Am I Racist?



There's a new movie out called am I racist put out by Daily Wire's Matt Walsh asking the question of am
I a racist goes through and He is playing the role of training himself to be a
DEI expert. This movie was Hysterical and yet it got people to say what they wouldn't normally want said but they thought they were with Friendly, so you get to see what they actually say behind the scenes now this was the strange thing about this
I Your host here at the rap report Andrew rap report was invited on to another one of the
Christian podcast community Podcasts where I was asked to come on to the show. Are you just watching to do a movie review?
I know my regular audience you're going what I know I'm pop culture illiterate but this one is a little different more politically based and dealing with things that we deal with here on the rap report, so I Wanted to go see that movie and the host of are you just watching
Eve Franklin? Needed someone to review it with so we got together and did a movie review of that movie
I hope you enjoy it. I hope you go and see the movie because it was great But this is our review of that on the are you just watching podcast?
I hope you enjoy it And I hope that this is educational because we talk more than just the movie
It's actually a cult Welcome to the rap report with your host
Where we provide biblical interpretation and application This is a ministry of striving for eternity and the
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You Exploring a cult from the inside isn't always pretty but it can be quite hilarious
Are you just watching episode? 153 am I racist
Welcome to the podcast that shares critical thinking for the entertained Christian. I'm Eve Franklin.
I'm Andrew I'm not Tim Martin. Wait a minute. How'd I get in here?
Yeah, so I have a guest on with me this month and Tim was not able to record and Andrew has just been
Chomping at the bit to join me to talk about some movie, but he's actually watched Let's explain this to the audience.
So people understand the joke here. I am pop culture illiterate and Basically the closest
I come to understanding movies is by listening to are you just watching and that gives me enough that I don't now
Need to to watch Yep, I don't really watch movies. I'm not really and this is the joke you and I always have
People will talk about actors or actresses and I go who I don't even know who they are So what am
I doing here? Well, I actually watched a movie you actually watched two movies But we're only gonna talk about one of them today movies in like two weeks
Yeah, yeah, it's crazy cuz I guess it was a good month for for movies that attracted
Andrews attention I'm done for 10 years Yeah Just to let my audience know in case they haven't tuned in to the rest of the
Christian podcast community though I do tag you at the end of every episode Andrew rap report is actually my boss in the
CPC and he does the rap report and Do you still do the the brief one as well or just the full?
I am NOT do so I have Andrew reports rap report So if you just do rap report two peas rap with two peas, you'll you'll find it
I have a daily one that I had put on pause for a long time But now that that is on the radio in Utah, I have to start recording more of those
So I have to start that up do a weekly live stream called apologetics live where anyone can come in ask any questions
You can go to apologetics live comm to see when we do it at Thursday nights 8 to 10
Eastern We usually will have a topic but you can come in and ask any question. I Can answer a question by the way
Eve? Yeah Any question you have about God in the Bible and if you doubt that Challenge me, but just remember
I don't know is a perfectly good answer. Yes. I don't know is a perfectly good answer I agree with that But what we're going to talk about today is the
Daily Wire movie am I racist which actually was in theaters I think this is their first movie that they have released as a feature in In theaters, and it seems to be doing very well, though I I watched
Matt Walsh on a another podcast YouTube last night and they looked up the live stats for movies and it was number three.
So it's doing quite well and Unfortunately, all of the main review places like what is it
Rotten Tomatoes and all of them are giving it You know negligent to nothing scores because they don't want to acknowledge that it exists but the movie is actually quite good and I thought it would be fun to bring
Andrew on to talk about it because this is not a movie that My normal co -host
Tim Martin is comfortable talking about so this will give us something that new for our listeners
So because we both wanted to talk about What is a woman and I never actually got to review that one.
So that was a good movie. I agree I mean wash does do some Good funny movies.
I will say that. Yeah. Yeah I I'm not entirely sure what I think of Matt Walsh is a
Christian, but his movie -making skills are quite good And we can discuss that later
Sure, just our initial reactions mine, obviously are a little bit more verbose than answers
In a minute. I thought it was a really good comedy and After discussing a couple movies in the past where we
Tim and I were Reviewing secular comedies that I did not find funny I actually laughed when
I watched this one, which is you know Definitely an improvement over the comedies that I have been recently
Reviewing this one was actually funny. Maybe it's just because I understand Conservative humor better than I do secular humor
I don't know, but I found this movie very funny and it was hard to stop laughing
While watching it. I'm impressed that Matt Walsh was able to stay so straight -faced and Unemotional in the process of these interviews and I'm not sure
I could do that I tend to be a little bit too much emotive when it comes to you know, these kind of debates but that's
I guess how Matt manages to do this stuff and I Thought this approach is interesting because a lot of times when we talk about liberal issues
And political issues we tend to be in our own bubble and we talk about them
We we say what they say But we don't necessarily have the opportunities to actually have them say it so that we can rebut them directly
Because these people typically will not come into debates with conservatives or Christians They just refuse to get in the same room with them
So this movie gave us the wonderful opportunity to actually hear these people saying these things
Directly one -on -one with somebody and I mean, we're not making this stuff up.
They actually said this stuff He filmed them saying this stuff. So it gives us a different perspective well that allows us to speak boldly about their positions and Finally, I don't know that we'll deal much in our talking about the movie but there was a section of this movie near the end that I really appreciated where Matt Walsh goes on the road and to talk to actual black
Americans to find out what their views on white privilege and All of that stuff white fragility and all of the issues that he'd been learning about what their actual views on and that was probably
The most wholesome content and the whole thing. So I really appreciated that Andrew why don't you tell us what you thought of the movie?
It was good No, no for folks who may not realize so this the film is about what's referred to as D E I D I stands for diversity
Equity and inclusion Granted I think that the last two letters should be just reversed and call it what it is die
Because that's what it brings about death But look if you saw what is a woman
Matt Walsh you mentioned him having an ability to keep a straight face I don't know how he did it in what is a woman
Because he's there he's interviewing different people on what is a woman and transgenderism and all this stuff the shift in this
Film is now he's taking on the role of a
D E I Advocate he's a trainer. So he's going through his process where he's learning.
How do what do I got a study to do this? literally $29 that's all it took for him to get a certification as a
D E I expert Because of that he was able to get on TV, you know shows news shows
To act as a D E I expert promoting his workshop that he does or was do yeah, what's really interesting is
I said that I'd seen him on another podcast last night and He mentioned that that Online course that only cost $29.
He didn't actually do it One of his producers did but he didn't even do the work.
