Matt Slick Live: August 30, 2024



The Matt Slick Live (Live Broadcast of 08-30-2024) is a production of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry (CARM). Matt answers questions on topics such as: The Bible, Apologetics, Theology, World Religions, Atheism, and other issues!  You can also email questions to Matt using: [email protected], Put "Radio Show Question" in the Subject line! Answers will be discussed in a future show. Topics Include:  Presbyterians within the Church Friday Email Radio Questions What is it that Satisfies God Almighty An Analogy for Understanding The Trinity Should Christians leave Politics out of Church More Email Answers August 30, 2024


It's Matt Slick Live! Matt is the founder and president of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry found online at calm .org
When you have questions about Bible doctrines turn to Matt Slick Live for answers. Taking your calls and responding to your questions at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. Hey everybody, welcome to the show. It's me, Matt Slick. You're listening to Matt Slick Live.
I hope you're all having a good day and that things are working out nicely for you. If you want, you can give me a call.
The number is 877 -207 -2276. Alright, today's a nice Friday.
We have one caller coming in. Now, I actually met a guy for coffee this morning.
He's traveling through and he said, hey I'd like to meet you and have coffee. So we did, we had coffee.
He actually asked me, he goes, okay can you do hate mail today? I said, we're out of hate mail.
So we are out of hate mail. So get this, you're not going to hear this kind of request very often.
So I'm just going to say that if you're an atheist, a Catholic, a
Mormon and you don't like what I say or whatever group you're in, send me a hate mail.
Send it to info at karm .org and you can tell me off. You can tell me how bad I am, how stupid
I am, how much I don't know, unspiritual, whatever it is. Then I can maybe, maybe read it on the air because I love hate mail.
It's really, it's just, you know, I forget what
Jesus says. Beware when everyone says good of you. I'm like, okay,
I know I have detractors but come on. We need the hate mail. So there you go.
Alright, also you can email me if you want a comment or a question for today's show or other shows.
And that's just info at karm .org, info at karm .org.
So if you want, you can email me there and it's easy to do. All you have to do is just do that and put it in the subject line.
Radio comment or radio question. Either one of those will be fine. Oh, I had a yawn there.
Oh my goodness. Oh boy. I wonder how many of you just yawned.
I always wonder that when I'm on the radio and I yawn. And how many people are yawning out there? Matt, don't do that.
Make me yawn. You never know. Alright, I think that's it. We do have some questions though.
Radio comments and questions that people have given me. So we'll get to some of those right after. Right after we get to Luke from Washington.
Luke, welcome. You're on the air, buddy. Hi, Matt. Happy Friday.
Happy Friday, that's right. We won't be on the air live on Monday. We'll not be doing radio.
Just going to give that message out a few times. Okay, buddy, what do you got, man? Can you explain to me the
Presbyterian Church? How did the Presbyterian Church start? What makes Presbyterian different from other
Christians? Why did Presbyterian split from the
Catholic Church, etc., etc.? Some people ask me. I don't know. Can you give me a brief?
When was it started? Sure. It was started by the Reformers. Presbyterian is from the
Greek Presbyteros. And it means elder. So the Bible teaches elder rule.
It's about the elders who rule well. 1 Timothy 5 .17. So Presbyterianism is the generic position.
That a church has to be run by elders. One or two or more elders.
And basically it started in, I believe, the 1500s.
With the Reformation. So that's what I would say. 1500s is when it started.
In Scotland. Went to England. And then here we are in North America. What is the difference between Anglicans and Presbyterians and Baptists?
I can't remember. I know there's something in the back of my head. But I can't recall it.
Anyway. Sorry. I wish I could. What about the Puritans?
The history of Puritans and Presbyterians. Are they the same or different? Puritans from England?
The Puritans were Calvinists who came over. They're Presbyterian. The Puritans came over in part to escape persecution.
But mostly to establish a Christian nation. And when the death rate, survival rate, of moving from Europe to America.
Back in the 1500s, 1600s. I heard someone say 50%.
So I don't know if that's accurate. But it was really a dangerous journey. And I also heard that no
Presbyterians, no Puritans ever died in that process. They came over here and they wanted to start a
Christian nation. Here's a little bit of interesting trivia. I forgot the name of the
Indian. But the Presbyterians, the Puritans had built a town. I forgot where.
On the East Coast someplace. You know, in the 1500s. And it was winter. And they didn't have food. They were in a lot of trouble.
