Smoke Session - Some Fire For SBC President and a Response to Josh Daws

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What you're about to watch is is what my old friend Kirk Kennedy called a smoke session.
I Don't know if you're ready for the smoke God bless you Kermit. I haven't thought about you in a long time.
God bless. I hope everything's well with you, man I really do in any case Hello there, this is a
D Robles and you're listening to a D on the fight -laugh -feast Oh Right, let's jump into it today.
God bless you. I hope all is well You might hear it in my voice, but I'm still kind of recovering from a little cold here
Excuse me, so I don't know how long I'll be able to talk, but we'll see. We'll see. We'll try to get through it That's what we're gonna try to do first off today.
I wanted to start with with Bart Barber man This guy is a real piece of work.
I gotta be honest with you He's like a doofus but like a doofus kind of implies like, you know, kind of jovial kind of comical, you know
It's funny. Hi. Hi. You laugh at him kind of thing, but he's also kind of vicious at the same time
He's he's he's a loser Honestly is what he is and and the reality is that this is the kind of thing that I mean like like, you know
He's one of these guys that pretends to be on Unapologetically pro -life, but of course, you know, he doesn't think that the women should be prosecuted and stuff like that And and here here he is and this is the thing
This is the thing that I find so ridiculous like they make their ridiculous cases about how you know women who who pay doctors to kill
Their children, you know, they're really victims because you know, a lot of people are pressured into killing their children and it's like Okay Well, okay
Let's just say some women are pressured into killing their children a lot of them aren't though and they're just freaking murderers
They love they they love the idea that they're killing their children, right? So for every woman that's pressured peer pressured into committing murder
There's another one who just loves it and lusts for blood and we need to consider that but of course guys like Barb Barber that you they can't consider that right because Mmm, I'm gonna be nice today.
I'm gonna be nice today cuz I'm I'm a little angry, but I'm gonna be nice That's the first part
But the second part is here's the real like do these guys ever think that Let's just say every woman that committed an abortion was peer pressured into it
Let's just say every one of them give them the whole argument. There's no killers out there that are women They're just peer pressured into killing their own children
So that they got this peer pressure from their family and they're being pressured into committing murder
Don't you think Bart like like like has this ever entered your brain that that maybe they wouldn't commit murder
Even if they're a peer pressured into it if there was an actual penalty attached to it
Did you ever think that like like, you know, your parents are like, oh you gotta kill your kids and the women are like Yeah, but if I kill my kids,
I might end up on death row Don't you think that that might limit the amount of women that fall for the peer pressure?
Don't you think? I don't know. I mean, I mean, listen, I I'm not the SPC brain trust like Bart Barber But but I don't know something about that little scenario that I've just envisioned in my head
Oh, you know, you know daughter You really got to kill your kid because it's gonna it's gonna cause shame for the family
But mom if I do it, I'm gonna end up on death row. No No, you really gotta do it.
Like don't you think that might actually limit abortions? Because here's what the Lord of God the
Lord of Glory says the Lord of Glory says that you need to actually punish murderers
Because the person that they murdered was made in the image of God and it doesn't give you an excuse if you were peer pressured into it
Bart I Mean this is this is the brain trust of the SPC This is the
ERL CEO the ethics experts all of that and I know it sounds like I'm yelling because I kind of am but I also
I kind of I kind of have to raise My voice because my throats kind of hurting but in any case oh Man it's just it's just like it's just so stupidly simple
It's so stupidly simple that it in order to actually not see this you have to be an idiot or Lying and I quite frankly think that there's a little bit of both going on when it comes to Bart Barber I don't think he's that intelligent number one
But I also think that he's lying and and one of the reasons why I think he's lying you might say hey
AD That's not very charitable It's much more charitable to just think he's a complete idiot And I agree that would be more charitable to think that Bart Barber is simply unintelligent
However, I don't think that's all that's at play here, and this is a spicy episode so sorry Man, I don't think that that's all that's at play with Bart Barber because Bart Barber is one of the most conniving
People I have ever come across in my entire Twitter Twitter history
And that is saying something because there are quite a few conniving people in the SBC And there are quite a few conniving people in the
SBC that have big Twitter presences and Bart Barber is definitely one of them Here's Bart Barber so the other day.
There was the State of the Union address of course I didn't watch it because I'd rather I'd rather do almost anything than watch the
State of the Union address but I was doing something else and I guess that you know the
Leatherwood the ERLC brainchild. He said oh, this is great Did you see how how little he talked about abortion?
