Alec Baldwin Shooting & The Goal of the Gospel
Join us for the newest episode of Apologia Radio in which we talk about the news of the recent shooting on the film-set of a movie in production called "Rust". We also talk about a hit-piece done by the Guardian about Christ Church and Douglas Wilson.
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- 00:03
- is what's the claim of presuppositional apologetics? Fundamentally, it's a revelational epistemology.
- 00:10
- So to follow the line here, it goes from Sola Scriptura, the principles that are there within Sola Scriptura that are just biblical principles in terms of God's revelation, that moves into apologetics and the philosophical claims about how do
- 00:23
- I know what I know? So how should I argue? Well, it's the voice of God. God's revelation is supreme.
- 00:28
- And that leads inevitably to the question of if you're dealing with issues of morality, if you're dealing with issues of justice and injustice, how shall
- 00:39
- I know? By what standard? And of course, I began to discover that in Bonson and of course, in much of the reform tradition.
- 00:48
- But that's really what led me into a theonomic perspective of how do you know something is just or unjust?
- 00:55
- By what standard? I would say if the authorities didn't want us involved in the public square, they ought not to have crucified
- 01:25
- Jesus in the public square. It's a humanistic principle. Well, I would say the same idea. I would say that. I would say what's the problem with stardust bumping into stardust?
- 01:34
- In the cosmic picture, no, there's no problem. In the cosmic picture, it won't matter. No, Mr.
- 01:43
- President, you are not protecting reproductive freedom. You are authorizing the destruction of freedom for one million little human beings every year.
- 02:02
- I'm sorry, my friends, but I am tired of seeing Jesus presented as a weak beggar.
- 02:11
- He is a powerful savior and the gospel is not a suggestion.
- 02:17
- It is a command. Reverend Moller, don't you sympathize with that?
- 02:27
- I sympathize with every single human heart wishing to know the one true and living God, but I believe there's only one way that that can happen through Jesus Christ, and the gospel is about repenting of sin, not celebrating it.
- 02:39
- An amazing adventure.
- 02:45
- We will explore the spiritual abyss. You have not experienced this before.
- 02:53
- You are gonna love it. I do not cease to give thanks for you all, remembering you in my prayers that the
- 03:07
- God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the spirit of wisdom and of revelation and the knowledge of him, having the eyes of your hearts enlightened that you may know what is the hope to which you he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to the working of his great might, that he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion and above every name that is named, not only in this age, but also in the one to come.
- 03:48
- And he put all things under his feet and gave him his head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all.
- 03:57
- What's up, guys? Welcome back to another episode of Apologia Radio. This is the gospel heard around the world. You guys can get more at apologiastudios .com.
- 04:05
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- 04:57
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- 05:03
- It is a blessing to do that. So also, don't forget, if you haven't signed up yet, get your
- 05:08
- Bonson U free account, Bonson U. It is a seminary level education at ApologiaStudios .com.
- 05:17
- It is completely for free. So it's Dr. Greg Bonson's life work. And it is literally seminary courses, lectures, college lectures.
- 05:27
- You also have his Bible studies he was doing. You have his sermons. He was doing the sermon series through church.
- 05:33
- It is absolutely amazing. And it is free at ApologiaStudios .com.
- 05:38
- Thank you once again to the Bonson family for giving that to us and trusting us with that. And so yes, it's completely free, totally free.
- 05:45
- The Bonson family wanted to bless the world with it and have it be at no cost to you, which you've heard me say, doesn't make a lot of sense because you can go to seminaries today and not get anywhere near the education you'll get with Bonson U and you'll put yourself into debt over there.
- 05:59
- And this is completely and totally for free. It's a gift. It's being given to the world because we believe that the word of God changes things, changes everything.
- 06:07
- And we believe that if you get these solid teachings into your heart and your mind, God will use it to transform the world and bring glory to Christ.
- 06:14
- So that's why it's happening. I'm Jeff, the Cultman and Ninja. That's Luke, the Bear. What up? And that's Joy, the Girl. And we are here for another episode of Apology Radio.
- 06:21
- Lots to talk about today. We're gonna talk about movies, Dune. If you haven't seen it yet, we're gonna talk about that. We're gonna talk about Alec Baldwin and the shooting on the set, the very, very tragic shooting on the set in New Mexico for the movie
- 06:34
- Rust with Alec Baldwin. We're gonna talk a bit about that. And we're also gonna talk about this interesting article by The Guardian that goes after Doug Wilson, our friend
- 06:45
- Doug Wilson, and our friends over at Christ Church. And the title of the article from The Guardian is
- 06:51
- Make It a Christian Town, The Ultra Conservative Church on the Rise in Idaho.
- 06:57
- Dun, dun, dun. And so we're gonna talk about that. Is ultra higher than extreme, I wonder?
- 07:02
- I think so. That's right. You got right wing, ultra right. I wanna know what's more.
- 07:09
- Uber, extreme, ultra. What ranks higher, ultra or extreme? Ultra seems like the best.
- 07:16
- It's the top. I don't know. That's a good point. I didn't even think about that, ultra. It's not just extreme. I was labeled in the last couple of weeks through Rolling Stone and others, extremist pastor.
- 07:25
- Doug got ultra, so he's winning. He needs to win. He should win.
- 07:30
- You're just extreme, unfortunately. I'm just extreme. I'm getting there, I'm working my way. I feel like somebody needs to do a
- 07:36
- Doug Wilson ultron mashup now. Ultra. Ultron Doug.
- 07:44
- Well. That's what they're scared of. We're gonna talk about that. We're gonna talk about. That's probably better than extreme.
- 07:49
- How when the world views a Orthodox Christian church that believes that the goal of the gospel is to actually win the nations to Christ and teach them to obey.
- 08:01
- When the world sees that, the world today freaks out because typically evangelical churches in the
- 08:06
- West like to stick to themselves. They don't wanna cause any problems. They recognize their lane. This is my lane of the spiritual things and that's your lane over there that Jesus is in control of.
- 08:15
- And when you have a consistent Christian church that isn't unusual in history, that just believes what
- 08:21
- I just read to you from Ephesians, that Jesus actually has authority over every rule and authority and power, that he is the one with ultimate authority and God has put all things under his feet.
- 08:33
- That's just Christianity 101. But it's weird today. It's really weird today. So you're an extremist or you're an ultra extremist if you believe
- 08:42
- Paul. That's it. And. It's true. It's true. It's true.
- 08:48
- It's like when we were in Kauai and we started getting people putting up posts about us in the
- 08:53
- Kauai local chat groups who were all like leftists and liberals and went after us because we believe that homosexuality was a sin and things like that.
- 09:04
- One of the things that they put when they were trying to vilify us and get us quote thrown off the island is they put that this church,
- 09:10
- Apologia Church, is not like the other churches in the island and they just want to be left alone. I thought, hey, you really.
- 09:16
- Why won't they just live their own truth? Yeah, exactly. They don't want to just be left alone like the other churches here. They actually believe what they say.
- 09:25
- So stupid. It is, it is. Which like you said, has been the historical position believing what you say.
- 09:31
- Yeah, yeah. It used to be like people like Hitler were considered extreme or like the
- 09:37
- Third Reich would be considered ultra. Mm -hmm. Now it's the people that want to love other people.
- 09:43
- Then just believe the gospel. Yeah. The goal is to win everyone to Jesus Christ. It's weird times we're living in.
- 09:49
- It truly, truly is. Let's talk about something fun. So I got to see
- 09:54
- Dune. I was gonna leave town to go to Denver with this guy and Pastor Zach and Zach's, the
- 10:03
- Zach's. The Zach's. Yeah, we went to dinner and there were, it didn't dawn on me till dinner that there were three
- 10:09
- Zach's at the table. Launchlager, Morgan, and Conover. And so what do we think for the names?
- 10:15
- Morgie, Connie, and Laudie. Laudie. Laudie, Laudie, we likes to party.
- 10:21
- Yep. Anyway. And then together they become Ultra Zach. Yes, Ultra Zach.
- 10:29
- So there was a night before, I think it was the night before I left, and I was like, well, I'll take my son out to a movie. So I saw the commercials for Dune.
- 10:36
- I was like, I don't know if it's gonna be any good, but you know, I heard it's pretty good. So we went out to see Dune. I saw it at the Alamo, which isn't an epic theater.
- 10:44
- Actually, by the way, it's not called the Alamo anymore. It's called the Majestic. Do they still feed you there? They do. It's not near as good as it was.
- 10:50
- It was Alamo, COVID had Alamo. Yeah, Alamo and COVID. They died with COVID. So I'm assuming someone just bought it,
- 10:57
- Majestic bought it. Yeah, yeah, or maybe the landlord's smart. Maybe the owner of that property,
- 11:03
- I was thinking maybe this is the case, is like, I have a movie theater. I can't gut this place. It'll cost more to gut this place and do this.
