Basics Of Biblical Greek



I want to thank you all for coming tonight knowing that I am the substitute is Made me wonder if I'd come in and see a bunch of empty chairs, and it would have been okay I would have only hurt my feelings a little But but I do appreciate you coming for those of you don't know me.
My name is Keith Foskey I graduated from this seminary in 2007 when my doctorate of ministry degree I was here as a student of dr.
Vernon Johns first he was my Homiletics professor my eschatology professor and my friend.
He also had a dear friend named.
Jerry Powers, dr.
Jerry Powers took over for him when he passed and he became a very close personal friend and mentor to me for many years We did after I graduated I did spend a little while not seeing him But he did me a great favor once a lady asked me to preach her funeral She asked me before she died just so y'all know She asked me to preach her funeral and I Didn't have a robe, but she requested a robe She wanted her minister to wear a minister's robe, and I didn't have one couldn't afford one so dr.
Powers let me borrow his robe, and I wore his robe to preach her funeral.
I'll never forget that he's just very generous man and a loving man and a man who I still miss very much to this day, and I'm thankful for the men who Spoken to my life at this school And who were able to give me guidance and wisdom at a very young and formative age And I'm thankful now to have the opportunity to speak before you all so thank you again for being I'm a pastor.
I've been the pastor of Sovereign Grace Family Church for the last 10 years.
Oh I just refreshed Greek I'm here because they were offering the Greek course.
I wanted to come and learn some more.
I've studied with different Greek professors Probably the most influential on me has been a man by the name of John Swan.
He wrote the interlinear ESV We preach I preach out the ESV Bible at my church, and he wrote the interlinear Reverse interlinear ESV and he's very smart very intelligent Greek scholar And he and it's been a man that I've had an opportunity to study a little bit with I'm not gonna say I was With him for a long time I've had an opportunity to stay a little bit with him that that was a real blessing to me But knowing that it would be good to be back in the classroom getting to meet you all We're part of my motivation for coming back here and just being in class just you as a pastor You're also a student and you're never not a student So we want to just grow in the work so I Want to begin with a little quote that I like to share This I'm not quoting anybody.
This is something I tell people all the time because I've taught Greek in my church I've never taught in the seminary, but I have taught in my church.
I've taught young people children not like little kids, but youth aged children Greek classes Because they seem to be the most interested.
I can't get my senior adults to do it yet But they but the young kids really I say hey, I'm going to do a Greek course man it's flooded with teenagers and and and people because they just they they're they're hungry to learn and I always tell them the same thing our single purpose Hey, brother.
Come on in We just started we ain't missed nothing except for me talking Our single purpose for studying coin a and you remember coin a is the Greek that we are studying there are different types of The language as it has evolved we are studying coin a which means common It was common in the first century Or in the time of Jesus Christ our single purpose for studying coin a is the proper exegesis of Scripture what does the word exegesis mean somebody you can Means to pull out of something too many men make it their business of Reading into the text something that is not there They have an idea They have something they want to talk about they have some Point that they want to make and I've heard too many times preachers say I've got a great sermon now I've just got to find a text You ever heard anybody say I've got a great sermon.
I just need a text to go with it That is not preaching scripture.
That is preaching your opinion your opinions or your convictions with scriptural ornaments Because the root is not scripture the root is your opinion and your conviction and then you sprinkle it with these ornaments of scripture Scripture should be the root It should be the trunk and if you're going to put any meat on the bones Are you going to put any ornaments on the tree? That's where your illustrations and things like that come in that you don't start with the illustration and go looking for a text you start With the text and then you find whatever you need to help people understand what the text says the opposite of exegesis Is what anybody know? Isagesis which means to read into ice being the prefix meaning into being the out of we've already learned that we've talked about this in class to get out of Something when you go to the text of scripture you want to draw out from it what it says and ultimately you want to draw out The original authors intention now we could all say who is the author of scripture? God the Holy Spirit of God Inspired the Word of God to be written But then we have to say that the medium of the individual was used so Paul writes differently than does John and John and we've already talked about that because we've said John reads differently than Hebrews Right Hebrews is written in a more classical Greek style John is written in a very simple elementary Greek style and then of course you're able to see the differences that God uses these men and it wasn't like that God made him a sort of a Mimeograph machine where he just knew and they knew and they it wasn't like automatic writing These were men who were being carried along by the Holy Spirit.
This is what Peter tells us in his epistle These are holy men of God wrote or they spoke as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit So we know how scripture comes to us.
