Questions and Answers


Sunday school from April 10th, 2022


Okay Let's pray and then we'll get started Lord Jesus again
As we consider what your word teaches and reveals we ask that through your word You may help us to understand and rightly believe and confess and do according to your
Holy Word. We ask in Jesus name Amen Okay, I see a hand up from Karen Goodwin.
So let me let me make sure I get this Karen are you there? I Can't hear her.
So hold on a second here. Let's see Do we need to turn the audio up on the television
I got somebody who wants to say something and I need to make sure that they can actually Are we muted
Yeah, I'm muted Okay, hang on a second here I'm gonna switch to my
Mac Pro speakers see if this helps Okay, Karen. Can you hear me? I Yes, I can hear you and and I think everybody can hear you now too so so you had a question
I see I see that hand My question is from today's passage.
It's Matthew 26 verse 32 It's a question that's bothered me since I was a child when
Jesus told the disciples that he would meet them And he would go before them to Galilee.
Yes Uh -huh Okay, that's a great question so Maybe I can't explain what it's all about But I would note that if you consider the context the context is
Jesus is saying they're all gonna fall away But I will meet you in Jerusalem now, obviously he appears to him twice in Jerusalem so you're gonna note then that if you take a look at the last chapter of The Gospel of John John chapter 21, it's the immediate it's a the actual
Fulfillment of what Christ was talking about again the context. What's the context? The Scriptures have to be fulfilled.
I'm gonna strike the shepherd the sheep will scatter You're going to deny me Peter says no way dude
And then Jesus says you're gonna deny me three times before the rooster crows So here's the fulfillment then but the but I have
I will meet you in Jerusalem in Galilee that is for the purpose of Christ giving them a you know, specifically
Peter a restoration after his Big denial of Christ and when you take a look at the text, it's actually helpful
So Jesus revealed himself again to the disciples by the Sea of Tiberias Sea of Tiberias is the
Sea of Galilee. You'll note that John's writing for a Gentile audience and They if you said
Galilee, they wouldn't know what you're talking about. So he revealed himself in this way Simon Peter Thomas called the twin
Nathanael of Cana in Galilee the sons of Zebedee and two others of his disciples were together
Simon Peter said to them I'm going fishing This is like a reasonable thing to do so he said him we'll go with you
So they went out got into the boat, but that night they caught nothing
Hmm, that sounds familiar. All right So just as day was breaking Jesus stood on the shore yet The disciples did not know that it was
Jesus Jesus said to them children. Do you have any fish? They answered him? No He said to them cast the net on the right side of the boat and you'll find some and so you'll see this is a reenacting of Jesus's call of Peter.
It's it's all like in all of the details. It's a it's it's a it's a reenactment of it So they cast it and now they were not able to haul it in because of the quantity of fish
That disciple whom Jesus loved therefore said to Peter it is the Lord when Simon Peter heard that it was the
Lord He put out his outer garment where he was stripped for work Threw himself into the sea and the other disciples came in the boat dragging the net
Full of fish for they were not far from the land about a hundred yards off When they got out on the land, they saw a charcoal fire.
Hmm Peter was warming himself by a charcoal fire when he denied
Christ, you know, the details are actually important Saw a charcoal charcoal fire in place with fish laid on it
Laid out on and bread and he said to them bring some of the fish that you've caught So Simon went aboard hold the net ashore full of large fish 153 of them and although there were so many the net was not torn
Jesus said to them come have breakfast now. None of the disciples dared ask him. Who are you?
They knew it was the Lord So Jesus came and took the bread gave it to them and so with the fish and this was now the third time that Jesus Was revealed to disciples after he was raised from the dead
So when they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter Simon son of John.
Do you love me more than these? All right, and I'm gonna we have to look at the
Greek here. Do you love me? Agap oh, okay, you know, you've heard of agape love, right?
All right, that's it's this Unconditional love it's okay. So you'll note that in in Greek there are there are four different words for love
So you have agape you have phileo phileo is brotherly love
I have to think about the third one. The fourth one is Eros. So Eros, you know, we don't need explanation explaining what that is
But let's just say that agape and phileo are very different very different And so Jesus asked him
Simon do you agape me and Peter said to him. Yes, Lord, you know that I phileo you
He used a different word He because here's the thing. He denied Christ three times
He has no right Whatsoever because of his sin his action is denying all denial of Christ to claim.
Yeah, Lord. I agape love you No, that's not he doesn't so he's so Jesus said him feed my lambs.
