Matt Slick Reviews The Shack



Matt Slick reviews The Shack book to expose heresies prior to the movie release. Are there truths to be found in The Shack?


Chapter three how many heard me on the radio today talking about? Deception we didn't go through this again.
I want it on the web. I want people to know it Yes Let's get going so I'm gonna hit
All right, we're live on Facebook And we're live on YouTube all right
Welcome everybody and Hope you guys are gonna enjoy what I'm gonna do with this
Shack And we're gonna be doing some Analysis of it. I'm gonna show you why it's got problems and stuff like that all right, so everybody got a handout
I have a handout. I made 25 of them, so If you want take them home copy them whatever and if you want one
I could email you the copy I'm not a big deal, and you can print it up yourself. I apologize that it's a little on the small side of the font
Hey, hey rich You know it's a little on the small side, but it's got information in it trust me
I could go in a lot further than than that all right before we get going. Thanks for reminding me.
We're gonna pray and we'll jump right in and So what we do is, but what
I want to do is tackle this first, then you can ask questions sound good
Only one person really is paying attention. Yeah, I heard a kind of a Over here someplace happy birthday and congratulations on the the new one oh
So cute love babies all right, let's pray Lord Jesus we we thank you
Lord for your great grace that you've given us for the love the patience the kindness that you have shown
Towards us Lord. I ask that all of our hearts will be bowed before you our minds ready for you
And that as we study your word and as we study the truth That we would be able to see by your great light those areas of darkness that have crept into the church
And our society and our psyche Lord We want to repent of them and expose them that we might bring you glory and Lord Jesus.
We praise you We thank you. We ask this in your holy and precious name Lord amen all right, so We're gonna be going through and I'm gonna be showing you why the book the shack has got some serious problems
And it does now some of you may be thinking well Matt. You're a little bit too anal about doctrine and that may be true
But it still does not negate the truth that this book has got some heresies Back nine years are back in 2009 when it came out
I interviewed Paul young on my radio show and I assumed that he thought I don't know what he thought
But I assumed that what he Expected was just another radio interview, but how great the book is that's not what happened
I started quizzing him and asking him doctrinally related questions, and he cut the interview short
That's fine. You know no big deal. I met him at NNU Northwest Nazarene University about a year or so later
I remember exactly and I went out there and Try to pass out literature because NNU should not have had him on because he's teaching heresy and he is
But that's NNU which is going south and so he and I had a discussion there, and I told him
That I would be willing to sit with him and go over Christian theology with him so that he when he writes this
You know he could do it more accurately biblically And I was being serious, and he didn't take me up on it
Now since then incidentally I've written a novel the influence and it's a similar kind of a thing except not but Angels and demons and things like that and good theologies in there
Even if I do say so myself all right, so what we'll do is we're gonna start by going to Genesis chapter 3
I'm gonna read out of the NASB And I want to do this we did this on the radio today, and I want to go through this again
I am learning that Genesis 1 2 & 3 are Very significant when it comes to understanding biblical theology.
There's a lot of foundations in here I may go through Genesis 1 2 & 3 just teaching these three chapters sometime just to do it because there's so much there but I want to do is
I Want you to understand something before we get going here I want you to understand who God is the
Magnificent holy eternal being who has the quality of a CIT a CIT is this eternal independence?
Self -sufficiency God possesses this this is a quality of God alone. He is eternal.
He doesn't make any mistakes He doesn't sit up in heaven unless you're an open theist and say don't he does not goof
He does not make any mistakes. He knows all things first John 3 20
He also works all things after the counsel of his will Ephesians 1 11 There's nothing he's not aware of and anything that does occur occurs by his permission whether it be by sin or by his specific creative effort
He ordained certain things to be and I can get into the theology of all of that don't need to But I'm trying to get you to get a little bit of a flavor here on the majesty and the holiness and the wonder of Who God is?
Now not that experience makes any doctrinal point But I have discovered lately that I'm having to refer to my conversion experience more and more and not that it means anything
Because it's subjective, but I'll tell you in the presence of holiness You are undone and your face is to the ground and we'll go through some scriptures that talk about that and we should always always keep in mind
God's holiness and his majesty and We should never seek to redefine him apart from what he has declared in his own revelation
Because if we do that we become idolaters very quickly Having said that We know that when
God created Adam. He said in Genesis 2 17 the day that you eat of this fruit you will die
You're gonna die don't eat of it now Adam probably is the one who gave the word to Eve and Because we don't see we don't see any record of the father speaking of God speaking to Eve here
What we see is God speaking directly to Adam and there's a reason for that. He's the male.
He's the federal head He's one who represented mankind and even though she sinned first sin entered the world through him
Romans 5 12 That's another bit of theology don't need to get into But when we look at Genesis 3 verse 1 now the serpent
Was more crafty than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made He said of the woman indeed has
God said you shall not eat from any tree of the garden Has God said did you really say that the first thing the enemy does is to doubt
God's Word? Did he really say that are you sure? Did he really say that?
Just a subtle Doubting of God's Word and we all can do that very same thing when we're reading through the
Bible and we say I don't understand You know I feel that he should be this way as soon as that happens to you
What you're doing is the same thing has God really said? We have got to be careful as Christians that we don't submit the
Word of God to our particular Denominational bent our presuppositions or whatever it is.
We want to go to the Word of God as best as possible Now I'm a five -pointer People say well you do that.
Yes, I do We all do we all look at the
Word of God through our assumptions our presuppositions And hopefully what we want to do is make sure that these things are biblical and that's a whole nother topic all together as well
But what I want you to see here is you shall not eat from any tree of the garden Because he says shall is this what he said?
Is this what he says raising the question the woman said of the serpent from the fruit of the trees of the garden?
We may eat but from the fruit of the tree Which is in the middle of the garden God has said you shall not eat from it or touch it or you will die
She added three words in English or touch it God did not say or touch it.
