What Is In A Name


In this episode of NoCo, Pastor Mike and Pastor Steve discuss a plethora of items dealing with the church. Their conversation ranges from false rapture predictions to articles in Christianity Today-specifically an article about a church, who although had enough money to pay it's mortgage, declared bankruptcy anyways. Also, Mike and Steve talk about names. Recently, Los Angels Lakers basketball player Ron Artest changed his name to Metta World Peace, which in the Buddhist culture means loving kindness and compassion. See if you can help Pastor Steve guess other celebrity names thrown at him by Pastor Mike. God will give us a new name Revelation 2:12-17: "And to the angel of the church in Pergamum write: 'The words of him who has the sharp two-edged sword. I know where you dwell, where Satan's throne is. Yet you hold fast my name, and you did not deny my faith[a] even in the days of Antipas my faithful witness, who was killed among you, where Satan dwells. But I have a few things against you: you have some there who hold the teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak to put a stumbling block before the sons of Israel, so that they might eat food sacrificed to idols and practice sexual immorality. So also you have some who hold the teaching of the Nicolaitans. Therefore repent. If not, I will come to you soon and war against them with the sword of my mouth. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who conquers I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, with a new name written on the stone that no one knows except the one who receives it.'" Everyone that Christ purchased with His blood will be given a special intimacy with Him. Our new name will show our status of belonging to Christ. Check out Pastor Mikes new book The Sovereignty and Supremacy of King Jesus. If you would like to purchased a copy of this book please mail a $10 check with you name and address to Bethlehem Bible Church, 307 Lancaster Street, West Boylston, MA 01583, or visit the No Compromise Radio website and look in the right hand margin-if asked Pastor Mike will even sign your copy!


Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ, based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the
Apostle Paul said, "'But we did not yield in subjection to them "'for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel "'would remain with you.'"
In short, if you like smooth, watered -down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn't for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we're called by the divine trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her king.
Here's our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth. Welcome to No Compromise Radio Ministry. Glad to have Steve Cooley back here in our new, fangled, well, it's not a new studio, but we have new equipment.
It's brand new, we've got brand new chair. New mixer, new comrex brick links.
Oh, okay, yeah, well, that's really important, but we have a new chair. That's right, this is the chair from whence
I predict and give ex -cathedra type statements. It's the ex -cathedra chair.
As we say in New England, it's ex -cathedra. Look at that, it was made in the
Vatican, look at that. Yes, especially guarded by the Swiss Army.
Nice. Did you say knifes? Swiss Army knives, Herald Camping Update.
Oh, a rapture will probably finish October 21st. Now tell me about a rapture that would be finished, probably finish.
Yeah, what is a rapture, some kind of emanation, some kind of vibe floating through the air? What is that?
I don't know, but it said here on Christian Post, this is October 4th, and we're taping this,
I think, on the 6th, he was flabbergasted when the rapture did not occur.
Because God told him. You know, he restudied his predictions, though. We would not have been able to be used by God to bring about the tremendous event that occurred on May 21st of this year, which will probably be finished on October 21st.
That's coming very shortly. That's what it looks like to me, the final end of everything. So that amazing thing where everybody gave their money to him and to anybody else and is now homeless, living on the dole, that wouldn't have been able to happen without him.
It was a stimulus. He was stimulating the economy. You know, he sounds like, that last little thing you read there, it really sounded like an
Old Testament prophet to me, where he said, you know, that's what I'm sensing. How do you say that? That's what, how do you say that?
It's not like, thus saith the Lord. It's like, well, I'm kind of feeling the rapture will end on October 21st, more or less.
That's kind of the vibe I'm picking up at the moment. Isn't it funny when people say, God told me something, and then
God speaks to them in such a language that he never does in scripture? I always liked that one with Beth Moore, when
Beth Moore was told by God it was okay to speak to men, preach to men, and God said this quote, what
I'm saying, Beth. Well, I don't know, Greek, Hebrew, couple chapters with a little
Aramaic in there in the Old Testament. I don't know if God has ever said something like, well, what I'm saying, Beth, is.
Look, my basic vibe is that I want you to, yeah, I mean, where he's kind of imprecise.
I mean, like the whole, you know, eh, you know, I think maybe the rapture will end somewhere around October 21st.
I wouldn't want to be too definitive. It sounds like verbatim from the Old Testament. You know what it sounds like to me?
It's a horoscope. It's just so general that it's gotta work.
