Should They Be Associated w/ Daystar? Ray Comfort, David Jeremiah, Michael Youssef, Jack Hibbs etc.
After polling Evangelical Christians, the results are in! Knowing what we know now should these pastors be airing their programs on Joni Lamb's Daystar Television Network going forward? Along with those mentioned above both Charles Stanley & Adrain Rodgers are on the Network. They are no longer with us, so other people are making those decisions, so we are trying to show a little grace, but we are also sharing the clear answers to this relevant question, therefore we respectfully ask these ministries to reconsider and end their partnership with Joni Lamb and Daystar.
@LivingWaters @drdavidjeremiah @RealLifeJackHibbs @leadingtheway @InTouchMinistries @lwfministries
- 00:00
- Hello, before this video begins, I just want to issue this brief disclaimer I'm going to be talking about some
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- Bible believing pastors that some of you like matter of fact I like some of these guys I disagree with them here, but I just want to say upfront.
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- This is not an attack This is not one of these mark and avoid videos. The only people
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- I'm saying we should avoid is Is Daystar the false teachers on Daystar, but some of these more dependable pastors are on Daystar, so I think this is a valid question.
- 00:33
- We don't want to be disrespectful I'm trying to show a little grace, but I think this is a valid question
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- Should these pastors knowing what we know now about Daystar should they be?
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- associated with Daystar and Joni Lamb, so that's the question and I believe that the body of Christ has answered and in this video
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- I'm simply going to share what other people had to say so with that said
- 01:01
- Here's the video Hello, and thank you for watching this video we've been covering the
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- Daystar controversy and something has come up a question and I actually posed it to my
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- YouTube audience and I've got over a thousand responses and I want to read some of the responses.
- 01:29
- Here's the question Should Ray Comfort David Jeremiah Michael Yousef Jack Hibbs and others and their association with Daystar Television Network, so here's the thing
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- Daystar TBN They promote the worst of the worst when it comes to heretical false prophets
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- Kenneth Copeland Benny Hinn Daystar I don't think airs
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- Benny Hinn, but they air Kenneth Copeland and this is the question people who are more reliable People a lot of Christians find
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- David Jeremiah Charles Stanley Charles Stanley is on Daystar Adrian Rogers is on Daystar now those two men have passed away
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- But the people in control of their ministry are clearly Associating with Daystar and don't quote me on this but from what
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- I understand these ministries like David Jeremiah Ray Comfort From what
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- I understand they are paying Daystar To air their program.
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- So they they must have some contract. Is that being unequally yoked? 2nd
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- Corinthians 6 These are the questions that are coming up Since many
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- Christians feel that David Jeremiah Jack Hibbs Michael Yousef Ray Comfort Many Christians would say they're not like Kenneth Copeland.
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- Kenneth Copeland is a false teacher Joyce Meyer is a false teacher, but Jack Hibbs David Jeremiah Ray Comfort, you know, they're
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- Reliable, they're solid. Obviously some people are going to question that but Should they since they are considered to be dependable teachers?
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- Should they end their association or they're Yoking up if you will should they end that association with Daystar?
- 03:25
- So let me read the responses and I'm gonna link all of these ministries
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- So if I'm pretty sure David Jeremiah is never gonna watch this or Jack Hibbs or Ray Comfort maybe they will though and I'm just asking
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- Ray Comfort and these other pastors to Just hear out the Saints.
- 03:47
- Listen to what the Saints are saying So my poll let's get into it
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- My poll has over a thousand votes 95 % of Christians say that these men should absolutely end their association
- 04:06
- With Daystar only 5 % say no don't end it So, I mean this is this is the blowout so let me read some of the comments
- 04:15
- I Commented first I said there are several ministries Men who are now deceased who are on Daystar including
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- Adrian Rogers and Charles Stanley and Along with those who are alive Ray Comfort David Jeremiah What's your take on this?
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- So I asked people what they thought and they said well It's up to the ones who are in control that would be in control of Adrian Rogers ministry and Charles Stanley Leaving their programs on there validates
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- Daystar and it brings Shame, so that's what Mary said Here's another comment.
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- This is Esther. They should never have been associated with them in the first place
- 05:01
- Now I do want to say it's pain. Well pastor Mike. Are you associated with anyone? Well, I'm not on TV I was on a radio station that aired
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- Joyce Meyer Okay, and I was never comfortable with it and I thought well
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- Here's the thing This station allowed me to rebuke
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- Joyce my and I did this on air I spoke against Joyce Meyer and called her a false teacher on air
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- So I thought well as long as they give me the freedom to do that I Here's the thing
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- I I'm pretty certain correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty certain Ray Comfort and David Jeremiah are not speaking against a star like if Put it this way if Ray Comfort went on air at day star in was
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- Rebuking day star for platforming false teachers. I don't think I'd have a problem with that I'm 99 % sure these guys are not doing that So they're sort of playing by the rules and they're not
- 06:05
- Addressing the heretics on day star. I Remember seeing Michael Yousef on TBN and he's like, you know what?
