

How often do you change your Piscina filter? Pastor Mike and Pastor Steve converse about the Piscina and other traditions found in the Roman Catholic Church. What is the role of the Piscina? Is a Piscina biblical?--Spoiler alert: NO. How do Roman Catholic traditions compare to what the Bible teaches? Tune in to find out!


Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ. Based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the apostle
Paul said, but we did not yield in subjection to them for even an hour so that the truth of the gospel would remain with you.
In short, if you like smooth, watered down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn't for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we're called by the divine trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her
King. Here's our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth. Welcome to No Compromise Radio ministry. I feel much more awake,
Steve, than I did about a half an hour ago because the Starbucks Keurig is kicking in. Salaam alaikum. How can
I do serious radio with you? How is that possible? What did you bring me in here for?
If you want to do serious radio. Well, I guess that's it. You know, we started off the show three and a half, four years ago, and it was going to be cutting edge, serious.
Bleeding edge. Yeah, the bleeding edge radio. That would have been a good name for something, double edged sword or something.
Well, I suggested that, you know. I think Josh already took that name, double edged. Did he?
Yeah. Okay. Okay. Well, I tried bleeding edge. I tried, you know, all kinds of things.
You know, the flying ax, you didn't go for that one. No, but you tried. I give you an
A for effort. Settle as a flying mallet. You wouldn't go for that one either.
The flying mallets. Ladies and gentlemen, the flying mallets.
Steve, would it be a truism to say that if you abandon the
Bible, justification by faith alone, you have to start adding all kinds of other rules to do and to don't and keep away from this.
And how are you right with God? Or you just make everything okay. I mean, there are two extremes, right?
You can go the UU way, which is everybody goes to heaven. UU meaning? Universal Unitarian.
I think they won the rugby competition in Yorkshire. I think that was last year. I think that was a different United thing.
They do the Jedi mind trick thing because they're pacifists. And so they don't believe in scrums.
Nice. Theological scrum. That's what the show should have been entitled.
Theological scrum. Theological scrumming. So we just talk about what the ball is and then we just kind of move around and kick it.
We make different sounds and grunting noises and all that. And then our demographic, instead of being 80 % men would be like 94 % men.
And South African. Steve, I did notice, this is a true story. They give me analytics for the
No Compromise 90 YouTube page and it'll tell you how many negative comments, how many thumbs up, how many thumbs down, how many views, how many subscribers, et cetera.
And it also tells you the demographics between men and women. And so right now, any guesses on the percentage of men that watch the
YouTubes versus the women? Well, because I know how discerning the ladies are out there listening.
So I'm going to say, I'm going to say, actually
I do know some discerning ladies. Absolutely. Yeah, about six. So I'm going to, 60 -40.
Is it 60 -40? Yeah, so I was very happy for that. I was going to say like 80 -20. I love female listeners to NoCo because it's kind of a,
I don't want to say it's a guy show, but if you're a weak woman or a weak man, you wouldn't like the show.
So pretty much just maturing folks like the show. See, I suggested that title too, No Pansies Allowed, but you wouldn't go for that one.
No Sissies, No Femmes, No Mamas Boys, No.
No. No, okay. There are other names I was trying to think of because I was working on my Biblical Masculinity book a while ago and there are other names, effeminate names for men,
Sissy something, Femmes something else, I don't know. Words that I probably shouldn't know.
Probably ought not. Yeah. No. So Steve, my point today is when I pull back the veil of Roman Catholicism, I find things that I never thought
I would find. And so here's the conundrum that I never thought of before. And maybe you can give us some insight.
There are the priest and there are the wine and then the bread and after the special consecrating prayers and the bell is rung and we have
God changing the elements into something else. They're changing to the blood and body of Christ.
And what do you do if you have extra wine? And how do you get rid of that?
That's my question for today. You just take it to the sink and you throw it down the sink. You know what? That is an error.
What? Yes, that is an error. Here is why it's an error. They have special sinks.
They don't put it in the regular sink because it would go down into the sewer and all that stuff. And can you imagine the actual blood of Jesus down there co -mingling with sewer?
