Midweek Review #27 (Acts 16:11-40)

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Whatever the circumstances, we need to persevere in the mission. Sometimes the sailing is smooth, but other times rough. We must be content in every and every situation.


And it's invigorating, too. Have you ever had a Lydia in your life? Have you ever been filled with the
Spirit, and the Lord leads you to initiate a conversation, and you witness to some
Lydia, and she gets saved? You recognize that was only the power of God that did it. It wasn't you, but it is one of the most encouraging things that can happen to you as a
Christian. You'll get just as much out of that experience as the person who gets saved. Your faith will be renewed.
If you haven't had the experience of leading somebody to Christ in recent months or years,
I encourage you to come to the Apologetics Conference on September 29th. We're going to be training people in how to witness, how to share the gospel, how to initiate that conversation, and then how to persevere in it and help people come to faith.
It's real easy here, but let's keep reading. Verse 16, Paul. Notice here that there is sometimes resistance, and spiritual resistance requires spiritual warfare.
It's not all smooth sailing. Verse 16, as we were going to the place of prayer, we were met by a slave girl who had a spirit of divination and brought her owners much gain by fortune telling.
She followed Paul and us, crying out, these men are servants of the most high
God who proclaim to you the way of salvation. I don't know how to do the voice of a demon possessed girl.
It's probably eerie, it's probably weird, but it's kind of strangely flattering, isn't it?
She doesn't just oppose them, she proclaims who they actually are. Demonic spirits love to disguise themselves as angels of light.