It comes to us through these men I want to know what was in the mind of the Apostle Paul I want to know what was in the mind of the Apostle Peter and John as they were writing I want to know it was in the mind of Luke and of Mark and the only way to do that is proper exegesis That's the goal.
The goal of studying Greek is never to impress people.
I know guys Who want to tell you how much they know about the Greek language when they're preaching and you end up leaving not knowing much more than when you came because you don't know the Greek language and you're You're impressed that this guy's really smart, but you wouldn't know if he was telling you a fib You wouldn't know if what he was telling you was wrong because he's being very erudite.
He's being very Show-off II with his understanding of the word and so he just starts spitting out all these words You wouldn't know if he's telling you the truth or not And it does no good to confuse our people If the English translation is sufficient Use it because that's what they speak.
You know, that's one thing.
We haven't really talked about yet.
If the English is sufficient I remember guys will say well this word is this in the Greek and it means this in English Well, that's what it said in English.
Why'd you have to do that? Because I had to fill 10 seconds of sermon time I got a fill 40 minutes or I don't know how long you preach right? You know me.
I'm preached 40 45 minutes I got to fill some time Y'all know that's wrong, right? We want people to know hey, they're paying us they better pay us for something We got to give them something, you know, they got it.
They signed my paycheck.
You better make it worth it something Well, no Buy a bigger paycheck if I went shorter But anyhow all that was just simply to say this is valuable what we're doing because it helps us to understand what's being said It's not for us to show off It's not for us to simply expand our minds for this for the sake of being able to glory in our own wisdom But it's for the sake of being able to lead the people of God to a better understanding of the Word of God Because that's what we want to do.
So tonight We're going to go through most of what we already haven't gone through.
I haven't hooked up the PowerPoint yet I do have it, but I've got enough that I don't think we'll need it We'll still do a lot of what we already do because I put the Greek letters on here So we are going to go through the Greek letters a few times Because we that that is dr.
Spears the patented thing every five minutes.
We got to go and go through the letters again So brother, can I have somebody help me Pat? Would you help me pass these out? This is the first one.
I better keep wondering.
There you go and This has the alphabet on the front, I'm gonna race this anybody need this anymore because I'm gonna write good, okay We do have one gentleman who was not with us for and I mean to call you out brother on but I'm just saying you weren't with us for the first class.
So I am going to be By way of reminder and for his benefit Taking a step back on some of the things like how do we remember what the letters are and stuff? Because again, I've taught kids this and I've kind of come up with sort of fun and creative ways to remember these things So I'm gonna give them to you and and you take what you think is valuable and and put it in your bag And what you don't think is valuable drop it in trash can on the way out and then we'll be good No, nobody's feelings will be hurt because I won't even know what you dropped Yeah, right there Oh, I'm gonna we're gonna hand these out in a minute because we might not even get very far in this one We'll see how far we go Let's start over on the Greek alphabet the basics And you'll see that it's got on the far left side all of the capital letters Then you have all the lowercase letters.
Then you have the name of the letter.
Then you have the English equivalent and then you have for the The different letters that we're not used to you have what they sound like So really this kind of is a snapshot of what we have on the PowerPoint, so it's not anything different It's just looking at it a little different way.
Let's go through the alphabet starting out alpha gamma Delta Epsilon Zeta Ada Theta Yoda Kappa Lambda Mu Nu X e Omicron P Rho Sigma Tau Upsilon Phi Key C Omega All right.
Now how many of you are really good at the lowercase letters? And yeah, that's like practical.
How many you are comfortable with lowercase letters? Okay How about the uppercase letters? The uppercase letters were usually not as familiar with because when we're reading we see 95% lowercase letters you've only time you ever going to see an uppercase letter is the beginning of a sentence or the beginning of a name Right, it's when it's a proper noun.
You're not going to see uppercase letters throughout the text.
Know this though When it was written and Dr.
Spears already alluded to this it was all uppercase letters.
It was written all capital letters No spaces no punctuation.
It's called unsealed text and is that way for the first eight centuries? It wasn't till the eighth century that the introduction of what's called the minuscule Minuscule is lowercase.
It wasn't so if you look at Codex Sinaiticus Codex Vaticanus Codex Alexandrinus the oldest vellum manuscripts that we have that are still in existence today They are you a look different than what we've been looking at That's fine is it's not different in what it's saying But when you look at it, you'd be like wow That's really weird because you imagine if I come up here and I wrote a sentence all capital letters.
No spaces.
No punctuation Because for us that would be weird But for them it was not weird.
They had a method of being able to understand that it wasn't a problem for them It was just a problem for us.
