We Did It! and a Teachable Moment with Phillip Holmes (#BigEva Blue Check Guy)

AD Robles iconAD Robles


YouTube Rival #1 has been conquered. On to the next. Seriously all, THANK YOU! #NoDespair2020


Well, all right another video. Happy Friday everybody. I hope you had a productive and good week.
I did It's been a crazy week. And so I just wanted to start off by saying guys Thank you a lot of new subscribers this week a lot of video views this week a lot of new patrons this week
It really means a lot to me and my family I'm so glad that you find this content helpful If you do, please consider sharing it with people that you know
You think could potentially use it and all of that kind of thing again. I find it amazing
That you're here and I wanted to show you something so this is my
My new subscriber count here Apparently it's not there it is 4591 that's plus about a thousand in the last month
So there's some there's some scheme that's being gathered here. Thank you for being here I appreciate it and I've actually accomplished a modest goal of mine.
I want you to compare myself here to Dr. Russell Moore of the ERLC. Dr. Russell Moore has 4 ,500 subscribers, so now
I've bested him by about a hundred and that was my first kind of goal I wanted to have more subscribers than dr.
Russell Moore And if you look at this chart here, you can see that video views. He's the red line.
I'm the blue line I've always had more video views than him My videos are typically more popular than his and I make more of them
So obviously I'm gonna have more views but if you can see we're kind of like pretty consistent and then here in June You see this curve.
It's shot up and that's you guys. Thank you so much for that Let me take a look at the subscribers as well
And you can see I've always had I've always gained slightly more subscribers than him And so I was gonna catch him eventually
I thought I was gonna take like a year to catch him, but then you see this curve. Look at this exponential growth here
Thank you again. Thank you so much. This is all you guys And so I've caught him.
I caught him. He's gained 10 subscribers this week and I've gained thousands. I'm like that anyway
So thank you so so much I gotta set a new goal though because every time you accomplish something that you set out to accomplish it feels really good
But you should use that momentum in your favor. And here's my new goal. I want to have more subscribers than the
ERLC They have 8 ,000 subscribers, so I'd have to double essentially to catch them and they gain subscribers
You know roughly at a very even pace to how Russell Moore gained subscribers about 10 every other day or something like that So if things continue the way they're going now,
I'll catch them pretty quickly But hopefully and hopefully they do and so that's my new goal. I want to have As many subscribers as the
ERLC now, I wanted to get to this today I actually got a quickly jump off here because I'm picking up a concealed carry gun that I bought with some
Trump cash So in my autonomous zone that I've declared I've declared my property in autonomous zone.
Everybody understands that right? America has been made great in my autonomous zone my own property.
Anyway, I wanted to talk about you know, a lot of times the solutions to the supposed problem of racism
Actually isn't a good solution. This is a this is a thread by Philip Holmes. Philip Holmes is a blue checkmark
Christian You know intellectual I guess you might say and a lot of people really didn't like this thread
I actually didn't think it was terrible. But I but I think that there's some issues. So here's what he says He says
I really didn't want to say this because I know some Christians peddle racism for financial gain
But I'll take the L for the greater good He says stop asking black Christians if you can pick their brain or make recommendations without offering compensation for their time and the idea here is that like if you want if there's a if there's a black
Christian that you want to get advice from and They're you know, they're gonna offer you their time to give you you know
Book recommendations or advice on how to accomplish racial unity or whatever it is You should pay them for it and a lot of people were kind of like this is kind of weird like why would you have to pay someone for a conversation right and Here's what he says.
He says why should I pay? Well, if you're asking someone for advice, it thinks it implies that you think their advice is valuable
You're also saving time since you won't have to research therefore offering compensation seems like an honorable thing to do and this is true
Yes, and no because if someone's an expert in something then yeah, of course you want to pay them for their expertise
You know if I had somebody at my church who was a expert at fixing chimneys or something like that and I said, hey, man
Can you come over and check out my chimney? Of course, I would offer to pay him I mean, that's how he makes money But obviously there's a there's a difference between someone whose business is something and someone who you just chatting with I mean,
I ask people all the time to pick their brain on something and it's not always appropriate to offer money
I mean like sometimes we're just friends with people right but but that being said though if if you do think that you know
Phillip Holmes is an expert in something or one of your black friends is an expert in something Yeah, you know, it's okay to offer compensation people offer me compensation for my time all the time and sometimes
I accept it and sometimes I say no problem, man. I'll just I'll just Chat, you know what? I mean?
It just depends on the situation There's value in offering services for free sometimes, but you have to think a few steps ahead anyway
So so here's the thing here's the thing like The idea here is though that that the solution to the problem of not paying black people for their time is
That white people should just offer to pay them for their time And I don't really have a problem with that again
Like like, you know If you're if you if you are looking at someone as an expert in their field and you want to take some of their time
You should you know, it's fine to offer to pay right? But I think it's a better idea Instead of doing that to train those black experts the people that are experts in their field whatever it is to ask for compensation and here's why
I think that's better because That's gonna go a lot further than expecting white people to pay out of guilt is essentially what
Philip Holmes is trying to do here He's trying to guilt white people into throwing cash people's way But if you ask them to pay say, you know, hey, you know, thanks for reaching out to me
I'd be glad to let you pick my brain. I charge about $50 an hour, you know, we can talk about, you know, flexibility
Whatever, you know, like if you teach them to ask not only will they get more cash