And what they did was they gathered in the church that they had built. And they were praying and asking
God to deliver them. And someone said, look, look outside.
And there was an Indian walking down the center area towards the church. A single
Indian. And they let him in. And the Indian in English said, the
Lord has sent me to help you. And he saved their lives by showing them how to survive, etc.
And what had happened was that 15 years earlier, he had been captured.
I think by the British or somebody. And sent over to England as a slave.
And, of course, England got rid of slavery. But in the meantime, the Indian had learned
English and became a Christian. And was set free and came back to the
Americas. And said, this is why God put me there. And went through all this stuff in order to help you.
Anyway, so another thing a lot of people don't know. Is that, and I recommend you read the
Constitution and the Preamble. The Preamble of the United States. Preamble to the Constitution and the
Constitution. A lot of people have never read it. Read them, I've read them, they're interesting. And you can see
Christian principles woven in. But the reason I'm bringing this up is because the Puritans.
When they were established and they were surviving. They wanted a system of government to rule over them.
And they asked the ministers to go into God's word. And look for the principles that they would then live under.
And the Puritans are the ones who developed a representative form of government. And voting.
And the right to bear arms. The right of self -defense. Witnessing trial by peers and representative.
And stuff like that. And so it became part of the culture. That then became part of the
Constitution of the United States, etc. A lot of stuff there. So the Puritans and Presbyterians are close?
The Puritans were Presbyterians. They were Calvinists. Who are the main
Calvinist congregationalists? Or Puritans or Presbyterians? The first ones. The Presbyterians, from what
I understand. Now I'm not a history buff on this stuff. There's a lot of guys and girls who know more than I do about this.
So that's what I understand. They're the ones who did this first. Because there was persecution by state religious systems.
The Catholics and... I don't want to say another one, but I don't want to say it.
Because I don't want to misrepresent history. And they fled and or came over here to start a
Christian nation. Risking their lives to do it. So that's what I understand. Any book you recommend to read?
All this history? Presbyterian history? No, I don't know.
I don't have any books that I've read about that. Now if anybody has a book that they would recommend that goes over this.
The early history. The beginnings of it. I'd love to see that. Or even some articles.
Because it is worth researching and writing on. But I do apologetics mostly.
Not just history. But you know, that's a good question. And that's what I know about it. Why then are
Presbyterian churches pastors now? They have Elders and pastors. Wait, wait, wait. I can't understand you.
Why what? You said Presbyteros means Elders. 1 Timothy 5 or something.
And then I go to Presbyterian church. But we have pastors and teaching
Elders, ruling Elders. How come? Yes. Because the Bible says, if I go to 1
Timothy 5 .17. It says this. The Elders who rule well are to be considered worthy of double honor.
Especially those who work hard at preaching and teaching. So right there you see that there's a group of Elders.
Among whom are those who do preaching and teaching. This is out of Ephesians 4 .11.
Which says that God gave to the church some apostles. It literally says in the
Greek. The apostles and the prophets and the evangelists and the pastors and teachers.
So the pastors and teachers. The pastors are the ones who do the preaching. And they're also teachers. So 1
Timothy 5 .17 reflects out of that. Those who work hard at preaching and teaching. And so generally considered them to be a single office.
So there's others. Other offices. And out of that they derive the Presbyterian ideas of teaching
Elder. You know. Digitation Elder. Things like that. Okay. Alright.
Thank you. Alright. Okay Luke. God bless buddy. Okay. Hey folks.
We have wide open lines. If you want to give me a call. 877 -207 -2276.
I hope you want to give me a call. We have nobody waiting. And what I'm going to do at this point.
Is just tell you that we stay on the air by your support. Please consider supporting us. If you'd be so kind as to go to.
Just CARM .org forward slash donate. CARM .org forward slash donate.
If you'd be so kind. We could definitely use that support. A lot of ministries need it. And if you are getting fed here.
Please consider supporting us. Because as I heard someone say. If you get fed at McDonald's.
You don't go pay at Burger King. So. You know. I'm saying. If you're getting fed. And you're learning.
Please consider supporting us. It's taken me decades. To acquire what I know.
To be able to help you out. So hey. Pray with God. Okay. CARM .org forward slash donate.
We have nobody calling right now. So what I'm going to do. Is get to. I mean.
Get to the emails. Come on. Here we go. And we've got some good radio questions.
That have come in. So I'm going to get to some of those. I've already done that one. So let's go here.
