WATCH: Joel Osteen AFFIRMS Mormonism!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So Joel Osteen is the
Word of Faith heretic leader of Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. Today's clip of Joel Osteen that we'll be reviewing has been taken from the vault, so to speak, because it was originally broadcasted way back in 2007.
So right off the bat, I already know that I'm going to have to deal with this possible objection to the video.
Many people are going to comment, Colin, why on earth are you taking a video from all the way back in 2007 as though that's representative of Joel's teaching in 2022?
This simply isn't charitable. And the answer to that is this. The reason this is okay, in my opinion, is that I have no reason to believe that this video does not reflect the present views of Joel Osteen on this topic.
It's that simple. Joel is still a false teacher. He still needs to be refuted because he's a deceiver. So I have absolutely no problem digging up a video from back in 2007 in order to make my point, especially given the fact that I have good reason to think he still believes everything he said in that video.
Hopefully that makes sense. So without further ado, let me show you this clip of Joel Osteen affirming
Mormonism in the context of the 2008 presidential election. Watch this. And what about Mitt Romney?
And I've got to ask you the question because it is a question whether it should be or not of this campaign.
Is a Mormon a true Christian? Well, in my mind, they are. Mitt Romney has said that he believes in Christ as his savior, and that's what
I believe. So you know, I'm not the one to judge the little details of it. So the exact question was, quote, is a
Mormon a true Christian? And his answer was, quote, in my mind, they are. But here we have our first problem, because it seems that he's answering the question exclusively from his own mind.
That would explain why the answer sounds so much more like something Joel Osteen would say as compared to something the
God of the Bible would say. Go figure. This shows us clearly that Joel's frame of reference is quite off -kilter.
There is virtually no attempt to answer the question with what the God of the Bible says in his word.
That's what we're supposed to be preaching, right? Well, instead we have a foolish and short -sighted answer given to us by a heretic, and that simply won't do.
Hebrews 4 .12 says this, quote, The Bible is powerful, and it's effective.
The opinion of a fool, on the other hand, is useless and false. So we should be asking ourselves, then, why does
Joel Osteen preach so much of his own foolish opinions instead of God's word? Well, if you want the short answer, it's because he's a false teacher, and the truth is not in him.
And the long answer? Well, that's just too long for today. So with that said, let's watch the second part of that clip again.
Watch this. Mitt Romney has said that he believes in Christ as his Savior, and that's what I believe.
So the next thing Joel says is even more telling. He says, quote, End quote.
This comment demonstrates how truly theologically inept Joel Osteen actually is.
Mormons believe in Jesus. So do Christians. And therefore Mormons are Christians. That's the logic here.
But it's a logical fallacy, my friends. It's similar to saying dogs have four legs, so do cats, and therefore cats must also be dogs.
The problem with Joel's reasoning here is that he does not even entertain the idea that there may be important theological differences which are separate from claiming that you believe in Jesus.
In other words, when it comes to Mormonism, Joel has not read the fine print. The Jesus that Mormons believe in is an utterly different person from the
Jesus that Christians believe in. Let me demonstrate this fact. John 1 .1 says, quote, In the beginning was the
Word, that's referring to Jesus, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
End quote. The Jesus of the Bible is an eternal, uncreated being who has always existed.
But according to Mormons, Jesus was created by God and has not always existed. 1
Timothy 2 .5 says, quote, For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man
Jesus Christ. End quote. The Jesus of the Bible is the one true God who has been incarnated into flesh.
There is only one God in Christianity. That much is certain. But the Jesus of Mormonism is just one of an infinite pantheon of possible gods that could be out there.
That's a sizable difference. We're talking about a different religion. Additionally, we know that Jesus had siblings.
Acts 1 .14 refers to, quote, Mary the mother of Jesus and his brothers. End quote.
