We Have the Mind of Christ (05/01/2005)


Pastor David Mitchell


Well this morning, let's talk about the mind of Christ and wrap this up I'd like for you to turn to 1st
Corinthians chapter 2. We studied that passage all the way down Let's let's look at verse 16
And then we're gonna move into Ephesians chapter 4 Verse 22 at that point now to review a little bit we
What we studied last Sunday was that we realized that it's not a matter of Learning what
Jesus how he thought and then trying to emulate that What it really is when it says we have the mind of Christ if you see 1st
Corinthians 2 16 It says for who hath known the mind of the Lord that he might instruct him, but we have the mind of Christ That doesn't mean we copy it
You see the difference does not mean we copy his mind or his deeds.
It means we have his mind and our spirit and his spirit become one and We have his spirit and we have his mind and that's really what it means and to review a little bit
I'm gonna read to you John 12 49 Jesus himself said for I have not spoken of myself
But the Father which sent me he gave me commandment what I should say and what
I should speak you see Jesus had the mind of the Father and in that same sense, we're supposed to have the mind of Christ and So let's look at Ephesians chapter 4 verse 22
While you're turning there. I'm gonna read Romans 8 5. It's a familiar verse It says for they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh
But they that are after the Spirit mind the things of the Spirit So, how do we have the mind of Christ?
Well when we do have the mind of Christ We bind the things of the Spirit It's not that difficult to check ourselves out from time to time throughout the day to see if we're in the spirit or in the flesh
Because whatever we're minding whatever we're thinking about if we're thinking about fleshly things
And I mean fleshly in the bad sense. I don't mean That it's wrong to be thinking about your job or your housekeeping or your whatever you're doing your teaching or you're studying
That's not fleshly but fleshly in the bad in the negative sense. Are you thinking about things that don't bring glory to the
Lord? Things that are sinful things. Well, then you're obviously not in the spirit Because if you're in the spirit, you cannot sin
So they that are in the flesh mind or think about fleshly things. They there is a spirit mind
Things of the Spirit now Ephesians chapter 4 verse 22. We begin to see the beautiful mind of Christ and It is an exhortation to us to have his mind that we put off concerning the former lifestyle
Conversation means the lifestyle of the old man. Now. The old man is our old mind
It is actually the computer the magnificent computer that God's given you your brain
Which is an organ like any other organ in your body. It's part of the flesh and The Bible is telling us to put that off because what's the problem with that brain of ours?
It's had all kinds of input both good and evil It has had a lot of evil input from the world system
So we're supposed to put that mind off and the former lifestyle.
Now. What about that lifestyle? It was controlled by the fleshly mind. That's what was wrong with that former lifestyle
It was controlled in large part by Satan in the world system and the thought processes and philosophies of the world
So we put that off Because it's corrupt according to the deceitful
Lusts and then we're exhorted to put on or have Renewed the spirit of our minds
We are to renew the spirit of our mind now. Look at some of the things that says following that The angry and sin not
Let not the Sun go down upon your wrath neither give place to the devil
Now right after saying it don't give place to the devil it begins to talk about our mouths
Isn't that interesting what we say to one another let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth
If we do we're giving place to the devil But that which is good to the use of edifying the things that we say to one another should build one another up in the
Lord Not tear down That it may minister grace to the hearers it should actually the words that we say to one another should cause each other to grow in grace and Grieve not the
Holy Spirit of God Whereby ye are sealed unto the day of Redemption let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and evil speaking be put away from you with all malice and Be kind one to another tender -hearted
Forgiving one another even as God for Christ's sake Hath forgiven you now that little passage.
I'd like you to turn to Philippians chapter 2 now, but that little passage Talks about self -control number one in the areas of lust and anger
So the mind of Christ is a mind that has self -control in other words the mind
The godly mind the new man is in control of this body That's we can call that self -control if we want to but it's really
God control Because when our spirit becomes one with his That's the new man and we can then control this body and make it a vessel under the glory of God It's used for God's purposes rather than selfish purposes and so it speaks of self -control in the area of lust and anger and the mouth and then
It talks about No malice, so there is no malicious maliciousness maliciousness in the heart
If you have the mind of Christ There is no malice towards another human being especially towards another brother and then it gives the positive side of that kindness
It is a mind of kindness towards one another and then let's look at Philippians 2 verse 3
It'll add a couple of other Concepts of the mind of Christ and the first is humility
It says let nothing be done through strife or vain glory But in lowliness of mind let each esteemed other better than themselves
This is a mind of humility. Did Jesus have that mind? He most certainly did
He brought himself down lower Than the angels for the time being that he might suffer death this in itself was the greatest definition of humility
Lowliness of mind let each esteem the other better than themselves. It's not all about me
That's how we have to think It's not all about me all the other people around are not to be used by me just to create a better life for myself
That's not how we ought to think Jesus didn't think that way he didn't have that mind Now when we are one with his mind, then we don't think that way
When we are filled with the Spirit and one with the mind of Christ then we see that the things that other people are doing are important also and We might want to play a role in helping them with the things that are important to them
This is a matter of humility now look at verse 4 The servant's heart is seen here.
