The Most Dangerous Part of Christian Nationalism

AD Robles iconAD Robles



All right, welcome back to the channel. My name is AD Robles. Thank you for bearing with me this week.
I've been sick That's why there hasn't been a lot of videos. It started off kind of up in my head and I couldn't taste anything
I couldn't even really talk it was hard to work and then it went down to my throat and my lungs and that was a
Disaster, but now I feel pretty much better Not a hundred percent as you can see but we're gonna try to get a quick video in today, you know, there is a parable in the
Bible Called the parable of the talents and it is it describes a master who gives his servants
Responsibility over some of his money and then depending on how well they did, you know He puts them, you know in charge of responsible for a lot more
And so at the end of the parable Jesus says to the one who has More will be given and he'll have an abundance
But to the one who doesn't have even what he has will be taken away Now that's that doesn't really jive with the whole socialist version of Christianity, but hey, that's okay
It's about the kingdom of God, but there's a principle here, right? There's a principle and Jesus actually calls this out in the parable itself and also elsewhere.
He teaches this He says if you're faithful with a little bit You'll be faithful with a lot and I think the most dangerous part about Christianity I'm sorry
Christian nationalism is it takes that that lesson that principle it takes it very
Seriously and seeks to apply it today Yeah, there is a um, there's a cottage industry right now
Well, let me say this, you know a lot of money and time and energy has been spent Amongst the regime
Christians and what I mean by that is, you know, the David French's of the world Russell Moore gospel coalition
All those losers, you know, they they want you to do one of two things either They want you to vote democrat and that's kind of where David French is sort of landing at this point
You know, he's very happy when um the party of bail worship and asura worship is elected into office
That's where he gets his little jollies from Um, they'll either want you to do that or they want you to be um to be comfortable losing
You know what? I mean? They want you to be used to losing and maybe you it's not even maybe it's not even good for Christians to be overtly
Christian in their politics like maybe that's bad and like so they either want you in one of two camps either totally neutered
Or full -on voting for uh, the pagans. That's what they want and so a lot of money has been spent doing that and we're at the point now that Um, you know, we don't we don't really expect much from uh from our politicians, you know
We expect to lose essentially is what it is and and we vote, you know We dutifully vote we go to the polls and we vote our principles and there's nothing wrong with that I'm, not saying that there's anything wrong with that at all
Um, but we kind of understand and you know, I mean probably especially in this audience We kind of go to those polls and we're you know, we're not really expecting much to come of it
I mean, I even saw dr James white after he voted for I guess carry lake in arizona that he didn't really even know if that would
Count in any way like he had no idea if he would even be valuable to do it But he did it and and it's kind of like we're we're going through the motions at this point
But you see I think that what what happens when when we're in that position Where uh, we don't expect much, you know, we we're in like sort of the um
Just the traditional way to engage in politics, you know And uh, you know, you kind of win some you kind of lose some but you're always trending towards losses
Um, it's you know, nothing goes up and down in a straight line So yeah, you win one here you win one there you lose one there
But you're you're consistently getting less and less christian over time at least in the politics
You get used to that and you get to the point where it's like it's not even really you don't even really take credit for the loss anymore because it's like Look, I vote for these these guys and you know, yeah, we had the house.
We had the senate we had the presidency and somehow we're still you know Sacrificing children to mullet.
It's like how does this happen? Right? How does how does it work that way? And you just kind of get used to this this loser mentality where hey, it's not your fault
You know what? I mean? I by the way, I mean i'm not in the senate, right? But christian nationalism the the the the most dangerous part of it and and quite frankly the the part that Um is is the best part in my opinion
Is the fact that it's offering Things that you have control over things that that that you have responsibility over and it might only seem like a few talents
Right, you know that your master only gave you a few talents and so you can play with those few talents
But you're not going to like win the whole, you know thing with those few talents But you know you show yourself faithful there and the expectation is you'll be given more and see that's what christian
Nationalism is tapping into I think that this Like the fact that you actually can lose and it will be your fault if you lose
Is is a dangerous part of christian nationalism, but it's also the best part about christian nationalism.