Yes lowercase is minuscule Minuscule uppercase all uppercase is unsealed Unsealed text and minuscule text.
All right, so let's look at the capital letters and let's just make a few little notes here Alpha looks like an a everybody agree Beta looks like a B The gamma looks like a what? Upside-down L it actually looks like a gallows You know what a gallows is? I'm looking at capitals now You're looking at the gallows, you know what a gallows is right back in the old west, you know what a gallows is? That's g-g-gallows starts with a g-g-g So again, I've taught this to kids now you remember it you will remember that one because now you know all right, so that's that the Delta You ever see Delta Airlines? That's their symbol.
It also looks like the head of a dart That For d-d-d, all right.
All right Epsilon am I am I losing you brother? No, I'm thinking oh when I was in school and Physics or chemistry Delta was something we used all the time.
Well, there you go Huh Oh good, well, there you go Using science now you will notice that they pronounce Pronunciate they pronounce the Greek differently.
Somebody in here said pie earlier when we got to the letter that looks like that Pie the reason why is because you grew up pi r-square, but I'm from the south and cake r-square pi r-round I love it when an old joke still works No, um pie is how it is it's the The universities use a certain language It's it's it's called something.
I just lost my word, but it's basically it's the university language It's also the language of mathematics and science and they have it a certain way.
We are using what is called the Erasmian Pronunciation the Erasmian pronunciation is when you pronounce every letter and you've heard the doc talk about that Erasmus was a scholar during the time of Martin Luther during the time of the Reformation back in the 1500s Erasmus was a scholar and he was the one who actually Put together the manuscripts into what would later become the textus receptus, which you've heard the professor talk about that.
So that scholar They it was a dead language.
Nobody spoke anymore.
So how did they begin to speak it? Well, we pronounce every letter because we don't know how they spoke it 2,000 years ago But we know how we're going to speak it now because we're going to just pronounce every letter So that's the Erasmian pronunciation.
That's what we're using.
Yes Know that this would have been the Tower of Babel would have been something that happened before Christ in the Old Testament This is actually in the 1500s is the time I'm referring to.
It's been well after the New Testament all right, so Just know that there's different ways to pronounce if you go to Greece today They're going to talk way different than the way you're if you try to talk to them in Greek like this They're gonna look at you like you got two heads, but it's the same thing It's if you try to talk King James English to somebody who talks, you know Like me Southern American.
Yeah, you're gonna have a different way of talking.
So it's not that it's wrong It just is it isn't good or bad.
It just it is All right, so we know Delta Epsilon is an E.
We have that one.
It's the same capital letter Zeta or something Zeta is a Z now I have the hardest time drawing The Zeta letter mine always comes out.
I have a hard time writing it when I'm writing.
I did this today in the kids I was substitute teaching and I was actually writing their names in Greek for them Just because I was in the class and we're just need something to do So I was writing out their names in Greek, which is a fun activity If you really want to know if you know the letters Just start writing English words in Greek letters and you'll figure out how much you understand about diphthongs How much you understand about how the relationship between the syllables work, it's really neat exercise.
So anyway Zeta is a hard one to write for me.
Anyway, Eta is What we would say is the long e sound at the end of a gap a is a is actually a long a sound But in the way, it's usually translated as a long e but it has an a sound so just that's where we say long a long e it's got the H and the Everybody says it looks like an N.
I Think it looks like an H This is one of the ones if you think if you just add a little higher side to me I've never had trouble remembering that one because I just think of it being a little longer H and you got it It's not an N.
It's an it's an H Theta or theta Is the O the line through it now you will see it sometimes like this Depending on the handwriting some of the handouts I hand you tonight Your your theta will be like this and your fee will be like this And it's because that's the way you would write it.
They would like that.
And again, it's not the right way or the wrong way It's a way Be with me It's it's good because there's the different ways of doing it But you just get that as a if you see an O and a lines going horizontally It's a sound if you see an O and the lines going vertically it's a foot foot sound Got it the fuck All right Yoda I Always joke with the kids.
I say it's like Jedi Jedi Master Yoda Because it's Yoda Yoda Yoda It's Yoda, but if you say Yoda it kind of has a yes sound and that's why yesu That's why we say that when there's I at the beginning right same thing it's it is what it is That's the way I say it.
I'm a little weird, but I just like saying Jedi Master Yoda You don't have to like Star Wars, but I do okay, so you got Yoda It's the same capital and lowercase the same as English.
Most of these are the same.
