Chemtrails Have Gone Mainstream

AD Robles iconAD Robles




Hello there, this is AD Robles, and you're listening to AD on the Fight Lap Feast Network.
Alright, I just flipped a coin, and it was going to be a coin flip, you know, 50 -50 chance.
My son's learning about percentages and odds and stuff like that. And heads is going to be a good show, tails it was not.
And I'm happy to say, it was a heads. Anyway, so let's get started today.
But before we begin, let me just say this. If you have not considered doing so, please consider becoming a
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ROBLES, that is R -O -B -L -E -S. Now, a number of you have been asking about my book that is coming out in December.
If you go to Amazon .com right now, you can pre -order that book. But it will be made available before that.
And people have been asking me about the details surrounding that and all that kind of thing. I don't have all the details yet, so stay tuned for that.
But if you already pre -ordered it in the initial campaign, you'll definitely have it much, much sooner than that.
Probably by this summer, or maybe even earlier than that. We'll see. It all depends on printing and all that kind of stuff.
So you guys will get it quick. And also there will be a digital release that will be earlier and all kinds of things like that.
So that's the story there. One more thing. Let me just shout out this podcast on the screen.
This is the Defend and Confirm podcast. I've talked about them before, and actually I really like this podcast.
We've had some disagreements specifically regarding the John Lehman branch of Christianity.
Kind of that squishy side of evangelicalism. We've had some pretty big disagreements there.
But in general, I think these guys are worth listening to. There's no question about it. And this episode in particular,
I saw it premiered yesterday. And I was super excited to watch it. I haven't had a chance to yet, because I had a bunch of meetings yesterday.
But I'm planning on watching this today. It's episode 56, What is Christian Nationalism?
And I'm willing to bet that they're going to do a good job with it. In fact, somebody emailed me and said that I should listen to it.
And that they did do a decent job. And I have no doubt that they will. These guys seem like solid guys. They seem like they're sharp guys.
And I think probably a little too winsome for my taste. But sometimes winsomeness is not a bad thing.
But yeah, give it a watch. Defend and Confirm podcast. This only has 100 views in a day.
That is criminal, guys. I like this podcast. This is a worthwhile podcast, in my opinion.
So give them some love. I'm going to go ahead and like this video before I've even watched it.
And all of that kind of thing. So let's jump into the topic today. I saw a
Gab by George Bruno. And if you don't follow George Bruno on Gab, I highly recommend that you follow him.
He always has very insightful things to say about just life in general.
I find him to be very, very interesting. So I recommend it. George Bruno on Gab. And here's what he said, speaking about just sort of our time that we live in right now.
He said this. He said, More people have been awakened in the past year than any other time in American history.
And on the other hand, more people have been lulled into blind obedience than at any time in American history.
And I thought that was a very, very good way of putting it. And I've noticed this same phenomenon.
That it's like there's a lot of people that are starting to see, you know, the reality of where we're at.
The reality of the steady diet of propaganda that we're fed. The lies. The amount of living in upside down, you know, morality, upside down terms that we're doing right now.
It's not sustainable. And people are waking up left and right. I get emails almost every day with people saying, man, how have you seen this?
Like, this is just so crazy. I can't. And people are really like they don't really know what to do with all this information. The fact that they are constantly lied to all the time.
They're constantly gaslit, made to feel like they're crazy when they're not. And all of this kind of stuff.
Do you remember when there was that Capitol insurrection and Russell Moore got his quivering with a fear and rage?
And he's just like all crazy. And it's like and then you see in the newspapers like, oh, look at the wreckage. They're cleaning up the wreckage.
And it was just like some old old Asian guy cleaning up water bottles. There are some empty water bottles on the floor of the
Capitol. But that was the wreckage, you see. And people are people are noticing that. Yeah, they just lie all the time.
That's what they do. They just lie all the time. And so I've noticed a lot of people kind of questioning.
OK, so they lied to us all the time now. So when did this start? Like, when did they start lying?
And people are looking back in history and saying, OK, what about 9 -11? Well, what about this or that or World War II or Russia?
You know what? What about what about the creation of Israel as a nation state? OK, let's go back a little further.
