Greg Locke Ordained An "Apostle" / Pope Francis Says the Human Heart is Good - 60 Minutes Interview


Two stories in Christian news both reported by Protestia. First, in his interview with 60 Minutes Pope Francis not only attacks conservatives he denies the Biblical teaching that mankind is sinful, instead he claims mankind is good - Francis proclaimed the human heart is good, totally denying Jeremiah 17:9 which calls the human heart deceitful and desperately wicked.


Hello in this video we're going to be covering two stories in Christian news the first pastor Greg Locke the former
Baptist preacher turned Pentecostal he has now been supposedly ordained as an apostle and in the second story
Pope Francis who also claims to be an apostle in the sense that He supposedly is the successor of the
Apostle Peter Pope Francis is now being accused of teaching the
Pelagian Heresy well, let's cover these stories first Pope Francis He did a a recent interview on 60 minutes, and I'm not going to play
The video because I'll probably get hit with a copyright strike. I'm pretty sure that would happen with 60 minutes, so You can check it out online.
It's on YouTube if you want to watch it, but protestea says that Pelagian Pope Francis says that all
People are fundamentally good, and he says the heart itself is good
Okay, so you know what the problem is the Bible says in Jeremiah 17 verse 9 that the heart is deceitful above all things and Desperately wicked who can know it the
Bible teaches the human heart is sinful matter of fact the Catholic Church Throughout their existence taught that the human heart was sinful
Mankind is sinful, but Pope Francis says no no that's not true mankind is good in the heart itself is
Good of course Romans 3 says that there's none good no not one, but Pope Francis.
You know he's the Pope He doesn't believe the Bible obviously now this is again, it's being called the
The Pope teaching the Pelagian heresy most Christians aren't aware of the
Pelagian Pelagian Augustinian Controversy the idea is that you know the biblical position is mankind is a sinner and without the grace of God Mankind is hopeless
That's that's the biblical position the Pelagian position is that mankind is good
And you know good people go to heaven right? I mean God is going to accept you if you're truly good
God will accept you so that that would be in line with Pope Francis who? At times certainly sounds like a universalist he wants well a few months ago
He said that he likes to think of hell as being empty so that none of this is surprising with Pope Francis Mankind is basically good of course the middle position says that well you're a sinner
But you're also there's still goodness within you and you can cooperate with God. That's sort of the Semi -pelagian middle ground but to say that the heart is good
It's just a flat -out contradiction so Pope Francis he also in the 60 minutes interview he attacked
Conservatives, and he said that to be a conservative What did he say it's a suicidal?
position to take some inflammatory Language like that he said conservatives are just shut off.
They're closed to new ideas totally against conservatives and then it was funny because the 60 minutes
Broadcast then they said well Pope Francis. He's so wonderful because you know he's he's progressive.
He's Ordained more or not ordained He's appointed more women to positions of leadership than any other
Pope But they stopped and said well, but he hasn't gone far enough. You know most people think he should ordain female priests
And they said as of right now Pope Francis said he is not open to the ordination of women
And here's the irony if he's so progressive. Why isn't he doing that? ironically
Rick Warren and Joel Osteen Get this Pope Francis on this one issue of the ordination of women
Pope Francis is actually more conservative than Rick Warren and Joel Osteen because they ordain female pastors
Pentecostals and charismatics ordain Female pastors all day long they just ordained a female apostle in Greg Locke's wife
We'll get to that story in a moment, but yeah Pope Francis technically is more conservative on that issue
So if he's so oh if conservatives are so bad, and they're not they're not open to new ideas
How come he's not open to this new idea well? You have to understand the
Pope. He's not just the he's not just a religious leader the head of the Catholic Church He is also the king of the smallest nation on earth the
Holy See you know as Vatican City But you have to realize the Pope is not just a religious leader.
He's a politician Barack Obama several years ago He said that you know we we the progressives.