She added those words Now some people might say well Adam told her and Adam added look we don't have that what we have is what she said right here
Now what she's doing is modifying the Word of God Altering it slightly That is sinful to do what
God doesn't know his own word The infinite creator of the universe who can tell you the location of every electron in the universe just like that Well, we wouldn't know to comprehend it, but he knows
This is God. Do you think he knows what he's saying when he says don't eat? Do you think he knows what's going on?
Do you think that he knows why the words that he's going to speak are there and the words he doesn't speak aren't there? This is
God we're talking about. Why does she have to come in and alter the word? Why does she have to do that?
Well at first what she's doing is listening to the evil one who's doubting the Word of God first thing and Then once she modifies the
Word of God He then verse 4 contradicts the word the serpent said of the woman you surely shall not die
The Word of God did he really say that the Word of God is altered now the Word of God is contradicted
The Word of God is altered the Word of God is contradicted and that's what happens in this book I'll be able to say well, it's not a big deal.
Yes. It is a big deal When I wrote my fiction novel the influence I've made sure
I did not contradict anything that was aware of in Scripture As best of my knowledge what
I understood the Word of God to say nothing I said in that book and wrote in that novel Contradicts the
Word of God This is full of contradictions to the Word of God It's an alteration of the very
Word of God and people all over America love it Why because maybe they're false converts or they're ignorant or the pastors or the teachers aren't telling the people what they need to know in The congregations and that's at the fault of the pastors and the elders who are not saying things like you shouldn't go see this
Let me tell you why you shouldn't see the movie. I'll tell you why because of its heresies But the men who are supposed to be in the pulpit don't have what it takes
Apparently to lay down the law so to speak and say what truth is because they're too afraid and who knows
Because maybe they're not following Christ or following You know looking the finger put up in the wind of the air and say which one does which way does a doctrinal wind blow?
Or the social wind or whatever it is, and I'm sick and tired of that kind of stuff It's happening
I'll get into this you'll see Verse 5 for Satan speaks now notice what's happening now
Satan is speaking for God Once the words been altered once the words been doubted
Contradicted now he says for God knows Now he's speaking for God God knows that in the day you eat from it.
Your eyes will be opened and you will be like God knowing good and evil Now he's the teacher
The false one is now the teacher teaching her Check this out verse 6
When the woman saw that the tree was good for food saw what she liked, okay?
And that it was a delight to the eyes and that the tree was desirable to make one wise She took from its fruit and ate and she gave also to her husband with her and he ate now
Adam Surely blew it and we can get into a discussion on that But I want to focus on the issue here of the word and what the appeal was it was an appeal of Sensuality of appeal to what seems right what
I want what I desire not what what God desires And that's what this book does this book is a written form of human desire and human
Preferences as a veneer put over the majesty of God to bring him down to the level that we want him at and that's
Unidolatrous, and that's what this book does it presents God in idolatrous fashion Even though there are places where it has good theology in it
But I forgot the exact verse a little leaven leavens the whole low but the whole lump a little bit of sin can ruin basically everything and What we want to do here is make sure that we don't alter the
Word of God even a little bit now I wanted to go to Genesis 3 1 through 6 first because I want you to understand what the
Nature is what happens when people doubt the Word of God, so The version of this
I have is a 2008 version 10th printing and for those of you who may be checking on the web it might be that there's a slight different page number and things like that and Maybe I can do something later where I get another version and put it in a version whatever and put another page number
So I'm just going to go through this not that it's any theological as significance of any particular order
Because there's a lot and there's even more that can go through but I've got stuff in here underlined
I haven't even talked about in here just stuff anyway So on page 95, let's look at number one together
The father has scars on his wrists like the crucifixion wounds of Christ This is called patripastianism.
It is called Heresy now, I know that the web or weights.
It's filming. It looks a little bit. It's backwards So I'm gonna try something here. This is the word.
I'm gonna be pointing to this Heresy, I wonder if I could do it this way. Let's see.
It would have to be this way Not that way, but this could be tough. But what
I'm gonna do it though I'm not helping You think you're messing me up here.
Thanks. I was I was on a roll Heresy because it's best backwards It's working.
Okay, great All right Was the father incarnated?
No, only the son was incarnated not the father. This is what we call in theology we call this the economic
Trinity the economic Trinity says that the the end of the
Godhead the father son and Holy Spirit are different roles Different functions the father is the one who elected and gave to the son all that the father gives me of them
I will lose none John 6 37 through 40 that pericope you go to high priestly prayer. The father has given them to the son
The son is to keep them The Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin righteousness and judgment
John 16 9 Jesus doesn't do that only Jesus became incarnate not the father not the
Holy Spirit the father and the son send the Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit does not send the son or the father. It's called the economic
Trinity It's different than the ontological Trinity the ontological Trinity is that the father the son and the
Holy Spirit all share the same divine essence on toss nature essence being the economic
Trinity is a difference in function only Jesus became man
The second person of the Trinity became man. The father did not become man.
The father was not crucified I could get into the doctrine of why the incarnation is necessary and the hypothetic
Union and the Communicatio idiomato and why the doctrines that relate to the person and natures of Christ are necessary for atonement another time
I'll tell you that this is a heresy to say that he has crucifixion wounds on His wrist has scars on his wrist now.
Let me ask you a question Does Jesus have any scars on his wrists on his side? Oh When he died he rose from the dead he prophesied his own resurrection in John 2 19 through 21
He rose from the dead and he said to Thomas in John 20 25 to 28 Take your hand and put it into my side now according to first Corinthians 15 35 through 45 that which is sown
The body that dies is also the thing that is raised So that which is sown that which is raised
So his body was sown, but it was raised in a glorified state and in the glorified state. He retained his crucifixion wounds
Then Thomas put your hand into my side. Take your finger put it into my hand after the resurrection now this get into some other stuff about the nature of the blood and Flesh and blood night.