Well, I hadn't thought about it. Wait a minute. What about you saving it and using it for blood transfusions?
Oh, that is bad. That's pretty smart. I'm just saying, well,
I mean - You're such a basher. But there's so many problems with the blood supply today. You know, wouldn't it be nice to have pure -
Well, Jesus' blood, is it O negative or what is it? Well, I'm sure it's universal. Just for the elect.
So there's something called a bassina, P -I -S -C -I -N -A. And it's a shallow basin near the altar of the church or it could be near the vestry or sacristy used for the washing of communion vessels.
And basically, it doesn't go into the sewer. It goes outside into the ground because the ground is just the ground and it's not a yucky sewer water kind of thing, yes.
And so they're often made of stone and fitted with a drain, and in some cases used to dispose of materials used in sacraments and also from water from liturgical ablutions.
Easy for you to say. I just still, I'm kind of stuck on it. If it literally turns into blood, then why wouldn't they use it for transfusions?
Because there's a special thing in Rome where you've got the Aquinas deal and how it can look like something, but it really is not.
I forgot the technical word for that. Yeah, delusional. No, that's not that.
But I wanted to know what the Latin bassina was. And it was a word that's applied to a fish pond and later used for natural or artificial pools for bathing.
And then it was used ecclesiastically for these basins. And so what you don't want to do is if you have extra wine is to pour it down the sink.
Now, I did learn this also, and I kid you not. You also cannot pour it back into the wine bottle from whence it came, because the wine bottle contains unchanged wine, unblessed wine, unconsecrated wine.
I sound like C .J. Mahaney. Well, so why don't they? Turn it into.
Bless it. Because then it makes it bad. Yeah, but why not bless it one bottle at a time? You know, the entire bottle.
You know, maybe I should just write that. That seems like to me a pretty good solution, right? That way you have no kind of unblessed wine being wasted and you don't need that whole fish thing that you're talking about.
And by the way, I did know the root of that, not just because I'm a Pisces, but also because, you know, with the fish last name being part of my family tree here.
Oh yes, that's correct. So, you know. So you knew that. Yeah, so there were discussions about, you know, pescador, you know, the fishman.
Yes, I did that, yes. I was on a Catholic website and they were discussing if you take the wine that's been blessed and pour it back into the unblessed wine bottle, and it said it is serious abuse, and here's why.
Suppose the unconsecrated wine goes bad. Someone pours it out thinking it's okay, it hasn't been consecrated yet.
That person would have unknowingly poured our Lord's most precious blood down a sink.
Here, write this down. I'm just, you know, I'm just trying to help out. I want to help the Vatican. I'm going to send, if you'll just help me out, and maybe you can endorse this.
I'm going to send an email to the Vatican, dear Pope. Which Pope would that be? Well, the upcoming...
The Pope or the Pope's Pope? Because soon the Pope will have a Pope. Well, whichever Pope is poping. Anyway, dear
Pope, I don't want to call him your grace, your eminence, or your holiness, because he's none of those things, but dear
Pope, I have a solution to your whole wine problem. You just bless it one bottle at a time, and after you bless it, you just slap a label that says blessed on it, and that way nobody can unknowingly do anything.
It's taken care of, right? Yes, well, you know what the best thing is to do, and I have my
Catholic sources for this, is you just have the priest drink it. So basically, you're supposed to drink it first.
Okay. But if I have the same philosophy, Steve, I mean, I'm just telling you, this gets crazy, because once you start going into this land of unbiblicalness and trying to make metaphors and figures of speech early on, and John, I mean, this is communion, unless you eat my body and drink my blood, you don't have any part of me.
Once you start doing that, anything goes. And so what is the difference, Steve? Pouring down the consecrated wine into the sewer or drinking it, and then it eventually goes out into the sewer as well as it passes through a person?
Hmm, well, see, I would have to guess that it would have, allegedly, its own purifying effect on the person who drank it.
So, you know, Ephesians 518 would be stood on its head, because be filled with wine would be the correct version of that, right?
