Sunday, October 22, 2023 AM


Sunnyside Baptist Church Josiah DeForest


Let's begin with a word of prayer. Heavenly Father, we thank you for this day.
And Lord, we thank you for your grace towards us. Lord, we pray for our brother
Michael, that you would help him, Lord, that you would equip him for the ministry that you've called him to today. Pray that you bless his fellowship with this other church,
Lord, and we pray for that other body. And Lord, we also pray for this local body, that you would bless us with your word today, that you would help us,
Lord, to remember Jesus Christ all of our days. And it's in his name that we pray. Amen.
Our text for this morning is 2 Timothy 2, verse 8. I encourage you to turn there with me today as we take a look at God's word.
2 Timothy 2, verse 8. I encourage you to stand for the reading of God's word.
Remember that Jesus Christ, of the seed of David, was raised from the dead according to my gospel.
This is God's word. You may be seated. The Apostle Paul was called by God to a life unlike any other follower of Jesus Christ.
What's the first thing you think of when you hear about the Apostle Paul? You might think of him as the missionary, the one who traveled around the world and brought the gospel not just to Jews, but also to Gentiles, and who brought the word of God to bear on everyone's life that he met.
You might think of him as the teacher and as the leader, he who wrote to Timothy and to Titus and to the
Corinthians and helped them to understand how do you worship God together as a church? How do you become a minister of the word?
He was a mentor to many. You might think of him as the true villain that used to persecute the church, but now by God's grace was transformed into an ambassador for the living
Christ. Paul lived an incredible life, and whether he endured great tribulation in his ministry or whether he endured great blessing, he was faithful in all of it, and it was because of God's grace,
God's grace alone. Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians, But by the grace of God, I am what
I am, and a bit later, yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me. It was by God's grace alone that Paul was faithful in all of his calling.
And now we come to a text where Paul is near the end of his life. This great journey that the
Lord had set him on, it's about to come to an end. Near the end of this epistle,
Paul acknowledges, I have fought the good fight,
I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the
Lord, the righteous judge, will give to me on that day, and not to me only, but also to all who have loved his appearing.
Here was Paul, confident in the Lord still. He was looking back on his life, and he knew that by God's grace, he was able to fight the fight, run the race, and keep the faith because of the
Lord. He was thankful, and even though he faces death right now, he's confident in the
Lord still, and he's looking forward. At the same time, as he's looking back over his life, he's looking forward to being with the
Lord, absent from the body, but present with the Lord, which is far better. Also at this time, when
Paul is near the end of his life, he's thinking about his son in the faith, Timothy. The apostle is being very
Christ -like, who loved his own to the very end, and here is Paul loving
Timothy to the very end. Timothy. Here was another man saved by God, empowered by grace to serve as another
Christian minister. He worked alongside the apostle and is mentioned several times in Paul's letters.
And the apostle trusted this younger man, even to the point of sending him to the Thessalonians and the
Corinthians, sent this younger man to strengthen and to help them, to equip them further in their walk of faith.
Paul describes Timothy as a brother and a minister of God, and of course, as a beloved and faithful son in the
Lord. In a spiritual sense, Paul thought of Timothy as his own son, trained up and equipped for the ministry of the word.
Paul is in prison and facing the end of his life. What's Timothy facing? The younger minister was dealing with a lot.
He was having to deal with all the regular responsibilities of ministry. He was having to live and serve under a government that was often hostile towards Christianity.
He was having to deal with false teachers and wicked men coming to the church and corrupting church members.
And on top of all this, he was doubtlessly thinking about his mentor, Paul, who is near the end of his life.
With all this, Timothy has the real potential to lose focus on what's important, or rather, on who's important.
He has the potential to lose focus on the Lord Jesus Christ, to begin to worry, to waver, to break down, and possibly even leave the ministry, to walk away from his calling.
So Paul, mindful of his tears because of the close relationship they had, and under the inspiration of the
Holy Spirit, he writes to him now, wanting to encourage, command, and strengthen this son of the faith one last time.
In his letter, Paul instructs Timothy, keep doing what you're doing. This work is important.
Keep serving the Lord. Keep bringing the word of God to bear on the lives of those around you, to both unbelievers and believers.
The apostle is reminding this younger man, stir up the gift that's been granted to you.
Be strong. Don't be ashamed of the gospel. God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love, and of a sound mind.
Be mindful of wicked teachers. Don't get into worthless discussions. Be strong and hold fast the pattern of sound words.
And if you want to know the primary thrust, the main last word that Paul wants to leave Timothy, you just have to read the beginning of chapter 4.
Here is Paul's main point to Timothy. It's interesting to note that Paul didn't tell
Timothy, make sure to maximize your church attendance. Make sure that the church budget is continuing to receive revenue.