Kappa is Capital same as the lowercase lambda, right? is the pyramid Right and the lowercase lambda is the pyramid with the line just slightly offset It's pyramid or pyramid with it slightly offset So really that shouldn't throw you just know that you will sometimes confuse it with the Delta Because you have to know that the Delta has the line on the bottom and the lambda does not So you you as you're reading through you'll see a lambda, and you'll think oh delta in you and it might catch So just kind of keep that in mind Mu Is M and the lowercase M is just an M with a with a with a looks like a tail new Let me show how I do this with the kids.
I think about the letter N and Then I erase That and that's your new Just how I see it in my mind's eye whether that's right or wrong are going to help you I don't know, but if you think about an N, and you erase that part it becomes the new So rather than thinking V.
I'm trying to get you out of thinking English trying to get you to think These are their own letters, and how do they feel like my letters? This is how I get them to think it's how I get to think that way Xe or C is Is really kind of it looks like a big e If you think about it look at it think of you know you're you're you're you're epsilon looks like that you're I Put one too many it looks like that right It looks like a biggie think exit Xe Exit looks like an e Capital a that's one you're going to have to just memorize because I have it Just it's three lines, but it's still the same thing.
It's line line line if you connected these two That's really all they're doing with the lowercase is they're taking the three lines, and they're and they're doing it together There's still three lines All right, I'm gonna erase this Is this being helpful? Okay next is Omicron everybody knows that one right sounds like a transformer Doesn't it Omicron is coming.
All right, so the Omicron is got the big O little O P is the same big and little it's just when it's big it looks like pillars P pillars it does it looks like two pillars.
That's what you think of P Row row is row they they roll they are pro Yeah, it looks like a P that one is one that again just my brain sees this Which kind of looks like an R.
I don't know if you're going to make that connection, but for me That's okay or on the capital my brain sees that it sees the added line.
That's right because that's the R just and again I Had to trick myself into figuring this out because I had to take test to Remember this stuff and these are just sometimes the things that work for some people don't work for others.
So maybe it'll help you Sigma The Sigma e looks or the Sigma capital looks like a giant e that one still to this day every once in a while I'll see it and I'll think Sound and it's a sound That's just one.
You're gonna have to try to memorize that day that it looks like That if you have an idea some kind of mental thing that helps you remember that that's a sister sound I haven't gotten there yet.
I'm still have it.
Yeah, I still have to every time I see it, I think Simone Simon Peter his name starts with that letter.
That's Sideways Sideways Okay Tau Tau is the same up in T and it's the same in English Upsilon this one will throw you because earlier if you go back to gamma, you will see the lower case Y is the lower case gamma, but the uppercase Y is the lower is the uppercase Upsilon that is another one that you'll have to sort of just put in your memory bank if you're concerned with the uppercase letters And if you get there where you're reading you're gonna want to know these That's that was one that sometimes will catch me because I'll be thinking gamma because I'm thinking the lowercase But it doesn't match in this case Phi is Think of a head holding a phone It's a phone You're looking at the guy sideways and the phones against side was said, I mean, yeah You'll remember it you'll go home you'll look at it say I know what that letter is.
That's a phone letter.
Yeah All right The next one is for me easy because what professors always said is very true.
Xmas Sound It's Chris Doss starts with an X not a C Well, there's no C in Greek doesn't start with a coppa.
It starts with a kissy or X Cut sound all right Phi or C rather.
I think I've told you guys this Looks like a trident Think about popping a balloon and it makes a sound And that's the letter that's the noise that you're thinking Yeah, that that one that was years ago somebody told me that I was like man, that's pretty that's pretty good.
Yeah Figure out a way to break them up.
Yeah, and then Omega the big Omega looks like an O with feet And the little Omega looks like a W that one will throw you off because you're you'll be thinking English.
You'll be thinking.
Oh W but just remember there is no W So it's not a W But like when you look at the word later Glossa remember what's Glossa? Remember what that word means language right Glossa is what Gamma and Lambda? Omega because it's Glossa not Glossa Glossa would be either an Omicron or an alpha depending on whether it was You know depending, but it's Glossa, and it has the Omega Okay, is there any questions? I know Ron you probably have a thousand because your first night But is there any questions about Any of these letters or anything that you've noticed through your study or anything that you're having trouble with Before we move to the diphthongs Well perfect you guys are doing great.
Let's go now to the diphthongs the Alpha iota diphthong diphthong makes the the I sound aisle The epsilon iota diphthong makes the a and you think about the number eight Ei starts And then the Omega.
I'm sorry Omicron iota is boy the Alpha Opsilon makes the ow ow like cow the The Epsilon Opsilon Makes the ooh sound or you sound like in feud this is Edward I don't know where I this I would scratch that out and put feud because that's that's a better It should be feud.
