Matt Slick Live: July 31, 2024



The Matt Slick Live (Live Broadcast of 07-31-2024) is a production of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry (CARM). Matt answers questions on topics such as: The Bible, Apologetics, Theology, World Religions, Atheism, and other issues!  You can also email questions to Matt using: [email protected], Put "Radio Show Question" in the Subject line! Answers will be discussed in a future show. Topics Include: An AI-Led Church Was Jesus ever Afraid Are The Olympics Demonic Numbers of Greek Manuscripts Professing Christians should set a Marriage Example Which Bible Translation Presupposers and Transgenderism July 31, 2024


The following program is recorded content created by The Truth Network. It's Matt Slick Live!
Matt is the founder and president of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry, found online at karm .org.
When you have questions about Bible doctrines, turn to Matt Slick Live for answers. Taking your calls and responding to your questions at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. Hey, everybody. Welcome to the show. It's me, Matt Slick, and you're listening to Matt Slick Live.
Hope you're all going to have a good time listening today. And I have a bit of a chest cold.
Just a bit. Just started a little bit ago, so we'll see how that goes. But, hey, I want you to give me a call.
877 -207 -2276. And we have three open lines.
So there you go. We've got a good question coming up here. It'll be interesting. Anyway, if you also want to e -mail me, you can do that.
Just send an e -mail to info at karm .org. Info at karm .org.
And put in the subject line, radio comment, radio question. Either one of those, and we can get to you.
All right? We do them on Fridays a lot of times. Just a reminder, I'll be off the air all week next week.
Going to run a little errands and some stuff out of state.
So for a little bit. And take the rest of the week and all that kind of stuff off.
So I'll be up and around. But there you go. Hey, why don't we just do this. Get to Jermaine from California.
Jermaine, welcome. You're on the air. Oh, hello, Matt. Hey. How are you doing?
Hey. I'm doing okay. Just, yeah, a question that piqued my interest was last year
I saw that there was a Protestant church in Germany. And it was basically an
AI -led church service where they had a screen up. And they had the entire service conducted by AI.
And I was shocked how many people actually filled the church to attend. And, you know, I'm taking some classes in AI.
Just learning as much as I can. I used to be in that tech world. But I was just interested. However, it just felt spiritually off to see how many people were willing to sit there and listen to a service completely conducted by, which is essentially a creation.
And I know this is kind of new territory. So I just kind of wanted to hear your thoughts on AI -led services.
Yeah. Well, it makes sense that this will occur.
And if there was one going on around my area, I would definitely go. Because I would want to do research to see what happens.
You know, just to see. That's already right about it. But is it okay? No, it's not.
Okay. Hold on one second. Interesting. Okay. So anyway, sorry, got a little distracted there.
So, you know, the Holy Spirit moves through the person. And the unction of the
Holy Spirit occurs while people are preaching. A lot of times during a sermon, and I've preached hundreds of sermons, what will happen is you're moving in a certain direction.
And you just feel, sense, know, however it is, the need to say something that's different.
This is because the Holy Spirit generally is working on you and through you for the congregation.
That wouldn't happen in an AI. Furthermore, the ones who do the preaching, by definition, are supposed to be those who are, well, alive.
Pastors and elders. And that's what we're supposed to have. So the idea of having
AI do this is really interesting.
I'm actually kind of curious to know if we could call it sinful. But it is an interesting concept to discuss.
So I think I'm going to have to write an article on it, you know, because it's interesting. Right. Yeah, okay.
I agree with you. I actually would check it out myself just to check it out one time.
But I was more shocked by how many people had filled the church and kind of complimented the
AI on preaching a good message. And that disturbed me because if you try hard enough, you can actually get the
AI to lie to you. It takes some effort, but you can get the AI to start hallucinating and just straight lie or to tell you something that maybe is politically correct, aligned with whoever programmed it.
So people should keep that in mind. Yeah, just be curious and read your article now.
Yeah. And also what might be interesting to take on this is
I just had this thought. What was it? It's not alive. I'm sure the Holy Spirit's not going to be there, but there was something else.
You go there to listen. Oh, yeah. So an AI sermon would only be as good as the programming that led to it.
Now, what if you had, however, what if you had someone do an
AI avatar and the avatar, I'm not saying I would agree with this, but the avatar delivered a sermon that was, say, 300 years old that was recorded, written down.