How many times did Peter deny him three times? So he said to him a second time Simon son of John.
Do you agape me? This is starting to hurt. So he said to him.
Yes, Lord, you know that I phileo you The Greek is the drama.
So he said to him. All right ten my sheep So he said to him the third time Simon son of John do you and here
Jesus uses phileo do you phileo me? Now Peter was grieved because he said to him the third time do you phileo me?
It's not that Jesus asked him three times. It's that the third time he matched his words So he said to him
Lord, you know everything, you know, I you know that I love you phileo And Jesus had him feed my sheep a thrice denial a thrice restoration
All right, so the the the fulfillment of Christ's words, but I will meet you in Galilee that's for the purpose of restoring
That you know this restoring so truly truly I say to you when you were young you used to dress yourself and walk wherever you wanted
But when you were old you will stretch out your hands and another will dress you and carry you to where you do not want
To go he said this to show by what kind of death Peter was to glorify God So what's interesting about this is that Peter who was willing to die with Jesus?
But then wasn't Okay Christ in restoring him to his apostolic office
Also prophesies of the death that Peter will suffer So Peter was crucified by the
Emperor Nero and if you know the story, it's always just gory and terrible So both
Peter and his wife were arrested by the Roman officials found guilty of basically sedition and You know worshiping of a different king than Nero and Nero was just Awful, you know just awful and so Nero decided that Peter's wife would go first She was she was crucified the day before Peter was and while she was being nailed to the cross
You know Peter cried out to her basic something to the effect of Remember the kindness of our
Lord. All right, and so he was made to watch her die terrible next day it was his turn and Nero decided that he was going to be
Peter was going to be crucified as a public spectacle. So back in the days
Before NASCAR, they had chariot racing which was basically the same thing You know
NASCAR and chariot racing everybody who drove a chariot spoke with a redneck accent, you know
They're down from the south of Rome anyway, and what what what the particular place where The chariot races were taking place was called the
Circus of Nero. That was the actual hippodrome Created by Nero in honor of Nero and guess who often competed in the chariot races at the
Circus of Nero It would be Nero and guess who won every time he competed it that would be Nero So Nero was not only the
Emperor of Rome. He was an actual, you know trophy award -winning NASCAR driver and and so So what ended up happening is is that Peter was going to be he was to be crucified in the center field the center portion of the hippodrome and When they drug him out there as part of the spectacle
It was you know, they're always the prisoners and people who are gonna be killed That was a part of the the spectacle.
He put up a little bit of a hissy fit and said that he was not worthy to Die the same way
Christ did and so the Romans obliged him and said fine. We'll crucify you upside down so they nailed him to the cross and then put his cross in the ground upside down and It ended up taking him three days to die.
But on day one While he was being crucified while he was crucified upside down.
They actually conducted chariot races and Nero won Okay, so I mean that kind of shows you all of this so Christ actually prophesied
Also after Peter's death after Peter's restoration He does prophesy the death by which he will glorify
Christ and that and that was it So, okay. So hopefully a Karen. I hope that answered your question
But the but the the the biblical answer is is found in John 21.
So, all right You're welcome. All right, Nancy, Nancy Elliott.
Let's get you a muted You know how
God chooses us We don't choose him but like do we have a
Answer for babies like when babies are born and and they die pretty soon has
God already decided whether They're chosen or not.
Okay, that's it. That's a great question. That's part one. What's part two? and then also
If if we're worried about someone that might not be saved
Can we personally? Do something and you know,
I use the word save, you know Casually because I know that's not the way we speak but um
If God already has it where that person that he didn't choose them Anyway Okay, yes, so let me start with the second part of your question
So when we talk about the biblical doctrine of election, we we as Lutherans we confirm
We affirm what the scripture says that God does choose he does elect But when we talk about God's election, we cannot discuss it apart from the means of grace
So we recognize that Christ's death on the cross was a universal atonement It was for the sins of the whole world that being the case
We don't know who ultimately is going to be saved and who isn't which is kind of fine so I get to use the means of grace for the purpose then of preaching to everybody and Some are gonna believe and some are gonna persist in unbelief and the person who persists in unbelief.