For that is not dissipation. How could it be dissipation if, you know, if it's, that's just crazy.
I'm reading something about the blessed sacrament. In the sacristry, also called the vestry of a church, the room where the vestments, vessels, and oils are stored, there's a special sink called a sacrarium, also piscina, which is used for cleaning sacred vessels.
The basin's drainage pipe doesn't lead to the sewer as do most sinks.
Instead, it goes straight to skid row. Uh -huh, now listen to what it says here. It goes directly to the earth so that the liquid sacramentals, such as holy water and oils, or even the tiniest morsels of the blessed sacrament are drops of the most precious blood which might be found on the patents or in the chalices will be disposed of correctly and with reverence.
Do you realize where this leads, though, ultimately? You could not even, I'm guessing, you can't wash one of those chalices, right?
If it's used, you can't wash it because what happens when you wash anything? You know, you could have quote -unquote cleaned your plate.
Well, there's some remnant of the food on your plate. Well, you put it down the piscina there. Okay, and then it goes into the ground.
Okay. Yeah, because the ground isn't as bad. So you could actually wash it as long as you use that. Well, but if you're the
Eastern Christian, Eastern Orthodox, you don't call it a piscina. You call it a thalassiadon.
So for the wafers that go unused, would they have a burial for those too? They probably have a special tonser for that.
That's just so weird. I do like my idea, though, and I think I could save the Roman Catholic Church a lot of money and a lot of trouble.
You know, just slap a little label on there saying, you know, this whole bottle has been blessed. Steve, do you have any thoughts about the
Pope? Certainly, we want the Pope to go to heaven. We're talking about Benedict, and by the time this show airs, there'll probably be a new
Pope who has been chosen by the conclave. I think you have to be over, can't be over 80 years old to vote in the conclave.
Yeah, and I've booked my tickets. I'm looking forward to going. How did you get to be able to vote on that?
How was that? Was that congregational rule or something? It turns out if you've, you know, you have to be a cardinal, but if you're a member of the clergy and you've been to St.
Louis, then you can therefore be a cardinal. And so, okay,
I'm not actually going. But here's the thing. Yeah, and you get to vote and all that.
And yes, there will be another Pope, which is very exciting. Did you know at one point there were three
Popes? I think that was the last time we had a Pope resign, right? Is it?
No, no, no. It was earlier than that. No, I think it was 600 years ago. Yeah, but I mean, it was earlier than that that we had three
Popes because there was the whole, I don't remember why the guy resigned 600 years ago, but there was the
Babylonian captivity where they moved the head of the
Catholic church to France. And then they said that was wrong. And so they actually, at one point, they had three
Popes who were running around trying to kill each other. So, which I think would make a great movie, you know, three martial artists, you know, dressed up as Popes.
Oh, those slow down kind of movies that they've got. Yeah, the whole, you know, papal assassin squad.
I don't know what they call it. Steve, it was years ago that World Magazine said that Pope John Paul II was the man of the year.
World Magazine is a Presbyterian conservative magazine, both in its politics and in its
Presbyterianism. And I couldn't believe that they gave him the man of the year. Now, if the man of the year is somebody who influences people a lot, but if I run a magazine that's a
Christian magazine, I could say he's influential, but I wouldn't give him the man of the year. So I - How about heretic of the year?
Well, how about small a Antichrist because anti means opposite or against or in opposition to.
And while I'm not calling Benedict the Antichrist, he is in opposition to Jesus Christ and his church because we could just go ahead and read
Trent. Trent in their doctrinal statement says, if you don't believe that it's turned in the blood and body of Christ, you're anathema.
If you believe in salvation by faith alone, you're anathema. If you believe, and which is all true, but you know what,
I kind of like Benedict. I've told you this, I like Benedict. I like him more than John Paul.
Sure, John Paul was nice. And yes, John Paul helped bring down communism or whatever else they want to give him credit for.
But Benedict at least had the courage to be Catholic. And I appreciate that. He had the, he didn't refer to us, we're not separated brethren.
