Matt Slick Q&A - 4/5/2017


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You guys taking off? What? We're on.
Okay, questions? Hope that helped on the Doctrine of the Trinity. You said some of the comments, people said they learned already.
Right? That's good. See, I like that, you know, the Doctrine of the Trinity is really an important doctrine and I've been thinking about it from so many different ways, and I could have gone over more stuff, but I thought that's a good level for one hour.
Could have gone a little more depth in some other aspects and some stuff, but good enough, you know, good enough to to put it all kind of in place.
All right, so got any questions? Got any questions online? Got questions here? What's up, buddy? Y 'all ready?
Go ahead. So with Easter coming up, we all understand the importance of the death.
Could you go into the Resurrection, Resurrection, yes? I'll be preaching on that upstairs
Sunday at 4 o 'clock on the Resurrection. Why is the Resurrection important? The Resurrection is important because it fulfills prophecies, either
Psalm 2 or Psalm 8. I forgot where. I'll know it by Sunday. I gotta learn. But He will not let your
Holy One to seed decay. So what's going on is that the Resurrection is the proof of the acceptance of the sufficiency of the sacrifice of Christ.
Because Jesus had to live a sinless life and be a perfect sacrifice, and He was, and He died.
And the proof that it was acceptable was He was risen from the dead. And that's why the Resurrection is so important.
Also, it represents our future Resurrection, because in 1 Corinthians 15, 35 -45, it talks about the future
Resurrection, the Resurrection of all of us. Because Jesus rose from the dead, because He's the firstborn, the firstfruits,
I think it's Colossians 1, 15, 16, 17 range, maybe 18 or 19.
Been a while. Then we will follow after Him. So the Resurrection is the stamp of approval and the guarantee that what
Jesus did on the cross was acceptable and good. And so therefore, we can trust that the future will hold for us what it held for Christ at His Resurrection.
Incidentally, that the communion supper you hold in your hands, the bread and the wine, represent the broken body of the sacrifice, which is the covenantal signs of the promise given to us to be able to know that the sacrifice was offered.
All right, so that Resurrection is the demonstration of the acceptance of that very sacrifice.
That's why it's important. Without it, we're dead. 1 Corinthians 15, 14 and 17, if Christ be not raised, our faith is in vain.
That means the sacrifice wasn't good enough. Okay, next.
Are you on the line? Are they done? No? You got questions? You got one?
Okay. Three? Three in one. A trinity of questions. Okay, Matt, could you talk a little bit more on the presence of the
Trinity in the Old Testament? Oh, do you want to get to a specific name of a person who you may know fairly well, who we'll go with that, who thinks that the
Trinity didn't really exist in the Old Testament, but somehow showed up in the New Testament? It's in the
Old Testament too, because we have in Genesis 1 verses 1 through 5, roughly, the
Spirit of God was there with the Word that was spoken, and God was there. So there's three right there.
We see Genesis 17, 1 and 18, 1, three angels appear to Abram, and a lot of theologians see that as being a representation of the
Trinity there. We know the Holy Spirit creates in Job 33, 4.
This is off memory here, trying to show verses. Oh, let us make man in our image,
Genesis 1, 26. The us is plural, of course, and if you go to Isaiah 44, 24, you'll see where God says
He makes all things alone by Himself. There's a plurality there.
If you go to Genesis 19, 24, the Lord, Yahweh, reigned fire and brimstone from, or on Sodom and Gomorrah.
Jehovah reigned fire and brimstone upon Sodom and Gomorrah from Jehovah out of heaven.
So Yahweh reigned fire and brimstone from Yahweh out of heaven. There's a hint of a plurality there as well.
You can go to Amos 4, 10 and 11, where I'll paraphrase it, because I don't have it all memorized.
God says, I stood your young men by the sword. I caused a stench to rise up in your nostrils. You have not returned to me, declares
Yahweh. I overthrew you as God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah. There's a plurality there. We see in Zechariah 12, 10,
God is speaking, they will look upon Me whom they have pierced, and will mourn for Him as one mourns for the only
Son. And then I think there's also Isaiah 48, 16. Let's see if I'm right.
Which says this, Come near to Me. Listen to this.
From the first I have not spoken in secret. From the time it took place, I was there. And now the Lord God has sent Me and His Spirit.
So there's these hints in the Old Testament about the plurality of God. Now when I was in seminary, our
Hebrew professor, Mark Furtado, great guy, he mentioned that there were different factions within Hebraic thought.
And one of them, at the very least, one of them affirmed the idea that God Himself is a plurality.
You can go to the Shema, here O Israel, the Lord our God is one. And the word one is echad, not yachid.
From what I understand, echad means a composite unity, where yachid means just a singularity of unity, just one.
So an echad is like a cluster of grapes, kind of a composite. So God is that.
So there's a lot of that hinted at in the Old Testament. And then you can go to, of course, Exodus 6, 2 and 3.
God spoke further to Moses and said, I am God Almighty. God spoke further to Moses and said,
I am God Almighty. I am Jehovah, that's right. And I appear to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as God Almighty.
So He appears as God Almighty, but Jesus says that no one's ever seen the Father. But they were seeing
God Almighty, but not the Father. So who were they seeing? Pre -incarnate Christ. Then you go into the garden, you know, who were they seeing?
Pre -incarnate Christ. Exodus 24, 9 to 11. Moses, Aaron, Natan, and Abihu and 70 of the elders of Israel went up and they saw the
God of Israel. And under his feet there appeared to be a pavement of sapphire, as clear as the sky itself.
Yet he did not stretch out his hands against the sons of the nobles of Israel. They beheld God, and they drank. So we see that God is seen there in other places, like Exodus 12, 6 through 8.
But we know from the New Testament that God, the Father, can't be seen. John 6, 46, 1
Timothy 6, 16. So we can see, as we start blending into the New Testament, we can start seeing that the theophanies of the
Old Testament are really Christophanies. Okay. Sure. Follow -up question?
Go ahead. Did the Jews of the Old Testament believe in a triune
God? Did the Jews of the Old Testament believe in a triune God? Did the Jews of the Old Testament believe in one
God? Did the Jews of the Old Testament believe in many gods? Did the Jews of the Old Testament may have believed in a triune
God? A plurality of gods and essence and things like that? They believe in different things? So when you say the
Jews, which Jews, which time, which place? Because there's a scattering of theological beliefs among the
Jews for a long time. So, you know, it's like staying on the tennis court.
Hey, you with the racket. Which one? You got to be more specific. Well, if they believe in Yahweh, see, now you're asking a tough question.
Did the Jews who believed in Yahweh believe in a triune God? Every Jew?