This is awesome. We're we're winning. This is fantastic Something to that effect. That's a summary
And everyone notices like this is the single most pro abortion president in the history of the world
And you're celebrating that we're somehow this is a great thing that the speech showed you that is actually he's not really that pro
But like are you insane dude and a lot of people were pointing this out You know go to go to Tom Askew's Twitter feed to see some of that and Meg Megan Basham Basham mentioned it as well and in a tweet.
She just she just retweeted him and just like what's the deal here? You know what I mean? What's the deal here? So Bart Barber decides to go on the attack and and he says oh this whole thing is just oh
You ought to say it lacking any modicum of what someone might call journalism and he goes into this little tirade this little this little tantrum this little about how
Megan Basham's a big meanie and that Journalism is just it's just now it's everyone's on the attack and there's no journalism in this tweet and it's like Like you might not like Megan Basham's journalism and that's fine.
You know, I don't read Megan Basham I've read I read her stuff on the sexual Abuse report that was very interesting and high -quality journalism if I do say so myself
I don't read Megan Basham's articles, but but but I do know that there is a difference
Bart I know this is hard. You know, you've got a lot on your mind. You're the SPC president You know, you've got a lot of important things and complex things to think through I know that that your brain is otherwise occupied but Bart there is a difference between Journalism and the
Twitter feed of a journalist Journalism and the Twitter feed of a journalist
Journalism is a certain thing Tweets are something different now can tweets be a part of journals.
Of course, they can of course they can But the thing is tweets can also just be opinions
Tweets can also just be Analysis tweets can also just be for fun
There's all kinds of things that people tweet about that are separate from what they do for a living
But no no Bart Barber because he's a conniving little weasel and and this is the this is the thing
But and here he has this whole tweet and then Griffin Goolidge got on it Griffin Goolidge is one of the most disingenuous people that I've ever come across He got in on this and things like that and look
I'm not gonna defend Megan's journalism I mean again, I don't read it. So how can I defend it all? I like the sexual abuse stuff because that was quality journalism
Bart But the thing is like is Megan allowed to tweet about something that she finds objectionable
Is she allowed to tweet things that are not journalism? Now on Bart's Barber's mind doesn't matter because he saw an opportunity to attack and attack
He did he doesn't want to make that distinction because this is a helpful little Tool in his ridiculous arsenal to try to I don't know defend himself
I don't know. What is a real goal here is obviously he wants to hurt Megan Basham But I think it's more about self -preservation and self -defense because Megan's journalism not the tweets
The journalism has made him and his cronies look Extremely shady and they are extremely shady
But Bart Barber man this whole thing with the board that with the abortion laws and stuff and and how the
SPC works guys If you're in the SPC your dollars your dollars that you pay the cooperative program work
To keep abortion going to keep it popular to keep it legal to keep the business
Going your dollars have paid for that in many circumstances. So you need to consider where you put your money
I think that the SPC would would be better off if it had no money. That's my opinion
Not journalism. Just my opinion. I think that the SPC needs to be disbanded Destroyed because the reality is that if you have a church an organization a cooperative program that cooperates to kill abortion abolition bills then you've got a serious problem you've got a very serious problem indeed
That's just my opinion though Don't don't don't don't don't get it twisted just my opinion and I'm allowed to have some opinions.
I wanted to have another opinion I saw this thread by Josh Dawes. I thought it was so interesting
I disagree with Josh, but Josh is a good guy. And I remember when Josh was was
Was I don't know if this is when he first came out on Twitter came out. I shouldn't have said that Josh. I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that when
I don't know this when you were first active on Twitter But this is the first time I saw you on Twitter and you know, you were you were very helpful guy
You know, you're very winsome in a good way But you've gotten How shall
I say? Hardened over the years, but you're still got your heart in the right place
Which is why the a few a few weeks ago There was a hit piece on Josh and and I got really mad about it because Josh is a good guy
He's got his heart in the right place. He's trying to be a peacemaker and he's trying to be helpful In fact, I think that's what his whole
Yes, see right here. It says he's just trying to help. That's what he's doing. He's just here to just try to help He's the host of the great awokening podcast.
Go ahead and check it out. I'm sure it's very good stuff indeed now I disagree with Josh here, but I can see that his heart's in the right place.
He's just trying to help So let's talk about this thread and there's some agreement here, but there's some disagreement.
So let's talk about it I'm gonna go piece by piece Josh Dawes says this the evangelical
Overton window has moved Significantly since many of us first began warning about wokeness in the church
It should be expected that many leaders who were previously silent or worse parroting woke ideology
Will begin to speak up now that it's within the realm of acceptable evangelical discourse to criticize it.