- 11:09
- So maybe I'll just take over it and run it as a business called the Majestic. It's a turnkey business, right?
- 11:15
- Open the door and you have it. At any rate, so I go to see Dune. I saw it at the Alamo. It wasn't like an
- 11:21
- IMAX or anything. And I just got to say, that was one of the most epic movies and experiences.
- 11:27
- Some people may not like the movie. From the standpoint of people, I'm not the expert here when it comes to cinematography and all that stuff.
- 11:34
- We've got guys who are in charge of that. But from the standpoint of what we know is beautiful and good art, and it's people who care about their craft and doing it well.
- 11:43
- In other words, I'm talking about not Christian movies. I'm talking about the way, we used to rule the world of art.
- 11:50
- Is that Princess Cut? Yeah. We used to rule, we gave beautiful art and architecture to the world, and then we just walked away from it and handed it over to the secularists.
- 11:59
- But this, in terms of cinematography, the beauty, the soundtrack, I was at the Alamo where it's not like IMAX, you could feel the soundtrack in your chest, and it was just, it did something.
- 12:09
- I mean, it's a long movie. It's like two and a half hours long, and that's just part one. And so, yeah, part two is -
- 12:15
- I didn't realize that. Yeah, part two's coming, so it was just half of the movie, and I was in it the whole time.
- 12:23
- Unless I walked out, which I don't think I, I think maybe I went to the bathroom once. I don't really remember any nudity, language,
- 12:32
- I don't think I remember any real serious problems with language. It was just very good story.
- 12:39
- It was very creative. Cinematography was amazing. The soundtrack was absolutely off the charts. So, yeah, and that comes, that used to be, what, a book first, and then a movie in the 70s?
- 12:50
- Is that right? Ask Matt. Matt's on right now, and he's a little older.
- 12:55
- Matt, was it a book first, and then a movie? Do you know that? A little older. I believe it was. Yeah. Listen, we have our own movie guy voice.
- 13:03
- Listen to Matt. The old intro reminded me that we have our own guy voice. Do your emergency alert,
- 13:09
- Matt. This is a warning, that you must pay attention to what
- 13:14
- I'm saying. He's got a great voice. He's got a great narrator voice. His voice matches his biceps, too.
- 13:21
- Yeah, we call him Big Matt, Beefy Matt. Yeah, we were at DC earlier this year, early, that's how you say it, right?
- 13:30
- I'm tired today. I think so. Matt was carrying like 500 pounds on his back, and just had no problem.
- 13:37
- And was fine. Oh, he was fine all day long. He was perfectly fine. Well, I knew about the book, the Dune book, While Eating Tofu. Because, did you guys,
- 13:44
- I don't know, maybe it was just me, but was there a guy in your high school that was just constantly reading Dune? Nope. I didn't even know it was a book.
- 13:50
- I did see people reading Dune. Yes, I remember seeing. Dunes has a huge cult following. Yeah, they do. I just learned it was a book, so.
- 13:57
- Yeah, and apparently there was, you know, conspiracy stuff, or stuff that happened like where there was like blame going
- 14:04
- George Lucas' way, like you stole our idea sort of a thing. Oh, really? That's just what I heard. Neither confirm nor deny.
- 14:11
- But anyway, so it was a film in the 70s. Actually, I looked at the trailer for the film in the 70s, and I'm like, yeah, it's pretty decent for the 70s.
- 14:17
- It looks not too bad. We need to see it. It's great. Yeah, I'd love to. It's really, really good.
- 14:23
- I looked it up, and it says there's no visible nudity. There's some like, I guess there's some like quick flashes of some things, but nothing that they actually define as like nudity.
- 14:34
- Don't you hate that? When you're watching a film today that's like a great story, great cinematography, the language is bad, all of a sudden you're like, well,
- 14:40
- I guess, is this the part where you're throwing someone naked? Okay, great. And like you have to get assaulted with that.
- 14:46
- You're like, come on, why can't you just make a film with all this stuff? We don't have to have it. Is there a token gay character?
- 14:53
- No. All right. Not that I remember. Not at all. No, not at all. Yeah, I just thought it was fantastic, and so that's just what
- 15:01
- I wanted to say. Do you guys want to say anything about any films in particular? I don't know. Speaking of film.
- 15:07
- I think you were talking about, you were telling us the story of a movie that your parents - Right, I knew there was something there.
- 15:14
- So yeah, I was eight years old, and I remember this vividly.
- 15:20
- It's one of those memories, it feels like it was yesterday. You can remember every detail. We were living in Maine. That's called a flashbulb memory, by the way.
- 15:27
- Is that what it's called? Thank you for that, I'll remember that. I'll try to remember that. So we were living,
- 15:33
- I remember it vividly because we had moved from Holland. My dad was in the Air Force. Isn't that weird? Isn't that weird? We went to Maine for a short period of time before we went to Holland, sorry,
- 15:42
- Japan. And Maine, I was living at Loring Air Force Base, Northern Maine, which there is nothing, absolutely nothing, nothing, nothing out there.
- 15:52
- Just a base. It's just potato fields and forest, and it is just, all I remember is that snow, snow, snow, snow.
- 16:01
- I mean, so much snow that you had to get up every couple hours at night and take turns shoveling your way out of your door in your driveway, otherwise your door, you'd get snowed in.
- 16:10
- Right. Because you're at the northern tip, and the wintertime, I mean, snowfall, there's a lot of it.
- 16:16
- So the place that we were, this is, so many memories of this. The place we were was this sort of eerie, scary place.
- 16:24
- There's nothing, it's silence, it's just forest, snow, potato fields. Everything you just described sounds very eerie.
- 16:29
- It feels like something out of a horror, as a matter of fact. Gray, I'm sure it's very gray. Yes, the movie, exactly, always cloud cover.
- 16:36
- The movie It, right? Don't they film that in Northern Maine? Yeah, all of Stephen King's books take place there.
- 16:43
- And actually, we went to Stephen King's house. My dad was a huge Stephen King fan.
- 16:48
- He had all of his books. And so when we lived there, we went to Bangor, and he has a house in Bangor. His house looks like a haunted house, like purposefully.
- 16:56
- Like he has these black gates, and like I think bats on his gates, and it looks like a horror. Gargoyles and stuff. Something like out of a horror film.
- 17:03
- It's very depressing there, and I'm sure there's beautiful parts of Maine. If you guys live in Maine, and you're like, Jeff, you don't even know,
- 17:08
- I'm sure there's great parts. But where I was, it was very depressing. Does a clown answer the door when you ring the doorbell? It felt like that, so.
- 17:14
- There's a rabid dog out front? It's scary. Oh, actually, we ran into Stephen King at the movies.
- 17:20
- We were going to see Good Morning Vietnam. I remember that. And we went to the movie theater, and my dad sees
- 17:28
- Stephen King, a small town. That's pretty cool. At the theater, going to see, and Stephen King sat right in front of me during Good Morning Vietnam.
- 17:36
- Directly in front of me. But I had a horrible experience with Stephen King. Sorry, not trying to slander you here. If you ever get to see a Stephen King, if you ever watch an
- 17:41
- Apology Radio. We go to the theater, my dad's like fangirling, and he's like, go get his autograph for me.
- 17:49
- I'm like eight. He's like, go get his autograph for me. And I was like, okay. And so I walk up to him, like, hi,
- 17:55
- Mr. King, can I have your autograph? My dad loves your books. And he goes, I don't do autographs, kid.
- 18:01
- And he turned around and walked away. And my dad was like, I hate you now. I'm never watching your movies again.
- 18:07
- Depending on when that was, I could imagine, he used to do a lot of drugs. So I could imagine there was a period of his life where he was not the most pleasant person ever.
- 18:16
- He could have been having a bad moment. I don't hold it against him. At any rate, so this is my scary memories of Maine.
- 18:22
- Depressing, dark, gray, snow, scary, fields, potatoes. Stephen King kicking my butt.
- 18:29
- And then my parents were living in a military base. They have no friends and no family around. They're like, we wanna go see a movie.
- 18:34
- And this is like this teeny tiny little movie theater on the military base. And there's nothing to it. It's just like one screen.
- 18:41
- And they're playing a movie my parents wanted to see. I don't know why. And it's called Hellraiser. And so all
- 18:48
- I remember is going into this theater, my parents saying, we have to bring you with us. We wanna see this movie. You know, just sit still.
- 18:56
- And if the movie gets too scary, just look away. That's like, yeah. And so I remember my sisters. In a movie theater where all your attention is specifically directed.
- 19:04
- Yeah, my sisters sit next to me. And I remember that the entire time, everybody was staring at us.
- 19:11
- Like every adult in there. Like why did those people do that? And my mind was trying to give eyeballs to my parents.
- 19:17
- Like no, no. We're judging you. No. And then looking at me like, oh,
- 19:22
- I'm sorry. And they're probably all military too. And all I remember is this was me through, they were all military.
