Is Jesus still a man right now? #apologetics #Christianty #resurection
Matt Slick responds to a live caller on his radio show who asked if Jesus was still a man, in flesh right now. This video is a clip of that reply.
- 00:01
- No, he is still a man and So I'll give you several reasons why for one if you go to 1st
- 00:08
- Corinthians 15 35 through 45 in that pericope It talks about the resurrection of the body and that that which is sown is that which is raised
- 00:19
- So my body when I die will eventually be raised to glory.
- 00:25
- It'll be the same body I know how it's gonna work, but it's gonna happen Jesus prophesied his own resurrection in John 2 19 through 21.
- 00:33
- He said this for this temple three days I will raise it up speaking the temple of his body
- 00:39
- After his resurrection, he appeared to Thomas and he said John 20 25 through 28
- 00:44
- He says put your hand into my side and your finger into my hand
- 00:50
- So he had he retained the crucifixion wounds according to the resurrected body
- 00:57
- Furthermore Jesus was baptized Not to identify with sinners because John the
- 01:03
- Baptist baptism was a baptism of repentance. Well, Jesus had nothing to repent of so He was baptized as Jesus says to fulfill all righteousness
- 01:13
- To fulfill these deals with the Old Testament and I'll just get to the chase Really quickly here in Leviticus 8 numbers 4
- 01:22
- Yeah numbers 4 Leviticus 8 and Exodus 29 in those three chapters
- 01:28
- You'll find what a man needed to do and and be in order to enter into the priesthood
- 01:34
- He had to be 30 years of age. Jesus was 30 Anointed with oil. Jesus was going with the
- 01:40
- Holy Spirit came down on him verbal blessing given Okay, my beloved son who
- 01:45
- I'm well pleased and believe it or not had to be sprinkled with water. That was the law Sprinkled Jesus was
- 01:51
- I believe was sprinkled according to the law as he entered into the priesthood
- 01:57
- He has three offices prophet priest and King so if you go to All you do is read
- 02:02
- Hebrews 5 6 and 7 and you'll see that he's the high priest out of the order of Melchizedek so Hebrews 620 and 748 says that he lives he's a high priest out of the order of Melchizedek and he lives forever to make intercession for us
- 02:17
- Why is all this important? because if He is not a man right now.
- 02:24
- He can't be a high priest. You got to be a man to be a high priest And if he's not a high priest, you don't have an intercessioner
- 02:31
- So it's a critical and essential doctrine of the Christian faith that Jesus is a man right now
- 02:36
- He has two distinct natures divine and human we call it the hypostatic Union, but he's one person and He will forever be in this humbled and humiliated state so to speak for us