Do I know all the hearts of all the Jews? What do they believe? I can't answer the question, obviously. But what you're generally getting at, is there room in that, probably within history, that some of them believe in a plurality of the
Godhead in some way? Probably. Probably. Doesn't mean it's the case.
But there's definitely a hint of the plurality of God in the Old Testament. So it would make sense that a lot of them might have suspected that God was plural in His essence to some degree.
Now how far that went, who knows. Okay, we got some more questions coming. The Atheist yesterday?
The what? Stinking Atheist? The Seeking. The Stinking Atheist? S -E -E.
Oh, the Seeking Atheist, Rockwell. Yes. Seek, kind of like the... He's a
Seek. ...Indian Mountains. I thought he was an Atheist. Okay, sorry. He's on, listening. Hey, how you doing,
Rockwell? He wants to know, do you need to believe in the Trinity to be saved?
I'm still pretty confused. Maybe this will make sense in time. I would say what you need to believe in is
Jesus and Him crucified, God in flesh. Let the other stuff come as it does.
Trust in Jesus. You don't have to understand the Trinity, the Hypostatic Union, Communicatio Idiomatum. Don't have to understand
Imputation, all these things. It comes down to this. Are you a sinner? Have you done wrong? Yeah.
Judgment's coming. Because otherwise what you did wouldn't be wrong. And so, judgment's coming.
In order to escape it, God's provided a way to the person of Jesus. Once He lives in you, you'll grow.
And these things will gradually come to be part of your faith and your hope. Okay? And we're praying for you,
Rockwell. A lot of people are praying for you. I've been praying for you. And a lot of people made comments.
Next. Next, Richard Target from Facebook. He went to a
Catholic college. Went to a Catholic college. His question is, what does it mean to be just? And if you are, wouldn't that count for something if you weren't saved?
What does it mean to be just? Would it count for something if you're not saved? Well, that's the question. What does it mean to be just?
Just in what sense? Just where? Just how? Just before who? Is it just before God?
If you're just before God, would that count for salvation? Of course it would. Because you'd be just before God. By the logical necessity, that would have to work.
But the question is, how do you get just before God? By faith. Romans 5 .1. Having therefore been justified by faith.
Without the works of the law. Romans 3 .28. The one who does not work but believes, his faith is reckoned as righteousness.
Romans 4 .5. So how do we become just? By faith in Christ. Does it count for salvation?
No. That's what it is. We have a righteousness that's not our own. Romans 3 .9.
That we achieve or receive by faith. That's it. So there you go.
Another question? Anybody in here want a question? Oh, man.
Some people. Okay. I was kind of having a tough time coming out how to write this question.
Okay. But how can we show, when you drew on the chalkboard today, of God predestining people before even time began, how can you show a specific verse to the
Mormons who believe that they have spirit babies who were created before existence? Wait, wait, wait.
You lost me. The thing about showing them biblically about God choosing before is
Ephesians 1, 4, and 5. Okay. That's the answer to that one. But the spirit babies thing doesn't work?
Exactly. The book of Deuterectomy says there's no spirit babies born.
You could actually try and go to 1 Corinthians 15. Thank you. 46.
That's right. The spiritual is not first, but the natural. Then the spiritual. And it's in the context of talking about resurrection and things like that and our bodies.
You can talk about it in that context. Jeremiah 1? Jeremiah 1, 5?
I think so. Jeremiah 1, 3, 1, 5. Before you were in the womb,
I knew you. Thanks a lot, Rob. Now I've got to explain it.
All right. God only knows believers. He doesn't know unbelievers. Matthew 7, 22, and 23.
Many will say to me on that day, Lord, Lord, do we not prophesy in your name? In your name cast out demons. In your name perform many miracles.
Get away from me. I never knew you. All right. So God only knows believers.
Gnoskos. He only knows believers. You can go to, for example, you can go here.
John 10, 27, 28. My sheep hear my voice and I know them and I give eternal life to them.
I know them. You can go to Galatians 4, I believe it's 8 and 9.
When you did not know God, you served by nature those which are not God. But now that you've come to know God or rather are known by God, now you serve the true and living
God. So you see, he says that. And you go here, Matthew 7, 22, and 23.
I never knew you. So God only knows believers. Jeremiah 1, 5.
Before you were in your womb, I knew you. What he's talking about is prognosko. Prognosko.
All right. Pro? Pro? Prognosko? Pro? Prognosko? Anyway, prognosko.
To know beforehand. Now, when you go to Romans 8, 28 to 29, you'll see those whom he foreknew he also predestined.
Right? So those whom he foreknew, all right, foreknew he also predestined.
The foreknown ones are also the predestined ones.
They're the same group. It does not say, of those he looked into the future to see what they would do under different counterfactual situations, of them, some he predestined.
It says, those whom he foreknew he also predestined. That's what it says. He didn't see what they were going to do.
They're the same group. All right? So, Jeremiah 1, 5. Before you were in the womb,
I knew you. He's talking about a salvation relationship. Of course, you can't have a relationship with someone who doesn't exist yet.
But he's talking about the foreknowledge of God in the sense of knowing in a salvific way. That's what's going on.
Now, how do you learn this stuff? Easy. You take this thing. It's a really cool thing. I'm going to tell you.
It's a great tool. You want to learn stuff like that? What I'd recommend you do, seriously, is get one of these.
Okay? It's called a Holly Bibble. Some people call it a
Holy Bible. And then what I would recommend is that you do this with it. Watch this.
Ready? This is good. Watch this. Ready? And you do things like this.
And those who inhabit the cities of Israel will go out and make fires and weapons and burn them, both shields and buckles, arrows, clubs, war spears, for seven years and make fires with them.
Seven years. Why seven years? I'm going to look up every instance of seven years in the Bible and see what happens.
Maybe you'll learn something. Maybe you won't. Then another thing you can do is this. As you're going out to Jerusalem, he took twelve disciples.
Twelve. Hey, I just read seven. Must be cosmic coincidence. And you start researching. And you can use your tools.
You can use things. You start seeing how things appear. And you start noticing patterns. So you'll notice, as I already erased it,
God does not say he knows an unbeliever, except one place where Jesus says, I forgot where it is in the Gospels, I know you, you are of your father the devil.
So what he does is he qualifies a statement right there. He's saying, I know you. What he means by that statement is that you are of the devil.
He's not knowing them in a salvation sense. Okay? That's what
Jeremiah 1 .5 is getting at. How do you know that? That's a good pun.
By reading. Studying. How do you know that? Next.
Make it good. What's that?
All right. Eric Penick on YouTube. Eric on YouTube.
He wants to know. He wants to know. Oh, my gosh. I've got to go back to the original.
Oh, it was building up. Here it is. Here's the builder. He wants you to devote some time.
Maybe even a whole Bible study on the religious cult. Iglesia Ni Cristo. Iglesia Ni Cristo.