I got so much tangents. I could take not gonna so There aren't any scars
So why would the father have scars well, first of all, it tells me that Paul Young doesn't take the
Word of God Very seriously and doesn't study it very deeply and yet he's gonna write a novel speaking for God That would scare me and you'll notice how many read my novel the influence
Okay, one two three Okay, four. I Don't speak for God in there.
I Don't put words in Christ's mouth. I don't put words in God's mouth I have an angel speak and he says things that we already know are in Scripture Why why did
I do that? Because I'm not going to risk putting words in God's mouth
I'm not doing that even in fiction. I will not speak for God.
I'll let him speak for himself Now here let's go to number just jump in number two,
I Don't on this on page 120. I Don't need to punish people for sin sin is its own punishment
Devouring from the inside. It's not my purpose to punish it. It's my joy to cure it Well, first of all, you don't punish sin you punish the sinner
Sin is an abstraction sin is a concept sin isn't punished
People are punished now The Bible does not say sin is its own punishment
It doesn't say anything like that. This is mysticism. This is New Age philosophy this is false
God is the one who executes judgment you go to Matthew 25 46 John 5 29 we know that God is the one who executes judgment.
So let me ask you a question Who are you saved from? Safe in the devil in one sense
Yes But you're also saved from God Almighty the righteous judge who executes judgment upon the sinner who has not trusted in Christ and does not escape the righteous judgment of the
Holy One and His love was so good that he gave his son that whoever would trust in Jesus will escape that judgment
And we need to trust in him But God is also holy and he will punish the sinner and he will that's why we preach the gospel
So that God will save people through the preaching the gospel, which is the power of God to salvation
Romans 1 16 So, uh, we can go on there's I guess so much to cook to a cover.
Let's just jump to number three God the Father is seen as a black woman. I Have nothing against black women
Okay, just get that out. I don't any problem with that. I don't care The problem here though is that God the
Father cannot be seen Jesus says in John 6 46 Not that any man has seen the father except the one who is from God.
He has seen the father He's talking about himself You go to first Timothy 6 16 and speaking of the context of the father who dwells an unapproachable light whom no man has seen
Nor can see Now we know that in the Old Testament. God is seen. However, Genesis 17 1
Genesis 18 1 Exodus 6 2 and 3 Exodus 24 9 through 11 numbers 12 6 through 8
These are places where God is seen But we know that it's never excuse me It's never the father because Jesus says not that any man has seen the father so even
Adam and Eve when they were in the garden were not seeing God the father because Adams a man not that any man has seen
The father except the one himself who is with the father and had glory with the father before the foundation of the world
John 17 5 so this is speaking about himself in John 6 46 And Paul the
Apostle says that the father dwells that these beacon of the father was an unapproachable light who no man has seen nor can see so Paul young in the book the shack
Has God the father appearing as a woman in? Contradiction to the scriptures and the woman is called
Papa So we have a woman called Papa who's a representation of God the father
Now we call that gender confusion now, maybe Maybe Paul young was prophetic and the gender things that are going on now and the stupidity
That's going on with that the moronic idiocy with his gender crud You know actually
I've kind of decided I'm a I'm a lesbian trapped in a male's body, which is why I like women So I think maybe that might work and I heard as a white woman identifying as a black woman and she wants
Special rights or something. I heard on some article. I was gonna read about that. She wanted minority status to get into a college
I'm like, oh so what if I was a Black lesbian woman trapped in a white man's body.
Oh, I really need help. You give me stuff Anyway The stupidity of humanity is before us and we
Christians have to wade Through the mire the swamp of Moronic philosophy and hopefully we don't get mired down in it and get so entrenched in stupidity that we don't know how to respond
To them you need to know the Word of God You got to stand with the Word of God and not submit yourself to the foolishness of this world and the vain philosophies of men now
As I mentioned earlier When I was 17, I had a very dramatic conversion experience and it was
Dramatic and I've mentioned before You know, I buried my son and I'll tell you
I hope no one I don't care who you are, but you never have to experience that bearing a child and if you any of you have
I'm sorry if I'm causing any difficulty we're at a Church service on Sunday to Lutheran Church, and they had a film of a guy who lost a son.
I had to leave I Couldn't handle it. My wife did better than me but the point I'm trying to make is that I went harder the day of my conversion than the day of my death of my son and the reason
I did was because I was in the presence of holiness the Holy Spirit Blam and he just revealed to me by his very presence he revealed to me my sin and all
I could do was keep my face to the ground and Yell out my agonizing tears of convicted repentance
The presence of God now, does that mean it's true because I say it that way no But I'll tell you
I know it was him. I know that Jesus was there. I'm not offering it as proof But I understand what it means to be the presence of God to some sliver of a degree that reminds me
You ever seen that interview on YouTube? Where the guy's gonna you know, he's got an interview with God and he's in his nice suit and a nice church setting the whole
But yeah, God should be here any minute now and the interview with God light comes up, you know, this is here's flapping, you know
He's going. Oh, I'm sorry. I Screaming the light, you know the stuff That's God.
Okay. He's instantly, you know from you know, does interview God to his presence to Sorry, he's all he could do
That's how it really is In Exodus 3 6 Moses was afraid to look at God's glory in Isaiah 6 1 through 4 in the year of King Uzziah's death
I saw the Lord sitting on a throne lofty and exalted with the train of his robe filling the temple
Seraphim stood above him each having six wings with two He covered his faith with two he covered his feet with two
He flew and one called out to another and said holy holy Holy is the Lord of hosts the whole earth is full of his glory and the foundations of the thresholds
Trembled at the voice of him who called out while the temple was filling with smoke then I said Whoa is me for I am ruined because I am a man of unclean lips and I live among a people of unclean lips
For my eyes have seen the king the Lord of hosts. He says whoa to me Whoa?
I'm in the presence of God because I'm undone That's the presence of God Revelation 1 16 to 17 in his right hand
He held seven stars and out of his mouth came a sharp two -edged sword and his face was like the Sun Shining in its strength when
I saw him I fell at his feet like a dead man and play he placed his right hand on me saying do not be afraid
I am the first and the last and the living one that I was dead and behold I'm alive forevermore and have the keys of death and of Hades fall at the feet
He's undone This is the presence of God Yet how many read this book?