- 19:30
- This was me through the whole movie Hellraiser. I remember eight years old, this is me. I've frozen in fear.
- 19:40
- And entering into like, you know, you see the world as a kid and you're like, I'm climbing on trees and I'm running around outside and there's friends and flowers and things.
- 19:49
- And all of a sudden you're like, there's this whole other evil world. And I remember
- 19:55
- I probably didn't sleep for like three months after that. Because it was Hellraiser one. Right. Well, and there are horror movies.
- 20:02
- And then there are horror movies that give you kind of an icky feeling. Hellraiser is one of those. Very much so.
- 20:08
- It's not only icky feeling, it's also, I think there was like graphic. Yes, it's very graphic.
- 20:14
- I've actually never seen it. It's very, it's really, I don't recommend it for anyone. My parents wouldn't let me see it.
- 20:21
- Your parents loved you. Eight year old Jeff would tell you, don't go see the movie,
- 20:26
- Luke. No, that's, I feel like that's one of the things like, is that redeemable?
- 20:31
- No. Can you just like, can you sort of like angel vid that? And you know, you would have like a 30 second movie.
- 20:38
- It would just be like a moment of beep, yep, erp, ah. It'd just be like credits, yeah. That's all there would be.
- 20:47
- Well, we got it. We need Christian filmmakers to make some good films, like intriguing films. Heavenraiser. Even Scary Weapon.
- 20:52
- Somebody would totally make that. Probably exist, honestly. Marcus Pitman, horror,
- 20:58
- Heavenraiser. Someone on one of those Christian streaming services right now is going, that sounds like a delicious idea.
- 21:06
- So, okay, so speaking of movies, that was a jarring experience for me as a child.
- 21:14
- Very scary experience. That's a really, that's not a kid movie. No. It's not even for adults.
- 21:21
- I don't know why somebody, to this day I've thought like, why didn't somebody at the door say to my parents, pardon me, but I'm not gonna sell you this ticket right now.
- 21:32
- This is not appropriate, just no, no. But yeah, they brought me in,
- 21:37
- I sat through the entire Hellraiser and yeah, didn't sleep and scarred me for life. Well, you could have just looked away slightly to this.
- 21:44
- Right. Man, that messed me up big time too. I remember being like up that whole night just staring at my closet, just like,
- 21:53
- I didn't know the world had these things in them. And yeah, don't do that to your children. Parents, good
- 21:59
- Christian advice, don't let your children watch Hellraiser. There's a reason. If you didn't already know. There's a reason you have vivid memories surrounding it.
- 22:06
- It scared you a lot. So speaking of films, so Luke, you wanted to talk about this today.
- 22:13
- The situation with Alec Baldwin. On the set of Rust in New Mexico, he killed the cinematographer by shooting a weapon that had a live round in it.
- 22:24
- Yes. And he injured somebody else, correct? Somebody else was injured. I believe so, the director.
- 22:30
- Matt, that's where we need Matt on the details. Okay, so Matt, fill us in on the details that you know about the situation and let's hear you speak to it.
- 22:36
- By the way, Matt is our director. Matt's a genius, super talented, and he's been in the film industry and in this entire industry for how long,
- 22:45
- Matt? Like 30 years? Plus. 30 plus years. And he has large biceps. Yeah, and he has big, big, beefy biceps.
- 22:52
- If you have 500 pounds you need carried somewhere, you call Matt. That's what we do. Hey, Matt, we got weight. Move it.
- 22:59
- Yo. Okay. All right, Matt, tell us about what you know. So something like this hasn't happened for over 30 years.
- 23:08
- Last person that was shot on set like this was Brandon Lee. And so the industry overall is pretty safe, but they did not follow rules on this set at all.
- 23:21
- There's a hierarchy, you have the director, and then you have the AD, which is the assistant director. And that man is in charge, or woman, is in charge of all the things, all the operations that are going on.
- 23:31
- He's like the lieutenant to the captain. And so he's responsible for everything that really does happen.
- 23:38
- But then you have also a prop master who's in charge of all the props. Then you have the armorer who's underneath the prop master.
- 23:45
- And so all these people actually down the line are culpable for what happened, I believe. So there's no way, no how, there should be any live round on a movie set like that.
- 23:56
- And I think they found around 500 shell casings around the set and on the set of live rounds that were shot for target practice, basically.
- 24:04
- Oh, wow. So yeah, I guess a lot of us don't know, you speak to this, Luke, because I was gonna say that a lot of us don't know the facts about this, but go ahead.
- 24:13
- Yeah, so from what I understand, and Matt, if I'm wrong on something, correct me, but basically someone gave him a gun, he thought it was loaded with a blank, or was ready for -
- 24:23
- The AD said it was a cold gun, which means that in no way that should have hurt anybody.
- 24:28
- Yeah, and so I don't know if he was like pointing at the cinematographer, like actually filming or if it was practice or whatever, but it had a live round and then he shot her, you know, and she died and just a horrible tragedy.
- 24:45
- And the reason I wanted to bring this up was just, I mean, it's obviously in the news a lot. And I think the thing that's been hard for me to kind of witness is just the people that are like wanting to like burn
- 24:56
- Alec Baldwin to the ground over this. Especially Christians, you know, and I thought it was a good opportunity to talk about the law of God and manslaughter and kind of, you know, what that should look like in the eyes of God and what should the punishment be and stuff like that.
- 25:09
- And obviously it's under investigation right now, so we don't know all the facts, but yeah,
- 25:15
- I mean, I just saw a video, you were just watching it, and people literally were like following Baldwin and his kids and like, you know, trying to get a statement from him.
- 25:25
- And, you know, it's just awful. The people going after him for something that really shouldn't have been his fault and was a complete accident.
- 25:33
- Let's play that. So here is, I guess, apparently this is a video of Baldwin and his wife.
- 25:41
- Is that his wife? His girlfriend? I think so. He's got his kids in his car. She's quite a bit younger. It's his wife, yeah. And his kids are in the car.
- 25:48
- I guess he finally stopped and pulled the car over because he was being chased by the media. So he came out to give them an interview. And I think it was CNN, right?
- 25:54
- May have been. I think it was. Okay, so here's a clip of that. Let's go, let's go. I will. What do you want to know?
- 25:59
- All right, Ali, what's the current state of what's going on with these cases? I'm not allowed to make any comments because it's an ongoing investigation.
- 26:06
- I've been ordered by the sheriff's department in Santa Fe. I can't answer any questions about the investigation.
- 26:12
- I can't. It's an active investigation in terms of a woman dying. She was my friend. She was my friend.
- 26:20
- The day I arrived in Santa Fe to start shooting, I took her to dinner with Joel, the director. We were a very, very, excuse me.
- 26:28
- We were a very, very, you know, well -oiled crew shooting a film together.
- 26:33
- And then this horrible event happened. Now, I've been told multiple times, don't make any comments about the ongoing investigation.
- 26:41
- And I can't. I can't, I can't. That's it. What are the questions that you have other than that?
- 26:46
- You met with the, I'm afraid to forget her name. But you met with her family?
- 26:52
- Yes, I met with her family. Her name is Helena. If you're spending this much time waiting for us, you should know her name. You don't know her name? Her name is Helena. Helena Hutchins.
- 26:58
- I met with her husband, Matthew, and her son. Yeah, that's right. And how did that meeting go? I wouldn't know how to characterize it.
- 27:05
- There'd be, they're mortified. You guys, you know what? No details. Do me a favor, I'm gonna answer the question.
- 27:12
- Well, I appreciate that. He was probably very upset. The guy is overwhelmed. Why? I don't get bothered by questions like that.
- 27:20
- I don't. I feel like, why do you wanna ask a question like that? What do you think the family's feeling right now? Oh, they're just, they're full of joy.
- 27:27
- Yeah, well, they're fine, they're good. It just seems this is just total harassment. You know, obviously,
- 27:33
- I'll tell you what I think of Alec Baldwin. I don't, there's a lot of problems I have with him personally and the things that he says and on his own.
- 27:41
- I think he's a brilliant actor. I think he's extraordinarily talented. And I think in this situation,
- 27:46
- I feel ya. I've seen people mocking, making jokes about, I mean, even the very day of the shooting where she died, you saw people coming out immediately with memes mocking the situation.
- 27:59
- It was definitely too soon. It's a human being that was killed here. Nothing is funny about that.
- 28:05
- And people just took, I don't like Alec Baldwin's politics, so I'm gonna go ahead and make light of his plight.
- 28:12
- And I think that that is a deplorable way to behave in a situation like this. My own thinking in this case is anybody who owns a firearm and uses firearms is generally very, very cautious, careful, aware of what's going on with your weapon.
- 28:35
- I've got a weapon in my bag right now. I can tell you everything about it. I can tell you how many rounds are in that. I can tell you when those were placed in there.
