Highlight: Equal Protection For All Human Life, Yes or No?


This is a highlight of our premiere webcast Apologia Radio. In this highlight Jeff and the crew discuss the opposition to a resolution at the most recent SBC Convention. Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. You can get more at http://apologiastudios.com : You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do you make everything we do possible and you also get our TV show, After Show, and Apologia Academy, etc. You can also sign up for a free acount to recieve access to Bahnsen U. We are re-mastering all the audio and video from the Greg L. Bahnsen PH.D catalogue of resources. This is a seminary education at the highest level for free. #ApologiaStudios Follow us on social media here: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ApologiaStudios/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/apologiastudios/?hl=en


Resolved number 16 of their resolution out of their pamphlet again proving the harshness and the mean spirit that is entailed here
Resolved that we affirm that the murder of a preborn child Children is a crime against humanity that must be treated equally under the law as the murder of a born person
Many of us have young females in our youth groups We have grandchildren and children who are females growing up in a sex saturated culture
Many of them will have the opportunity at sex outside of marriage and impossible. It's possible
All right All right, so a question I have is Do you disagree
Do you disagree because let's go back and listen to that I want you to hear it again everyone What what is what what would you disagree with here as a pastor as a person who believes in the
Word of God? Let's play that again Resolved that we affirm that the murder of a preborn child
Children is a crime against humanity that must be treated equally under the law as the murder of a born person
Harsh mean Just what exactly was harsh and mean about that if you believe the
Bible if you believe the Bible Then you believe that's an image bearer of God If you believe the
Bible you would have to believe that taking the life of a human being in an unjustified manner is a crime against Humanity it is a crime against another
Human, that's what that statement means. It is a crime against another human being How is that harsh?
How does it mean a teenage girl could read it and have their feelings hurt? Mm -hmm, Jr Jeff I was gonna say, you know
Just ask him like it exposes Ask him to be consistent with his own values if he asked you you asked him if he believed that life began at conception
He would probably say well, absolutely if you asked many within the pro -life establishment if they believe life began at conception
They would say absolutely if you can say that and think that statement is mean you're exposing your bias
You're exposing your your skewed view your perverted view towards partiality, right?
where we're saying these these Pre -born neighbors have equal value in the eyes of God, but we are going to give them a different Protection under the law that is discrimination
Partiality. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. So what I think is actually Demonstrably harsh and mean is to engage in that kind of partiality where you say
I know that it's human I know that it's the unjustified taking of human life But I don't want these human beings in the womb to be treated the same way as all of the humans
That's called partiality and I want to say that God indicts that in Scripture and God would call that harsh and mean it's harsh
Because it is it is essentially Discriminating and it's saying I'm not gonna give you the same
I'm not gonna afford you the same love and protection as I will everyone else I would say that's very harsh and I'd say it's extremely mean -spirited
And one more thing I want to say in terms of being harsh and mean if you're not honest with a person who's in front
Of you who's actually guilty of something to call them to repentance and faith and to bring them To bring to them
Christ in the midst of that. I think it's very mean I think it's very mean to essentially say to somebody who needs
Christ who needs his peace who needs Reconciliation who needs forgiveness to say to them.
I'm going to withhold the call of the gospel which comes of course Solidly with a hit of the law of God.
You're guilty I'm gonna withhold the law of God from you and the peace of Christ because I want your conscience to not feel
Overwhelmed with guilt and shame right now I want you to feel like I really love you and that I empathize and then
I'm in this with you I want you to feel that so I'm not gonna come to you like Jesus would or like say
John the Baptist does in Matthew 3 To the guilty Jews of his day where he tells him that judgment is coming and he says to bear fruit keeping with repentance
I'm not gonna be like a John the Baptist. No, I'm gonna be like someone who betrays you with a kiss
Right who has ulterior motives things are there in the back of their mind? They're doing but they're coming to you one way and they're they're kissing you and you know
And and sort of like fluffing you up. That's exactly what what Judas is guilty of I'm like rabbi and he betrays him with a kiss.