Look not every man on his own things Now that's difficult for us and I think especially for the men
Because we men are so focused sometimes on the things we're doing to provide for the families for our for our families
That it's difficult for us to make time For things other people need and other people are interested in but it says look not every man on his own things
But every man also on the things of others so the word also is important Obviously, we're supposed to have focus
We're supposed to focus on the things we're about that God gifted us in those areas
And to take care of our families and so forth that but also the things of others
Take some time to look at the brother and sister and say what can I do that be helpful in their lives?
It would show them that I think that what they're doing is important as well Now look at how that ends
Let this mind be in you what mind this mind of looking at Also on the things of others
Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus So that's mind of Christ thinking of others
Thinking of the fact that they're important that I'm not the most and only important thing in the world
What the other people are doing is important as well, and I need to find some time to even take part in helping them
Now let's go down to Colossians chapter 3 verse 12. We'll see a little summary of these things kind of a review
But then it'll also add a couple of other points What we've seen so far is we've seen that the mind of Christ is a mind of self -control
It actually controls the body and brings it under submission to God Especially in the area of lust and anger and control of the mouth
Number two the mind of Christ has no malice number three. It is filled with kindness number four humility and Number five it has the servant's heart now some of this in Colossians 312 will review this but then we'll add another
Few points, so let's start with verse 12 put on therefore as the elect of God holy and beloved bowels of mercies
You see the kindness is a review Humbleness of mind is a review of what we've already talked about meekness and patience
For bearing one another and forgiving one another If any man have a quarrel against any even as Christ forgave you so also
Do you you see is practically saying have the mind of Christ now look at verse 14? We're going to add a new point here and above all these things
So what does this mean above self -control? above not having malice above having kindness above Being humble
Above having the servant's heart have this thing and here it is put on charity
Which is the bond of perfect perfectness now? We know charity could be translated modern English to be the word love put on love
Which is the bond of perfection? Why does it call love a bond of perfection or a perfect bond?
It's because love Covers a multitude of sin Love accomplishes many things among one another
That causes us to have unity It causes us to look at the strong Characteristics in one another rather than the weaknesses if we wanted to look at weaknesses we could tear each other apart any day
Any day because we're all not there yet None of us have arrived and so there are multitudes of weaknesses in each person
None of us have the whole package like Jesus Christ had and has But we're growing to be more like him and so as we look at the attributes that we each have that are like him, then we'll be happy with one another and so This is what love accomplishes and that's why love is the bond of perfectness it is what brings unity into a church and So not that we don't have times when we notice things or even when we are called by God perhaps to Admonish one another that's all a part of it
But we don't dwell in a continual state of looking for things to rebuke people for or admonish people for The general state that we dwell in is a state of love which covers the multitude of sins and causes us to see the good
Things about one another and the areas of growth and to focus on those and that's why it's called above all these other things
It's more important than any of them is the love that God puts in our hearts for one another It's the same as you do in your own family
I mean if you've had children, you know that you've had to overlook some things You don't really overlook it you do work on it when
God leads you to work on these things so that they might grow in Character and so forth, but you don't let the negatives of your children cause you not to want to be around them
You don't let the negatives cause you not to love them And we're supposed to be that way with one another in the church.
You see the point. That's a pretty good example All right So that's the most important of all is the love now look at verse 15 and let the peace of God rule in your hearts
Did you know that without the love you can't have the peace because if you don't have the love Doing the work.
It's supposed to do then there is turmoil because we're gonna focus on the negatives and we're gonna pick at one another
But with the love then we can have peace let the peace of God rule in your hearts
What does that tell us let that be predominant? Let the peace be predominant predominant in our hearts and minds.
I believe the Bible does teach positive thinking I Believe it's clear in many places.
It teaches positive thinking don't dwell on the negative things So predominantly let peace rule in your mind
The to the witch also you were called This is what we were called to was peace in one body and Be thankful.
So now it adds thankfulness. So we have love peace and Thankfulness all of the mind of Christ, but we have the mind of Christ.
Here's another one Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing with grace in your hearts
To the Lord so Focusing on the Word of Christ is a part of the mind of Christ He obviously by the age of 12 was teaching the elders.
So he loved the Word of God and studied it In verse 17 and whatsoever you do and word or deed do all in the name of the
Lord Jesus Giving thanks to God and the Father by Him So what this last point means that in all that we do we should reflect
God's purpose not our own purposes God's purpose
That's why Jesus said the words that I say are God's words the works that I do with my hands
Are the works of God he said if you don't believe in me believe in me for the work's sake because the works
I've done or God working in me and That's pretty much what verse 17 sums it up Everything that we do in word or deed let it be in the name of the
Lord Jesus in other words Let it be where he would put his stamp on it where it would be what he would do What his mind would think of and want to do and would bring forth into the world manifested
So here we see we see then that these passages Bring out self -control
Avoiding malice malicious thoughts about one another having kindness humility the servants heart love thankfulness peace and a love for the
Word of God and Reflecting in our outward lives the fact that the deeds that we do reflect
God's purpose What is he accomplishing in the world around us? He is accomplishing that in us through the deeds that we do
Now let's go to 1st Peter chapter 4 verse 1 and We see another one that really gave us 10 point.