That's that's what it takes to be an expert So, there you go. You don't even have to do the work
Which is kind of irony. There's an irony there. I'm not gonna spoil it for you But there's an irony there when you watch the film toward the end of what his workshop is called
But the work it's important to know he didn't do the work just saying so it's it really so going into this
I had a couple things because The first film he did what is a woman? It was very clear
That he was doing interviews It was very clear. It was it was set up so that he's got
People that he's going to interview And that was before he was really well known.
It was actually some of the things he did in developing that documentary That got him so well known and some of that way in the documentary, but now he's well known
And it's amazing that he can get on television on national television
Just by saying his name is matt and his he's a dei expert He's he's certified
That's all he never had to give his last name Yep range
And I walked into the saying and I said this to my bride. I want to know how he pulled some of this off because some of the
When you do an interview you're signing up and getting approval to record. How is he going into?
dinners Where he's not even allowed to be there because there's only women only white women with Blacks that are going to tell white women how racist they are men are not allowed.
How does he get in and record? How does he record some of these people and the whole goal of this?
It's he's going down the line of learning to be a dei expert
And he's interviewing people and getting them to come on to train him and there's different things where I said, okay.
I want to make sure this isn't just make -believe like they just made it up But then as well, i'm sure we'll get to later
We end up finding out that some of the people in the film Well, they they shut their x accounts down just before the film came out.
They put out statements Uh trying to say how matt deceived them. I mean he was real deceptive
They what the the writer of white fragility said that he he deceived by calling himself matt
Which actually is his name yeah, she never asked for the last name so he never provided it
Whose fault is that like oh, he did a really bad thing. He called himself by his first name
Okay, and he probably called you robin, which was your first name. What a surprise so I was interested to see how he was gonna pull this off.
And I think a lot of what it is is Some they said they were doing a documentary Under the name they had a name for the what they expected the documentary to be which was like shadow justice
And then they changed it to am I racist? and so the key I think for this film is
You got to see what people are saying behind the scenes When they don't think anyone is, you know, it's just those that agree with them
Right Yeah when they're inside their bubble Yeah, correct.
They get to see the truth Yeah I thought one of the more interesting interviews in there was the one where he talked to the gentleman that wrote the hate crime hoax
And he was interviewing him the author of hate crimes hoax as a dei expert and it turns out that He thought and I put this in quotation marks that they'd left hoax off of it
So he thought they he wrote a book about hate crimes and then they got him in there They started he started like debunking the whole hate crime thing and he's like, wait a minute.
Wait a minute What are you doing? And it was all set up because obviously they knew he wrote Crime hoax, but he was interviewing him as if he was a d
Dei specialist who then got thrown off by his input and it was funny
Well, the that's an that was a very amazing way of teaching truth because throughout this movie matt walsh is supposed to be someone who is
Learning and believing the dei agenda. So how do you then debunked?
In a film like that. How do you debunk to all the stuff where you bring someone in? and Let them debunk and matt is trying to give arguments for dei and this guy's just nailing one after another and it's there's a point where Yes, you said the author says
I think he left the word hoax off of The book like why he starts to get puzzled like why is he being interviewed?
In this style of interview now, I would love to have seen his face when he finds out
Afterwards like I I don't know when matt walsh and his production crew told the guy it would be hilarious
If they never did Until it's released that would have been the best Right, but yeah, whatever they did.
I mean that guy must have been like, oh wow like I've been had and it's a great way to be had.
I mean it was it's really good. Yeah He was one of the the better interviews.
Let's put it that way There were a lot of good interviews and you know Look, the the fact is is that one of the things
I thought was quite interesting about the film we could get into this later i'm sure but One of the things matt walsh did was expose that You get a 29
Course and you could be a dei expert But he was showing The price that he had to pay to get each of these people.
One of the things that amazed me Was the person who got paid the most? Was probably least qualified to be there and that's the woman who by me.
This is not far from where I live Is sesame street? And there was a video where one of the characters that is walking around Is shaking hands of the kids looks up?
And is looks at someone but then doesn't see two black kids
Here's the irony. There are black kids who this character did shake the hands But just this woman and so she claimed it's racist.
She needed she would not go on To be interviewed unless she got fifty
Thousand dollars and the whole point of him showing the money is to show this is why these people do it
They're doing it because they're getting paid Yeah, very well. I mean this like matt walsh asks the mother
Do you know the color of the person in the in the suit and she's like no they won't release that So, how do you know it wasn't racist?
What if it was a black person in there? Right that changes everything but yeah, you know the question with that is eve
Support is not necessarily a bad thing right here They're getting paid a lot of money to promote this dei which is why they do it
But you know you do this show pretty much out of the love of your heart and the enjoyment of it But people can support you.
Can't they? Yes. Yeah. In fact since you brought it up i'll go ahead and do my plug for that We're listener supported and I have some gentlemen that give regularly to the support of my podcast
So I like to mention them in every episode isaiah santiano Craig hardy stephen brown ii david lefton and peter chapman
And then if you also would like to donate to support this podcast I ask that you go to our patreon page which you can get to by going to are you just watching dot com slash patreon?
Or patreon .com slash are you just watching and consider a monthly gift to support this podcast?
Thank you. Andrew for that wonderful way of plugging my uh support Well done
Well, i'm good with transitions I'm a professional podcaster after all.
Yes, you are you are And and tim and I are just playing at it No, because you got supporters that makes you a professional see that I didn't look
All I need is a dollar to be a professional and if I had 29 I could be a dei expert
That's right. I i'm an influencer I get money off of people who pay me to do this so that that's very true well
To support really because people don't often think about how much it costs to do a podcast there's there's a lot of expenses that are involved so That's the reality.
