Spiritual Transitions from Candy to the Gospel

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One of the most difficult things for people when witnessing is the transition from the natural to the spiritual. This is a game we created to help sharpen those skills. This is a fun game for people with adults or youth groups. To play the game you call out a person and name something for them to transition from and they have to transition from that to either a spiritual conversation or the gospel.


So, what we do each week is we do the spiritual transitions before striving for eternity academy.
As I was saying, the topic that I was given this week to transition was from candy to the gospel.
Candy to the gospel. Can you transition from a conversation on candy to the gospel message?
Usually we're looking for opportunities to share the gospel. We pray that God would open a door and usually there's lots of doors, we just don't walk through them.
We don't create them, shall we say. This game helps us to practice transitioning so that we can make gospel conversations.
So, if I'm talking with someone on candy to the gospel, this is right after Christmas and we basically probably ate way too much candy,
I shared the story that I had a dentist friend of mine at church who used to love
Halloween because he basically said Halloween was like repeat business for him. He'd give lots of candy out because everyone would rot everyone's teeth and they'd come and see him.
I always thought dentists were supposed to be providing good health care for the teeth, but I guess in this case not.
So, anyway, but he was joking, I'm sure, I hope. But what is it about candy?
Candy tastes great. We love the taste of candy. It doesn't have too many redeeming values.
I mean, it's not healthy for you. If you have too much of it, you can tell, you can put on the weight.
What about candy? Candy doesn't fill us up. It gives us a greater desire for more candy.
It usually ends up hurting our bodies when we eat too much of it, yet we have more of a desire for it.
And that's exactly like sin. Let me explain why. Because the thing about sin is there's three principles of sin.
And sin will cost you more than you're willing to pay, it will hold you longer than you're willing to stay, and it will take you further than you want to go.
And what it means is that although sin, just like candy, it looks so desirable, it looks so tempting, it looks so good and you know you love the taste of it, you just want more, but yet the reality is that sin is the same way, but it leads to death.
It doesn't give any redeeming value in your life. Sin is a slave master, and you and I were the slaves, or are the slaves, depending on your state.
But, though we were slaves to sin, we think we have to give something up to come to Christ.
What we have to give up is being a slave to sin that wants to lead us to death, versus the fact that God Almighty came to earth to redeem a people out of a slavery to sin to be slaves to God, a loving
God who's willing to die in our place. That is what
God did for us, that we would be His slaves versus slaves to sin. Just like that candy, it doesn't have any good values other than being desirable and leading you down a wrong path.
Same with sin, and it looks so good and people think they have to give something up and they'd be missing out on something to come to Christ, and yet the reality, you're not missing out on anything.
And if you've ever given up eating candy for long periods of time, you guys, you lose the desire for it, and it doesn't have that addictive power over you where you just want to have it.
Same with sin, the more you draw closer to Christ, the less pull that sin has on you. Do you know