Out of Philippines. Yeah. Yeah. I have a bunch of information on Iglesia Ni Cristo.
And a friend of mine's wife is Filipino, who's associated with somebody about that.
He studied a lot. I've got documents. I just haven't had time to put it together. But I do need to do something on Iglesia Ni Cristo.
Now, here's something that's interesting. When I was in the Philippines about two and a half, three years ago, and we saw the devastation, the devastation that was in the lower part of the
Philippines. It was one of the worst hurricanes ever to hit any place. And we saw –
I can't even describe what we saw. It's just a washing machine of turmoil, of trash, and bulldozed, scraped streets with stuff thrown on the side so that you could live.
And where the people lived, literally, was – we were driving in the van, and the road would end to the right of us that far, and then just that far further was where the kids were playing in their front yard.
And then 10 to 15 feet was their home that they had built out of the garbage they'd assembled, and the rest of it was debris, as far as you could see.
Why am I bringing this up? Because when you went to the Iglesia Ni Cristo churches, fences, everything was perfect.
Everything was pristine. Everything was pure. Everything was nice. And they're known to be violent.
Now, would I go to the Philippines and debate them? Yeah. I'd fly all the way to the Philippines and do a single debate with them.
And I would, but I'd want bodyguards. I'm not kidding. Because one
Iglesia Ni Cristo guy lost a debate, and his opponent was beat up.
So they're not very nice. And there's some other stuff going on over there too, with other cults that are invading here as well.
Iglesia Ni Cristo, bad stuff. Deny the Trinity, the Deity of Christ. And I forgot the name of the guy who's the—anyway.
It's been a long time since I tried to study them. Filipino cult.
All right. Anybody else got another question? Oh, you're working it?
Okay, question. Yeah. They are more in line.
Yeah. Okay. Yes. All right, Matt. Did the Jehovah's Witnesses—I call them the J -Dubs.
J -Dubs. Teach that Jesus was Michael the Archangel, or that the pre -incarnate Christ was
Michael the Archangel? The Seventh -day Adventists teach the pre -incarnate Christ was called
Michael. And so that's what they teach. However, the Jehovah's Witnesses teach that he's
Michael the Archangel who became a man. So let me spend a little bit of time. Angel who became a man.
Are they the same nature? This is a different nature than this.
How can this become that? How can one nature become another nature?
This nature has to cease in order for this nature to be, so to speak.
But notice something. This nature has properties as this nature has properties.
Properties of thought, will, etc.
But these properties are related to that nature because they emanate out of that nature.
So if this nature ceases, these cease. So for an angel to become a man in Jehovah's Witness theology is a logical impossibility.
Now they'll say, well, but Jesus became a man. We'll get to that. Because what happens here is in Jesus it's only one nature, man.
In the hypothetic union in Christianity the incarnation is Jesus is both man and God.
Two natures. Here it's one nature. This ceases and then becomes man.
And then later becomes an angel again. Which means the properties of thought and will in this have to cease in order for it here.
Now, we have the issue of continuity. Can it be continuous?
If we have cessation of nature and essence, there's no continuity. It's a logical problem inside of Jehovah's Witness theology.
Okay? Let me erase this so I can be ready when I go to the next one. What's your next question? We have a lot of questions.
But I'm going to interject my own little comment.
Mormon Elder Valerie V. Cordon. A guy?
Yes, he's Latin. Hello, buddy. Como estas? No, no.
He's not watching. Yeah, this is my comment. Over the last weekend was the
LDS General Conference. During conference, he got up and spoke. And he said that when a
Mormon family must decide between letting their children go hungry or buying groceries or paying tithing, they need to pay their tithing first.
I want that quote. I want it documented. Okay. Wow. Okay.
Bill Patterson on Facebook said... Oh, never mind. It was a comment. Who raised
Jesus from the dead? The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit? Yes, they all did. Yes. Okay.
And John Wilkinson from Facebook said, What is the difference of a trinity, a triad, and triune?
A trinity is one God in three persons. A triad is a group of three. And triune is often interchangeable with a term trinity.
So depending on how we use triune, it can mean truly Trinitarian or it can mean triad -ish, depending on nuances.
Because there's what's called a semantic domain of words. They have a variety of meanings in different contexts.
But the doctrine of the Trinity, biblically, one God, three distinct persons. Triad can be three gods, as the
Jehovah's Witnesses will take a three -headed god, a triad, and represent it as a trinity.
So they're blowing it there. But triune is something that I'll use, others have used.
God is triune. He's a trinity, which seems to be a cognate of the term trinity at that point, or a variation of the same term.
Triune, trinity, triangular, trifecta, I don't know. I'm stretching too much.
Alistair Jack on Facebook wants you to go over 1 John 5 -7, where there are three.
They have a record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost, and these three are one. Can you talk about why?
It's not in the oldest manuscripts. It's called the Common Jehanium, 1 John 5 -7.
And I've not done a textual analysis of it, just haven't. But I've read commentaries, and the experts have simply said that it's not found in many of the oldest manuscripts.
And so therefore, it's in doubt. Therefore, I will not use it as a Trinitarian support verse.
However, someone said, I read someplace, that there's another manuscript, an older one, that has it in it.
But I don't know if that's true or not. So, some people have said some different things. But generally speaking, the oldest manuscripts don't have it.
So therefore, if they find a single really old manuscript that has it in there, great, go for it.
So it's in doubt. A YouTube listener said, how would you respond to some
Christians who believe Jesus ceased to exist when he died on the cross, because they don't believe that humans have souls?
They don't believe humans have souls, and they're not humans. That's like saying triangles don't have three sides.
Jesus didn't exist? Well, then we have the problem of continuity and continuation.
To say that he didn't exist is a problem. I'm sorry. Ceased to exist.
Ceased to exist after he died on the cross, and then lived again once he resurrected.
Let me address that. Ceasing to exist, and then rose again. So we're going to have a state.
So this is state zero.
Now let's call it one. State one. And state one is non -existence.
So what is non -existence? Nothing. Nothing. Right?
Nothing. Nothing is what rocks think of. Okay? State two.
All right? So state two is existence. State three is non -existence again.
Now I'm going to kind of blend a few issues here. So we have a person who doesn't exist, but you can't say he's a person if he doesn't exist.
No existence. You have personhood, then you have non -existence. Then you have state four, or conditioner state, and you have existence again.
So we would say that this state is identical to this state.
They're equal. Right? And we can say that they're equal in their states because they're equal in their nothingness, but you can't have a state of nothingness.
But we would say conceptually these are equal because they're equally nothing.
So we say they're equal. Now people would say, well, then that would mean then that two and four here are also equal.
Well, they are in one sense and not another. They're equal in the sense that they are existence.
