LIVE Show: We Have Big Plans!! Join Us


We need you to come alongside us for 2022. So much has happened through your support and we want to carry this momentum into this new year. In this LIVE show we want share our plans for 2022 and highlight what we have been able to accomplish in our joint efforts to bring equal protection for all life! Go to the website in the video to give now and help us to match a 250k dollar gift to get to our full goal for 2022! Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. You can get more at : You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do you make everything we do possible and you also get our TV show, After Show, and Apologia Academy, etc. You can also sign up for a free acount to recieve access to Bahnsen U. We are re-mastering all the audio and video from the Greg L. Bahnsen PH.D catalogue of resources. This is a seminary education at the highest level for free. #ApologiaStudios Follow us on social media here: Facebook: Instagram:


highlight that to kind of go over some of the big plans we have for 2022. Of course, like I said, the groundwork legislation, but also production because that's what we do here at Apologia Studios.
We have of course created two videos that we use to kind of summarize what our plans are for 2022.
Every fundraising drive we've done, we have produced a video that kind of sums it up.
We're going to show those two videos if you haven't seen them already. Here you go. My name is
Pastor Jeff Durbin. I'm the head of End Abortion Now. We are here today in Washington DC in front of the
Supreme Court. We were able through your support, through your prayers and through your partnership with us to file an amicus brief in this case, the
Mississippi case that's going on right now, the Supreme Court. So much has happened in the last couple of years through your participation with us and End Abortion Now.
When we first started, we wanted to train and equip churches to go out to the abortion facilities to preach the gospel, to offer help and hope and love to the mothers and fathers going in there and to save lives.
We wanted to build a media platform that would be able to get the message of the gospel into this area of abortion globally.
And we also wanted to start the process of going to legislators and actually working for bills of equal protection for the abolition and the criminalization of abortion.
That's how we started. Since that time. And with all of you with us, God has blessed us beyond what we could have even imagined.
We have now close to 800 local churches that have signed up with End Abortion Now. Because of your help, they have all received free training, free resources, free help from us to go out to the mills and to save lives.
And because of that, because of you working together with us in partnership as ministry partners, we've been able to save thousands upon thousands upon thousands of lives.
Babies are being saved on a daily basis because of what you've done together with us. And I just want to say from the bottom of my heart as your brother in Christ and as a pastor, as a minister of the gospel,
I want to say, thank you. Thank you so much for being a part of this with us. Not only have we raised up churches completely for free, we've asked nothing from these churches.
We've helped them, blessed them, given everything away to them, all the training, all the resources. Not only have we raised these churches up to save lives across the country on a daily basis, but we've also built a media platform that has been seen by millions upon millions of people.
We are impacting people on a daily basis, 24 hours a day through the platform that you helped us to build in this area of the gospel in conflict with abortion, millions of views.
We've also this year alone been able to get into Texas, Arizona, South Carolina, Pennsylvania.
We helped in Oklahoma bills of equal protection. That is bills of abolition, not the regulation of abortion, but bills of equal protection, protecting all humans from conception.
We've done that with legislators across the country because you partnered with us in this ministry, in this focus to criminalize and abolish abortion in our nation.
We are working right now on five new states for 2022. God has blessed us so tremendously.
We have now been able to accomplish all that we asked him for, and it is growing and growing and growing.
And so I wanted to first say thank you once again for all of your support over all of these years to make all of this possible, to get all of these churches involved, to work towards the abolition and criminalization of abortion.
We are not working with an abortion now .com to regulate abortion. We are working to end it once and for all, and we're doing it as Christians as the church.
And so again, thank you for partnering with us. I want to ask for your help. Once again, in 2022, we have more states we're working with right now to get bills of abolition into those states.
They are on the way. As we speak, we are working with these legislators. Now we have more churches being added every single week who are saving lives at their abortion mills.
We are impacting the world. Literally globally, we're impacting the world with the message of the gospel in conflict with the issue of abortion.
And so in 2022, we are going to just do more and more, save more lives, get more states to get bills of abolition in.
And I'm asking you to partner with us once again. You know, if you've been watching for any length of time, as I've spoken in the area of abortion with the gospel, and I've talked about end abortion now, we are not as a church focused upon building an industry.
We are looking forward to the day where we never raise another penny to end abortion. We are looking forward to the day when we literally close up shop and we focus on the next issue with the gospel.
We are going to end abortion. We are through the power of the gospel and the spirit of God with God's word.
We are going to end abortion and we are getting closer and closer and closer again, not towards regulation, but the end, the abolition of abortion.
Will you join us again in 2022? We have been given a very gracious gift of a $250 ,000 matching donation to help us to get to our budget for 2022 to add more churches, to save more lives and to get more bills into states, to criminalize and end abortion.
We've been given this generous gift of a $250 ,000 matching donation. Will you give for 2022 and help us to get this matching donation, help us to get to our budget for 2022 so we can work towards ending abortion once and for all in our nation.
And really in our world, we have churches really globally that we're supporting and helping because of your work.
We actually have churches now in Northern Ireland and in the Republic of Ireland and in Scotland who are working on this issue.
We have Christians in Australia. We have Christians in New Zealand and Canada who are now on the same message of the gospel and conflict with abortion.
All of that's taken place because of believers just like you who have participated with us in this ministry.
Will you join us again in 2022? Will you help us to make this the last year where we have to do this?
Will you help us as a church to actually engage this issue with the gospel of Jesus Christ under the authority of Jesus Christ?
You can give at endabortionnow .com. You can give through this platform. You can give and you can partner with us, help us to get that matching donation of $250 ,000.
Help us to make our budget goal for 2022 so we can once and for all end abortion now.
Thank you so much. This is
Zachary Conover, the Director of Communications for End Abortion Now. Christian, did you know that over the course of the past year, 862 ,000 babies have been murdered?
That comes out to over 2 ,300 a day, 98 an hour.
And by the time you finish watching this video, roughly four babies' lives will have been taken.
How could this possibly be, you might ask? And the answer is abortion. I know that these statistics are unsettling to hear, but this abortion is the premier issue of injustice in our day.
And so as Christians, we must be involved and engaged and ready to do something about it.
With that said, there is good news. We are looking to end this once and for all, and we're looking to do it by the power of God's gospel and through the work of his people.
This isn't a novel issue. We who care about life have been giving generously to outside organizations for decades in order to have them fight against the evil of abortion.
You might think that things are worse now than they ever have been before. So what's different?
The church. Stay with me. I want to talk to you about how we've been able to impact the lives of parents and how we, with our monthly ministry partners have been able to save thousands of lives from certain death.
With the help of our monthly ministry partners, we've been able to accomplish so much. Since we began, we've added nearly 800 local church partners that span all across the
United States and even outside our borders all over the world. Now I want to help us understand what this means.
It means that 500 abortion clinics are being visited per month. That translates to 4 ,600 hours monthly where the gospel is being proclaimed to people who desperately need it.
And the best part, over 6 ,000 babies have been saved since 2020.
Think about that. That's 58 babies per week.
And if we want to break it down further than that, that's eight babies a day saved through the work of the
End Abortion Now Coalition. Now the primary goal of End Abortion Now is to save babies and we mean it.
We want to see abortion ended, which is why we are working at the state level to bring legislation that would end abortion completely.
This year alone, we have worked with and on bills of abolition in five states,
Arizona, Texas, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Pennsylvania.
In total, we are equipping 13 state ambassadors who will work with their local legislators in submitting bills of abolition.
If you've been involved in this fight for any length of time, then you understand how significant this is.
So this is where you come in. We equip our church partners and state ambassadors with everything that they need at no cost to them, removing every excuse for them to get involved.
This mission to save babies does not work apart from the help of our unspoken heroes, our donors.
Our donors save lives. Would you please consider helping us end abortion and save lives with the gospel?
Together, our hope as the church is that abortion would be a thing of the past and you would have played a pivotal role in saving children by ending.
To give, go to endabortionnow .com forward slash donate. All right.
Again, thank you for joining us. Um, of course, we had some technical difficulties at the beginning there.
So if you joined us from the beginning of the stream, you kind of, uh, maybe we're a little confused, but again, we're here.
I'm Isaac, Apology of Studios End Abortion Now. This is Zachary Conover, Director of Communications for End Abortion Now.
We wanted to highlight some of the accomplishments that we had with your support this past year, but also kind of, as you see in the description there, kind of keep that momentum.
We need you for this year because we have some significant plans. As you just watched, of course, our two videos that we produced to kind of sum up some of the plans, some of the things that we're looking to accomplish moving into the, to this new year.
Um, but things are always changing. That's the thing we're always working. So there's always things that we need to update.
One of the things you heard that Jeff emphasized in that video was that at least at that time, we were looking forward to possibly five new states that we would be able to work with legislatively in 2022.
I think you mentioned something about working with 13 local state ambassadors, but what is that?
What's the new number? Currently there are 16 states that we are working in right now that will, by God's grace, be putting in bills of equal protection in their state.
Now we've got confirmation from quite a few legislators even that it's going to happen or it's at least in the process of happening.
So, and I think it's important to bring people into this and talk about when we first started with End Abortion Now, I know when
I first started going to the clinics here and doing ministry with Apologia Church, um, that was the extent of our involvement.
We were a church that wanted to save lives. We wanted to go rescue babies from death. We wanted to go preach the gospel to these women and to these families at the clinics.
And really when we're talking about, um, biblical strategies to end abortion, it cannot just be or merely be, uh,
Christians going to the front lines. That has to happen. And it is happening. As you heard in the video, lives upon lives are being saved.
We, we, from our data that we've collected, of course, through the coalition that we have, um, formed with End Abortion Now, uh, and the numbers that are being reported, this may be underestimated as well.
As you heard eight babies saved a day, right. It's quite significant, but yeah, that's of course that is needed.
That's what we want that we're in this to save babies. So we're working at the mill, but also to you're about to say legislatively.
Correct. So, I mean, as you heard, lives upon lives being saved, hours upon hours of gospel being proclaimed at these places of death, hundreds of abortion clinics being visited every month by faithful brothers and sisters in Christ churches from all over the country coming together to do this.
However, the biblical strategy to end abortion, to do away with it, that's really just one leg of what we must do collectively as the church of Jesus Christ.
And the other side of the coin in this is that every church must have this involvement with the clinics.
However, this is what needs to happen while we are working at the state level to secure the protection of these babies through law that would actually protect their lives.
Gospel being preached at the mill, but also a prophetic, a prophetic voice that the church has also to speak into the state so that the state can actually do its job, which is the preservation of life.
Correct. And this, this becomes a discussion about jurisdiction and the role of the church and what our calling is.
Obviously not just to win souls for heaven one day. This is something, this is an office, a calling, if you will.
We've been given by our master who has saved us now, who has given us his authority, filled us with his spirit, put his gospel upon our lips now to actually go into the culture and to do in partnership with our
Lord, what he did, which is to destroy the works of darkness and the works of the devil and to plunder
Satan's house as it were. And this is, as we know, a work of the kingdom of darkness. And so our calling in this is to not only provide mercy and compassion care to these families and to proclaim
Christ, that there's forgiveness in him for the sin of abortion, for the murder of one's unborn child, but also to have that prophetic witness into the magisterial realm, to the realm of civil government, because they need the word of Christ applied to them so that they do the right thing and have mercy on these children and establish justice for them on their behalf.
That's right. That's right. And so with the potential, of course, that we have for 2022 with these 16 states that we know we're going to be able to be involved in legislatively, we're looking to cause a stir and we're anticipating that there is going to be some type of shift, whether it is culturally, we want to cause a stir when it comes to mainstream media, we want to make sure that people are aware that we're doing these things.
And so that's why we need your help because when we think about going out to these 16 states, we're talking about travel, we're talking about production.
