Jesus VS. Moses: Which Law is BETTER?! | Bible Night Live (Ep. 2)

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Hey friends! Welcome to another episode of BNL where I sit with you live and answer your questions. Tonight I'll hit this one from the comments: What, if any, is the difference between the law of Christ mentioned by Paul in the NT, and the law of Moses in the OT? Support me on Patreon: Get my 5 Day Bible Reading Plan here: Get your Wise Disciple merch here: Want a BETTER way to communicate your Christian faith? Check out my website: OR Book me as a speaker at your next event: Check out my full series on debate reactions:


Which law are we supposed to follow as Christians? The law of Jesus or the law of Moses?
It's a showdown of commandments on tonight's episode of Bible Night Live. We're gonna look at that question,
I'm gonna answer your other questions, and we're all gonna do it live. So let's go. Welcome back to Bible Night Live.
This is where I sit with you and answer, or at least try to answer to the best of my abilities, your questions about theology, apologetics, the
Bible, God, Church, whatever. If you're new here, my name is Nate, and I'm helping you become the effective
Christian that you were meant to be. So make sure to like, sub, and share this video around. But hey, only if it blesses you.
If it doesn't, move along, right? All right. Let's just jump right into it.
I got a question here from... Now, I tried to do this a little bit better here.
Got a question from RachelBD136. Rachel says, top theologians that have influenced your faith and your
Christian walk. Wow. Golly. So can
I do more than three? You know, well, so it's funny, a lot of this stuff
I fell into backwards, you know. So it's not something where somebody I looked up to sat me down, and it was just like on this one eventful day and said,
Nate, these are all the people you need to pay attention to. It was more like I slowly came across these people as I was in search for some kind of an answer for something else.
You know what I mean? And I suspect I'm not going to give you a name of somebody who's alive today.
I prefer to read, so I love engaging with books in that way. But the first person that comes to mind for me is
Augustine. I remember first engaging with his confessions, and I don't think when
I did I fully appreciated what I had in my hands at that time, you know.
But I've come to truly appreciate Augustine. I resonate with some of the things that he taught, and in some sense,
I try to model like myself after some of the things that he did. And so for example,
Augustine gave a very helpful picture of sin, which is this,
I mean, you know, like if you can think about like inside all of us, there is a list of loves that are prioritized in a certain order.
Augustine would say, and this is my bad paraphrase of him, that if you're going to love well, if you're going to live according to true virtue, your loves should be ordered in the right way.
God should be at the very top of your list of loves. It's called the hierarchy of loves. Now, the problem comes in when you seek to replace anything else and put it where God should be at the top of your list of loves.
You know, once you do that, your loves become disordered, and you sin. I actually like that way of characterizing it because I think
Augustine helps to reinforce the idea that we are human beings filled with desires that drive us and guide us in the things that we do, whether we realize it or not.
So that's good. I agree. The other thing is Augustine taught his students to emulate themselves after the famous orders of their day.
So he would advocate that his students learn the famous people who spoke, their winsome approaches to talking, their styles, and then use that to further the gospel and win people to Christ.
I totally agree with that, actually. Especially today, you know. We live in a sea of voices, and so I think it is incumbent upon all of us as Christians to learn how to speak well.
Not because everyone's gonna be famous, nor should they be, you know, but just like just like reading, we all need to get to a certain level of clarity with regard to our speech so that the gospel is proclaimed well wherever we are.
Amen? So anyway, was that one guy? This is gonna take forever. Well, let me let me go a little bit faster.
Okay, let me So let me say this. Jonathan Edwards, huge, huge influence.
I love Jonathan Edwards' mind, the way that he thinks. I love the ways that he thought through not only orthodoxy, but orthopraxy.
Don't agree with everything he said, but you know, I mean, that's true of everyone that I would list, you know, to answer this question,
I'm sure. Let me say D. Martin Lloyd -Jones. Now this man, oh man,
I truly wish I could have met this man when he was alive, and I do hope to see him one day in glory and just have some fruitful discussions.