Let's see. Sagittarius and Luna. I think in the next five years, your car might have some problems, and you might have to take your car to the mechanic.
The moon's in Pisces, with Aries on the cusp. That reminds me of when
Haley was a kid. She couldn't get her SPs down, and so when she'd talk about some food or something, she's three years old.
That's Pisces. It's very Pisces. That's Pisces. Well, today we've got a
Pisces show for you, not because we're Pisces. Actually, I'm a Taurus. That's why I'm so stubborn. Well, good for you.
What are you, Steve? I'd rather not say. I'm Pisces. This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius.
Steve, there's a lot of name changes in the news, and we have a Los Angeles Laker who's changed his name, and so since there's no
LA Laker season this year, or any other basketball team for that matter, most likely, let's talk about Ron Artest.
What's Ron Artest's new name? Metta World Peace. In fact, I've decided to change my name after him. I'm gonna be
Mega World Peace. Or in New England, Megger. Megger. Okay, Metta World Peace.
I found out that that means loving kindness and compassion in the Buddhist culture.
Wow. Yes, isn't that special? That's very special. Remember the church lady? That's special.
Isn't that special? And so World Metta Peace, Ron Artest, he changed his name.
I think about some other sports figures. Chad Ochocinco here in New England. Yeah, that's a real good one.
He's a receiver now in New England for the New England Patriots. I like his tweet.
This is a true tweet that he tweeted about one month ago, and do you wanna know what Chad Ochocinco's tweet was?
Sure, go ahead. Steve, it is hilarious. I love me some me. I think in his old age, he's gonna change his name to Chad Ochoces.
Oh, well, in 2009, he announced he wanted to legally change his name to Haichigo.
I like Ochocinco better. Haichigo is 85 in Japanese. Really? Yes. Domo arigato,
Mr. Haichigo. So here's what we're gonna do on No Compromise Radio. I'm gonna give
Steve some names, and then he has to tell me the celebrity name. Bill Walton.
Oh, I'm sorry. Or the other way around. Or the other way around.
So if I said to Steve, Stefani, Joanne, Angelina, Germinado, who would that be?
Angelia Jolie. Close, Lady Gaga. Oh, really? Yeah, this one I think you'll get for sure.
Bill Walton. Oh, sorry. Funny, the artist formerly known as? Prince. Okay, remember he had that symbol, love symbol number two?
Yeah, that was pretty bizarre. I think he probably went back to Prince pretty fast after that. Okay, here's an easy one, since I know
Steve's background. It's a sign of the times. Ferdinand Louis Alcindor.
Yeah, Kareem Abdul -Jabbar. He is good. Cassius Marcellus Clay.
Muhammad Ali. Okay, Steve is not even peaking here. Lawrence Peter Barra.
Yogi. That is exactly right. Here's a couple Yogi Barisms right here, by the way. I didn't say the things
I said. That was pre -spin. 90 % of baseball is mental, the other half is physical.
Well, that's about right, 140%. I want you guys to go out there and give me 140%. No, this one's really good. I made a wrong mistake.
Well, let's analyze that. Is there ever a right mistake? No, so I have to agree with that.
Never answer an anonymous letter. Never answer an anonymous letter.
Well, you know, these days you can, though. You know, you can just say on your website. In your blog, yes. Yes, dear anonymous.
The future ain't what it used to be. And it never is. William Harrison Dempsey.
Jack Dempsey. Tom Dempsey? No. Here's one you'll never get. Yeah. By the way, no compromise, radio listeners.
Bob Dylan. There is a point to this. We're gonna talk about the new name that God's going to give each
Christian just momentarily. This is all a lead up. This is all just kind of fun. Okay. How about Terry Jean Bollea?
Terry Jean. Uh -huh. Marilyn Monroe's sister. Close, Hulk Hogan. All right, let me give you a few more, just for fun.
Cordoza, uh, Cordesar Calvin Broadus. Oh, oh, a
Snoop Dogg. You got it right. This one you should know. Vincent Damon Furnier. Vincent Damon Furnier.
Oh yeah, yeah, Matt Damon. You're absolutely wrong. Alice Cooper. All right, yeah,
I didn't know that one. Now, I've heard Alice Cooper golfs with R .C. Sprague. Yeah, and you know what he says after every shot?
No more Mr. Nice Guy. And what does he sing when he gets to the 18th hole?
I'm 18 and I can do what I want. Maurice Micklewhite.
You know what, I know that one. Why do I, Maurice Micklewhite. Who is, it's not like Bob Hope, but who is that?