We really want to highlight this this year and make sure that people are aware that this is what we're doing.
And hopefully, you know, like I said, and I think you can see kind of the tide changing over the past few years, but we're going to contribute to that to kind of shift that cultural narrative when it comes to the issue of abortion.
And that's a supremely important point. Obviously, you know, legislation, millwork, everything that Apology of Studies and End Abortion Now are working together to produce in order to shift the cultural mindset upon abortion, to bring the gospel into this, to explain what it is to talk about it from a biblical perspective, from a
Christian worldview in terms of what it is and what the church's duty is to go about ending it.
But also, just like you said, the level of involvement that we're going to need this year is unparalleled because quite frankly, this has never happened before.
Well, one, this has never happened. This is unprecedented when it comes to, from what
I know to be abortion ministry. Right. As far as we're breaking some barriers, we're covering new ground and not only just in general, but even for us too.
This is going to be more than we've ever had to do. And that's why we need your support. You mentioned too, and I think
Jeff mentioned that this previous year, what did we do this previous year as far as legislatively?
So the previous year, 2021, we were involved with a handful of states that put in bills of abolition, bills of equal protection for all human beings.
In this case, of course, being applied to the preborn child in the womb. So we were involved. Of course, we had our own state in Arizona.
We put that bill in of equal protection in the state of Arizona. Actually last year, January. And then we were involved with Texas and Oklahoma as well in legislative works, of course, in partnership with other
Christians in that fight, South Carolina, as well as Pennsylvania. So these are states that we were able to either be a part of or submit ourselves.
And now this year, we have to think about the compounded effect. You mentioned something is shifting.
There is, and there has been for the past several years now, at least since I've been involved in this fight, a paradigm shift occurring when it comes to how we think about this, how
Christians act in the face of it and how we go about ending it. Because if you're talking about 2022 and now in comparison to 2021, you have 16 states that are now on deck to put bills of equal protection in for unborn children.
This is unprecedented. It really is unparalleled. And think about that. One year, we went from a handful of states to 16.
Now just think about what we could do if we can get these bills to go in and stick.
But in order for that to happen, people need to know about it. Like you said, it's this year, we're really going to, we had a meeting, of course, and you were involved in it too.
Every year, we have a meeting as far as what is this, this coming year look like, what are we going to do to build upon the work that we've already done in previous years and learn from successes, but advance even further.
And in that meeting, one thing we emphasized, of course, too, is that we need to bring awareness this year.
Right. And so that's where I think when we talk about you joining us and with this coalition that we have is we need to work hand in hand alongside, of course, our supporters to bring this awareness.
And that we talk about, we talk about developing teams to reach out to churches within those states, to reach out to those local legislators.
We need possibly resources when it comes to some type of mailing campaign that we could then send into those areas to bring awareness, to make sure that we have support on the ground when we do these rallies.
Because anytime we submit a bill in these states or involved in helping and submit these bills in these states, we are going out there and we're bringing, like I said, awareness at the ground level as far as these rallies.
And so throughout the year, you've probably seen many highlights that we have put out there through Apologia Studios on the production side.
So that's what I'm involved in. I'm involved in the production side. And so I can assure you that there is a lot of work that goes into the production when we fly out, do a live stream, and then of course, get these highlights of these rallies out to the world through our platform.
But the emphasis that we're going to have this year is to really bring awareness surrounding these 16 states where we're going to be able to submit bills of equal protection.
There are some states that we mentioned too, that are, how would you say, the soil is...
Could potentially be more fertile and more advantageous, especially for this type of work. Right. So when we think about 16 states and the potential, like you said, for one of these bills to stick, we're moving into 2022 with a very positive outlook.
We're excited to see what's going to happen because culturally, I think that the tide is shifting and there are some states that are just ready.
And I think it's going to cause some godly controversy around this issue.
But when we say a bill of equal protection, what are we saying when we say that?
Well, we're saying something far and away from what the usual approach of the pro -life industry is to legislation applied to the area of abortion.
And what I mean by that is we're Christians. So we have the word of God firmly at our feet and scripture being authoritative for all of life, for everything that we do, right?
All scripture is God breathed, profitable, teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness so that we will be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
That includes the good work of ending abortion. And so our approach to legislation has to be taken from the word of God as well.
It can't be taken from a pragmatic considerations or a humanistic considerations.
Some supposed neutral ground. A neutral ground. And that is unfortunately the difference between a movement like ours and the pro -life industry, which must be distinguished of course from Christians, faithful Christians that love life, that are for life, that want to see babies protected, that want to see abortion ended and the pro -life industry, which is according to their own profession, explicitly not
Christian in their approach to this, even borrowing from secular humanist principles at times, they're decidedly neutral on this area.
They don't want to bring the word of God into this. They don't want to make it about Christ, about his word, about the gospel.
And they do not want to, how should I say, apply consistent and Christ honoring legislation to this.
And you mentioned equal protection. What is that? Well, it's essentially the same protection for babies in the womb that everyone else enjoys.
So it's equal weights and measures according to God's statutes. God is very big in scripture on the establishment of justice, equal weights and measures.
And of course, he actually condemns in the book of Proverbs acquitting the guilty and or the wicked and punishing the innocent.
And that is unfortunately what a lot of these pro -life pieces of legislation do. They discriminate on the basis of arbitrary characteristics for babies in the womb, right?
They say, let's draw a circle around this group of babies over here and protect them at the expense of these ones over here on the basis of age or genetic abnormality like our own bill that was put in, just an example of this in Arizona that was actually killed by the pro -life industry leaders here in Arizona in favor of a subpar worthless bill that actually removed from the criminal code, the existing law that we had in Arizona that would have criminalized abortion.
And so when we say we're coming against the pro -life industry, it has to be made very, very clear. We're coming against an industry that is unfortunately keeping abortion legal.
And so when we say we want equal protection, we want protection for all human beings, whether born or unborn and we want to apply it and we want to see justice done and these babies protected from conception because that's what we say.
We believe we say that life begins at conception and therefore protection must begin at conception and that protection must be given without exception and it must be done by equal protection, right?
So it has to be established like that. Of course, it has to go against the popular pro -life narrative, which is that we just have to acquiesce to whatever the courts have said, right?
Whatever the Supreme Court has given us, that's what we have to bow to. So that's in a nutshell how a bill of equal protection differs from the common pro -life legislation that just seeks to regulate abortion out of existence.
From what it seems like is extremely easy to get around. Abortion is still going to take place even with these laws on the books in the sense of like you said, drawing that circle around a minority and even being able to argue that, for instance, what was the bill that was put forward here by some of the pro -life industry organizations here locally in Arizona?
What was it was that you could not abort a
Down syndrome child or a child with a genetic abnormality. So again, but for any other reason you could, right?
So if you went to of course the abortion doctor and said, I'm aborting this baby, even if they're to do an ultrasound and find out that this was a baby that has
Down syndrome, the excuse would be, well, I'm not aborting it for that specific reason.
I'm aborting it because, well, I can't afford it right now. Or even more unfortunately,
I don't want it. I don't want it. Right. Right. So and then too, can you go into and talk a little bit more about how with these type of laws put in place, if Roe v.
Wade was to be expelled, what would be the outcome? So I mean essentially we all know if you've been listening to us talk about this for any length of time, that the idea that we must wait for the
Supreme Court to overturn Roe versus Wade is fundamentally flawed.
We've been waiting for decades for this to occur and for long stretches of time we even had
Republican majorities in the Supreme Court and Roe versus Wade was never overturned, still hasn't been overturned.
And so it's our conviction that of course Roe is based on faulty premises, that what's in the womb is potential human life.
Right. But of course we know according to the Bible and biological science that that is completely erroneous.
And as a court declaration, we understand that it's illegitimate for Roe to even jump outside of the bounds of their jurisdiction, of their authority.
They don't have authority to make law in our nation. Right. They have a very specific jurisdiction that they are over and of course legislative power rests with Congress.
That's how our original system of government was set up. So for them to just simply impose this oppression and this tyranny upon the states is wicked.
It's erroneous and it's really of no force. So that's another aspect of a bill of equal protection is it says to the
Supreme Court, no, we will not kill babies in our state. So please try to stop us.
And that's really the kind of courage that we need to have as Christians to say, no, we're not going to have babies murdered in our state.
That's what it comes down to. And of course, you know, my involvement in this is operating behind the camera.
You're more on the front lines when it comes to, of course, communicating with our team members and the coalition, anything when it comes to the content that we put out, the verbiage, the wordage, keeping up with what's currently going on legislatively as far as around the country.
What we're talking about too, and to make sure that if you're just tuning in, what we're trying to emphasize here is that moving into to 2022, we have now confirmed 16 states where we're going to be able to be a part and be heavily a part of putting in bills of equal protection.
So last year, of course, we were able to be able to submit four and help out with one in Oklahoma there.
And then now, of course, now we're adding even more states to this list where we're going to be involved legislatively to, to bring abortion, hopefully by God's grace to an end.
Yes. The complete abolition of abortion. Right. So that's what we're talking about. That's what we're trying to highlight is just for you guys, we want to thank you.
If you've been a supporter of end abortion now for any length of time, we want to thank you because not only have we been able to accomplish so much in the past few years, as we've been working, one on the ground level, but now more legislatively we want to thank you for that.
And we have received many donations in this drive, this year end giving drive.
We've been blessed by so many of you and it is a blessing and it, and it, it really brings kind of a, in a sense it, how should
I say it motivation for us that, you know, you're, that we know that you're with us in this, because when we look at 2022 and all that we have to do, it's somewhat, it can in a sense be daunting.
When you really think about the implications of what this is, the fact that the, that God has by his grace, allowed us to be involved with this.
It's humbling. And like I said, sometimes the task can look daunting, but when we know we have the support of God's people, that the church is gathering around and we're being unified in this effort.
Like I said, there, there is that, it rejuvenates in a sense our spirit and our courage to kind of just move forward into 2022.
Right. And that's the key. You said it, this is about the church of Jesus Christ. This is about the gospel for so long
Christians have outsourced this work to others. And we have been giving them our resources to fight our battles for us.
And that is not the case anymore. The paradigm is changing. And we're going to talk about that because that's, that's, that's a good point as far as outsourcing our work, because these organizations that are the ones that, um, kind of dominate somewhat the, the, the, the mainstream, um, fight when it comes to ending abortion, like you said, there have no claim to be any type of Christian organization.
And so if we are funding or giving towards an organization that is fighting against a gospel issue, but at the same time denying to being
Christian, then that's exactly what we're doing. We're outsourcing our work. Yes. And that's the difference when we talk about not only end abortion now, because there are organizations and ministries that are doing the same fight and are side by side with us hand in hand as we move forward.
Um, and I've been in the fight for longer than us and have been in the fight for longer than us. So we are just a part of that.
And so of course, your support is greatly appreciated. We've been able to accomplish so much, um, when it comes to, of course, um, funding of these bills, um, the travel expenses, the awareness that we're looking to bring in 2022 for these bills, but also on the production side of things.
Um, and I know I keep on saying that, but that's kind of my involvement in this. And I can tell you, um, we have a task for 2022 and of course your help is appreciative.
And if you have given again, we thank you. So we're going to continue just to move forward in this live stream, this live show again, thank you for joining us.
Um, we wanted to, as we, um, highlight specific aspects as far as focus we have for 2022, we talk about, uh, legislatively in these 16
States that we have in 2022 to submit bills of equal protection, but also to, we want to talk about, you know, exposing the pro -life industry, right?
What's the distinction between what we're trying to do and what some of these larger pro -life industry organizations have done in the past.
And what is, as Jeff liked to say, the fatal flaw when it comes to the pro -life industry, not pro -life
Christians, because we're pro -life correct. And we know that pro -life Christians are in the majority in agreement with us as far as how we're approaching the issue of abortion.
