TLP 445: Is the Bible Enough for Your Parenting?
How many parenting books and articles have you read? To how many parenting podcasts and seminars have you listened? If you compiled the combined total of man’s parenting knowledge in a single curriculum, you would have a contradictory collection of failure philosophies. But God’s Word — and the resources that rely directly on His Word — are all you need to be the best parent possible. Join AMBrewster as he helps Christian parents understand the sufficiency of Scripture in their parenting.Support our 501(c)(3) by becoming a TLP Friend: the following episodes by clicking the titles or navigating to the episode in your app:TLP 110: There is No Formula for Parenting | Jim Newheiser InterviewClick here for Today’s Episode Notes and Transcript: here for our free Parenting Course: us on Facebook: us on Instagram: us on Twitter: AMBrewster on Facebook: AMBrewster on Instagram: AMBrewster on Twitter: us on Pinterest: to us on YouTube: here for more of our social media accounts: some help? Write to us at [email protected].
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- If you compiled the combined total of man's parenting knowledge in a single curriculum, you would have a contradictory collection of failure philosophies.
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- But God's Word, and the resources that rely directly on His Word, are all that you need to be the best parent possible.
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- Welcome to Truth. Love. Parents. Where we use God's Word to become intentional, premeditated parents.
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- Here's your host, A .M. Brewster. We pray your summer is going well. Ours has been pretty awesome.
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- Our family had VBS last week. Micah and I were in the drama, and this was Ivy's last year to participate in VBS, so she took full advantage of that.
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- And a couple weeks ago, Team TLP and I finalized phase one of our video production and dove into phase two.
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- We hope to be shooting those videos this week. And speaking of video production, I just want to remind everyone how much
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- Team TLP and I love you and your family. Team TLP is made up of volunteers who sacrifice their time so that we can create biblical parenting resources for anyone who wants them.
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- It's a big job. It's time consuming, but it's also internally worth it. At the same time, since we create all of these resources for free, we're obviously not making the funds necessary to keep the lights on.
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- So we praise God that He's been providing our needs up to this point. But our needs have been steadily growing since my family and I chose to dedicate ourselves full time to Truth.
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- Love. Parent. All that to say, we could really use your help. God loves to support His people by using
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- His people. Think of the widow who fed Elijah with her last helping of flour and oil. Remember the
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- New Testament church that sold their possessions in order to care for one another. God loves when the body of Christ builds itself up, strengthens one another, and provides for the needs of the saints so that they can all continue doing the work of the ministry.
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- Now, right now, as of June 2021, our TLP friends graciously donate $935 a month.
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- But as you can imagine, it's becoming increasingly more difficult to run a ministry and support a family on $11 ,220 a year.
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- But every little bit helps. Even if you can only give $5 a month, your gifts and the gifts of others would add up, and we could continue creating these free biblical parenting resources.
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- So I invite you to click on the TLP friend link in the description of this episode so that you can learn more about how to support
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- Truth. Love. Parent. You can also just go to truthloveparent .com forward slash donate. We're doing a big job for a big
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- God, and we'd love your help in doing it. Thank you so much for considering it. And while you're at truthloveparent .com,
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- check out our blog to download today's free episode notes. Now, this may seem a little comical, but as you know,
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- Truth. Love. Parent. is a ministry dedicated to helping dads and moms be the ambassador parents God called and created them to be.
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- But today's episode is called, Is the Bible Enough for Your Parenting? That's right.
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- God's Word is all sufficient for everything in our lives. Because that means that if we only had the scriptures, we'd be able to please him in everything we said and did.
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- And that includes our parenting. Now, I do believe that ministries like TLP are extremely important because we, like Bible preaching pastors, help
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- God's people understand the scriptures. In Nehemiah 8, we learn of a group of men who explained the law to the people so that they would understand what was being read to them.
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- But as valuable as TLP may be, we're no good at all if the Bible isn't enough for our parenting.
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- There will be some of you who are going to disagree with me out of hand. Others of you will embrace everything
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- I'm saying, and it will serve as confirmation for a belief you've had for a long time. And others of you, those who haven't ever really considered this topic, may walk away convinced, skeptical, or at least curious.
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- My desire is that we all come to terms with this gorgeous truth from God's Word. Its veracity will give you so much hope in your parenting.
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- The topic for today is the sufficiency of Scripture in parenting. The word sufficiency means that something is enough.
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- You don't need anything else to be complete, satisfied, and whole. Friends, my hope for you today is that you come to understand that you don't need anything more than God's inscripturated
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- Word for your parenting. You don't need books. You don't need videos. You don't even need this podcast.
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- In fact, all of those things only have value if they constantly push you back to God's Word.
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- That's why we work so hard to be true to the Bible on this show. And I'm honored that you would entrust me to speak wisdom into your family.
