Luther's 95 Theses & The True Gospel

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FORERUNNERS OF THE FAITH - Lesson # 10 After Darkness, Light - Luther, Calvin and the Protestant Reformers (Part 2). The 95 Theses, The Diet of Works, Opposing the Pope & his false gospel. #churchhistory


so we're continuing in lesson number 10, which is on the Protestant reformers and We ended off on section 3
So we've been talking about Martin Luther who is the man who you could say maybe started the
Protestant Reformation So we're on section 3 with the 95 Theses and the diet of worms or worms.
However, you pronounce it in German So I'm just gonna read it says in the previous lesson we introduced
Indulgences that is their pardons that supposedly Reduce the punishment for sin and purgatory the medieval church issued indulgences in exchange for money or tithes this selling of indulgences became an important source of income for the
Papacy and I think most of you know st. Peter's Basilica like Vatican City that huge structure with the dome the head headquarters of the
Catholic Church That was all paid for through indulgences So these priests and salesmen went all throughout
Europe and collected I don't know how much money and say yeah, if you donate money, this will get your loved one out of purgatory
They'll get them out early and all that money was used to build st. Peter's Basilica in Rome And that's part of what led to the
Reformation that kind of corruption. It says in 1517 church authorities commissioned a monk named
Johann Tetzel to sell indulgences throughout Saxony. So did everyone have
Tetzel? That's the name you were supposed to fill in if you're following along in the book It says by this time
Luther was teaching at the University in Wittenberg and when Tetzel began selling indulgences near Wittenberg Luther was
Incensed now, what does it mean to be incensed? Yeah to me, it's it's not just angry
You're really angry. I mean you're incensed, right? To articulate his concerns
Luther drafted a list of 95 Arguments against the abuse of Indulgences this treatise was written in Latin and was intended for inter church debate so Luther a lot of people have kind of the wrong idea that he went up to the church door and Nailed the this document in and he was trying to just create a stirred
He was trying to start something like the Reformation that is not what Luther was trying to do he viewed himself at least at that moment as a faithful Catholic and He wanted to start a conversation a dialogue
He did not intend to start the Reformation, but you know later down the line.
He realized that the Catholic Church was Unreformable if that's even a word, right?
He wanted to reform the Catholic Church and then he realized this isn't gonna work and then then he broke away and was opposing the church
But at least at this moment This was not meant as some sort of rebellion He just wanted to start a conversation because this is a real problem.
So can we address it, please? That's what he was trying to do Somehow Luther's Latin document was translated into German.
Remember we talked about the printing press And how the Reformation probably couldn't have happened without the printing press
So it looks like somebody took took his document down made a bunch of copies Put it back up and then sent them all all around which started the whole
Reformation process so the printing press made it possible for copies to be quickly distributed throughout
Saxony in the surrounding regions Luther had been given or had given voice to popular concerns about corruption in the church in spite of the growing outcry
Roman Catholic authorities were slow to respond initially the Pope hoped
It would be handled within the Augustinian monastic order of which
Luther was a part Does anyone have any? Scripture references any verse in the
Bible that might Counteract or something you could quote in relation to indulgences
If somebody said, okay, why are indulgences wrong? Use the Bible. Tell me why they're wrong
I'll just let you think about that for a minute. Okay Salvation is a free gift.
You should shouldn't have to pay for salvation Okay, Roman 623 salvation is a gift that that's a good one
Okay Okay, so whether or not someone's going to heaven isn't gonna matter whether you're giving the
Pope money It's gonna matter whether you believe in Jesus Yeah These are good arguments,
I think says in July 1519 Luther debated a man named Johan Eck On the topic of papal authority
Luther admitted that he admired the teachings of John Huss Which was a dangerous thing to do since Huss had been executed as a heretic in June 1520
Pope Leo the 10th issued a decree called a papal bull That threatened to excommunicate
Luther if he did not recant when Luther refused to relinquish his views He was excommunicated in January 1521
He was subsequently summoned by Emperor Charles the fifth to an Imperial Council called a diet and the
City of Worms Luther arrived in April and was presented with a list of his alleged heresies, but Luther still refused to recant
He said since then your majesty and your lordship's Desire a simple reply.