I mean, I think you and I both do this out of love of our heart. Oh, yeah My podcasts are more teaching based with doing either apologetics or hermeneutics how to interpret the bible but We're not going to make a living off it
And people who think they can go into podcasting professionally and make money off of it get disillusioned very quickly
Hey, can we give them some inside baseball? Even though I don't really know what that ends up meaning. I just know it means it's all like inside secrets
But here's the thing We get people that apply to the christian podcast community. I'm thinking of one right now
They we did the we got this far as the interview And the guy that had the podcast actually said he wanted to retire and do this full -time
And well, okay after even I got done laughing We tried to I explained to him like you're not gonna quit your job and do this full -time
Like you're not gonna be joe rogan. Sorry Yeah There's only one joe rogan
Yeah, he had a huge platform before he got started and we burst his bubble and he just had no more interest
Yeah Yeah Podcasting is a labor of love. Yeah, definitely
Well, the first theme that I kind of wanted to talk about in regards to this movie was the cult that is dei and I Think that this movie really exposed that and in a very real way
Because a lot of the people that he talked to Really spoke about it in religious terms, even though I think that they would think they were very unreligious
Nuns as I think it's called these days as an n -o -n -e not n -u -n
But they spoke in very religious terms and One of the first ones that really popped out was the the bookstore lady that he was asking about books that he could read
And she mentioned that white fragility Was the dei bible? I don't remember whether she said it was a white man's bible the white people's bible or dei bible
But she referred to it as a bible You know to be a cult you have to have your religious book
So you have The the white fragility and then you have to have you know sins that people do in order that they you know
That they get atoned for And they listed quite a few sins and they were all having to do with being white
So I didn't see them saying that anybody other than white people commit these sins.
So it's Being white is the first one smiling too much Or not smiling enough when they see a person of color
Not admiring or having people of color role models That was a really interesting one that I think shows up in the preview
So if you haven't seen the movie, but you have seen the preview you've seen that one a cultural appropriation not listening to or Valuing a person of color's lived experience.
This is one that has gotten thrown at me By people that I actually went to church with many years ago
They told me that I was racist because I refused to sit down in a Struggle session with a bunch of black ladies and hear them talk about why they thought
I was racist So yeah, I guess i'm racist just because I don't value their lived experiences and then there was a very interesting line in the
I think you mentioned it already the dinner where they were just telling white people how racist they were
They made the comment is that if you need to cry you need to go leave and go to the cry room because when a
White woman cries she draws all the attention to her So I just learned that I am not supposed to cry in public because I will draw all the attention to myself
So that that's a one of a dei sin but it was okay for them to draw the attention to Themselves see right this a little bit of critical thinking
Wait, what's this whole program about this whole show? Oh critical thinking and and you don't go to go to amazon and you can get the workbook on are you just watching and When you go see movies, you could apply just a little bit just a little bit of critical thinking
Critical thinking is what's lacking in this culture. And that's why this dei cult can can occur right,
I mean I just put out a post because you know kamala harris has
Said that you know a woman died because of trump's abortion banned.
What did she die of? She took the abortion pill That she was given at an abortion clinic
Yeah, so what did she actually die of an abortion? Right. So, how did she have the abortion if trump banned it?
Like a little bit of critical thinking Now you mentioned Dei as a cult In my book, what do they believe which is dealing with the major western religions?
I in the introduction give a definition of a cult now If you look at that book, i'm going to give a different definition for dei because that book is dealing with religious cults where you're dealing with so there's five points that i'd have of You have to have a you know, some authoritarian
Person or organization you have scripture twisting Okay in a case like this, they're not going to be using scripture in the first place that in yes, you're saying they they claimed
White fertility is the bible but What we have is, you know, there's isolationism
Eclosivism and harm that's done. That's what we'd see in a religious circle But really at its core what you're dealing with is is control and so there's another definition that i'd like to use
For a cult here Okay, and it is you can think of it from the acronym bite
It's behavior control information control thought control and emotion control
And as you go through this film You will see each of those things and how they play out in our society
Where they are trying to control behavior you you will see that in the way They're trying to make white people feel bad about being white
And therefore they have to do something different and treat people different. Well treat blacks different There's information control because you're only supposed to be allowed to have certain information.
You shouldn't be You shouldn't receive any information. That's not from their approved sources
You have thought control That you're supposed to think the way they want you to think and and you're supposed to well you mentioned it emotional control
White people shouldn't be crying Over over their their racism
They should just be doing whatever blacks tell them to do Yeah, and so you see that when we we're saying it's a cult
The one characteristic of cults is control And you can see in the bite
Acronym that the dei throughout this film will show you that they fit that definition of a cult
Yes, definitely And you know when we look at the kind of Sensitivity training that they that you know, matt goes into In this course of the movie where you know, he's being told that for white folks.
The only thing they can do Because they're racist is to reallocate our resources and privileges to balance out systemic inequalities
And then also do have the hard conversations that we've been putting off for years Which means we're supposed to be telling all of our white friends and family that they are racist
We can't just sit on our hands and let racism go unmentioned We have to get involved and speak out against it
And you know, it's very interesting because if you look at the controlling mechanisms
In this dei cult the vast majority of the women that he talked to in his course of learning
To be a good dei expert they were all white women not all of them, but the vast majority of them were white women
So it's like why is it that it's the white women that are so vocal on this issue?
I think there was maybe two black ladies that were experts The first one in that first group he was with and then one of the ladies at the dinner.
It was was black well, I think part of the reason for that is That they think well one reason is because the white women want to make a lot of money
Yeah, because they can right, the Idea is that they'll be more receptive by other white women
And so that gets more people buying into this right Yeah, I guess and and like you said the proprietors of all of this are are leading people astray simply for the wealth of it
I thought it was very interesting that There was the near the end. Um, robin. Was it d 'angelo?
Is that her name? um she's the author of white fragility and Matt finally was able to get an interview with her and in the course of that he plays a trick on her
I want to set up just a little bit of some behind the scenes because For two weeks before the film came out
Matt walsh kept doing interviews and he kept saying Robin d 'angelo that part that you think won't be in the film that you're so worried about will be in the film
It's in the film and so He he was egging her on. Well, her response was a public statement she put out
Which what convinced me that this was not something where matt did it colluding with them Because when when
I heard about this, I thought like is this guy just gonna play like get people and play along Just for them
But the fact that she realized that if that's in the film She's gonna it's gonna hurt her brand
Right It it's something that is kind of a spoiler. But since she has publicly talked about it you spoiling it
Well, it's already out there like you have to see the film to know about it. But the fact that she came out
And had to talk about this Is it shows you that she was not approving of it, but she knew there was she signed off and there was she had no legal choices
Yeah recourse. Yeah, so That spoke volumes to me going into the film to go.
Okay. This was not a setup thing because I was wondering Throughout this because i've been let down in the past where you think where they make it sound like oh look
It's a it's big documentary where they expose things and you find out they were all working together
So that's what told me they weren't working together she goes into exposing it, you know She she said
I knew something was up because the grips those other guys that hold the camera They wouldn't look at me and you know, he had this funny wig on and he kept using this name matt
Well, okay. That's actually his name. That's why he used it But the fact that needed was a wig to get her to not recognize who he was.