Still, it's not acceptable, but I could see how an
AI could do that and not make a mistake, so to speak. It's worth discussing.
Yeah. Okay. I did a while back. Just to jog my memory,
I do remember there was a someone created basically an avatar of Christ, and people were chatting with it, and it was supposed to kind of,
I guess, duplicate whatever he would have said. But a lot of it was basic. When you start asking controversial questions, it was pretty obvious that not only was this not
Christ, but it could actually be demonically inspired. So, yeah, definitely something to look into.
Well, here's something else that I'm concerned about. There's this thing called the image of the beast, and there's a lot of people who've been wondering what it might be.
And, you know, I just finished literally editing my novel, my first novel, re -editing it yesterday.
I'm going to release it here tonight or tomorrow on Amazon. And I want to write a second and a third in this series.
People have asked me to for years, and so probably going to do that. And one of the concepts I've been thinking about working with is
AI that moves and does stuff and, you know, different contexts.
And the question then is, could such an AI be possessed? And that's just a question.
So animals can be possessed, and it certainly seems to be the case that objects can have demonic connection.
So could it be that a demonic force could inhabit some computer system and then be deceptive?
It's just a thought. You know, you could write something like that and assume it's true for a story. So you never know.
But it is interesting that God created life. Now, so to speak, we're creating life.
And it's in the form of AI. And the AI that we create, so to speak, has all knowledge.
Because, I mean, I use ChatGPT4, and I go in,
I ask questions, theology. I know my theology. It does very well. So we have these, you know, it's like creating life, all knowledge, can give advice.
It can just do things. It is kind of imitating God. And I just find this fascinating that people are creating this.
And could it be that it will become sky net and takes over, you know, try to destroy people, blah, blah, blah.
So it's just interesting. I'm going to really work through some ideas on it and write an article on it.
All right. All right. Well, thank you very much, man. I appreciate it. Okay. Sounds good. All right, man.
God bless, buddy. Okay. There, I cut him off there. Sorry about that.
All right. Let's get to Mike from North Carolina. Mike, welcome. You're on the air.
Hey, I read the Bible quite a bit. And I listen to a lot of sermons on radio.
And one of the things that popped into my head the other night was we know that, according to the
Bible, Jesus wept. Yes. And I'm going to assume that when he was throwing out the money changers in the temple that he was angry.
But I was wondering, does the Bible ever say anything about Jesus being angry, or not angry, being afraid?
It doesn't say that I'm aware of any place where it says he's afraid. But when we go to roughly
Luke 22, 42, it says, you know, Father, if there's any way for this cup to pass from me, let it be done, but not my will but your will.
And what he was talking about was the aspect of going to the crucifixion.
And he didn't want to go through it. And then he started sweating like drops of blood falling to the ground.
So he was in great despair. So I think we could say that in that he was fearful of going through what he had to go through, even though it doesn't say so.
All right. I was just trying to relate it to humans and why we tend to be afraid of things and the unknown.
I was just trying to kind of relate it somehow. Yes. Well, as you rightly pointed out,
Jesus wept and he had sorrow and he had anger.
So he had human emotions. So why wouldn't he have experienced fear? I think he probably did.
I'm not going to hang my hat on that one, but I think he probably did. He was a human.
He didn't want to go through it. I guess
I'm still struggling with that 100 % man, 100 % God concept.
Well, I don't like to say 100 % and 100%. That doesn't make sense. What we say is that in the one person are two natures.
It's like having a bag, one bag, and in it is an orange and an apple.
In the one bag is an orange and an apple. In the one person is a divine and a human. That's what you could look at it as.
And the attributes of both of those natures are ascribed to the single person of Christ. And that's called the communication of the properties.
So he slept, he ate, but he also said he'd be with us always.
Even to the end of the earth. So he's claiming the attributes of both humanity and divinity. So that's what that is.
I believe he would have had those attributes of fear and hope. I guess that's where I was kind of getting my thinking wrong on that.
It's called the hypostatic union. And it's worth studying. And let me tell you, it's not just, oh, it's a good idea to know a little bit about it.
This is one of the fundamental doctrines of the entire Christian faith. Anyone who would deny that Jesus is both
God and man cannot be a true Christian. That's how important it is. It's like saying he didn't rise from the dead.