Existence has existence. Now, when we look at stuff like this, one and three are the same and two and four are the same.
Then we get into the issue of continuity. So if we have existence, then we have non -existence, then we have existence.
We're going to get into the same issue we've had before on the issue of properties.
So we have existence of a person. Okay. And we have an existence of person here.
This has properties. And this person has properties.
The properties are relative to this person. The properties are relative to this person. Along with this is identity.
Identity. Here's a question. Is this identity the same as that identity?
I haven't joined them together. I'm going to say this. This is Bob. This is
Frank. Are they the same person? No.
Because I've decided that they're different people here. And we know that they're different people because they each have their own identity.
And because they each have their own identity, they have certain properties related only to their identity.
If their identities are equal exactly, then they're the exact same person.
But one of the things about existence is, and this gets into some interesting discussions, is continuity.
Are you the same person you were yesterday? It's a serious question. There's no way to really prove it.
What we do is we assume that we are the same person we were yesterday. A Christian worldview, we can back that up because God is the one behind us, authoring our souls.
He is eternally consistent and continuous. We represent him in his image and nature. We can say we're continuous as well.
But when we get to this issue of Jesus lived, then he died, and then he lived if he was only human.
No divine continuity. And he had no existence. Then we have the problem here.
We take away the issue here of Bob and Frank. Can we then demonstrate that these are equal?
That they are identically the same in essence. Now at this point
I like to bring in the issue of Star Trek and the transporter. Because you get someone who's transported, they're dissolved, they have non -existence, and then put over another place to have existence.
I read a science fiction short story a while back where they discussed this issue, and everything was working fine, this great new machine was great to transport, until they found out at the end of the story that what it was really doing was making exact copies, and then killing the original.
So the copy didn't know anything other than he's a copy.
He just feels he knows the same memories as going on before, but he wasn't the same one because there was two at the same time.
There was no continuity issue. There was a duplication and then murder. That was in the science fiction story.
How do we know that if it's just a human, if Jesus is just a human, and he has no soul, then all he is is molecules.
Electron. It's a nucleus. All he is is a conglomeration of these things.
That's what he is, right? There's no continuity. There's no soul that continues.
There's nothing. So the problem here is then how do you know he's the same person? You can't know it.
There is no continuity. There's cessation. So if there is no continuity because there is no human soul, there's no continuation, then this person is different than this person by definition because this is ceasing.
Now, this is where we get into state one, state two, and state one and state two.
Because this is previous to that. This is previous to that.
This is previous to that. Sorry. And this is previous to that. We would say that these are identical.
If they want to say they are the same person, then you say these are identical. But then each are preceded by nothing.
But nothing isn't anything. Nothing has no continuity. Another problem.
I'm just trying to illustrate why this idea, logically speaking, of Jesus not having a soul, not being human in his essence, and then resurrected, how do you know in any way that it's him?
You can't. It's a self -refuting kind of a system. It doesn't work. And besides that, you can go here, 2
Corinthians 5 .8, and you can go to 2
Corinthians 12 .2,
I believe it is. To be absent from the body is to be home with the Lord. I know a man fourteen years ago, whether in the body or out of the body,
I do not know, but such a man was caught up in the third heaven. The Bible teaches the soul can exist apart from the body.
Hence, they have a soul. Long answer for that. Hope that puts that to bed and kills it.
Next. Right now we have viewers from Florida, Idaho, California, Texas, Pennsylvania, Washington, Georgia, and Hawaii.
And where? Hawaii. Okay. Age? Hope you're all enjoying this.
And chicken? Michigan. Oh, in Michigan. I heard chicken. So that's nine places.
That's right. Good. Where in Hawaii? I was just there. Well, then, where's the other?
Seventy -eight. Okay. Good.
All right. Listeners from Panama, New York City, and Ontario, Canada also. Good. Wow. Okay.
I've bumped this one to the top even though it's new, but Steina on Facebook wants to know about unborn babies lost to miscarriage.
Her husband and her just lost the first child to a miscarriage last July, and one of their
Catholic relatives suggested the baby might not go straight to heaven. But the Bible says, I knew you before you were born.
Can you help her? Yeah. Wow. I can only give you opinions at this point.
So let me ask some questions here. Does life begin at conception? And a lot of people say yes.
The answer is no. Life continues at conception. The egg and the sperm are already alive.
We don't have life from non -life. We have a continuation of life. We have 23 chromosomes.
We do not know how the soul, the spirit, that essence of what a human is, is formed.
God does not inform us that. He does not tell us. But let's just say there's the egg.
And it goes through its cleavage. It goes through its divisions. What is its nature?
It has DNA. Now DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid, okay.
It has certain, you know, 46 chromosomes and all this. It has an essence.
And it has a nature. What I could do is talk to people and say, what is the essence?
What is the essence here? Now, we have some options. It's human.
It's not human. Under this category, we could offer possibilities.
It's either the case that it's human in its nature, or it's not the case that it's human in its nature.
If it's human in its nature, when it dies, it'll be with the Lord. That's what I believe. And my wife and I have lost three children.
One after being born, and he died in our arms. Two miscarriages.
And so I understand. And it's just not easy. It's not easy.
And you have the right to grieve, and you should grieve. You've lost a child.
You're carrying a child, and you're a mother. Because that life was in you. It's human, and you're a mom.
It's as though the child had been born at five years old, ten years old, and perishes. You don't stop being a mom.
You're a mom. So what's in you, when this here is fertilized, is the complete essence and nature of what it is to be human.
But the pro -abortionists have to say it's not human.
They have to say it's not human. And I ask the question. So it's not human? And they'll say, that's correct.
Then what is it? They can't answer. Then what is it? Well, I'm going to tell you what it's not.
How do you know it's not human? You're just assigning this a non -human value so you can kill it.
Now, if any of you have had abortions out there, let me tell you something. I don't talk about this very often.
I got a girl pregnant. She had an abortion. And I wept that day.
I won't get into it right now, but I have been forgiven by the blood of Christ. In fact, when
I finally accepted that forgiveness, I literally was on a bed with another girl, and she was witnessing to me about it and telling me
I had not trusted in Christ enough. I was holding this guilt to my own self, and rightfully
I should, but Christ took care of it. I don't like to talk about that very often because I'm exceedingly ashamed of it.
So I'm not just pointing a finger. I've been through it, I know. Very, very backslidden state.
Very selfish state. Having said that, I know what it means for that to happen.
I rarely think about it because it's such a horrible thing. I know what it's like to have miscarriages with your wife.
I know what it's like to carry the body of my son to the grave. I know what it's like. I know that this is never an easy issue, but I do know this.
That in the case of those who've had abortions, either if you're female or male and involved with it, let me tell you, that you have the right to go to the throne of God through the blood of Christ.