I don't know why it says.
I didn't I didn't make this particular part of that That was when I got from a book, and I don't know where they're getting word Edward but Omicron Opsilon is ooh like soup or food and Opsilon iota is we like Sweet or Queen all right, let's do all of the Diphthongs together I a boy ow You We it's not the same order we're used to we learned it in an order and now we're it's though it's out of order All right, let's do the alphabet these are in order Alpha Beta Gamma Delta Epsilon Zeta Eta Theta Yoda Kappa Lambda Mu Nu Xe Omicron P Rho Sigma Tau Opsilon Phi Chi C Omega one thing I am doing I'm letting you cheat next time I'm gonna tell you put your hand over the letter because you can actually read it.
I think about that so just now yeah alright going back on the same page over where it says smooth and rough if you see a Word beginning with a vowel letter and over it there is a comma And you see a same vowel and the comma is going backwards Which one has the H sound the second one this one would well put it on the right side this one by adding this? breathing mark adds the H sound to the front So it's not hoggy agios.
It's hoggy eyes, which is holy There's a lot of times where that's going to Really need to be thought of when you're when you're pronouncing is if you are Teaching your people and you're and you're reading out of a Greek word There I see a lot of guys who just miss the breathing all together and just just say it without the H sound and that It is part of the word Okay, so that is the breathing which makes the H sound because there is no H letter so that establishes the H-letter for us Any questions on that Okay, we have the next thing is the punctuation Punctuation a period is a comma is a semicolon is a period above the line and the question mark is a semicolon Yeah Again when it was originally written those didn't exist so but they do so they were added for whose benefit The the person reading this so that so that people like us wouldn't have to figure it out You know somebody has figured it out put it together for us, and it's a benefit all right now This next part is something I want you to do You are going to write your name We're going to take five minutes of class.
I give you in this form The right way to write the letters as you're writing so if you look at the alpha you start here And it's alpha and then beta comes up from here right and then gamma down here Delta here Epsilon and here's the one I can't do Eta, right Theta Yoda Kappa Lambda all right Mu Nu C Omicron P Rho Sigma Tau Upsilon Phi Chi C and then Omega all right Figure out how to write your name you may already be doing it, but you knew at the bottom of the page I left you a space there He just gave me the funniest look like I hate you Mentioned it in class.
That's why but we never did bring it back up my problem is I Know that like Jesus uses the capital yoga mm-hmm is that in place of all J's Yes, so remind me again of your first Jason.
Yeah, it would be a son it would be a son or It would or yasin it for you.
It would I would do Yoda a Because I want to have the long a sound and then I'm doing this for you I figured if I ask Omicron new so be a son Yeah, there's not a J.
So you're not gonna J is a Germanic sound J is something that comes to us in German That's why Jehovah is Not the way that you pronounce the sacred name of God It can't be because the judge a sound does not exist in Hebrew and the judge a sound does not exist in Greek Ja, ja, hova is a Germanic change to the Tetragrammaton Tetragrammaton yod.
Hey, bud My Hebrew is nowhere as good as my but yod.
Hey, bud.
Hey is the four-letter name of God And what we would say Yahweh or yah, hova Yahovah is a combination of Yahweh and Adonai and it's the reason for that is because they would not pronounce the divine name so they combined Yahweh and Adonai to make yah, hova and It becomes a change in the name so that they don't pronounce God's name and take his name in vain Okay, so when the Jehovah's Witness come to door and they tell you God's name is Jehovah Don't use that argument because there's gonna go use something else But really the whole idea of you know, if you want to call God Jehovah, that's fine It's just like calling Jesus Jesus nothing wrong with it Don't and don't and if that's what you call God and that makes you happy don't think I'm trampling on your sensibilities.
I'm not I'm just saying German is where we get the ja ja sound What's your? Cecil Cecil Cecil What would be a Sigma? C C that's another problem that you have it's the same as me because Keith there's no diphthong that makes the e sound Like our names do because my in English keith is Keith yours a Cecil It would actually bore me more like sassel.
Like I would say mine is either cath or kath for me.
I always say it's kath So it would be like kath if you ever heard anybody call somebody Keith kath Yeah, I would say Sigma and it would be Sigma Cecil would be Sigma Yoda lambda So be Cecil that's close enough and it sounds similar Eric Hey, you got it you got Oh Now we we is the is the diphthong of the Upsilon and the Yoda, so it's we is the is coming from the last diphthong on the paper the one that's the Upsilon Yoda, so it's it would be Delta Alpha Upsilon Yoda Delta Dow weed So it would actually be Stephen like it's written in Scripture yours has the V Right, but in Scripture you notice that Stephen does not have the V.