Okay So four of us five of us maybe in here
Mac main character basically has got God the Father as a buddy a woman who talks about farting we'll get into that later and Does such casual stuff that it is not the majestic God of the
Bible people say well Matt You know what all he's trying to do is just bring God to a place where we can appreciate him more
Oh, I get it. The Word of God is not sufficient has God said
Just add a few little words just change a few little things It doesn't matter as long as your feelings are satisfied as long as what you want is satisfied
And God is made to be what you want him to be. This is the beginnings of idolatry and The apostasy that's occurring in the
Christian Church Check this out on page 145 146
Mac was surprised. How could that be? Why would the God of the universe want to be submitted to me?
So Jesus answers because we want you to join us in our circle of relationship
I don't want slaves to my will I want brothers and sisters who will share life with me Circle of relationship
You know, I hear this kind of stuff in New Age stuff in mysticism You go to a New Age convention, which if you can ever go go better than Disneyland.
Trust me It's better people with candles in their ears and people going Blowing away negative energy people putting rocks in their head.
This one's good. This is a go rock. I buy this one This is what you see at a
New Age convention. I'm not kidding. Oh, it's it's good Real good better than a science fiction alien movie, but that for me that's pretty close
So Why would the God of the universe want to be submitted to me?
This is blasphemy This is blasphemy if I was writing a fiction novel
This is the thing that I would say of a demonic force seeking to deceive
That God wants to be submitted to you why because of your wisdom your ability your sincerity your understanding
And he's he's there for you That's what we're being taught.
Isn't it? God's there for you Lately, I have been praying more and more and more and more
That I don't even take a step or a breath unless God is directing. I Don't want to do anything anymore.
Unless God's saying go that way in five four three two one now go and I start walking
I don't want to be Any place unless God wants me to be there the older I get the more
I realize how foolish my own desires are and I'm not kidding and Lately, I've been just praying and praying
God Please Send me use me. I would love it if you opened up the heavens and said
Matt. I want you to Love that. I don't care what it was. Just tell me but he hasn't done that What he does is he says trust me and go
I Do the best I can with his word and I go I'm submitting to him. I'm submitting to his will
What did Jesus do in Luke 22 42 not my will but your will be done
Jesus God and flesh second person of the Trinity submitted to the will of the Father not my will but your will he submitted to The Father it is not this crap
That God one of the universe wants to be submitted to Mac This fictional character, this is heresy, it's blasphemy and Christians will read this
It's just great Because they're feeling it
Because they're letting it guide their hearts. They're not submitting to the Word of God They have a low view of Scripture and they have a low view of God and That's why this book is so successful Because the
Christian Church is anemic the Christian Church is weak The Christian Church is pretty pathetic and it doesn't know enough to be able to change society
Let alone sacrifice itself for the truth of God and know what the truth of God is The fact that I had to do what
I do in this world is a pathetic demonstration of how bad things are Someone who has
Asperger's Someone who's demented I've been called all kinds of things and God's using someone like me.
That's not good These are a lot more competent people out there It's got to be bad
And if you were to have a little megaphone up to the heavens and you know, you see the scraping sound
That's God scraping the bottom of the barrel Okay, this is how things are.
It shouldn't be like this. It shouldn't be that I have to say this stuff It shouldn't be that a ministry that I've got karm .org
exists the Christian Church should be doing this. It shouldn't be this way
It is It's the fault of the Christian pastors Primarily who don't have the guts to bow the heart and the knee in the mind before the
Word of God and start teaching it and instead of preaching to please God what they're doing is preaching and Trying to please men and have numbers come into the church and do what's necessary for that and that's false
Should not happen should not happen. It should not happen, but it does now
The Bible says in James 4 7 submit therefore to God resist the devil and he will flee from you So he has completely contradicted the
Word of God. Let's go to number five improper declaration of what evil is on page 136 It says McKenzie evil is a word we use to describe the absence of good
Just as we use the word darkness to describe the absence of light or death to describe the absence of life
I know where he got. This is like a crackerjack thing crackerjack, you know sayings or fortune cookie stuff.
Hey, that looks good I'm gonna put that in there. I'll put in my novel. I'll put it in there. Let me get it straight
Good, no bad is the absence of good. Yeah evil debate. Yeah, that works It's mysticism.
It's new -age idiocy. It's stupidity It's not what it is He's goes on both evil and darkness can only be understood in relationship to light and good.
They do not have any actual existence really Satan is evil incarnate so to speak.
He's not incarnated, but he is evil I don't know how many of you have ever ever experienced the presence of a demonic force
You remember it? It's evil. It's scary. It's terrifying
I've had it happen Not that experience is how we judge these things But we know that the scripture says that the devil is real the devil is a murderer and a liar and a thief
He goes around seeking who can destroy John 1010. He is evil and to say
That evil is just the absence of good or if that's the case. We don't need any devil We don't need any demonic realm because all we need is the absence of good.
What is the absence of good? Absence of good is nothing Nothing the absence of something isn't anything.
This is ridiculous you know if I have a Give a plug for Red Bull here, but if I have this
This is here. It's something now. What a minute wait watch it doesn't put it back over here, okay? It's the absence of the can what is it?
It's nothing But no, that's what evil is the absence of good the absence of good isn't anything.
This is New Age Mysticism it's all it is It's ridiculous all right
Verse not verse Number six I love this one on page 224
God the father and Mac are talking about forgiving the man who murdered Mac's daughter Mac for you to forgive this man is for you to release him to me and allow me to redeem him so God needs
Max permission mass going to release him to allow him to forgive him Wow What God is that?
It's a God to stop describing the book of Deuterectomy is Certainly not the God of Scripture God Needs a permission and the release of this sinner in order for God to forgive
This is flaming heresy Okay, as in heresy that's flaming.