Maurice Micklewhite. Michael Caine. That's what I was going, I knew that. Actually did,
I've heard that before. Okay, and then we're just gonna do one last one. And if Steve gets this one right, he's not peeking.
Well, no, I'd get the keys to a new car. No, I'm gonna buy you a Vente of your choice. Wow, okay.
Uh -huh, a Vente of your choice. And this person was born in, I'm gonna actually give you a little bit extra information.
He was born in Haifa, Israel. Okay. And his given name, his birth name was
Chaim Weiss. Freddie Mercury. Close, except I think he was born in Iran.
Chaim Weiss. Something white or Weiss, Freddie, Chaim Weiss.
Chaim Weiss. Weiss. W -I -T -Z, Chaim. I think
La Chaim is life, like what was it? I give up. Gene Simmons of Kiss. Really?
Really, wow. Okay, now, here's the tie -in to this. Revelation chapter 12, chapter two, verse 12 and following.
How about this? And the angel of the church in Pergamum, right, the one who has a sharp two -edged sword, says this.
I know where you dwell, where Satan's throne is, and you hold fast my name and did not deny my faith.
Even in the days of Anipas, my faithful witness, my faithful one, who was killed among you where Satan dwells.
And with a lot of these churches in Revelation two and three, there was a problem. But I have a few things against you.
Can you imagine if Jesus wrote a letter to BBC and said, I've got a few things against you? I'd rather he didn't write that letter.
I'd rather that would be an anonymous letter. Because you have there some who hold fast the teaching of Balaam and who have kept
Balak, kept teaching Balak to be a stumbling block, like my stumbling words right now, before the sons of Israel to eat things sacrificed to idols and to commit acts of immorality.
This you have, Revelation 2 .15, this you also have some who are in the same way holding the teaching of the
Nicolaitans. Now here's the cool thing. First he's gonna say repent, then he's gonna give a promise.
Repent, therefore, or else I'm coming to you quickly and I will make war against them with the sword of my mouth. He who has an ear, let him hear what the
Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, Steve, what's an overcomer? A believer.
A believer. First John actually tells us that an overcomer is a believer, and now John is writing the book of Revelation.
Same thing. I think overcomer is a super Nike, isn't it? Yeah. Hooper Nike. Yeah. A victor.
To him, I will give some of the hidden manna. That's kind of neat. And I will give to him a white stone.
By the way, if you won a prize game back in the day, like in Olympics or Smith games, they would give you a white stone afterwards, and that was your
VIP pass. That was your little pass that you could get backstage and all that stuff. Seems pretty easy to forge, though, a white stone.
Well, if you're on the Black Sea, it'd be more difficult. Okay. And a new name written on the stone, which no one knows but he who receives it.
Can you imagine you get a brand new name, a personal name that only you and God know, kind of like a pet name on a pet rock?
Like a nickname. Like a nickname. Like George Bush used to give all the journalists nicknames.
Kind of the same. It is amazing, Steve, to think we all have, well, we all have, you and I have wives, and do you have a special name that you could tell us on the air that you'd like to call
Janet? Yes. Is that a yes? Mrs. Cooley. Mrs. Cooley. So when you're taking a walk by the beach or something or holding your grandkids, is it just a specially sweet moment you look over her and say,
Mrs. Cooley? Yeah. Do you have any other kind of pet names or special names for her?
Uh, you know. Didn't I hear you call her Boo Bear one day? No. No, you didn't.
Hey, Boo Bear. Hey, Boo Bear. Yogi. Well, anyway, if you said something like, honey or hot tamale, there's a pet name because it's a special, endearing name.
And so here's what John's book of Revelation, written by John, rather,
Revelation of Christ Jesus. Here's what Jesus is saying. Can you imagine every believer, not based on what he's done or what he's merited or what she's earned or achieved, every believer overcomes because God is overcoming through us by his spirit.
And also he has given us a faith that overcomes to the very end, gives us a faith that lasts till death. And then in heaven, there's going to be a special intimacy.
So it's not going to be the whole crowd of people who are redeemed worshiping alone. Although that would be true.
There's a special intimacy between Christ Jesus and each individual person that he has purchased.
Quite different than some Islamic, far away, deistic kind of God, wouldn't you say?
Yep, and I already know my nickname. Oh, you do? Well, it reminds me, MacArthur always says, and no one knows it, but he who receives it.
So what's that name? John's like, well, how do I know? So how do you know ahead of time? iPad 2. That's your name?
