- 00:04
- All right, we're in Luke chapter 19 verse 21 This afternoon.
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- We kind of went through part of this parable last time brought out some some hidden business principles and the physical aspects of the parable and today
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- We're gonna look at this, you know You look at the physical aspects of the parable and you know that there are some spiritual truths but We get to this part today, it brings a real question into the mind of the
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- American and I learned I learned in Sunday school this morning Greg's lesson was very good and it was talking about marriage
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- And you've heard me say before that. In fact, it was part of this lesson. I was gonna say it again that Americans Don't know how to be servants because we've never served a king
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- So it's very foreign to us to think what it is to be a good servant and yet that's what we're supposed to be for the
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- Lord and Greg pointed out that that wives are
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- More used to serving because they serve their husbands. They serve the family They see themselves as a help meet and so forth
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- And so I thought to myself well, I need to change what I say instead of saying Americans don't know
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- I just say the American male doesn't know how to be a servant as much and maybe that's true But let's look at this little passage because we get to a verse that's very fascinating to ask about what does it mean here?
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- And so let's start with Luke 19 and verse 21 Kind of where we left off last last time for I feared thee now remember this is the servant speaking who did not invest
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- This money he didn't invest it. He hid it and he's about to get rebuked for that And he said
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- I feared thee because there and thou art an austere man Thou takest up that thou layest not down you reap when you didn't sow
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- And he said unto him out of your own mouth will I judge thee thou wicked servant Thou knewest that I was an austere man taking up what
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- I laid not down and reaping where I didn't sow So wherefore then gave us not thou my money to the bank That at my coming
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- I might have required mine own plus interest He said you didn't even think to put it in the bank and earn interest on it.
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- You did nothing with it And he said unto them that stood by now this part start with verse 24 gets really interesting to figure out
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- What does this mean? Is this just is this right? he says and to them that stood by take from him the pound that and Give it to him that has ten pounds
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- Now even his followers didn't follow this because look what they comment is in 25
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- They said it to him Lord. He's already got ten pounds. So they're thinking that doesn't make sense
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- Why are you telling us to take the one pound from the one guy and give it to the one that had the ten?
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- And so to the human mind What this Jesus is teaching does not make any sense because it plays against our sense of fairness
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- We feel like it's not fair for God to do this Well, it obviously is
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- Jesus is teaching it but look at verse 26 He explains he says I say unto you that and to everyone which hath
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- Shall be given and from him that hath not even that which he has shall be taken away from him
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- But those mine enemies which would not or did not wish for me to reign over them
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- Bring them here and slay them Before me now that's strong language for Americans mean we we
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- Some of our soldiers put pantyhose on the heads of some of the captives over there And we just made a big issue out of it.
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- It's as if that they did something so horrible and yet they're over there
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- Taking swords and cutting the heads off of Americans and they put that is equally evil
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- The news media does and that's the kind of nation that we live in so you can imagine how this verse
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- If you got it, but if Billy Graham got up for the entire nation in one of those football stadiums and preached this verse
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- How would the media handle this? You know those enemies that don't want me to to rule over them cut their heads off Well, that's what the
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- Bible says though, isn't it? So what is it teaching? Well for one thing?
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- the verse in verse 26 Where it says take Everyone that has it shall be given to them even more and to those that don't have you're gonna take away what they have and give
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- It to the ones. Well, that's a picture of the elect versus the non elect That's all there is to that is
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- That Jesus is teaching very clearly here that there are some to whom I have given and there are some who to whom
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- I haven't and the ones that I haven't we're gonna take even what they have and give it to the others
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- There is gonna come a day when the others are not found in the kingdom anywhere they're gonna be in hell and Even what they had is going to be taken away from them and they don't really have anything anyway and none of us do really when we get down to it, we have only what the
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- Lord gives us and So that seems like a harsh little passage there verses 25 through 27
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- This part where he says those who will not that I reign over him slay them
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- It asked the question how serious is anarchy? You know physical anarchy where we live in days where people don't want to follow any authority
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- That's one thing but spiritual anarchy is another in Isaiah chapter 14 verse 9
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- Listen to this. This is the first source of anarchy Anarchy is being unwilling to follow the king
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- Hell from beneath is moved for thee to meet thee at thy coming It stirreth up the dead for thee even all the chief ones of the earth
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- It hath raised up from their thrones all the kings of the nation All they shall speak and say to thee art thou also become weak as we art thou become likened to us
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- Thy pomp is brought down to the grave and the noise of thy violins
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- The worm is spread under thee and the worms cover thee How art thou fallen from heaven?