- 28:43
- I could, you know, I'd put fresh rounds in there. I can tell you exactly when, I can tell you what kind of rounds are in there, a special kind of hollow point bullet for self -defense.
- 28:53
- Everything about it. And I can tell you whether something's in the chamber right now or not because I'm super careful with it at all times.
- 29:00
- I know at all times whether I have something in the chamber or whether I don't, I'm always aware of what's going on with my weapons.
- 29:08
- We just had a leadership retreat and we took a bunch of our guys out to the desert and children out to the desert to go target practice and shooting.
- 29:19
- And even in a situation like that, you're among friends and you're with kids and you guys are there to have a good time, but there's someone always designated to run that line where there's gonna be shooting.
- 29:30
- There are calls to like cease fire, that the zone is hot at the moment, that, you know, live rounds are gonna be coming from here.
- 29:38
- There's always time and space between like getting someone to the line. There's just always an awareness of your surroundings and space.
- 29:46
- And there's always instruction given. There's always a checking of your magazine. Like, you know, how much do
- 29:52
- I have in there? Is there something in the chamber right now? You're just constantly aware. And so what I think would have benefited someone like Alec Baldwin, who is so opposed to like gun rights and those sorts of things, he's all about gun control.
- 30:05
- What would have helped him would been to actually lived in this world where people are responsible with weapons because then they wouldn't be in a place like he is because there could be extra safety.
- 30:16
- I'll put it this way, okay, here's what I'm getting at. If it were, I think I can speak confidently, if it were Luke or me or any other responsible gun owner who was on a set with a gun and I knew that the barrel of that gun was gonna be pointed at another human being, you better believe that responsible gun owners would have pulled out the magazine or checked the chamber, seen what was inside their gun, checked the ammunition because you are always aware.
- 30:40
- Like what's the rule about a weapon? You always treat it as though it's loaded. If you're ever around any gun whatsoever, you always, even if you're sure it's empty, you're always supposed to double check, triple check to make sure because you always treat every single weapon as though it's loaded, right?
- 31:02
- Accidents will happen at times because somebody picks up a weapon that they assume doesn't have a live round in it, right?
- 31:08
- I'm pretty confident this thing is safe, it's good to go. And the next thing you know, they hit the trigger, something happens, someone dies, someone gets injured.
- 31:16
- So that's why the rule is there. Always treat every single weapon as though it's loaded, it has a live round, it's ready to fire and you never aim your gun at something or someone that you do not intend to shoot, right?
- 31:31
- And so like if you're gonna aim a gun at a human being, like you gotta know what's in this gun, why am I doing this? And I know he's acting for a movie but the point is, is a responsible gun owner who's actually been around guns, appreciates the danger of guns is always in a place where you're just always like hyper vigilant, double check, triple check, make sure.
- 31:51
- And that would have helped him. I'm not, I'm actually not saying that there's guilt because you can't look, everyone's trying to say guilt for a
- 31:57
- Baldwin, look, he's an actor in a movie and somebody who's supposed to be responsible for the gun, handed him the gun, right?
- 32:03
- Or however it took place, his assumption is there's, this is not real, right? I'm acting, it's a film.
- 32:09
- And he was told it was a cold gun. He was told it was a cold gun. So the point is, is like when you talk about biblical law, because that's what
- 32:15
- Luke was talking about, biblical law has to do with culpability, right? Either I can prove that you meant to do it, right?
- 32:22
- That's just straight up murder, cold blooded, I planned it, I'm gonna kill you and I meant to do it. Or you have situations where like you knowingly go out with say like an ax that's loose and you do it anyways, but you knew that it was loose, you knew it can cause harm.
- 32:37
- Well, there's culpability there because well, you're responsible. Like you did something that you knew could have injured somebody and so somebody was hurt.
- 32:43
- So there's different degrees of - Negligence. Yeah, negligence. But in a situation like this, if it's true that he was told it's a cold gun, he's an actor on a set and someone hands it to him who's like a prop master or the
- 32:54
- AD or whatever and says, yeah, you're good to go with this. And then he fires it or something happens and someone gets hurt, that you can't say there's culpability in Alec Baldwin's part.
- 33:03
- Not from a biblical perspective, you can't say, well, he's responsible, he did something. I think Matt's right, you can go down the line, you can say to somebody who's down the line here, why'd you put a live round in a gun on a movie set that was gonna be aimed towards other human beings?
- 33:18
- Yeah, I think there's definitely culpability there with a person who's hanging out with live rounds on a movie set, what are you doing?
- 33:26
- I think the flying ax head is a perfect example of, it'd be like if someone knew the ax head was loose but gave it to him and said, oh, it's fine, go ahead and use it.
- 33:40
- You're good to go. Yeah, and then you just, these are professionals, like he said, just they're the crew he works with.
- 33:47
- I think he said a well -oiled crew or something like that. You just trust them, you assume that everything's good to go and you just do your job and then, you know.
- 33:55
- Well, especially someone that has been in the industry as long as, I don't know how many prop guns he's fired in his career, but he's had a long career, so I'm assuming it's been quite a few.
- 34:07
- And it never happened before, so he probably just. There's an implicit trust he had with the person who's in charge of that gun.
- 34:14
- And also, the assumption is nobody's gonna have a live round around this. Why would you do that?
- 34:21
- Yeah, why would you even have a live round? Why would it even be in the building or in the area? Given the benefit of the doubt.
- 34:27
- I think if we were ever doing a film, which Lord willing, one day we'll do, and we have a set, there's gonna be extra precautions.
- 34:35
- There are no live rounds in this set right now, and have we checked this thing two, three times over to make sure that it's safe, and there are just nothing but blanks in this gun, that sort of a thing.
- 34:46
- That's just how I think Christians would do it, and I think anybody should do it who cares about the preservation of human life. And so I think, in my mind, all you can do at this point is sort of look at it from a bird's eye view and say, what could have been done better?
- 34:59
- The investigation has to happen to see if someone is truly culpable and did something stupid, but in terms of someone like Alec Baldwin who's so outspoken about all his leftist stuff, it's like, well, that ended up hurting you here.
- 35:10
- I'm not saying it's your fault. I'm saying that you would have really benefited from some solid Christian worldview stuff concerning weapons that you're handling, and if you have these things in your house at all times and you're used to firing them, you treat them always like they're the most dangerous thing.
- 35:28
- Actually, this is really cool. So I know that your house is definitely gonna be like this, but I think in our community, from the moment my children were super, super small,
- 35:40
- I was always making them aware of the weapon in the house and how dangerous it was and how you don't touch it and you treat it as though it's gonna kill somebody and you never aim this at somebody.
- 35:53
- And so I was teaching Sage, my oldest, and then Stellar, my almost youngest,
- 36:00
- I was teaching them trigger discipline at like three and four years old.
- 36:05
- Trigger discipline. My husband just was talking to our two -year -old because he just had the gun on his hip.
- 36:11
- It wasn't a whole lesson. He didn't give her a whole lesson. He just said, that's a gun. You don't touch it.
- 36:17
- And trigger discipline, exactly. And teaching your boys, your girls, you keep your finger off of that trigger at all times, always, you put your finger on the trigger when you intend to defend yourself only.
- 36:32
- When you're intending to put a bullet or a round through the chamber and you want something to happen, that's when your finger touches the trigger.
- 36:39
- Other than that, you walk around with your finger off the trigger. So if you ever see my sons handling a weapon, you'll see the first thing they do is their finger comes out and they're staying away from the trigger at all times.
- 36:49
- They're checking to make sure that there's no live round in the chamber, all of that. My kids grew up with that.
- 36:55
- They're very comfortable and confident around weapons because they were trained very early on, this is a deadly weapon.
- 37:01
- You can make no mistakes with this thing. And so they're always aware of like, is that a loaded gun?
- 37:06
- Keep your hand off the trigger. Keep the barrel away from any other human being. That sort of a thing. My children were raised around that.
- 37:12
- And I think that would have benefited someone like Alec Baldwin. Yeah, for sure. In a situation like this. Yeah. Yeah, he would have been the last line of defense.
- 37:21
- Not that he was required or expect, but like it would have been naturally, he would have checked, but he didn't because he's not a responsible gun owner.
- 37:32
- And as far as I know, maybe not even a gun owner at all. So yeah, it just would have. Yeah, there's an extra step of safeguard.
- 37:41
- and how he handled. But yeah, I know it's not his fault.
- 37:46
- It is really a shame. Yeah, it's very sad. You gotta, and here's the thing. I think that the final thing
- 37:52
- I would wanna say to this, and I know we're all in agreement on this. You can despise the worldview of a person, right?
- 38:00
- You can hate what they say, what they teach. You can think that what comes out of their mouth is entirely destructive.
- 38:06
- But that person, if they're a human being, that's not a beast. It's not an animal. So you can't treat them like one.