You know, why there's no V in Greek Stephen's a Greek name it is Sigma Tau Epsilon Phi Epsilon Nu Is the fuck it's Steph fun Steve then is a more of a modern way of saying it stephen All right, anybody else have any trouble with their names It wouldn't sound the same as it does in English, but that was that would be the way I would say it was should be Yeah, son It's actually Yoda the because it's yo ya son would be his name not Jason because there's no J sound Stephanos yeah, well, there you go.
Yeah, that's true All right, so Okay All right You guys want to really have fun now, I mean like really knock it out.
We will have some fun now If you guys got your names done Because when we turn this page over we're gonna get real Can you oh Yeah Yeah, yeah, all right guys turn your page over This is Greek matching How many of you when y'all were in school? You would get a teacher would give you all the answers on one side and all the questions on the other side and you had To draw a line to the from what to the other Well, that is what this is.
I made this just for us.
This is not in anybody's textbook.
This is from mr Fossey's textbook I Like doing this kind of stuff because what we're going to do is we're going to read all these Greek sentences now There's some words.
You don't know That's okay but the words you do know we're going to underline as we go and then we're going to find the Verse that attaches to it based on the root the words that we're using.
Okay? All right, so we're gonna yes, sir You know the first one what's the first one? It is John 1 1 can you read the text for us? Okay, and I'm not calling you out.
I just didn't know.
Yeah, how did you know? It was the first one? Yep, Lagos.
Yeah Yep Yep, let's walk through it.
Let's walk through it together in Rk ain ha lagas Say that in Rk ain ha lagas In Rk ain ha lagas All right kai ha lagas ain pros ton theon kai theos ain ha lagas All right now he was right So if you want to draw your line find John 1 1 on the other page was almost down at bottom Take you a little line and draw from that to John 1 1 because I want you to have these because later you'll get take This home, and you'll at least you'll know that these verses go with these You know the next one You already know look at you All right, mr.
Eric I'm sorry Okay, which one is it sweetheart It is Philippians 2 11 I wonder how she knows up.
How do you know because of the word and Glot Glossa is the word that was the one that I wanted us to get because it's yeah by the way This is not one of our Words, but it will be soon.
I know it will be it has to because all over that's all And that's the word Kai pasa Glossa and that every and every is a derivative of all Panta is every or all and that every tongue That's the Glossa.
Okay, just so you know just you'll see pass Panta pasa.
These are all Derivatives of the word all or every okay? Yeah, but Kai generally It is it is a conjunctive generally.
It's the and it can sometimes be a but but typically it's going to be and so But that's what you thought Eric because you saw and and you went down and found the and yes That's good though at least you made that connection It's Kai pasa Glossa and that every tongue Eck let's do this long word because there's a long word X I'll log a say tie.
That's a long word That is confession Look at the root log a Word or speak see it's in the middle there see in Greek what you have and this is something we've seen But we haven't really seen it this way.
I'm gonna show you something kind of Kenny in Greek what you have Is the root? Sometimes in the you have a trip you have a computer program that calls it the lemma the lemma Yeah, lemma is the root or the the base word From that you have the stem and the ending so you have stem ending stem will change The roots used in the sentence.
It's where we develop syntax and the ending will give us things like number it's like if you were saying Apple or Apples Well that becomes the ending which gives us the number how we're doing an apple or apples Okay, so that's why you have it's similar to English because you'll have construct Right This word you have construct that's your lemma you have construct Can't root construction That changes the meaning doesn't it? construct is different than construction and It changes how you use it in a sentence that becomes the stem and then constructions would mean multiple ones Yeah, and that's where you determine gender and things like that well actually gender comes in the stem a lot like in apostola or apostolos The the gender is actually in that ah sound that's where you're finding that it's a masculine, okay? Um you also have the prefixes and we haven't got there yet So I don't want spend a lot of time with it, but you know the word you on Galleon You on Galleon means what? Gospel and we've we've been saying he's been saying it's you taking the message, which is which is how he's using it But what is the prefix Epsilon Opsilon mean? Huh? the prefix ooh Ooh on Galleon means good good message It's the same for eulogy if you're a pastor at some point you will give a eulogy and that means a good word Logos with the prefix Epsilon Opsilon you log us Eulogy to speak good about somebody that's why you don't go up there and say hey this guy was a jerk he drank all time He's dead now, and I'm happy never say that No, no, no, but you see that's where it's the same as English Because we do the same thing we add stems and endings we add prefixes what if I put reconstruct But what I mean is I'm doing it again right So you're gonna see this so that's why I say when you see this you'll see log a in there It's got a prefix and a ending which makes it the confession It's a type of word Okay Hati Koryas Iesous Christos Eis Daxon Theopatras That is Koryas Iesous is what? Koryas Iesous It's the Lord Jesus Christos which is Christ Koryas is Lord way I remember that is during the time of the early church there was a demand among the people Kaiser Koryas Caesar is Lord and The church would say no Iesous Koryas Jesus That was that was the response and that's what would lose your head It's what would get you thrown to the lions the unwillingness to submit to Kaiser Koryas Caesar is Lord I Just happen to remember it that way So that's the second one that's uh We know that's Philippians 2 11 if y'all want to write that down, okay next one who wants to take a stab at it How do you know Cosmos he's right it is Romans 5 12 Dia That's where we get the wherefore or through To ta what's the next word is it o's or ho's Ho's per that's right and nos Anthropo What is Anthropos mean? So Anthropo gives it the genitive ending so of man, right? or by a man, and that's what it's saying a by a man sent into the world a Martia ace tan Cosmo sin into the world by a man.