But also that's a skill set that they can use anywhere and everywhere. You got to teach people to ask for compensation for the value that they provide and the reality is this will weed out the fakes very quick because if you don't actually
Provide $50 an hour worth of value to someone there That's that words gonna get around very quick and you're you're gonna have to step your game up or you're not gonna make any money
That so so I think that's a better idea because if you think about it Let's say people take
Phillips advice right and you don't actually teach the black experts to ask for money instead
You just expect white people to you know, feel guilty and give you cash Well in the real world, you know what
I mean where people are expecting value for their for their money Like you can't just expect to guilt people into giving you cash all the time and so if Philip Holmes is successful in his in his ask here and White people just start feeling guilty white
Christians are feeling guilty and throwing cash black people's way that actually, you know It helps black people for a time, but then when they go to the real world, it's not gonna help them so I think a better suggestion is say black people respect your time enough and Revalue your own time enough to ask for compensation if you bring value to the table, that's what
I think is a better idea You see how it'll help them. They'll get a better result now, and it'll help them in the rest of their life
You don't have to just Ask in the context of the Christian Church. You can ask in any situation and all of that kind of thing and so This is the thing
I Pushed back on Philip for this and This is this is so interesting
He says so he responds to me in a kind of like a roundabout way He says question can't they ask for compensation?
He he he follows He he he he did this tweet to me because of my pushback and his answer is of course
But you can also offer to pay a labor Laborer is worth his wages to know this and to put him in the position to ask is a worse form of guilt
Think about that for a second Philip Holmes is saying that asking black people to value and respect themselves and their time enough to ask for compensation
He sees that as a form of guilt Like that's crazy man, that's crazy like Philip like the real world doesn't work that way man.
You know what I mean like Expecting someone to respect their time enough to ask for compensation
That's not making them feel guilty man I've never ever asked someone for money and felt guilty about it because I don't ask people money for nonsense
You know what? I mean I asked people to support me on patreon because I think I'm providing value on YouTube if I didn't think
I was providing value on YouTube I wouldn't ask for money because then I'd feel guilty So you see like like there's there's like an inferiority complex here like there's nothing
Guilt ridden about asking for cash for something that you provide value for, you know
In fact my youtube channel. I didn't have a patreon at first. I didn't have a patreon I didn't monetize my channel none of that because I wasn't sure that I really provided a lot of value and Then as my channel picked up steam people told me how helpful they found it
Then I started a patreon and then I started monetizing my channel because I no longer felt like a fraud
I felt like man, I actually do provide value here And so, of course, of course, I'm gonna ask for vet for compensation
Now I put out my content for free anyone can access it for free And I think that there's value sometimes in offering things for free.
I want this message to get out there and so Whether or not you want to support me or whether or not you have the ability to support me
I still want you to be able to have my content and and that's the reality. That's the reality situation I think sometimes it's uh, it's a good thing to offer stuff for free business wise businesses do this all the time, by the way
But think about that mentality Philip Holmes is he's got a put he's trying to solve a perceived problem
Which I actually don't think is a problem at all But a perceived problem is blacks aren't being compensated for letting people pick their brains, right?
Okay So you have two solutions one you can try to guilt white people into giving them cash or two
You can teach black people to ask Ask and I say that the better solution is to teach black people to ask because not only will yield a better result
Now, but it'll also help you in the rest of your life as well. Philip Holmes sees that as putting guilt on black people
That's twisted man. I have a very high view of black people a very high view of people of color
Latinos stuff like that I think that if you want to solve these income inequalities and these income disparities and these wage gaps or whatever it is
I think the best way to do that. It's not to start making arbitrary laws about minimum wage and you know things like that No, teach
Latinos teach blacks to value themselves enough to negotiate Better and if they can't start your own business and teach people to Develop life skills that will help them mitigate some of those income inequalities
I'm not saying Phillips is not doing that But you see that's the solution not guilting white people into saying well, you're you're a racist if you don't do this
I'm not saying Phillip is saying that but that's pretty much what we're hearing in the culture, right? You're a racist if you don't care about this, you don't do this.
You don't do that blah blah blah It's just kind of crazy. This is a twisted way to view this situation.
No, no, no Expecting black people to ask and to value themselves enough to ask you for cash if their work is worth it
That's not putting guilt on them that's not a form of guilt that's expecting them to be as capable as as as Smart as intelligent as valuable as whites.
See I have a very high view of black people and there's so many liberal
Christians out there that think they're helping black people by by by by really just It's hard to even say how to put it like they think they're helping black people by letting them
Continue to not develop those skills and just giving them cash to suck cash is not gonna solve this problem
You know what? I mean It's it's the it's the skills to actually get that cash and to vet and to provide enough value like that's gonna solve the problem
Minimum wage laws don't solve anything you actually have to train You know the skill set so that your skill set is now valuable enough to make more money see
You gotta think of the unintended consequences here. I think a lot of liberal Christians end up being unintentionally racist
They end up thinking well, if I don't help them blacks can't do anything. I disagree with that. I Fundamentally disagree with that I think that black people that provide value can get cash for the value that they provide just like any white person do by the
Way, I learned that from two places. I learned that from my father. He taught me that And I've learned that from the scripture