.
I don't know much about this movie but you know what, kid? I like your dad. So, I'll do it.
You like that face? I should have stopped there real quick and been like. Anyway, I hope you found this podcast helpful.
God bless. Don't forget to tune in next week on Thursday for Anonymous on Fight, Laugh, Feast Network.