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- But please understand me when I say that as long as you are bathing yourself in Scripture, truth -loved parent and ministries like ours are simply the icing on the cake.
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- We're here to remind you that you're not alone. We're here to help you to see the things that maybe you hadn't seen yet.
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- We're here to explain some hard concepts. We're here to help. But the best help we can give you is to turn you back to the
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- Scriptures. Because the Apostle Paul said in 2 Peter 1 .3, His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness through the knowledge of Him who has called us to His own glory and excellence.
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- Please note that everything we need for life and godliness comes solely through the knowledge of Jesus Christ.
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- And the Bible is the only source of that knowledge. Human tradition, opinion, philosophy, and ideology don't matter except where they perfectly align with the
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- Bible. Now, there are those who disagree with me. They point out that the Bible doesn't help you teach your children math.
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- They observe that professionals talk all the time about disorders and diseases that are nowhere mentioned in Scripture. And they're quick to remind us that God's Word doesn't teach you how to handle a baby with colic.
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- And they're right. But does that mean that the Bible is not sufficient, is not enough for our parenting?
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- The doctrine of the sufficiency of Scripture states simply that there is nothing more humanity needs to know about itself or God in order to live as He planned.
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- That means that every question we're going to have and every difficulty we face can and will be answered by the
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- Bible. Now, I want to let God argue for Himself. But before we turn to our passage for today,
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- I want to admit that questions about how to install an electrical box in your basement or how to dissuade your daughter from being interested in that boy are not going to be answered as straightforward as we may like in the
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- Scriptures. The Bible is also not going to give us esoteric, mystical, extra -biblical revelation.
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- There aren't symbols and hidden meanings behind every page of Scripture. Don't get me wrong, the
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- Bible is filled with powerful and necessary imagery, metaphor, and figurative language. But my point is that I'm not going to find some veiled advice from my electrical box in Colossians 1 .11.
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- May you be strengthened with all power. Instead, God is going to answer those questions with the only thing that matters.
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- First Corinthians 10 .31 tells us that whether we're eating or drinking or updating our electrical work, we must glorify
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- God. A few verses earlier, we read, Augustine said to love
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- God and do whatever you want. If we truly understand what it is to love God, then there will be glorious freedom in how we parent.
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- You are different from me. Your kids are different from mine. And there is a nearly infinite color wheel of possibilities for how we can parent to the glory of God.
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- The most important realities are that we speak the truth in love to our kids, point them to Christ, encourage and edify them in the
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- Lord. As ambassador parents, we need to expect no more or less than God does in every page of His Word and then trust
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- Him that there is liberty in the areas not addressed. That means that the Bible is sufficient to parent your teenage daughter through the hormones of a crush.
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- There are answers for parents of children whom the world has labeled hyperactive, defiant, or depressed.
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- There's guidance for every stage from infancy to marriage. There's wisdom to lead your children through what to wear, what to eat, with whom to be friends, how to approach education, and how to play.
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- The Bible will teach us to glorify God even as we install that electrical box.
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- There are foundational truths for absolutely every difficulty you will face in your parenting, or in anything else for that matter.
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- And I truly feel sorry for people who don't believe this. Their God is either forgetful, unloving, not as powerful as He claimed, or just a liar.
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- No one will ever convince me that man's opinions on medicine, philosophy, health, economics, sexuality, government, or parenting is vital to my ability to live a
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- Christ -honoring life on this planet. If that were the case, then what about the billions and billions of people who lived before the planet was graced with the opinions of Dr.
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- Spock? Were children incapable of glorifying God before Prozac was invented in 1987?
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- No, my friends. Every human from the dawn of time until the second death has been given everything they need for life and godliness.
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- Everything else is either a distraction or a subtle joy. So let me move on and deal with two topics.
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- First I want to turn to Psalm 19 to help you see from God's own mouth the sufficiency of His Word. And then
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- I want to explain something called your parenting Bible. 1. Please allow me to read
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- Psalm 19, 7 -14. The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul.
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- The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. The precepts of the
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- Lord are right, rejoicing the heart. The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes.
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- The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever. The rules of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.
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- More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold, sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb.
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- Moreover, by them is your servant warned. In keeping them there is great reward. Who can discern his errors?
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- Declare me innocent from hidden faults. Keep back your servant also from presumptuous sins.
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- Let them not have dominion over me. Then I shall be blameless and innocent of great transgression.
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- Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight,
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- O Lord, my rock and my Redeemer. What a beautiful truth!
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- God's law is perfect for your family. He designed it to revive your souls. His testimonies concealed in His word are sure.
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- Even though our children are born with foolishness knotted in their hearts, the Bible was given to us to make our families wise.
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- The Lord's precepts are right. When we parent in God's righteousness, our families will rejoice in righteousness.