He made it clear that salvation is only available through the Roman Catholic Church. And I think that in that particular case,
Benedict is more helpful than John Paul because he draws the line. He says, you guys are Protestants and we're not.
And I like that. Scott Meadows, a pastor at Calvary Baptist Church in Exeter, New Hampshire writes, years ago
I was asked my opinion about the new Cardinal of Boston. I replied, that's like asking me about the new captain of a pirate ship.
The whole enterprise is illegitimate. Yo -ho, yo -ho, a Cardinal's life for me. But you know what,
I wish I would have sent you the article. Have you seen Mahoney kind of apologizing, Roger Mahoney?
Cardinal of Los Angeles. Yeah, apologizing for all the pedophile stuff, basically admitting what we've all known, that they shuffled these people around to keep them from criminal prosecution and all that stuff.
And this guy's gonna go vote for Pope. Isn't that great? Well, there is another scandal involved and I don't care that much about the scandal.
I think it's a fruit of what their doctrine is. But Steve, I'll give you some of the Catholic doctrine. Council of Trent, not repudiated, still believed.
Canon 12, if anyone saith that justifying faith is nothing else but confidence in the divine mercy which remits sins for Christ's sake, or that this confidence alone is that whereby we are justified, let him be accursed.
See, that is anti -Bible teaching. Therefore, he is anti what Jesus has taught.
Which is as good as it gets. And that's, again,
Benedict has never blurred the lines. He's a throwback. He's solid
Council of Trent. He toes the line on all that kind of stuff. And that's why as much as I dislike what he teaches,
I respect him for at least having the guts to stand up and say, yes, I'm a heretic, but I'm gonna stand by my heretical convictions.
Doctrine of Trent says justification is not only the remission of sins, but also the sanctification and renewal of the interior man.
So justification is not a one -time judicial act by God. It is a process through which we all must go.
The final outcome of which, by the way, is purgatory, where you have all those remaining sins, the ones that Jesus did not die for, or that you didn't confess, or that whatever, that you have to suffer for a little bit.
And that's the ultimate outcome of justification. Hebrews 14 and 15 teaches that, right?
Yeah, 14, 15, two of my favorite chapters in that book. This is the latest
Roman Catholic catechism. For the Roman pontiff, by reason of his office as vicar of Christ, vicar means vicarious substitute, and as pastor of the entire church, has full, supreme, and universal power over the whole church, a power which he can always exercise unhindered, period, but my addendum would be, unless he resigns.
A mighty fortress is our Pope. He's in charge. I am tradition.
I am authority, right? Sola ecclesiasticus. He's the guy. When he sits down and starts pontificating, oh, shots fired.
Watch out. When he starts doing that, then it's as good as law. I'm gonna give you another quote here,
Steve, that you can make a comment on. From this, it appears that the Pope is above scripture, counsels princes, and all powers upon earth upon the account of his divinity.
Can a law set forth by Gregory XIII, 1591? Well, he clearly is.
I mean, come on, where did the whole idea of the priest having to be single come from?
It isn't found in the scriptures. It isn't even found in, really, the teachings of the
Roman Catholic Church until you come along to, I think it's somewhere around 1000 or so AD, then all of a sudden, whoa, wait a minute, it's better for the church if these guys are single, and so that just overrules scripture.
Steve, before Charles Hodges' three -volume Systematic Theology came out in Princeton, what everyone used here in America, whether that was
Harvard or Princeton or Yale, they used Francis Turretin's great Systematic Theology.
Now, Turretin wrote a seventh disputation, and it's entitled this, whether it can be proven that the
Pope of Rome is the Antichrist. Wow. And I want to read to you what he said. So Turretin wasn't a big fan.
No, he was a fan of scripture and of Christ's finished work. And he said, the term
Antichrist implies two meanings, that he is an enemy and rival of Christ, one. Two, that he is his vicar.
The definition of the prefix anti -indeed introduces both, which, when used in conjunction with a noun, means on the one hand, before, and on the other hand, against.