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- Oh Lucifer So now we find out for the first time that this is speaking of the devil It is actually recorded in Isaiah chapter 14 his fall is recorded for us and It says how are you fallen?
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- He was the strongest of the creatures of God He was the Archangel his job was to protect the very holiness of God And so the question being asked is well, how could you have possibly fallen
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- Oh Lucifer son of the morning? That's what his name means. By the way, the word Lucifer means morning star or son of the morning
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- How are you fallen Oh Lucifer son of the morning? How art thou cut down to the ground which did weaken the nations?
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- That's a key phrase Satan is the destroyer of nations. You look at ours
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- You look at our nation today right now you young people grow up. You grew up in so much of it
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- You don't understand what it was like when I was your age and my dad Would say that there's no way we can understand what it was like when he was your age
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- As far as the difference in the morals and the ethics and the morals
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- Underpinnings of the nation has changed so much The things that you see as commonplace on TV and different places even at the mall and just different places
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- It was unheard of 50 years ago 75 years ago And so our nation is in the midst of being destroyed by Satan and he knows how to do it
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- He's done that number on many nations in history if you read History and it's interesting to find that history teaches that when the moral fiber of a nation falls
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- That's when that nation is destroyed been that way every one of them So America will be no different you're going to live and grow up in very interesting times
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- You might as well find you a nice mountain to go hide in because this nation is going to be destroyed so Satan is the destroyer of naked nations verse 12 says he begins by weakening the nations and he has all the time
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- On his hands. He's patient. He will just little by little eat away Like a like a hidden Rust or a moth in the closet.
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- He just eats away little by little and Weakens the nation for you have said in your heart now.
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- It's talking about Satan again Satan said I will ascend into heaven. I will exalt my throne above the stars of God I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation in the sides of the north
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- I will ascend above the heights of the clouds. I will be like the most high
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- That is anarchy defined An anarchist is someone who refuses to follow the leader, but wants to be above the leader
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- And it creates nothing but confusion Now Satan claimed he would be like the most high
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- God and yet look at the next sentence starts with the word yet That is going to contrast what he thought with what's really going to happen
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- He thought he was going to be lifted up higher than God But it says yet you shall be brought down to hell to the sides of the pit
- 10:07
- They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee and consider thee saying is this the man that made the earth to tremble?
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- That did shake kingdoms That made the world as a wilderness and destroyed the cities and that amazing this is what
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- Satan does he starts out in the cities Destroys them and corrupts the whole nation Then open not the house of the prisoners
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- He wouldn't once he gets the soul once he grabs a soul and takes it captive.
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- He does not like to let it go He doesn't like to open the door and let him go
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- He likes to get their mind where it's reprobate and they never think of God anymore That's his job and he does it very well
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- Goes on and talks about him that way when you go into Micah chapter 7 and verse 1 it talks about anarchy
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- It says woe is me for I am as when they have gathered the summer fruits as the grape blings
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- Gleanings and the vintage and there is no cluster yet to eat my soul desired the first ripe fruit
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- The good man is perished out of the earth and there is none upright among men
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- They all lie in wait for blood they hunt every man his brother with a net That they may do evil with both hands earnestly
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- Hadn't had an amazing description They want to do evil with both hands earnestly
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- The prince asketh and the judge asketh they all got their hand out like this taking bribes the king and the judge both parts of the government
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- They're both taking bribes. They both have their hand out The king asks the judge asked for a reward and the great man and this doesn't mean truly great
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- This means the big man the guy that's got all the money the one that's throwing his weight around in the country
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- He utters his mischievous desire so they wrap it up the best of them is as a
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- Briar the most upright is sharper than any thorn hedge the day of the watchman and Visitation coming that means
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- God is coming judgment is coming Now shall they shall there be?