I will answer without horns and without teeth Unless I am convinced by scripture and plain reason
I do not accept the authority of Popes and councils for they have contradicted each other
My conscience is captive to the Word of God. I cannot and I will not recant anything
For to go against conscience is neither right nor safe God help me
Amen, and some of you are probably familiar with that that phrase
It's not right to go against Conscience, it's not that neither right nor safe.
So Luther you hear him He said I need to be convinced by the Word of God Whatever the
Pope says, you know, it does didn't carry that much weight with him in comparison to the
Bible Okay, the following month in May 1521
Luther was declared a quote notorious heretic by the Emperor this
Designation made him an outlaw and put his life in danger
Luther's political protector was a prince in the Holy Roman Empire named Frederick the third also known as Frederick the wise of Saxony Knowing Luther was an imminent danger
Frederick sent men to kidnap Luther and take him into hiding and this is where Luther was
Spent the next few years in this castle people called him Squire George So he had an alias just so no one would figure out
Who he was or where he was and when he was in this this castle he translated the
New Testament From Greek into the German language his translation was completed early in 1522 why is that important this work of him translating from Latin to German?
Why is that important? Well, I mean
German is the language of You know the people right? Yeah, how many of the
Germans spoke Latin? zero Maybe I don't know if there's anyone here who attended maybe
The Catholic Church when you were young, but obviously we were all familiar with this that a lot of people
Back in the day, they would go to a Catholic mass and it was all in Latin, right?
Nobody could understand what was being said and then they switched it over to English I mean, but that's the way the church the
Catholic Church was Nobody had any earthly idea what was going on?
What was being said and then the Bible was in Latin. So how would people even know what was true?
Unless you translate the Bible into the common language and then preach it to people in the common language
You just would have no way of knowing. So this was a very important thing to get the Bible into the vernacular and To start preaching the
Word of God because up until this point in churches Just look at our church.
What's front and center in the sanctuary? the pulpit if you look at these old
Catholic cathedrals and whatnot the pulpit if there even is one is off to the side and In the front in the center is the communion table.
So it was all about communion it was all about the sacraments and lifting up the thing and bowing and doing this and speaking in Latin and You know people again just didn't know what was going on.
So the Reformation changed everything You can now have the Bible in your language although people still didn't have it in their hands at this point, but Preaching became the center of the worship service and that's really the difference between churches that are liturgical
Where it's all about communion and the tables front and center as to as opposed to a
Bible -believing church where the pulpits front and center. Okay any questions on that? All right so Luther's German translation would be influential on the translation efforts of Tyndale who
Was translating the New Testament into English and he accomplished that in 1525
Let's think of some more verses. Why would preaching? be the center of the service as opposed to Communion there any verses you can think of Okay, good
In this just came to me. I think of the pastoral epistles. What's Paul telling
Timothy? I mean, he's stressing that Timothy needs to do what? preach the word
It's interesting. I'm not even sure Paul mentions the Lord's Supper in the pastoral epistles
You would think if communion was the center of the whole worship service and that was what it's all about Why doesn't
Paul bring it up in first Timothy second Timothy or Titus? Like I'm not even sure he brings it up at all if he does it's in passing
But there's a strong emphasis on teaching and preaching the Word of God To me that that just settles the issue once and for all so Again, we always have to go back to what
Scripture says and that's going to be the thing that decides it for us okay, and this time in Luther's life illustrates his commitment to the authority of Scripture he refused to waver in his commitment to biblical truth
Even when threatened by the Pope and the Emperor the same conviction motivated his translation efforts
Because he recognized the need to make the scripture available to the common people
Just to kind of pick up on this point because I want to spend some time in the the the
Bible So let's turn this first Timothy for a moment. I just want to look at What Paul is highlighting in the pastoral epistles can anyone think of Baptism or the
Lord's Supper being or the Lord's Supper in particular Can anyone think of that being referenced in the pastoral epistles?
I'm drawing a blank. I Don't think it's even a reference, but correct me if I'm wrong so first Timothy Let's look at let's look at chapter 3 for a moment
First Timothy 3 Paul says this is a faithful saying if a man desires the position of a bishop
Or we call it pastor, but it's the same office really He desires a good work.
And if you Go down to verse. Let's see. Yeah verse 2
He says, you know, he must be blameless husband of one wife temperate sober -minded Good behavior hospitable.