Well, then you can't be a true Christian. There are only a few essential doctrines of the faith, like seven of them. And that's one of them, that he's both
God and man. So it's worth checking out. Just go to my website, karm .org,
C -A -R -M dot O -R -G. And just type in, Is Jesus God? You'll type in, you'll see an article pop up and all kinds of stuff.
Okay? All right. Well, thank you. All right. Check it out. Give me a call back. Let me know what you think, all right?
Okie doke. All right, man. Talk to you later. Bye -bye. Bye. Hey, folks, if you want to give me a call, the number is 877 -207 -2276.
We'll get back to Clay here after the break, discussing the opening ceremony of the
Olympics. Oh, boy. We'll be right back after these messages. Please stay tuned. It's Matt Slick live.
Taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276. Here's Matt Slick.
All right. Welcome back to the show. If you want to give me a call, it's easy. Just dial 877 -207 -2276.
You can also e -mail me, info at karm .org, C -A -R -M dot O -R -G.
And put in a subject line. Radio comment or radio question. Just want to let you know that. I'll be off the air all next week.
And be back the following week after that. So there you go.
Let's get to Clay from North Carolina. Clay, welcome here on the air. Brother Matt, let me first start off this conversation in a positive way.
Not that I'm a negative person. To give thanks to the Lord for you, for what you do, and for everything that you bring on the radio.
I really give thanks to you and Truth Radio and, you know, everything that that's about. So I've been meaning, you know,
I understand what the person who was taking the calls and let you know when you're going to be on the air.
He said that this was talked about yesterday. And I apologize for not listening yesterday.
So, you know, of course, the Olympics started last Friday. And the opening ceremony was three and a half plus hours.
And I didn't watch all of it. But anyway, so I went to this
Christian fellowship get together Saturday. And there were like two or three people that were there. And then there was one person
Sunday morning going to church. And one person at this Bible study prayer meeting that I'd go to in this church that's, you know, out in the country in Southern Durham, Northern Wake County and North Carolina.
So they were, it was talked about that.
It was the word demonic was mentioned. You know, I know that demonic is, is a extended word of demon.
And we know that demon is demonic is of evil intent.
And a lot of, you know, I took the time to just like, look all this up.
And then I got on book face late Sunday evening and shared a bit about this.
And so I also took the time to look up what the Olympics were about.
And if you go back before they were called the Olympics, you know, it was considered a religious festival by gods who were of the
Bible and stuff like that. And then what the, you know, the flag with the rings in it stood for.
And I looked all that up and, you know, they want to bring peace and unity and other stuff like this.
So I'm not sure why these individuals were bringing the word demonic at their house and listening to somebody that, you know,
I guess a pastor or whatever out there. So you talking about the opening
Olympics, right? Yes. Yeah. Okay. And the ceremony, right?
Yes. And you're wondering why your friends would call that demonic. Yeah. I think from what
I was able to talk to a wonderful brother, I know in the Lord I've known him for about like three or four months now.
And he said that there was like the portrayal of, I think the
Lord's supper and they were using transgender people. And I didn't know about that.
I didn't watch the entire. Oh, okay. Okay. Yes. There was a feast.
The original guys who did this said it was supposed to be to the Greek God Dionysus, but it was very, very, it resembled the last supper from Leonardo da
Vinci. They had drag Queens doing all this kind of stuff. And so it's been an uproar, you know, the
Olympic committee apologized for this. And so they did, they said it was never their intention to offend.
Well, you know, anybody who would say, well, we didn't intend to offend anybody has that kind of opening ceremony.
Uh, obviously, uh, doesn't have a functioning frontal lobe area of the brain because to say, yes, sir, it's insane.
Okay. This is absolute stupidity. Heads need to roll for this. Okay. And metaphorically speaking, furthermore,
I mean, yes, sir. Two weeks before the game, there was a
Brazilian surfer who was ordered to remove the image of Jesus from his surfboard. And the reason was because the official said that the games are supposed to be neutral on everything.
If that's the case, why did they let this pagan festival come in? Paganism to false gods will be neutral.
So the hypocrisy is, is there. Okay. Well, and I understand that.
And from just going and re looking and reading and seeing what the overall situation is about in regards to the
Olympics. And again, if you go and you look at it and you take the time to really, in a way research, it is saying that it was a religious festival and what they would call the
Olympics. It was called the Olympiad years and years and years ago. So it says that they talk about certain things, um, that they feel, uh, you know, we're involved, um, what the rings signify, you know, what the colors are.