But we want to talk about what's the distinction between what we're trying to do and what the pro -life industry has done.
We want to emphasize later on too, that this is to save babies. And as you heard in some of the videos we've already played eight babies saved a day.
Right. When I saw that number, um, I'm thinking we need to keep going.
We need to keep going. If that isn't turning back the curse, bro, I don't know what it is. Oh man. It's wonderful.
And that's just, of course, with our work at End Abortion Now, Christians all over the country, um, in their efforts and however they're approaching this, um, have done great work.
We're making movement. Things are happening. Right. And, and it's as if God is allowing us to see this, to just say, don't grow weary in doing good.
Right. Just continue. And so something like that, just, it really, um, motivates me to, to move forward.
And then of course we will close a little bit later, but what we're going to do is we want to highlight, of course, as we talk about legislation, we were able to be a part of bills of equal protection last year in five different States.
Um, one of them was South Carolina. Another one was in Texas. So we flew out to South Carolina.
We flew out to Texas first. I think Texas was around March. I, I, the year goes by so fast and I forget about, um, what timeframe
I think. I don't know if you know when South Carolina was last year. Yeah. It took place a little bit later. It did take place near the summertime.
Right. So we were in Texas in March. And at that point we'd already, I think discussed or even had four bills.
So at the beginning of the year we were very, there was a lot of work that had to be done as far as in that respects.
And then towards the end, it slowed down a little bit. But, um, we're going to show you just a couple of highlights.
The first one of course, is going to be the South Carolina highlight, a video to kind of give you an idea as far as what we're doing on the ground at these rallies.
And then the second one is going to be Jeff's speech that he gave at the Austin rally in Texas to support the bill that we were submitting there.
I hope you enjoy. And this no credit, no glory to us.
This is about the church. This Arizona, Oklahoma, Texas, everywhere.
It's happened. You know where it's come from? Not the pro -life industry from the church, the church.
There's men standing behind me right now, fighting these battles politically, going to legislators, writing up the stuff.
You know where it came from? Came from the church. So you know what? Here's amazing. The pro -life industry as large as it is, as grand as it is, as global as it is with the millions and millions and millions of dollars, they could not accomplish what
God accomplished when he let the saints in. We don't need large numbers or large dollars.
We need the truth. So start telling it. States can defy the federal government over marijuana.
We can defy the federal government saving babies and not killing them anymore. Ignore war and defy it.
Arizona, Oklahoma, Texas, South Carolina are all happening by March. And it's the pro -life industry that has fought against all of these.
The pro -choice movement had barely needed to lift a finger. The pro -life movement has failed to build upon the solid rock.
They have built their objections to abortion on sinking sand. There's only one abolition bill in the state of Texas, and that is
HB3326 by state representative Brian Slate. We followed the bill and the head of the church of Satan is against me.
So I guess that's how you know we're on the right side of this one. Where's the pro -choice and the pro -abort here today?
Where are they? Nowhere to be found because they cannot sustain an argument against us.
Praise God. Thank you, everybody. I'll try to go as fast as I can because we all know that's impossible. Proverbs 17, 15, he who justifies the wicked acquits the wicked and he who condemns the righteous are both alike an abomination to the
Lord. I'm going to say it again. You've read it before. You've heard it before. But really take a moment to consider what's being said here.
He who justifies the wicked acquits the wicked and he who condemns the righteous are both alike an abomination to the
Lord. I believe that this is the fatal flaw. This is the fatal flaw of the pro -life industry.
This is why it must be the church of Jesus Christ that actually ends or abolishes abortion, not a neutral, non -Christian organization or industry that refuses to stand on the word of God, refuses to be self -consciously
Christian, refuses to be consistent. The pro -life industry boasts in the fact that it is not fundamentally
Christian. Jesus said all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
Go, therefore, make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the
Holy Spirit. And he says, teaching them to observe all that I've commanded you. Make no mistake about it.
Coming to Christ is coming to Christ as Lord and King. Jesus is not merely a savior from sin.
He's the king of kings and lord of lords. This is not a pithy Christian slogan merely for T -shirts and signs and coffee cups.
He's the king of kings and lord of lords, which means that Jesus is the king over this state capital or the city capital.
Right. Yeah. Jesus is the king over the state of Arizona. He's the king over New Mexico, California, these
United States. Jesus is king of the world. That is the fundamental proclamation of the Christian church.
You know this. When we say Jesus is Lord, we're proclaiming his authority.
We're proclaiming his lordship. And evangelical Christians in the West have been duped to believe that Jesus is concerned with the higher spiritual story, those spiritual things.
But he's not concerned with the things here. Tell that to the father in Psalm chapter two. When he speaks to the son, he says to the son, ask of me and I will give you the nations for your inheritance, the very ends of the earth for your possession.
Jesus did not forget to ask because before he ascended and was seated, he said all authority in heaven and on earth has been past tense given to me.
Go, therefore, because it's all mine. Go get the nations.
And he says, baptize them and teach them to obey. What we're talking about here is a fundamental aspect of what it means to be consistent and what it means to be
Christian. Jesus says, if you're not with me, you're against me. And so when we take on any issue of justice or sin in society around us, we need to answer that question.
Are we with Christ on this or are we against Christ? Now, we know that there are faithful Christians serving in this legislature and in legislatures across the country.
Brothers and sisters who love Jesus, who love these children, we need to call them to be consistent with their profession and their allegiance.
You say that you're a follower of Christ. You say that you've died and risen again. You say that he's lord of lords and king of kings.
Act like it. Be Christian in your profession and your practice.
Be consistent. The law of the Lord is the answer here. The law of God.
You've heard it come from here already. Abortion is murder. We need to be honest about that.
And interestingly, this shows how we can be so indoctrinated by our culture that within the space of about 50 years of Roe versus Wade, we have believers who love
Jesus who are afraid to say that because the pro -life industry has taught them not to. We'll never end abortion if we're not honest about abortion.
We would have never ended slavery had it not been for the Christian church that called slavery the evil that it was.
It was the Christians who were abolitionists that were saying God's law says man stealing and enslaving is worthy of the death penalty.
You're in sin. I don't care about your profession of faith. This is a sin and a violation of God's law.
You need to repent. We end an evil by telling the truth in saying what
God says about it. Abortion is murder. And the fatal flaw.
Here it is. The fatal flaw of the pro -life industry, beyond refusing to stand on God's revelation and submit to the
Lordship of Jesus Christ. The fatal flaw of the abortion industry is saying that mothers and fathers who lead their children to death, mothers who bring their child, their little boy and little girl into an assassin and pay that assassin to tear the arms and the legs off their little boy, to disembowel their little girl, to crush the skull of their little boy, to burn them chemically, to suffocate them.
Those mothers and fathers are victims also. There's the fatal flaw.
There is the fatal flaw. And God says regarding that kind of mindset, when you justify the wicked, it is an abomination.
When you acquit the guilty, when you acquit the wicked. What's this look like in terms of our mission as a church?
If we brought if we buy the pro -life industry's lie, that mothers and fathers who kill their children are also victims, then that means that number one, we're never ending abortion.
Ever. And number two, there is no gospel now for those mothers and fathers.
And here's why. If we adopt the false gospel of the pro -life industry, that the mothers and fathers who kill their children are themselves victims.
There is no message of grace and hope for those mothers. Because if they're victims, there's nothing to flee to Christ for.
If they're victims, they're not guilty. They don't need the cross. But every
Christian in the pro -life industry knows that is inconsistent with the
Christian message, because I know women and men who are in the pro -life industry that will tell mothers who are post -abortive that have killed their children, you can come to Christ for that guilt and shame.
You can come to Christ for forgiveness, denying how they fight against abortion daily.
They say you're victims in the legislature and you need Jesus and the gospel. There is the fatal flaw.
I want to announce this to you because I think it is vitally important. We need to raise up together as the church of the living
God and preach the gospel to our culture across all these different categories, but especially in this issue of abortion.
Christ is the only answer for hope and abortion, and he's the only answer for ending abortion. But you need to understand this.
This is very important for us as the Christian church who believes this book, who believes this message. The pro -life industry has unfortunately become one of the greatest enemies to ending abortion.
I want to announce to you this. It is now March. I've been now involved in four different bills for abolition in March of 2021.
So first of all, praise God. Yes, that's a big praise to God. Victory. That's amazing. Arizona, Oklahoma, Texas, South Carolina are all happening by March.
And it's the pro -life industry that has fought against all of this. All of these, the pro -choice movement had barely needed to lift a finger.
Where's the pro -choice and the pro -aborts here today? Where are they? Nowhere to be found because they cannot sustain an argument against us.
It is the pro -life industry that says, no, we can't work for bills for equal protection because it would mean that mothers and fathers who murder their children should be penalized.
The pro -life industry has been the industry that has killed every bill of equal protection.
And watch this. The pro -life industry says they say that they believe that from conception it is human, but they will not fight for equal protection for all humans.
Why? Why? If it's fully human from conception, then does it deserve equal protection?
Isn't it interesting that in our context, think about this, guys. In our context, we are the group that is saying all humans, all humans deserve equal protection.
So where's Black Lives Matter? They should be with us because we're saying all humans are equal.
Red and yellow, black and white. We're all what? Precious in his sight. We're the ones with the message that is consistent, saying human equal.
Doesn't matter where you're from. Doesn't matter your size, your level of development, your environment or degree of dependence.
If you're human, you deserve equal protection. The pro -life industry says they believe you are human from conception, which means this should be the no brainer bill.
That should be the new title of the bill, by the way. The no brainer bill. Um, is it sophisticated or are you done enough to say, um, duh?
This should be something that everyone in this legislature and legislatures across the land, they say, obviously, if you're human, you deserve equal protection.
Doesn't matter. Social. Doesn't matter. Color. Doesn't matter. Size. All humans deserve equal protection.
That's all this bill says. Equal protection. So we have the consistent position.
We need to be willing to encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ to come into this fight with us for the glory of Christ and for the sake of the gospel.
And we need to encourage our legislature legislators with humble boldness.
Be consistent. You said that you were pro -life and that you believed it was human from conception. Be consistent.
Protect these children. Equal protection. That's all this is saying. And so I'm going to give you one word of encouragement.
I think that's about three minutes. Here's the word for the people of God.
This is a promise from God. This will end one day. Please hear me on this. It's going to end, not because I say so or because I'm the optimist, because the word of God says in Isaiah 42 about Jesus, Behold, my servant whom
I uphold, my chosen in whom my soul delights. I put my spirit upon him. He will bring forth justice to the nations.
He will not cry aloud or lift up his voice or make it heard in the street. A bruised reed he will not break in a faint, a faintly burning wick.
He will not quench. He will faithfully bring forth justice. He will not grow faint or be discouraged till he has established justice in the earth and the coastlands wait for his law.
There's the promise. It is a process and it's a process that we, the bride of Christ, participate in with the
Lord Jesus as he's bringing forth his good news in his kingdom and his dominion around the world. It is his bride that is his help meet in that mission.
But the word has to come from the mouth of his bride. Will you preach it? Will you preach it?
Will you lay your lives down for the lost? Greater love has no man than this, than a man laid down his life for his friends.
Lay your lives down. It's worth the sacrifice. Thousands and thousands of thousands of children have been saved through the work of local churches and end abortion.
Now, those abortion mills, we need to stop where it's being fed. So be courageous enough to speak the truth in the gospel here and pray for your legislators that they would be consistent.
Amen. All right.
Again, thank you for joining us. Of course, those were a couple of highlights from a couple of rallies last year where we were able to participate in submitting bills of equal protection.
The first one was a short, quick highlight from the rally in South Carolina.