Then what does he say apt to teach? He needs to be able to teach So when the church would come together,
I mean you're there to learn So there has to be teaching and you're also there to get
Motivated and encouraged through the preaching and the fellowship, but again, I don't I just don't see anything about The Lord's Supper here, but turn to 2nd
Timothy for a moment Just this is the first verse that really came to mind 1st
Timothy chapter 4 Sorry 2nd Timothy chapter 4. Thank you 2nd
Timothy chapter 4 Paul starts out In verse 1 I charge you therefore before God and the
Lord Jesus Christ Who will judge the living and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom? So he's charging
Timothy Here's what you need to do and he says number one Preach the word be ready in season and out of season convince rebuke exhort with all long -suffering and teaching so teaching and preaching
You think of our worship service or nearly any Evangelical Protestant Church Baptist Church Bible -believing
Church, the majority of the time is dedicated to what? Yeah Teaching and preaching so I mean
I would just argue that's the way It should be and you could go back to Jesus when he would enter into the synagogue
Remember the time he went in and he took the scroll he read from the scroll and he sat down To teach this has just always been the way it was but with with the
Catholic Church It became about Communion which communion the
Lord's Supper is very important I'm not trying to downplay that at all, but that just became everything and you were saved remember
We talked about this a week or two ago How do they understand you know what it means to receive
Christ To them receiving Christ is receiving the wafer So you're saved you're forgiven salvation is by receiving
Christ. It's by eating the bread So everything just kind of got switched around Ray you had a hand up Not all
Yeah Yeah, all right, let's go to Matthew 16 since you brought that up This is the idea
And you're right they they say that the church is built on Peter Because we're reading about the
Reformation and Martin Luther, and he's opposing the Pope and that's really That's really the battle are we gonna follow the
Bible, or are we gonna follow the Pope? And like how did the Pope even get in like how did he even get involved like what is a
Pope? Where's that in the Bible well according to them? They say it's all from this passage here in Matthew 16
I'll get there you know preaching through Matthew all I'll be there in a month or two, so we'll go over this again, but Matthew chapter 16
Let's look at verses let's see yes Starting in verse 13.
This is known as the Caesarea Philippi Confession it says when Jesus came into the region of Caesarea Philippi He asked his disciples saying who do men say that I the
Son of Man am so they said some say John the Baptist some
Elijah and Others Jeremiah or one of the prophets, and he said to them
But who do you say that I am and Simon Peter answered and said you are the
Christ the Son of the Living God Jesus answered and said to him blessed are you
Simon bar Jonah for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you But my father who is in heaven, and I also say to you that you are
Peter and on this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it
And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you
Loose on earth will be loosed in heaven so Where did the papacy come from?
Where does this idea come from that the church is built on Peter? The Pope or the Catholic Church would point to this passage right here now.
What's the problem with that? And I'm assuming you think there's a problem because if you know if you agreed with that I'd assume you'd be
Catholic but Ray Okay, okay
Mark Caesarea Philippi is a is a huge Rock face and And I think that that's what he chose that place but the rock that Jesus is referring to is is
Peter's statement of the fact that Jesus is the Christ the
Messiah The anointed one that is that's the rock Yeah Jesus is the rock.
He's the cornerstone we're We're living stones, yeah
Now we're reading an English translation of the Bible. Thanks to men like Wycliffe and others.
We have the Bible in English Okay, great Well, here's the thing though.
Sometimes reading it in English you miss a few Nuances that are in the
Greek. Okay. I want to say this you can understand the Bible without Without knowing
Greek we can read it in English and understand the message However, there's something that is in the
Greek that you wouldn't know. Otherwise unless you studied it But let's start with this
Peter the name Peter means what? rock right Peter is
Cephas the rock and Jesus seems to be saying on this rock.
I will build my church I mean I can at least understand somebody's like, yeah, well Peter his name means rock on this rock
I'll build my church. The church is being built on Peter. I mean, I at least understand that logic. However There's two different Greek words being used.
So let's go back to verse. Let's look at 18 and Jesus said
I say to you that you are Peter which in Greek is Petros which means a small stone as you reference
Peter in his epistles Peter and all believers are stones in the larger building where a small star
Peter was a small stone and Then Jesus says on this rock, which is a different Greek word
Petra. I will build my church in other words You're Peter Petra's the small stone
But on this Petra this large boulder this immovable stone Which is where the rock face might come in at the location
I will build so in other words He's not saying that the church is built on Peter because Peter's the small stone
The church is built on the large immovable stone, which is Christ and the profession of faith in Christ How is the church built?