Innocent. Because Jesus took all of that and wiped it away.
I just want you to know that. And if I met any of you who've been through those things,
I would never point a finger at you. But I would try and get you to come to Christ.
Because we all need Jesus. So back to this. If it's not human, then what is it?
I've had them say this. It's a parasite. I've had them say a parasite.
So I said, okay, so then, if I introduce my wife to you right now, she's three months with parasite.
How are you going to introduce your child? They say no. One of the things I'll say is this.
Not human, right? So then when this thing has divided all over the place and there's cells and it's forming and doing all this stuff.
I was just reading about this last night, as a matter of fact. Cleavage and something else.
Anyway, hemology and embryology and stuff like this. If this is, say, one week, two weeks old, it's still basically this rough shape.
They'll say it's not human. I did this once to an atheist who was defending the physician.
I said, okay, is it okay then to take this fertilized egg and transfer it into the womb of a female dog?
It's okay, because it's not human, right? If it's not human, then there's no moral issue related with this.
It doesn't make any difference what you're going to do, because it's not human. So it's okay to do that. I really said this to a guy, and no lie.
One atheist went, oh my goodness, I never thought of that. He said, oh my goodness, you're right.
I said, there you go. Now, if it's not human, then you can do that, and there's no problem with it.
But we know there's a problem with it. For moral reasons, biological reasons, it's not going to work. Why? Because the
DNA doesn't match, and there's some other issues. Food and some other things, placental, all this stuff, it's not going to work.
So, how old does this have to be before it's human? If you were to take a man who was in a car accident, and he's got a virus on him and everything, and he took away his eyes and his ears and his arms and his legs, his genitalia, is he still human?
Yes. And you find out that this poor guy, he can communicate through grunts.
He doesn't really have much vocal cords. One for yes, two grunts for no. Turns out this poor guy, sorry, he's giving me a bad shape here, his intestinal tract is imploding.
So they put him on a machine. His lungs are now failing. They put him on a machine. His kidneys are now failing. Put him on a machine.
Is he still human? Yes. Humanity is not defined by mere biological function.
There's an essence that's different, that's independent of mere biological function. That's what this is about.
The essence is human. If they say it's not human, then I say, when does it become human?
When does it change from whatever nature it is to a different nature, from a non -human nature to a human nature?
When does that happen, and what is the deciding factor? You don't know, but yet you have no problem killing it.
So by your own logic, you don't know when it becomes human, but yet you can kill it.
So then they'll tell me, oh, it becomes human when it can think. I say, well,
I think you're thinking, but you're not very human at it because you want to kill babies.
I don't really say that, but it makes me mad. But they'll say, generally, sometimes they'll say, when they think they can become human.
That's when they're really human. My question is, how do you know that? So someone in a coma, this poor guy, now he's in a coma.
He's not thinking. Is he human? See, they don't have good answers.
So what happens to these babies at this age? My opinion, they go be with the Lord. Now, I can't prove that from Scripture.
I could go into the theology of, if babies go to hell, it's because they weren't elected to go to heaven. My opinion is they all go to heaven.
Can I back it up from Scripture? No, I can't. Maybe it's because I'm emotionally involved having lost three, and have three.
And I can't see straight. I don't know. But I just believe they all go to heaven. Why? That's just what
I believe. I wouldn't debate it. I just say it's what I believe. So, I don't know what your name was.
I forgot your name. But if you lost a child in miscarriage, for a lot of women it can be very difficult.
And it's okay to grieve. And it's okay to suffer that loss. It's okay to name that child.
And claim that child as your own, whom you will see in heaven. And you will.
And trust God that He allowed it for a reason. And don't try and ask too many questions about it, because He doesn't give you answers.
Why did He allow our son to have a birth defect that occurs in 1 in 58 ,000 babies? 1 in 58 ,000 happened to our son.
And he died in our arms when my wife gave birth. Literally, I heard his last heartbeat in a stethoscope.
Why did that happen? I don't know. But God allowed it, and I trust my
Lord. And that's what you have to do sometimes, as difficult as it can be. If you hold on to it, it will eat you up.
It doesn't mean ignore it. It doesn't mean you can't grieve. But if you hold on to it, then it will eat you up.
But if you keep your eyes on Jesus, and just trust that He allowed it for a reason, and you don't have to know that reason, at least for me, that's good enough.
Now, I'm not a woman having carried a child, so I can only go so far in my empathy. But I can say, look to Him, you're going to meet your child again.
You're going to meet your child again. In fact, in my novel, The Influence, my son who died was named
Jacob. And in the novel, Mark, the main character, loses a son named Jacob. And in the novel, they meet again.
Save it for that. I wept when I wrote that last chapter. Anyway.
Next question. So, when they say fetus is not human,
I think the Greek word for fetus is Latin, because it's a small child. Well, it's the connotation now.
They just say fetus because it's neutral, biologically neutral. That's what they do. Jews are not real humans or whatever.
Well, the pro -abortionists now are saying that it is a human being. They can't get around that anymore.
The scientists disagree with them. But they're saying it's not constitutionally protected in the womb. Therefore, you have the right to abort it all the way until it comes out of the womb.
So now, if it's not constitutionally protected in the womb, then its value is based on the
Constitution? What about France? They don't have a Constitution like we do. What about them?
Is humanity defined differently in France and Germany? Now you have political defining of it.
And you have utilitarian definition. Utilitarian definition is, it's in the way, I need to kill it.
That's what happens. And that's what's going on with the abortion thing. It's in the way, I'm going to kill it.
I'm not going to be responsible. Yeah, I know. I thank my
Lord for the blood of Christ. Cody Robbins asked on both
YouTube and Facebook, What do you think about those who teach from the pulpit that Jesus loves you and died for you, but be mindful of false converts or unbelievers in the audience?
Yeah, very good. You can say Jesus died for you. Generically true. And also be careful of false converts around.
Very good. You should do that. Do you think that's fine to preach,
Jesus loves you, died for you? Oh, you mean in light of limited atonement? Yes. All I think
I do is say, Jesus died for sinners. If you want, Jesus is your Savior. That's what
I do. But if someone wants to say Jesus died for you, you know what, I'm not going to quibble over that. You know, it's...
Stand up. Sorry, according to the doctrine of limited atonement, if you go to Colossians 2 .14, look, you can't say... Just leave it alone, you know.
Okay, and Andrew, on both Facebook and YouTube, can a true
Christian be a foolish virgin? Be a what? A foolish virgin, as in the parable of the ten virgins.
The ten virgins were lost. Yes, and he said... Can a true
Christian be lost? No. Okay. Is it... Yes, is the ten virgins parable denying eternal security?
No, because they weren't ever saved to begin with. The demonstration is the covenant of Israel better get its act together and make sure that it has what's necessary on that day of judgment.