And then the second one, of course, there in Austin, Texas. So we have been talking about our plans, our big plans for 2022, where the emphasis is really going to be on bringing an awareness when it comes to these 16 states where we're going to be able to be a part of submitting bills of equal protection.
Of course, if you're asking, yes, you heard that correctly. That's 16 states.
Because, of course, there's so many we do believe and we have such a positive outlook on 2022 that we're going to be able to cause some godly controversy.
We're going to really cause a stir with these bills. And if you're with us earlier, we talked about how some of the states that we are working with are in a prime position to really,
I think, get one of these bills to stick. Right. I think that is a testament to the
Christians that are boots on the ground in those states. A lot of them, the small handful, especially that are working very, very hard.
They've done the work to build relationships with their legislators, to speak the word of God to them consistently and faithfully, and describe for them the difference between maybe what they have been doing as a career politician in the past, just thinking themselves to be pro -life and consistent.
And this is what we've always done. And I believe that they've done the hard work to show them a better way, a way that aligns with scripture.
I'm so glad you bring that up, because let's talk about what
End Abortion Now does to equip. Because we want you, if you're out there and you're not a part of End Abortion Now, one, just real quick, how can somebody join the coalition?
There's many ways to jump on board. Right. And of course, one is financially. Yeah. And we need that.
Yes. But we also need church partners. Right. Real quick, how can somebody join us in those efforts?
Right. Well, to become a church partner, you simply visit endabortionnow .com, where you can go to sign up your church.
Specifically, if you go to endabortionnow .com slash sign up your church, that will take you to the landing page where you agree to a basic Christian doctrine statement.
And then you submit that request. And my role at End Abortion Now, I'm responsible for the onboarding of all of our churches and everybody that gets connected to our platform, to the
End Abortion Now coalition. And we want to get you equipped, obviously, with training, resources.
We, as Isaac said, desperately want to equip you, not just for the millwork, but for approaching your legislators, because that's where we're going.
And that's already happening, by the way. We were able to create a resource at the tail end of last year.
If you go to endabortionnow .com forward slash abolish, that will actually give you some basic steps to track down your legislator in your area, you know, look them up, have their contact information.
And then, of course, what you should focus on when you meet with them, how you should speak to them, how you should see them.
Again, these are two different things. You know, when we go to the mill, the tone is urgent because seconds count.
There's babies about to be carried into death. Right. It's an altogether different speed limit, if you will, than if you're meeting with a legislator who you're trying to exhort and encourage to be bold, to do the right thing, no matter what may come in terms of backlash.
Because, all that to say this, they need to know that you are in their corner. And this is, you mentioned the rallies, this is what the rallies do.
Getting people there so that they see that they have people in their corner, they have a constituency that wants to end abortion.
And they are fed up with doing it in a piecemeal fashion. So, yeah. So, a big aspect of end abortion now is to, of course, work in these areas that we've already discussed, but the training.
And, of course, we talk about my role in production, being behind the camera. You come to me and you say, hey, our team needs this.
They need this information. They need this training. And so, we work something up where somebody is presenting, of course, a how -to when it comes to many areas where a lot of us have questions in.
Because when we talk about the political sphere, legislation, we're maybe not as familiar with that than when it would be just your evangelism at the meal.
And so, that's one thing that when you support, of course, end abortion now, that's what you're doing too, is you're allowing these churches to be equipped for free.
These resources and training from some of the top voices in these areas, when it comes to these submission of bills and how to work with local legislation and your local legislators, you are helping us provide these resources to our church partners for free that really can help them inform on what you're saying in doing that groundwork in advance to where we're able to finally get commitments from some of these legislators to submit these bills.
We're talking about, of course, the soil being ready. Right. And seeds have been planting. We're coming in and out kind of, in a sense, watering that seed that has already been planted with our efforts.
Yes. And the particular point on that is the onus is on us, the church and Christians, to do this in a local capacity.
We're going to these men that represent us, represent our counties. They represent us in the legislature.
And so, this is their role. And as we talked about, it's a far superior strategy than waiting on the
Supreme Court at a federal level to overturn Roe versus Wade, which they've demonstrated they have not done.
And we shouldn't be waiting for them to do that. Why? Because we don't have to. We don't have to wait on them to do something that was obviously, it was wicked.
It was an iniquitous decree from on high. And we don't have to wait on them to do that. As we see right now, and the issues that are being discussed in modern day media with the bills and the
Supreme Court hearings, these pro -life bills that are going on, we should call on the
Supreme Court to repent of putting something like Roe versus Wade, foisting it upon the nation, if you will.
We should call them to do their duty before God and repent of that. However, we do not need to wait on their go ahead to abolish abortion at the state level.
And that is why it's so important that you get equipped so that you can have a local impact.
Because I tell you, Isaac alluded to this earlier, even if Roe versus Wade was overturned tomorrow, abortion would still be legal at the state level due to the majority of these pro -life laws that say, as long as you jump through this hoop or that hoop, then you can kill your baby.
So we might as well just do the work and end it at the state level now. That's a perfect segue into what
I wanted to discuss with you too, and get your thoughts on this. Because when we talk about the pro -life industry, and as you saw in that clip with the speech that Jeff gave at the
Texas State Capitol, that fatal flaw, what you're kind of alluding to as you were just speaking is kind of the distinction as far as how we're approaching this and other, of course, abortion ministries that we are hand in hand with in these efforts and fights.
But let's talk about that. When we talk about exposing the pro -life industry, why do we use that terminology and what's the big deal?
Yeah. Well, what we're talking about is, once again, not pro -life Christians, but the global industry that receives millions upon millions upon millions of dollars and has for decades now, and abortion is still not ended.
And so really what we're coming up against here, unfortunately, and this has been demonstrated time and time again, is the opposition, the most opposition that we're receiving on a legislative front isn't coming from pro -choicers, right?
Of course, they show up to the rallies and they're loud and they're boisterous and just obnoxious, of course, and they're antics.
However, the people that are opposing bills of equal protection have been mainstream pro -life industry leaders.
Repeat that. The ones that are opposing bills of equal protection, so bills that would actually criminalize abortion, that would actually treat it like what
God says it is. They're the ones standing in the way of these going into effect.
And we've said before that that is shocking to hear. Because we're supposed to be on the same team with this.
We want the same thing. We want the end of abortion. And so when they step in and reject a bill of equal protection in favor of some piecemeal half measure, there is something more that is going on there.
And one has to conclude that they don't really want to see abortion ended in totality.
They don't want to treat all parties involved in this the way that a born child would be treated if it was killed by its mother or any other party involved.
And we say this is the fundamental thing we have to understand here. We all begin our pro -life conviction with the fact that life begins at conception.
It's an indisputable fact. We say that. The major pro -life industry leaders say that. But when it comes to actually providing equal protection for them, when we support these measures, these bills that are not equal protection, we are screaming to our enemies that we don't really believe that.
We're saying to them, we don't really believe that life begins at conception. An example, I always try to bring home,
I heard this once and I thought it was incredibly powerful. We're on the street, we're talking with abortion supporters, and they're saying silly, illogical things like, oh, life begins at birth.
Something magical about the birth canal, the baby comes out. And we point that out, and rightfully so, as a huge inconsistency, something that really doesn't even deserve to be responded to.
But again, we point out the flaw of it. What the Bible says about this. But then we turn around in our legislation, and we say things like, abortion begins with a beating heart.
I'm sorry, life begins with a beating heart. Or life begins at 20 weeks. Or life begins when a baby can feel pain.
Or life begins partial birth, if you will. All of these things that aren't true.
We don't believe any of these things, so why are we legislating like that? We are shouting inconsistency to our enemies, and that's why equal protection is the only way forward, really, if we're going to defeat our enemies on this front.
Yeah, and we have examples, of course, too, because what happened in our state, Arizona, last year.
Can you kind of go over that as far as, we submitted the bill, and where was the opposition from?
What took place there? So, Kathy Harrod is a major pro -life industry leader in Arizona.
She's part of the Center for Arizona Policy. When our bill went in, we had sponsors on our bill, of course, we had our legislator put it in, and she actually got the sponsors off of our bill, and convinced them to come over to her, of course, lesser half measure, which is what we alluded to earlier about Down syndrome babies, protecting them.
There was a clause in there having to do with abortifacients, and women having access to those, but the most telling part, of course, was the removal of abortion from the criminal code in our statute.
That law existed for decades, almost going back to Roe. It was on the books in Arizona that this was a criminal offense.
Why? Because life begins at conception, and so there were punitive measures, there were penalties, there were sanctions for the parties involved, including the mother.
What Kathy Harrod and the pro -life industry did was oppose, and stand in the way of our bill of equal protection, because, and this is the fundamental flaw that Jeff alluded to, they believe that life begins at conception, that's what they say, as do we all, and then they treat the woman having the abortion as a victim.
Because they view the woman having an abortion as a victim, two points on that, they disqualify them from having the gospel preached directly into that, because after all, if the woman is a victim, then she doesn't need
Christ for herself in the abortion. Why? Because she's a victim.
It's only guilty people, guilty sinners that need Christ for that. But then, secondly, the other point in that is, even in removing that sanction from the law books, we're doing away with justice in favor of a half measure that is totally worthless, and if we were looking to end abortion, if that was our stated goal, then we should have gotten behind it and done what we said we actually believe.
And that is the last thing I'll say about this, is the reason Christians cannot support these measures is because they force us to abandon our fundamental commitment to our
Christian convictions. They force us to abandon that. When we say life begins at conception, and then we legislate differently, we have to step off our
Christianity and enter into a neutral sphere or worldview and legislate differently than what we say we believe.
Right. At that point, we are not sanctifying in our heart that Christ is Lord. Right.
And that's somewhere a Christian cannot go.
Right. When we talk about, of course, this pro -life industry, and the example we're using is what took place in our state with Kathy Harrod, and what's the name of the organization that she runs locally?
Center for Arizona Policy. Center for Arizona Policy. They're receiving funds upon funds upon funds to, in a sense, bring opposition to us who are trying to end abortion.
So when we talk about an industry, we're talking about somebody who's establishing a career. And I think that's the key point as far as the distinction is, we're not trying to start an industry here.
Right. We're trying to end abortion and put ourselves out of a jail. That's right. Because we want to see it ended. And then, of course, move on to the next issue.
Right. But with the pro -life industry, what you're having is an opposition against things that would actually end abortion, because if abortions ended, then they no longer have a job.
So they're developing an industry that can kind of create, in a sense, some idea that victories are being won, when in the same sense, abortion still continues.
Correct. And that is, as we see with pro -choicers and the pro -life industry, they use these types of legislative skirmishes that get blown up in the media in order to raise money.
That's right. To continue fighting abortion, but never ending it. That's right. And so what we try to do here, too, because if you've been with us for any amount of time, through production, of course, and the videos that we've produced on our platform, through Apology Studios, through EndAbortionNow .com,
ApologyStudios .com, of course, your YouTube, Facebook, is we want you guys to see the actual victories that are taking place, and they're tangible, and there's movements being made.
So when we're talking earlier about the church outsourcing its work, we are a
Christian movement. We're talking about the church being involved in this area of abortion, in this issue, because we know it's a gospel issue, and so the church is involved to do what
God has called us to do, and that's to put the enemy of abortion under Christ's feet. Amen.
That's our role. That's our call. And so it's hard for me to think that there are
Christians, there are churches that are funneling in the money that they're receiving to some of these organizations that are just out and saying that, of course, they're not
Christian organizations, that the money can be funneled towards that when there are so many different other
Christian ministries and organizations that are strictly, of course, standing on the foundation of God's Word and involved in this fight.
So we thank you for your support. We thank you for your efforts, of course, and however you guys support us, whether it's in prayer, financially, whether we've seen you out at the mill when we've gone out, when we go to different states, whether you've been there at the rallies from last year.