Let's see. Now can Satan put thoughts in a Christian's mind? I don't believe so.
I've written an article on that. And nothing that I'm aware of. In scripture.
Says that it's possible. Now. You know. We sometimes ask. Well. What's going on?
Because you'll be praying. And all of a sudden. Just all of a sudden. You'll have this weird thought.
Well is that the devil? Well. You know what I would say. Is that. I don't know.
If the devil can. So to speak. Whisper. Influence you. Or whatever. He cannot be in you.
Not if you're a Christian. So when we ask this. Or answer the question. It's kind of difficult to answer.
Because we really don't know. Exactly how everything works. So the best I can do. Is say. It does not appear.
That he can put any thoughts. Into your mind. Because he'd have to be in you. To do that. And that can't happen.
Are there ways for him. To have external influences. Upon you. In a negative way.
We would definitely say yes. Where then do these weird thoughts. Come from. That you get? They come from your own nature.
Your own sinfulness. Hey folks. We have nobody waiting. Why don't you give me a call. 877 -207 -2276.
We will be right back. It's Matt Slick live.
Taking your calls. At 877 -207 -2276. Here's Matt Slick.
Alright. Welcome back to the show. If you want to give me a call. The number is 877 -207 -2276.
877 -207 -2276. 877 -207 -2276. 877 -207 -2276.
877 -207 -2276. 877 -207 -2276. 877 -207 -2276. 877 -207 -2276. 877 -207 -2276.
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Why do I get a kick out of this? What is with me that I enjoy stuff like this? I just do so someone wrote
An article Matt slicks false teachings. I can even click on that and see what happens.
It's like a tree of things Let's see I'm taking all this stuff Any rate it's way too long, of course can't get into it
I was hoping for something of substance Let's see, hey, did you know that Catholicism is not
Christian according to Matt slick Yeah, it's easy to just grab one line from anything that is out of context and not sure well it's not
Christian But we could go into that So he's not saying anything it's just just repeating what
I'm saying without any any response Spend time on Catholic calm. Yeah, right
How should Catholics combat the Matt slicks of the world I Guess I'm a whole category now pray for starters
Well, who is starters? Just pray for starters. Who is that? However, we're in the
Catholic faith better would be Better would be very helpful get a copy the
Catechism of the Catholic Church You who man? Oh, I think so full of heresy download the the app from the
That's right from a Catholic point And here's an idea start a Bible study group that dives into the anti -catholic rhetoric like people of Matt slick in other words
Break it down to see the real Catholic position and how the anti Catholics twist what they he hasn't said one thing
One thing he hasn't said That I've done wrong. Yes. He says it's wrong, but he's he's wrong about that.
See that's what gets me It just he doesn't defend anything doesn't give me anything solid he just kind of says go to other churches
Yeah, he's got pictures of you know, just Sasserdotalists sasserdotalists.
Yeah, I've I've seen some of the stuff that that's on the web Bad news.
Yeah, just so you know, ladies and gentlemen Roman Catholicism is not Christian It's an apostate of false church.
It teaches works righteousness it Elevates Mary to a position that is just basically a goddess
It has a false priesthood and a false Eucharistic view. So anyway, there's a lot of stuff there
Let's get to Pearl from Rockville, Virginia Pearl welcome you are on the air.
I Just want to Praise God for you, sir,
Matt slick. Okay Thank you I'm kind of hard to satisfy when it comes to spiritual things.
My favorite is Dr. R. C. Sproul and He's good and McDonald I can't think of his first name.
Anyway, what I want to ask you sir is isn't it true? That the and I don't
I'm not I don't know of another Adjective to just describe
God in this way. He's not a thing, of course, but isn't it true that the only thing that Satisfies God Almighty is
God Almighty Ultimately, yes Because only he is good enough for his own
Imperfection and holiness he requires nothing. So that's right, sir Mm -hmm.
Yes now we can't say that, you know, he indwells us and we can please him by seeking even in our failures and our
Imperfection as we seek to honor him and to live for him and that that pleases him
But even that has to be Filtered to the blood of Christ. So yeah, okay good stuff and That we are saved through the most precious priceless powerful substance
That ever touched planet earth and that's the precious blood of the
Lord Jesus Amen, that is absolutely true. It's absolutely correct. Yep Now pastors don't teach the blood very much.