And there are five rings, um, even though there are seven continents that represent five continents that are majorly involved with the, you know,
Olympiad and stuff like that. So there's a lot going on, but, uh, you have a more focused question or anything about all this or, you know,
I'm just wondering what your thoughts are. I'm just, I, I just, I, I had a hard time with this.
I don't see, I mean, you know, well, what they're saying, they're trying to instill peace and unity for the people that are, you know, coming into to participate, you know, uh, you know, uh, one person shared that they'd like what
I share, but you know, they're liking the competition and you don't, you don't see, um, anything demonic and, and the other, and the overall situation, the overall situation.
Well, hold on, hold on. You mean the Olympics, right? Yes. Yeah. I see,
I see unity. I see the peace. I mean, you know, you, um, I just don't see, I just don't see anything demonic and overall.
And, uh, I mean, um, with what I've watched, I see, you know, I got you.
I got you. They're just, they're just people doing their sports. The issue here was the opening service.
And that was a real, uh, uh, failure. And what I understand also, the, uh, surfer who was told to not have an image of Jesus.
And, you know, so that's what I understand. I don't know if there's any more that happened like that. Uh, but you know what?
And that's what I'm trying to. And that's what I'm trying to bring out is that you don't see where I know that we're in a fallen society.
And I know people are going to make mountains out of molehills about certain things. And I just, you know, um, wish people would see the forest for the trees and the overall situation.
But it's okay. Um, I'm looking at it. I didn't know until, uh, brother
David share with me earlier today about, you know, what, what the couple of things were. And I mean,
I understand it now, but I'm just not seeing the demonic thing. It's the opening service that we're talking about.
Okay. So, well, I just would like to again, give thanks. I'd like to again, give thanks to the Lord for you.
And I appreciate you. And, uh, I really am thankful. Um, and just, uh, uh, you're, you're, you're, you're a really great guy, godly man.
And I'm, I'm, I'm thankful for that. Well, thanks, but I would contact the truth network and let them know that you appreciate their program.
Yes, sir. And I know several people there that, that, that can know that. Okay. Sounds good.
All right, brother. God bless you, man. You have a great day. Thanks for doing what you're doing. Okay. Sure. No problem.
God bless. All right, let's see. Let's get on with, Hey, this guy's different.
Alberto from Georgia. Hey, Alberto, welcome. You're on the air. Okay. Yeah. All right.
I got a question for you, but I'm going to make a quick time about the surfboard guy. The name is Jesus. Uh, it should, because most of the time they always put a
European Jesus on these pictures. So nobody knows how Jesus looks like in the first place. So they should take it off in a way.
That's my opinion. It's Matt Slick live, taking a look at what's going on.
877 -207 -2276. Here's Matt Slick. Welcome back to the show.
We have two open lines, 877 -207 -2276. Alberto, welcome,
Alberto. You're on the air. Yeah. Yes, I'm right here. And my question was that a lot of people say that the
New Testament has at least 66 ,000 manuscripts. that is to speak, which is high in part.
Roughly 6 ,000, uh, Greek manuscripts, large and small fragments and large pieces.
And, uh, even pages and pages and pages. Okay. So about 6 ,000. Was it 6 ,000 or 66 ,000?
Six, six, zero, zero. I saw a video about George McDowell.
Uh, it's called, it's a, it's a Bible, reliable and accurate. And he has a green shirt on. He's older there.
And he talks about, how he mentioned that in the video. 66 may include the
Greek, the Paschita. Well, the, uh, varying
Old Testament manuscripts, Septuagint, uh, different language manuscripts of early time, the first two, three, 400 years.
So there's quite a bit of stuff, but Greek manuscripts. Last I heard was about 6 ,000. 6 ,000.
All right. And here's a question too. I heard in the, on the John Eckert radio.
In 2015, they're having a debate between the, you know, the King Jamers and the new money translators. They were, they were saying most of the, the
King Jamers, the book of revelation used the Byzantium, uh, manuscript. Is that true or not?
Oh, I don't know. I don't know. I haven't studied it. Couldn't tell you. Okay. So that I would,
I don't study the video. Yeah. I don't show you all the manuscript stuff. Okay. Some guys love doing that. It's not my bag, but, um, yeah.
Like Dan, Daniel B. Wallace. He's one of the top scholars in the Greek. Okay. Okay. Yeah.