Let me explain what I mean Um One of the memes right now going up going around about this whole debate is the whole idea about the dad bod, right?
Like like a lot of christian nationalists are talking about getting in shape getting fit
Stop being so fat losing the dad bod and how that part your health Is part of christian nationalism now part of that is a joke and part of that is funny and just humorous
But part of it is serious because I think that that that losing the dad bod, you know mission that goal
That's a placeholder. We should really do that. By the way. I'm not saying that we shouldn't do that But that's a placeholder for the things in your control the things that are within your power
You need to be faithful in and what is more in your control than what you consume and what you eat and how you exercise
That is completely within your control And so what we what we're saying
I think when we're talking about losing the dad bod as we are talking about losing the dad bod. So you should do that but also what we're talking about is
Setting up your family and and how you uh, how you interact with your wife and your children how you're discipling your children
Are you being faithful with evangelizing and teaching and discipling and training your children? Because if you're not doing that how any this is a biblical principle if you can't even it talks about pastors, right if you can't even
Uh control your family. How are you gonna, you know rule the church of god? He can't even rule properly with your wife and your children.
How are you going to be a pastor in the church of god? Right. This is a biblical principle So we're saying look lose the day if you're if you're gonna do something beyond larping because that's the thing
The critics of christian nationalism say oh, you're just larping. You're just navel gazing. You're like, yeah, what if we had a christian emperor?
What how should he judge? How should he rule? You're never gonna have a christian emperor grow up That's what people say to us, right?
And here's the thing We do need to talk about that what a christian, uh, Civil governing authority would do what should do according to the bible because you you have to have something to aim for right?
You have to know what to be shooting for what to teach right you hit what you aim for so those discussions are necessary But if that's where it ends
And you don't do the things for your in your own body in your own family in your own community
Then it's just a larpy. They're right. You are larping But see christian nationalism is dangerous and christian nationalism is awesome
Because you can fail at it Right now and it actually is your fault It's not like voting for mitt romney or ted cruz and then they don't do the right thing because then you have an excuse
Well, it's not my fault. I mean i'm not ted cruz This is something that's with it completely within your control
So you if you set out to get fit and a year later, you're just as fat as you've ever been
In fact, in fact, maybe you're more fat. That's your fault You look in the mirror That's that's my fault if I look in the mirror in a year from now and i'm not as fit as I as I wanted to be and so So we need to take and christian nationalists are doing this if you notice a lot of the focus of christian nationalism
Is things that you can control things that are in your own house your own family your own church your own community
Things that you have a lot of influence over localism And it's not localism for localism's sake
It's localism so that we can command the future so that we can have a christian nation We need to have a christian home so we can have a christian community
We need to have a christian community so we can have a christian state. We need to have a christian state So we can have a christian nation
That's how we're going to win this thing That's how it's going to happen. But the good news and and that's the thing you can fail at this
Because this is within your control This is what people are talking about You know, this is why you see guys like andrew torba talking about a parallel economy building our own internet building our own
You know, you know banking systems institutions payment processors things like that doing that for ourselves
Because we recognize that the system that we've inherited Is thoroughly antichrist is thoroughly pagan.