Well, maybe they don't teach very much that might be the case And let me ask you this sir, isn't it true that God alone is love and He is
Teaching those that belong to him every day Closer and closer to being lost
In his love because that's the only love that there is That's only true love that there is
Yeah, he's the source. I didn't hear you sir. Yeah, he's the source of love and His nature is to be their own.
He is love Yep Yes First right for eight.
He's love. He's the source of all love. He's a standard of all that is loving and good that that's him
Okay, yeah, well I just want to ask you sir because you I thank God for you
I praise God for you And that you and I hope you don't get off the radio because it's so You delve into the
I would say the deep things of God is what I love and you don't often hear that in this church
It's true churches, that's right Thank you The Lord Jesus brought you a dear wife to me today when
I was in prayer that he would heal her Well, there's a thanks a lot Pearl. We really appreciate it.
There's a break. Let it go. So god bless and thanks for calling Okay, when he put something else in my mind,
I'll call you. Okay Okay. Hey folks be right back after these messages
It's Matt slick live taking your calls at eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six, here's
Matt slick Alrighty, welcome back to the show. If you want to give me a call the number is eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six
So last night I did something interesting. I went to Oculus, you know, it's a it's a thing you put over your eyes you can go into The virtual world and I have it in order to witness and that's what
I do now The one I have is old, but it gets it done. It's blurry and not that good
But I wish I had a new one, but that's okay. I went in and The funny thing is
I wasn't even thinking about it I was just Working on something and all of a sudden pop in my head real clear go go go in there
And I literally just stopped what I was doing and I put it on and I went into this room and within just a few minutes
I'm there and this I go into this place and it's a Room and there's like ten people in it that are avatars and you can see 3d.
It's really cool and This guy goes. Oh, hey, you're Matt slick and he we interacted before he says everybody look listen, this is
Matt slick. He Answers questions and teaches and stuff like that. It was really nice You know a nice opening and people started asking me questions and I ended up teaching for about 45 minutes and answering questions
Now the reason I'm bringing this up Because of what Pearl said and Pearl said in the last caller
She said that people the pastors aren't really teaching much Very deep stuff anymore okay, so that would cause me to think about what happened last night because In the oculus you have a device in each hand and you can move you can go forward backward you can go up and down you can jump you can do all kinds of stuff and you have these things you can raise your hand you can fingers and So I said, okay in the room here, how many of you here are
Christians This is you know after 20 minutes of talking and stuff and you know, the majority of the people wrote raise your hand
I said, okay for the Christians. I'm gonna just ask you a question And I said is Jesus a man right now?
And the ones who answered all said no Which is false And I didn't jump on him.
I just said okay, and you know, what's the Trinity? And I think I remember saying that would ask that and they didn't know
These are Christians and it reminded me What Pearl said reminded me of that encounter which is surprisingly
Very typical in Christian churches where they don't know stuff. Now. I'm not saying that pastors are horrible
But it's just that the Christians across the board Can't even tell me what the
Trinity is or how many natures Jesus has or what's the difference between justification and sanctification?
Now I know Christians who can I know some guys and girls who they could they can articulate it very well
But they're very very few. They're the people who kind of float to the surface In things and you get to know them
But for the most part when I go to seminars and I go to the stuff and I ask questions Do some teaching of Christians just across the board don't know anything.
That's a concern it is a big concern and It's concern
I think Christians need to be taught not only What it means to satisfy
God in your walk with him and turn to Christ, but it also Requires pastors should be teaching what the doctrines of the faith really are
And I don't think they do that very much and I don't know why I just don't know why
In first Timothy 6 1 it says all who are under the oak as slaves are to regard with their own masters as worthy of double honor or excuse me of honor so that the name of our
Lord and our doctrine will not be spoken against and In first Timothy 6 3 if anyone advocates a different doctrine, it does not agree with the sound words, etc
And he says in the first Timothy 6 3 again, he says with doctrines conforming to godliness and Second Timothy 4 3 for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine
But wanting to hear their ears have their ears tickled in first in Titus 1 9
It says that the the elder would have pastors an elder is supposed to be able to exhort in sound doctrine and refute those who contradict and Titus 2 1 but as for you speak the things which are fitting for sound doctrine in Titus 2 7 and all things
Show yourself to be an example of good deeds of purity and doctrine Titus 2 10 But showing all good faith so that they will adorn the doctrine of God our
Savior In every respect so it's there in Scripture I'm just puzzled
Why is it pastors aren't Teaching it or are they I don't know
Let's get to Jacob from Missouri Jacob. Welcome. You're on the air
Hey Matt, I had an analogy for the
Trinity that I wanted to run by you Alright, go ahead So it it helped me kind of under Understand it and grasp it.