It can also mean in place of, and indeed a substitute. In this regard, the
Antichrist certainly presents himself as the great adversary of Christ, insofar as he makes himself equal to Christ as rival, while professing to hold the place of Christ on earth as his vicar.
See a little Greek language, anti, it could be before or it could be against. And so I'm before Christ, I have preeminence over, and I'm against the biblical teachings.
So you can write us at Francis Turretin, at nocompromisedradio .com. Yeah, new email address.
Yeah, any of your emails today will go directly to Francis's desk, and he will answer them personally.
Now we've got a supreme pontiff, supposedly, at Rome. But Steve, who really is the bridge between God and man?
Who's the mediator between God and man? I'm gonna have to vote for the man,
Christ Jesus. Because that's who God voted for. That's who
God chose. So why would it say, since the Pope is God, therefore he cannot either be bound or loose by men, primary source,
Vita text, decrete dist chapter seven cited by - It really says that?
The Pope is God? Yeah. Wow. Why would he say that? I don't know, but we're gonna have a real problem then in a few weeks, because we're gonna have a
Pope and a Pope Emeritus, which means God and a God Emeritus. The Roman Catholics aren't saying that, but the
Protestants are saying by default, by decree, by essence, by Roman Catholic teaching, the
Pope is acting as if he were God, if he's the vicar. Well, and I mean,
I've said this before, but it's one of my favorite things to say. I really like this. You know who holds the keys to purgatory?
Who could let souls out of purgatory? In fact, this is what the whole indulgence theory is based on.
You pay an indulgence to Rome, and who sets you out of purgatory? The Pope, the
Pope. So the Pope is in essence, in my mind, the most cruel man to ever live, because he could let everybody out of purgatory, but he won't unless you pay the price.
Steve, before our presidents, our sitting presidents resign and are out of office because of their four years is up, or eight, they can have the power, or they do have the power to remit criminals.
Yeah. They can forgive them and let them go. And pretty much, they could do that for anyone.
And they'd just say, te absolvo, and there it goes. And so don't you think maybe the last act that this current
Pope, last Pope, because this show's, we're recording this on February 28th. Benedict XVI.
Yeah, don't you think he would say everybody's out? He should. Wouldn't that be nice? I would like to do that.
Or at least he could have a long list of people he believes are in purgatory. Steve, if you could set ex cathedra just for a day, would that be at the top of your list?
Well, you know what? I have said, I've jokingly told people that I'd like to be the Pope. I said, but there'd be a few changes.
First, you have to un -Pope yourself. Well, that wouldn't be the first thing I'd do. The first thing I'd do is I'd say,
I'd sit down, I'd go, okay, tell me when I'm ex cathedra, and they'd tell me, and I'd go, okay. No, here's a couple things.
First of all, tradition, out the window. Church teaching, done. We're going with sola scriptura.
They'd be like, what? Well, most people who are listening, including Protestants today, will think we're just bashing people, and I want you to know if you're listening today that in our statement of faith at No Compromise Radio at a
Bethlehem Bible Church, there's nothing in there about the Roman Catholic Church. There's nothing in there that states that the
Pope is this, that, or the other, but in the Roman Catholic doctrinal statements, we are scourged and we are given what we don't do to them.
We have curses upon us as Protestants in the doctrinal statement of Trent and other places.
Anathematized, you know, and basically told that we are going to hell. Why? For believing the Bible. For believing the
Bible above a Pope or above church tradition or above church teaching.
So why are all these evangelicals, some in high places, so commending this modern Pope because he was against abortion and he was against other things that happened to people and, you know, deathbed rights and everything?
Well, common grace can explain that. Not him being a Pope. The one thing we should commend him for, and I have, you know, is just having the courage to be a
Catholic. Not trying to pretend like he's our friend because he is not.
Francis Turton at info at nocompromiseradio .com. You can write us or give you any, and have any comments, and Steve will make sure to email you back.
You bet. No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Abendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible -teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life -transforming power of God's Word through verse -by -verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015 and in the evening at six. We're right on Route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.
The thoughts and opinions expressed on No Compromise Radio do not necessarily reflect those of WVNE, its staff, or management.