It's flaming heresy is bad On page 225 we are told by God in Jesus I have forgiven all humans for their sins against me, but only some choose relationship
So I've forgiven all humans for their sins against me when
I talked to to him about this he would not answer the question I Remember it.
I said are you saying that everybody's forgiven and he wouldn't answer are you saying everybody's forgiven you wouldn't answer He's teaching universalism all people are forgiven.
No not all people are forgiven mark 329 Matthew 25 46 Revelation 14 11 2010 people are judged and they go to hell.
I don't want them to go to hell They do they're not all forgiven. I mean, this is ridiculous in Jesus.
I've forgiven all humans for their sins against me wrong
Mr. Paul young the universalist heretic wrong
But you know what? This is sure a satisfying statement to help us feel good and better about God You know why we don't want
God's sovereignty. We want our own sovereignty We don't want his superiority we want ours
We want our free will and our wisdom and our sincerity above his that's what we want
And that's why people pick up this book and they love it because it tickles their ears That's what is happening.
It is definitely most definitely tickling their ears now
This Second Timothy 4 3 for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine
But wanting to have their ears tickled They will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires and will turn away their ears
From the truth and will turn aside to myths And that's what this book is full of Doesn't have some good stuff in it.
Absolutely. Does the Book of Mormon have some good stuff in it? Yes, it does Does the
Watchtower Bible and Tract Society have anything good in it? Yes, it does But it doesn't mean it's okay
There are lies in there. The enemy isn't gonna write a book to you You will die in agonizing hell if you believe what
I'm telling you right now because I my desire to destroy you Ultimately and I want you to be as much sin and agony as possible.
People go. Yeah, I like this. This is good stuff It's not gonna happen like that Happen is that the enemy is gonna say you're wonderful You deserve good stuff and I'm going to help you find
God in a way that you can understand And so we'll reduce him. We'll change him a little bit just enough.
We'll start did God really say? We'll just alter the truth a little bit. We'll doubt it a little bit.
That's what we'll do That's what's happening with this the shack On Page 206
Papa got the father again gender confusion says honey I've never placed an expectation on you or anyone else the idea behind Expectations requires that someone does not know the future or outcome and is trying to control behavior to get the desired result
Well besides the illogic in that it's just nonsense Let's focus on one thing he's never placed an expectation on him or anyone else
Be holy for I am holy First Peter 1 16. He commands everyone everywhere to repent at 1730
Love the Lord your God with all your heart soul mind and strength Matthew 22 37. Love your neighbors yourself
Matthew 22 39 No, he never puts an expectation on you right
Where's he getting this? Where is he getting this heresy? Does he believe the
Bible? I can't say he does I Can't say that. He knows who Christ really is.
I'm not judging his salvation That's not my place, but I cannot say he does know because he contradicts what the
Word of God says Now he may be a believer. He may be saved, but if he is he needs to repent before God judges him
This is serious stuff. I Hope he's saved maybe trust in the
Lord and he's been led astray by some false teachers. I don't know. It's not my position Again, I'm not judging his salvation
But this kind of stuff makes me think that whoever would teach this is not a true convert because how could you be a true convert and have the
Holy Spirit living in you and Who bears witness of Jesus Christ and bears witness to the truth John 14 26
John 15 26 and Yet the truth is not really taught about God is majesty and his holiness in his nature
It's that other things are taught in contradiction to the Word of God All right
What I'm gonna do now is just read some of the quotes From the book. I want you to get a flavor of some of the stuff now
I got a you know, just a little bit here half a page of quotes and we can go through the whole thing All right
I'm page 89 Jesus is speaking to Mac about the father who remember is an african -american woman and Jesus says she's a riot
So speaking of the father Jesus says she's a riot
Really Man, you know, I don't know. I just wouldn't say something like that about God got a father
Father the hour has come Glorify your son that the Son may glorify you even as you gave him authority over all flesh
That to all whom you have given him he may give eternal life This is eternal life that they may know you the only true
God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent I glorified you on the earth having accomplished the work which I have given which you have given me to do now father
Glorify me together with yourself with the glory, which I had with you before the world was this John 17 1 through 5
I just read Nothing in the Greek or margin say hey God's a riot it doesn't happen that what that is is a
Lowering of the majesty and the holiness of God to such a degree That he is a common little buddy who you will like and want to have lunch with Because he's cool
That's what's going on. It's a reduction of God How about this on page 90
Back is speaking to the father who's listening to music. May I ask what you're listening to? You really want to know sure now
Mac was curious West Coast juice group called diatribe and an album that even isn't even out yet called heart trips
Actually, she winked at Mac. These kids haven't even been born yet Right Mac responded more than a little incredulous
West Coast juice, huh? It doesn't sound very religious. Oh, trust me It's not More like Eurasian funk and blues with a message and a great beat
She sidestepped toward Mac as if she were doing a dance move and clapped Mac stepped back.
This is God the Father It's an ungodly music apparently, even though the psalmist says to worship
God in truth The psalm 100 psalm 110 you can go to these psalms talk about worshiping
God in truth So no God's listening to a funk band
I like funk Okay, but I'm not gonna be saying yeah guys listen to the folks he's kind of like you'll he's hip
I'll tell you if God just gave Paul young two seconds of his glory
Paul young would request the book withdrawn And he'd renounce what he'd written
Because he'd realized he's not serving the true and living God representing him properly in what he's saying about God And who would happen in the presence of the true and living
God you don't say things like this about God You don't
Jesus wiped the father's feet page 105. Ooh, that feels so good to explain
Papa as she continues her tasks at the counter Page 108
Jesus and Mac together. Come on said Jesus interrupting Mac's thoughts I know you enjoy looking at stars want to he sounded just like a child full of anticipation and expectancy
Jenna John 17 six Let's hear what Jesus says I have manifested your name to the men whom you gave me out of the world
They were yours and you gave them to me and they have kept your word Now they have come to know that everything you have given me is from you for the words
Which I gave them which you gave me I have given to them and they received them and truly understood that I came forth
From you and they believe that you sent me he talks in a majestic way of God He speaks with reverence
Jesus incarnate word made under the law of Galatians 4 for made for a little while more than the angels
Hebrews 2 9 When he dresses the father does so reverently he does so with respect
He does so as a proper man under the law who has God as his object of praise and worship
That's how it is in the Bible. Those are the words of Christ so Jesus Sounds like a child full of anticipation and expect expectancy.