Yeah. Wow, iPad 2. C -3PO, I have no idea. Yeah, so actually
I was reading Dr. Thomas's commentary, and it says, clearly the new name is the recipient's own name, a new one, reflecting his status as belonging to Christ.
This is verified in its being a secret name given to the man himself. Somehow it reflects those personal marks and signs of God's particular adoption of him with which no one else is acquainted.
That to me is really awesome. Adoption of him. Adoption of him.
Tell us a little bit about adoption. You were just preaching at Bethlehem Bible Church about adoption when I was flitting around the country.
Yeah, you know, I was talking about John 1, 12, and 13, and I think where to any who received
Christ, he gave the authority, the right, to become the child of God, basically.
And people teach adoption these days, but they flip it over. So, you know,
I compare it to this. Some kids, some local kids, show up on my doorstep and they go, hi, dad.
And I'm looking at them, you know, puzzled and everything like that, and they just kind of go, yeah, we decided to adopt you.
You know, and so we're welcoming your home. And they just come coming in, and I look at my wife and I go,
Ms. Cooley, you know anything about this? And she's, they're like, oh, mom. And that is the picture of the church today with regard to adoption, that we decide who
God is going to adopt. And I'm like, boy, that is just so upside down.
It's like kids in some orphanage, and parents come through and they go, now we don't want that one. We're peeking out the window, we want the one with Alexis.
Or you know what another good illustration, Steve, would be? Halloween. We know there's certain neighborhoods close to where we live that other children like to go to, even though they don't live there.
So in other words, you live in a bad part of town, if you go trick or treating there, you just get like a little gumball or something.
And - It could be spiked. It could be spiked. Could be the apple with a razor inside of it.
And so what you do is you have your mom drive you down to the nice neighborhood where they give you like family pack of Snickers bars or something.
Nice. Wouldn't that be good? Yeah, the full size family. Five pound bags of M &Ms. I think
I live in a nice neighborhood. Nobody even does that. What do you give out, by the way? Do you give out anything for Halloween?
Yes, I do. Candy bars. Do you? Minis or maxis? Pretty much minis, yeah.
Minis, like Baby Ruth, Musketeers. Who would ever buy a Musketeer bar? I would only eat one during Halloween.
They're kind of bland. I think if you froze it, maybe. Well, you know what they're good in, throw them in malts and stuff like that.
You know, when you're off your calorie counting diet. I can't even think about how many calories would be in one of the milkshakes
I used to make. Must be about 1 ,000, 15 ,000. Well, Steve and I like that little iFitness
Pal deal made famous by Pat Abendroth in his, I think he's lost 500 pounds.
Yeah. Pat has. Yeah, he's down now to about negative 340. I think he's wearing
Jonathan, his son's workout shorts or something, I don't know. Good for Pat. But anyway, the only way
I'd like to eat a Musketeer's bar is I think when I used to just bite off the chocolate first and then you'd have that kind of gooey center.
Yeah. Yeah. That's about it. With absolutely no flavor. So today on No Compromise Radio Ministry, we're just talking and so we're auditioning.
We're taking your calls. We're taking your calls at 1 -800 -get -a -clue. 1 -800 -you're -not -Todd -Friel.
Steve, did you know in Christianity Today, they've got a forgive us our debts.
Church drops mortgage payments for expansion plans. Yeah, don't blame them. So I think
I want your take on this since you are the financial wizard around here. You actually, when
Dave Ramsey emails you for advice, you actually write back. Sure. Yeah. Yeah, I love to help the guy.
Facing a dramatic decline in its property values, the church at South Las Vegas, allegedly stopped paying its mortgage in May and filed chapter 11 protection in July after blah, blah, blah lender filed suit.
Church owes 7 .6 million on property worth only 2 .4. Pastor Benny. There's your first problem.
There's your first problem. Benny Perez told media that it default was a strategic move in order to preserve member donations, totaling $650 ,000.
The church has the money to make its monthly payments. It has a million in reserve funds, but believes it is bad stewardship to have tithes keep going into a black hole.
People give division, he told 8 News. They don't give the debt. Without a vision, the people perish.
Tell Chip Ingram that. You know, it's just amazing though to think about that. The church has taken on a mortgage to build their property and then they say, you know, one on second thought, we didn't really mean it when we signed all those promissory notes.