That's that's what that means and Then a sale fun Kai the a taste marty ass ha Thanatos, what is Thanatos? Yeah there? That's what I tried to pick one that multiple words that we would know so we could pick them out Thanatos We know is death right Kai who toasts ace Pantos that's another all word Pantos Pantos on throw poos.
What's on for poos? Man, it's on for poos.
It's just it's just different ending, but same root ha Thanatos death The ale then that was a little hard one to pronounce there the ale thin F Ho Pantos hey Martin.
Hey Martin is a derivative of ha Martia Okay, so that is Romans 512 next one who wants to take a guess this one has a trick word in it And you are right.
How did you know? Yeah, yeah, okay, I Have said you yep.
That's right.
Who men is that is to you and then the ego.
I am speaking all right Here's the word.
I wanted you guys to see though just because yeah para clay toss you guys all know the word paraclete Don't you you've heard the word paraclete which means what? Holy Spirit, it's the word Jesus.
We always talk about the word comforter, and that's the set our third word there para clay toss To come alongside para is the prefix which means to be beside something we've already learned a word para ballet By the way, it's just a little side thing for you guys para ballet means what? parable hyper ballet is Hyperbole you ever heard hyperbole Hyperbole means to use an extreme example.
I'm so hungry.
I could eat a horse now You might believe I could but generally so hungry.
I could eat a horse is called hyperbole Jesus said if your hand causes you to sin cut it off That is not and and a that is not a literal call to personal Cutting off of limbs.
What is it saying? It's saying if there's anything that you have that's causing you to sin get it away from you force it away from you and be be be really Stern with it get it away from you and the hyperbole that he uses is pluck out your eye cut off your hand So Jesus if you don't hate them right yeah, if you don't hate your mother and father that's hyperbole Because the love for God and Christ should be so much more Exactly.
So that's what we call hyperbole Parabola hyperbole parabola is to set something beside something else.
That is similar Hyperbole is to set something beside something else.
That's exaggerated Hyper it's more Yeah, so if you think of someone if Jesus says the kingdom of heaven is like This that's a parable because he's giving something that it's similar to It's not hyperbole.
It's parabolic.
Okay, that's just that's free.
Yeah That's just something just to think about you I I just remember teaching on that a while back I thought it'd be interesting.
Okay, so paracletus brother was right.
Jason was right It is John 14 26 there and the last word in that sentence is ego Lego my ego is an actual Greek term.
It means I said to myself Lego my ego I spoke unto myself or said to myself So so so go home everybody say I learned Lego my ego Yeah, I Spoke or said unto myself Lego my to Legos is speaking Lego my to Lego to myself They go my ego, okay.
All right, huh? Well, yeah, I said to myself self Okay Yeah, that's all right next is The one after this is the one two, three four fifth one down Which one is this Yeah, he's possible nation, okay All right It is it you guys are cheating on me They are right it is Luke, but there's a word in here I wanted you to see See if you can find the word I wanted you to see it's a one of the words and I made sure it was The right way that we use it too because sometimes we'll learn a lemon.
They have different endings.
This is the exact way We've learned it Which out a yes, that was Huh Yeah, that's that's the the third person Speaking of them.