- 38:13
- It's still a person who's made in God's image. And there are moments in life where violence against another human being is a necessary thing.
- 38:22
- And that, what I mean by that is, let's say, because people have a hard time thinking in categories.
- 38:28
- That's why I have to say this category. When I say you have to treat a person as much as you despise what they believe, you have to treat them not like a beast, but as an image bearer of God.
- 38:35
- You have to show respect and love and concern. You have to uphold their dignity at all times. You have to make that attempt at all times.
- 38:43
- Now, I recognize that there are categories of life where violence against another human being is actually the necessary, appropriate, loving, godly, just thing to do.
- 38:53
- For example, if a guy comes into a movie theater in an act of shooting situation to murder people in a movie theater, in that case,
- 39:02
- I don't have to respect his dignity. I have to kill him, right?
- 39:08
- I have to do violence against this person to save everybody else, including myself.
- 39:13
- So there is a category where I gotta put the guy down like a beast because he's acting like a beast, right?
- 39:20
- So there are categories of life like that. In a situation like this, as much as you might despise Alec Baldwin's worldview as I do, you still have to uphold his dignity as an image bearer of God.
- 39:30
- You gotta show respect to the guy, love the guy. Show some compassion for the fact that what you know right now is that he accidentally shot somebody he cared about, and they're dead now.
- 39:40
- That's a person who was married, then had a child. They're dead. So uphold his dignity.
- 39:45
- Love him, respect him. Send him condolences because that's what you know. What you know right now is it's an accidental shooting.
- 39:52
- And so I think the loving Christ -like thing that we'll do to do to care for his soul and maybe even bring light into his life, let him see the light of God, is to actually say, hey,
- 40:03
- I'm really sorry that happened to you. I care for you. I'm praying for you. I'm so sorry that you're going through this.
- 40:09
- That would be the right thing to do, not memes that are mocking the man's plight. I mean, it could have happened to Biden or some other horrible leftist, and I would be saying the same thing.
- 40:22
- Yeah, well, it could have happened to anyone on any set with a gun where, like we said, we don't know what happened.
- 40:30
- And so if something happened with the crew or maybe someone just thought they did something they didn't, it could have potentially been someone you liked, which is why you don't base that off of someone you didn't.
- 40:42
- It's not about who you like, and that's just the court of public opinion. Well, I think what, Joy, you're getting at is equal weights and measures, right?
- 40:50
- So for Christians, we're not supposed to show partiality. Partiality is a very serious sin to God. You have equal weights and measures at all time.
- 40:56
- We treat everybody equally. And so in a situation like this, it's your least favorite guy because of his politics or because of his worldview, but you gotta consider, like, what if it happened to my favorite guy, right?
- 41:09
- How would I be treating him? Well, don't show partiality. You have to treat image bearers of God without partiality, equal weights and measures.
- 41:17
- And so I don't think we would be mocking the situation if it was, are there any famous conservative?
- 41:24
- Kirk Cameron, right, would you be mocking Kirk Cameron? Stephen Baldwin. Stephen Baldwin, his brother, that's right, that's right.
- 41:30
- I don't think we would, and so let's just consider that. So next, moving on now to no quarter
- 41:36
- November. I do, I love this month. I will say that yesterday was
- 41:42
- November 1st. I know, I kept checking. And this, by the way, is prerecorded for everyone's watching live right now.
- 41:48
- It's prerecorded, sorry, we're, I'm somewhere else right now in the world. So that was sort of an inception moment.
- 41:56
- So I was, I was refreshing, I was refreshing Canon's YouTube page and their
- 42:05
- Facebook page all day yesterday. I must've done it at least 50 times because I was so looking forward to, and so was my family, by the way.
- 42:12
- I showed my kids, I showed them the last couple of years. I'm like, look how every year he's going up a step from the couch to the field to his truck driving around.
- 42:21
- My kids loved it. And so we finally got the no quarter November set fire to something video.
- 42:28
- I'm gonna go ahead and play it. It's only three minutes long, but I think you guys will really enjoy it. And point you to Doug's stuff when he does his no quarter
- 42:34
- November at blog and may blog is where it's at. And then we're going to talk about the guardians recent attempt at a hit piece.
- 42:41
- He's getting a lot of these lately. We've gotten some, but he's really gotten some lately. That's because he's ultra on Doug. Yeah, he's ultra on Doug.
- 42:47
- So this is Doug's no quarter November trailer, here we go.
- 43:03
- Welcome to no quarter November. My name is Douglas Wilson. I'm glad you decided to join us. Now, some people want to know, what is it about November that makes us want to burn things?
- 43:14
- What's with that? There's a little libation for those evangelicals who think I ought not to be drinking stuff like that.
- 43:22
- The reason we're doing this is not that we're, we think that there's a moral obligation that we have to be incendiary, because we don't have a moral obligation to be incendiary.
- 43:35
- What we're saying is that the world has mysteriously for some bizarre reason become flammable.
- 43:54
- So the world is flammable.
- 44:00
- Everything catches fire these days. All you have to do is say something like white babies or something like men shouldn't have sex with unstable women.
- 44:07
- Things that would have gone past without comment in a saner time, but we don't live in a sane time.
- 44:15
- We're not incendiary people here at Cannon Press. We are ordinary people, normal people in a flammable time.
- 44:24
- And that explains why things burn in November. The basic point of No Quarter November on my blog is that normally 11 months out of the year, when
- 44:34
- I say outrageous things or things that I know that people will take as outrageous, I make a point of qualifying it.
- 44:40
- I call it, it's not always in the second paragraph, but I call it the second paragraph rule, where I say now, when
- 44:48
- I say this, I'm not saying this and that and the other thing. I qualify and I qualify and I qualify.
- 44:55
- And nobody pays the slightest bit of attention to my qualifications. And so I decided a few years ago that let's see what happens when
- 45:02
- I don't qualify anything. If I just say, if I just speak the truth, what happens then?
- 45:08
- Well, check in No Quarter November and you'll see what happens then. My exhortation to all of you is that if it seems like everything's gone nuts, if it seems like the world's on fire, just keep doing what you're supposed to be doing.
- 45:23
- Just stay with whatever your plans were. Keep doing what you ought to be doing. Stay at your post.
- 45:30
- Ignore the world. See? Well, I gotta get home for dinner.
- 45:50
- Learn your boats. He did it. I'm like, how's he gonna do it? What's he gonna do to top the other years?
- 45:57
- And every year he does it. I think eventually he's gonna have to set fire to a city or something. I don't know. Next is a city.
- 46:04
- Speaking of setting fire to a city, that's apparently what everyone thinks he's doing.
- 46:10
- So I'm gonna show you this article, everybody. This is from The Guardian. It's about Doug and Christchurch, our friends in Moscow, Idaho.
- 46:18
- By the way, if you haven't seen it yet, post it on our YouTube channel. By this point is gonna be our discussion with CrossPolitik guys.
- 46:24
- We got Chocolate Knox on there. We got Gabe the Waterboy and Pastor Toby. And it's on our
- 46:30
- YouTube channel. It's our discussion with them about abolitionism, abolishing abortion in the states.
- 46:38
- And so we love those guys. And they are Presbyterians.
- 46:43
- We're Reformed Baptists, but we share the same Orthodox biblical perspective on all the essentials of the faith.
- 46:51
- We disagree with them over some minor issues. And we're unified.
- 46:56
- We're Reformed. We're Calvinists. And we're also, in our perspective of the future, post -millennial, we believe that Christ is ruling and reigning now, putting all of his enemies under his feet, and the last enemy to be destroyed and defeated will be death.
- 47:09
- So it's all enemies and then death. That's 1 Corinthians 15. And so that's our perspective. And by the way, that was the dominant eschatological perspective in this country before the 19th century.
- 47:21
- Post -millennialism was all the rave. Let's put it that way. And so anyway, in other words,
- 47:27
- I'm setting this up to say this. Doug's position and our position, and many Christians like us, isn't an anomaly in history.
- 47:35
- It's kind of the theme. Christians believing that Christ has all authority and that the goal of the gospel is to actually win the nations to Christ.
- 47:44
- That's Matthew 28, 18 through 20. By the way, for all of you leftist journalists who are writing articles, you would do well to read passages like Matthew 28 and Ephesians, like we just read, but that Jesus has all authority over everything.
- 48:00
- His authority is absolute. There is nowhere where he does not have authority. So in other words, in history,
- 48:06
- Christians believed in a thing called Christendom. And now that you have, in the evangelical context of the
- 48:15
- West today in the 21st century, now that you have most evangelical churches with an abandonment eschatology, let's leave the world and leave behind our undies in humanity.
- 48:25
- Most people believe like, Jesus has nothing to say to this realm. We'll stay over here in our corner in our cave where you guys can run the world.