How is Christianity spread by? People placing their faith in Christ, it's all about him
He's the cornerstone no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid which is in Christ Jesus first Corinthians 311 it's about him not
Peter. But again, the Catholic Church says no it's about Peter because he's the first Pope So now it's all about the
Pope's and that really is what they're doing They're following a false
Christ. Who is this? Man who stands in the place of Christ, so it's all been kind of Reversed on people.
Yes Okay. All right. Yeah Yeah, okay, let's turn to Ephesians chapter 2
Into one and we're talking about stones and rocks and large things like that. Yeah at the temple in Israel They've excavated down to the original street level and and there is a stone
Foundational stone that's the size of a school bus there They just I don't know.
I couldn't help but think of that and then as you go along the the original foundation There's the place where you are closest to the
Okay Ephesians chapter 2 Let's look at Ephesians chapter 2 verse 20
Says well, let's go back to verse 19 for context Paul says now therefore you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the
Saints and Members of the household of God having been built on the foundation of the
Apostles and Prophets Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone
Ephesians 2 20 so here it sounds like the Apostles are
The foundation I thought Jesus is the foundation. Well, listen the Apostles.
What were they doing? They were preaching Christ You know, they were laying the foundation by preaching
Christ and now Now let's go to 1st
Peter because we're you know again, we're talking about Luther and the Reformation and Martin Luther to start out with he was not looking to oppose the church or start a new church
He saw the corruption but what this led to He realized that it wasn't just the
Catholic Church was corrupt with indulgences and trying to Swindle people out of their money.
It was bigger than that He realized that the the Catholic Church was preaching a false
Gospel, so once Luther realized that then this became his his life mission to restore
The preaching of the true gospel, and of course, this is the whole issue with the Reformation Protestant salvation by faith grace through faith faith alone as opposed to faith plus works
Aaron Yeah You can see that as being foundational but there is again about Christ he's if that's not right and the whole foundation
Right, right and You know the way I look at that verse the foundation of the prophets and the
Apostles I mean, I think of the Old Testament prophets who preached Christ, although they didn't really see it clearly
And Then you have the Apostles Jesus is what kind of ties it all together, you know, the
Old and New Testament the prophets and Apostles. He's the cornerstone He's the one who brings the two together maybe that's not what's intended by Paul, but That's the way
I've kind of all always thought of it. Look at first Peter chapter 2 He says
Starting in the first verse therefore laying aside all malice all deceit hypocrisy envy and Evil speaking as newborn babes desire the pure milk of the word that you may grow thereby
Of course back here in the 1500s the average Christian or Catholic just they weren't they weren't getting the word and that that was the problem
Verse 3 if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is gracious Here's the part that we're going to focus on Coming to him who's him
Christ writes capital letter coming to him as to a living stone
Rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious you also as what?
Living stones are being built up into a spiritual house a holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices
Acceptable to God through Jesus Christ Therefore it is also contained in the scripture behold.
I lay in Zion a chief cornerstone elect Precious and he who believes on him will by no means be put to shame
Does it sound to you like Peter thought that? He was the foundation of the church
Peter's thinking. I'm I'm the rock. It's all about me, and I'm the fat No, it's all about Christ obviously
So Peter was a small stone. We're all small stones in the building, but it's it's about Christ And I know that's kind of like obvious so the
Christian Church is built on Christ right but It wasn't as obvious back.
Then. Yeah, I mean you have to consider these These Roman Catholics and the 1500s if you're brought up being taught
From from a little child you're always taught and told the same thing From the time you're you know three years old to 35
That's just what you're gonna think and believe because that's what you you've always been told and everyone around you thinks that now
How would you know different? But Luther changed all that okay, so the discussion question going back to Luther What or it says look at what
Luther said at the Diet of Worms? To what authority did Luther appeal?
This easy question what okay, so the Bible it's all about the
Bible To what authority was his conscience bound? Same thing
I have a lot simple enough, okay But He was opposing what authority the papacy okay, and the problem is with the papacy and the
Emperor and of course You know the the church and the the state were kind of together
By opposing them Obviously he was risking his life Section four is called the heart of the gospel
So now we're getting into the whole crux of the matter any questions on Luther anything.
We've read up until this point Okay, so this because it started with indulgences
But then it quickly moved to this being the main issue. It says in keeping with their commitment to the what?