I mean 9 points. So this one will give us the 10th And we see the phrase again dealing with the mind of Christ in this verse 1st
Peter 4 1 for as much then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh arm yourselves
Likewise with the same mind Now isn't that an odd phrase that we think about his suffering and then we he tells us to have that mind
What a kind of mind is that? What kind of mind is it referring to For as much then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh
Arm yourselves likewise with the same mind Could that be could that mean be willing to suffer for others and for him
If that is the mind of Christ for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin
Did you know that the suffering and we've talked about this and many times but the suffering that God brings us through Is the cleansing of us that makes us be to the point where when we meet him face to face some day
We will be like him. We won't have sin left There won't be any sin It's an outworking of sin suffering works in out of us if we have the right mind
If we don't have the right mind when we go through suffering Then we do like the ones we saw in Sunday school this morning and shake the fist of God and say mountains fallen us
We don't want to be in the presence of God Now that doesn't happen to a Christian, of course But if we're walking in the flesh there can be times when we shake the fist of God when we're going through What we perceive to be a bad time we need to not have that mind
We need to have the mind of our Lord Jesus Christ the same mind The same mind that suffered for us in the flesh arm
Ourselves likewise with this same mind for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin
That he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men
But to the will of God so God uses the suffering in our lives to cause us to cease from living a worldly life and Cause us to be drawn closer to him and to be able to walk in the will of God So now we add suffering to the mind of Christ love peace thankfulness love of the word
Reflecting God's purpose in our walk, but also Being willing to suffer and realizing that suffering is a part of our walk and that no man enters the kingdom of God Except through suffering the
Bible says Jesus Christ himself said that and there is a purpose in the suffering It is what causes us to walk in the will of God rather than according to this world
And so we ought to in a way be thankful when suffering comes our way
Because it is God drawing us closer to him Causing us to be more like his son and to have this same mind
So I want to close with these thoughts about our Lord Jesus John chapter 5 verse 36
He says but I have greater witness than that of John John the
Baptist was a great and fiery witness of the Lord Jesus Christ and that he was the
Son of God But Jesus said I have a greater witness than John the Baptist For the works which the father hath given me to finish the same works that I do
They bear witness of me that the father hath sent me You know that should be said of us by the end of our lives
Because just as Jesus had the mind of the father we are to have the mind of Jesus Who had the mind of the father?
This all happens by our being connected to the father and the son by the
Spirit of God And it's beautiful the way he says that the works are a witness to him why because they are the father's words
Jesus mind and the father's mind were one mind and Therefore the works that came through the body the physical fleshly body of Jesus were the works of God The same will be true of you and me as we are filled with the
Spirit and we have the mind of Christ The works that we do will be the works of Jesus Christ in this world
John chapter 9 verse 4 Says I must work the works of him that sent me while it is yet day
The night comes when no man can work as long as I am in the world
I am the light of the world. But what did he say about us in the book of Matthew? ye are the light of the world the lights of this world and So it's the same
It's just as the Jesus mind was one with the father and therefore he was the light in this world
When our minds are one with Christ, we are the light in this world And then
John 10 37 if I do not the works of my father believe me not But if I do though you believe not me believe the works
That you may know and believe that the father is in me and I in him well
Remember the passage in John 14 where it had the he the
I and the we Jesus said he the Comforter will come and dwell in you then he said
I will not leave you I will come and dwell with you and then it said we meaning the father as well will come and dwell with you and So the mind of Christ is not something that we copy
Where we try to copy the acts that Jesus performed on this world the mind of Christ is a relationship of oneness
That we have with him Within our hearts within our minds where we are one mind and one spirit and then the fruit that Comes from his mind will come forth out into this world through our bodies through our lives
While we're here that fruit will be seen But it doesn't stem from us it stems from the root the root of Jesse So that should be our prayer that we would be one mind with Christ filled with the
Spirit Our spirit with his spirit he and us and we in him
So that as we walk in this world the world truly can see the work of God Let's stand and have prayer together
Father we thank you for your word and the clarity of it the fact that We do not create a set of rules or characteristics that we try to follow but rather We have a relationship with you that is so deep that we
Become one with you spiritually just like a man and a wife become one in the marriage
We become one spirit one mind and Lord Therefore the works that we do the words that we say they can in fact be your words in your works
And Lord, we know this is in great part How you accomplish your work in this church age?
Father we know that in the end of this age there will be great miracles where you intervene in other ways where you yourself
May bring fire you may bring destruction but Right now in many ways the way you work is in the everyday lives of your people your children
And so father help us to have a yearning within our hearts to be filled with the
Spirit and not drunk with wine Help us to have a yearning in our heart to be
One with you more of the time so that we're not walking in the flesh or in the pleasures of this world
And Lord we desire that relationship We desire the power that's in it because it is your way of working in this world today
Help us to be the lights of this world help us to reflect your light and Lord help us to have the mind of Jesus Christ as we walk moment by moment in this world
We ask it in Jesus name father. We ask you to go with us into our time of fellowship as well and Bless the meal that we're about to have in Jesus name.