He didn't say adopt the world's methods so that you can draw in as many people as you can. Paul says to Timothy, preach the word.
This is the true work of a minister, to take God's word and to speak it to others. Paul understands the high priority of preaching the word of God.
This is the work of a Christian minister. And he loves his beloved son of the faith,
Timothy, and he wants him to press on. Don't give in to the pressures around or within you, but continue to preach the word.
Continue to bring God's word to everyone everywhere. In chapter 2 of this letter,
Paul is instructing Timothy to be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. He doesn't tell
Timothy, be strong in yourself, rely on your self -confidence, but look to Jesus Christ for strength.
Find strength in the unmerited blessing and favor of the Lord Jesus Christ. There is where true strength lies in our
Savior. He also tells Timothy, teach other men what you know. Don't take this ministry that you have and hoard it to yourself and don't die with it, but run with it faithfully and pass it on to the next teacher.
Pass it on. That's what Paul is doing here with Timothy. He's passing on the ministry of preaching the word of God to Timothy, and he's saying, run with this.
Run with this faithfully. Run hard. Run well for the honor of our Captain Christ and pass it on to someone who will run as well, who will bring the word of God to bear on people's lives.
Let the gospel preaching go forth to every generation. And as a master teacher,
Paul helps Timothy understand this work of a Christian minister. What does it look like? How should he conduct himself as a man who preaches the word of God?
And so Paul takes up these helpful images to tell Timothy, what is your work about? So he tells
Timothy, conduct yourself as a good soldier, engaged in spiritual warfare for the honor of your
Captain Christ. Be disciplined as a soldier. One thing about a soldier is he's disciplined not to fight for himself or for another, but ultimately for his
Captain. He wants to please him who is his superior. And so Timothy must endure affliction.
He must fight. He must be in this battle, not for himself ultimately, but for his
Savior, Jesus Christ. This is not a game. It's war.
This is what Timothy's called to, and he must fight hard and well for his Savior, Jesus Christ.
To be disciplined as a soldier. Timothy must also run as an athlete.
Again, a picture of discipline, right? An athlete is not just disciplined on the track, but he's also disciplined off the track.
He orientates his entire life so that when he steps on the track, he's going to run well, he's going to run hard, and he's going to win.
He has a mindset to win and be the first one to cross the finish line. So Timothy must compete faithfully as one according to the rules.
He must run as an athlete, disciplined in the race of faith. This is not a fun run for Timothy.
It's not a side hobby, but it's a real race. Paul next tells
Timothy to work as a farmer. Again, an image of discipline. The work of a farmer is long and hard.
He gets up well before the sun, and he works on when the sun goes down, day in and day out.
The farmer is disciplined as he sows the seed, as he waters, as he cultivates the ground, all the while trusting in God's sovereignty to bring the increase.
And so Timothy must also work as hard as he can, day in and day out, preaching the word, all the while trusting that God will bring the increase.
Timothy can't save souls, but Jesus can. What does it look like to be a faithful minister?
You have to fight as a soldier. You have to run as an athlete. You have to work as a farmer. And Paul takes a moment to tell
Timothy, think about what I've told you. Meditate on these images. Think about the work that you're called to, and God will give you understanding.
And now we come to our text. We say all that to make sure we understand the context and the weight of what is being said, of what
Paul is communicating to his son of the faith, Timothy. As Paul is telling
Timothy, keep doing what you're doing, keep preaching the word of God, he tells him, remember Jesus Christ.
Remember the Savior. This is a call to continually exercise his mind to think on and be focused on the
Lord, to not be focused on anyone or anything else, but to exercise your mind continually upon Jesus Christ.
Think on him all of your days. And with this instruction,
Paul tells Timothy some reminders about who this Jesus is. Remember the Savior Messiah, and who is that?
First, Jesus is of the seed of David. Of the seed of David. That tells us that Christ is truly man.
100%. He came through that earthly line of David, and he lived a perfectly human life.
He was tempted as we are, but apart from us, he was sinless. He was without blemish or without spot.
He was perfect in all of his ways, yet completely human. The apostle wants to remind
Timothy of the true and real Jesus Christ, and a vital aspect of who
Jesus is, is that he is truly man. If Christ is not man, then he cannot save sinners.
The eternal word needed to be incarnate so that he might be the sufficient mediator between God and man.
In order to save sinners, Jesus needed to take on human form so that he might be able to lay a hand both on God and on man, so that he might be that mediator, that intercessor between a fallen humanity and a holy
God. Hebrews 2 says, For in that he himself has suffered being tempted, he is able to aid those who are tempted.
The author of Hebrews says that he had to be made like his brethren, he had to be made like those he was going to save.
In order to make propitiation, to satisfy the wrath of God on our behalf, he needed to be made human, in order to be a faithful and merciful high priest.