But I mean, if you want to talk about someone that I truly resonate with, not only as a
Christian thinker, but also as an expositor of God's Word, as a pastor and a preacher, it's
D. Martin Lloyd -Jones, hands down. You know, I've actually, I've mentioned this book before,
I think in, yeah, in previous videos, but he has a book, and I always flip around the order wrong.
It's either Preaching and Preachers or Preachers and Preaching. The, you know, do a live stream,
Nate. That's what they told me to do, do a live stream, and then I always mess up the the order of the words in the title.
But it's one of those, and I probably reread that book, I come back to that book at least once every other year.
It's been such a blessing to me. And if you're a preaching pastor, you know, or you aspire to be one, that's got to be an essential book on your shelf that you read, you know?
Okay, so what is that? So I gave you three. Actually, can I give you, let me mention two more real quick, okay?
And the next one's obvious, but it's got to be the Apostle Paul. I just,
I love Paul's communication style and his heart for the church and for the lost. Let me also quickly say
Francis Schaeffer, I just have to say that, because Schaeffer was someone who influenced me directly after getting saved.
Like, immediately, I came across, what's it called, the Francis Schaeffer trilogy, and I, I'm not even exaggerating,
I read that whole thing in a weekend. Three different books written by Schaeffer all together. It just blew my mind into a million disgusting pieces.
So, hopefully that, that answers your question, or over answers it.
Thank you for the question, Rachel. Let's go to Saints Nutrition 1. They write this question.
Can you break down the meaning on one of, on of one baptism found in Ephesians 4?
So I actually pulled that up here for reference. The Bible talks about water baptism, baptism by fire.
Jesus was baptized, but he underwent John's baptism, but he was sinless, of course. There are others, but specifically, how can we biblically categorize the reference to baptism in Ephesians?
Okay. Yeah, that's actually a really good question. So, I pulled up Ephesians 4.
If you have your Bibles, I encourage you to open it with me, okay? This is what Paul says.
And yeah, let's just start in verse 1, actually. So it says, I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have called.
A common thing that Paul says, so not just, he doesn't just say it in Ephesians, he says in other places, verse 2, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, verse 3, eager to maintain, here it is, the unity of the
Spirit, circle that, underline that, whatever, you know, like, zoom in on that, we'll come back to it.
The unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Now, here it is. There is one body, one spirit, just as you are called to the one hope that belongs to your call, one
Lord, one faith, one baptism. One God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.
Okay. So we just have to, let's just be good Bible students here, engage in God's Word, and let's do this, let's just start asking some questions of God's Word, right?
So a good question to ask here is, why is Paul talking about walking in a manner worthy, right?
And then, why is he highlighting the specific qualities of character that he does right there in verse 2, right?
Humility, gentleness, patience, right? And also, why is he talking about unity of the
Spirit in verse 3? Now, the answer is it's because the
Ephesians are likely struggling with this concept. So you have to pause, you have to ask yourself, why is
Paul bothering to write any of this at all? You know, as a matter of fact, this isn't the first time that he talks about unity in this letter.
He spends a large chunk of chapter 2 talking about unity as well.
This is the overarching theme of the entire letter. It's the unity of the Spirit, unity of the
Spirit. And so if that's the overarching theme, the inference that we can make as good
Bible students, at the very least, is that the Church is struggling with this, right here.
Maybe there was a division taking place within the Church. Maybe the Gentiles were being told, well, just as in a lot of other places, right, that they were not really
Christians until they started participating in Christian, or excuse me, in Jewish rituals, right?
And so what Paul is doing here is, he's hitting this theme hard, okay? Take a look at verse 3 again.
Eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. So you see the theme there, right? Because watch this.
It's because that we can identify the theme here. We can answer your question now,
Saints Nutrition. So verse 4. One body, one spirit, just as you were called to one hope that belongs to your call.
Let me repeat it in different words. Unity, unity, unity, unity. Right?
Verse 5. One Lord, one faith, one baptism. Unity, unity, unity, right? One God and Father of all, who is over all, through all, and in all.