You know, it's just not working out for us, so we're gonna stop paying. So you know what, if the Holy Spirit of God did not effectually call people with irresistible grace, going out to regenerate those that the
Father has chosen and the Son has died for, then no one would believe because the testimony of people saying that they're
Christians is so bad. Think if you were a lawyer or a banker, or you were the guy at the bank who loaned these people the money.
They have the money and they won't pay. Now that is a horrible witness. It's weird and it's wonderful.
You know that they're really keen. They've got electric boots and mohair suits. Benny and the, oh, sorry.
I mean, that's just crazy. That is crazy. I get mad when people have the money to make their house payment and they won't do it.
But if you're gonna call yourself a church and then you're gonna say, you know what, it just seems like bad stewardship to us, well then why'd you take out the mortgage in the first place?
You promised to do something, you need to do it. It does strike me that there is a witness in a church doing everything it can to meet its obligations, said
John Loon, L -U -N -N. Sorry, I didn't mean that. An economics professor at Hope College.
That doesn't mean you can never file bankruptcy, but as Christians, we have an obligation to behave better than the law.
Well, good job. Yeah, that's just crazy. How would you pronounce L -U -N -N?
Loon. Loon? Yeah. I don't know, but with that double N there, it makes me wanna have a little schwa in the diphthong.
Oi. Hey, Steve, by the way, if the listeners wanna go to the website, nocompromiseradio .com,
you can get a special deal on the sovereignty and supremacy of King Jesus and you can say, forget you, to Amazon and CBD and you can just get it straight through No Compromise Radio.
And you can get it personally signed for an extra how much? Actually, we bought a bunch on author discount and so that's why we're selling them cheaply with shipping that's only 10 bucks.
Really? If you say to me, would you please sign the book, I would be glad to sign the book. No charge. Yeah, it'll be, it'll just say, forget you, my kingdom.
No, you know, I just say, Mike, chapter 11, Abendroth, and then I put a Bible verse in there, third assumptions and second meditations.
Chapter 11 isn't bankruptcy, chapter 11? So I know, go ahead.
We took a big loan to print the book and we just decided. We have a cost benefit analysis here.
By the way, Steve, we haven't begged for any money for a while on No Compromise Radio. We should have a little beg -a -thon, begging streets.
1 -800 -beg -a -thon. 1 -800, send your money. It's towards that time of the month again. We're pleading with you.
We're begging, begging, please. If this ministry has meant anything to you at all, you want to keep it on the air.
You know, there are people out there that could never hear the gospel if it wasn't for No Compromise Radio Ministry, and some people won't be in heaven if we don't get the money to be on the air again.
1 -800 -beg -a -thon. Call today. If you ever walk down the aisle for food products for dogs, for canine food products, and you see those little snack treats called begging strips,
I just want you to think of ministries that beg, and beg, and beg, and beg, and beg, and beg.
Notice, Steve, I didn't even say, you can give money to No Compromise Radio Ministry and we'll send you a free book.
No, you didn't. I just said, hey, we got a good deal on the book. And there's something about, if you get to know a personality on the radio and then he has a book that people are interested, and so I want to promote that book, and this is in all seriousness now, why we promote the book is the same reason we promote the church,
Bethlehem Bible Church, and No Compromise Radio Ministry, is that we want to point you to Christ Jesus, to study him.
And if you order the book, it'll go out in the same month in which the check is received. Yeah, that's right.
More or less, unless it's towards the end of the month. I did that interview for Andy Olson on EchoZoey .com,
and I got a check in the mail for $10. I thought it was for the interview, but he wanted a book. You thought, whew, 10 bucks, maybe
I can sign up some more interviews. Yeah, I better add that to my honorarium thing to report to the IRS at the end of the year.
Wow. Big money, big money. Steve, any call letters that you want to give out, and as we stall for the last 35 seconds here, or any kind of pithy pointed sayings that you want to tell us?
WV &E. WV &E is a nice flagship station here in Worcester, Massachusetts. Can you imagine, is there any good thing that comes out of Worcester?
WV &E. How about infoandnocompromiseradio .com? That'd be very good.
They can write that. If you'd like to have us, you want to do a show, have us to do a show on how to beg for money or anything else like that?
Well, you know what we haven't had? We haven't had many questions to just answer on the air. Maybe we need some of those, so info.
Yeah, info. Should pastors perform marriages for cohabitating couples? That'll be our next show. No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Abendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible -teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life -transforming power of God's Word through verse -by -verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015 and in the evening at six. We're right on route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.
The thoughts and opinions expressed on No Compromise Radio do not necessarily reflect those of WV &E its staff or management.