- 12:25
- Perplexity now this word perplexity is found in some interesting places But it means that the nation gets to the place where the government cannot take care of all the problems and then there's anarchy
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- And that is something that is prophesied for the end times in the world
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- Now this passage right after that is very prophetic in nature It says there they will be in perplexity.
- 12:51
- The very next verse says trust you not in a friend Put you not confidence in a guide keep the doers the doors of your mouth
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- From her that lieth in thy bosom for the son dishonors the father
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- The daughter rises up against the mother the daughter -in -law against the mother -in -law and the man's enemies are the men of his own house
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- That's written in Micah Over 800 years before Jesus was born and yet the
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- Bible says as we come over into the New Testament now Turn to 2nd Timothy chapter 3
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- And while you're turning to 2nd
- 13:32
- Timothy 3 I want to read you something Jesus said when he was walking on the earth in Luke 21 25 He said this there should be signs in the
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- Sun and in the moon and in the stars and upon the earth distress of nations with perplexity
- 13:48
- This word perplexity is from a little Greek word opera. Oh, which means
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- To have no way out To have no way out to be at a loss
- 14:00
- So the nations are going to be where the rulers of the nations the governments are not able to handle all the problems
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- That the people have because of sin basically is why the problems are there. They can't handle it all
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- They can't pay for it all they can't feed everybody and everybody Rises up in rioting in anarchy
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- This know also that in the last days perilous times shall come
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- For men shall be lovers of their own selves covetous boasters proud
- 14:35
- Blasphemers disobedient to parents now they have they name them as if they're diseases
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- Children, they're disobedient can't sit still when the parent tells me they give it names as if it's a disease now
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- But actually it's prophesied in the last days children will find it impossible to be obedient to parents
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- They will be disobedient. There will be a mindset a spirit of disobedience
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- Among children, they'll be unthankful and they will be unholy that means they're into sex sin and corruption and Immorality, they're whoremongers and harlots and they think that's normal They'll be unholy
- 15:19
- Perilous days shall come might they be upon us already These people will be without natural affection that means men will go after men and Women will go after women.
- 15:33
- Did you know that that is? Epidemic in college campuses now where the girls are lesbians in the in the girl dorms
- 15:41
- It's epidemic among the females in colleges They're without natural affection
- 15:48
- They will be truce breakers now you talk about anarchy This means when they shake hands or when they sign a contract it means absolutely nothing
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- Unless it's to their benefit. They're not going to go by it. Well, we're there my great -great -grandfather
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- Got into business with a handshake at a bank in his day didn't even have to sign anything and now
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- You sign things and it means nothing truce breakers False accusers incontinent fierce despisers of those that are good
- 16:21
- Why do you think the whole world hates? Bush, why do you think it is that the that the leaders of the
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- European nations do not even want to Invite him as a guest because it's embarrassing to them to be around me because he's a good man, basically
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- They are haters of that which is good. They love Clinton Clinton still go around he can charge, you know $100 ,000 or more $500 ,000 per speech that he gives all over Europe because they all want to hear him speak.
- 16:49
- They love Clinton They would set him up as the world leader if they could Why is it that they don't like Bush?
- 16:57
- He's a born -again Christian Well, the Bible says in the last days there'll be perilous times.
- 17:02
- They will be despisers of those that are good They'll be traitors heady high -minded lovers of pleasure more than they love
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- God Having a form of godliness There's your charismatic movement but denying the power thereof from such turn away
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- For your Benny Hinn's, you know your Benny Hinn's they they have a form of godliness
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- But their doctrine betrays them their doctrine betrays them that they're not in the word
- 17:36
- And nothing more than magicians Nothing more than those Wizards we read about this morning in Isaiah that go peep and bump and they make funny little
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- Sounds that comes out of their mouths just like the wizards have always had this this this
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- Extater it I'm doing it myself Ecstatic utterances
- 18:03
- I'm starting to peep and bump right here in the pulpit It's all over the world all over this country in particular came from this country
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- Having a form of godliness Denying the true power from such turn away for of this sort
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- Sort are they which creep into houses and lead captive silly women? laden with sins
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- Led away with diverse Lusts, why does it pick on the women there?