I don't want to betray these women with a kiss, right? I don't want to flatter them and pretend like you know, no, you don't really need
Christ in this No, you're a victim, too I want to say that all of these young women in our churches who may be engaging in and in sex outside of marriage and May have then the
I think beautiful consequence of a child. I don't think that's a curse That's still a gift from God in the midst of sin
That's what I think babies are they're a gift from God. I want to I want to say in the midst of that No, you're really guilty and don't murder your child and I think that abortion should be seen in a nation that's been transformed by the gospel as a
Criminal act you cannot kill another human being in an unjustified manner That is through and through scripture and it is not mean -spirited or harsh to say that to a person
You cannot take human life in an unjustified manner. That's not mean it's not harsh. And so Jr.
Go ahead Yeah, I was just gonna say the there's there's another reason
I think even God -fearing brothers and sisters Who aren't quite there yet on equal protection?
Are hesitant I think part of them. I mean any reasonable person would say man these last 50 years women have been indoctrinated
To believe this is a clump of cells. How can we just enforce the law and You know say like even if they agree with equal protection at some point
They might feel that it's on it's it's unloving or in it's too harsh to do it overnight To which
I would say again the same thing the other issue we were having before with man's wisdom and how to fight this
Abortion and this genocide altogether. We're now applying even on this where you know there's a cultural sin going on here where we have basically been telling women because if Again, we go back into scripture
We know that it tells us that the law is a tutor and so if the law is a tutor Roe has been teaching our daughters and our wives for generations that that these children don't have value
But we don't turn around and soften the law or manipulate God's truth concerning value and just measures
By watering it down. No, we need to go institute it repent as a nation repent as a people
And then understand that no like law -abiding people are gonna stop killing their babies overnight when when we outlaw abortion
For those who love death, they're probably gonna continue and and like you said earlier
Jeff Maybe that does take place in and back alleys, but you know to that point earlier I was gonna say, you know, it's like where else do we make murder safer?
Or try to clean it up. Like there's there's no other crime that we try to help the the person
Who's performing it do it more successfully or in a cleaner light? But that being said, you know the this idea that we need to just slowly, you know
Recommunicate to women or there's even bills here in Texas where they're just trying to educate women We're like no like you're you're falling.
It's the same fatal flaw. You're not trusting in the Word of God It is the power of God's Word to transform hearts and minds when we begin to use man's wisdom to manipulate the law
And to go around and not just trust him and his word We're you know, we're dead in the water, you know, there's no power in that.
That's right Well, and what's really troubling is when you pair the whole context of this with words grace giving community what you're actually saying is
We have the power to extend grace on this issue And when it comes to murder
We humans just regular people not involved in the law We don't have the ability to just cover that So you're actually lying to those teenage girls
You're lying and saying I know that makes you feel bad, but don't worry. I can forgive you without repentance
It's not no part of it is biblical and it's it's a horrible lie Yeah, and we've talked about so many times during on this show and just elsewhere.
We we don't treat theft that way We don't how come
I don't treat people who are guilty of theft this way. Well, and I'm sorry, but this is Women are the reason why this is happening the feminine.
I mean the sexual revolution and second wave feminism Here you go. This is why it's happening women are not ignorant and they're not powerless
They're so we have achieved such Above and beyond equality that women are allowed to kill their babies without Any consequence?
Yeah with impunity. That's exactly right. I mean to that point joy like we've made mothers a special class of person to deem one life is valuable and another life as Invaluable or unvaluable
So again as a culture we've put that on women empowered them to make this decision and they're living under the
Weight and guilt of that sin. And and now we're still not even the Christians are not
Resolved enough to say no it is sin like the the freedom the relief comes in acknowledging it as such and Entrusting in Christ and because his blood is sufficient right and his grace is is sufficient