Authority there should be authority in keeping with their commitment to the authority of scripture
Luther and his fellow Reformers looked to God's Word to define the heart of the gospel
It says during the Middle Ages the doctrine of justification had become confused and distorted
Roman Catholics saw justification as a gradual process By which the sinner was made righteous over a long period of time
This process involved both God's grace and the sinners efforts to perform good works
Okay, so now let me ask you is salvation a process Okay sanctification we can say is a process but not salvation
I would argue salvation happens in a moment in time Now some of you can remember
The the day in the hour that you are saved. I'm sure there's somebody in this room who can say yeah, it was
June 9th You know, whatever 1972 or can any can anyone give a date 55 55
I was trying to find it out Yeah So you remember the moment you remember the moment and even if God was working in your heart and you are actually
Regenerated, you know an hour before you didn't confess the work There's still a moment in time where you you didn't have faith before and now you do
Well, some say that it happened before the foundations of the earth well God chose before the foundation
That's the whole other thing, but God chose them, but you believed in a moment of time
That's when God declared you righteous or justified
Not everyone knows the day For me, I know about when it was
I Can kind of narrow it down within a few months But I just don't I don't remember a day where it became
But that happens in a moment. It's not a process. But that was that's what the
Catholic Church was teaching It's a long process and unfortunately with the Catholic Church The process goes on until your death and you still don't know when you die
Because they say you cannot know whether or not you're truly saved First John 5 13 says that you can write first John 5 13
These things I've written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God that you may know
That you have eternal life and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God I Agree with you
Yeah, I I do agree with that However, I mean, I I think there were probably a lot of Catholic priests and bishops
Who really in their heart they were well -meaning I mean, I think they were wrong or they were deceived but Because because the opposite is well, hey, you know well you guys you evangelicals think you can just say a prayer and just go and do whatever and not like there are potential problems on both sides that you could point to but Salvation does happen in a moment in time.
Okay. Does anyone want to give a Bible verse for that? Yes something else
Okay Good the thief on the cross what it remember when the thief started out
Jesus is is in the middle He has two thieves on both sides
To start out. They're both reviling him but Before they died one of them
At some something happened any he realized that We deserve this we're guilty and then he rebukes the other thief, you know
We deserve to be here, but this man has done nothing wrong And then he says Lord remember me when you come into your kingdom
Before that thief was nailed to the cross. He was an unsaved man while he was being nailed to the cross
He was an unsaved man But when he was hanging there before he died He had faith
He expressed his faith. He was saved and we know he's saved because Jesus is the one who assured him today
Thou shalt be with me in paradise great example What? You Right.
Yeah. Yep. So salvation happens in a moment of time
So going back to the book here part of the confusion about Justification was due to the
Latin translation of the Greek term the Latin term in Justificare Could mean to make righteous and lent itself towards a process
But the Greek term and I don't know how to pronounce this But the
Greek term for the same word means to declare Righteous which speaks of a judicial verdict
Issued in a moment in time. In other words, if you're reading it in the Latin It sort of sounds like the
Catholics are right that it sounds it's the word that would imply a process but when it's in Greek When it's in Greek, it's a declaration made in a moment.
Well, how do you decide which is right? Well, the New Testament was written in what Latin or Greek?
Greek so you got to go with the Greek not the Latin Jesus said you must be born again and talked about being born in the flesh
That which is born in the flesh This flesh and that which is born in the spirit.
So Certificates I'll say that at 127 a .m.
Yeah, and Just by Assumption you can think that being born of the spirit
Also happens in a moment. Okay, that's good. Jesus uses the analogy of being born again now
I know there's gonna be women who say yeah, but birth is a process and lasts for hours and it's painful
Well, but you know, it still happens in the day in a moment. The baby's born at a certain at a certain moment
Okay. Yep Some theology professor remember our heart.
Are you saved? Which answer you asking I have been saved I am being saved and I'm Yeah, all are true.
Right in that moment. You are safe But it is a continual process of sanctification where every day we are
Still being saved from the sins that we commit. Yeah, so if you look in the
New Testament It does talk about salvation in kind of three tenses that Saved is in past tense.
Well, we've all been saved You're being saved and then you will be saved So the way the best way
I've heard that explained is we have been saved from sins penalty You know, we're going to heaven we're saved from sins penalty.