Okay but then He's going through and just asking her like she's now keep in mind
This is like a two -hour interview like you see these clips throughout the film and like the dinner that you mentioned earlier
That was like a two three -hour dinner They just take clips of it. Mm -hmm so He has her there.
He's doing this whole thing. He wants to see if he can get her to do something which was what?
So The whole deal with dei is that they want reparations for the black community for all the harm done to them for through racism his producer is black and so he's he had him come out and sit down and he's like i'm i'm going to give you reparations and robin was like super puzzled by it and she's like You know give it directly to him and he's like well, why why should we wait on the system to fix itself?
let's actually pay them money if Let's put our you know our money where our mouths are and actually, you know pay the reparations
And so he takes money out of his pocket and gives it to his producer Ben, I think is his name and then he looks at her like are are you gonna do it and she's like you want me to give him money
She says and and he just really he's like well, you know, you said you wanted to pay them reparations
Here's a black man. You can pay him reparations And so she gets up and goes and finds her purse and digs some cash out gives it to him the amazing thing and the thing that I think was so interesting with that scene was
She was looking at him like you want me to give him money? What did she want? She wanted she's Was saying well, that's really an institutional thing.
Like the government should take the money and give it She didn't want to give her own money. And that's why matt pressured her
He's like well, don't you think it should start with us? And she's she's like was trying to get out of it she turns to him like Would it make you happy if I gave you money?
He goes. Well, i'm not gonna turn money away Should I go get my wallet and he's like? Yeah, right
This tells you what the real issue is with this whole thing They don't personally want to do what they say
They want the government to do it. In other words They don't want to pay their own money in reparations
They want the government to take it from people and give it to people as reparations That's the difference with what they're trying to do.
And so As we end up seeing it It shows us on they don't really believe what they believe and matt was calling them out and that's why that was such an uncomfortable situation for her because what it exposed was that She wants the government to take money from other from some people and give it to others called stealing
But she doesn't want to have to give of her own money She wants the government to do it with other people's money and matt was trying to call out the fact that fact and he did
It brilliantly because you saw how she did not want to give her money but he was willing to and calling real shouldn't start with us shouldn't we be the ones to set the example and It is a great scene to really expose
What they really believe behind the scenes Mm -hmm
You know, here was one of the things that came up in that interview She made a statement that for white people they cannot stop being racist.
It's a continuum now Again a little bit of critical thinking this is what I do in my rapper podcast
I kind of teach critical thinking and harmonetics how we interpret the bible But we apply a little bit of critical thinking if white people cannot stop being racist now
First off it's not that black people can stop they somehow can't be racist at all But they say whites cannot stop you mentioned a term earlier systemic
This became a big popular thing that america is systemically racist Well, if it's systemic
You can never fix the system That's the the meaning and they don't want to they want to burn it all down That's what several of them said with america's not fixable.
We just have to burn it to the ground They're very anti -american as well And so I want you to think about really what this movie is showing is the marxist agenda
That's behind all this and you saw it in the black lives matter protest right We we heard all this talk about january 6th with an insurrection and I don't mean to get political
But just looking at facts and definitions An insurrection is when you use violence to try to change a government system
You had two years of people burning cities and saying they're doing it to End to the systemic system of racism and they wanted to burn it down and change the system
That is the very definition of an insurrection Where on january 6th, it's a very weird insurrection where all the people forgot to bring their guns
In fact, there are people that are in prison because they left their guns in the hotel rooms
You know outside of dc because they can't bring a gun into dc Yes, they locked it in their hotel, which is kind of weird that they got charged with gun possession charges
When they left their gun behind Right. So so when we do this, we look at the critical thinking we have to recognize that One of the things you don't hear from these dei people the dei want to blame all of the whites for slavery
But they want to ignore the blacks in africa that kidnapped other blacks and sold them into slavery
That's a major issue if you're going to really want this now i'm going to shock your you eve and your audience
But you mentioned the idea of reparations And for years I have said I am fully on board with reparations
I support reparations in america I think that Everyone who is part of the party that supported slavery.
In other words the the democrat party the democrats who fought for slavery
They were the party of the kkk They were the party that fought against letting the the republicans allowing blacks in congress
They were the party that fought against the civil liberties movement They fought every single thing to keep blacks enslaved until they figured out that they can keep them enslaved a different way
And just get them on a welfare system and keep them on the government dole
So they keep voting for them over and over and over so it's just a different type of slavery But they've always been the party of slavery. So I believe every democrat should pay every black person in america
Reparations and then those black people should turn around and give it to the republicans every white republican
Because it's the white republicans that fought and gave their lives in order to Free the blacks so they the blacks out of gratitude should then give it to the white republicans.
Let's do that as a reparations Hmm something tells me the democrats won't go for that.
Yeah. Yeah I I you know, none of us that are currently alive today. We're alive back then.
So I think reparations are moot Well, it's really hard to know how to do our version we have done reparations in this country after world war ii
There were people who lost their their jobs their houses things like that because they were japanese
And after the war was over they got paid for their losses by the government and what you saw was you knew exactly who?
Were damaged and how much the damages were but now there's there's no way to know who was kidnapped
And brought here as a slave who was bought as a slave some people might be able to go back and get that history
Very few but some people are just immigrants here Mm -hmm Some of the blacks here in america, and I know one he knows his family history and his family lineage
Were the blacks that were doing the kidnapping? And selling black other blacks as slaves so it's really hard to do but the issue that you end up having is
I have people that would argue with me saying that you know, like I should Like somehow what happened in slavery is my fault
And and benefited from it. I said my family was never When you look at the we're russian and romanian we didn't have any part to do
In the african slave trade, there's a lot of white people in the u .s. That came after That immigrated into the states after the civil war
So they never owned slaves and and the vast and about half of the country if not a little more than half the country lived in states that that were slavery was outlawed so At least half the white people in the united states had nothing to do with slavery
Even if they were still alive today to pay reparations But the vast majority of us today
Well, all of us today weren't alive in the late 1800s in the early 1800s in the late 1700s when all of this occurred so you know trying to track all of that down and find out who's guilty and who's innocent and who who is deserving is
Ridiculously difficult and I think it's reparations is just a marxist idea for Spreading the wealth
I guess that's what they seem to like to do make everybody equally poor Yeah, see when people try to argue this with me
I I take a different tact that I know many here in the audience do but When they make the argument that somehow i'm responsible for it.