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- I'm dealing with false prophets I'm gonna name names and I'm not afraid to name names But then he never named names and he never gave him any specifics.
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- So and on top of that David Jeremiah actually went on set
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- At TBN with Paul Crouch the heretical founder of the network and David Jeremiah praised
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- Paul Crouch and Helped raise money for Paul Crouch and David Jeremiah said to the audience millions of Christians watching you should support to send your money into TBN Let's play that clip
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- I'm so amazed that the vision God has given to this man And when I see when I come here and see how he's touched the world with technology
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- So that he can touch the world with the gospel. I want to be a part of helping him continue to do that I hope you will do that to be a part of what's happening at TBN and let's pray together that God will enable you
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- To do more than you even thought I understand the importance of the church. I'm a pastor I tell people, you know, you should you should support your church if they didn't do that pastors would be out of business
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- But after you support the church You need to support the ministries that feed your soul
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- That bring ministry into your life that help you understand the Word of God. So I encourage you to do.
- 07:36
- Okay, so that to me that was disappointing and I'm sorry.
- 07:42
- I don't I don't think there's any excuse for that So being on the network is one thing that I think is definitely over the line
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- But reading these comments again 95 % of people Think it is over the line.
- 07:57
- You should not be associated and by the way I Had some other issues with that Radio station and because and I asked them please remove
- 08:07
- Joyce Meyer. I'm Joyce Meyer is a false teacher I'm not comfortable with this. Please remove
- 08:13
- Joyce Meyer they wouldn't and I Ended my association with that radio ministry, so You know,
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- I don't want to be hypocritical. And by the way, I'm not telling I want to be clear. I am NOT judging
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- Ray Comfort, I am NOT passing judgment on David Jeremiah. I am simply communicating the information
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- Okay, I'm telling them I'm reaching out to them saying hey guys What the
- 08:41
- Saints are saying now I Agree with the general sentiment if somebody if I do read a comment, that's a little more harsh.
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- I'm not again I'm not judging. I'm not being harsh, but You know, we live in perilous times
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- Daystar is promoting the most rank heresy I really I really believe we need to solid teachers need to disassociate.
- 09:04
- That's my Stance and I hope they'll do it. Honestly, but You know, maybe they've
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- I don't know. I don't want to judge their motivations, but let's read some more comments Why are people joined in?
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- With that company. Do you not fear God? He will not be mocked. So Stacey has some firm words for some of those men
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- Jack says these guys are on Daystar question mark big red flags on all of them
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- The word states this quote have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness
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- But rather expose them that is expose Daystar. They are the darkness. So that's what
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- Jack and said Linda said absolutely they should end association
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- Every ethical Bible teacher must leave now Maybe they should have never been there
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- In the first place along with these false teachers and with the prosperity gospel
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- But I understand that it's better to have some authentic Bible teachers there than none.
- 10:14
- Okay, I guess that's the other side You know, of course, she's saying they should leave but I guess the other mindset would be well, it's better to have some truth
- 10:25
- And I talked about this in a previous video. There was an interfaith service and One Bible believing church decided to go and attend the
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- Bible believing or excuse me the interfaith service and They said well, we just want the truth to be represented
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- Here's the thing The Bible says be separate so I don't agree. I don't think that's a biblical response
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- Like if if you're a solid Bible teacher, you know Benny Hinn's on at 9 Kenneth Copeland is on at 10, but you're on at 930.
- 11:01
- I'm just here to represent the truth Gives the impression you're fellowshipping with evil that I'm just saying that's the impression so Again most everybody 95 % of people disagree with this
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- Gray, he says I stopped watching Daystar 13 years ago
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- When I woke up to all the scammers and the false teachers on there Another comment, obviously, yes, they should disassociate they should run
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- Tell them why you're leaving tell them to repent and then run the fear of the
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- Lord is the beginning of wisdom This is what Christian Canuck says. He has his own channel good channel.
- 11:42
- Check it out He says I was shocked that Ray Comfort was on there in the first place Another comment
- 11:49
- I never once Watch Daystar, but these other ministries should flee from the crooks at Daystar Another comment
- 11:58
- Joyce Roberts says absolutely. Yes disassociate Brandon says yes, and they also need to steer clear of Jimmy Evans as well as dr.