This is a win. I Agree, that is a win the Overton window.
It has shifted dramatically you guys you would not believe The private conversations that I have with people like the things that are that people aren't any longer
Scared to talk about with a guy like me They're not ashamed to have opinions that they have you guys you would not believe it
You guys would call the ADL Anti -Defamation League. That's the ADL right? Yeah, the ADL you'd call.
Ah, maybe not the police Yeah, now definitely you wouldn't call the police, but you'd call the the speech police. Yeah, the speech police you'd call the speech police
If you could only hear the conversations I have with private private conversations I have with with Christians So encouraging it really is it is so encouraging people are ready to just believe what the scripture says
They're ready to just trust God there. They're in the position of the man Lord.
I believe help my unbelief They're just read everything's on the table. They're ready to go.
They're ready to work This is some serious stuff and and the over to there We should make no mistake all the hard work that we've put been putting in is having an impact
It's a lot slower than a lot of us like that's just a fact But we're having a huge impact guys
God bless you, and I couldn't have done it without so many of the people that are watching this channel They support the channel on patreon
We couldn't have done it the people that watch these videos not just me with John Harris all these guys Joel Webb and all these guys
Thank you. Thank you so much because Your input your support your your viewership helps us to keep going man.
Okay, let's just continue, but I agree This is huge the Overton window has shifted dramatically and that we should recognize that as a win but here's what he's saying he's saying there's gonna be some people that were silent before or Even worse that were woke before they're now gonna start to criticize it and he says that's a win
I agree that is a win. That's a win. Okay, so far. I'm in agreement with Josh. Let's continue
He said would it be nice if they publicly acknowledged where they were wrong and repented were necessary sure
I'd love to see that it would go a long way to healing much of the division This necessary battle has inflicted the last few years.
I encourage them to do so However, it's not my job to make them pay for their past mistakes
Regardless of whether or not you or I find them to be trustworthy leaders or not. They are leaders nonetheless Please follow people follow them and respect their opinions when they start speaking truth
That needs to be heard regardless of how contradictory it is to previous teaching That's a win because people have refused to listen to us all those years will listen to them
I know it's frustrating but we need to have take the W content to know that our efforts have not been in vain
These leaders will answer to God one day for any neglect or false teaching that they haven't repented of leave them to God and be
Grateful that they are providing sound teaching now If we feel the need to correct every leader that comes around to what we've been saying who has previously failed in some way
We are going to end up playing whack -a -mole because we've been incredibly successful at moving the evangelical
Overton The winds that shift have shifted. Let's celebrate that. Here's where I disagree. So Number one,
I agree that it's a win. It's a win when the previously silent or the previously woke changed their way.
That's a huge win However, we don't have to just sit there and say man
I really hope that you explain why you've changed so that you could help the church I really hope so and if you don't
I'm just gonna leave it like leave it there Leave it leave it leave it like that. Now. Look, here's the reality like like, of course, we can't make them repent, right?
We can't make them, you know explain their situation explain how they've changed and stuff like that.
We can't make them but I think it is Absolutely important for us to draw attention to that fact
I want it to be as uncomfortable as possible for al moeller every time he comes out and claims that he's a
Christian nationalist Now I want it to be very uncomfortable for him So what I'm going to do is point out you are not a
Christian nationalist You are just a guy sticking your finger up trying to see which way the wind's blowing to further build your little
Empire That's what I'm gonna say because yesterday you were woke So explain to me why you're not woke right now because that would be helpful actually
Before I can accept any of your nonsense about how you're a stalwart that I should follow. Here's the thing though What I'm not saying is that the things that they're teaching if they're good are no longer good because they don't really believe it
I'm not saying that I'm not saying that but what I am saying is that we Absolutely have a taff to make this light
This uncomfortable for them because the reality is that many of the people that are going to be talking now
That used to be woke that are no longer woke because we've had we've been so successful at shifting this
Overton window a lot of these Guys, they're going to shift again The minute the pressure is on this is the important thing
Josh, and I'm not mad at you, dude I I agree with a lot of what you're saying. I think you're a great dude I'm glad that you're in this fight brother.
I am but here's the important thing though The minute the pressure is on because it's coming.
It's coming There's gonna be a new kovat situation and the government is going to put the pressure the screws to the church, right?
All those people that are changing their ways now because we've shifted the over to window. They don't believe anything.
They have no scruples They're just doing whatever they think is gonna gather them the most kudos and accolades, right?