This is what the world wants Jesus to be a Really nice blonde hair blue -eyed
Caucasian surfer dude dressed in a woman's nightgown standing at the door of your heart asking permission for you and your sovereignty and your wisdom and Your free will and your ability and your sincerity and your humility and your whatever to let him in so he can
Then save you that's the Jesus that's being presented in false doctrines and false churches all over the world
The Jesus of the scripture Would sit with children and love them And he would sit with women and love them but he would also overturn the temple tables and he spoke with reverent respect to God the
Father and This is in direct contradiction to what the scriptures teach about Jesus and his interaction with God direct contradiction
Food is being passed around at the table page 121. Whoa said Papa. That's God the Father Who had returned from the kitchen with yet another dish take it easy on those greens young man
These things would give you the trots if you ain't careful So now talking about diarrhea getting the runs
God the Father talking about that Oh, it's so nice because look what happens. It makes God more like us
God the Father more like us. Wait a minute Shouldn't we look to Christ for this? Shouldn't we look to the revelation of Jesus who is the representation of God Romans 12 to?
Shouldn't we look to? Hebrews 1 2 & 3 the exact representation the nature of God to get my verses mixed up.
Sorry Hebrews 1 3 I think Jesus is the representation of the Father Jesus is the one we need to look to to find the
Father if you want to know who God the Father is you look to Jesus Do you want to know how the
Holy Spirit works? You look to Jesus the Holy Spirit bears witness of Jesus That's John 15 26.
The Father says this is my beloved son in whom I'm well -pleased hear him That's what he says.
Listen to Jesus. Jesus has come to me Matt 11 28 that's what he says
I'm not being too harsh. I'm being correct.
I'm being proper because that's what the Word of God says. I'm comparing this to what the Word of God says
Pastors should already have been doing this from the pulpit. They should take some time out if I were a pastor
I would have this book in the pulpit on a Sunday. I'd say folks. Let me read some stuff out of this
I'm going to give you an example and we're going to go through the scriptures about what it means to be disciplined And what lies are
I'm going to use this as an example of what's occurring in the world and I'll say By the way, turn around and look behind you over there.
I said turn around turn around look behind you over there See the exits feel free to leave any time If you don't like what
I'm saying and this book is ministered to you and you feel so good about what's in it And I'm offending you
Fine, if you want to leave we'll give you some directions to the mormon church Or some other church where you can go to and get what you want have your ears tickled
But if you want the truth stay here and listen now, I know that's pretty harsh But that's isn't that what it comes down to basically?
Isn't that what's happening in the church? What people want is their own ears to be tickled second timothy four
They want to gather teachers to themselves and make them feel good God in his great sovereignty god in his great omniscience god in his greatness
Is not something people are comfortable with And so they reduce him But god already so to speak reduced himself when he became one of us
This is god's decision to do this for us. This is what god's revelation is for us This is what god says that we are to look for this is how god wants us to view the incarnation
This is how god wants us to see how jesus is is to us and to the father.
This is what god wants for us God doesn't want this for us But this is what we're getting
Because people are not in the christian church They are not doing what they've got to do in proper theological examination the way it sounds so stale proper theological examination
Yes But the bible says that in the last days people will not endure sound doctrine and gather for themselves teachers to tickle their ears
Are you read to that second timothy four? And this is what's going on And you know that I I make a living out of having to tear things apart,
I don't want to do that I don't want to just tear stuff apart I find a lot of good stuff out there and I get the privilege of being able to teach people good things and That's what
I want. But unfortunately or fortunately, however, you want to look at it. I'm called by the lord and given the ability to see and I do
And you know, how come I can tell you what's right and wrong real simple I read the bible
Today i'm doing uh yesterday today i'm doing research on the new apostolic reformation.
There's a lot of good in it But what I did today and yesterday was I went through every single verse in the new testament on it contains the word apostle or apostles and prophet and prophets
And I used that study time Something close to 200 verses. I had to go through one by one and categorized
What an outline form what the verses are saying about prophets in the new testament and about apostles in the new testament they're
Calling they're commissioning the listing of the abilities of that's the standard So that when
I examine another group I have something to examine it against and compare against why it's the word of god
Jesus says in john 10 27 my sheep hear my voice and they follow after me
And I give eternal life to them and they shall never perish. He we hear the voice of christ We want the voice of jesus and I don't know how
I knew it, but when I first got saved But that bible I don't know. I I can't tell you.
I just knew this is his word. I just knew it It's his word and I would read it for four hours a day for months
I couldn't get enough going to bible studies six nights a week It was like I was coming off of drugs i've never done drugs
But I can tell you that I was at a job Where the guy training me for this job had to go out
Away from the office for a little bit and I grabbed the dictionary looked up the word god and jesus and christian and bible
And lord because I needed I needed him I needed his truth, even if it wasn't a dictionary
I'd get home and i'd read the word and I would remember just Loving the word of god
And it became for me the source of truth the revelation of christ And the one whom
I serve And try to serve and fail miserably at but at least i'm trying to serve god
And so by knowing his word when I raised up out of here I can say wrong
That's you know how it works how do bank tellers recognize false money fake money by handling the truth so much
They just recognize it. That's what goes on here I know my doctrines. I know the word of god.
I know the voice of god. That's not right You just know it Because you know the truth and you know, this is crap
Take it easy on those greens young man. Those things could give you the trots if you ain't careful This is not how god speaks but it is how a wussified god made in the image of man
Would speak in order to make people feel good about who god is While they are ignoring his majesty his glory as a redefining him in a way that they want him to be.