It's a covenantal statement to the whole of Israel, not about individuals. The ten virgins represent ten...
It's a number of completeness, a number of order, and things like that. They went out to get oil, they came back, they waited.
That's what Israel is doing, was doing then, so the judgment. They didn't lose their salvation, they didn't have it.
It's not about losing salvation. The gentleman that asked about Iglesia Ni Cristo, he asked what you think of the
Lamsa Bible, which is what... Lamsa Bible? Chuck it. Okay. I actually have one up in my car.
Do you know anything about the author? Lamsa? Involved, I believe...
You know what? I'm not exactly sure. I think I know some stuff, but I might misrepresent. People start quoting me in misrepresentation.
But stay with the Lamsa Bible. Yeah, unless you want to put it in your cult section of your library and aberrant stuff like next to the
New World Translation and the Joseph Smith Translation alteration of the Bible, and some stuff. Mark Lamprecht says,
What's up, Matthew, my old friend? Mark who? Lamprecht. Lamprecht.
Man, that rings a bell. L -A -M -P -R -E -C -T. Lamprecht. Mark Lamprecht. That rings a bell.
I can't remember. My old friend. Well, you know, I hate to say this, because I always say,
Oh, hey, how are you doing, when I don't remember? But I've met so many people over the years in college and seminary in so many places that it's hard to remember.
But then all of a sudden it comes back to me one day. Oh, yeah. So Mark Lamprecht sure does ring a bell, though.
From where? I have to get some more information so I can. Does Seventh -day
Adventism teach a different gospel? Yes. Some do.
Some don't. I've talked to SDA people who say, You're justified by faith alone in Christ alone, who's God in flesh.
I've talked to SDA people who said, You've got to keep the Sabbath in order to be saved. That's a false gospel. So it depends.
Some say yes. Some say no. But Ellen G. White, it looks like, taught a false gospel in what's called the investigative judgment.
The investigative judgment tells us that God will look upon you and your works and things like that on that day of judgment and investigate for your worthiness of heaven.
And then Satan will be the sin -bearer later on. Wrong. I should do a series on cults.
Interesting. Do emotions first. Do what? Emotions. Emotions? They're irritating.
Emotions are so irritating. That was from Matthew Thomas, by the way.
Matthew Thomas? Okay. Can you explain the difference between a contradiction and a paradox?
Sure. A contradiction means something that cannot be. A paradox is something that can be. A contradiction is one
God is also three gods. A paradox is three persons and one
God. Paradox. Paradoxes occur when we have facts that don't contradict each other but are difficult to relate to each other.
A contradiction means that something cannot be. That's the difference. So this is a piece of chalk in my hand.
This is also not a piece of chalk in my hand. That is a contradiction. Both statements can't be true in the same sense in the same way.
And so that would be a contradiction. So therefore they can't have a truth value. But a paradox can have things that are difficult to understand, we can't explain, but are also true.
So there's a paradox from what I understand in quantum physics where a particle in one place and a particle in another place have a certain distance.
And when an energy is acted upon, when they do something to one particle, it's instantaneously done over there.
But it would take time according to the law of relativity and I don't know all this stuff. And so it's a paradox.
They don't know how it happens. It's not supposed to be able to happen, but it does. And so they're not sure how it happens yet.
They don't have enough information. And we can call those paradoxes. Sometimes, look up this word, antinomy. A -N -T -I -N -O -M -Y.
Antinomy. Not antimony, but antinomy. Or is it antimony, not antinomy?
It's antinomy. Which one? Oh, antinomy. Right. Which is a kind of contradiction paradox, but isn't.
Haven't used that word in a long time. Antinomy. That was in the
Wizard of Oz. Antinomy. Tin Man and the Ants.
Going downhill fast. This is from Rockwell again. Rockwell. Hey, Rockwell! I know there's probably no answer to this, but why would
God create something or someone and then distance himself from them by saying, I don't know them, speaking about unbelievers?
Did the unbeliever do something horrible? Speaking about what? Speaking of unbelievers. Why would he make unbelievers and then distance himself from them?
Did they do something horrible to God that they're not aware of? Okay. You, Matt, asked him if he's ever lied before.
Oh, that was just an example because people have lied, and it's just an issue of demonstrating our unrighteousness and need for a redeemer.
That's all that is. So why would God create somebody.
What was that? Somebody or something and then distance himself from them by saying,
I don't know them. Well, because they're bad.
But then you might say, well, hey, he knew they were going to be bad, so why make them? Well, then
I would say this, go to Romans 9, 9 -23, Rockwell, and that really will upset you.
I'm sorry, but it's true. Why did you make me like this? The thing molded will not sit in the molder. Why did you make me like this?
Does God have the right to make from the same lump one vessel for honorable use and another for dishonorable use?
Yes, he does. God has the right to do these things. So God created man, but what he created was
Adam. Now, if you go to 1 Corinthians 15 -22, in Adam all die, in Christ all shall be made alive.
You can also go to Romans 5 -18, which talks about the sin of Adam is the very sin through one transgression, there resulted condemnation to all men.
So that's Romans 5 -18. All right, so we have that there.
We have this doctrine called federal headship, where Adam represented, in Adam were all people.
All people here, these are all people, these are heads. Everybody, everywhere, all over. He represented us.
And so what he did was God created Adam good. He created
Adam good. But Adam does not have what I call the quality of holiness, and so Adam fell, and we in him fell.
Now, does God distance himself from us? In one sense, no. In another sense, yes. One sense, no, he's always there.
Psalm 139, he knows all things. He's everywhere all the time. But in another sense, in a fellowship sense, we have a distance from him.
So I don't know, Rockwell, if you've got any kids, but let's just say that you do. He does? Okay. Well, I got kids.
Now, there's nothing that they can do to make them not be my kids. Now, I have my eldest daughter is wayward right now, and we're starting to mend our relationship after a few years.
So I can use her as an example. I love her. She's a great girl. And so there's been a distance between us because of, let's just say, sin on both parts, whatever, just, you know, just real generically.
Nobody's perfect. So there's been a distance between us. Did I know that that would happen?
Not that particular thing, but did I know that by bringing my children into the world, there'd be problems, and one of the results would be a distance between us at times?
Yeah, because we're not going to agree. They're going to do things that aren't right. I'm going to do things that aren't right, and we're going to have an effect of our relationship.
Hence the distance due to a breaking of fellowship. When Adam fell, there was a breaking of fellowship.
Ezekiel 18 .4, the soul that sins will die. Isaiah 59 .2, sins cause a separation between you and God.
But we have this thing here called the cross, and that's where Jesus restores the distance.
And I don't know where it's called. I don't know the verse, but there's actually a verse that says, for all who draw near to the cross.