- 12:09
- Mark Hitchcock Hitchcock He needs to part ways with them. I'm not familiar with him perhaps so this is what
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- One comment or said perhaps pastor grant you could contact these ministries and let them know what our collective comments are and that's what
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- I'm doing now Kathy says yes, most definitely disassociate
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- Then she says unfortunately many of these people we love and respect can be naive and lack a ton of discernment
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- I'm very troubled by this. So that's the question is Ray Comfort Lacking discernment,
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- I don't know. I don't know if he's lacking discernment. I'd be interested to hear his take
- 12:52
- Is David Jeremiah naive when he went on set with TBN? I don't know So somebody else said
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- Sue said I didn't know about their association. This is bad. Thanks for the information
- 13:04
- Why would they want to be associated with Daystar who promotes false teachers?
- 13:10
- Well, Sue that's a that's a good question, that's what we're trying to figure out hopefully they'll respond
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- Unfortunately, sometimes once you reach a level and you're just you know, so famous and Oftentimes people at that level will just not respond to the little guys
- 13:28
- So, I don't know if we'll hear from them or not. I hope we do. I hope they disassociate and say you know what?
- 13:35
- We heard the Saints 95 % of Christians were saying disassociate
- 13:41
- And obviously this isn't a scientific poll, but I think it's safe to say that the majority of Christians You know solid
- 13:48
- Christians think they should get off Daystar. So yeah, it would be good if they if they listened so another commenter
- 13:58
- Absolutely, she says another one it would be sick if they stayed So Rob says why would they stay?
- 14:07
- They are all on the gravy train including David Jeremiah, okay a little more cynical of a comment
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- And obviously yes, they're paying Daystar again, correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure this is the agreement they're paying
- 14:24
- Daystar So they have a contract they're paying Daystar Daystar puts them on TV and then because they're on TV they get
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- People sending in donations, so it's just kind of a cycle so Rob calls it the gravy train
- 14:40
- Pastor Mike would would would would you take a show on Daystar if they put you on? That's never gonna happen that's that's what someone will say and you're right that will never happen if I did
- 14:52
- I Would I'd be on once and I would totally? Ruby I'd put on one of my previous videos
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- I just air that and they wouldn't air it obviously so that's no I would not be on Daystar or TBN Brian says
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- I didn't know that Ray was on there that explains a lot My home 7
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- Carla says I had no idea Ray comfort was on Daystar I am extremely disappointed and I'm no longer following him because he knew what he was doing when he associated with them
- 15:28
- I'm done with all of them. God is truly cleaning house in 2024 okay
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- Susan says I learned a lot from Ray comfort especially his book the myth of the modern message
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- It's unfortunate. He partners with Daystar though. I still Promote their material just by other ways of watching not through Daystar so you know again some people are more harsh.
- 15:59
- You know these people they're on the gravy train Figures that explains a lot others are like hey
- 16:06
- I think they're solid, but they really need to disassociate again 95 %
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- Another commenter Jack says I don't know what a Daystar is Nor do
- 16:18
- I know these people listed, but it sounds on scriptural Yes, Jack.
- 16:24
- I think you're right. It is on scriptural 2nd Corinthians 6 Another comment never watched a full episode of Daystar Just didn't resonate with me.
- 16:35
- I have several friends that still go to Gateway That's Gateway Church formerly
- 16:40
- Robert Morris And they are still defending Robert Morris and a star and that's been my experience these hyper charismatics
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- Like these guys can literally do anything Robert Morris You know what he did.
- 16:53
- I'm not gonna say it for the sake of the algorithm, but Yeah, these people can literally do anything and these hyper charismatics will defend them that I've definitely noticed that Another commenter
- 17:05
- Paul says when I first got saved I listened to way of the master with Todd Friel Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron almost every day knowing what
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- I know Knowing what I know now. I will avoid Kirk and Ray due to their affiliations with this
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- Network, and it's just a lot more comments. Yes, of course Disassociate sounds like a cult
- 17:26
- I would run So and why are they still there and birds of a feather and?
- 17:32
- All right, so you get the idea I'm going to link to the ministry or YouTube channel of Ray Comfort David Jeremiah Michael Yousef Jack Hibbs Whoever's running the ministries of Adrian Rogers and Charles Stanley.
- 17:47
- They will all get notified I might even try to send a few emails through ministry websites if I can't link them on YouTube So they will hear what the body of Christ is saying
- 17:59
- You know to get 95 % of Christians to agree on anything is very difficult
- 18:04
- But 95 % are agreeing on this that you guys should leave
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- Daystar totally Disassociate with Daystar and then on top of that, you know send out a statement.
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- Tell them why you're leaving This is what the body of Christ is saying and let's see if these pastors and Bible teachers will listen
- 18:27
- Alright, let's pray for them and pray about the situation if I hear anything I will be sure to update you and until next time may the