What about World War I? Like, like, where did the line start right now? Now, obviously, we understand as believers that the line started with Satan.
You know, Satan is the father of lies, which means that that's where it originated, of course.
But also, he was the first person to tell a lie. You know, he was the first person to dupe humanity into living in the upside down and all of that kind of stuff.
And so we understand that line has always been around. But it certainly seems like the intensity of propaganda, you know, certainly had a starting point.
And people are trying to figure out where is that starting point? You go back to, like, the kings of Europe and stuff like that.
And you just kind of wonder, what have I been taught that's true?
It's probably easier to look into that. Like, what have I been taught that's actually true? It's probably less of that than the lies.
And so people are just kind of waking up to the reality that they just don't. And I say they.
Everyone kind of knows who I mean by they, the powers that be. They don't have my best interests in mind.
And lots of things that people have been told are conspiracy theories are coming out, and they're 100 % true.
And so we've got a lot of people waking up. But then we've also got people. And I wonder sometimes, and this is kind of my comment on George Bruno's comment here.
I wonder how often the people that appear to just be getting more and more blindly obedient.
I wonder sometimes if they really do believe the things that they're told. Or if they're just scared out of their minds to such a degree that they just act like it.
Kind of like the emperor has no clothes, right? Like those people, they weren't actually seeing clothes, but they were terrified of this king.
So they were like, yeah, your clothes are really nice, even as he's naked. And the little boy, he didn't know enough to be terrified of the king.
So he just was like, dude, you're naked. You know what I mean? So it's like, I wonder sometimes, like the people that are like, oh, yeah, sure,
I'll get the vaccine. They're just like, they know that there's something fishy about that.
Like the vaccine passports and all this kind of stuff. Like they understand that, but they're terrified, right?
So they just go along with it. They just go along with it. Let me tell you what got me thinking about this recently, besides the
George Bruno gab. But I saw this clip on Fox News.
This is Tucker Carlson. I have a hard time talking on this podcast sometimes.
I wonder why I podcast sometimes. I can't even speak. Anyway, Tucker Carlson. I don't really like Tucker.
I know a lot of you guys like Tucker. I don't trust him at all. I don't trust Tucker at all. I think he's a bit of a gatekeeper, and I don't trust him.
But anyway, he does tend to get some good guests on and explore some interesting things. And this is about a
Bill Gates funded plan to essentially do chemtrails and block out the sun and reflect the rays of the sun back to the sun so that we can cool down the earth and stop global warming.
Chemtrails. That's his idea. Okay? And so I want you to see this part of the clip. I'm not going to talk about how
Tucker criticizes this, which is kind of its own topic in itself. Because I think that Tucker, the guests that he has on criticizing this, it's actually a textbook example of gatekeeping because it's really not pointing out the real issues here.
But anyway, I want you to just see this. And while you're watching this, I want you to think of how your brain has been trained to respond to anyone who mentions anything about chemtrails.
Because if you're like me, you have been programmed to respond, oh, you're a lunatic.
You're like, you're one of those chemtrails lunatics that thinks that the sky is falling. Yeah. You're one of those crazy psychos.
Like, that's how I've been trained to respond to anyone who talks about chemtrails. I see them in the sky, and I certainly don't think that I remember seeing them in the sky when
I was a kid. But I've been trained to, anytime anyone brings up chemtrails or geoengineering or anything like that,
I've been trained to say, you're one of those psychopaths and just shut down the conversation.
But I want you to see this. This is on Fox News. This is Bill Gates' plan. Here we go.
Bill Gates is backing the first high -altitude experiment of one radical climate change solution, creating a massive chemical cloud that could cool the
Earth. It's called solar geoengineering, and it's highly controversial. Watch this.
Thousands of planes would fly very high and use nozzles to inject millions of tons of light -reflecting particles into the stratosphere.
It would create a thin chemical cloud of those particles around the whole planet, blocking some sunlight from reaching the surface.
It would mimic a giant volcanic eruption, which we know cools the Earth. Now, just to restate.
No, I'm not going to let Tucker restate anything. Again, I don't trust Tucker Carlson.