It's so imagine God being Being like water that's surrounding the world and then
Jesus is like a droplet of that of God of the water that came down into human form
Is that kind of a good analogy for that and like the Holy Spirit kind of miss that surrounds everything?
I can see a value in that illustration when you want to say that Christ has divine quality in nature and Became one of us in that the presence of God around us is there like that water and then he dropped came down it's that water bite that drop by definition is just as much water as the whole and Became one of us
I could see that But It has a potential of Denying then where the
Holy Spirit fits in Because how would you then fit him right in in this? So that's why
I would I wouldn't use that one what the analogy that I found that is the best that I've heard of is
Relating it to time Time is one thing and it's just nature's time
But time has three aspects don't say parts don't say parts but say aspects past present and future
Each one of them is distinct from the other But is by nature Still time and we have we are aware of their distinction as they relate to each other
So the past Happened before the present the future happens after the present
So there's a relationship between them and that's where we draw their distinction The same way
God is one substance with three and we sort of aspect here We'll say persons and we discover their relationship or their identity or distinction in their relationship to one another this way
The people can get what time is and see the equality of all by analogy of all three persons
And that they are differentiated by their relationship to one another, okay? Okay, yeah, wow that that helps and that's perfect it's time with the three you said aspects not properties
I Don't say properties Properties emanate out of the out of the on toss and for someone who might be knowledgeable about difference between properties and on toss
You might get into some trouble and that's why I say aspect because it's vague enough That they can't just jump in if they say what do you my aspect you say well, you know
I just go back to what the what time is its past present future and then sometimes I'll even say it's time has
We could say it has parts, but I don't want to I'll say to them But I don't want to use the word part because it's not what
Christian Trinitarianism is I'm just giving you an analogy how one thing can have three aspects to it past present future all be one substance but they you'd understand them in relationship to one another and Then it's revealed to us and that's how it is the
Trinity Okay All right, I love it. I appreciate it
You're welcome. Well. God bless All right Okay, all right now.
Oh, let's get to Laura from Utah Laura welcome. You're on the air Well hello.
Hello Who works with me I didn't run What's that?
I? Thought I'd just sneak outside and run for a minute because I got so many computer screens going and noises so I could call you
Yeah, all right Laura she works with us. She's great So what do you got?
Oh, you know? It's a blessing to work with Carmen. I'm gonna throw it out there. Everybody needs to go to calm org map has written so many articles that are just so Important for us to to read and to glean and to learn so that we can
We can know the truth, but my question is I keep seeing with so many so many people keep saying that we need to leave politics out of church and they just adamantly against and we've had people leave church if politics are
Brought up and just wanted to know your take on that Yes politics does need to be in the church the pastor needs to talk about issues that relate to politics because all things are under the subjection and sovereignty of God and if a
Christian thinks that politics is excluded from that then the Christian does not have a good biblical theological position.
We don't want to say that God should stay out of our kitchen Of course you should be in our kitchen
Our bedroom, of course, you should be there now, I'm not talking about him person and being in a bed But I mean the idea of the sovereignty of God in all areas of our lives how we drive how we work
Everything now why would people then say politics has to be the exception and the Christian who would say such a thing has to defend the position that politics is something we should not do and From the pulpit and so I can't see that as being biblical and there you go.
Okay Hey, man, I agree Matt. Thank you. All right, Laura. God bless.
Thanks for calling. Hey folks We'd right back after these messages, please Stay tuned It's Matt slick live taking your calls at eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six
Here's Matt slick. All right, I'm gonna welcome back to the show. We have nobody waiting right now If you want to give me a call, all you have to do is dial eight seven seven two
Zero seven two two seven six. I'm gonna be at Your Belinda in Southern, California speaking at a conference
On it'll be two weeks. I'll be down there on the Friday the 13th. We flying in So I'll be speaking on a panic panel on Friday evening
And I'll be speaking three times doing three workshops or whatever it is on the 14th and preaching at Norco Calvary Chapel Norco on the 15th two sermons.
So there you go and Be doing that and next week Check this out in next week
Yeah, next week. I'm gonna go down to Provo, Utah To hear Ed.
That's just a friend. He's a good guy. I'm gonna go down there and see him preach And I always tease him.