So note that, and of course, right now, we can't give any specific dates for these 16 states, but we need you out there.
We need your support. We need you on the ground, as you were saying, because that's why we have the rallies, so that we can garner the support of these legislators that are putting in these bills.
But one thing you can look forward to, of course, this year is we will create promos and videos highlighting when these rallies are going to take place.
But just be ready. If you guys can come out with us, it's going to be a huge support for this year. Yes. On that note, if you haven't already, go to dashboard .endabortionnow
.com and join our online coalition where our churches communicate with one another, where legislative activists go, and where we get encouragement, where we share victories on the front lines.
But that's also how a good way you can stay in touch with these efforts moving forward as they come up.
Okay, good, good. So with that said, we want to expose this year, of course, the pro -life industry, because we want to bring awareness to what's actually taking place.
When we talk about the mainstream efforts with these organizations that have been around, like you said, for decades and have received millions upon millions upon millions of dollars, for them to do something that the church greatly desires, and that's to end abortion, and yet really not much ground has been made.
And you look at a small organization like End Abortion Now, with a minimal budget that we have, and what
God has accomplished through the church, through the churches, the coalition, but of course with you, our partners as well, what
God is able to accomplish just in the past several years that we've been around. Right. And moving into 2022, 16 states will be able to submit bills of equal protection.
So I don't know if there's anything more you want to add to when it comes to exposing the pro -life industry, but we want to highlight, of course, this with the video that we have.
But do you have anything before that? I would just say, the only thing I would say in addition to that is that our heart is to ultimately win people to this cause, to doing it based on scripture, to bringing
God's word and his gospel into this fight and being consistent Christians who end abortion. We want to win these people to our side.
And of course, we need you. If you are for life, care for the cause of life as a
Christian, and you just don't know where to start, let us help you. Come alongside us. Let us support you.
Let us equip your church, especially to engage in this all -important work and to do what our responsibility is before God, not anyone else's.
This is what we're called to do. And so just come with us, continue to support us, continue to pray for us on this journey, because there's a lot of opposition coming our way if things go the way that they are supposed to and these bills go in.
We need, as Isaac said, a big fight to happen this year in terms of exposure, because quite frankly, 16 states, all that God has blessed us with, it cannot be ignored any longer.
The way that the culture views this, the way that Christians are becoming involved in this issue, it can't be avoided any longer.
And we need to continue to drive it into the mainstream eyes. And before our legislators and give them no rest until these babies are protected once and for all.
Yes, good. And that's what we're going to do in 2022, of course, with the help of your efforts. If you've already given during this campaign, end of your giving, of course, again, we want to thank you so much.
The next video we have was a video we shot here at the Arizona State Capitol.
In it, of course, what we've been talking about is exposing the pro -life industry. Kathy Herod, who is a prominent leader within one of the
Arizona organizations that has really been, in a sense, a roadblock for us to accomplish what we would have liked to accomplish in even our own state,
Arizona. So we put together this video and this is going to kind of give you an idea as far as what we're looking to do production -wise this coming year, when we talk about just exposing and shining a light on the attempts that we would be considered, of course, dark attempts.
And so check out this video. In January, we put in a bill,
HB 2650. It was the Equal Protection Act. It was just a bill that should actually fit with the worldview of the pro -life industry that what's in the womb is human from conception.
All humans deserve equal protection and it makes the killing of a human being in the womb a crime. The major opposition towards this bill didn't come from the pro -choice industry or the pro -choice movement.
It came from the pro -life industry and pro -life industry leaders in Arizona. One specifically is
Kathy Herod. Kathy Herod is the president of the Center for Arizona Policy. After we had our rally for this bill of equal protection, this bill of abolition in Arizona, she tweeted,
I oppose any move to put the woman who seeks or has an abortion in prison. In the pro -life community, we love both the woman and her unborn child.
Both are victims. Now this, of course, demonstrates that Kathy Herod is woefully inconsistent, that Kathy Herod is contradicting her own stipulated beliefs about abortion.
She says that she believes that it's human from conception, but Kathy Herod, the pro -life industry leader in Arizona, doesn't believe that human beings in the womb deserve equal protection.
Proof of that, Kathy Herod, a pro -life industry leader in Arizona, opposed the bill to provide equal protection to all humans in the womb, and she put forth a bill called
Senate Bill 1457. Senate Bill 1457 does this.
It's a common sense bill that prohibits abortion based on the diagnosis of a genetic abnormality, except for those incompatible with life.
It also protects women from the dangers of chemical abortions by ensuring the pills are not delivered through the male, leaving women to fend for themselves during the risky ordeal.
And here it is. It also repeals a pre -Roe law that punishes women who have abortions, and it establishes that Arizona laws will be interpreted in the context of valuing all human life.
There is the dirty little secret of the pro -life industry. The pro -life industry isn't working to ultimately provide equal protection for all human beings.
They give this kind of legislation. They oppose a bill of equal protection that actually squares with their stipulated worldview that what's in the womb is human from conception.
They put forth bills like this that are ultimately moot points. Scripture says in Proverbs 17, 15, he who acquits the wicked and he who condemns the righteous are both alike an abomination to the
Lord. When you think about legislation like this, it's legislation that works towards that theme.
We acquit the wicked. We acquit the guilty. Kathy Herod is saying to mothers who kill their children, you're not guilty.
You yourself are a victim. And so Kathy Herod demonstrates that she ultimately is not operating from a
Christian perspective. And this isn't about the gospel for Kathy Herod. And Kathy Herod has no intention of ever criminalizing the issue of abortion in the state of Arizona because she believes if you kill your child as a mother or a father, you're also a victim.
So no gospel. So I want to speak to the pastors over churches in the state of Arizona as a fellow pastor.
I want to speak to the Christians in the state of Arizona and say this, what we need here is to work as Christians with the gospel on our lips and with consistency.
We need to work with courage to abolish the issue of abortion in the state of Arizona. And we need to make sure that we tell leaders like Kathy Herod that you do not represent the
Christian cause. You do not represent the consistent cause of abolishing abortion in this state.
And we will no longer send you money for this kind of inconsistency. For more information, go to endabortionnow .com.
All right. And we're back. So we've been talking about and highlighting a few different things.
Of course, we just finished talking about one of our goals for 2022 is to bring more awareness when it comes to a proper biblical approach.
If we want to label ourselves as pro -life, what is the foundation of even that terminology?
Right. And operating consistently off of that foundation. And at any point we deviate from that foundation, then we are no longer fulfilling the calling that God has for us.
And so if there are organizations out there that are not claiming to be Christian, then they don't need the support of the church.
Right. Right. So the church has to gather around the church because this is a gospel issue and it's the church that's going to ultimately bring this enemy of abortion under the feet of Christ.
Right. And so we talked about that. We've highlighted, of course, legislatively what we're able to accomplish in 2021, which for us was quite significant.
Yeah. And little did we know. Little did we know, of course, moving into 2022. At the beginning of this live show, you saw a video from Pastor Jeff.
And of course, you have a video from Zachary Conover here, who's the director of communications for End Abortion Now.
In those videos, they tried to highlight for you kind of what the expectation was for us moving into 2022.
And Jeff mentioned that we have confirmed five different states where we're going to be able to submit bills of equal protection.
What we've been telling you, of course, throughout this live feed is that that has changed. Quite a bit.
To 16 states now for 2022. And that's why we so desperately need your help.
When I think about what it takes to do what we do here at End Abortion Now, at Apologia Studios, at the beginning of the year, we're kind of mapping out what everything's going to look like.
And so my job at Apologia Studios is to manage the studio and to make sure that tasks are being done when they need to, setting deadlines and making sure that everything is kind of planned out.
And so what I'm doing now is I'm looking at the year ahead and I'm trying to see, OK, this is how many hours this is going to take, this is how many hours this is going to take.
And I'm thinking, OK, it seems maybe we're a little understaffed for what we're going to do. We're going to get it done.
But we're talking about people working above and beyond what you would consider even a full time.
And so, like I said, our budgets compared to these bigger pro -life organizations is so small.
Yeah. We should be highlighted by that. We're able to accomplish so much. And so, again, we thank you for your support and we need it desperately moving into 2022.
A lot of you have already given for this year and drive that we've had. And of course, we want to thank you.
You just received an email. As this last break, as you guys were watching that video, you just received an email.
And at least the word on the street is that we've added an additional state. That's right. Yes. Just got what looks to be confirmation of a 17th state where a bill of equal protection will be going in.
So praise God. It's a little bit astounding.
Just as we said last year, for us, that was significant. A handful, just a handful of bills going in in these different states.
And now we're at 17 states. And coupling together with that, we mentioned at the outset of the live stream, the importance of having state ambassadors in all of these states.
Having people that represent or are at least under our banner in end abortion now and can be strategic contact points for people to get plugged into that state in terms of going to the abortion mills, in terms of being connected to these legislative efforts so that the word can go out and people can be made aware that these things are going on.
And that is the responsibility of these state ambassadors is to be that reference point, that contact point in their state.
They're a local representative, if you will, for end abortion now.
And so 17 states as of now, bills of equal protection going in, truly amazing.
Wow. And so, of course, our goal from the beginning was to save babies, to end the evil of abortion that's been going on so long in our nation.
We think about God not being mocked. And what the implications are for a nation that has allowed this for so long.
That's right. And we're trying to, in a sense, be kind of the, in a sense, the wall.
Yes, Ezekiel, right? The interposition. God is looking for the righteous to relent from sending
His judgment. That's right. And that's what we're trying to do because not only do we care for these babies who are being slaughtered innocently, we also care for our nation as well.
That's right. You know, going back to that, our main goal is to save babies. And so from the beginning, going out to the mill, meeting it at the point of contact where, like you said, there's an urgency because we know what's about to happen as we stand outside the mill, see a car part, see a pregnant woman going into this building that's just several hundred feet away, maybe, maybe even less.
And we know what's going to take place. And we're crying out. And the idea was that we want to prevent that from happening.
We want to share truth with her, whether there was truth, you know, when it came to anything that she was ignorant of, but also to communicate the gospel, to call her to life and all the things that are entailed within that ministry.
And then now, of course, our efforts legislatively. So we're still going to the mill. We still have ministries across the
U .S., including, of course, across the world as well. And the goal, whether it's at the mill, the groundwork or legislatively is to save babies.
And so one of the videos that we showed earlier was with Zach here, and he was highlighting how many babies have been saved.
And we're talking about eight babies through the efforts of our coalition that are saved on average a day.
And that is quite significant when you hear that number. Your efforts, your support are going to that.
That's what they're going to, because what we're doing here in abortion now is we're building a coalition to where as a church joins us, they're receiving free resources, free training, free help.
What type of communication do you get from these local churches? What does that look like when somebody jumps on and joins a coalition?
What type of help do they receive? So usually the first point of contact, someone looking to get in touch with us and get the resources.
You have churches and pastors from all across the spectrum of involvement. So those ones that are just cutting their teeth into this ministry, they've been convicted about it for a long time now, but just haven't seen a practical, tangible way to move forward now.
And by God's grace, we're able to supply that to them, to give them the materials to take away every excuse, to show them what to say and all of that.
And then there are other churches that may have had people going out to the mill already, and they're looking to firm up their efforts.
They're looking to make a dedicated team of individuals that go out there. And that has led to, and really this has been so important for us from the beginning, the churches that got involved with us from the very beginning, they really took the effort on to spearhead this ministry and make it their own.
I mean, we can think of multiple examples in several states where men took this on.
Flint, Michigan. Yes, Tennessee, Nashville. Yes, Scott Hoard Ministries. So these men have dedicated themselves full time now with the support of their local church.
Again, there's the key right there, with the support of their local church to do this work full time.
And they are seeing incredible fruit, hundreds upon hundreds of children saved.