- 48:33
- Most people think like that. So when you have leftist journalists who see a church like Doug's, who's more historical and they believe the gospel, the great commission, that they're supposed to be doing this, it freaks these people out.
- 48:46
- So I'm gonna read some of this to you guys cause you gotta read it. You gotta hear it. Make it a Christian town, the ultra conservative church on the rise in Idaho.
- 48:56
- Here we go. Increased influence of Christ Church, that's Doug's church, whose leader wants to create a
- 49:01
- US theocracy comes as social conservatives aim to gain traction.
- 49:08
- A Guardian investigation has revealed that a controversial church whose leader has openly expressed the ambition of creating a quote, theocracy in America has accumulated significant influence in the city of Moscow, Idaho.
- 49:21
- Christ Church has a stated goal to quote, make Moscow a Christian town and public records interviews and open source materials online show how its leadership has extended its power and activities in the town.
- 49:33
- Church figures have browbeaten elected officials over COVID restrictions, built powerful institutions in parallel to secular government, harassed perceived opponents and accumulated land and businesses in pursuit of a long -term goal of transforming
- 49:48
- America into a nation ruled according to its own ultra conservative moral precepts.
- 49:54
- The rise of Christ Church may be playing out in a small Idaho city, but it comes at a time when the
- 50:00
- US is roiled by the far right, including Christian nationalism and when social conservatives are seeking to roll back basic tenets of US life such as legal abortion and that's their, there's their idol, there's their
- 50:12
- God, there it is, like they're trying to stop abortion. We are by the way. It's also, again, if we wanna talk about historically, it has, it is not a basic tenet of US life.
- 50:24
- Right. That's not like, stop, that's a lie. That's not what our nation has stood for and it has not been a normal regular thing.
- 50:34
- It's still being done secretly with shame. Women are still have tons of,
- 50:41
- I mean, in a way it's not safe physically and certainly not emotionally.
- 50:46
- So let's not just like pretend that everyone's out getting abortions and having a great time because they live in the
- 50:52
- US. That's just a lie. Seeking to roll back basic, basic tenets of US life such as legal abortion.
- 50:59
- Like eating and abortion. Right. Yeah. No. Yeah. Abortion, let's stop, stop trying to normalize that.
- 51:06
- Exactly, as well as dominating powerful national institutions such as the Supreme Court. So the issue here,
- 51:12
- I'll just speak to this, is the problem that we're viewing right now is a problem where a worldview that is contrary to the
- 51:20
- Christian worldview that gave rise to this nation and to much of what is blessing us in the West, an antithetical worldview is dominating right now.
- 51:30
- And it's there, it's a leftist worldview. Admittedly, they're dominating in social media and all that stuff. They're dominating. And so they're dominating in politics.
- 51:37
- And because they're dominating, what they're saying is things that are not necessarily true.
- 51:42
- Like this is just a basic tenet of American life. No, it isn't. And no, it wasn't. In this country, before Roe versus Wade, as a matter of fact, check out the laws on the books currently in states across this union regarding abortion.
- 51:57
- Why is it called murder in all these states? Why is it considered homicide? Why does it come with penalties for both the doctor and the woman?
- 52:03
- Because this was a nation that not very long ago valued human life from conception and said that if a mother kills her child, then there's penalty for that.
- 52:10
- And so you can't say it's a basic thing of American life. I would say you're a buffoon. You're totally foolish.
- 52:17
- Just check out the states in the US with current legal statutes against the issue of abortion.
- 52:22
- Roe versus Wade did nothing to stop that. Roe versus Wade is a court opinion. Congress creates laws in this nation, not the
- 52:29
- Supreme Court. They gave a fallacious court opinion. And if you don't believe me on this, listen to Joe Biden.
- 52:35
- His response to the Texas heartbeat bill was that we need to codify Roe into law because it isn't law.
- 52:41
- It's just a court opinion. And it can be rejected. So if you don't believe Jeff Durbin, the pastor, at least the extremist pastor, according to some, if you don't believe me on how our laws work in this nation, then listen to your king,
- 52:53
- Joe Biden. He says that we need to codify Roe into law. That's the response to the
- 52:58
- Texas law. So it's not true. That's a basic tenet of American life. If you want to say that, well then let's get back to what seemingly are basic tenets in American life and look at the states and see what they say about abortion.
- 53:08
- Not what Roe says. What do the states say? So what's interesting here is this term, by the way, this guy pretends to be a journalist.
- 53:17
- Give me a break. I mean, it's like the woman who wrote the thing on me in the Phoenix New Times.
- 53:23
- It's like, you're pretending to be a journalist. Is this journalism, you think? What did James call it? It's like ninth grade.
- 53:29
- It's like a ninth grader wrote this. Who's just mad at the world. So it says,
- 53:35
- Christchurch has a stated goal to make Moscow a Christian town. Really, it's interesting in the first few paragraphs, aside from some word choice,
- 53:48
- I feel like Doug would say, thank you. I have been trying to. This is all very true. Yeah.
- 53:54
- Other than some words that would speak to his intent.
- 53:59
- Right, of course. That third paragraph is just laughable. Which one? Where it says, church figures have browbeaten elected officials over COVID restrictions.
- 54:08
- You mean when they arrested people for singing psalms? Yeah, okay.
- 54:15
- Built powerful institutions in parallel to secular government. I don't even know what that means. What does that even mean?
- 54:21
- That they're trying to, I don't even know, because they have a college? Built powerful institutions in parallel to secular government, yeah.
- 54:28
- That's laughable. They haven't created their own government. What does that even mean? Parallel to secular government would be like the government.
- 54:34
- Right, exactly. Parallel, meaning running alongside of? No, no.
- 54:39
- They have members of their church that have created, by the way, if you go to Moscow, Idaho, the best businesses in Moscow, Idaho.
- 54:45
- If you want to get good food in Moscow, Idaho, go to the Christ Church members' businesses they've opened up. If you want to get good service in Moscow, Idaho, go to those
- 54:53
- Christ Church people, the businesses that they've propped up. But parallel institutions, what? You mean because they created a school?
- 55:00
- Christians that created a Christian school? Oh my goodness, how terrible. What a theocratic society that is.
- 55:08
- And then harass perceived opponents, if that may be, they're referring to the Soviet Moscow stickers, maybe,
- 55:14
- I don't know, in which they arrested some minors, by the way. Accumulated land and business in pursuit of a long -term goal of transforming
- 55:21
- America into a nation ruled according to its own ultra -conservative moral precepts. You mean God's law?
- 55:27
- That's another one of those that's like, yeah, maybe some of the wording's off, but I feel like it's kind of a compliment. I mean, they got land to build a church.
- 55:34
- They accumulated land and businesses. And to get a school, but like, even in that statement, though, like they're working on stuff there locally in Moscow, but in order of transforming
- 55:44
- America, I mean, I don't know if that's new, long, long term, straight down the road, but them getting land for a church and a school seems a bit of a stretch to make that into a nation transforming goal.
- 55:56
- Well, think about the hypocrisy here. This person has a worldview, right? They want their worldview. They want their. Yeah, they want their worldview propagated.
- 56:04
- And if someone holding their worldview acquired land and property and started institutions, would they have a problem with it?
- 56:11
- Or is it a problem that he says that Christchurch has harassed perceived opponents?
- 56:18
- Is this considered harassment of a perceived opponent? I mean, publishing an article. What do you mean by harassed?
- 56:23
- Attempting to vilify somebody. So if somebody speaks out against injustice or tyranny or something that's opposed to their worldview, is that called harassment?
- 56:32
- Like, are you guilty of harassment right now? The hypocrisy here is just bleeding through the screen.
- 56:38
- Absolutely. But when it says, this is what I wanted to get at. When it says Christchurch has a stated goal to make
- 56:43
- Moscow a Christian town, I would say, oh, you mean like Jesus commanded. What you're arguing with is just straight up foolproof
- 56:53
- Christianity. Matthew 28, 18 through 20. All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
- 57:00
- Therefore go, make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the
- 57:05
- Holy Spirit and teaching them to observe all that I've commanded you. That's the goal of the Great Commission. Are you really chastising a
- 57:11
- Christian because they believe it? I mean, that's it. Sounds like it. These people actually believe what
- 57:17
- Jesus said. They're trying to actually do it. How dare they do that? I mean, in a way, it's the church's fault.
- 57:24
- Yeah. Because, I mean, obviously we've just failed in our teaching of history and theology and the
- 57:31
- Bible because, I mean, well, people just think that Christianity is sort of what the cultural
- 57:39
- Christianity is now, which is just like big, beautiful campuses with churches that help people, but you go and you go on Sunday and you follow your pastor on Twitter and that's kind of it.
- 57:55
- Yeah. So it says here that, further down the article, but they also say that the church is increasingly drawing people to the area who are attracted to the idea of Northern Idaho as a conservative readout against American modernity and by the church's reconstructionist, quote, position, which holds that the world will need to be governed according to their interpretation of biblical morality before Christ returns to earth, what you're really aiming at is post -millennialism.