So what he's saying here is, we are meant to be united in the Spirit. We are meant to walk together in unison in Christ, and guess what gains us entrance into this unity?
It's your faith. It's your baptism. You know? Now, this raises another question about whether baptism is necessary for salvation.
I don't think it is. And that's not even what Paul is trying to explain at all. What Paul is talking about here is, baptism is an act of obedience to Christ that immediately unites us with everyone else who is in Christ.
That's the point that Paul is making. And it's true, though, you know? So whenever I watch somebody get baptized, it's always a significant moment for me.
You know? I mean, even, shoot, sometimes it's emotional, because, you know, I recognize, my goodness, that's my brother, that's my sister.
That was me at one time going under the water, coming back up, right? Because what they're doing now, whenever I see somebody get baptized, they're identifying themselves to the rest of the community and to the whole world, essentially, that they are in Christ.
They have been buried with Him in baptism unto death, and they have come back out of that water, raised with Him in the power of His resurrection, right?
What is that? That's Romans 6, you know? So that's what one baptism is reaching for.
Paul is talking about unity, unity of the Spirit, okay? Thanks for the question there.
Saints' nutrition, and I'm sure that's what your mother named you. Let's go to another question here, and this is from dhill13b.
Dhill, thank you for the question. How is the wrath of God revealed from heaven, as Paul states in Romans 118?
So, guys, these are just the light questions, you know, the easy ones that, you know?
No problem. Just, you know, real easy answers, 10 -second answers. Okay, well, let's go to Romans 1, and let's see what's going on in Romans 1, you know?
So I hope by now, I mean, shoot, if you've been with me a couple of videos, I hope by now you're starting to see my pattern of reading the
Scripture. Context is incredibly helpful, right? Knowing the overarching theme and the goal of these particular books or the letters of the
Bible, they're incredibly helpful in understanding specific questions about a verse or a passage. Now, again,
I don't know everything, and, you know, you guys are going to ask me something. I'm going to say
I don't know, but the point is that will guide you well when you have a question for yourself or you're talking to somebody and they have a question.
Just pay attention to those particular things, because if you know the forest for the trees, well, then you'll have a better grasp on what each individual piece is seeking to communicate, you know?
Each verse, I mean, because each verse, each passage, or, you know, the pericope, they're typically going to stay within that great overarching theme, and I'll prove it to you, okay?
Let's do it again. Let's do this with Romans 1, and watch how I get to the answer. Let's start in verse 16.
This is Paul talking. I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the
Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it, the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, the righteous shall live by faith.
All right? So, this is a famous passage that has been a common memory verse for me and my discipleship groups over the years, you know?
I keep running groups, and we always come back to this memory verse, and for good reason, you know?
But take a look at the thrust of Paul's comments again. Let me just read 17 again. For in it—now, this seems awkward at first blush, okay?
But let's spend a little bit longer with it. For in it, the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, the righteous shall live by faith.
So, the question is, what is Paul talking about, right? What is he saying here? What he's saying is, a person's faithful lifestyle is revealing the righteousness of God.
All right? Can you see that? The way a Christian lives their life every moment is revealing, in some sense, the power of God for salvation and the righteousness of God.
And that makes sense, you know? I mean, you take someone like myself once upon a time who was hostile to Christianity.
I grew up in church but rejected it, much like a lot of the folks that I'm reacting to now on this channel, right?
I was foul -mouthed, obnoxious, dabbling in the occult, dabbling in drugs and other things.
But when the Lord saved me, all of a sudden, the light switch flipped, and I'm not that person anymore.
That is the power of salvation and the righteousness of God being revealed through me, through my faith, as I live by faith.
Amen? But wait a second, okay? So now, Paul wants to contrast this with the inverse.
Now watch this, verse 18. For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth.
Okay, stop. So now, we have another type of person, don't we, who is also living their life, okay?
But their lifestyle is revealing the opposite. It's actually revealing God's wrath.
And we know this simply by paying close attention to the flow of thought.