There's actually a verse. And so we can draw near to the throne of God through the cross. We can get back to God in that fellowship.
Now 1 Corinthians 1 .9 says, God is faithful through whom you're called into fellowship with his son, Christ Jesus. Now the wages of sin is death,
Romans 6 .23. So death is separation from God, Isaiah 59 .2. So that's what that is.
So would God create people knowing there's going to be a distance between them? Yeah, just as we as parents would have children knowing there's going to be problems, problems, but he wants that relationship with us.
And he sent his son. And if you trust in him, the distance is gone. Hope that helps.
Come on, Rockwell. Are you a painter by any chance? That's pretty bad.
That's pretty bad. Okay, this is from Paul Steven. This isn't his question, but he wanted to know what you thought of the
Sam Shamoon James White feud. I know a little bit about it, but I don't know enough about it to comment.
And I've met both of them. Both are very godly men who want to serve
God. I'm not going to get into it right now. If they want me to help mediate, I'd be glad to lend my assistance.
But they haven't called on me, so they don't think it's necessary to do that.
They have a feud going on. That's the way it is. I can call Sam and ask details, but I got both.
Both are phone numbers. I don't need to call them. It's none of my business. Okay, same guy.
Paul Steven asks question for Slick. When do you believe the
Catholic Church apostatized? And do you believe that the early church fathers who taught the infused righteousness or sacrament, such as Augustine, were false converts?
Okay, when did the church apostatize, Roman Catholic Church? In the year 384, October 4th at 1223 p .m.
That's when it happened. Because it's all recorded. There were a couple of priest dudes walking down, and it went.
And that was it. That was the apostasy. They knew. They said, these are right now. And they said, hey,
I have a feeling about tradition. And then it was it. So what's my point? I have no idea.
But sometime between the death of Christ and now, boy, do they go south. Personally, I believe it was by the 500s.
They were already on their way if they weren't already apostate. Now, the church fathers, he said, the church fathers who?
The church fathers didn't always agree with each other on all kinds of stuff. Huh? He used
Augustine. So the church fathers did not agree with each other in all places and all things.
But one specific person, I don't know what Augustine has said. If Augustine taught infused grace, he was wrong.
He's wrong. Grace is not infused into a person in the Roman Catholic sense so that a person becomes more righteous by that infusion of more grace into us.
I don't believe that's what Augustine was teaching. So I have to research Augustine. I'm not an Augustine scholar.
I prefer his brother, Augustine. Augustine or Augustine.
That's his brothers. And then they would fight. Who's the real one? Tomato, tomato.
Yeah. Yes, you can ask a really silly question. Why did the Arab take a piece of sandpaper with him into the desert?
He needed a map. That's a silly question. That's a silly answer.
Do animals have souls and do they go to heaven? Do animals have souls that go to heaven? You have to define what a soul is.
Do they have a soul in the same sense as a human? Obviously not, not made in the image of God. Do they have a life force of some sort?
Yes. So if you call that a soul by definition, then they would say yes. But if you define soul in a relationship, what it is to be a human type in the image of God, then no.
Do they go to heaven? Nothing I know of scripture says they go to heaven. Nothing I know says they go to heaven or hell.
My opinion is they just, nothing. And whatever, just cats, dogs, whatever.
Now actually though, I have a favorite cat named Punch Face. His name was
Punch Face. And the reason, for real, Punch Face. Now we do, we named him
Punch Face. And the reason I do it is because a friend of mine, I had my brothers living at home back in the day. And this guy goes, hey we got cats, we got kittens.
And there's a half breed between those Himalayan flat -faced cats, which I called them Punch Face cats, and a traveling salesman.
And they said, you want one? I go, yeah, I want that one. What are you going to call it? Punch Face. Because it was kind of half
Punch Face. So I called him Punch for short. And he was an awesome cat. He would fetch, no lie, tag, play tag, ambush.
He was awesome. I could tell you all kinds of stories. Took him to a cat show. He won first place in the household cat category. I used to take my dates home to meet my cat.
Want to go home and meet my cat? Like, I said, trust me, it's not a line.
And then, yeah, he was a great cat, but he was.
Yeah, but it was. And so I remember bringing home dates to go, you know, after the third or fourth, fifth date, whatever.
You know, talking about cats, dogs. You want to meet my cat? And they go, your cat is weird. I like him. I go, yeah,
I know. Seriously, I got all kinds of games I used to play with him. He was awesome. So I would like to see him in heaven.
It would be cool. He's a beautiful cat. I miss him. Now we had three cats,
Luther, Calvin, and Finny. Actually, Calvin went berserk.
And Calvin, he thinks something happened to him. He got injured. He kind of went. And Finny pees on everything.
And Luther is lovable, which makes sense. And we have, no,
Kittler is Obadiah. Obadiah, because he has a part.
And he has a part. Seriously, he has a part. You know, he's gray and white. He has a great, and a little mustache. So we call him
Kittler. A little short mustache, not a full mustache. A short mustache with a part right there, just perfect like Kittler.
And, you know, we call him Kittler. One day, I got up one night, like 3 o 'clock in the morning. Had to get something. I don't know what it was.
And I was really quiet. I wanted to surprise the cats. I went downstairs. There's three cats, right? And Kittler is going, meow, meow, meow.
And the other two are like this. And then when I came around the corner, they all went. So I think something was up.
I do. I was like, what was that? You know. Rappaport says that cat offends him.
Because he's Jewish. No. It went in.
I go, meow, meow. Like something's up. OK. OK. There's a bunch of little ones.
I'm just going to ask them in order. John Wilkinson from Facebook wants to ask, please describe modalism and other heresies that people replace with the
Trinity. Modalism is the heresy that God takes different modes at different times.
Hence, modalism. So in the Old Testament, roughly, the mode of the Father. In the New Testament time, it would be the mode of the
Son. And then when he ascended into heaven, he stopped being man. Now he's in the mode of the Holy Spirit.
That's modalism. That's heresy. Now, some people say that that's what one of the
Pentecostal teaches. And it's not really. They used to be kind of modalistic, but they've modified their doctrines a little bit over the past 40 years from what
I understand. And now they hold to a Father, Son, Holy Spirit all conglomeration kind of a thing. Where there's modes, there's forms, there's stuff.
Kind of a consecutive. There's kind of, but they're not. It's a different way manifested. Yeah. David Gustafson asks, how does one discuss these fallacies or just fallacies with King James only dogmas?
Oh, it takes two people. Takes two people to discuss King James fallacies with King James only people.
Takes two people. You know something's coming. So why does it take two people? Because what it takes is, why does it take two?
I'm glad you asked that question. So your friend, your assistant, gets on the backside of them and gets down on his hands and his knees like that.