If you heard of him, Daniel, Daniel B. Wallace, you heard of him? Oh yeah. Daniel Wallace. Yeah, of course. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. All right. I just want to know, cause I wasn't sure if it was the new 76 ,000 or 6 ,000.
I guess it's Greek manuscripts. Yeah. Yeah. But there's other languages that were translated to other languages very early.
And a lot of those exist too. Okay. That's where he got. I also heard too, that, uh,
I heard also through the, the, the one, the translator from the new King James, he said, uh, they don't have, uh, a manuscript script that this essentially sets it by itself.
Basically it's, uh, that's what the, when the reformation period, they have printed, printed 30 different copies of it.
Printed. That's what they're not. That's not a manuscript. I'm not understanding the words you're saying. I'm not understanding all the words you're saying.
I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, are living together we have to move out tonight you need to get out of there tonight need to move out tonight yes you can are you a
Christian yes sir then why are you living with a woman who's not your wife well you know because because you're in rebellious sin against God because you're in sin against God you need to move out and or you go get a pastor today and you get married so you're not in sin anymore okay okay we'll tackle other stuff but this is much more important if you call yourself a
Christian you better behave like a Christian and not live with a woman and have relations with her have children with her for all these years and you haven't married her this is great sin and rebellion against God you're lucky
God hasn't killed you in your rebellion you need to own up you don't sleep with her until you're married period and you get married you go fuck call a church up wherever you go you say you get married now and he comes over with witnesses you go through the ceremony do what you got to do or you go to a judge whatever you will get married but you get married and in the meantime you go stay with somebody until that's done okay okay now what do you got as a question now you called up for something do you want because okay
I know I got on you but man this is this is tough stuff this is true all right so what was your original question gonna be are you there no okay he's gone so look if you're a
Christian out there and you claim to follow Jesus Christ if you are fornicating with someone then you need to stop that now you need to repent before God and you need to ask forgiveness before God and the one with whom you are fornicating and you need to never do that again you don't satisfy your own flesh you don't do that in the opposition of the truth of God you don't justify it well it's just a person you know and it's inconvenient or well we're just doing it
I don't want to hear any stupid lame excuses I tell the men politely but firmly you man up you get it done you do what you have to do you stop sinning or you marry her and if you're a woman don't be getting involved with this kind of stuff and I've had couples that I've counseled on the couch in my office and they're gonna get married and I say okay have you been fooling around well occasionally said okay this is how it works but they want me to their wedding
I say I won't do your wedding if you fornicate anymore once more and we push it back six months or you find someone else to do the wedding and their eyes bug out
I said let's talk about sin let's talk about rebellion against God and I turn to her and I say this is the guy willing to go to bed with you in violation of the
Word of God in direct contradiction to the Word of God and you want to trust your you rest of your life with him he's willing to sin and serve his own flesh in order to just have pleasure against the will of God and you want to marry him and I turn to the guy and I say this is a woman you want to marry who will gladly participate in fornication and sin against God and you want to have a life with her what kind of Christian is she what kind of Christian are you oh
I hit him hard so you better know what you're getting into you better stop this if you don't
I mean you know the blessings are off of you God's gonna deal with you either they're in the judgment of the hardening of your heart and the condemning of you you'll either be killed or God's going to severely punish you but you have been allowed to breathe and continue because of nothing but God's grace you know
I gotta say this every now and then the people out there I know a lot of Christians they use whatever justification they can to justify to excuse their rebellion against God and they go to church and they're living with her boyfriend or girlfriend or fiance whatever not married having relations and then they go to church
God understands no he doesn't understand and you are lucky he hasn't judged you right now for such great rebellion and sin against him if you are in that situation you need to stop now instantly done if you're living with someone who you're not married to and you're having relations you move out now you find a place you call up your friends dude
I need to sleep on the couch we're gonna get married but I'm not married now listen to a guy in the radio named slick and he's right
I'm just gonna do what's right before God and then you get married you do that so that you're not in sin and you take that marriage seriously you take care of that woman woman you respect that husband you take care of any kids you do what's right and you stick it out no matter how tough it gets and I know how tough it can get oh trust me
I know you do what you got to do because that's what a man does that's what a mature woman does too oh it got difficult