It's just that simple. I know a lot of you guys like him. I might get in trouble for this. It's okay. Did you see that, though?
This is his plan. Bill Gates' plan is he's going to do chemtrails.
He's going to retrofit airplanes with nozzles and spray chemicals into the air to mimic a volcanic eruption so that we can reflect the sunlight back to it.
We're going to dim the sun because, you see, the sun is bad. The sun is heating us up. And so the sun is bad, so we have to reflect the sunlight back into space.
We've got to reflect the sun back into space, and that's how we're going to save the world from climate change.
We're going to geoengineer the climate to do it. So this is being proposed.
But actually, I don't believe that. I don't believe this is being proposed. I think this is being done. I think geoengineering has been being done for quite some time.
In fact, if you look at patents for this stuff, patents for this stuff has existed for decades at this point.
And people have talked about this exact idea for a long, long, long, long time.
And people have documented planes doing this exact thing for a very, very, very long time.
Now, there is a good chance that even some of you who are watching this channel right now or listening in a podcast form are thinking, oh, no.
Oh, no. AD has gone conspiracy theorist. AD has gone, oh, no.
I like AD. Now he's crazy. And it's like even now as you've seen it on the screen that this is my new idea, you're still programmed to such a degree that it sounds crazy when you hear it.
And that's a problem. That's a problem because lots of this exact kind of thing where you've got these people on the
Internet that everyone's labeled a nut talking about this thing. And you're like, well, you're a conspiracy theorist.
And then it turns out that it's exactly accurate. How many conspiracy theories have come true in the last few years?
Well, that's a trick question, actually, because they were true all along. They've just come to light in the last few years.
And so the reality is that this is something that you need to be aware that has happened to you.
Like you've been programmed in a certain way to respond to certain things. You respond to certain stimuli with certain reactions.
And sometimes you don't even know why you do it. Like why is it that when I used to watch Dane Wigington and sometimes even when
I still watch Dane Wigington. Look him up. Look up Dane Wigington. Geoengineeringwatch .org.
I've watched these videos probably for the last, I don't know, on and off for the last few years, maybe two, three years, something like that.
I've never been like really into this thing, but I've always, you know, every time the algorithm decides to show me one of his videos,
I've watched it and considered it and stuff like that. There's got to be a reason that when
I hear him speaking, he's not saying anything that's like outlandish.
Like he doesn't have a certain presentation style that's just automatically bad. But when
I hear him, I'm like, oh, that's a psychopath. That's one of those crazy guys. And it's like, well, why is it that I respond that way to him?
It's not really anything he's doing. He's a pretty level -headed guy in general. I mean, I don't agree with everything he says, but why is that?
Why have we been programmed to respond a certain way? And I think we all need to understand that we've been taught to be very, very compliant.
We've been taught to be very compliant. So when the government says something, we're inclined to believe it.
Even those among us who would consider ourselves patriots or consider ourselves to be somewhat free -thinking in those regards, somewhat contrarians, we have to recognize that we've been fed a steady diet of propaganda.
And the reason why propaganda is used is because it works. It works even when you don't know it.
And I've been talking about this a lot lately. But just understand that, again, there's probably a good chance, as I'm talking about chemtrails right now, even as you're watching the evidence of these plans before you, look at these planes.
Look at what they just showed you. This is what you see in the sky, right?
This is what you've been programmed to think, oh, those are crazy people who believe that. Here it is on Fox News. And this is just a report from CNBC, right?
This is what they want to do. And we can see with our own eyes that this is done.
Even as you see it, you're thinking, wow, A .D.'s gone crazy. So here's my point. This is the whole point of this, right?
I agree with George Bruno here that lots of people are waking up. I think a lot of people are going to see this video and watch this episode on Tucker Carlson.
They're going to be like, oh, wow, those crazy chemtrails guys were right.
They are going to do that. They're going to try to block the sun. These people are crazy guys. This is nuts.
This is a crazy idea, by the way. Anyway, but people are going to see that. They're going to wake up, right?