Now, let me go ahead and acknowledge for you, it's hard to follow Paul sometimes, you know, to follow
Paul's flow of thought, you know, because he likes to add additional pieces, and another one, and another one, and another one, right?
Even here, I mean, he's doing it, you know? But here's sort of the big picture for you.
If faithful living reveals the righteousness of God and his salvation, well then, sinful living must reveal its opposite, the wrath of God, all right?
Now, if that's correct, and I think it is, well then, we should be able to see lifestyle choices that connect to God's wrath somewhere else in this passage, and that's exactly what we find.
Watch this, verse 24 and 25. Therefore, God gave them up in the lusts of their heart to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshipped and served the creature rather than the
Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. Okay, so Paul goes on to say that God gave these up to dishonorable passions, and they are receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error, right?
That is down here in verse 27. So, in other words, the dishonoring of their bodies is the wrath of God on display.
The shameless acts and the dishonorable passions is the wrath of God on display.
In God's wrath, he's given them over to do these awful things, and it's revealed through these folks' lifestyle choices, you know?
It's the opposite of what the Christian does, right? But that's what I mean. So, I mean, consider this, because you have a bit of a dichotomy here in both cases, right?
The faithful, the sinful. We have a picture of salvation and wrath. Both of these things are being filled up partially, you know, as it is displayed through a person's lifestyle today.
But we are also told that there will come a time when we all stand before God, and there will be no turning back at that point, you know?
The full punishment or the consequence of a person's deeds will be received by God, and by then it will be too late.
Thank you for the question. Let's go to...I'm still trying to learn how to...
there we go. Let's go to Alec. Alec, I lost your notes.
Mogavero. Oh, man. I'm bad with name pronunciations. Alec asked this,
I consider myself to be spiritually young in my faith and have a hard time controlling my anger. However, I wish to be more like Christ and not be angry.
How do we as Christians work on our anger, and where in the Bible do we look towards to help?
Okay. Alec, first of all, thank you. So Alec comes from the Patreon community, so thank you for the question,
Alec. Also, I remember being younger and unsaved, and just brash, you know?
Like a...what was the...a hothead. You remember that? Anybody remember that word?
That was me. I was the type where, I mean, it's not actually funny, you know, but if you looked at me wrong, the rage, you know what
I mean? And I would stew in it, and I would confront people, you know what
I'm talking about? It's just...actually, it's an awful thing to admit now. But that's who
I was, you know? And the only reason I bring that up, Alec, is because there's a deeper issue to address, and, you know, this isn't something that you can figure out in a day or a week, but I think it's important to take some time and really try to wrestle with this and kind of figure it out.
Here's the question. What makes you angry, Alec? Right?
Because the first thing I'll tell you is, anger is justified in the eyes of God.
Did you know that? Now let me clarify, right? I'm talking about the right kind of anger.
It's actually justified in the eyes of God. Anger that is in response to certain kinds of things, okay?
So take a look at this. This is Ephesians chapter 4 verse 26, and it says, be angry and do not sin.
Be angry and do not sin, okay? So it is possible to be angry and not sin.
I'm thinking of the time that Jesus, you know, he got angry.
He overturned the money changer's tables in John chapter 2, right?
But that's what I'm trying to get at. What makes you angry, Alec? Actually, maybe this will help you, too.
Let's go to James 1. Look at this. Know this, my beloved brothers. Let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger.
For the anger—now here's the phrase. Watch this. The anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.
The anger of whom? The anger of man. So okay, but wait a second.
What about the anger of God? Is that okay? You see where I'm going with this?
The anger of God can produce the righteousness of God, but not the anger of man.
The anger of man likely—it stems from pride, Alec.
And so anyway, that's why I'm asking the question, because if you can identify perhaps some of that pride, maybe, that flows through you—and let's be real,
I mean, it flows through all of us at times—I think that's the beginning of ridding yourself of unjustified anger.
You need to identify this pride, and you need to pray and ask the Lord to remove it from you with all humility.
But let me also say this. Maybe you also just need to be reassured.