They worship mulloch. They worship ashura. They worship baal They're satanists. We get that The system is not for christ and so if we're going to be for christ we need to understand that that system
Christ isn't going to sit back and just let that continue He's going to tear it down and when he tears it down. We want to be left standing
I mean, yeah, maybe our payment processes aren't as good as paypal yet But it's going to be standing, you know, maybe our local communities aren't as powerful as the nation
The federal government is right now But it's going to be there when that one is toppled you see many christian nationalists operate under the assumption that basically the united states has been judged and found wanting
Has been judged and found wanting and we're in the process of god revealing his wrath against the united states right now
We see it in our military. We see in our economy. We see it with the kind of leaders He's given us he's judging the united states right now
And even though we still exist on paper We have already been judged the sentence has already been
Established and it's currently being carried out and so we are going to remain standing when all the other institutions
Have been destroyed See christian nationalism is focused on things you have
Control over this let me just read you two gab posts that I found from nick storm now nick
I don't know if you're a christian nationalist But I don't even really care if you call yourself one or not because to me we're allies we see the world very similarly
Here's what nick says and this is so good because this puts the onus on you Which is exactly where it should be with god's help
Of course with god's help the onus is on you you can fail at this or you can succeed at this
And it's within your power and you don't have to worry about all the pagans around you They they do whatever they have to do
You do what you have to do. This is the most dangerous part about christian nationalism, but it's also the best part
Here's what nick says Is the mainstream media controlled? Don't watch it.
They're all there are alternatives Is the stock market rigged? Invest in land tangible assets businesses things like that Is the food in your stores filled with toxins?
Okay, grow your own food buy from local people people, you know people you trust is the education system stealing your kids
Okay homeschool invest in christian private schools. I mean do stuff like that Do you think that usury is creating a new slave culture in our time a lot of people believe this
I believe this Okay So then get rid of your debt Don't go into debt avoid it debt like the plague if that's what's going on if people are are falling into usury
They're slaves now Then don't do it He says look if the current system is largely controlled by antichrist
That's no reason to despair or give up the future is bright christ is king and we are his people
That's exactly correct. There are there are alternatives to all of this stuff
There are alternatives and we need to avail ourselves of those alternatives But the problem is and this is the dangerous part
You can fail at that You can fail at all those things if you want to you don't want to eat the poison food
They give you at the stores and you know You want to set up your own local situations and you know local networks you buy food from farmers
Like that stuff you can go and do right now You could also fail at it
But you could also succeed at it. So let's not get into this mindset of just like complaining all the time
Look, we have to identify the problems and that's not complaining But if you only identify the problems like there are some great accounts that I follow on on twitter and facebook and not facebook
I'm not on facebook twitter and gab um That there's a they do an awful lot of complaining and they never offer any solutions.
They know the score they get what's going on That's why I follow them, but there's really no solutions and if there are solutions
It's like kind of vague stuff like wake up, you know stuff like that It's not really that helpful, you know what I mean? But if you're if you're only doing that and not actually doing the things necessary to plan
Then I mean that's your problem. That's not everybody else's problem They're gonna the pagans are gonna do what they have to do you do
What you have to do here's jared sparks jared pastor jared is a baptist pastor And you know, he posts some great stuff
I highly recommend him every now and then he posts some baptist propaganda, but that's okay I love baptist Here's what he says
He says don't let nationalism distract you from localism Meaning many christians evangelize until they are blue in the face, but they never do family worship
They have a passion for a great commission in the world But they are passive about the great commission in the home
Great commission by way of households nationalism by way of localism This is good stuff
This is good stuff, you know for most people the lion's share of their time energy money, you know emotions
Should be spent at home and with those closest to you your own family your own community and then
The the you know for for most people some people of course, they're in world missions. That's their whole thing
They don't have a family. That's one thing but for most people 99 % of the time your money time energy emotions prayers should be
At home directed for your the people in your charge your wife your children your local community
Those are the people you have the most influence on that is how we win this but the the dangerous part of that Is that you could fail at that?
See if you if you uh, don't evangelize, you know, you know ethiopia And you know, you know, maybe you gave some money to an ethiopian mission, but ethiopia never changes to you know
Let's not say ethiopia because there's a lot of christians in ethiopia Let's just say saudi arabia, right you send money to saudi arabia for missionaries and they never turn christian, right?