That's their own fault It's not mine or God's that's their own fault So I would I would again kind of ground the second part of this in Romans chapter 10 in Romans chapter 10
Talking about how someone is saved Starting at verse 11
The scripture says everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame There is no distinction between Jew and Greek the same
Lord is Lord of all bestowing his riches on all who call on him Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved
That's a quote from the Prophet Joel chapter 2 verse 32 and the word Lord in Joel is actually
Yahweh So this is a great text that kind of proves that Christ is Yahweh, but continue on Paul asked the question
How then will they call on him whom they have not believed? How are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard?
How are they to hear without someone preaching and how are they to preach unless they're sent as as it is written?
How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news, but they have not all obeyed the gospel Isaiah says
Lord who has believed what he has heard from us so faith comes from hearing hearing through the through the
Word of Christ and Every Christian not just pastors every
Christians has the let's say responsibility and privilege of Preaching the gospel to everybody and everybody
I would be as I can use a weird word here I would be as promiscuous with the gospel as you possibly can be tell
Everybody about the love of Christ tell them that he's bled and died for their sins Paul in Romans 1 says that the gospel is the power of God into salvation
So over and again if you are concerned about somebody's Salvation it
It's just gonna be annoying to you know Say to them something like turn or burn that's not gonna help them
Instead preach the gospel to them. So again, if you look at Paul says I'm not ashamed of the gospel
It's the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes for in it the righteousness of God is revealed
So preach the preach Christ tell people about the great love that their Savior has for them call them to repent and believe and This this is the message that we've been given and you'll note that God the
Holy Spirit Promises to the preaching of the gospel to accompany that preaching for the purpose of regenerating people and Bringing them out of darkness into light so if I if I Over and again,
I always kind of assume that if I have an opportunity to talk to somebody who's an unbeliever I got one shot, right? I'm gonna preach the gospel just and I'm not gonna take all the stops out
All right, and tell them how much Christ loves them because we can say that with confidence because we're not
Calvinists. So I Just say it.
All right, you know, all right, and then the second question is what about Infants unborn and or newly born and things like this.
So over and again as a pastor I you know, I have I stay within the bounds of Scripture. So the one thing we do know is that all
Infants who die the wages of sin is death. That's proof that every human being inherits, you know sinfulness from Adam and so we recognize that there are there are infants that who will die apart from hearing the gospel or being baptized and We will always trust them to the judgment of Christ knowing that what he judges will be will be just this is most certainly true
So I'm not I am NOT the judge Christ is so then when it comes down to pastoral practice
There are two things that I have to address Normatively as it relates to either infants or the unborn number one is the sin of Abortion because it is a breaking of the fifth commandment.
You will not murder There's just no way around that and I'm gonna give you a different art I'm gonna give you an argument on along these lines because the so -called progressives have just come up with these really bizarre bizarre things so some progressive
Liberal lady came out of the woodwork on Twitter That's a shock and and said to me that you know that I was wrong for condemning abortion
I simply quoted from Exodus chapter 20. You shall not murder and her response was well
Nowhere in Scripture does it teach that the unborn are humans? Okay.
So what are they chickens? Okay, you know, are they fish until they're actually born but Aside from being snarky, which isn't always like the right way to go.
There is a biblical text I would like you to consider in this regard and I think it's Exodus 21, but I'm gonna scan through 22 just in case
Because this is I think this is super helpful When a man strikes a slave when it's drive together hate each other.
Yeah, let's see here ox gores a man See, have you ever read this portion of Scripture when it talks about you know, when an ox gores somebody and I'll think why am
I? Why do I even need to read this stuff? You really need to pay attention to stuff the fine print in the Levitical Covenant is really interesting
So here we got one when a man's ox butts another so that it dies that gets that's a thing.
Okay This is practical stuff here. What are you laughing at the boar? Yeah, yeah ox on ox violence, okay, let's see here
Donkey borrows social justice. All right seduces a virgin. Let's see All right.
I think I passed it. Hang on a second here Gives a neighbor to his donkey. All right. Hang on a second here
There's a text right in here about if a man strikes a woman who is pregnant
Let's see. Let's see Causes a field fire breaks out a man says to his neighbor keeps it safe.
It's stolen Man gives his neighbor a donkey keep it safe and it dies 21
I pass which 22 okay.
I passed it. Ah Here it is. Here we go. All right
Let's see here Um, no That's I think it's before that.