I turn and say well Are you responsible for the slavery of my people which was only? My dad's generation i'm a i'm jewish
And so in nazi germany my people were forced To leave their homes
But they went into the ghettos and then from the ghettos to the to the concentration camps. And so they were forced to slave labor and That where were the blacks standing up then so I went to church
I was pastoring a church where we had a woman her husband is on npr as a social justice warrior and so we would get
Discussions and he would he would have a hard time with me because all the arguments he'd make I'd say well You know, you're doing the same thing to me as a jewish person.
My people were slaved Why didn't you stand up and and he oh, yeah, I guess I guess you're right. There's You know, there's some similarities there, of course nowadays.
They just deny the holocaust happened Well, see the thing is every group of people can find a way to be victimized.
Oh, yeah What this whole marxist idea is to divide and conquer separate everybody right and Let me give an example again
I don't mean to get political but it's just easy to point it out Kamala harris is saying she is a person to bring the country together
How well you got dudes for harris you got christians for harris. You got black women for harris
You got white women for harris you you notice something they're dividing everybody They keep everyone divided because that's how they see everything
And then you see a trump rally and it's just all these different people you got everyone together and no one's identifying
But anything other than being an american Oh, i'm a single white cat lady for trump
I like to throw that in because supposedly single white cat ladies have to vote for harris. So, oh,
I didn't know that. Yeah I didn't get that memo. I'm, sorry. Uh, yeah supposedly, um
Jd vance made some snide comment about single white cat ladies In a very snide way or something insulted them somehow so therefore all single white cat ladies are supposed to be for harris now because we were insulted by Vance so well that's interesting because you say that Like that whites can have some diversity because in the film one of the statements that was made
Is that a diverse person it basically is someone who is not white a white person cannot be diverse
So you're you're the worst i'm i'm slightly up from you because i'm a woman so I I actually
Have i'm at least one step into the dei category yeah, you know, okay, so you're getting into an a a thing called intersectionality and If there's folks listening that this is new for you
You know reach out to us to even myself and and I can Point you to some resources.
I do I come into churches and do a weekend seminar On social justice. I talk about what intersectionality is
I try to go through this because so many in the church don't realize how dangerous this is. Oh, it's awful upsetting
People maybe we said this I wanted to say this is a disclaimer right from the beginning because there are churches Where they promote this dei agenda whether they recognize it or not because it's always masked in doing good for others
Loving your neighbor and things like that when it's within the church I will recommend you know, you can get megan basham's book shepherds for sale
And you'll see how the marxists have made their way into the church with money paying for things to get them to promote this
And so churches are being devastated because they don't realize people that used to get along just fine before The death of george floyd suddenly there's splits in churches
I was dealing with counseling many pastors over that and they didn't know what happened. They didn't understand stuff and it
I get the idea people want to be heard you mentioned that even the beginning but This is something that is a very it's a danger to the gospel because it's a very different gospel in fact
One of the things I took as a note In my notes when I was watching the film is they made the comment that if you are not anti -racist
You're no good. You're not a good person. So they have a different gospel Yeah to be good is to be an anti -racist which their definition of anti -racist is racism
That's what it is. Yeah. Yeah The most brilliant talk was from the kids on the street where the one guy was like well
If you want to end racism just stop it Yeah, stop identifying things as black and white, yeah yeah that um
Just to apply a little scripture to this in galatians 1 8 through 10 It says but even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preach to you
Let him be accursed as we have said before So now I say again if anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received
Let him be accursed for am I now seeking the approval of man or of god or am
I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of christ And that is you know a good reminder to us that there's no other way to be saved except through christ
We don't have The dei cult there's nothing else that's going to get you that salvation
That we get through grace and ephesians 2 8 through 9 says for by grace You have been saved through faith for this is not your own doing
It is the gift of god not a result of work so that no one may boast And because you know all of these white ladies that are you know being dei experts are boasting about the work
They've done in order to make the world a better place, but they're really just causing division
So the fact is we have a biblical gospel message which this What we see in the dei
It is a different message and The thing is is that when you you think about a message?
Well a message should be shared and might you have some ways that people could share their feedback on this episode by chance eve
Yeah, so if you want to leave feedback on this episode, you can go to our show notes Which will be at are you just watching dot com slash one five three
You can call 513 -818 -2959 and leave a voicemail or you can email feedback at are you just watching dot com?
And you can send us audio files if you'd like to do your own review of a movie and send that in You can also join our facebook group which you can get to by going to are you just watching dot com slash community?
But we'd really love for you to join our discord server Which you can get to by going to are you just watching dot com slash discord?
That's where you'll be able to interact directly with tim and I on a more predictable basis and we also typically
Record our episodes on our discord, but today discord was misbehaving.
So we're actually on zoom and The audience will be thrilled to know that tim martin will be back next month because they're going to be like Get this guy andrew off of here.
I get it No, i'm sure look I'm gonna make tim look so good that the audience you all are going to be going.
We want tim we want Tim yeah, he's better at this than I am.
I agree well, he's he's probably better about dealing with you know pop culture stuff, but I i'm happy to have you on here because Some of these topics are not ones that tim is comfortable discussing.
So this this is a good segue for us Well, it's a hard thing to discuss some of these things unless you really have some background and understanding what's behind it all and This film is a great way of introducing people to what really is behind the scenes in dei because He goes in kind of undercover to get them to say what they would not say in public
Knowing they if they say it in public they're gonna get in trouble they're sitting at a dinner with you know, two blacks with all these white women and What's their goal is to say?
Well actually a black and a brown it's to say They they actually say all republicans are nazis
I take great offense to the fact of Calling me because i'm white calling me a nazi when the nazis were a specific group of people that killed six million jewish people
Because they were jewish Right. So to me I take Immense offense at that when their whole thing is you can't offend people.
They have no problem offending Right. Yeah, they claim everyone who's white is a racist
Just because they color their skin so they don't say these things in public because they realize what it would sound like Exactly.
It sounds like when I said that but these are quotes from the film then when they don't know they're being
Recorded right now. Actually, they do know they're being recorded. They just forgot It's they thought they're being recorded in a in an
Sympathetic way. Yeah. Yeah where people wouldn't use it to expose what they're actually saying, right?
Yeah, and I found it interesting that as they were You know as he was going through a lot of these interviews that a lot of them misapplied christian tenants
It was like you could tell that they came from at least in their childhood a christian worldview And so they kind of had things bouncing around the side their heads
And it's kind of a sad Place that we've come in our country where we have a generation of people who were probably even raised in sunny school and church
But none of it You know the lord never softened their hearts and they've taken it and they've twisted it and they've turned it into horrible things the the first lady that he was in the the group with I I forget her name.
