Freedom Rant For Christians

AD Robles iconAD Robles




His Lord said unto him, well done thou good and faithful servant thou has been faithful over a few things
I will make thee ruler over many things enter thou into the joy of thy
Lord. I love that verse I love that parable this parable it's the one with the talents right so the master gives three servants a certain amount of money and he gives them money according to their ability and each of the servants does something different the servant he gave a lot of money to he goes and he does some trade and he makes more money the servant he gave a medium amount of money to does the same thing he makes a medium amount of money but then the one he gave the least amount of money to and I'm holding up a silver coin here because this is money he buries it in the sand and then just gives it back and that's the wicked servant and I love this parable because this parable is the most unwoke parable you could possibly imagine and it actually has a really good principle in it as well in fact the woke are actually trying to twist this parable
I saw a video of a crazy woman an absolutely hysterical crazy woke feminist saying that the the wicked servant it wasn't really that they were wicked it's just that nobody taught them how to make money
I mean that's not what the Bible says but whatever oh by the way somebody mentioned if you remember yesterday
I was flipping this coin and it hit my mic and I said I chipped it I didn't really chip it it just has a ding in it now there's like a little ding in the coin silver is a you know it's a soft metal it's easy to ding anyway but I love this parable and the principle is really good like like if you're faithful with the small things you'll become you'll be you'll be given a lot of responsibility because if you're if you demonstrate you're faithful with the small things the easy things then it's very likely that you'll be faithful with the big things and it often doesn't work the other way around and this is a principle that we need to get right because right now the church is being tested and it's being tested in small things that for some reason for us it seems big in our mind but they're not and so I just want to give you some words of encouragement church the time to take the stand is now it's not going to get any easier yeah no
I just been thinking a lot about this because like that you know the the coronavirus thing the whole like panic that's been spreading and all this it is
I've talked to Matt Williams a lot about this it's like it's like the minimal amount of pressure that God could have put on the church like it's a virus that's really not that deadly that's really not that scary and so it's it's not like he put the bubonic plague out there where we have to really make a decision about how valuable do we consider church right like if if we had a disease or a plague that had a 50 % death rate or something like that we're gonna really have a come -to -Jesus moment do we value the the gathering of the
Saints or not you know I mean do we value our lives more than the gathering of the Saints like that would be a big decision but God was merciful to us he gave us a disease that you're almost guaranteed to survive if you get it and we're looking at this as like this big trial do we open our church or not and guys it's not going to get any easier the next plague is going to be at least appear to be worse and this applies in many other areas
I saw I saw this this tweet I don't go on Twitter anymore but somebody shared this tweet on gab and it's some some feminist and here's what she says she's she's threatening certain people with being exposed for their anti -feminist beliefs
I have names I begin contacting seminaries and churches and schools starting tomorrow denominations you had your chance and it's like you know like they're gonna put try to put pressure on you to change your beliefs
I mean how dare you how dare you believe that the husband is the head of the wife how dare you sir and it's like guys like like you got to stand up to this stuff now it's not going to get any easier in fact dr.
Valerie Hobbs I believe all that stuff would you like my pastor's email address I don't I wouldn't want you to work too hard I'm still a very noble man
I still believe that you know women and children first I don't want you to break any fingernails or anything like that I'll just give you the email address and I'll provide you a list of my offensive beliefs that I believe you can have them all you know what
I don't want you to have to go through too much trouble researching through my videos and all that kind of stuff but um but guys this is the time guys this is the time to believe the scripture because they're gonna hate you anyway for just believing like basic truths like like you know like for example like you know
I'm not gonna get the coronavirus vaccine you know I'm not scared of virus and I don't have to and it's like they're gonna hate you for something simple like that a very reasonable take
I'm not saying you shouldn't get the vaccine if you want to stick yourself with experimental fluids that's up to you
I'm not gonna do it but and that's a very middle -of -the -road belief and they're gonna they're gonna rage and froth at the mouth how dare you they're just gonna fall apart and it's like if they're gonna fall apart over regular stuff like like basic stuff like dude you like you know you know transsexual women aren't actually women like you know that's not a rug not a radical belief guys it's not there's not a radical belief oh the other one
I saw you know Lil Nas X you know he's not a victim Lil Nas X is not a victim imagine that all these
Christians are falling over there themselves oh I'm so sorry the church has treated you this way and it's like he's not a victim yeah he did a video
I didn't watch this video obviously I don't want to see this he did a video where he's he's gyrating for Satan and stuff like this dude that dudes not a victim that dudes a probably demon possessed you know what