I know I know hang on. Mm -hmm. Oh, yeah, this is it. You're right Okay, so here it is when men strive together and hit a pregnant woman
All right, so there's your context. So two men are having a well, they're doing the stupid thing that men do hold my beer
All right, so and so that her child her children come out, but there is no harm the one who hit her shall surely be fined as The woman's husband shall impose on him and he shall pay as the judge is determined but if There is harm
Then you shall pay life for life. I for I tooth for tooth
Hand for hand. So if the woman miscarries and the child dies
The one who struck her will die life for life here
It's a clear text one for one in that regard so regarding abortion is clearly a
Sin, it is it is murder It is murdering of a human being that is not your own and God does consider that child to be alive
All right. It is a human being and if it were not so then why would a living man?
Have to die for killing a child in the uterus.
It doesn't make any sense So it's a perfect parallel in that sense Now the other issue that comes up in my pastoral practice is then going to be a woman who has conceived
She's been carrying her child and then she miscarries which is always a tragedy
It's it's this it's just devastating. So when that happens over and again
I'll be asked the question Where is my child because this then this comes into election and so we're gonna note something here over and again
I've been able to comfort those who've had such Experiences by saying well, you've been coming to church or you went to church, right?
Well, yeah, I come every week Okay. Well, have you seen the studies about children?
Who's who are able to listen to Bach and Beethoven in utero and it's kind of silly You put the headphones on the big old tummy as opposed to help make it make them smarter, you know
Yeah, so obviously that's what my parents did for me. But anyway That's a joke it really is
But the point is is that is that we know then that God works through the means of grace
So I remind them then that God is very kind to to the children of Believers, this is this is a constant theme throughout the scriptures and it's actually even part of the
Commandments that being the case Then I remind them that their child has heard the gospel, you know, they've heard the gospel.
They've heard it in the liturgy They've heard it in the singing. They've heard it from the pastor and And so we can trust
God in his kindness and his mercy and remember it's not God's will that any should perish So, you know in in that particular case
I will take them to that point in the scriptures and and entrust them to the hope of the resurrection and And the mercy of Christ, you know
There's I don't think there's any reason to believe for a Christian woman who faithfully is coming to church
That if she miscarries that her children would be anywhere else than with Christ I have no reason to believe that at all, especially since they've been in contact with the gospel
So and God knew ahead of time where you know, that child wasn't gonna make it So, you know, that's where I go with that.
So does that answer your question your questions Nancy? All right. Very good. I did see a question in here about whether or not the devil gives dreams
I can't point a text to you on that that says it I I would just say that the devil does tempt us in many ways
And it wouldn't surprise me if he tempts us by mixing up our thoughts whispering or in our ears or even messing with our minds in our
In our dreams, I I would note from my personal experience. I tend to believe that the devil can
Give us tempting dreams, but I can't prove it from a biblical text So it has to stay in the realm of speculation.
You are not bound to believe that so I that you know based on my experiences Yeah, I still always keep coming back to that one really vivid dream that I had
The when they were selecting the present Pope If you haven't heard the story, it was really weird
So if you remember when Benedict you abdicated the throne, is that the right way of putting it with Popes anyway?
So Benedict abdicated and he stepped down from being the Pope and you know all the
The Cardinals gathered together in the Sistine Chapel and you know They had locked themselves up and you know, they were taking votes and the smoke was coming out the wrong color, right?
And you know, and of course always a question. How long are they gonna be in there? How long is this gonna take and so the night before he was announced as Pope Francis I Had a dream and boy did
I have a dream? Okay, and Josh you can confirm it and my wife can confirm it, too So in that in this dream and it was like it was like 5 ish in the morning in this dream all of a sudden
It was the most vivid dream. I've ever had full color It's like full thoughts and cognition and in this dream.
I believed that I was in Rome okay, and I was kind of wandering some of the back alleys of Rome near the
Sistine Chapel and in the dream, I went to these these double doors near a parking lot and Opened them up and Inside the double doors.
There was staircase. There was a staircase ascending and one descending and there was a cardinal coming down From from down the staircase and they said he said they've announced the new
Pope. Oh, I said great What's the name? He's gonna take and he says he's gonna take the name of Francis Francis And by the way, this dream was so vivid that I thought oh my goodness
If my wife wakes up and she checks the ISR mom, she's gonna freak out because I'm in Rome Okay, if you don't know what the
ISR mom is, that's that's a family term We use for the find friends app on our Apple phones
So, you know my wife she's she's permitted to know my location anywhere at any time and she and she can say why are you at?
Chick -fil -a darn it. I should have turned that thing off. Okay, you know, you know something like that But you know I was convinced that my wife would look at her phone and freak out because she would see that I was in Rome Anyways, I thought what he's gonna take the name of Francis and then boom
I woke up and then when I woke up Barb was already up and she came in to say, you know
Need to get out of bed because I need to make the best. Okay. Wait, well the weirdest thing happened I explained the dream to her she goes.
