Psalm 23 is Not Just For Precious Moments

AD Robles iconAD Robles


Have a great week guys


Well, just wanted to wrap up this week just say thank you so much for watching my videos.
Thank you for commenting Thank you for liking them Thank you for subscribing and sharing them.
I appreciate it all it is it is all it means a lot to me It means a lot to me that I'm close to 3 ,000 subscribers.
That is a Relatively small drop in the YouTube bucket, but I'm grateful for it.
And thanks for watching I wanted to give you a couple pieces of advice some positive advice, you know, because That my that rant this morning
I was a little extra, you know what I mean, that's all the kids are saying these days little extra But you know
I Listen, I'm not one of these despair guys I'm not one of these woe is me kind of guys, you know And and the reality is that you shouldn't be either
I mean Christ is on his throne Christ is coming back Christ is putting his enemies under his feet right now and No matter how many evangelical leaders say and do stupid things no matter how racist they are no matter how many
Tantrums, you know, Eric Mason and Kyle Howard and Jamar Tisby and Matt Chandler and Russell Moore and Tim Keller and all these guys
No matter how many tan tan temper tantrums they throw it doesn't matter But how he stupid articles they put out let them waste their time with Sesame Street.
It's all good. It's all good, man You have a God to follow you have a
Lord to serve you have a I mean guy I hope you guys have families to take care of and you're building things and stuff and just you know
Let's let's let's remember who we're responsible for. We're responsible for ourself We're responsible for our families our churches and you know
All those big wigs that have a lot of money and big platforms gospel coalition and all that stuff
Responsible for them. You're not responsible for them. So don't worry about it so much here's a little bit of a of a rule of thumb that I you can you can you can use if the if the big
Eva in Evangelical intelligentsia types if the gospel coalition types are against it and it's controversial like I'm not talking about the deity of Christ, right?
Like that's controversial in some circles, but when we're talking about in the walls of Christianity, right like with with reformed conservative type
Christians Even if you're not reformed conservative Christianity, if if gospel coalition is against it
There's a good chance. You should be taking taking a look at it You know, I think about like Doug Wilson right like all these all these these these
Complementarian type guys, you know, there's very winsome kind of guys gospel coalition types big
Eva types They want to warn you against Doug Wilson was a good chance that you should probably check into it
Have you seen his article the most recent no quarter November article about how sexism is a virtue? And that's a good one.
I wouldn't have said it But it's hard to argue It's hard to argue with this article.
It really is. It really is. It's good stuff Also, I would recommend you check out Amazon Prime man rampant.
It's good stuff, man Yeah, but big Eva doesn't like that stuff. They don't like they don't like the Bailey's, you know, war horn media
They don't like war horn media. You should probably check it out because if they don't like it Chances are it's something you should check out.
I mean, I'm just saying I'm just saying you know All that forbidden knowledge, you know
Doug Wilson the Bailey's. Oh, it's good to be a man. That's a good one, too Have you checked that out? It's good to be a man.
It's a good newsletter. It's a website There's some great content coming out of there. It's good to be a man.
Check it out. I Mean look the reality is guys that if big
Eva is against it, there's a good chance You're probably on to something if you're into it.
That's all I'm gonna say. That's all I'm gonna say Anyway, I'll leave you with with this
Psalm 23 we all I mean most of us have memorized this song, but but it's so good I mean you you can you can kind of just like sometimes when you when you are very familiar with the passage you can kind of Sometimes just go to sleep when you hear it, you know, cuz
I've just heard it a million times But just just take a step just take a step back and just try to listen to the words here the
Lord The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me besides still waters. He restores my soul He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake
That's awesome. That's really awesome, isn't it? God is leading if you're
God if you're Christ's he's leading you in paths of righteousness For his name's sake man that changes how you view what you do every day, doesn't it?
Doesn't it? Let's continue he says Even though I walk in the valley the shadow of death.
I will fear no evil courage guys courage Don't fear evil fear
God Don't fear evil For you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. I love that one See, this is why we can feast right guys because we're in a war, right?
We're in a battle and there are serious enemies, right? They hate us. They do they hate your guts
They hate my guts, you know Christ says woe for Woe to you if everyone speaks well of you and he's not talking about people speaking well of you because you're doing good things
He's talking about like our enemies speaking Well of you like the evil people like all like that like the socialist liberal progressives
You know the people that have the their pronouns in their in their profile Like if they think that your theology is just dandy like woe to you
That you've got a problem You know what? I mean if if like if like the LGBT transsexuals that are trying to teach it and groom your children in the schools
Like if they think well of your politics like woe to you, right if you vote Democrat in other words woe to you
But you see there's serious things right these are there's serious issues here there's there's danger it's a battle
People's lives are hanging in the balance like this is all serious stuff, right but we could laugh man we can feast why?
Because Christ is with us and he prepares a table in the presence of our enemies like in the fight
God prepares a table for us in the midst of our enemies. God prepares a feast for us
That's why we can have a good time with this man That's why we can have a good time with this Yes, these are serious issues, but we can have a blast while we're fighting on the
Lord's side definitely we can You anoint my head with oil my cup overflows man.
We've got more than we need. Don't we? We've got more than we need don't we? He says surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I shall dwell in the house of the
Lord Forever man, we're on the Lord's side. What can man do to me? Take courage,
I mean Psalm 23 should give you a lot of courage To give you confidence a lot of faith in Christ.
This is not just a Precious moments thing that you know your grandma cross -stitched and it's hanging on your wall or it's on your mug or something like that Like this this
Psalm should fill you with courage To do what needs to be done
And I'm not saying it's not gonna be scary because we can have anxiety and still have courage See, that's the thing. I'm trying to tell my kids this right like having courage doesn't mean you're not scared
It means you are scared, but you do it. Anyway, you do what needs to be done. Anyway Despite your fear despite your anxiety despite you don't know how it's gonna turn out you do what's right you do what you need to do
You might watch my kids play. This is Watch my kids play and I've got a four -year -old and I got a two -year -old they're playing with each other
You know, they play with their Star Wars toys, it's all battles for them It's always battles and they always have a mission to accomplish in their play
There's an at -at coming and general Grievous is coming and my little son will go.
Oh, no, there's general Grievous Pew -pew -pew -pew and they're always in a battle and You know, yeah, that's that's a fantasy.
It's they're just kids right? They're playing But eventually you grow up right eventually you grow up and there's a real battle going on And you don't know how it's gonna turn out.
But when you're kids you practice winning that battle, right? But now when we're adults, we don't know how it's gonna turn out
But actually we do We don't know how each individual battle turns out right like we we could be taken out tomorrow
We do know how the war turns out Christ is guaranteed and sealed that victory and Now we go to war for him knowing that we got the winning plan.
We got a leader that cannot fail He's on our side. So he
We can we can feast we can laugh at the same time. We have anxiety
We don't know how each battle is gonna turn out But we know that goodness and mercy will follow us all the days of our life and we will dwell in the house of the