I know, of course we saw, Scott is always updating, over 350 now. We have the guys in Flint now that are saving children.
It seems like so, so often. But this is taking place on a day over day basis from men that are just being ordinarily faithful out on the front lines.
And so God is doing incredible things and every ounce of support that you give to this allows for that to continue to take place as we're working to secure the protection of these babies at the legislative level.
Ordinary men being ordinarily faithful. Yes, that's really all it is. I mean, if you meet these men, if you meet so many of the people involved with this ministry, they are humble, kind, servants of the
Lord with a fire that will not quit. They have a passion for saving these babies and for walking alongside these moms.
I have seen it and it's incredible, really. And so what your support does is it allows us to provide these resources for free to these churches.
One thing, of course, the coalition has as well is this portal, right? Because these churches, they can communicate with each other, right?
That's right. Whether it's just encouragement, information, sharing advice, sharing babies saved, someone posing questions, that's where you actually go to get all the training content that we produce to the video series that we've uploaded.
We uploaded several now. How to start an abortion clinic ministry, right? How to talk to your pastor about this.
We have, of course, how to effectively rescue babies, right? What you should be saying, what you should be aware of, logistical considerations for doing this ministry, how to engage in the political realm effectively, right?
What is a bill of equal protection? What are the components of it? How does it differ, let's say, from your average pro -life piece of legislation, right?
What are the biblical foundations of abolishing or ending abortion that really undergird our movement and engaging in this fight?
All these things are so important and the coalition really just offers the church a space to communicate and to mobilize around this issue.
So, of course, a lot of the productions that we produce here at Apology Studios, you guys see them on Apology Studios on YouTube and Facebook, but there's also a bunch of content too that is strictly for our coalition.
That's right. So we're constantly working. What's great about the coalition too is that we can, kind of from a bird's eye view, kind of see what's going on.
And if there is success in one specific ministry or one church, then that allows us to kind of highlight that and say, hey, brother, do you have any advice as far as the approach you're taking?
And so we were able to, not too long ago, actually fly out here. Of course, like I said, this is at no expense to him.
This is all because of the support we receive. We can fly out Scott Hord out here and give us a training session.
Make us more effective. Make us more effective. Rescuing babies in our backyard. Record it. And now that's available to,
I mean, how many churches do we have right now? We have nearly 800 churches. Nearly 800 churches that we have that really we are serving to come alongside and help them in their local ministries.
With the goal of saving lives, saving babies. And the Lord has blessed us.
The Lord has really done much to cultivate and bring forth fruit in the efforts of the churches that are part of, of course, the
End Abortion Now Coalition. And so in some of the videos that you have seen, we're going to continue to highlight it because to me, it blows me away, but eight babies on average are being saved a day because of the
End Abortion Now Coalition. I think it's a perfect opportunity for us to highlight a couple of things here.
So we're going to show you two videos. Okay. And the first one kind of goes into what we're talking about with the ministry that Scott Hort has out in Nashville.
Initially, you may have seen the testimony that Scott gave when we had him interviewed back in 2020.
We flew out there and we were able to really just kind of see what he was doing out there at the mill.
And we were able to interview him to hopefully get some type of testimony and, and just the spark that God created in him.
And then of course, through the efforts of End Abortion Now and Apology Studios, him moving in this direction to start this ministry, join the coalition and just all that God has done through Scott there in Nashville.
And so the first video is going to be three women that were, that were...
They chose life for their babies. Chose life for their babies. Were brave enough to come out and to be interviewed on camera.
And just a powerful testimony. Powerful testimony. Scott has done a great job. But just being able to, to speak to these women while we're there and to be able to see the babies that were saved from, from destruction.
It's just such a beautiful testimony just to God's grace and all that he's doing. So that's the first video.
They chose life. And it's three women based out of Nashville there with Scott.
And then after that, you're going to see a testimony from Kyle and Brittany about their son,
Wake. These are a strong Christian... Kyle's actually a pastor there in Tennessee.
And so they're going to give a testimony about what they've been through in their journey with Wake and really just highlighting the preciousness of all of life.
Yes. Don't miss these next two videos because they're powerful. Yes. Each in their own way. With that said, go ahead and check these out.
And then we'll, we'll join you back on the other side. I'm Leterica Thomas.
I'm Kirstana. I'm Lauren Davis. Keishon Stinson and Kingston Stinson.
My two sons. She's three. Her name is Navy Kyle White. She is sassy, but she loves trucks and dirt and dirt bikes and everything like that.
I am due January 28th, 2021. And I'm going to name her
Savaria. Pray that I can be everything that I need to be for her and be a good mom and not have her to struggle or to go without basically.
Me and my little girl, we have like a special kind of bond because I think, you know,
I know that I was going to have an abortion with her, but he's a happy baby. Like he's so happy.
Everybody loves him. He liked to eat and he's already walking. Like he walks real good.
I thought I didn't, I couldn't afford it. There's something I can't do. I didn't really see myself being a parent to begin with.
So I was like two babies and then the father was also pushing the issue.
So it kind of helped just for me to go ahead and try it. I had just had
Kingston. I think he was about nine, 10 months when I found out
I was pregnant and I was scared. I didn't have no help. So I was feeling like I was going to be raising two babies by myself with no help.
We were staying in the hotel, didn't have nowhere to go. I was paying a high car note. I just had a lot already on my plate that I was dealing with and I felt like I wasn't ready to deal with no second baby.
I felt like that I could not have another baby and that's just that.
I feel like I couldn't take care of another baby. I feel like I didn't have time for another baby. That's just it, you know.
When we got here, I heard him and he was telling me that he can help me and there's, you know, don't worry about anything.
I'm helping you. And I just didn't have the heart to. So when I went in there and I seen everybody getting ready for everything and yeah, the place even gave me weird vibes itself.
So I changed my mind and when I came out, yeah, he got upset, kind of pulled off and I left me in the parking lot and he was there saying, hey,
I'll give you a lift, whatever you need, I can help you. And I took his information.
The day that I did pull in, I was, me and my grandma had scraped up on enough money for me to make the first appointment, which was $2 .75.
But once I pulled into the parking lot, I think I was the only one in the parking lot and Pastor Scott and they all was trying to get my attention and pray with me.
I was thinking maybe I should just go listen to what they had to say. I mean, I always believed in God and at that time,
I felt like I needed prayer. So I went over and talked to Pastor Scott and Mike and they talked to me about the history of Planned Parenthood.
He prayed with me. He told me how he would be able to help me out the situation that I was in and also help me raise my child.
And then I ended up talking to Miss Kathy, which is, she's with Operation Saving Life.
So I talked over the phone with her for a long time about everything that had happened.
And right over the phone, like she made me like fall in love with her just like that. Just seeing her arms and her legs, like I honestly think that that's that had a lot to do with it.
I was like, I cannot. It just made it more real, you know, like because when you're in a situation like me, you're thinking, oh, at the time, it's nothing.
It's just a little seed. You know, it's nothing. You know, you're going to take the pill and you just, you know, I'm saying whatever, whatever. But then when you actually like see like a whole human and granted,
I do have a little boy and I know what it was all about, but I don't know. I was just thinking, you know, it's just that little seed.
Then I seen like her legs and her arms and stuff. It was a whole fetus. And I was like, no,
I cannot do that. I just didn't have the heart to do it. And I figured if he was offering help and he was going to be there for me mentally, emotionally, and however, you know, just being there for me, then
I was going to take him upon that. I was staying in a hotel, a ran down hotel for about a year.
And Miss Kathy dropped me out there one day and she saw it and she was like, no, you would not be living here.
So they helped me get into based on income apartments in Smyrna. They paid the first month rent deposit until I was able to pay it myself.
They someone donated a van to them and they gave it to me. They signed the title right over to my name where I won't have to pay my car no no more.
So that was amazing. And they help with my boys as much as possible. They buy clothes, diapers, milk, anything that I need.
They help gas card, grocery cards, whatever we need, basically, they there. Like whenever I feel stressed out,
I call and talk and pray with Miss Kathy. But eventually, like on down the line, they end up getting me a vehicle and a car seat.
You know what I'm saying? Like all the little things I needed. Absolutely no strings attached. I was like, do you want me to clean the church or something?
Or what do you want me to do? And they was like, oh, nothing. We just want to help you get back on your feet so you can provide for you and your baby.
Scott told me that he would help me with whatever I needed. He'd throw me a baby shower.
He also tried to get me a lift so I can get home safely. And Scott has came through with all of his words.
He helped me with rental assistance. He helped me on my car note. And he put food in my house as well.
He's kept his word the whole time. Like I'm still in shock that someone helped that much. Operation Saving Life, they make me feel like I'm their family.
Like it's no like discrimination. You know what I'm saying?
Nobody talks about you. We dress however we want to dress. Nobody looking at you no certain way.
Everybody welcome you in. It's family. Everyone want to help you. I mean, whatever you need, I feel like there's somebody there that can help.
I would tell her to choose life to understand that God put the baby there for a reason.
And if he didn't want you to have it, he wouldn't have given it to you. He wouldn't have gave you that blessing.
I would tell her to choose life. Keep your baby. There's so many support, you know, different support out here.
Like there's so many different things you can do to reach out for help. She could be blessing someone else that can't have kids.
If she would want to give it up for adoption. There's so many options instead of, you know, going with abortion.
You know, anybody who love you that you love, if they can help, is there another way for you to go other than the abortion way?
I mean, it's lots of ways. I know God is always with us at all times. And if we talk to somebody and pray,
I believe they'll make the right decision. Even if you feel like you still do not want to keep your baby, give your baby up for adoption.
Don't abort your baby. I mean, you can go with adoption or you can choose, like I did, raise your child with help of others.
I'm glad that I did choose life other than getting an abortion.
I love everything about my son. I love the people that he brought into our life. He made me be a better woman and they also helped me become a better woman.
We're the Tates. Wake is almost nine.
We nine in December, December 7th. We've had an interesting ride for almost the nine years with Wake.
We found out that I was pregnant and were shocked just at that news because I wasn't supposed to get pregnant.
So that news in itself was quite the shock and we kind of both laughed like, what, like this isn't real.
And we were in a time in our lives where our relationship with God was really rocky, both coming from different backgrounds.
I was from Catholicism and Kyle in the Southern Baptist and him being in the Marine Corps, we just had a really hard time.
And when I found out I was pregnant, we didn't assume the worst or anything like that.
We just kind of went with the flow and at the 20 week ultrasound, we were going to find out the gender and it was supposed to be an exciting time.
And during that time, the ultrasound tech was really quiet and it was kind of unnerving in a sense.
We really didn't know what to expect. And she left the room and came back with the doctor and she informed us that his arms and legs weren't working or developing like they were supposed to.
They weren't flicking around and kicking and all that stuff. And so they referred us to maternal fetal medicine the very next day.
And so we went and met with the doctor, had really fancy high -tech ultrasounds to show us everything.
And everything was working the way that it was supposed to be. You know, organs, his brain, blood flow, all of those things look really great.
It was just his arms and legs that weren't doing what they were supposed to do. And her first recommendation to us was, well, his quality of life is going to be awful and your quality of life is going to be awful.
So you're two weeks away from having a legal abortion in the state of North Carolina.
And so you really need to consider that because you're walking into a path that's going to be really hard for you to live and for your child to live.
And at that time, we were by ourselves. We had no family around us. And so it was just the two of us.
And it was a hard thing to hear from someone as that being your first option. Just, you know, it's going to be a hard life, so you need to murder your child.
And, you know, we both knew that that was not a path that we wanted to pursue. Neither one of us believed that abortion was going to solve anything.
We knew that that was just a subject we needed to steer clear from. And she pushed it.
And it was a very grim conversation of like, if you don't go through with this, almost shame on you if you don't consider killing him.