Yeah, that's weird. Okay, and then she got on with her day So I went to my laptop and I started typing, you know, is there a
Pope Francis? There's never been a Pope Francis It's like, okay, that's weird. And so I just didn't know what to think of it
Josh was staying at our house that time. I told him all about it and he said yeah, that's kind of weird
You know just what I don't know what to make of it, but it really stuck out. So we got news
Over the internet that at 3 p .m. Eastern They were going to announce who the new Pope was and so I said
Josh They're gonna announce who the new Pope is and Barb was cooking in the kitchen already so sat down at 3 o 'clock turned on the news and And so and the new
Pope is going to be Named Francis and I dropped my drink.
Okay, and Barb went what? What what did he say He's taking the name
Francis no way no way So so I can honestly say
I knew the name of Pope Francis at least six hours More than that like nine hours before he was announced as the
Pope. Okay, but here's the thing Afterwards I had to kind of sit there and ask myself this question.
What was that all about? What because here's the thing that's a neat trick but at the end of the day
What does this have to do with the cost of tea in China All right And so I had to kind of sit there and ask myself this question because here's the thing at one point during the day
I was tempted and I mean tempted to put a tweet out on Twitter Weirdest dream dream the new
Pope's gonna be called Francis Had I done that people would have said Oh Chris has a prophetic gift and he's denying it and and all this kind of It really it would have it really meant it would have messed things up.
So and here's the thing. I couldn't figure out Where the dream came from?
Was this from God was this from the devil? I just didn't know and so I actually chalked the whole thing up to a temptation
Because Had I acted differently it would have messed me up Theologically or even undermined my credibility
So it was one of those things but you know, so I still tell people about it today And like I said, I got two witnesses.
So yeah, you establish the thing by the evidence of two witnesses I have two witnesses that this thing actually took place.
So, you know, but anyway, so so the answer to your question is a firm I don't know regarding whether or not the devil can give you dreams
I tend to think he can but I can't give you a biblical text. So I'm not sure. Okay All right.
Let's see here Okay, somebody talking about puke that's lovely
All right here Yes Yeah Yeah Yeah, that that's it that is a good question so, you know, so Judas when he realizes that Jesus was you know to be condemned
He you know, he changed his mind and gave the money back. And of course the question is what did you think?
They were gonna do after you betrayed him, you know, that's that's a good question. I honestly don't know
So Okay, yeah, okay, so the okay so in the
Matthew text today there after Jesus's death there were saints who were resurrected So again,
I think the simplest explanation for this is that it's absolutely true All right
Okay If you just consider this is that if you look ahead to the day of the resurrection in the gospel of Luke the road to Emmaus the two fellows that are talking to Jesus are
Shocked that Jesus isn't in tune with all the buzz that's going on. And so when you talk about The the dead rising after the death of Christ God is on purpose making the whole city of Jerusalem buzz about what's going on So and here's the thing it was a
Sabbath day that Christ dies so Christ dies on the eve of the Sabbath at sundown it becomes the
Sabbath and So what's interesting is if you know your Jewish culture and this has been from time immemorial on the
Sabbath Okay, as soon as it becomes Sabbath day they have all their cooking done ahead of time and then they gather together as a family meal or a community meal and when they
Gather, they always leave one chair vacant one and that chair is for Elijah because Elijah was taken up to heaven and So in their way of thinking he might come back and so if he comes back he might come back on a
Sabbath He's gonna need a place to sit. So now put it together Jesus is crucified at noon.
The Sun goes down. The Sun goes dark for three hours. It goes dark There is there is no
Sun and even the moon is not giving its light All right, people are gonna be talking about that like what's going on here
Pete? And this is the days before Twitter and social media and all this kind of stuff So, you know God's bringing drawing attention to these things then at the death of Christ.
There's an earthquake rocks are split and The curtain in the temple.
This is the curtain that divides the holy place from the holy of holies And so and it's and this thing is made out of like, you know, sea cow hide.
I mean, it's really thick Okay, you're not going to be able to tear this with human hands
But it rips from top to bottom which means God is the only one who could have did that it rips from top to bottom earthquake and and then the
Sun comes back and Then they gather for their Sabbath meal because here's the thing 3 p .m.