We will we are currently being saved from sins power So That's sanctification
You are more free You you have been you're being saved from sins power doesn't have that hold on you that it once did and but you're still growing
You're still in that process one day. We will be saved from sins presence where sin isn't even a
Thing anymore But yeah, that's but still we were saved in a moment from sin and it's been declared righteous
So in Greek, it means to declare righteous in a moment of time with the rediscovery of biblical
Greek The Reformers were careful to correct the erroneous notion that justification was a process procured in part by good works
And the sacraments and going to the priest for confession and donating money and doing this and doing that Rather it is a divine pardon issued at the moment of conversion in which
God declares the sinner to be righteous or justified based on the atoning work and imputed righteousness of Christ it really is like a transaction
Some people might not like that Would how to describe it that way but it really is like a transaction you go to a bank
You give them the money they give this way they do press a few buttons The transaction has been made that the righteousness of Christ has been imputed into our accounts
Bought with a price Thus The Reformers taught that believers are saved by grace alone
Through faith alone in the person and work of Christ alone all the glory for their salvation goes to God alone they recognized the vital importance of repentance, but clearly saw good works as the evidence or fruit of Justification not the cause or root of it
Luther distinguished the biblical gospel from Roman Catholic teaching by differentiating between the quote theology of the cross which is the biblical view and the theology of glory which was the
Roman view The theology of the cross emphasized that human beings can do nothing to earn their own righteousness before God Nor can they add anything to the righteousness provided to them through Christ any
Righteousness given to them comes from outside of them. It is an alien
Righteousness, what does that mean an alien righteousness? What's from outside right so the righteousness that you have is it yours
Well, I mean, it's yours you possess it But it was given to you by Christ you you possess
Christ's righteousness So when God looks at us when we stand before God, he doesn't see you for all the thing
Okay, let's look at all the remember the books in Revelation. The books are open. Okay, let's go through Going back 50 years.
You did this remember that time you said that remember this time or you did this Would anyone want to be in that situation?
Go over the books of all the things you've ever said thought did wrong
No Instead when God looks at us he sees He sees
Christ. Yeah Right All our righteousness is as filthy rags
Can you imagine someone standing before God and I'm sure there's people who think yeah
When I stand before God, this is what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna make my case God. I did this, you know,
I did that I prophesied in your name I did all these might wonders in your name at which point
God's gonna declare to you. I never knew you Because if you're trusting in what you do
Yeah, well you've also done a lot of other things too and that's gonna be brought into it So it has to be the righteousness of Christ which according to the book of Romans not the
Roman Church But the book of Romans it's by faith justified by faith
Let's turn to Romans chapter 4 since I'm bringing up Romans You know,
I know to me this is always the amazing thing it's like the Church of Rome The Church of Rome, but then you have the let the epistle to the
Romans and it's like it can't totally contradicts with the Church of Rome today is teaching but anyways
Romans 4 I just want to show you from from Scripture itself
Well, actually, let's go back to Romans 3 28 Romans 3 28 says therefore, you know
Paul's going through Chapter 1 to all are under sin. Here's what he concludes.
Therefore. We conclude that a man is justified by Faith apart from the deeds of the law
Chapter 4 he says what then shall we say Abraham that Abraham her father is found according to the flesh for if Abraham was
Justified by works. He has something to boast about remember Ephesians 2 8 and 9 so that no man may boast.
It's not of works But then he says in verse 3 for what does the scripture say? Abraham believed
God and it was accounted to him for righteousness. So it's about faith. It's about believing God if you do that It's accounted to you imputed to you as righteousness below are some
Quotes from Martin Luther and John Calvin on the doctrine of justification
Luther said through faith in Christ therefore Christ's righteousness becomes our
Righteousness and all that he has becomes ours rather he himself
He himself becomes ours This is an infinite righteousness and one that swallows up all sin in a moment
For it is impossible that sin should exist in Christ on the contrary
He who trusts in Christ exists in Christ. He is one with Christ having the same righteousness as He what's the
Bible say about the Holy Spirit in dwelling the believer. It's Christ in you the hope of glory
Luther also said so happy Or so so making a happy change
With us he Christ took upon him our sinful person and gave unto us his innocent and Victorious person wherewith we being now clothed are freed from the curse of the law
By faith alone. Therefore, we are made righteous for faith lays hold of this innocence and victory of Christ Amen.