Well, that's still it's kind of like that's kind of like national politics, right? Because you have the excuse It's like well,
I voted for ted cruz. I mean He didn't he didn't hold up his end of the bargain, you know But there's like a built -in excuse there but with this stuff with this stuff
There's no excuse if your children turn pagan Jesus is going to look at you and be like who's responsible for this and the answer is you
You're responsible for this. You are supposed to be discipling them. That's on you And so here's the thing
Here's the thing Christian nationalism Of course, you know, we're not disengaging from national politics.
Of course, we're not disengaging from voting But if you notice the rhetoric if you notice what we actually do
The things we're doing starting businesses building our own networks, you know, gab is doing some great stuff in this regard
The things we're actually doing It's more about Things that are within your control
Don't don't don't don't be an alcoholic, you know, don't look at porn, you know Don't just be a pothead things like that like things that basic stuff we're talking about basic stuff
You know, it's just it's just it's just amazing to think like we've gotten so Used to this built -in excuse like well, you know,
I did my part. I mean I campaigned for for uh, you know, Mitt Romney, you know what I mean? Or I may campaign for Ted Cruz I campaigned for for even even someone good, you know, even someone like, uh, you know, uh, paul ron paul
Yeah, you know, I supported ron paul. I mean, what else do you want me to do? You know It's like he didn't hold up his end of the world
Well, the thing is like like our energy has been focused on An area where it's just really out of our control like no matter what you think is going on at the world economic forum
You know, really you don't really have control over what Klaus Schwab does So if you want to think about that you want to talk about that That's totally fine
But the lion's share of your energy has to be with things that you do have control of your family your local community your church yourself
That's where the focus has to be right now and the thing is god will bless that God will bless that that's where this principle comes into play.
You're faithful with your with your own body God will give you a family you're faithful with your family.
God will give you a community you're faithful with a community God will give you the state and the nation and then the world and then the entire everything
That's that's the plan guys. That's the plan. Let's focus on faithfulness In the little things that's that's where our focus has to be
That's the dangerous part about christian nationalism. You can fail at it. So next next year when I look myself in the mirror
Um, do I still have the dad bod? Because if I do I can't blame, you know the globalists for that Oh, they gave me the poison food the food the food got me and well
If I know that then I need to mitigate for that, right? I need to mitigate for that In any case,
I hope this video comes across the right way i'm still kind of a little under the weather so Hopefully it's not a complete jumbled mess.
I hope it's encouraging to you too because the future Is is there christ will help you ask for ask for the help of the holy spirit christ will help you he is
Guaranteed our future vouchsafed our journey. He's going to be with us to the end of the age All we need to do or be faithful With the little things man the great commission teaching them to observe everything christ commands you can't teach
Klaus schwab to observe everything christ commands because you have no access to klaus schwab
Who can you teach to obey everything christ commands? yourself Your wife your children your local community your church body things like that And if we're faithful in those areas, man, it's not going to be long
I think some people get this this impression that you know christian nationals are so small. There's no way There's never going to affect any change going to take a thousand generations
And maybe maybe it does take a thousand generations and the thing is we can't be scared of that because I think we have a thousand
Generations to get this done But I don't think so I don't think it's going to take a thousand generations.
I think we could we could we could do this puppy in a couple generations Even just one Imagine that I mean think about like like like jared here jared.
He gets it This guy gets it. This guy's got a big family, you know, nick, uh, nick storm here
This guy gets it this guy. I don't want to put his family on blast here, but he's got a beautiful family You know,
I think I get it. I I got three kids going on fourth coming We get it man
We're having children and if we raise these children in the fear and admonition of the lord and god Uh holds up his end of the bargain, which he always always always always does
And he blesses that generation man Think about that compared to our enemies who are offing their children or neutering their children
Think about that in one generation. We got numbers man. We got numbers
In any case the future is bright and I don't think it's going to take that long I hope you found this video helpful.
God bless you. See you next time on the ad robles youtube channel See i'm so jumbled up. I mess
I messed up my uh outro my tagline at the end Oh, well, i'll see you in the next one.