They're going to wake up. But there are going to be other people that see this, and they're going to pretend, they're going to act like this is the first time they've heard it, and this is science, and this is a great idea, and all hail
Bill Gates kind of thing. And they're going to still look at Dane Wigington like he's a psychopath.
Even as he's talked about this exact thing for decades, he's been proven right, he's still going to be looked at as a psychopath because that's what the spell does to you.
That's what the programming does to you. It makes you believe two things at once. Where have we heard that before?
That's the double think from 1984. It makes you believe two things at once, where chemtrails are going to save us all, and also, chemtrails, if you believe that, you're a nut.
Somehow, there's going to be a good amount of people, like George Bruno said, who have been lulled into such blind obedience that they're going to believe those two things at once.
Chemtrails are going to save us all, and if you talk about chemtrails, you are a psychopath. Those two things are not compatible, but people are going to believe it, or they're going to at least act like they believe it.
And there are a whole list of things that I question even actually happened in our recent history, or I question the official narratives of, and things like that.
Various false flag operations and things of that nature. And, you know, things like that.
Achievements, all kinds of stuff. And so I don't believe it. And so even as I say this right now, you know, oh, AD's gone crazy.
He's gone crazy. But here's the point, right? Not everyone is going to be as awakened to what has gone on as you are.
And so my whole point to this episode is those people who are acting like they're just blindly obedient, like they can watch this and say, oh, yes, chemtrails are going to stop climate change.
And then also say, chemtrails are crazy. Like, have mercy on those people. You know what
I mean? Have some sympathy for those people. Don't get all angry. Don't get all upset.
Because we all understand that the programming has been laid on thick.
Right? And the things that we do understand, I mean, there's a lot of things that people just believe that as Christians, we are free from those kinds of false beliefs.
Like, we understand as Christians that God created the world. Right? We understand that God created the world.
The Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the deep. We understand that he said, let there be light.
And there was light. We understand that God created the animals and the creeping things and the fish, swarms of the sea.
We understand he created the land, the dry land. We understand he created the heavens and the earth. We understand he created the greater light to rule the day, the lesser light to rule the night, and also the stars.
We understand all of this. He set that all in its place. And we also understand that he created mankind, and he made them in the image of God.
Male and female, he created them. We understand that. And so we're free to believe the truth.
And there are millions of people that believe all kinds of fantasy stories. Oh, yes, the
Big Bang, and then the rocks came together, and then planets and stars, and then all of a sudden a lot of time passed.
And then there's life. Yeah, and then we were conscious. It's just like that. It's just a magical, mystical, ridiculous story.
But as Christians, we've got this word, man, and that is a tremendous advantage.
Like we don't have to believe the lie anymore. Like when Satan comes slithering into our ear and tells us a lie, we're free to not believe it.
We're not slaves to that anymore. And so have sympathy on people that are attempting to live by lies, because before Christ and before the
Holy Spirit of God dwelt amongst his people, that was our lot.
You know what I mean? Like that was our lot. Like we were trying to live by lies, and there's no way to live by lies.
That's the path that leads to destruction. That's the path that leads to death. And so as you see people that are still kind of fighting against that, or maybe they're not fighting.
Maybe they're just completely slaves to the lying narrative that we've been sold over years and years and years about all kinds of stuff.
The Big Bang. Trillions of light years. And it's just all nonsense, of course.
They've got a better way of putting it. They've got scientific words that don't mean anything and theories and principles that are just made out of whole cloth.
Like they've got better ways of putting it, but that doesn't make any difference, right? Have sympathy on those people.
Have sympathy. Because but for the grace of God, but for the spirit of truth, but for Christ's sacrifice on the cross and his resurrection on the third day, but for all those things, that would be you.
You would be trying to live by lies too. And so I agree with George Bruno, man. It's amazing to see people wake up and it's amazing to see people act as if everything that's happened hasn't happened.
It's amazing. But let's not get angry. Let's not let's not freak out on them.
You know, there's a lot of steps to get from where they are to where you are so much of the time.
And the only reason that you're there is by the grace of God. So let's act with a little bit of humility.
Anyway, I hope you found this podcast or video helpful. I understand if you think I'm a psychopath, that's okay.
I am very much used to that at this point. Anyway, God bless.