And as he has suffered, he is able to aid us who suffer and are tempted as well. Paul wrote earlier to Timothy, There is one
God and one mediator between God and man, the man, Christ Jesus, who gave himself a ransom for us.
Christ has come in the flesh. The incarnation is a glorious truth that needed to happen for us to be saved.
This was the only way for God to redeem fallen man. The Son of God needed to become truly human.
And he is of the seed of David. He came from that earthly lineage going all the way back to David, which means that Jesus is the true king.
He's tied back to that old king, which God came to him and said, From your line, I'm going to bring forth a king who will rule forever and ever.
He gave that great promise to David so long ago. And all throughout the Old Testament, there are more promises of that king to come.
In the Old Testament, we see there is a child to be born, a son who is to be given, and the government will be upon his shoulder and his name will be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace, there will be no end upon the throne of David and over his kingdom to order it and establish it with judgment and justice from that time forward, even forever.
But you, Bethlehem, Ephrathah, though you are little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of you shall come forth to me, the one to be ruler in Israel, who is going forth are from of old, from everlasting, and he shall stand and feed his flock in the strength of the
Lord, in the majesty of the name of the Lord his God, and they shall abide. For now he shall be great to the ends of the earth, and this one shall be peace.
Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, thou will rise to David, a branch of righteousness. A king shall reign and prosper and execute judgment and righteousness in the earth.
In his days Judah will be saved and Israel will dwell safely. Now this is his name by which he will be called, the
Lord our righteousness. 900 years go past by the time that God makes that good promise to David and the
Lord Jesus Christ comes. Gospel according to Matthew begins with the book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David.
This is the true son of David. Jesus Christ is the true and better son of David, who builds a far better temple than Solomon's, the church.
He is the true and better David, the anointed one of the Lord. He inherits not just the land of Israel, but all the world as well.
He is of the seed of David. And that's a historical truth to say that Jesus is Lord. He is the sovereign one who reigns forever and ever over all things and everyone.
Would you pray with me? Father, I thank you for this message.
And Lord, I come to ask for your help. I thank you for the remainder of this time that we have together in your word.
And I pray that you'd help me. And it's in Christ's name we pray. Amen. Jesus is not just of the seed of David.
But he's also been raised from the dead. Raised from the dead. He's not just the king, but he's also the one who is truly
God. Romans 1 says, Concerning his son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who was born of the seed of David according to the flesh and declared to be the son of God with power according to the spirit of holiness by the resurrection from the dead.
Jesus is declared to be the son of God by the resurrection. Distinct from the father, but God himself.
You have to believe that Jesus is God. You have to believe that he is the great I am. Or else you will die in your sins.
Timothy does not serve a king who is only man or only a prophet or only a priest. Christ is all of that, yes and amen.
But he is also truly God. He is the one who has created all things. And by the word of his power, all things continue to exist.
He is the Alpha and the Omega. He is self -existent. In his deity, Christ had no beginning.
And he has no end. Jesus is the one who is holy, holy, holy.
The one enthroned in glory. Jesus is the one who defines what is right and wrong.
He is completely independent from everything else. Jesus is aware of everything.
There is no secret kept from him. And Jesus is all -powerful.
There is no one greater than the Savior. He is the judge of the living and the dead.
He is truly God. The resurrection also proves that this faith that Timothy has, it's not in vain.
His preaching, it's not a worthless thing. Because Jesus Christ is risen from the dead.
That proves everything that Jesus said is correct and true. It proves that he is God. And it proves that the faith that all believers have, it's not in vain.
We serve the resurrected Jesus Christ. The resurrection also tells the story of Christ's victory and of his suffering.
Jesus Christ became a man. He suffered unto death. But then he rose on the third day in victorious glory.
And as followers of Jesus Christ, his people follow in that same example to suffer but also in victory as well.
In this life, Timothy will have suffering, but he'll also have victory. Consider that Paul suffered a lot as an apostle, but in much he also had victory in planting churches and helping others and serving the
Lord Jesus Christ. And believers also know that we have that ultimate victory to look forward to on that final day when the
Lord Jesus Christ comes back and makes all things right. There is ultimate victory in Jesus Christ.
And we have victory now in the here and now, over sin, over temptation and trial, over persecution.
Paul wrote elsewhere, Timothy is on the winning side, as is all those who follow
Jesus Christ. And Paul says, this is according to my gospel.
It's not an invention by Paul. Paul did not create this message, but he was given this message by the
Lord Jesus Christ himself personally. This was his life's work. This was what he labored in day in and day out.
This was what he was called to by the Lord Jesus Christ. It also shows the personal connection that Paul had with this message.
It was my gospel, Paul says. And he still holds on to this gospel near the end of his life.
He still says, my gospel. As he faces death, he holds on to Jesus Christ who defeated death.