I actually tried to find it and I then the lists anywhere They don't actually release a list of the people that were in there
So if I didn't write the names down on my notes, I was lost But she was saying she brought up christianity and she said that That to combat racism love cannot be patient or kind and that kindness is not what is called for And then she made the comment.
I pray to god that racism or that it makes you you uncomfortable She's speaking to a group of white people that I had that in my notes as well quoted because that was
You know, she's telling them I I pray that this will make you as a white woman feel uncomfortable
So that you will submit to what we are telling you you should be feeling
Go back to the beginning of the show when we talked about the cult That's control. That's control. Yeah so I think it's a
Maybe a bad thing for our culture that so many people can take christianity
Tenets and and twist them around like that but it just means that as christians we need to be
Better able to respond to that with scripture and with the proper context of the things they're saying because you know the love that is being talked about when she's
Twisting that scripture from first corinthians 13. Love is patient. Love is kind and a whole list that is the definition of god's love and that is
The love that we can sort of You know plug ourselves into as christians through the action of the holy spirit
It's not something we come by naturally and love is you know, that true love is super hard for us to ever demonstrate in the flesh because we're selfish and we're
Mean and you know, that's what the flesh is that the flesh is the opposite of love
And so she's saying that to combat racism we have to be the opposite of love and who is love god is love
And so we we basically need to strike god from our lives in order to combat racism. That's really what she's saying
Yeah, you have to get rid of the very thing that's going to be the solution Right so that then they will be the only solution left
Right, that is what marxism teaches Yeah They never give any answers
Yeah That's the sad thing they don't really they just give the problem Well, see the answer is them
Yeah, they are the answer and and that's what you end up seeing with this is that They want to be the only
Solution they they create a problem And then tell you that they're the solution to the problem
Yeah Yeah, they're the only solution to the problem And so you need them
Right So I mean at its core This is what is the goal of it is that you rely on them as they will tear down the government system
That's made this country. Great And because part of this is that they'll say but the country's not great because look at slavery well, you know, there's a thing that said in the film it says
What one of the people I forget who said it is not possible to end racism because it's been around for 400 years
Think about that so racism around longer than that Exactly. So so when they when they're defining racism, it's only the african slave trade which ended and it wasn't 400 years in american history
Right now so they're going in and they want to extend and say well see You can't well if you can't end it because it's 400 years then
I guess we they were able to end it before But here's the thing. Why do these people that they focus so much on slavery?
But they do not talk about the slavery that exists today. Yeah, I was hoping to bring that up Yeah, because the slavery we have today tim and I did review sound of freedom at talking about the the sex trade with children and That is
I mean it just blows my mind how the u .s is one of the biggest importers of pedophilia sex slavery and We don't say anything about it.
And when a movie comes out about it, they try to blacklist the movie And I guess they can't make any money off of it.
So it's not important to them, but We have children that are literally disappearing off the street to go into the slave trade and women in other countries that are
Devastated by it and they have to be rescued from it and almost retrained how to live because they don't know how to Earn a living in a in a better way
That doesn't mean them them selling their bodies and and it's just it's devastating and it has nothing to do with race because It's completely colorblind this slavery we have today
And that's just the sex trade there's other kinds of slaveries as well There's people that are brought into the united states by the drug cartels.
There's Mules that are used to to traffic drugs. There's people that are are brought in as indentured slaves
They have to work in order to pay for their passage into the united states all of this stuff is is comes under the
Label of slavery and it's active and going on today. It just has nothing to do with color or race you know, it makes it hard as you explain that for people to say well, how
How how could we believe that this could happen? I mean, wouldn't our politicians stand up against this?
And one of the things it's hard for people to understand is that for many politicians they don't care a wit about us
Right. They only care about their Ability to to stay in power and they're willing to destroy the country if it takes that their power
Right. There's just a bill passed That was to say that anyone who came in this country illegally
And committed a sexual crime in this country while being here illegally should be deported 158 democrats voted against that they want to keep the people who are here illegally raping people
Here and they are letting them out of prison Why? Because they want them here not because they are benefit to the culture
But their benefit to them because it gets them votes. That's that's what they're hearing If you if you say that's not what they're doing
One of the things I thought the republicans were really bad at I thought this was really stupid but when barack obama was president, he wanted to give an amnesty bill and he
Was pushing it the republicans gave him every single thing. He wanted in the amnesty bill except for one thing
Every person who got amnesty could not vote for 25 years And he vetoed it
That tells you what that amnesty was really about Yeah, he wanted there to have the ability to vote.
I don't mean to get political But these are things that we have to recognize behind the scenes. This is this is why you invited me and not tim
Tim doesn't want to get political He's a nice guy. No. Yeah, he's super nice So The next theme that I want to discuss really has more to do with the style of movie rather than something that's actually in the movie
I read pluggedin .com's review of am I racist a couple nights ago?
And it was interesting to me that while he said that he laughed at the movie and he thought it was very entertaining at the end
The quote is it's easy to argue Perhaps that these folks have it coming as the old saying goes still the core deception here feels fundamentally mean -spirited to me
The kind of treatment that christians often decry when the tables are turned on us and we're on the receiving end of the mockery so When I watched the podcast last night that had matt on and I also noticed that on his channel on youtube
He's actually posted a rebuttal to this because this isn't the only christian reviewer who made this comment that they were
Critiquing the movie because he used deception and he was mean -spirited and they don't think that that has a place
As a christian to be doing that kind of thing and so after listening to his rebuttal
I got to thinking, you know How do we? as christians You know, what what is the proper form if we're not supposed to make mock mockumentaries
And to expose the lies of our culture and make it entertaining so people actually watch it and consume it
How do we get this message out? Because I hear this rebuttal a lot chris rosebro.
Are you familiar with chris rosebro? Yes I used to listen to him a lot and my pastor actually
I have I had two pastors now who told me they they didn't particularly care for his brand
Of podcast because of the way he mocks people and that he doesn't show proper christian kindness and humility and all of that and and I'm, just curious because as a pastor,
I know you speak out about this stuff a lot. What's your thoughts on? Is it wrong?