They're going to cave again They're going to cave again and we ought to consider that the future state of the church when we act now
I'm not saying we have to cast him out into outer darkness. I'm not saying that I'm not saying that al moeller can never say something helpful or good.
I'm not saying that I'm not saying that you should never listen to them. No matter what they say not saying that I think it's similar to The Pharisees Jesus gave advice to his followers about the
Pharisees do as they say don't do what they do Do as they say do what they teach listen to what they teach
They're teaching the right thing and not all of it was right God God God criticized a lot of what they were teaching right but but in general when they were teaching the law they were doing
Okay Do what they say don't do what they do Jesus was drawing attention to the contradiction
He was drawing attention to the fact that these guys are freaking weasels And I think we need to do that.
We need to do that al moeller is in it for himself He's in it for himself.
Do what he says don't do what he does because what he does is unacceptable what he says
Lot of good stuff there a lot of good not not perfect who among us is
Not perfect who among us is but do what he says don't do what he does. That's the example
I think we ought to follow Jesus was no stranger to To making it uncomfortable
For those Pharisees, you know, you guys talk a big game. You don't do anything of what you say
In fact, you do the opposite He did not for the sake of peace say well, we're not gonna really draw attention to that Josh I think you're wrong here.
I think you're wrong. I'm not saying that they're unbelievers I'm not saying you cast them in the outer dark, by the way of Josh I think there's a difference too between the ones that were previously silent and the ones that were parroting woke ideology if you were silent
I get it man. You were I want to say this in a nice way I'm just gonna say it and it's not gonna come out nice, but I mean it in a nice way
You were scared you you were a coward you were a coward and you needed
To see some some some people that weren't scared before you got your courage and you know what that's okay
Sometimes I'm scared. You know what? I mean? I've been there man. I know what that's like You were scared to do the right thing
A lot of these guys were scared to do the right thing But now that they see that we're out here doing it and look it's not the end of our lives
It's not the end of those pastors lives that didn't that stood up to the government. It's not the end of the road They're like, you know what now
I'm gonna do it Some people need that man and that came out harsher than I meant it to come out I couldn't think of a way to say it but but some of these guys were
Looking for a leader. Let's just say that they were looking for a leader So the silent the people that you're mentioning
Josh, I've got a different take for them But the ones that were woke as a joke and now they're like, oh, well, okay.
Hey fellow Christian nationalists Absolutely, not until you tell me what happened tell the church because the church needs to hear your transition story
What happened? What what did you see the error of your way so that they could see the error of their ways? How have you seen the light what was it what was it
We need to we need to increase the pressure Josh. That's my point I think this the big beef
I have with what you're saying Josh here is that you're trying to get us to Switch the pressure release valve
Absolutely, not the Overton window has shifted. That's a win People are now talking rightly that we're talking wrongly before that's a win 100 % increase the pressure
Increase it because we need to make this a situation that if you're woke you are not a
Christian You are out of the church You kick them out if you want to divide the church up like a pizza according to skin color if you want to be
Racially partial if you want to do that kind of stuff do it out there in pagan land You don't do it in the church.
We want to draw a sharp distinction. I was woke before I've seen the light It was unbiblical.
It was ungodly. It was it was against the law of God and now here's what I'm saying This is a dividing line.
This is a dividing line. We need to increase the pressure This is the time
Josh. This is the time they want us to take our foot off the gas
They want us to not press the attack. This is the time to press the attack
We've got them right where we want them. We've got them right where we want them they're up against the edge of the of the cliff and They've got two options they can jump all the way off the cliff like Jamar Tisby or We've got a hand for you, man.
Look there's grace for you, brother. There's grace But you've got to repent you've got to show us the air of you.
You've got to say no more I'm not doing this and I'm fighting for the right team A lot of these guys are not fighting for the right team.
A lot of these guys are fighting for team themselves And that's the reality so while I respect a lot of what
Josh Dawes has said here And we've got to accept the wins where we get them. We got to acknowledge that stuff.
I Completely wholeheartedly agree with that. This is not the time to lay your weapons down 100 % disagree with that Josh.
This is the time to press the attack whack -a -mole or not This is the time because we haven't completed the job yet.
We haven't SPC is still as woke as a joke. The PCA is still up in the air as far as what's gonna happen
Are they gonna are they gonna go all the way gay or you know? We don't know yet. It's up in the air. The fight is still upon us.
We cannot rest We cannot rest Josh, I love you, brother.
I love you. I hope you see this as a helpful, you know Brotherly love type of rebuke.
It wasn't even really a rebuke. It's just a complete disagreement. I Know you're fighting for the