And we struggled with that, thinking like, how could she possibly see all the other good things that are going on?
You know, everything's developing like it's supposed to. His heartbeat is strong and all of his organs look great. And who's to say that his quality of life isn't going to be good just because his arms and legs don't work like ours do.
And so that was difficult, but it really helped us work in our trust in the
Lord because all that we could do was pray. Yeah, like she said, our relationship was very rocky during that time.
And I remember still to this day when the nurse gave us the ultrasound and we're looking at the picture, this little, you know, three by three inch square frame.
And we're seeing his picture right there in front of us. We both broke down in tears very quickly.
I remember both of us kind of mumbling under our breath, we're going to give him the chance to live and praise
God that he even had grace on us. You know, with us making that decision to be able to give him life, to be able to actually deliver him and stuff was completely all based on the, to the glory of God and his graciousness that he had displayed on Wake and us.
But yeah, I remember we broke down that day and stuff. But that was just the, that was like the instinct thing when it came to the doctors, when it came to the nurses, it was look at all the negativity, look at everything that you're going to have to do, but don't look at this child as an image bearer of God.
And so, yeah, everything at that moment, I remember that even got us back into church because we're sitting here saying now we have to be a praying couple.
We have to be a couple that goes to God because she has a child now, we can't do anything to fix this child on our own.
And we had always done that in the Marine Corps, try to solve our own issues. And here's one of those issues that you can't even lay your hands on this child to help him.
And so God completely steered us in the right direction and helped us. And that's ultimately what got us in the fight to end abortion.
When we first went in, it was a 50 % chance that he wouldn't live. And then there was a heavy percent, a 100 % chance they had gave us, a 90 to 100 % chance that when he was born, he would not be able to breathe on his own.
He would immediately be rushed into surgery, just trying to help him to survive, whatever that looked like.
And all praise goes to God. When he was born, they immediately took him over and checked on him quickly and then gave him to me and said, listen, he has arthrogryposis, his limbs don't function like yours, but everything else checks out fine.
And so they gave us a timeframe between there to about the age of 10 is whenever he would start actually being able to feed himself.
And any type of being able to maneuver around the household would actually start to happen. Well, he started feeding himself at the age of two and he also started scooting around the house around the age of two to three, just all on his own.
Wake's been so blessed and we've been so blessed to be able to see how he's adopted the things and how
God has used him. And now we tell him quite often, don't we, about he'll have some bad days and we'll remind him all the children that don't have the chance to live.
They were never given that opportunity, and what abortion looks like. And it's murder.
I mean, it's premeditated murder and that he has that opportunity and it needs to be one that is used to glorify
God and that he can do everything that we're able to do. It's limited, but at the same time, yeah, he's a blessing.
One thing we do try to remind him of conversations that we have all the time is that this life is so fast.
I feel like I just had him not that long ago and he's almost nine. And so one thing that I try to encourage him on and Kyle as well, is you see other kids doing all these things, getting to jump on the trampolines or run races with their parents or play on the playgrounds and things like that.
And it looks different for him and it can bum him out. I mean, little kids want to do those things.
They want to go explore and have fun and use their imaginations and whatnot with that. But one thing that we try to instill with him is this life goes so fast and you have this limited time to have this condition.
But through this condition, God is going to be glorified and you don't know the blessing that you'll be to other people that may be struggling with something similar or something that has nothing to do with the same condition that he has.
But you have eternity with God the Father who made you this way for whatever reason that he has, a loving reason at that to run with him forever and to worship with him.
And that's a beautiful thing. And I remember Kyle and I wrestling with the fact that we were trying to find a way, some solution to get him to be able to walk.
And it was like, we knew that with his condition, certain muscles weren't developed in his body.
He doesn't have quadricep muscles in his legs, so he won't ever stand unless there's some muscle transplant.
I mean, we explored all of those things and it was finally then we were like, we went to Texas and got to see a doctor there, a really great doctor in this field.
And he was just like, it's not going to happen. And I remember battling with that, thinking like,
I want the best for my child. But then it was like, I was trying to outsmart God in a way. I knew better.
I knew how to get something to work for my child when God's design for him wasn't what
I had in mind. And just learning to trust and to accept that. It was a hard road, but there's so much beauty in it now.
And I wouldn't have it any other way. It was through End Abortion Now and the
Apologia team that actually pushed us to Scott Hoard Ministry for us to be able to join him on the streets in Nashville.
So I started that two years ago with Scott. And we were, you're getting in the routine of doing things and Wake's seeing us and he's hearing the conversations.
But once we started to tell Wake that they, the doctors, the nurses had the same plan for him that some of these kids are being brought into these abortion mills and the same plan that they have for their child.
It started to kind of to spark a fire in him. And so we take him out. I would like to say quite regularly.
He's been out with us many times on the street and stuff. Even when the first times we started, it was just Brittany and I down the street.
Scott wasn't there that day. And we just stood as a family of three. And so he knows his main thing.
He doesn't like to say a lot, but his heart's there when it comes to prayer. And it's one of those things that he is so comfortable that we're able to point to him when it comes to these moms and these dads and say, look at this blessing and look at this option that they were giving to these other parents and stuff that you guys are giving to parents, but it's not an option.
This is an image bearer. And so he's been faithful in it. And we talk very regularly about it.
And that's one of the biggest things that I think that he'll admit to you that drives him to this day is we talk so often about the 60 to 70 million children that have been aborted and what the chances that they did not have, that they're not able to even drive a wheelchair, scoot on the floor, play an
Xbox at times. And he actually gets that opportunity. And he told me the other day that that was something that actually helped him push through school was getting through, maybe getting made fun of, but knowing that, hey, at least
I had the chance to get made fun of. At least I had the chance to be able to overcome and endure through this because I was given life.
So it's had a huge impact on our entire family and getting engaged in this fight. I can't imagine my life without Wake now, even with a disability.
Yeah, your life, it looks different. And yeah, you may have more things on your on your checklist now to do each day.
But God's been with us through the whole thing. And we've had so many prayers from people that we know and people that we don't know.
And just cling to his word because he gives you every answer that you could possibly need with a child with special needs.
And murder isn't an option just because someone's different, just because their body didn't form the way ours did typically.
But they're still an image bear and they still have value and they're still loved by God.
And so embrace it. If your child has special needs, just embrace it and know that he has a wonderful plan and he'll be there with you.
You just have to rely on him and trust in him. Thank you for joining us, of course, in this live show, this fundraising campaign we have for the end of 2021 going into 2022.
As you see in the title there, big plans for 2022. As we were talking, maybe you're with us, we find out that now we have 17 states that we're going to be able to be a part of in submitting bills of equal protection in 2022.
We have a lot of work ahead of us and we thank you for your support for coming alongside us.
All the support that you've given us throughout the years and it's growing. And the Lord, as we've been faithful with a little, has really allowed us to kind of expand our boundaries and has put so much before us.
And you're with us in this. In one of the videos we played earlier, you mentioned, of course, that our donors are the unspoken heroes in all this because our donors, they save lives.
And through the work and efforts of the End Abortion Now Coalition, we've been able to save eight babies a day.
And so you watch testimonies that you just saw right there in those previous two videos and you see those testimonies and just the beauty of life.
You see the faces of those babies and from small to big, from any ability that they may have physically, it's wonderful to see those kind of testimonies.
And that's what we're able to do on the production side of things. And that's what we want to do is we want to highlight the bravery and courage of women who have chosen life and to really put a face to this when it comes to what's taking place all across the country at the
End Abortion Now Coalition. So that's kind of what we've highlighted in this.
And again, we thank you for the impact that you've created with the donations that you've given us throughout the years.
And at the end of this year, I mean, you look at the tally, significant donations we received and we want to thank you.
And we need it because we have so much ahead of us for 2022. One thing with End Abortion Now is we've taken a,
I would say, a comprehensive approach to this issue. Because when you think about the different layers that are involved with this issue of abortion, the work at the mill, as far as the groundwork where this is actually taking place, where the atrocities taking place, we have
Christians all across the country preaching the gospel, hours on end where this atrocity is actually taking place.
But then, of course, the layer that is over all this when it comes to the legislation and the work we've been able to do this last year.
And as we mentioned earlier, how significant we thought last year was.
And it was. And how excited we were. And then now moving into 2022, this meeting we had just a few days ago to kind of map out the coming year, it felt different.
Doesn't it this year? It feels different. Yeah, I think just in general, that number of 17 states now, this is exponential growth that God has blessed, not just us with, but every other organization, every other ministry that's trying to be faithful in this area and engage abortion from a
Christian perspective. It's really just amazing to see. And in that meeting that you mentioned, the importance of story, right?
The culture is dominated by those who tell really compelling stories.
And unfortunately, our adversaries have been doing that very, very well, better than the church has, we would wager to say.
But look at what God is doing now. How's this for a story? 17 states on deck to abolish abortion through bills of equal protection.
Courageous moms choosing life for their babies. Christians going out and actually being the church, being present, showing up, rescuing lives.
Those are stories that you're allowing us to tell right now through your partnership with us.
They just wouldn't be possible without you. Yeah, we have a production plan this year that is going to be quite extensive.
And we're going to continue that, telling that story. And that's kind of where our culture is too, when it comes to the impact that story has on the cultural narrative.
And so we're going to engage the culture in this way in 2022, when it comes to our production, the content, our production value.
And you're making that possible. So again, we want to thank you. When I talk about a comprehensive approach, we're really coming against the opposition head on.
And I think that's one thing that I've been the privilege of seeing with the leadership that we have, not only in Apologia Church, but also those who are in abortion now and the willingness to engage in dialogue with the opposition, with those who would call themselves pro -choice.
We've done it at the mill. We've done it on the street. We want to have these type of engagements.
We want to have this type of dialogue. And a lot of times we find ourselves not being able to, not because we're not willing, but because the other side doesn't want to have that dialogue.
They don't want to have that, you could say, confrontation. Because one thing that's different about us and the story we tell, and the story that these unbelieving worldviews are telling is that we have the truth.
And that really shows and is evident when, as you've seen in many of the videos that we've put out there on YouTube or Facebook, where we've actually been able to engage the opposition head on in dialogue.
We've done it on Apology Radio. Some of the videos that we've done, we've been able to capture interactions at a local mill.
Of course, one of the ones that really had at least numerous views and is still doing well is the one that Jeff was able to engage a couple of pro -choicers there at the mill in Salt Lake City.
Right. And that's one thing that you're allowing us to do as well.
So I think one thing people do appreciate about end abortion now is that willingness to engage.
Yeah. When you've been involved in many of those interactions, we kind of mentioned it earlier, though, too, about just the inconsistency of some of these pro -choice arguments.
I'm hoping that we're able to have more engagements, and that's the plan, to really expose some of those inconsistencies.
Right. Yeah. I think when we first started going to the mills and doing this work, at least by the time
I got involved, that's really when the world was given an opportunity by God's grace, this is no boast of ours, but to see into the window of what it looks like to actually be out there on the sidewalk.
And that includes having the opportunity to dialogue with the opposing sides.
So what we found is that the church was greatly helped and continues to be helped and encouraged by those interactions that have been able to be documented and used as training tools to equip
Christians everywhere to respond to these fallacious arguments, to these unbelieving worldviews that really dominate the cultural landscape and have dictated public policy and public opinion surrounding these issues.
And now that the church is involved with this, now that we're bringing the word of God to bear on this situation, actually people are beginning to see that the opposition really doesn't have anything compelling to offer by way of their position.
It's not beautiful. It's not wonderful. It's not true. It's not compelling.
And it's really inconsistent at bottom as well. And so the fact that we as Christians have the opportunity to engage this and to expose, of course, point out the flaws, it's not, of course, for the purpose of just winning the argument.