I mean Moses sent spies into canaan to spy out the land and there and joshua sent spies into jericho so it's not like You know the actual deception of going into Get the information is necessarily unbiblical
What what's your thoughts on that? well well You know,
I really Folks if you're listening and I say something you don't like let me just let you know that I won't be here next week
So let me deal with the facts matt walsh is not a christian he is a devout roman catholic and You can be roman catholic and be saved and be you know converted to christ
But not because you believe in roman catholic doctrine You cannot be a christian
By believing roman catholic doctrine because they're they're opposed to each other He believes in a works -based righteousness and you already read the verse out of ephesians 289
That it's not by works that we're saved but by grace Right and it's great alone. And so We we have to recognize that Now that aside so that right there puts it out of the camp but You know john macarthur wrote a book.
I think it was called hard words And he went through the gospels and put saw the what jesus himself said
Because so many people think like oh jesus is this nice guy. He would never say anything mean You mean like people like bruda viper
Pharisees like he would call him he did that all the time every one of his parables What was that about?
Well, it was calling them out and it was using a story So When we get into ethics so I ethically what
I would be called is a Non -conforming absolutist and everyone's going what in the world are you talking about to me?
It means I don't believe it's ever right to break to sin okay, so the standard argument
The nazis come to your door you're hiding jewish people and they say do you have do you have any jews here?
Okay That's the example always given And it's if there's only two possibilities yes or no
That's a logical fallacy, it's a fallacy of the excluded male. There's a third option In fact what what
I would probably do in the argument is Get real angry with them in their face and saying
Why would you come to me? Why would you even ask me that has someone been lying or someone been saying that I have jews in the home?
Why are you asking me? I want to find out where they're getting the information But I still have to answer the question
I remain silent The whole argument is that you have to lie to for a better a greater good right and There is a case when it comes to warfare and other things where deception is when we look at it ethically
We see this in scripture. You already brought some up a lot of times in the old testament where you have the israelites marching around with pitchers and And trumpets so that it looks like there's a lot of them
So they spread out making it look like there's a lot of a big huge army They were instructed to do that by god, and that was a deception.
So if you're going to say that deception is wrong Kind of careful with that because You're calling god a sinner and you may not realize it
So there are ethics that come into play And when it comes to the use of humor we ethically understand that when someone i'm a prankster, you know that eve
I like to have fun and and so part of Doing surprises when
I want to surprise my bride with something I will often deceive her into something when
I wanted to take her to Dinner for her birthday. I knew that all of her friends from high school and college were there at the restaurant already
But i'm pretending like i'm just taking her out by myself I know i'm deceiving her Right, but at the end she's going to realize that I was deceived.
It wasn't like i'm deceiving her to protect myself I'm deceiving her to give her a greater enjoyment okay, and what you see in this film is matt walsh clearly if you know anything about him, you know, he's
Not believing this stuff, but I hate to spoil the end. He's going to come out of the closet and reveal that he doesn't believe it
So Even if you're seeing this at the end, he's exposing that this isn't making sense
Right that is fitting within the same definition. We'd have with you the use of humor ethically
So I don't I don't think that the arguments that are being made are good. Why do I think the arguments are being made?
Well, i'll go back to the book by megan basham Shepherds for sale you have marxists that have infiltrated the church and get the church to promote their agenda
By trying to cause division within christianity so that there you have christian voices
Making the case that christians are doing something wrong by not pushing this agenda It's the same reason that at the very beginning you have white women
Who write these books and do all the talks why? Because that way other white women will feel like I should be involved in this
It's a divine conquer You actually say I will do the people who these arguments say let's file the money and see if there's some money
Yeah, I don't know I mean it may just be that a lot of the christian People have just been taught to conform.
So it's not necessarily that they themselves are being paid. It's just that they have Had it drilled into them so many times that they see that problem themselves.
And so they they voice it So it could come from both sides, but I mean it is an interesting thing that you know
I can see how There could be some concern with you know, the mean -spiritedness of it, but at the same time
You know after hearing matt talk last night in this podcast One of the and i'll put a link to that so other people can go watch it because it was a a two -hour thing
With him, so there was a lot of discussion that went on and it was really good. So you should go listen to it But he was one of the things that he commented on was at the end they show him doing his own dei seminar and he purposely
Was doing like really stupid exercises because the whole point was to be so ridiculous
With the things that he was requiring the participants to do That they would back out and leave
And a few of them did I think maybe three of them At different times and they got up and said this is ridiculous and they left
But the vast majority of them seemed to be okay with what he was doing They wanted to go so far that in this
Workshop that matt is doing he wants to push them to the furthest limits to sun that there's no possible way
That they would actually do this one thing and he just kept pushing the limit
Yeah, it's this one thing where it's like They're not possibly going to do this, but they they were willing that was the whole problem.
So and he actually stops this Workshop and says go home Yeah, because he couldn't believe how far people were willing to go
I don't want to spoil it for you. So I won't tell you what it is. They did but You'll have to watch it.
Yeah, so I guess the last thing that we can talk about before we wrap this up is
What is the cure for racism in our culture today? And you know we've discussed this tim and I have discussed this multiple times in in episodes because we have dealt with it in Various movies through the years that we've been doing this podcast but in this particular film
Since you know that they raised the question In fact, I think it was a quote that was on the screen near the end of the movie
So at the at the very end well folks not really the end don't leave just because the credits come up just saying yeah, yeah
But you get a thomas soul soul quote that says racism is not dead
But it is on life support kept alive by politicians race hustlers and people who get a sense of superiority by denouncing others as racist unquote
That's a major thing this is yeah, why why do we have to be able to do this because they make money at this
Yeah Yeah, I think the quote I was thinking of and I guess I didn't get it into my notes was
There was a comment about creating the problem and not giving the answer or something like that I can't remember who said it was near the end of the movie.
But anyway, but yeah, the soul cult is An implication of what we have problems with in our culture today
But you know He talked to some down -to -earth men in this movie that gave really good answers and we've referred to one of them before Says if you want to do away with racism quit labeling things as black and white
Another of them said only thing I read is the bible because he kept saying well Have you read white fragility or any of these other dei books and he was like the only book
I read is the bible another one said We all bleed the same it is not the color of the skin that matters
And then the last one we have to love each other. That's how we get rid of racism So he actually does present the answer and interestingly enough that all of those answers came from And thomas solan as well are all black men
So they already know the answer to racism and it's the white liberal women who are keeping it alive in our culture today sadly but Really as tim and I have mentioned in the past the only real answer the only true answer to racism along with the many ills that are going on in our culture and in the world is christ and This is a verse we have used a ton in our podcast
For as many of you as were baptized into christ have put on christ There is neither jew nor greek.