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- God's commandments are pure. In those times when things seem muddled and hard, when the difficulties surrounding our terrorist children loom ever dark,
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- God's commandments enlighten our eyes and help us to see the next step. The Bible teaches us to fear the
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- Lord and when our spouses and children and we fear Him, we will live clean and wholesome lives that will endure forever.
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- The rules of the Lord are true. When the world tries to stake their claim on truth and convince us that the
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- Bible isn't relevant or worse, it's just a dilapidated old book full of violence, prejudice, and puritanical prohibitions, we can confidently know that His rules are truth and are altogether righteous.
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- And every word of the word is more valuable than all the fine gold in every hole in every continent on this earth.
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- They're sweeter than the most decadent treats. They bring a smile to your lips, a glint to your eye, and are a spring to your step.
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- In fact, you may just mount up with wings as eagles. His word warns us and our kids.
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- It points out every danger we may encounter from this world, from the flesh, and from Satan. The Bible is completely, totally, 100 % undeniably without error.
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- When mankind dreams up some ridiculous answer for the woes of humanity and it contradicts God's revealed will, you can know that man is wrong and God is right, and your kids can have the same confidence.
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- God's word is the only source that can help us teach our children to be innocent from hidden faults. It's the only document in the world that can help our kids stay away from the dominion of presumptuous sins.
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- Only the Bible can help your children be blameless and innocent. Let us pray with David the final verse with this one small change.
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- When I parent, let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight,
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- O Lord, my rock and my Redeemer. But the only way that I can pray that is when
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- I'm parenting from his truth. Now I'm not going to go any further.
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- We could take a year to step through the scriptures and build this doctrine out from every book of the Bible. We could plumb the depths of this truth for a very long time.
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- But instead of presuming to tackle such a task on this little podcast, let me encourage you to study this truth.
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- You can start with Psalm 119. The longest chapter in the Bible is dedicated completely to the truths about the
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- Bible. It will delight your soul. There are also a ton of resources from a hundred trusted people in ministries, including the
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- Association of Certified Biblical Counselors, John MacArthur, John Piper, Answers in Genesis, Nine Marks, and Paul David Tripp, just to name a few.
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- Let God's word argue for itself. Okay, let's talk about our second topic for the day.
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- It's called Your Parenting Bible. I was first introduced to this concept when I was getting my certificate from ACBC.
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- I was taking a class from Jim Neuheiser. Now before I continue, let me say that I had the great interview with Jim in episode 110.
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- It was about how parenting is more than just a formula. And I was introduced to his talk on that subject in the counseling class in the same class
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- I took. Now, if you go to the TruthLoveParent .com and click on the Parenting Tools tab, you can navigate to the
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- Best Podcast page. On that page, you'll see a number of my favorite podcasts, but near the bottom, you'll see Care and Discipleship from IBCD.
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- That is a version of the class I took for my certification through the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors. It's packed with so much good stuff, and so much of it revolves around marriage and parenting as well.
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- If you haven't heard it yet, I want to encourage you more strongly than I ever have to listen to every episode.
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- While you're learning so much amazing truth from God's Word, you'll hear Dr. Neuheiser talk a little bit about this concept of a parenting
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- Bible. But here's the kernel idea. Your parenting Bible is only as big as the passages and verses you regularly use with your family.
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- For some of you, your parenting Bible may only be a couple verses long, like be kind to one another, and do all things without grumbling.
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- But maybe you don't even have those two in there. And that's okay. Today we talked about the fact that God's Word, and God's Word alone, is what you need to be the best parent you can be.
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- It will not only empower you to be the person you're supposed to be, but it also is the most important content we have to communicate to our kids.
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- So we all need to make it a daily habit to speak truth into our kids' lives, just like we learned in Parenting 101.
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- And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.
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- You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.
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- That means we need to know God's Word and use it. So every time you integrate a new verse into your daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, or second by second routine, you're building your parenting
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- Bible. Some people teach their kids the ABCs with 26 different verses that all start with the different letters.
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- Some people, like my sister, simply breathe out Bible as easily as anything. And as our parenting Bibles grow, we'll be able to answer more questions and handle more issues.
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- In fact, wouldn't it be amazing if our parenting Bibles were as thick as the actual Bible itself? Wouldn't it be great if we could regularly apply every truth of Scripture to our kids?
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- A long time ago when I started this podcast, my wife asked me what I was going to do when I ran out of parenting verses.
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- I hope I never run out of biblical truths to apply to our parenting. If God's Word is sufficient for everything we will ever need for life and godliness in our parenting, then until we've dealt with every question, situation, issue, and struggle, there will be at least one more episode to do.
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- And I hope you'll be there with us. Truth. Love. Parents. Is part of the
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- Evermind Ministries family and is dedicated to helping you become an intentional premeditated parent.
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- Join us next time as we search God's Word for the truth your family needs today.