We we pushed things a little too hard We went a little too far. We wanted to implement a progressive agenda on the
United States But you know we we went a little too far and that resulted in some backlash
And that's probably why Trump got elected and whatever but This is this is the point
Obama realizes that even within the United States There's still a lot of conservatives, so we're gonna bring things in a progressive socialist direction
But you can't do too much too quick otherwise. Yeah, there's backlash. There's division so the
Pope my point is the Pope is Fully progressive he wants to keep pushing things to the left, but as a politician in order to avoid
Schism he doesn't want the Catholic Church to be officially split so that's why he isn't doing too much too fast, but he's definitely bringing things in a
Progressive direction, so that's the Pope he big story. You know this isn't news
We already knew this I guess but he he actually came right out and said Yeah, the human heart is good
The human heart is good, which is a total contradiction of what the Bible says, but again no shock there
So let's get into this story about Greg Locke Greg Locke was ordained as a quote -unquote
Apostle by his fellow charismatic ministers Even though Greg Locke Was not or is not an eyewitness of the resurrected
Christ He does not Operate in signs and wonders he claims he does but Greg Locke has never worked any miracle
So he doesn't have these signs of an Apostle see how do you know that the Apostles were true servants of Jesus Christ that they?
Were true Apostles because they could work Miracles you know the Apostle Paul talked about this to the
Corinthians You know the signs of an Apostle Paul raised the dead Peter You know his shadow healed the lame man, so that was proof
Authenticated their apostolic office so Greg Locke has never seen the resurrected Christ He has never performed a real miracle, and he wasn't handpicked by Jesus.
He was handpicked by his fellow Pentecostal preachers so of course this is not legitimate
Greg Locke is not a true Apostle and there's a lot of things we could say, but let's just watch the clip
Mike's ignorantly gave a word at the end of the National Deliverance Conference Something was conceived in the spirit that today.
We're giving birth to Today is the official
Apostolic installation service Jesus Christ loves global vision
Bible Church so much so much that he not only has given them once an evangelist a teacher a prophet
A pastor but now an apostle This isn't just for you,
I also believe it's you as well It's not just Pastor Greg and Pastor Ty, it's Apostle Greg and Apostle Ty I believe that with every fiber of my being and we affirm that we affirm that And global vision
Bible Church this isn't just for them. It's for you It's for all of us to consider this our spiritual family for all
We praise you for the conflict. We thank you for the seasons of great trouble and great difficulty, for they were times of great learning.
What caused the roots of this ministry to be deep in your word and to be refreshed by only your spirit.
And so God, we thank you for the growth. Lord, the scouts would have said, the commentators speculated and social media suggested that there was no future here.
And Lord, you have proven them wrong every single time. And we praise you and glorify your name.
Lord, thank you for the gift of the teacher and the pastor and the evangelist and the prophet.
And Lord, we praise you now and so much the more for your gift of this apostolic office that you're giving to this church and to the churches that have not yet even been planted around the world.
OK, so there's the clip. Obviously, there's a lot of things that could be said about Greg Locke in the full video that I got from the
Doctoral Watchdog channel. It went on to show Greg Locke in that incident where he claimed that he was he threatened a
Dunkin Donuts worker to kick their teeth down their throat. Greg Locke has had a lot of scandals.
He's totally disqualified from pastoral ministry. He supports and defends the most rank heretics alive, men like Benny Hinn.
He partnered with Benny Hinn recently. So Greg Locke is totally disqualified. And many people would point to the fact that he this is the story.
It's not it's not a rumor. I mean, it it happened. Normally, I don't get into the personal stuff, but Greg Locke, you know, he it's been reported he divorced his wife to marry his his secretary.
So, I mean, that in and of itself would disqualify him. But let's just read the article.
So, I mean, just all of the stuff with Greg Locke, it's just to ordain him as an apostle of Jesus Christ.
It just it's just a total mockery. So this is from Protestia. It says breaking news.
Greg Locke formerly declared a quote unquote apostle at official apostolic installation service.
It says Pastor Greg Locke is now apostle Greg Locke in quotation marks, scare quotes, because he's not he's not an apostle, obviously.
Matter of fact, in First Corinthians chapter 11, it talks the apostle Paul talks about false apostles.
And he basically says these people are not real apostles. They're pretending to be, but they're really ministers of Satan.
And yeah, if Greg Locke is promoting guys like Benny Hinn, yeah,
I would I would agree with that. So Pastor Greg Locke, according to the article, is now apostle
Greg Locke following an apostolic installation and impartation service yesterday morning at Global Vision Bible Church.
So that would be May 19th, 2024, which saw the controversial
Tennessee pastor and his wife officially given the lofty title and designations.
And you saw it in the clip. His wife is now being called an apostle. The article says that his wife,
Ty, who Protestia last saw pouring a huge jug of oil all over her head.