It's to cut through the nonsense so that the drivel can be exposed and the light of the gospel can shine in and actually have the opportunity to change someone's heart.
Because if you have interacted with your average pro -choicer, it's not information that's going to change their perception.
It's not facts. It's not statistics. It is
God's word and God's spirit working that will eventually open the eyes and the hearts of these people and raise them from spiritual death to spiritual life.
Because that is the only way, quite frankly, that you can value life and have an objective basis for doing so and even care about women.
So much is made about women's rights, women's reproductive freedom, the assault on women's health, all of these things.
And it's like, upon what basis do you make such a moral claim to care about women in general, all the while standing on piles and piles of dead women killed by abortion?
And so if we have the opportunity to confront the culture on this issue, which we do, as you pointed out, they seem less and less desiring to engage.
However, that's not because they have something compelling to offer. It's really because they don't have much.
That's right. And so when I talk about these layers, as far as our comprehensive approach, moving into 2022, the reason we need your support is because at a production standpoint, and that's what
I'm involved in, at a production standpoint, that's what we want to do. We want to be able to produce more of these interactions.
And that's the plan. It looks like at least when we talk about some of the success we've had, let's say on some of these social media platforms, it comes from those confrontation videos.
And so we know that they're very fruitful, not in the sense of just confrontation for the sake of confrontation, but it's more of how these opposing worldviews are to be engaged.
Right. And it shows you that it's possible. That's right. It shows you that it's possible. The church can do it. It gives you an outline as far as how these things can be approached.
And what it does is it kind of allows you who maybe aren't necessarily on the front lines to see what's happening at the popular level.
Right. What are the arguments out on the street? And how can we answer those arguments?
Right. And so... What are people saying? How do you respond? That's right. And quite frankly, it doesn't take knowing a bunch of information.
It just takes being a Christian that loves God's word. That's right. And being ready to respond. I can promise you that 2022, like I said, just based on the plans we have, production is going to be rolling.
And so you guys can be lookout for some great content. Again, that's by the help and support, of course, of our viewers and our partners.
To highlight this, we do have another video that we'd like to share. And you may have seen this.
We were able to go out to Washington, D .C. And this was going on when there was...
The Supreme Court, I think, was... Yeah, they were hearing the Mississippi case. The Mississippi case. That's right.
And we were able to help fund an amicus brief that was actually going into the Supreme Court. We have a video.
If you look up amicus brief on our YouTube channel, you'll see it. It'll go into the details as far as what that is and what that entails.
So we were out there in Washington, D .C. And we were looking to engage.
And the difficulty we were finding is that not many people there wanted to engage. It was just a bunch of noise.
Other than shouting, right? Other than shouting. And so we were able to get this interaction. So we're going to show you one more video here.
And then when we come back, we'll kind of bring this live show to a close. But this video is
Jeff interacting with a feminist there in front of the Supreme Court. Very short.
But what it's going to do is kind of show you what we're up against. And really, it's just it's an inconsistent worldview.
So check it out. Well, I'm Jeff. And the sign says, men are responsible for 100 percent of unwanted pregnancies.
We can't contract a solo. Stop punishing women for it. OK, so that's a very different sign than we've seen mostly today.
Why would you come up with this sign? Well, it seems that these laws will directly affect women and our well -being, our futures and our health care.
And there's no accountability for men in this. When in fact, it does take two to tango, you would say.
But it's not that women trip and fall and we become pregnant. I didn't get pregnant because I forgot to wash my hands.
There's always a man. A man is where the interaction starts. It doesn't just happen on a solo.
Yet we are the ones who suffer at the hands of these laws. So I just wanted to change or try to get people to think on the other side of this.
Right. There's many sides of it. Absolutely. No, I agree. I think my perspective, I would disagree with you on the issue of abortion.
But I think that men need to also be accountable in the entire situation. So I thought that was a unique sign. I was a little confused at the 100 percent, though, would be more than 50 50, right?
Women and men sort of 50 50 responsible. So in the case of rape, you think that the victim is responsible?
Well, no, in that in that case, rape is a tremendous violation. It's an abomination. And in that case, yeah, she's a victim and he's the perpetrator.
She still has she's still thrown in jail or in Texas. If the victim is still the one who's held accountable.
Yeah, I think that I think those laws in both Mississippi and Texas are both erroneous.
I think they're fallacious. I think that they show partiality because they basically say you can kill all the humans that are 15 weeks and below, but you can't kill the ones that are 15 weeks and higher.
So I would say I'm I'm not supportive of those. I think they're inconsistent. But I believe that the rapist deserves to die.
You believe the child deserves to die, correct? No, I believe that the woman should have autonomy over her life and her decisions, whether it's in the case of rape or otherwise.
You're putting more value on the unborn sack of cells than the living, breathing, taxpaying woman.
But you're you're you're a you're a sack of cells yourself, though, correct? Yeah, that's what that's what typically happens.
No legs on their position. As soon as it's remotely challenged, they walk away. And there you go.
So I think that, as you just saw, that video is a perfect highlight of what we're up against.
And really, when it comes to any type of articulation of the opposing view, it's it's bankrupt.
It really is. And I think that's a great video that kind of highlights that. So we kind of want to bring this to a close.
Let's kind of recap where we've been. Ultimately, we're moving into 2022 and we are excited.
There's a lot of momentum going into 2022. I'll say. Yes. So where we've started, of course, is kind of where we're going to end.
We're going to show those two videos that we have produced to kind of for this campaign that really, you know, summarize what we're going to do moving into 2022 with the video that we shot with Jeff.
Then, of course, the video we shot with you. But we have really highlighted, of course, our efforts legislatively.
So keep in mind that moving into 2022, we have 17 states.
OK, you heard that correctly. Seventeen states where we're going to be involved in submitting bills of equal protection to our prayer is bringing abortion to an end in several of these states.
Of course, our efforts this year are going to be exposing those who would seem to be on our side.
But based on the fruit, I would say are not and are actually, as you mentioned, some of the opposition that we're facing when it comes to submitting these bills of equal protection.
And then our main goal here at End Abortion Now is to save lives, to save babies and to save lives through just our work there at the mill where the atrocity is actually taking place, but also life eternal in the sense that the gospel is being proclaimed in the efforts of the
End Abortion Now coalition. And so we're going to continue to say it, but eight babies saved a day through the work of the
End Abortion Now coalition. And that's because of you, the ones who support us, come alongside us and in a sense, hold that rope as some of these people that are on the front lines are going down and really are on the front lines.
And then, like I said, we're going to continue to produce more. We're going to continue to put more content out there, to bring awareness, to tell this story of truth, the story of what
God is doing to use his church to put the enemy of abortion under his feet.
And so I know, and you know, that abortion, it's going to be ended. Right.
And our prayer is that God can use us in some way, whether it's through us to bring abortion to an end here in our nation, or at least be through us a seed that is then watered.
And yes, but it's going to take place. Yes. And I completely agree. A hundred percent. Abortion is an enemy that will be vanquished.
Pray for us. Pray for our nation in particular. You know, you mentioned something that's critical.
It's one of our pillars of end abortion now is that this issue is an issue not only of sin, not only of the heart, not only a gospel issue, right?
And by that, I just don't mean the proclamation of repentance and faith in Jesus. I mean a gospel of the kingdom issue.
That's right. Right. But more so than that, and this is critical to understand, it's an issue of national sin.
When a nation sheds innocent blood and commits an abomination like this child sacrifice,
God's judgment hand, he's merciful. He stays his hand. But one day the hammer will drop if our nation does not repent of this injustice and cease to oppress these image bearers of God in the womb.
And so it is that critical. Our nation is at stake. We're not just fighting for lives.
We're not just fighting for souls. On an individual scale, we're fighting for righteousness in our nation.
Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. Blessed is the nation whose
God is the Lord. Yahweh. That's right. We are fighting for the very heart and soul of our nation so that God will stay his just hand of retribution on a land that has been stained with the blood of the innocence.
And so please come with us and stand in the gap, interpose for these children, and let's give
God a reason to spare our nation and to once again bring his blessing, his gospel blessing, right?
Gospel fruit once again to this sin weary land. Because that's really what this is ultimately all about.
A Christian is trying to be faithful in order to bring God's blessing to the ends of the earth. But we want to start here, right?
In our backyard, in our state, in our nation. And we want the blessings of Christ and the peace that he gives through his gospel and the kingdom of God to overflow into all these areas of which abortion is the primary enemy at this point.
Amen. So we will close with that. Of course. Thank you for joining us on this live feed of this live show.
Again, 2022 big plans. We need your help. We need your support. We need your prayers.
Come alongside us. Let's do this. This year is going to be big. And a lot of us are excited for what the
Lord has allowed us to be a part of. And I'm excited to see where this all goes. And of course, we're going to, you know, we're going to tell this story as it goes.
We're going to catalog what's taking place in 2022. So continue to look out for new content as we put it out on our social media platforms, but also at apologiestudios .com.
But again, go to endabortionnow .com forward slash donate. Donate, help us out for 2022.
What we're going to do is we're going to end with the videos that we first started with. And these are videos that we produced to kind of summarize where we're headed into 2022.
You got a video by Jeff, of course, Pastor Jeff. And then you have a video here by Zachary Conover. Again, he's the director of communications for End Abortion Now.
Keep in mind that Jeff is going to mention five states going into 2022 that we're going to be a part of and bills of equal protection.
As we're telling you now, that has changed since we shot that video. And that's going to be 17 states.
We need your help. So again, thank you for joining us and being a part of this. We'll go ahead and finish with those videos.
This is Zachary Conover, the director of communications for End Abortion Now. Christian, did you know that over the course of the past year, 862 ,000 babies have been murdered?
That comes out to over 2 ,300 a day, 98 an hour.
And by the time you finish watching this video, roughly four babies' lives will have been taken.
How could this possibly be, you might ask? And the answer is abortion. I know that these statistics are unsettling to hear, but this, abortion, is the premier issue of injustice in our day.
And so as Christians, we must be involved and engaged and ready to do something about it.
With that said, there is good news. We are looking to end this once and for all.
And we're looking to do it by the power of God's gospel and through the work of his people. This isn't a novel issue.
We who care about life have been giving generously to outside organizations for decades in order to have them fight against the evil of abortion.
You might think that things are worse now than they ever have been before. So what's different?
The church. Stay with me.
I want to talk to you about how we've been able to impact the lives of parents and how we, with our monthly ministry partners, have been able to save thousands of lives from certain death.
With the help of our monthly ministry partners, we've been able to accomplish so much. Since we began, we've added nearly 800 local church partners that span all across the
United States and even outside our borders all over the world. Now I want to help us understand what this means.
It means that 500 abortion clinics are being visited per month. That translates to 4 ,600 hours monthly where the gospel is being proclaimed to people who desperately need it.
And the best part? Over 6 ,000 babies have been saved since 2020.
Think about that. That's 58 babies per week. And if we want to break it down further than that, that's eight babies a day saved through the work of the
End Abortion Now coalition. Now the primary goal of End Abortion Now is to save babies, and we mean it.
We want to see abortion ended, which is why we are working at the state level to bring legislation that would end abortion completely.
This year alone, we have worked with and on bills of abolition in five states.
Arizona, Texas, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Pennsylvania.
In total, we are equipping 13 state ambassadors who will work with their local legislators in submitting bills of abolition.
If you've been involved in this fight for any length of time, then you understand how significant this is.
So this is where you come in. We equip our church partners and state ambassadors with everything that they need at no cost to them, removing every excuse for them to get involved.
This mission to save babies does not work apart from the help of our unspoken heroes, our donors.
Our donors save lives. Would you please consider helping us end abortion and save lives with the gospel?
Together, our hope as the church is that abortion would be a thing of the past and you would have played a pivotal role in saving children by ending it.