Sometimes anger is appropriate. That's why I started out that way. And maybe sometimes you're getting angry, but you feel bad about it because nobody told you that there is such a thing as justified anger.
Now be careful with that, because I'm fairly certain the vast majority of the time your anger is unjustified.
Okay, so just I want to make sure that you hear me saying that. So be very careful and be very thoughtful about what makes you angry and why.
Also, let me—one last thing here. Let me also say this. In the moment, you should practice closing your mouth.
And I chuckle because, golly, I still struggle with this myself. In the moment, you should practice closing your mouth, and you should wait to speak to people after you've prayed and calmed down, right?
So there's—I mean, again, it's right there in James chapter 1. Be slow to speak, right? Slow to anger, quick to listen.
Actually, I'm going over this with my sons right now, right? So they're 12 and 9. In the heat of the moment, when the mouth is just antsy, right?
The mouth is jumping up and down saying, let me in, coach. Let me do my thing. Let me do what the mouth does, right? Don't do it,
Alec. That's what I tell my boys. Close your mouth. Remove yourself from the situation, and go be alone with the
Lord. Even if it—I don't know. So people are different if it takes you 30 seconds.
Sometimes that's enough for some people, but for other times, a lot longer. But that right there, like if you're thinking of baby steps, let's just say, that right there is the first baby step, right?
Just regulate that practice, you know? That's your default move until you get better at controlling your anger more quickly.
And then I would say, you need to learn how to speak when you're angry, you know?
So in the moment when you're feeling pretty hot, you need to go away, but here's—also, you should hear me say this.
Don't stop talking, though, you know what I mean? You need to start talking to God in those moments.
Go to the Lord. Be real with Him. Tell Him you're upset. Confess to Him what's on your mind, because, spoiler alert,
He already knows. He already knows. And then ask
God for strength, for patience and peace, and then go make it right with your brother and sister.
You know, it's funny, I was just doing a Bible study with my boys. We're going over the story of Cain and Abel. We literally just did this last week, so this is fresh.
And we're noticing something, actually, about Cain. Watch this. Genesis chapter 4, and let me start back here,
I don't know, verse 3. So watch this. In the course of time, Cain brought to the Lord an offering of the fruit of the ground.
Abel also brought of the firstborn of his flock and of their fat portions. And the
Lord had regard for Abel and his offering, but for Cain and his offering he had no regard. So Cain was very angry and his face fell.
So here we go. We know what's going on in Cain's mind emotionally, so the Lord speaks to him. Watch this, verse 6.
The Lord said to Cain, why are you angry? Why has your face fallen? If you do well, will you not be accepted?
And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door. Its desire is contrary to you, but you must rule over it.
Pop quiz. What does Cain say to the Lord in response? Anybody. Anybody in the chat?
Nothing. Imagine what would have happened.
Now, let me, okay, obviously there are thematic biblical principles here.
There's a whole thing about sin here. I don't want to sidestep any of that, okay? Our purpose for understanding these things is vital, it's crucial, it's important.
Granted. I'm just saying, okay? Imagine what would have happened had
Cain in that moment, the Lord confronts Cain. Cain confesses right there and then. Goes to the
Lord, maybe even asks God what he could do to make it right. You know what I mean? Do you think Cain would have went off and killed his brother?
There is a lesson here, Alec, along with the other essential ones to consider, and it's about finding the right way to deal with your anger.
I suggest you learn how to remove yourself from moments when you get angry and go talk to the Lord. Bear your heart to Him and receive from Him what you need to then go make it right and be restored to your brothers and sisters.
Thank you for the question, Alec. We're moving right along to the final question, finally. This question is from Isaac P.
Hey, Isaac, from the Patreon community. Let me pull up Isaac's question here.
Lost it. I'm a professional, guys. Here's the question. What, if any, is the difference between the law of Christ mentioned by Paul in the
New Testament and the law of Moses in the Old Testament? Where in Scripture can we make the distinction?
Again, just the easy questions, right? All right. Well, thank you for the question, Isaac. Let me start here. Yeah, let me say this first.
This question is laden with difficulty because I think a lot of us tend to conflate multiple things at the same time, right?