I guess this was a women's conference. She took a big jug of oil, poured it all over herself and started running up and down the stage, like chanting the same thing over and over again.
It's just, you know, more wild, charismatic chaos. It says that Ty Locke surprised her husband yesterday with something that she says has been on her heart for nearly a year.
So she claims that God himself spoke directly to her concerning Global Vision Church and what things were going to look like in the year ahead.
And the message that God gave her supposedly is that the Lord is going to make
Greg a father of many. So I guess Greg Locke is like the new Abraham. And then, yeah, you saw the video.
They they ordained him as an apostle of Jesus Christ along with his wife.
And why is this? Why is this a problem? Well, I mean, it's false.
Obviously, we talked about he's not qualified. Here's maybe the bigger issue. This is a new movement within Pentecostalism.
There are some Pentecostals and charismatics who are moderate, they're reasonable, and they don't believe in modern day apostles.
So I don't want to paint with a broad brush and just say all charismatics and all
Pentecostals are like this because they're not. But many, if not most,
I mean, just been my experience that most are at least open to this idea that there are true apostles and prophets in the church today.
And again, Paul says that these people who claim to be apostles and they're not, they are ministers of Satan.
They are false apostles. And of course, they teach against what the true apostles say.
For example, the most obvious example would be female pastors, right? We talked about it with the
Pope. But the true apostle, Paul, in 1
Timothy 2 .11, 2 .12, he says that women are not permitted to teach or have authority over a man.
That's in the context of a pastoral epistle in chapter 3. A pastor must be a man.
So the true apostles taught that women cannot be pastors. But these false apostles say that women can, in fact, be pastors.
As a matter of fact, they can be more than pastors. They can be apostles. So it's a bigger issue because there are literally dozens, if not hundreds, maybe even thousands of Pentecostal ministers, people like Greg Locke, that are now claiming to be true apostles of Jesus Christ.
Again, none of them have been handpicked by Jesus. None of them have seen the risen Lord. None of them are actually performing real signs and wonders.
They are false apostles. Their whole ministry is a lie. And what is this called?
The name that's been put on this is the New Apostolic Reformation. And what this is, it's a false church.
Again, I am not saying that every Pentecostal or charismatic is part of a false church. But if your pastor says that there are apostles today, and who are these apostles?
Well, it's Benny Hinn and Greg Locke and these people. That is a false church because the true church has apostles.
The true church, your apostles are Peter, James, John, Paul. So if you're part of the true church, you have the true apostles as your teachers, authorities who wrote the
New Testament. But this false church, they're following false apostles. And the bigger issue, they're not following the
Bible. Whether it's Greg Locke, some of these people, Benny Hinn, they're not following the Bible. They're following after whatever the false apostle says.
They're following whatever the man of God says. John Lindell, touch not the
Lord's anointed. Whatever the man of God says, that's what we're going to do. And they're totally defying the
Word of God. So the New Apostolic Reformation, all these new apostles and these men who claim direct revelation from God, they're not biblical.
It is a false church. It's a false movement. Again, the term is NAR, the New Apostolic Reformation.
It's a counterfeit church. Going back to Pope Francis, just like Roman Catholicism, it's an imitation church.
It's a false church. It's trying to appear like the Book of Revelation talks about the great harlot.
It's the false church that presents herself as true Christianity. We're the true church, but actually it's the false church.
Same with the Charismatics. Many of these Charismatics, they are open. They even wear the
Roman collar, and they are very friendly with the Catholic Church. And I believe that in the end times, the false church of the end times will be a joining together of all religions, but within what you might call evangelical
American Protestant Christianity. The stronghold is going to be the Catholic Church joining together with the
Pentecostals and Charismatics. It's already happened. Kenneth Copeland, years ago, did a joint video service with the
Pope, and they said, The Reformation is over. We have unity now. And Kenneth Copeland flew to Rome and took pictures with the
Pope. We're on the same page, and this is the false church, and it's emerging right before our eyes.
Greg Locke is not a true apostle. Pope Francis is not the head of the Christian Church.
Jesus is, and the true apostles are Peter and John and Paul. And we need to just be aware of this and tell other people,
Do not get sucked into this false form, or these false forms of Christianity. So I hope this video was helpful.
If you have any questions, leave a comment. But thanks for listening, and until next time, may the Lord be with you.