Is the time of the evening sacrifice? Sunsets gonna be like 5 5 30 all right they're gathering for their meal and everyone's gonna be talking about all of this and then aunt
Gertrude shows up and Gertrude's been dead for five years All right. Okay, and cousin
Shlomo he shows up. Okay, and he's been dead for ten Okay, and and so the idea then is is that with these
Saints that are raised from the dead? It's a foretaste of the resurrection because we're all raised but these people go into the city
It says and you know, and they many people witness it. So Everybody now is like What are you doing here you're dead
Michael Jackson's thriller won't be out for another two, you know 2 ,000 years. What's going on here, right?
And it's like I gotta tell you about Jesus, right? And and so there's scratching their heads after Aunt Gertrude sits in the
Elijah seed and they're not even knowing what to do, man. Okay And So the idea then the whole city's buzzing and that's then your context or even the day of the resurrection
All right, so that on the road to Emmaus, you know when Jesus hey, what are these things you're talking about?
What do you mean? What things are you the only person in Jerusalem who doesn't know the things that are happening? Concerning what concerning Jesus of Nazareth wherever you've been under a rock, right?
That's the whole point of the road to Emmaus so yeah, does that answer your question and that answer your question, yeah
Yeah, repenting to the exact right wrong people co -conspirators in the murder of Christ. He should have he should have brought the money to do the one he stole it from and Repented.
Yeah Yeah, that's a good point. All right one more question
Paulina asks in Matthew 16 17 to 18. Why can't we do what's in these verses?
Jesus said these signs will accompany. So here's your issue with Mark 16.
All right, and let's see if I have this note in here. If not, I'll have to pull it up somewhere else
First of the disciples Matthew hang on a second here. Okay, Mark. I want 16 mark 16
All right. Here's the note Okay, and this is gonna I know this is gonna shock some of you but this note is in here on purpose, all right the gospel of Mark ends at verse 8
It does I know it. I know that sounds weird, but work with me here. Okay, and It's a very unsatisfactory ending
I've got to preach this text this year So All right So they went out and fled from the tomb for trembling and astonishment and seized them and they said nothing to anyone for they were afraid
That's where it ends. You sit there go. How do you know? So here's the thing when we talk about biblical inerrancy
Okay, what is the inerrant inspired Word of God answer? it is the original autographs of every one of the books of the
Bible and Once somebody copies a book Already you're gonna have errors creeping in and here's the issue all of the earliest manuscripts of the gospel of Mark and at verse 8
It is later Copies of the gospel of Mark that have what are called the long ending of Mark.
And so you'll note there's a note You know, so in fact, it's not here.
Hang on a second. Let's see if I pull this up in Lagos All right, give me a second here I think Lagos has the note in the in inline text
But if you have a if you have one of those analog Bibles that doesn't need a battery Then it it has the note in it as well, but let's see here.
Yeah, here we go So so they were afraid that watch some of the earliest manuscripts don't include
Mark 16 9 through 20 So and there's another text that's like this and that's the story of the woman caught in the act of adultery
It also doesn't appear in the earliest manuscripts. I Don't believe they're original
Okay in my scholarship in reading on this I do not think the long ending of Mark is original door nor do
I think that the long end that the Story of the woman caught in the act of adultery is legit
In fact in regarding the woman caught in the act of adultery that story moves around Okay, it was in Luke and then it was in John it in some manuscripts
It's kind of just gets plugged in in different places So it may be a hist it may be a historical account of Jesus that people remembered and tried to kind of put into the finished
Canon, but it was not written by any of the original authors. So that's the issue so when it comes then to the long ending of Mark when you get to these to the
You when you get to the next bits here, so Jesus is alleged to say go into all the world proclaim the gospel that the whole creation
Whoever believes in his baptized will be saved Whoever does not believe will be condemned and these signs will accompany those who believe the best scholarship on this basically
Thinks that this is some kind of a copyist note that ended up getting stuck into the actual manuscript itself
These signs will accompany those who believe in in my name they will cast out demons they will speak in new tongues
They will pick up serpents with their hands if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them They will lay their hands on the sick and they will recover and I would note
I do not believe this is original I don't believe that these are authentic words of Christ and you'll note that the
Pentecostals in Appalachia, they've turned and turned snake handling and drinking strychnine into a communion ceremony
All right There's some really bad theology that comes off of this edition and the earliest manuscripts the best manuscripts
We have don't have it. So, you know, I hope that answers your question. So All right, we're gonna have to end here because I've got to run off and do another two hour long service