There is neither slave nor free There is no male and female for you are all one in christ jesus
And if you are christ, then you are abraham's offsprings heirs according to the promise and that's in galatians 3 27 through 29
I always come back to that verse because I think it's one of the most freeing things about the gospel
Is that while the world is trying to divide us based on whether we're men or women or greek or jew?
Or black or white or brown or whatever color you want to call us though to be honest i've never actually seen a true white person
If I hold a piece of paper up next to my skin, I am not white. I was able to just hear a gentleman preached by me
Uh, you may know his name his name's ken ham. He's with a ministry called answers in genesis
And he was talking about some of these issues and he's pointing out. We're one race There is no white or black it's just we have a different Amount of melanin in our skin, but it doesn't make us different.
Yeah, we as believers in jesus christ Need to be the ones proclaiming the truth of god's word
We are one race the human race and I don't know about you eve but when I have to go to You know fill out these forms like for a doctor and they ask me what race
I am and they don't have Like a thing where it's multiple choice and I have to choose one of theirs
Yeah, if filling on paper, I I like to write human I'm the i'm part of the human race.
That's my race yeah, I was watching a another video that had a christian conservative up against 20 woke college students and they want to Jubilee was the the group.
But anyway One of the questions that they had was they were talking about men and women, you know
Whether trans women were real women and and he made the comment that if you take a blood sample you can't
Tell from the blood sample whether a person is black or white But you can tell
That you know, they're a man or a woman so our blood can tell Whether we're a man or a woman
Which is the thing that the liberals seem to have a really hard time telling the difference between But yet they scream bloody murder about shades of melanin in people's skin and that doesn't even show up in a blood sample
So all you know on in a blood from a blood sample is what type of blood you have and that's different You know even within the same supposed race.
So yeah, we're all of one human race the only difference that is between shades of brown people is
Is really more cultural than anything else and as I said in that verse the only way out of racism is through revival and God changing the hearts and minds of the people that I think there are a lot of people in our country today that are so lost there's nobody so lost that god can't save them, but You know, you got to wonder about some of these people whether god ever would
Yeah, sadly But the solution the solution always comes back and you and tim and The audience is going.
Yes. When is tim coming back? But you and tim talk about this all the time The solution is the gospel.
That's the solution You really want to see an end to racism? Then then stop looking at everybody from racist eyes and just look toward the gospel that's what brings healing to To the nation if you want to see a country come
You know living in a more moral way It's it's again through the gospel.
You want to see an end to racism through a gospel? You want to end the slavery of the human slavery human trafficking we have today
It's through the gospel that that's the what we have folks. We're not going to win this battle on political means
No, because it's not even who we put in the white house Unfortunately, the the enemy is far more skilled at politics because they don't have any rules
They're willing to follow they don't have morals. They're going to do anything to get power Right, but the most powerful message ever right
And we need to proclaim it. Listen, if you're listening and you've gotten this far, maybe you just like the movie
Maybe you got upset because I said catholics aren't christian. Hey, look, that's not me. That's their documents Okay, they they're the ones that say that it's anathema to believe in grace by faith alone.
That's their Councils so that shouldn't be a problem but If you if you're listening this and you've never really heard the gospel if I can eve if you pray at me,
I won't stop me but Listen every single one of us. I know it's not about every single one of you listening
Because I know something about me as well Every one of us has broken god's law We are sinners in god's sight and what that means is that we he gives he has a a moral standard that's based in his character
Thou shall not lie why because god's not a liar That thou shall not covet why because god's not a covetor.
That's not murder. Why because god's not a murderer When we look at these things, they're based in the character of god.
So when we break god's law this moral Code that he has given to us when when he created us and said we're made in the image of god
It means that we're made with the attributes that god has things that we know So that we would have a guilty conscience when we do that, which is wrong
And so when we lie when we steal when when we murder we say hey, I never murdered Well, jesus made it really clear that if you're even angry with someone that is murder of the heart
So he judge he's a higher standard than we would think if we look at someone with lusty committers that considers that adultery of the heart
So god judges our heart not just our our actions. And so his standard is so high that when we tell one lie it is against an infinitely holy god that we we
Make an offense and because of who we're offending the consequence is forever
And that's why it says that for one lie, we'll spend eternity in a lake of fire I don't want that for any of you listening
The only thing I could do is tell you what jesus christ did jesus christ almighty god became a human being
So that he could die on a cross and be a payment of sin for you and I well Why is his death matter because as a human being who never broke god's law
Lived a perfect life. He can be the only substitute for you and I so that someone else can pay that for us and that someone is
Jesus who's not only truly man, but also truly god being truly god means he has he's an eternal being and he can pay an eternal fine
So now you have someone that could be a proper substitute for you and I And someone who can pay a fine that takes forever and he can not only pay it for me
But for each of you because of the nature of who jesus is so he came to earth and says look
We can't trust our background being raised jewish. I thought my judaism meant I immediately went to heaven.
I was guaranteed it Because I was god's chosen people. No, it's not by by our genealogy.
It's not by the good works We do you've already read that that it's not by works. It is by what jesus did alone on the cross
It's not by us thinking we're a good person. We have to turn from trusting our good works our good nature our genealogy
Turn to jesus christ and trust what jesus did on the cross 2 000 years ago as the only payment of sin
For what we owe to god for our criminal offenses before him and we just plead to him
Ask him for forgiveness trusting what jesus did on the cross is sufficient for you to have eternal life and when we
Do that and are converted to christ And then we share that message if that was something that we're sharing more than our favorite sports teams or movies or or Politics if we were sharing the gospel message as christians, what might this world look like?
We don't know but let's try to find out. Yeah. Amen. Thank you. Andrew. I really appreciate that we do occasionally get on that little bit, uh at the end of our podcast, but Uh, I you present it so well, you're you're so good at that Thank you so much for joining me on this podcast
I hope it's not the only time maybe the next time you watch a movie in a couple years from now
We can do this again Well, I'm it is my privilege to come on I Again, I apologize to the audience that I am not as good with some of the background and the way
I I listen every month So I know how good tim is With what he brings to this podcast.
I know that I was not a great replacement Uh, I hope that it was though educational and that you'll all be very happy when tim returns next month
I do pray for tim. He is a little overwhelmed right now in his life And I think he has school starting back up again in addition to his full -time job so it's it's gets really hard at certain times of the year for him to Carve out time to watch a movie and and do all the production with me on a podcast
But he has stuck with it and I really appreciate his and value his time That he gives to this podcast.
So do continue to pray for him Thank you andrew and I will just thank all our listeners for listening
I'm eve franklin and i'm tim martin. No, wait and to rapport And don't just watch
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