- 58:27
- Reconstructionist as a group is in that vein of thinking historically, but if you did your homework, you would actually see that Doug has numerous times said that he does not consider himself a
- 58:42
- Christian reconstructionist. I know, it's hilarious. If you did your homework, and let's just say this, what if we're fair to you?
- 58:49
- What if we're fair and we say, at least listen to maybe the last 45 days of what
- 58:56
- Doug's put out to see where he's at currently, and you would actually run smack face first into a recent episode where he talked about this very issue of reconstructionism and everything else, and he says he's not a card -carrying reconstructionist and he doesn't want to be associated with that as a group.
- 59:13
- He holds to the historic perspective of post -millennialism and the reign of Christ, the rule of Christ, and having all authority over all things, and yes, that Jesus is gonna actually accomplish the
- 59:23
- Great Commission, which is what is being dissed in this. These people actually think that they're gonna evangelize
- 59:31
- Moscow and that it's gonna be Christian, and that America is gonna be Christian one day. It's like, hey guys, do your homework.
- 59:38
- That's Christianity 101 from the beginning. We're gonna win the world to Christ through the proclamation of the gospel.
- 59:43
- Yes, yes, and amen. We're trying to make the entire world followers of Christ. Yeah, wow, like that's the
- 59:52
- Christian mission. We want everyone to know Jesus, the entire world, and here's the question that has to be asked, okay?
- 59:58
- So if the entire world is Christian, if an entire city like Moscow, Idaho becomes
- 01:00:05
- Christian, right, what law will they obey? Is it just gonna be autonomous?
- 01:00:10
- Like self -law, like we're just gonna invent it as we go? Do you think a town that submitted to Christ as Lord and Savior, when they're trying to figure out what's just in their town, how they should live, how they should live in a way that's loving to God and neighbor, do you think when they're there, they're just gonna create law sort of willy -nilly?
- 01:00:28
- Like what do you think we should do? I don't know, what do you think we should do? I think most people will say, you know, there's this book, and in this revelation from God, these are the words of God, he's actually addressed these things.
- 01:00:40
- He's given his law word on it, and so don't you think that Christians who believe in the
- 01:00:46
- Great Commission will actually attempt to do what Jesus says to do at the end of the
- 01:00:51
- Great Commission, where he says, teach them to observe all that I have commanded you? I mean, how crazy is that, that Christians are trying to win the world to Jesus and to teach them to obey
- 01:01:01
- Jesus? Yeah, admittedly, that's called a theocracy, and it's not a dirty word because the publisher of The Guardian also believes in a theocracy.
- 01:01:10
- A theocracy is a foregone conclusion, it's inevitable. You're always gonna have the
- 01:01:16
- God of your system ruling over that system, and you're always gonna have that God being the determiner of what is right and moral and just and true and lovely.
- 01:01:26
- So the publisher of this article in The Guardian, he's also into theocracy.
- 01:01:32
- He just wants it to be a secular theocracy where the God is Demas, the people, they determine what is right and wrong and just, or it's just, you know, the king, maybe it's
- 01:01:40
- Biden, whatever he says, that's the law. That's a theocracy too. So you either, you have two options here, autonomy or theonomy, right?
- 01:01:50
- Where you get theocracy from, like the rule of God, God's law. And so theos namos, two
- 01:01:55
- Greek words, is God's law, or autos namos, which is self -law. So you've got those two options.
- 01:02:02
- It's either self -law or it's God's law. And lo and behold, surprising as it may be,
- 01:02:08
- Christians actually believe God's law is what's supposed to be the standard, not self -law.
- 01:02:14
- So Doug Wilson isn't an anomaly. He's not a strange happening in this world, like who can believe it? He's in the same line as the
- 01:02:21
- New England Pulpit, which by the way, to the absurd, ignorant fool who wrote this article, by the way, the
- 01:02:29
- Christians who gave us this nation, they were Christians, let's say the
- 01:02:35
- New England Pulpit, they were pastors just like Doug Wilson. Yeah. And they gave you the right to give a screed like this.
- 01:02:45
- You're welcome, sir. So you can thank the dead Doug Wilsons for your right to publish this drivel, okay?
- 01:02:52
- And so that's what needs to be said. And by the way, all this stuff, they always try to do it too, right?
- 01:02:58
- They always try to do it like, oh, and by the way, there's this controversy over here where people are making allegations.
- 01:03:04
- It's like, how much time does this guy spend actually studying that controversy? Because all he did was put a link. Yeah, how much time did you spend studying this controversy,
- 01:03:12
- Mr. Journalist, Mr. Journalistic Integrity? Did you go and actually interview the witnesses or to see what the other side was?
- 01:03:18
- Do you think, listen, this is strange. Do you think it's weird that you have people making allegations about Christchurch and the elders in these different situations?
- 01:03:28
- And isn't it odd that the Christchurch members and elders of that church let that roll off them like water off their back?
- 01:03:35
- Either they're really pompous, arrogant people who don't care about justice, or they're actually a church that cares about justice and they know the truth behind those stories.
- 01:03:45
- Don't you think it's odd when you talk to Christchurch members? You're like, hey, what do you think about all the accusations and controversies? Everyone's like, we know the story.
- 01:03:51
- We know exactly what really happened. We know the people involved. We know how it was handled. We know the evidences. And so it doesn't bother us because it's just pure slander and allegation.
- 01:04:03
- People like this aren't concerned with the truth, clearly. They're concerned with propagating their worldview.
- 01:04:09
- And guess what? Cards on the table. So are we. So are we. But it comes down to a question of whose worldview is actually consistent.
- 01:04:18
- And you see, here's the difference. In this guy's worldview, in this guy's worldview, he can lie, he can attempt to vilify, he can slander, he can try to lob bombs, right?
- 01:04:27
- And it won't matter if he's lying or he's unjust in any way because he doesn't have a worldview that demands of him that he is honest and just and careful.
- 01:04:37
- He doesn't have a worldview that can make sense of that. The difference is from our perspective, yeah, we're trying to propagate our worldview, win the world to Christ and have
- 01:04:44
- God's law be the standard. But in our worldview, it actually says that on our way to do that, we're not allowed to lie.
- 01:04:51
- We're not allowed to abuse others. We're not allowed to slander others. We're not allowed to gossip. So in our worldview, we actually have some built -in protections as we are trying to spread our gospel and worldview that actually can condemn even us.
- 01:05:05
- This guy's worldview is just suspended in midair. It's hung upon nothing. He has no balance.
- 01:05:11
- He has no concern for justice, no concern for truth. All it is is a guy who's now revolting against a faithful Christian church trying to win the world to Christ.
- 01:05:22
- So in this case, this guy is the one who should be vilified, right?
- 01:05:28
- For your behavior and for your attempt to make a church like this look like something weird, it's just a
- 01:05:33
- Christian church. It's a Christian church in line with the historical tradition of Christian churches who believed exactly the same thing.
- 01:05:40
- And what's the problem? We live in evangelicalism today where Christians are happy to stay in their caves and do
- 01:05:46
- Bible studies in their basements and wait for the rapture and leave behind their humanity so they can get to the higher spiritual existence up there rather than getting down to the basic work and life of the gospel call.
- 01:05:57
- And that's win the world to Jesus Christ. Suffer hard, get vilified, get slandered, get hurt for the cause of the gospel.
- 01:06:05
- Win the world to Jesus Christ. One of the things, and I'll shut up here, that we love about Moscow, I've been there many times, is when you go to Moscow, the
- 01:06:14
- Christian community from Christchurch in some ways makes you feel like you've stepped into Mayberry or something.
- 01:06:21
- Like, you know, there's this graciousness and love and kindness and love for God and love for each other.
- 01:06:28
- And you walk into a restaurant owned by a Christchurch member and you can see the theology impacting the work.
- 01:06:35
- Like whatever you do in word or in deed due to the glory of God. How come some of the best restaurants - A basic tenet of United States life.
- 01:06:42
- How come some of the best restaurants there are, how come they're so great? How come even the secularists wanna go to these restaurants because they have better food, they've got better drinks, they've got better everything, better service?
- 01:06:54
- Why? Because they're doing what they're doing to the glory of God. And so there's elements to it where you walk away from Moscow visiting, you're kind of refreshed, you're like, this is what we're supposed to be doing as Christians.
- 01:07:04
- We're supposed to be bringing the light of Christ into every area of life, even down to the root beer.
- 01:07:11
- They have the best root beer at Taft. They do. Jeff loves root beer. I do love root beer. He knows root beer. Taft has got some good root beer,
- 01:07:17
- I'll tell you what. Like, you know what I'm saying, do what you do to the glory of God. It's always so encouraging and inspiring. And let me just say,
- 01:07:23
- I know Doug. I know the pastors at Christ Church. I know this church. It is a solid church. They're wrong on baptism, but I love them, and I'm ready to fight in the hole with them any day because I'll take
- 01:07:37
- Doug and his faithfulness over the typical modern evangelicalist church that does nothing to serve
- 01:07:44
- Christ in the world that has any ultimate meaning or value. It's self -serving. It's all about me.