He's a good guy I've always teased him like I'm gonna sit in the front row and just Bug out my eyes like you said what and give him a hard time
But no, I'm just gonna sit in the back and just enjoy him preach the Word of God So that'll be you know on the 7th and 8th.
I'll be down there doing that We drive down on Saturday come back on a Sunday You know just stuff.
So there you go. And maybe I'll say hi to Terry if she's listening because a lot of times
I know Terry she's at her kitchen or Doing stuff for the family and I mentioned her name and she always smiles and so she's great you staying over there so Ed prefers me over James White for what looks or buffoonery.
So it just depends It just depends well, what's he looking at?
Or am I more humble? Yeah, yeah more humble than James. You know That wouldn't work either so anyway, just having fun, okay
So humble clay, you're gonna hit Newport or Huntington Beach, Matt. You should hook up with The banana man.
I have no idea who what that is I haven't been to Huntington Beach in a long time the last time I was down there
Though the last time in a second last minute. It was years ago. I was down there and Ray Comfort was preaching and I go.
Hey, look, there's Ray, you know And so I'm in the crowd just watching and he sees me and long story short.
He goes come up here your turn So I started doing some open -air preaching. It was fun. He's a good guy
All right. Now let's get back to let's get back to some of the comments and questions
You know looking for the the Catholic stuff though. I was hoping I was hoping that that they would do something more but besides just Just talk in circles without getting any substance, let's see.
Here's a my next email coincidentally is better Matt's my question is on Roman Catholicism and Suppliant Omnipotence suppliant
Omnipotence they dedicate a day to Mary and they oh I see to supplication Subtle content should be not suppliant dedicated a day to Mary and they say
Supply suppliant I got a check to see that's the right word omnipotence Please explain this.
I I don't know what that is. I don't know what that I'm gonna look that up and see There's an actual phrase because I'm still learning about Catholicism.
I don't have all the all the stuff down on what it is Let's see if there's a phrase that works like that Yeah Suppliant Omnipotence Is a paradoxical concept that posits a being who is both all -powerful and also in need of supplication what?
This idea often arises in religious or philosophical context paradox Being wish all -powerful in need and in need creates a logical contradict what let's not
Christian thought So I'm not sure what? What that is about I'm not sure what that's about.
Hey folks, I'd want to give me a call eight seven seven two zero seven Two two seven six.
I just had a thought And reason I'm thinking about something here. I'm thinking about the three online schools. I've just found out before the radio show that there's a problem with the schools and our web guy is in contact with the
Firm that produced the software in which the the schools run and that there's a problem and they're working on solving it
I mean, it's I don't know what the problem is exactly I've heard people say they sign up and then there's a little problem. They can't see the schools
We have to give them access. It should already be there automatically. I think that's what the problem is. But if you have
Taken the schools. I want to hear what you have to say if you don't call me up really fast Let me know but I'm also interested in something else
Maybe people could let me know you could even email me or call up and say, you know I'd like to see a
Karma school on a particular topic because I have I have schools on theology on apologetics and I have schools on a school on critical thinking and I've thought about writing one for Biblical interpretation and I've also thought about doing stuff like How to learn to witness to the
Catholics or learn what Catholicism really teaches and have a school like here's what the premises are Here's this here's this and you go through and you take you do questions and answers as you go through Like 50 lessons or something like that and I could do that So I am curious so those who are listening on rumble or and or those who are listening on YouTube and Facebook you can let me know
I Want to know I want to know and I think Laura said hermeneutics, which is how to interpret scripture
Written on that before and I could teach on it. So anyway, that's a thought It's a thought
I got so much to do Let's see This person the email says asked a
Catholic brother question about it and got skated around with no answer Instead he attacked my own
Interpretation I So, I don't know what the question is. So I'm sorry. Okay, let's can't can't answer it.
Okay, let's try this. I Have some concerns regarding your article about the concept of audio for up now audio for ladies and gentlemen is the
Teaching is the that there are doctrines that are not Essential to the
Christian faith that you can affirm or deny certain aspects and you're still a Christian. That's what audio for is
All right Like you explain audio for first to believe some practices that are non -essential, etc
He agrees what's confusing me is you also say in the article that preacher rapture posture rapture would be a non -essential
So it would be audio for while it is true. Some Christians might consider it to be audio for I don't think it is
Accurate to say is definitely audio for I'm confused because how he just defines it properly and Then says that it's not audio for oh, but preach a post -trib rapture debate both are acceptable
Within the Christian worldview and does not negate someone's faith in Christ Because of either one anyway, he goes on because if a
Christian sincerely believes pre -tribulation rapture is the scriptural view It wouldn't be audio for in their eyes.