That's not the one I was thinking and Kai isn't either There's just there's another word one of them one of the one of the later ones that we've learned It's the fifth one down one, two, three, four five starts Kai poiminous hey, son Hen no in Tay Cora Tay out a Agra Loon taste Kai fulla Sante's full lock us Tay nook toss Epi Tane boy poem name Alton Well Alton isn't the one I was thinking of but that is one that we've used You only give it to you nook toss Nook toss means what? Night So Huh You don't remember us doing that Was that not one of our words? Hey, if I'm if I'm wrong, I thought we had it well If I was wrong, I apologize you guys got it though.
It is the it's the Luke in passage there Luke 2 8 The watching their flocks by nook toss night think of something that's Nocturnal you nocturnal animal sleeps during the day and is up at night.
That's we think of not nook tosses nocturnal That's that's just to help you get it, but what in the word we had.
I apologize.
I could have swore it was but Okay.
All right.
All right.
So there there's that one.
So, you know that one now process of elimination.
We only got two left Is the next one it is second Timothy 316 one of the most important passages in the Bible as far as I'm concerned of defining what is our ultimate authority when we talk to the people who believe in the Pope and they believe in the ultimate authority of the Pope or we talked to the Mormon who believes in the ultimate authority of Joseph Smith or we talked to the Jehovah Witness who believes in the ultimate authority of the prophets in Brooklyn we need to understand that our ultimate authority is the Word of God They up new stuff.
They up new stuff is the Greek word God breathed They up new stuff is a combination of two words that you already know chaos and panuma panuma means What? It means it means breath actually, but we use it for the word spirit.
It's it's it's a Euphemism for spirit and God breathed into him the breath of life became a living soul.
We it's euphemistic But you think of the word pneumatic? What's a pneumatic tool air driven? It's breath.
It's air.
It speaks of air.
So they up new stuff is God breathed So it says Pasa all Groff a scripture they up new stuff breathed out by God and then it goes on to say it is profitable for teaching and for reproof and For doctrine and for correction instruction righteousness, that is an important word.
I recommend you already know the two words it's made up of the chaos and panuma they up new stuff is Hugely important because I don't bow down to the Pope and I don't kiss his ring and he has no authority over me That's right.
He's he's in a holy lot of trouble when he faces Jesus because he took all three of the titles of the Trinity He calls himself Holy Father, which is a title for God the Father.
Jesus gave it to him in John 17 He calls himself the Vicar of Christ, which is the name for the Holy Spirit Vicarious means to be in the place of Jesus said I must go so that the Spirit may come in my place He will be one like me.
I lost perical a toss one like unto me He is the Vicar of Christ is the Holy Spirit not the Pope and he calls himself the head of the church Which is the name of Jesus Christ Ephesians tells us there is but one head of the church and it's Jesus Christ The Pope calls himself by all three names of the Trinity.
He's a heretic.
He's dangerous.
Yes Just in case you wonder You only tell you again.
All right.
He calls himself the Holy Father, which John 17 Jesus refers to God the Father as the Holy Father He calls himself Vicar of Christ Vicar is short for vicarious or one who stands in the place of Christ that is a title which Christ gives to the Holy Spirit he says he will come I will go and he will come in my place and The last one is head of the church, which is Jesus is the head of the church Ephesians 4 We know that he says the husband's head of the wife is Christ is the head of the church That's important.
You know recently when the Pope came to town I preached the message Called the heresy of the papacy that was my sermon title I get you a copy be happy to give it to you So anyway, I don't want to spend all night on that I could yeah rabbit trail but but anyhow that so They honest us the scripture alone is our soul infallible rule of faith and practice It is this sola scriptura is the Latin It was used during the time of the Reformation to stand it was the it was the banner that Luther stood under sola scriptura by scripture alone So all right finally I Put Abraham in this one.
I figured this one would be the one everybody would get so it's okay If you already know it, which one is it? Huh? Yeah, well Abraham, but which one it's the Luke 16 29.
It also has the name of Moses in it as well.
I figure that would be kind of a double double whammy and prof a taste and a kusa toss it a coos a Toss on a coos a toast on means what? A coo means to hear so a coos a Toast on is the is here is to say well them is the out on there or I'll tone So a coos a toast in is is to hear them.
Let them hear them is the is the Thing there was that helpful.
Was that fun? Well, I like that fun.
Well, let me let me give you the other ones I have and we'll do a few things and then we'll we'll draw to a close I don't want to drag out my time here, but well, let me give you these We'll look at them and and one of them we'll do together one I'll make you guys not make you but I'll give it to you for homework.
Who is my helper? Mr.
Oh, let me have one make sure I get one too I Know there's only one that stapled.
I should I copied them front and back.
I see and here's one for miss Sandra.
Cecil Okay, we're good.