I didn't love him anymore so what so what you don't stay in a marriage because you love somebody you stay in a marriage because God has ordained that you marry that person you're committed to God you've committed to that person and now if you don't feel the love now you have the opportunity to truly love and the true love is sacrificial and your spouse or your friend may not be as loving as you want them to be that doesn't mean you're excused from obligation of loving them not remembering long wrong suffered you are to love them whether you feel like it or not and I got to talk to people about this they should know better the church should be teaching them all right we'll be right back after these messages it's
Matt Slick live taking your calls at eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six here's
Matt Slick all right welcome back to the show next longest waiting person is
Andrea and then we'll get to Justin all right Andrea welcome you're on the air oh there you go all right
I'm here yeah oh hello I'm sorry I was adjusting my headphones it's all right hello Matt hello so my question is if you can hear me as you can tell
I'm from England and I came to America because God told me to and my question is when
I first came to America when I first came to America there were so many different churches and as a
Christian I was like well which one do I go to there's so many different denominations which one do
I go to and now the problem I have is there's so many Bible versions it's like you know how can you tell someone who's not a
Christian which Bible to use well
I I personally use the KJV that's fine I personally use the
KJV yeah that's fine the King James is fine it's if you're to do super serious study
I'd use something different but the King James is fine okay so the best Bible is the one that meets the intention of what you want so let me give an example of something like in Spanish okay to say
I am hungry in Spanish you say yo tengo hombre which is literally
I I have hunger that's what it literally is in Spanish well when we translate that into English we can say
I have hunger or I'm hungry or even really loosely
I'm starving okay so the idea of translating from Greek into English or the
Hebrew into English carries these kinds of issues so do we want to have a
Bible that is very literal to the original languages but it's smoothed out enough that you can understand it in English NASB that's what that is do you want to have a
Bible that is more smoothed while it's staying true so the other one is staying true and smooth the other one is smoothed first and then staying true a little bit of a different emphasis that would be the
Bible the read of the NIV but did you know yes that there are 63 ,000 words missing out of the
NIV very well not exactly no not exactly the King James has lots of problems with it
I'll just I can tell you it right away but when the King James was was translated it was translated with roughly back in the 1600s early 1600s it was done with fifths and old and newer from the 6th 7th 8th 9th that kind of thing fifth century documents since it's been translated with the archaeologists have found even older manuscripts there's a general rule about copying and copyist stuff that the older the manuscripts the more accurate they are because scribes for example by handwriting they would do this with a candle they would often do this with not the best sleep without about the best food and they would write and they might know a passage by memory and there's not supposed to even do it by memory they're supposed to always write well sometimes they make little mistakes and sometimes you might write a comment when they made a mistake in a margin this word goes here because they couldn't just crumple it up Xerox it off get started over really fast you know print up a new copy it wasn't like that it was expensive it was difficult to do they often wrote marginal notes the marginal notes sometimes a hundred years later were included inside of texts little bitty things little bitty changes this doesn't happen very often but this is the kind of stuff that would occur and so the older the you know from 5th 6th 7th then more opportunity for those to come in is there so when they go to older manuscripts then they find out those additions weren't there so when the
King James people say oh the newer Bibles have stuff taken out or not true no the real way to say it is the
King James has stuff added in it that wasn't true okay Wow yeah it's a completely different perspective well
I can't understand you I'm sorry I went muffled for me my hearing is a little bit bad but could you repeat that I'm sorry yes the guy that was speaking about the ceremony of the
Olympics I don't personally have a TV because the eyes are lamp of the body so I had to be careful what
I watch and they were talking about peace and unity and stuff like that now we know as Christians that in the
Bible it says when they say peace and safety sudden destruction will come upon the earth as a woman travels in birth and there'll be no escape could this possibly be
I know assumptions are very dangerous but could this possibly be that the fourth piece that Jesus is talking about bringing all the nations together well we don't know a lot of people are always looking for any way to relate any current event to the the testimony of Scripture could it be because we want to go home that's why yes because they want to have a pre -tribulation rapture which is not in the
Bible also okay pre -tribulation rapture is not in the Bible and no it's not biblical it's not there
I can talk to you too you know I can't I can't I can show you why it's not okay okay okay okay look it up go to Matthew 24 right and it says in Matthew 24 we have a whole bunch of time to do all this read through it because in verse 3 they asked
Jesus what would be the end of the age the sign of his coming and he says false prophets will arise be perilous times and things like this and he says immediately after the tribulation of those days the