It would be the scriptural. Okay. No Audio for is that person has a view they believe is biblical
But it's not But it's an opinion Like for example, there are people who believe that the scriptures teach
That will be raptured out before the tribulation others like myself teach we're going to go through the tribulation that we raptured out after it
Both of those positions cannot be true in the same time in the same sense But if I hold to post -trib and someone else holds to pre -trib, it doesn't mean they're a
Christian or not a Christian It just means they hold to a position which is not stated as being an essential doctrine of the
Christian faith Essential doctrines are those things that are stated as being essential like Jesus says in John 8 24 unless you believe that I am
You will die in your sin So you've got to believe he is the I am
Johnny 24 or his physical resurrection in John First Corinthians, excuse me, first Corinthians 15 14 and 17
Paul says he repeats himself He says that if Christ be not raised our faith is in vain
So that's an essential doctrine of the Christian faith the resurrection of Christ But nothing in the
Bible says thou shalt believe in pre -trib rapture. Otherwise thou shalt go to hell There's nothing that says a statement like that, which would then declare it as being an essential.
No, it's an adiaphora It is a non -essential With it which means there's a range of doctrines that people can believe in and have
Differences of opinion on and it still be okay. So be true. That's what's going on That's what it means.
And so adiaphora includes the rapture Millennium and things like that Okay, hope that helped so now let's see if we can get to another one
Can you please answer this question on the radio? Are there any examples in the
Bible of God Jesus changing his mind? None, I'm aware of Jesus, but there are places in the
Old Testament where it says God changed his mind and So what do we do with those?
Well, the I have a whole section written on this kind of stuff dealing with open theism open theism is the position
That the future is open because God can't know what your free will choices are going to be
Because if he knew what they're gonna be then you're not free any well anymore. That's illogical, but that's what they hold
And so one of the things they will do is cite Instances where God says, you know, he repented of this or he changed
God's mind. It does this and that So the general response to them is simple
God is speaking to us in human terms not in the divine
Relationship that he will do something and then alter what he said he would do for example, he said he was going to destroy
Nineveh and He didn't well that mean that God made a mistake.
No, it does not because when you go to for example of Jeremiah 18 8
God says if that nation against which I have spoken turns spoken turns from its evil
I will relent Concerning the calamity I plan to bring on it so God can say to a nation.
I'm gonna destroy you I'm gonna do this to you. I'm gonna do that to you and Then that motivates them to turn from their sin.
They repent and God says, okay I won't so God knew the ultimate truth that they were going to repent
But part of the requirement of their repentance was God saying what he did to get him to repent So then
God can say that I could do this and then he says, okay well Then but he gives the conditions why and this is dealing with the issue the now the not yet and some other
Theological perspectives. That's the the first level answer All right.
So let's try this one. Here's a question listening to the show right now in Clubhouse This is from when is this
Oh While back my question for you is this what are your views on Lordship salvation versus free grace?
Theology Lordship salvation is the idea. There's a bit of a variation in its teaching Understanding but it's the idea that Jesus has to be
Lord of every aspect of your life in order to be a true Christian It's saved free grace theology
Generally says you're just saved by grace through faith and you got in sin and it's okay Both of those have their problems
Obviously and we're running out of time here to be able to get to them But we don't have to make Lord of Jesus Lord of everything in our lives in order for him to be
Lord or be our Savior we don't make him Lord of every single area of our life and of but upon that condition that we do
He becomes our Savior. That's not true. He is that automatically which is even including government
We've got to be make sure that free grace theology Violates first John 2 for you say, you know him, but don't keep his commandments
So the truth is not in you and you're a liar we don't want to say that we're just saved by grace and then we go sin and actually go out and do it and then
Deny the truth of God's Word and what he requires of us. That would be a mistake both of those Exaggerations would be error and heretical.
All right. So there you go. I am out of time The music's gonna start here in a few seconds. I just want to let everybody know
We will not be live on the air on Monday because it's a holiday and so we'll be back on the air live on the radio on Tuesday next week and May the
Lord bless you and please consider supporting us. We would need that and we would just appreciate it
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I mean not radio forward slash donate. I think the Lord bless you Have a great weekend everybody. God bless