So he writes to Timothy, not wanting these pressures and trials to get to him, but he writes, remember
Jesus Christ. Remember the Savior. Keep him as your central thought and motivation for this life.
He is the glorious Savior Messiah. He is the resurrected King. So Paul tells
Timothy, stay strong, continue to teach, continue to fight as a good soldier, continue to run as an athlete, continue to work the fields, and remember
Jesus Christ. Continually dwell upon him and his glory. Not all of us are spiritual leaders like Timothy, but we all face that danger of losing focus on the
Lord Jesus Christ, of allowing something else to draw our minds away or captivate our hearts.
We can all be faced with pressures of life, of persecutions, of difficulties. We can be affected by pride.
We can face depression. We can face anger. And even while working in good ministries, we can lose focus on the
Lord, focusing too much on the work itself. Everyday activities tend to dull the mind and face so that believers begin to think less and less about the wonders they have witnessed, and they glorify
God less and less. So we face this real danger, but even facing this, we can be of good cheer, because though we might lose focus on Jesus Christ, he will never lose focus on us.
Jesus says, He is a friend of sinners that sticks closer than a brother.
He is the Lord of patience, rich in mercy, caring for us as his sheep. Jesus said in John 10,
We are prone to wander and to be unfaithful, but God remains faithful.
Though a Christian might forget Jesus, Jesus will never forget the Christian. Though a
Christian might forget Jesus, Jesus will never forget the Christian. He is a gracious Savior Messiah who will be sure to bring us to glory and finish the work begun in us.
We're eternally kept in him, and we need to make sure to focus on him, otherwise we become sloppy in our service for him, we become ineffective.
And to put things plainly, we must focus on the Lord because he tells us to. As Paul's word was to Timothy, inspired, so is
God's word to us today. And his message today to all of us is, What you think of the most is what you worship, so therefore make it be
Jesus Christ, the risen Lord. Paul wrote elsewhere to the Philippians, Jesus is the most glorious thought you can ever have.
He is the most true, the most lovely, the most noble, the most pure, the most just, the most virtuous, the most praiseworthy one.
What you think of the most is what you love the most. So therefore make it be Jesus Christ, the resurrected
King. Remember him all of your days. Remember Jesus in your work, and whatever work he calls you to, he is the
Lord of that work. He is the Lord of the janitor as well as the politician. And believers' work, whatever it might be, as it's done unto the
Lord for his glory, it's not in vain. It's not in vain, but it actually matters for all eternity because we serve the risen
Lord. Remember Jesus when there is no work, and you start to feel that pressure of needing to provide for yourself and your family, and you start to wonder what is going to happen,
Jesus reigns and he will provide for you. The King provides for his subjects.
He will provide for you still. Remember Jesus while raising your kids, and as you seek to provide for them and to evangelize and disciple them,
Jesus is with you in this work. He will help you, he will guide you, even in those situations when you're not sure what to do, those situations when you're perfectly perplexed about what's the next step,
Jesus is there with you and he will help you take that next step. He will give you guidance with that. Your labor of love for your children, as you do it unto the
Lord, it's not in vain. Remember Jesus while ministering to your spouse.
In his good providence, Christ has granted to you this wife, this husband, for his glory and for your good.
The King is risen, having given his life for his bride. Your labor of love for your wife, for your husband, it's not in vain, as you do it unto the
Lord. Remember Jesus Christ, and may he be the central one in your marriage. Remember Jesus when you're sad.
Keep your focus on him when you're weeping. He is the God of all comfort, who will comfort you in all of your trouble.
Hope in Christ, for he is your God. Find rest and comfort in him. Remember Jesus when you're tempted with pride.
Know that God resists the proud, and apart from Christ, you can do nothing. But if you abide in Christ, you will bear much fruit.
Remember Jesus Christ when you have great times of joy, and be thankful in these, and count the blessings.
This is a way to draw your mind back to the giver of all the good gifts that you have, to remember that Jesus has provided for you.
He's given you much more than you could ever ask or hope for, and he's given you salvation in him.
Remember Jesus when family rejects you. Jesus knows what that's like.
He came to his own, and his own did not receive him. He understands that hurt far more than you or I, and he will help you with this.
He will guide you through this. Find comfort and rest in the Savior. Remember Jesus when you sin.
He is your perfect high priest on your behalf, and he intercedes for you right now, at the right hand of the
Father. When we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Your sin is not bigger than Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is a lot bigger. Let Jesus be your first and foremost thought.
Remember him all your days. Remember that Jesus Christ, of the seed of David, was raised from the dead according to my gospel.
In closing, would you pray with me? Father, I thank you for this day once more.
I thank you for your word and for this word to remember our Savior, Jesus Christ. He is the best thought we can ever have.
I thank you that he has saved us and with that we are secure in him. Lord, I thank you and I give you praise that you work through weakness.