That's what this is Page 170 171 as he entered the clearing.
He saw jesus still waiting still skipping stones Hey, I think my best was 13 skips.
He said as he laughed and walked to meet mac But tyler beat me by three and josh threw one that skipped so fast.
We all lost count Boy, isn't jesus just hip and cool. He's like a regular kid Gosh Page 175 176
Jesus said i've been trying to catch him for weeks. This is about a large trout now. Wait a minute in john 21
Didn't jesus command the disciples to cast the net out on the right side of the boat and they caught 153 fish
In my mind I think jesus knows how to catch fish For me, you can make up what you want, but I think he's pretty good at it
Since he's a sovereign king of the universe But that's just me Jesus said i've been trying to catch him for weeks and here he comes just to bait me
He laughed mark watched amazed as jesus started to dodge this way and that trying to keep up with the fish and finally gave up He looked at mac excited as a little kid, isn't he great i'll probably never catch him
Me, you know if if I had this vision and jesus is walking on water. I can't I was trying to catch him.
I'd be like Get away from me Because that's not the jesus of scripture
That's not the revelation of the true living god page 182 the last one
Jesus said those who love me come from every system that exists. This is really good stuff folks This is good
There are buddhists There they were buddhists or mormons baptists or muslims democrats republicans and many who don't vote
Or are not part of any sunday morning or religious institutions. I have followers Who were murderers and many who were self -righteous some are bankers and bookies americans and iraqis jews and palestines
I have no desire to make them christians But I want to join them in their transformation and just I want to join them in their transformation
This is new age crap. Oh It's mysticism oh
I know this because I spent so much time studying the new age movement 20 years ago. I was into it a big
I have information in my office. I have folders of new of Of uh new age stuff.
It's kind of out of style But I could I used to do this as when I teach on it, I would just take this folder big thing
Open it up and just have someone say tell me when to stop when I'd be like to stop Tell me when to stop and stop
I start reading It was easy You know god wants to be in a relationship with you
He wants what you want You need to get in tune with the divine consciousness But he will love you as you are and what he will do is he'll work with you
In your color orientation or your crystal methodology or whatever it might be that he would go off into some wacko stuff
But he would never The jesus of the new age the mystical jesus would never say he wants you to stop being what you already are
Because there's truth in whatever you are And that's okay And that's okay Not that jesus is the way the truth and the life and you repent from your false doctrines and your false gods
I have no desire to make them christian But I do want to join them in their transformation into sons and daughters of my papa into brothers and sisters and to my beloved
Did jesus want people to follow him and become christians That's what it means christian is someone who follows christ matthew 10 28 come after me
Follow me Leave your stuff. Follow me This stuff is so ungodly
So unchristian So against scripture in so many ways How is it possible that any christian would think it's good stuff
How is it possible It's possible and i'll tell you how it's possible Because christians are anemic christians don't know what the truth is the pastors and teachers aren't doing their jobs
Now what if I were preaching like this on sunday mornings? Not many people would come
At first. Yeah, let's go hear it Okay, I teach nice stuff too because the scriptures all in all areas need to be taught but sometimes you got to be strong But what happens in most churches?
Uh, i'm experiencing Not all there's some good ones out there good men of god, but what they're doing is compromising and babysitting instead of equipping
Ephesians 4 11 through 12 says that god wants the ministers to equip the body for the work of ministry
This doesn't equip you This ruins your spiritual life This gets you to think and feel that god is different than what he is and becomes the new image of who god is
And therefore it's idolatrous Paul young presents a false god in here and a false gospel of universalism
And he does it in such a delightfully nice and patient way That people drink the kool -aid
And they say I love this book. It's changed my life. I'm sure it has
Change your life Where are you going to spend eternity? You can spend it with jesus.
Oh, jesus will accept me the way I am. He knows my heart. He knows i'm really trying That's not in scripture is it
But you find that people will quote things about god put things in jesus mouth words that he does not say
In order to make them feel good about what they want god to be The result is damnation.
The result is deception We as christians have got to stand up on the truth
Now, I know i've been strong tonight. I know i've said some tough things but in the face of heresy
Strong words need to be stated And a face of lies the truth needs to be given in the face of darkness
The light needs to shine brightly and get rid of that darkness What needs to happen?
And more men and women in the church need to speak up And start saying these things
And praying that god in his great mercy would give others the unction and a desire to follow his word
And not the meandering Whacko philosophical ideas of a guy who's mixed up in semi new age
Humanistic philosophy with a reduction of god and a denial of the sufficiency of scripture And that's what's going on with his book
It's unfortunate That is successful It's unfortunate now can god use it and his sovereignty he can
Can he use the idea of a of this in the movie? I'm sure he can and in his sovereignty.
He can use sinful things to bring people into the faith But that's because of god's sovereignty Not because of this wisdom
Not because of this But because of god We need to give glory to god. We need to praise
Our lord and savior jesus christ. We need to look to jesus for the truth He's the way the truth in the life.
We need to not compromise that word We need to be dedicated to who he is and not just simply
Be blown around by every wind of doctrine and every fancy that suits our emotional need at the moment
And that's what the world is giving us a humanistic ungodly view of god
And too many people are buying into it and we christians we're gonna be the bigoted hate mongers
For calling it out like it is But you don't answer them you answer to god
Gently colossians 4 5 and 6 with gentleness you do these things
Let your speech be seasoned with salt what I did was strong because it needed to be strong When you talk to your friends your neighbors about this
Be gentle Be strong But tell them the truth and point them to christ and ask are these things in scripture and one more thing i've already mentioned it once first corinthians 4 6
Do not exceed what is written Don't exceed what's written
That's what it says don't go beyond what's written in the word of god don't do that Okay any questions
Any comments we got a full house here And if you want maybe there's some online if not, what we can do is
Cut it take a break. What? You guys seen it? Yeah, i'm gonna go see the movie.
I'll do a review on it pretty quickly either friday night or saturday I'll go If my wife will let me
We got company coming in All right. So you got a question?