Because when we start thinking about the law, we immediately start thinking about the covenants, right?
At least some of us do. And while they are entailed, you know, they're not the same thing.
So let me just take the long way to get to your question because hopefully it's going to help elucidate the issue here.
So let me start here. If you're asking the question, Isaac, is the covenant of Moses the covenant of Jesus, the answer obviously is no.
Sinai was ratified for the Jews for a specific time, and there were requirements in that covenant that were unique to the
Israelites for that period. So for example, take a look at this. This is from Leviticus chapter 7 verse 1 that says, this is the law of the guilt offering.
And now we're going to see some instructions. It is most holy in the place where they kill the burnt offering, they shall kill the guilt offering, and its blood shall be thrown against the sides of the altar, and all its fat shall be offered, the fat tail, the fat that covers the entrails, the two kidneys with the fat that is on, and this is getting nasty, and the long lobe of the liver that he shall remove with the kidneys, the priest shall burn them on the altar as a food offering to the
Lord. It is a guilt offering, okay? Now, these are what's called the ceremonial laws, and they are pertaining to, again, the guilt offering that was meant to be performed in and around the temple, all right?
Question for you, Alex, or Alec, Isaac, question for you. Where is the temple now?
And more importantly, what happened to these types of offerings that were clearly part and parcel to the covenant of Sinai?
The answer is they were done away with, right? Why? Well, because the Mosaic covenant is no longer.
You realize, Isaac, it's funny, I was just talking to my pastor about this. My pastor was telling us about this last night.
It's funny how the Lord works, right? You get these questions, so this is all fresh. Do you realize that by the time
Jesus arrived in the first century, the Israelites had no Ark of the Covenant? You realize that?
They had lost it. Look at this. Jeremiah chapter 3 and yeah, verse like 16.
Look at this. This is the Lord speaking, by the way. Look at this. When you have multiplied and been fruitful in the land in those days, declares the
Lord, they shall no more say the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord. It shall not come to mind or be remembered or missed.
It shall not be made again. That is a striking statement that the
Lord makes, you know? Now, think about this in history. The Babylonians come in. They wipe out the
Israelites. They kill many. They take others as slaves. They destroy the Jewish temple. The Ark of the
Covenant is, I mean, we don't know, right? Either destroyed or stolen, but guess what?
After that, it's never spoken of again. The words of God spoken here in Jeremiah come true, but guess what that also means?
It means that there is no Ark of the Covenant in the Holy of Holies. There is no Ten Commandments either, but there's all,
I mean, think about that. There's also no mercy seat for the Lord's presence to dwell, right? It means the
Lord is not with the Israelites, and who was it? Ezekiel is the one who watches the
Lord's presence get up and leave the temple. You remember that? So, what I'm trying to do here is
I'm just trying to paint a picture for us. I mean, you want to talk about a clear picture that the
Covenant of God is in trouble. God's not even with the Israelites and hasn't spoken in hundreds of years.
Then Jesus shows up and initiates a new covenant, right? But this is not the old covenant.
Jeremiah 31 makes that abundantly clear. Look at this. Jeremiah 31 31,
Behold, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah. Like the old one?
Not like the covenant that I made with their fathers on the day when I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt?
My covenant that they broke? Uh -oh. Though I was their husband, declares the
Lord, for this is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after those days. I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts, and I will be their
God, and they shall be my people. All right? Now this is Jesus' new covenant in His blood, which that's...we
walk now and we live and move and breathe within that covenant, amen? Okay, so I'm taking the long way.
Jesus' covenant is not Moses' covenant. All right, fair enough. Well then, is Jesus' law the same as the law given to Moses?
Now there's a passage that comes to mind immediately, and it's Galatians 6 verse 2.
Look at this. So Paul is tremendously concerned in the entire epistle. So here we go again, right back to context.
You need to understand the context, okay? Paul is tremendously concerned to prevent the Gentiles from making a mistake.
Some of them are considering submitting themselves to Jewish ritual, right? And Paul says, no way, don't do it!