The Jesus of the Bible only has earthly half -brothers who are the sons of his mother Mary. But the
Jesus of Mormonism is spirit brothers with Lucifer. Yes, you heard that properly. Additionally, according to Mormons, Jesus is literally the brother of the devil himself.
So when Joel Osteen says that Mormons worship Jesus Christ, he's just dead wrong. Mormons worship an idol that they happen to call
Jesus. And that makes a world of difference. If you take out a sharpie and write the word horse on the side of a pig, it does not become a horse simply because you declared it to be so.
And in the same way, Mormons do not automatically get to join the ranks of true Christians simply because their wannabe god has the name of our true
God. And of course, we haven't even mentioned the fact that the entire Mormon religion is a cult invented by a known con man named
Joseph Smith. We haven't even touched the fact yet that Mormons believe in works -based salvation either.
Long story short, the differences between Mormonism and Christianity are significant and damning.
But Joel Osteen has put many people in danger with his foolish comments here. So with that said, let's move on to the next comment given by Joel Osteen.
Watch this. Mitt Romney has said that he believes in Christ as his savior and that's what I believe.
So, you know, I'm not the one to judge the little details of it. Joel just referred to the differences between Mormonism and Christianity as little details.
And this is, of course, a product of his overall apathy towards theology. If you can call the things that I've mentioned previously in this video, the differences between the
Jesus of Mormonism and that of Christianity, if you can call those things little details, you have no idea what you're talking about.
In the opinion of Joel Osteen and many other false teachers, doctrine doesn't really matter. Doctrine is for Pharisees.
Doctrine is for seminary professors with too much time on their hands. They're not doing real ministry. So what if we preach a few false teachings?
We love Jesus in our heart, don't we? All of these people who call us out for our false teaching, they're just a bunch of busy bodies.
They're getting in the way of our innocent little ministry. Won't they just stop picking on us? Many people who claim to be
Christians, they have this mindset. And it's very disturbing. Throughout the history of the church, accurate doctrine and sound teaching were considered a good thing.
We honor God when we speak truthfully about him and about his word. But in today's day and age, theology has become a cuss word in many churches.
It's not about precision. It's about passion. It's not about sound teaching. It's not about sound doctrine.
It's about emotion and feelings. It's not about the truth. It's all about love. But what does the
Bible have to say about all this? Well, John 17, 17 says, quote, So this whole battle in the modern church, this whole fight against having sound doctrine, it's really a fight against biblical sanctification.
And then we wonder why we see so much debauchery and sin in our modern church culture. Maybe it's because we've undercut the whole foundation of our very sanctification.
That is, God's word. Just thinking out loud here. More than this, Titus 1 -9 talks about a pastor when it says, quote,
He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught so that he might be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also rebuke those who contradict it.
End quote. This passage not only highlights the necessity of holding to the word and teaching it accurately but it also tells us that pastors must, this isn't just an option, they must be able to rebuke those who contradict the word.
That's part of their responsibility. Biblically, it was Joel Osteen's responsibility to refute the false teaching of Mormonism because it deviates from the
Bible. But he has neither the knowledge nor the bravery to do such a thing. He is unqualified to hold any position of leadership in God's true church.
But of course, it's always worth noting that Joel Osteen does not have a position of leadership in God's true church even at this point.
He simply calls himself a pastor and he presides over a group of people who call themselves a church.
But mistaking Joel Osteen for a true pastor is like mistaking a house cat for a lion. And mistaking his congregation for a church is like mistaking a chicken for an eagle.
Those who understand what they're looking at can tell the difference. You see, the fact is, the Bible does not condemn sound doctrine.
It commands sound doctrine. I'm tired of these seeker -sensitive churches that treat good theology like it's the problem in the church, when in reality, good theology, when it's submitted to Jesus Christ, is the solution to a great many problems in the modern church.
So with all that said, let's pray for Joel Osteen and his deceived congregation sincerely, that they would repent and believe the truth of God's Word.
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you, and God bless.