The author's purpose writing the book was if I understand a a story for his children And then it kind of modified and grew
All right Yes, aj I'm going to repeat your questions for the mic
I'm going to repeat what you say for the mic the thing Is there a difference between a book like this
And something like chronicles of narnia, you know, it's been a long time since i've looked at the chronicles of narnia and read through it but the chronicles of narnia doesn't
Represent god in such an egregious way and speak for him and misrepresent him what it does is use analogy all over the place or metaphor all over the place and so because it's so metaphoric there you go and Let's just say that i've read some of c .s
lewis stuff and I forgot what it was, but I said he's wrong here There are some areas. I don't agree with him then.
He's a brilliant man but um the chronicles of narnia compared to this uh
It's very metaphoric. Jesus is a lion who's sacrificed who dies rises from the dead.
None of this violates scripture None of what I understand nothing in the chronicles of narnia violate scripture this does this does
Yes I've read Randy alcorn's book on what?
Fiction no, I haven't read anything By randy alcorn I'm, just so busy. I've spent like today six hours just researching
Nar working on this for a couple of hours, you know, just stuff and trying to be really irritating to my wife
That's full time too. So I don't have much time to watch read her stuff. I'm good at it Yes Any question how the father's represented?
In this well It's been a while since I read it
But uh, I just went for my notes, which I read I have this book which i've underlined so many things in here uh
But uh, he's presented god The father's presented in gender confusion style as a black woman in violation of the scriptures
Who's really cool and hip and casual and approachable? That's just how he's presented a shack the story goes that That mac's daughter was murdered and god calls
Back to the very shack his daughter was murdered in and this is where the healing takes place very nice story premise
You don't misrepresent god to do it Well, it's first an asian woman which
I didn't get into an asian woman I'm not against women uh, just asian woman, uh, and the word, uh is an indian word for something so he used
Uh from india an indian word about something to represent that I forgot I just read it recently
Yes Yes Continuance of the bible study conversation that she had a couple weeks ago.
Okay Yeah A fellow leaned forward and said what?
Oh, he The one who will john for? Yeah Go and send them more.
Jesus said that. Yeah And he said what Yeah And what if he could she could just say would she still have god's love?
Okay. Yeah Well people get upset.
Yeah when you ask them difficult questions So what's your question? Not all forgiven
Are we all loved there's a sense in which god loves us loves us all and that's matthew 5 43 through 47
And he says in verse 48 therefore be perfect because your father in heaven is perfect and what the context is
He's shining his love his light rain on the good and the bad therefore that's love
What benefits you if you just love your neighbor, but not your own family member forget exact words Are you really being loving the context there is love but in eyes in?
Psalm 5 5 psalm 11 5 god hates all who do iniquity So there's a sense in which god hates in the sense in which god loves and there's enmity between god and man in ephesians 2 15 enmity is severe hatred
And Disassociation that's what enmity is e -n -m -i -t -y that exists
And but it's removed in the in the blood of christ. God's holiness is not something people are familiar with It is a terrifyingly wonderful thing
God's holiness is so incredible That in his presence it shines not only on you but into you through you and instantly reduces you to a sobering mass of I am undone.
I'm a man of unclean lips God is the infinite being of the universe and his holiness is pure and you can experience it and we
I want to experience it more We all need it but he does hate the sinner
That's psalm 5 5 psalm 11 5 but then on the other hand he loves the world So god's loved the world all the nations that he gave his only begotten son.
John 3 16 Yes Doesn't the book blatantly violate the second amendment?
Yes, it does Yeah, it's this book, uh breaks a good point. It breaks the second commandment by restructuring god and making god after their own image
That's exactly right. Very good point. I wish I'd have said that earlier But you're right It breaks the second commandment.
Yes I explained Evil is not the absence of good
Evil is anything that which is contrary to the holy will of god With an intent to do that, which is against god
And so evil is an intention And that's how I would describe it and define it
We know that satan is evil and I like to call him insanely evil Because he's so evil that his insanity of evil in his mixture of hyper intelligence works to deceive
And war against god, even though he knows he's going to be destroyed for doing it That's insane
And that's the kind of evil that he possesses and is of himself There have been a lot of people throughout history who said they've experienced his very presence and are absolutely terrified
Of it. It's a palpable substance and again I am not saying that experience makes things true but We know that the devil is real.
We know that the devil is seeking to devour to destroy We know that such things are motivated out of an evil intent of heart and We know that people are demonically possessed in the scriptures and they're very difficult to deal with they're full of blasphemies so this is attitudinal and so And we can combine that with what christians have said throughout the centuries
And it doesn't violate scripture to say that uh, they've experienced the presence of evil
Yeah Anybody else online? Said what made a comment what?
a girl He desires everyone to be saved by making a way for us
Well, i'm going to say without getting into everyone to be saved at a second peter 3 9 first timothy 2 4
Just go to mark 4 10 through 12 where jesus speaks in parables So people will not be saved and i'm not trying to set scripture against scripture
But you have to understand who the all is and I take the hint of that is found in romans 5 18 And second corinthians 5 14 as well as first corinthians 15 22 and more specifically in john 6 37 through 40
So if you can find out what the all is, uh, it's not as simple as that. We're off topic We can do that to what we'll do i'm going to close
We'll take a break we'll shut that down We'll reopen Another line and you can just fire questions on all kinds of topics and we'll do that.
Okay? What okay Man boy
All right Lord jesus. We thank you that your word is the light that we learn from Your word is that light against which things we compare
We're able to see the darkness in other things because we know what your word says We ask lord jesus that you would allow these words spoken tonight to be carried to and fro
And that the eyes that need to see and the ears that need to hear The truth that is spoken
Whatever truth it is that they would find it and glorify you
Lord We ask that you would Work in our lives reveal more of yourself to us so that we might
Love you more and in truth represent you We ask that you would Just bring the author of the shack to a full place of repentance
And that he would find you And write another book even better than this That uplifts you in truth