I mean like yeah we should have sympathy for him we should pray for him we should give him the gospel but we should be apologizing to him no no he's the one that's exchanged the truth for the lie we're not doing that it's like so it's like basic stuff they're gonna hate you for so let's just go a whole hog on this right like like they're gonna hate you for saying simple things so go whole hog when it comes to believing what
God says God created the world in six days that's an easy thing to just be loud and proud about like God did all that God created man and then he created woman out of the rib of the man like that's how he did it that's the order of the world he created
Adam first and he created Eve to be the helper for Adam like that's a glorious wonderful truth that we should just be very loud and proud about I'm not gonna force you but what
I'm saying is this is the time to take the stands it's not going to get any easier they're going to come even harder next time and the reality is
I think a lot of Christians have fooled themselves have lied to themselves and I'll give you a perfect example of this
I know I know I criticize this guy quite a bit but he deserves it Jonathan Lehman with his whole cultural capital thing he has lied to himself to such a degree that he thinks that what what you can do is cave on the little stuff and then you got to build that capital so you'll be able to stand against the big stuff and the scripture says it doesn't work that way that's not how it works you got to be faithful with the little things and then you kind of build up your stamina you build up your practice and then you'll be faithful and you'll be able to rule over many things it doesn't work the other way around Jonathan Lehman is fooling himself and he's fooling frankly let me just speak frankly he's fooling legions of pastors who hang over his every words that they are essentially just slaves mindset they fooled themselves into thinking the brave stance is to cave to all the little stuff yeah we got to have pronoun hospitality and then we'll be able to have enough capital to stand when it really costs us no no no no that's not how it works
Jonathan Lehman don't be fooled by Jonathan Lehman in that way don't be like Jonathan Lehman in that way that is so ridiculous that's the opposite of faithfulness it's the opposite of how the
Bible says it works if you cave to the little things you will be a slave forever guys it's never gonna get any easier to walk around town without a mask it's never going to get any easier
I would suggest doing it now while the pressure is minimal while the pressure is minimal and you build up your stamina and then one day when the pressure is intense and you can just say no like this is the thing like like the vaccine that I was
I was just talking to someone about the vaccine they're like well what if the what if the government says you can't buy food unless you get the vaccine what are you gonna do then you gotta feed your family and the reality is like that's a very you know interesting question my thought on this is this look if the government says if me if the government says you can have your freedoms back your freedom to buy and sell if you get this jab you jab yourself with these chemicals that we say you should jab yourself in then you don't have freedoms right like like you then then you're admitting that the government is in charge the government is your
God in that way I have freedom because it comes from Christ right so I I appeal to God I appeal to heaven right and so I'm gonna say no thank you
I'll just exercise my freedom right now and we're just gonna go without that vaccine right and they say okay well what do you do if if if they say you can't buy food right so then you've got to make a decision right you've got to make a decision do you put whatever chemicals the government says and your kids arms and your arms in order to buy food or do you figure something out look the decisions aren't consequence free there might there may be consequences to this but my thing is we can trust
God to provide for us in situations that are untenable right like like and I'm not saying that there's a right or wrong decision for each person each person has to decide what they value more right do you do value knowing that your your kids aren't gonna have this experimental you know fluids stuck into their arms more or do you value you know the the kindness of the government allowing you to buy food
I think that there'll be ways to buy food I think that there'll be ways to skirt these these these so -called rules
I don't think that they'll actually end up coming for you in that way but I think it's valid it's worthwhile to plan for that in fact so so if you if you if I'm gonna
I'm gonna just give you a good example of this right so if you see that coming right if you really do think that the government's gonna say you can't buy food unless you get this this needle in your arm
I actually don't think that's going to happen because I don't think they have the guts to do it and I think a lot of people would say no to that at that point but if you think that that is coming then here's my suggestion right don't wait for it to come before you act right so if you think that's coming that they won't let you buy food unless you get the coronavirus vaccine
I would start stockpiling food right now I would start stockpiling food right now enough so that by the time it comes to you you can hold out and let it blow over and then figure out how you're gonna buy food it buys you time it's an insurance policy so if you really do think they're not gonna let you buy food unless you get the the needle stick
I would suggest stockpiling six months of food and give yourself six months to figure out how to get more food without getting the shot
I don't actually believe that right like I always hear people say oh you know if you buy if you buy gold or if you buy
Bitcoin they're gonna come they're gonna come for you they're gonna confiscate that gold they're gonna confiscate they've done it before and that's true they did have a situation where they've done that before but here's the thing guys like like most of the time those kinds of confiscations and even gun confiscations to that for that matter like they they do those voluntary things right where it's like okay turn them in and then they put a little pressure on you turn them in and and and then and then pretty much everybody turns them in right people sold their gold the government back then but the idea that there will come looking for you they'll come digging through your garden they'll come looking through all your stuff at home and stuff like I think that's very far -fetched is it possible yes it's definitely possible but I think it's far -fetched and so really if you want to exercise your