Instead, he says this, verse 2, "...bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ."
And there we have that phrase, right? Isaac, did you get that phrase from Galatians 6 verse 2? Right? But what does the phrase mean, though?
You know, the law of Christ, or the Torah of Christ, you know?
Well, it refers to His commands. It refers to His teaching. It refers to the
Sermon on the Mount, amongst other things. But the question is, is the law of Christ the same as the law of Moses?
Here's the answer. You ready for this, Isaac? Yes and no. Thanks.
Have a good evening, everybody. I'm kidding. The answer is no, in the sense that the civil and the ceremonial laws of Moses were uniquely specific to the
Israelites at a time in the past, all right? And with no temple and no biblical ritual of animal sacrifice today, well then that means that a lot of those laws are no longer valid.
I mean, not for Jews today, not in the way that they originally received it on Sinai. And we talked about that.
I showed you one of those passages from Leviticus a moment ago, right? But there's a lot more of those kinds of laws to consider along those lines.
But there's not a problem here. You want to know why? Guess what? Even if those laws are no longer valid, they find their fulfillment in the person and work of Jesus Christ.
The question you have to ask is, what were the sacrifices for? What were they meant to accomplish?
Jesus fulfills all of it, ladies and gentlemen. But there is an element of the law, you know, where if you obey these commandments, you end up looking like a certain kind of person.
See, I think it actually helps to remember, Isaac, the law is meant to be walked out.
So we've talked about this on the Patreon, okay? Which means the law is meant to be expressed through your actions, and when you do that, when you walk out the law in your own life, you end up looking like the type of person that God wants
His people to be, okay? But watch what Paul says in Galatians, okay?
So take a look at Galatians chapter 5, for example, verse 22. The fruit of the
Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self -control.
Now, here is an interesting statement. Against such things there is no law. Hmm. Now, if you just read really quickly,
I think you missed the point here. What Paul is doing is he's saying the fruits of the Spirit have no command from Torah against it.
So it's an awkward statement to make because it's done in the negative, but if you flip it around in the positive, what he's really saying implicitly is the fruit of the
Spirit fulfills the law. If there is no command of Torah against the fruits of the
Spirit, then it must be because the fruits of the Spirit fulfill the law. That means the
Holy Spirit of God given to you as a gift when you were saved, whose
Scripture says will bring to your remembrance all that Christ has commanded you, will develop fruit in you that cause you to fulfill the law.
So, in a sense, that means, yes, the law of Christ or, you know, the commandments of Jesus is the law of Moses.
When you live it out, the fruit that comes of it is the same fruit that God desired for his people in the
Old Testament. This is why James very famously says, right, or excuse me, this is why
Jesus says in Matthew 5, I did not come to abolish the law, I came to fulfill it. Amen? What Jesus is saying is,
I'm going to show you what it looks like to properly interpret the law, to fill it full, and it entails being filled with the
Holy Spirit of God as promised in the New Covenant, because there's no way that a person who does not have the
Spirit will be able to be made righteous by the law. That's also a point that Paul hits pretty hard in Galatians.
So, anyway, was it T -L -D -R, Isaac? The answer is yes and no.
So, anyway, thank you for the question. All right, that's my time for the episode, so I'm grateful that you all were here. If you appreciate the insights here, let me remind you, join up to the
Patreon community right now. I've got an awesome Bible study I'm doing. We're going through Acts, actually, right now.
I'm running monthly trainings, exclusive live streams. You can meet up with me one -on -one over there in the chat, so the link for the
Patreon is below. In the video, I used Logos Bible software, and I love the app.
It's a game changer for the serious student of Scripture. Just go to Suggested Reading, including
D. Martin Lloyd -Jones over there, so you should definitely check that out, at least for that.
The link for that is below. If you're interested in learning Biblical Greek or Hebrew, you should check out the Biblingo app.
They're offering a free week right now. You can click on the Biblingo link and put in the discount code
WISEDISCIPLE10 at checkout. All right, guys, I'm going to return soon with more videos, but in the meantime,