Sun will be darkened etc etc and the the Lord will send forth his angels with a great trumpet and they'll gather his elect this is after the tribulation when the gathering occurs right that's what it says
Wow so we have to go through the tribulation to be refined right well it's not refined it sounds like you're getting some not too good teaching here but that's not what that's for also you go to first Thessalonians 4 16 for the
Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout with a voice of the Archangel the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ will rise first those are the people who've died in faith we who are alive normally cut up together to meet him in the clouds okay and so that's what that is and there's only one return of Christ and Jesus says in Matthew 24 it occurs after the tribulation when the people are gathered and what makes things even worse all this will really mess you up okay this is
Matthew 13 30 and all and I'll read a little bit more of a mess you up good
I mean I mean I'm smiling you know because I do this to people they go what and so it's in the parable the wheat and the tears okay and it says you know about allow both to go together till the time of the harvest
I'll say to the Reapers first gather the tears yes first ones are gathered are the tears now when you go to Matthew 24
Luke 17 three men in the field I mean different two men in the field one is taken one is left right that's the rapture they say right it's not when you read the context it's the wicked who were taken just go to Luke 17 and read it and they even asked
Jesus where they taken and he answers the question where the body is the vultures gather wow that's amazing so the preacher here for the lock of the breach yes we're gonna be here uh -huh and we're gonna say this is this
I knew this was true and people were telling me it's not and we do have to go through it and we are going to a cashless society and people are not ready for the mark of the beach they think we're going home you got that right that's the danger of it and there might be in a great apostasy because of it a great falling away
Wow people are had their hope in their preacher ablation rapture and what's that Wow they want a quick escape out but we've been we've been taught you know the
Bible and what is going to happen so we have to stay behind and be an example to the ones that are not
Christians and show them why we're not going to take the market base even at suffering well yeah
I mean people use this preacher of rapture stuff all the time they'll say Noah didn't go through the tribulation of the flood yes he did he was right there he could have thrown something into the water he was right there in the ark well the ark is the kind of rapture no it's not they were in the flood you know they're preserved through it so it's going on and on I got a lot more information but that'll that'll be good for you now okay
Wow that's amazing yes Wow you know people there's so many people you know talking about the rapture and everything else on you know
YouTube and everything else but the one thing that's missing is they're not preparing the hearts with God and they don't have a fear of God they're more interested in having a lot of people how many followers have
I got you know to me yeah it's dangerous and not preparing the hearts and they will be left behind not everybody that says
Lord Lord will be entering the kingdom of God yes well yeah
I could talk about that too but we got another caller okay I understand thank you Matt for your time you too okay thank you bye bye
I know I just messed a lot of people up no it's not true we're gonna get raptured out show me the
Bible where that occurs show me where you get raptured out before the tribulation show it to me in Scripture anybody just call me up later you can find it let's get it
Justin from New Hampshire Justin welcome you're on the air hello mr.
slick how you doing you know it always sounds weird even though you know I hear it mr.
slick it just through all these years I still can't get used to it unfortunately with three minutes is a very loaded question my question was where the presuppositional issues with transgenderism very low transgenderism is that they presuppose that gender is a fluid thing it is not does not from God not ordained from God but is a bio merely a biological thing that is determined by what they prefer so it's by experience so basically what transgenderism is is the fruit of the denial of absolute truth and it is a form of New Age philosophy and relativism and so you can do whatever you feel like and that's what it basically is okay okay so I guess it wasn't that loaded for ya you know yeah
I was talking to a transgender person the other day and a guy going to a girl and I won't refer to that person by the female name
I call that person mr. T mr. transgender yes you can't require me to to go against what
I believe is right and wrong revealed by my God and you want me to start referring to you by a name a female name when you're not
I'm not doing that I'm sorry you know okay hmm
I agree totally well I mean that was pretty easy for you
I thought it was gonna be a little more issues in there so are you on threads at all you know what that is no
Instagram Facebook they have another app called threads I'll have to check it out email me the info and I need to get in there
I have heard a little bit about that but I'm trying to find someone who can teach me how to do all the social media stuff because I'm writing articles researching debating teaching you know and I've got a book
I have to publish oh there's there's a music in your muffled to what your muffled to can't hear you we gotta go cuz there's the music call back tomorrow okay
I tell you about it all right buddy we gotta go thank you all right man hey folks hope you enjoyed the show and even if you didn't enjoy the show