Second Amendment right you just do it you just exercise it you don't you don't need their permission to exercise it right like if you see gun confiscation coming my suggestion would be buy a whole bunch of guns right now and then keep them and there it is and then when they tell you to turn them in just keep your head down and don't say anything you know
I mean like like like this is the thing like like sometimes you just have to exercise your freedoms the ones that come from God like the government can try to say you don't have it anymore but it's actually not true and I'm not saying there's gonna be no consequences they're not like if they said turn in your gold
I would say oh sure I'll gladly turn in my gold if I had some and they'd have to figure out whether I had some or not like it's just like you know that's that that's that's how you exercise freedoms like you don't exercise freedoms by waiting until the government affirms that you have the freedom you just do it right you know what
I mean like like like like even I was talking to my son about this right the Declaration of Independence and it's like like they didn't like get permission to do that right they just said okay
Great Britain like we're actually independent now we have the right to do that and Great Britain was like no you don't and they're like well watch us we do and so they just declared it they appealed to heaven appealed to God and they were now independent now they didn't mean there was no consequences there they had to fight off the attack but they just exercised that freedom so when you're a free man if you want your freedom to not wear a mask here's how you do it ready you just do it you just do it and the reality is that nine times out of ten literally nothing's gonna happen nobody's gonna say anything to you when you walk around town barefaced
I've I've had almost zero things said to me almost zero
I've had a couple of kind of like you know not really direct confrontations but kind of like a kind of like a you know one of those kind of things but almost 100 % of the time literally nothing's happened and not only has nothing happened but people have been more friendly to me nicer to me and I've seen people that when they see me without a mask they pull down their mask and it's like we got a little moment there right oh we're free men here that's right they they remembered we're free men here see that's how you exercise your freedom right you don't wait for the governor say oh we're we're rolling back all the coronavirus stipulations like and then there get touted as a hero don't tout those men as heroes no no you don't give me my freedoms
I take my freedoms I have my freedoms they come from God God gives me my freedoms and I just take them that's that's my role
God gives them to me I take them and you have to match up with that and you do what you got to do see that's the thing that's the other thing they do what they have to do so when you open up your church and say well
God gives me the freedom to do this a governor or whatever you know I'm not I'm not gonna be like Jonathan Lehman where the governor decides whether or not
I have church God says I have church therefore I have church that doesn't mean there'll be no consequences they're gonna do what they feel like they have to do but every time they do what they feel like they have to do you do what you feel like you have to do that see that's how you do it that's how you exercise your freedom you just do it show yourself faithful now my friends show yourself faithful now believe everything whole hog go all the way go all the way when it comes to the scripture if God says it believe it and do it go all the way now because it's not going to get any easier and if the parable of talents is is is is true and we know that it is then that's how it works to show yourself faithful with the few things and God will make you ruler he'll give you responsibility over many many things don't be like the wicked servant who's you know holding on we're gonna wait and build up that cultural capital then
I'll give you your own talent back and I know growth no nothing that that's a wicked servant that's a wicked servant don't listen to people that are attempting to get you to go along with the flow go along with the flow you know apologize to Lil Nas X whoever the heck that is
I honestly never heard of him before this I never heard of the guy but apparently he's a satanic rapper
I have no idea who cares I don't care I don't want to see the video I don't want to see the pictures I I saw the pictures on gab it was totally gross
I don't want to see it again and it's just like you know this is a bit of a rant I realized that and I hope that you found it helpful but that's it guys that's it it's you got to put your big boy pants on here you got to put your big boy pants on here how do you have the freedom to say the things that need to be said in your churches and your denominations here's how you do it you just do it and if little
Valerie over here wants to call your your your daddy or your mommy on you to tell on you okay
I'll give you their number you could you could talk to them because I'm a free man I'm a free man
I'm free to believe and do every single thing that God tells me to do that's it that's what
I'm free I appeal to heaven I'm not worried about dr. Valerie Hobbs I'm not worried about what
Lil Nas X thinks I'm not worried about all that kind of my denominations I look I want to stay in my church
I don't want to be excommunicated I listen and I respect my pastor and all that kind of stuff but the reality is though I have to be a free man and I don't wait for someone to grant me the freedoms that I already have from God that is blasphemy that is idolatry and that is pagan that's the way the pagans operate they wait for their king to grant them the freedoms that they already have in God don't be pagan