What A Disappointment - Joe Biden Press Conference

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What a disappointment, just just total disappointment. I my
Christmas is ruined. You know, I was ending early. I got a glass of whiskey. I was just ready to go and I was going to watch the
Joe Biden press conference just so I could throw some cultural capital around, you know, I I was I was planning on going on a complete, you know, spending spree a cultural cultural capital spending binge by disobeying all of all of Joe Biden's edicts and commands and whatever else you want to call it.
I was going to disobey them. And so I was just getting ready to enjoy myself. So I watch this press conference and it's awful.
By the way, I haven't listened to Joe Biden speak more than like a sentence at a time. Like I'll watch a clip here and there, you know stuff like that, but I haven't heard like a press conference or you know, any kind of speech longer than you know, 30 seconds.
I would say in like two three years, maybe I didn't watch even the debates last year and I have to say like this guy can't even speak like maybe
I have. I don't know. I just must have forgotten but he can't speak. He can't think it's like he's just mumbles constantly and it's all gibberish and it's just like it's just unbelievable and but nothing new just, you know, trying to scare you you're going to die.
You get the vaccine. Your kids are going to die. Get the vaccine. Your family's going to die. Get the vaccine make the vaccine all that kind of stuff and it's just it was just it was just awful.
But he's like, oh, we're going to get to going to test you more and get you test. We're going to get these free tests. He's like, oh, yeah, we're going to get a half a billion billion with the
B free tests. They're definitely free because we're definitely gonna have a free lunch this time.
Obviously, they're not free and then and then the funniest part though was the end because he finishes his little speech and then he's just kind of like he doesn't know what to do.
He's confused. He tries to close his little book. He closes a little book and he kind of turns to the sign. He's just, you know, what do
I do? What do I do? And all of a sudden people start asking him questions. I don't think that was supposed to happen and he starts answering these questions.
And honestly, the funniest one was the one was the was the was the black lady who was like sugar.
Don't you think that like maybe like like you lied like what took so long with all the with all the tests, honey.
And so then she was and then he was like, what do you mean? Well, it took so long. Come on. Come on.
And then he goes what took so long. I'll tell you what took so long. It didn't take so long. This gibberish nonsense, but it was what was funny about that one was, you know, this woman's obviously loved him.
She was like giggling earlier before she asked the question and she's like, honey and and he's like, come on.
Could you just imagine Joe Biden speaking to like a real leader like like he's he's he's folds into like a blubbering mess sort of like me.
He folds in his blubbering mess when a when a lady asks him a little question about about I don't even remember what it was what took so long with the test or whatever very softball.
Imagine if like if like he was on the phone with Putin right Vladimir Putin or or or anyone it didn't give me anybody and he's on the phone with them.
He's like, come on. Can you imagine? Can you imagine what he's taking his call is his calls from Xi Jinping?
Imagine when Xi Jinping is like, look, Joe, you got to do this. You got to do that. He's come on. They think there's no way they let this guy talk to anybody.
He's absolutely out of his mind if he wasn't such an evil man, you'd feel bad for him because he's like, he's like a confused, you know, obviously not where the way he used to be kind of man and I just feel bad for the guy.
I just put the what about when he was talking about inflation? That was a good one. He just completely isn't all the heck. He's talking about talking about inflation unreal, but big disappointment.
I don't know. Like this is the only time I've been excited. I've been wanting something from Joe, but instead all
I got was him just begging. Please, please get the vaccine, please. And I gotta say I like that part that that part was good where he was just kind of begging that you get the vaccine or whatever that made me feel happy to know that they just have such little power that the only thing they can do is beg you beg, please, please take it and then at one point he's like, well, there's 40
Americans that haven't gotten the vaccine. He meant 40 % but since he doesn't know that he's talking about he said 40 and they're going to the 40
Americans that aren't vaccinated are going to overwhelm the hospitals and the hospitals are short -staffed. What he didn't tell you is they're short -staffed because they fired everyone that didn't get the vaccine, but very very disappointing.
I don't know why I counted on Joe to give me entertainment today, but it did not work. So I hope you guys enjoyed it.
I why don't you guys tell me he was like this? He can't even speak. It's just it was really it was really kind of uncomfortable and sad.
I felt really bad. Honestly again, like like he's a human being after all. So so at the end of the day, yes, he's very evil.
And so but but right now he's just like this feeble old man.
I feel really really bad for him. It's just it's not it's not I don't know.
It's not nice. It's not nice the position. He's been put in to just sort of put go out there and just make a complete fool of himself like this.
I mean I can imagine I can only imagine he's been doing this every single time he speaks. That's why he doesn't speak very very much.
But I feel really bad for him. I mean again like I feel bad for him like because we're all human beings here, right?
But at the end of the day, you know, obviously God will not be mocked and God's making a fool of this country right now.
He's making a fool of us. It's like when he made Nebuchadnezzar the the beast, right?
He made Nebuchadnezzar's great king. He turned him into a beast and eventually
Nebuchadnezzar kind of turned it around. He repented and I think I can't prove this but I think that Nebuchadnezzar is someone that actually did repent of his sins.
That'd be something right? You meet Nebuchadnezzar in the the new heavens and new earth. I don't know. I can maybe
I'm just hoping against hope but man, maybe maybe it'll happen with Joe Biden. I mean, he's just completely humiliating him. So he's either going to repent of his sins on his deathbed or he's going to get what he deserves in the afterlife.
And so well, I guess that's all I got. I hope you found this video helpful. God bless.