And then you go, hey, what's that? And then you just push him right over because it's stupid. King James only stuff is lame.
And Romans 5 .18 is one of the verses I'll go to to demonstrate that it doesn't work. And then there's also,
I'm going to be doing some research. I got it in my notes. I forgot where. But there's some places where King James literally just mistranslates stuff out of the
Greek. So what, and I need to do a whole section on this. But anyway, so one of the things that King James only people will do is say that it, the
King James, is actually more inspired in the original Greek than the Greek manuscripts. They do.
So I say then, well, then the German, the Spanish, the Japanese, Chinese Bible should all be translated out of the 1611
King James. And they'll say, yes, I've had people say that. I'll say, what version do you use? Do you use the 1611?
No, I use the later one, apostate. You ever seen a 1611 version?
Oh, man. The S looks like a weird F. Oh, it's just like, what is it?
And so I just call them apostates. You're not a real 1611. You're like a 1689 -er. Yeah, you're an apostate.
So I needed it. But Dr. James White has a book, The King James Only Controversy, and it's worth reading.
I haven't read it, but I know it's good. He's a good guy. Yeah. Alistair Jack asks, do you know of the works and words of Peter Dunov, the
Bulgarian philosopher? Nope. Never heard of him. But I remember him.
Okay. Hungarian philosopher? Bulgarian. Bulgarian. He must have been a big guy.
Yeah, probably. I guess Albert Einstein followed him and greatly admired him. Really?
Okay. There you go. That's good stuff. Mike Moore wonders, sometime
I'd like to hear an overview and a study of salvation in the Old Testament versus New Testament versus regeneration and indwelling of the
Spirit, as suggested, indwelling of the Spirit in the Old Testament, as suggested in John 3 .10.
That would be a long study. That would be something I'd have to seriously prep and work through outlines and stuff like that.
Yeah. You'd like to see that? That's nice. You'd like to see that?
I would, too, actually. I could do it. It's just I'm already thinking of things and how
I could put things in different places for the answers to that. But they would justify this in the Old Testament the same way they were in the
New, ultimately. Okay. Sean Frey would not agree that this scripture from Job 3 .11
-13 would give sufficient evidence that babies who are dead at birth or in the womb would go to heaven.
Job 3 .11? 11 -13. Why did
I not die at birth, come forth from the womb and expire? Why did the knees receive me?
And why the breasts that I should suck? For now I would have lain down and been quiet.
I would have slept then. I would have been at rest with kings and with counselors of the earth who rebuilt ruins for themselves, or with princes who had gold, or were filling their houses with silver.
Or like a miscarriage which is discarded, I would not be as infants that never saw light.
I don't know if that could be or could not be used because you could interpret the, because it's poetry, you could interpret it a little bit different ways.
They were like them, kings and princes, in the same way that they died, you would have died.
Does that mean they're with heaven or not? Interesting though. I'm going to check that out, Job 3 .11 -13.
Actually, I read through 16. Yeah, Job 3 .11
-16. Interesting. Do you know who Jack the Chick was? Yeah.
He died last year. Did you admire him and his stand from his chick tracks, or was his material too offensive?
Yes, I admired him for his stand, but I didn't agree with all his approach.
All right, Eric, the INC guy.
Oh, Iglesia Ni Cristo, INC. He says, I believe one baptism in Scripture refers to the soul.
He belongs to Iglesia Ni Cristo. Oh, he's questioning about it, sorry. He wants the sermon, the study on that.
He wants me to do a study on it. I've got my material. Here's his question. I believe one baptism in Scripture refers to the souls that Jesus was laden with on the cross, were immersed or washed by his spilled blood.
Am I correct? Yeah. If he holds a limited atonement, that would make more sense.
In representation and election, because we died with Christ, Romans 6 .8. We were crucified with Christ, Romans 6 .6.
We died with him, Colossians 3 .1 -5. So there's a real sense in which the blood of Christ cleanses us.
Because if we're given by the Father to the Son, John 6 .39, and Jesus canceled the certificate of death at the cross,
Colossians 2 .14, it would make sense that ultimately the blood of Christ cleanses us at that point. And then justification doesn't occur until faith.
See ya! Okay. So if I'm understanding what he's getting at,
I would say, yeah, it sounds pretty good. The gentleman,
Paul, that asked about when the Catholic Church apostatized.
Yeah, 384, remember? Yes. October 4th. At 1234.
I don't even remember that. October 4th. October 4th, that's what he asked. And it was at 1230 -something, I know that.
1223, I said. Okay. That's when it happened. There you go.
There you go. Were many of the Church Fathers not Protestants and believed in the seven sacraments?
Were what? I guess he's asking, were they false converts or not?
People can be false converts for different reasons and true converts with a lot of error. Well, if you believe in the seven sacraments, does it mean you're not a
Christian? It depends. Are you believing that sacraments save you? Then I wouldn't say you're a
Christian. I wouldn't say you're inside the camp of Christ. And just because there's a Church Father doesn't mean they're right. You know,
I was saying, my Church Father can beat up your Church Father. They contradict each other. Just because there's a
Church Father doesn't mean that they're right. You're not going to see a Church Father duke session, you know.
UFC. Yeah, who's going to win? Well, it depends on what day it is. Well, Knox would knock him out.
Zwingli would just swing. Knox would knock. It's obvious. Any more? We're done?
That's it? Okay. All right.
So we're at hour 20. We can stop then. All right. Okay, we'll stop at 930 our time.
So next week, I'm not going to be on. I'm taking a vacation. Yes. Will I still be working? Of course.
But I'm going to try and really cut it down. And Nathan and I hopefully will do some fishing. Maybe we'll catch something. And I'm going to watch some bad sci -fi movies.
And one of my goals is to eat an entire thing of croissant rolls by myself with butter and jelly.
It's one of my goals on vacation. You can do it. I can do it. It's worthless. It's not good for me.
And I don't care, and I'm going to do it. And so that will be one of my goals. I'll probably watch Aliens for the 56th time.
Yes, I've kept count, 55. I've got 56 to do. And so that will be that. So then we'll continue on in a week and a half.
What day is that going to be? So that will be on the 19th.
All right. So I'm not going to be here next week. I'm not doing the radio show. And I'm not going to do stuff.
But I will be preaching on Sunday the 9th upstairs here. And that's it. I think that's all I've got. Where's here?
Here is at 1400 North Cole Road at the Well Church at 4 p .m. At the church who meets here at 4 p .m.
The Way Ministry. Chad Prigmore. Good pastor. Good friend of mine. And he fills in a radio show for me.
He said, hey, Matt, could you come preach on the resurrection? I said, sure. And so that's what I'll be doing this
Sunday. And probably will be doing Bible Thumping Wingnut Monday.