- 01:07:49
- It's all about the worship experience that I have. It's all about the programs in the church, but it's not about getting your hands dirty and cut and calloused and hurt as you get out there into the world preaching the gospel.
- 01:08:01
- We need more Christ Church. It's all over the world. And I would say this, if there's anything that we're failing in at Apology of Church, is we've got a global ministry impacting the entire world.
- 01:08:11
- I got people sitting watching right now in the studio who are from Puerto Rico, and they are going to preach the gospel at abortion mills and saving babies and all that.
- 01:08:19
- And if there's anything we need to do better is we need to get more in line with what Doug is doing and try and win our local.
- 01:08:25
- So let me go ahead and just say it for the record. Yeah, I want to win Phoenix. We want Phoenix to come to Jesus and to obey
- 01:08:31
- God's law. We'd love for Phoenix, the city of Phoenix and the state of Arizona to be a Christian theocracy. Oh, I'm feeding them.
- 01:08:38
- I'm gonna give it to them. You're in trouble. Now you're ultra. That's exactly the goal. You just got there, ultra.
- 01:08:44
- I just saw you level up. Okay, I'll shut up now. Isaac, you need to throw in a little sound effect there.
- 01:08:52
- No, I agree. And I love these guys. And I'm sure that today they saw that and they're partying because that's all they do.
- 01:08:59
- Oh yeah. They're like laughing and let's go celebrate. Yeah, their response to this was most assuredly to laugh and then go and -
- 01:09:07
- Right to tap. Go and have a beer together or root beer or something. Yeah, that was their goal. Yeah.
- 01:09:13
- Well, and it's just funny because if people who are a law unto themselves are dangerous, like as admitted by the article, then
- 01:09:26
- Doug doesn't, not only does Doug not fall into that category, but almost everyone else in this country does.
- 01:09:33
- Dangerous, law unto themselves. So it's kind of weirdly backfiring, this article.
- 01:09:39
- I did also think it was funny coming from, and you know, I don't know what the writer, it's funny because I actually think his last name's
- 01:09:46
- Wilson, Jason Wilson. It is, yes. And I don't know his personal beliefs, but I did think -
- 01:09:51
- He's probably a disgruntled cousin. I did think it was funny that, well, apparently an insider spoke on the condition of anonymity said, which again, so we don't know who that person is at all, but anyway, said that all members tithe 10 % of their household income and wealthier members are expected to make an even larger contribution.
- 01:10:13
- What? Wealthier people being forced? Do we have a problem with that in this world?
- 01:10:20
- Oh, that's so good. I didn't even catch it. I didn't even catch that. That's Joy being the master of the internal critique right there.
- 01:10:27
- Yeah, I think the problem with it is that 10 % is too low for these people. Yeah, exactly. Oh, Joy, that's beautiful.
- 01:10:33
- I didn't even catch that. They can't believe that we'd expect to tax the wealthier at a higher rate, right?
- 01:10:38
- Also, I would doubt that there is an expectation set that if you make a certain amount, there's no,
- 01:10:46
- I don't think there's brackets at Christchurch where if you make a certain amount, you're expected to, it's not,
- 01:10:52
- Mormonism does like check W -2s and stuff, right? Yeah, yeah. But I don't, I am.
- 01:10:58
- No, Doug doesn't do that. I don't know who he anonymously spoke to, but I think that person got it wrong or maybe their statement was embellished slightly.
- 01:11:07
- Yeah, and another example here, though, look, whatever your perspective is on tithing, okay, great, but you have to grant at least that Abraham gave
- 01:11:18
- Melchizedek 10%, and you have to grant a tithe in the Old Testament law. So to vilify the issue of the tithe, wherever you're at on it today as Christians, to vilify
- 01:11:29
- Christians who are called to tithe is to ultimately vilify what is in Scripture at some point, right?
- 01:11:36
- So saying ew to that is crazy, but also, this is exactly the point.
- 01:11:42
- This is a person who believes that the government should be in charge of taking all this money through coercion. Do you know what
- 01:11:47
- I know Christchurch doesn't do? They don't do coercive tithing. They don't threaten your family and your life, your livelihood, your job, and threaten to throw you in some sort of a dungeon if you don't tithe.
- 01:12:01
- There's not, but I know of a government that does. I know of a government that does take money from people through coercive taxation.
- 01:12:09
- I know a government that also says we should be taxing these wealthy people at a much higher rate, just like Joy said.
- 01:12:15
- That's a fantastic observation, great internal critique. You should be teaching a class on that, Joy. Okay. Good job, good job.
- 01:12:21
- I just, just to show you this guy, I looked, I clicked on his name. He did an article here on October 9th that says, tyranny,
- 01:12:31
- U .S. right -wingers portray nightmare vision of Australia's COVID response. Okay.
- 01:12:37
- Yeah, that's exactly what it is. Right, it is straight tyranny. It is tyranny. It sounds like we just agree with this guy a lot, but not in the way he does.
- 01:12:44
- Good job, thanks for bringing that to my attention, yes. I mean, is that what you want? I'd say that women getting thrown to the ground and, you know, manhandled for, you know, being in public and, you know, not having a mask on or something,
- 01:12:56
- I'd say that qualifies a little bit in the category of tyranny. Oh boy. Yeah, this guy, he'd be fun to have on.
- 01:13:03
- Come on the show. It'd be a lot of fun to talk through these things. Calm down, Jason Wilson disgruntled cousin, Doug. So here we go.
- 01:13:11
- So now let's point everybody to End Abortion Now. Endabortionnow .com is where you guys can go to get your church equipped.
- 01:13:19
- You can get your church trained. You can get your church ready to go out to the abortion facilities to save children's lives there, to preach the gospel, to offer hope and hope.
- 01:13:28
- We have over 800 local churches now signed up with End Abortion Now. So many of them are so actively going out and saving lives.
- 01:13:36
- I heard an encouraging story recently of just one woman who caught a video, signed up with End Abortion Now and saved,
- 01:13:42
- I believe the number was over 70 children. They stopped counting at that point because they were saving so many children. That's just one church.
- 01:13:48
- You can go. We want to equip you and be a blessing to you. So go to endabortionnow .com, sign up with your church, get equipped, get everything for free.
- 01:13:56
- We want nothing from you. And for those of you guys that just can't participate in the ministry in that way, but you want to participate in saving lives and helping us with all that we're doing around the states to bring bills of equal protection, you can give at endabortionnow .com.
- 01:14:10
- Don't forget to sign up for Bonson U as soon as you can. Get that training. It is a blessing.
- 01:14:16
- It is a gift. It'll truly encourage you. I've gotten so many really great, I've gotten so many great comments from people lately just talking about how
- 01:14:24
- Bonson U with barely anything up, there's only, I think there's, we have 1 ,900,
- 01:14:29
- I believe it is, 1 ,900 lectures. There's videos coming. We only have a limited amount right now because we're remastering them and putting them up sort of piecemeal.
- 01:14:39
- And people have been just saying it's transformed my life just with the apologetic stuff and the other things. It's just been a gift. And that's what
- 01:14:45
- Bonson does. Well, and just to be clear, everything that you just said is, in case anyone was wondering, any journalists out there, it is being done with the intent of changing the people around us and the nations.
- 01:15:00
- So just so there's no confusion. Yeah. That's exactly why it's being done. To make you feel better at The Guardian, the
- 01:15:06
- Bonson U stuff is being done specifically to do away with your worldview globally and to smash it to bits so there's nothing left.
- 01:15:16
- We want people 100 years from now never even thinking the thoughts that you're thinking about the world and life and people and justice and all that.
- 01:15:24
- Basically, we're trying to erase your worldview from the map of human history. We want people to look back at it one day and say, can you believe people actually thought that?
- 01:15:33
- That's crazy. Because it is crazy. And that is what we're trying to do completely. Yeah. I was just gonna mention, because I keep forgetting to announce it, on December 3rd and 4th, we will have our first end abortion weekend in Pollock, Louisiana.
- 01:15:49
- Pollock. Pollock. Yep. So you can go to endabortion .com slash events,
- 01:15:55
- I think is the address for that. The information is there. So if you're close to there and somewhere in the south here in Louisiana or a nearby state, come on by and we'll be there on Friday speaking to you.
- 01:16:09
- Thank you, Bear. That's the Bear. It's out. I'm Jeff, the Coleman and Ninja. That's Joy, the girl. See ya.
- 01:16:14
- And we will catch you next week right here on Apologia Radio. Don't forget it's time for all access at apologiastudios .com.