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- Because Eve is more easily Deceived than Adam Eve is more easily
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- Spiritually deceived by false doctrine. It can more naturally seem normal to a woman and yet it can be vastly wrong
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- It can sound so right and so these types of false doctrines these preachers these fake faith healers
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- That have the fake gifts and all of this it appeals to women first Most of the big huge modern churches
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- You have the women in very strong control in these churches, even most of them believe it's okay for a woman to preach
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- Very clearly the Bible says a woman is not allowed to teach nor usurp authority over the man
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- Matter of fact, it says that she has a question She must remain silent in the church go home and ask her husband now.
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- How can you do that and be a preacher? At the same time how can you obey that and be a preacher that is just mind -boggling and yet it says right here that they lead
- 19:44
- Captive silly women laden with sins led away with diverse lusts and they become part of the religious machinery in a false religion ever learning
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- Always studying the Bible you you cannot ever say that these folks don't study because they study more than we do properly
- 20:04
- But yet they're never able to come to the knowledge of the truth Their study doesn't bear any fruit because they don't have the
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- Holy Spirit teaching them they have men and Women, unfortunately teaching them strange doctrines.
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- They're not coming from the Holy Spirit In fact, the Apostle Paul called that doctrines of demons
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- Verse 8 says now as Janus and Jambres withstood Moses now there you see these signs of anarchy again
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- They would not follow the leader. The leader was Moses these men rose up said what we can lead just as well as Moses Why is he always get to do all the leadership stuff?
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- It's exactly the sin that these people had So do these also resist the truth men of corrupt minds reprobate reprobate concerning the faith
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- But they shall proceed no further for their follies shall be manifested to all men as There's also was what you'll find the truth is most false false prophets
- 21:03
- They can rise up and be great and strong and powerful Like Jimmy Swaggart was for so long and then they'll find him in the back of his car playing with his pornographic magazines and with Harlots in the motel room saying yeah, but I never touch him.
- 21:20
- I just look at him They all will be brought out for what you see false doctrine is just a symptom
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- It's a sign of the corrupt heart that derived it and what happens they can preach that false doctrine
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- It looks like they're powerful for a season But eventually the corruption that brought it out is going to be shown to everyone everyone will see it over time
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- Don't let it surprise you Benny Hinn is exposed for something in the next, you know, five years five or ten years
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- They can cover it up for a while, but eventually it comes out you can't have good I mean bad doctrine coming from a good
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- Tree You just doesn't work that way. You can say yeah, but they're so good. They're just a little off on that It just doesn't work that way
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- So we live in perilous days we live in days where the truth is hated goodness is thought of as bad and bad is thought of as good and It is above all today's lesson is anarchy is going to be the mindset
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- That's why Jesus said when the master came back and he saw the people that refused to follow him and serve under him
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- He said just cut their heads off Because they're of no use that is a spiritual picture.
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- I Mean it was a physical fact in this story, but it's a spiritual picture That those who spiritually rebel at Jesus Christ leadership and refuse to follow him as their personal
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- Lord and Savior Will be utterly destroyed forever and ever in a place called hell
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- It's as if it's just off with their head because they won't follow the one true God Now that's hard for us.
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- We live in a country where we're too Sophisticated we don't chop people's heads off anymore.
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- They don't follow the King do we but That is the way it is from a spiritual viewpoint
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- You're either saved or you're lost you either follow your Lord Jesus Christ and you love him and you're happy that he
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- Is your leader and you follow him with joy and with love? Are you hating?
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- In which case you will be slain someday There's no in -between.
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- There's no place for people to go. You say well, I just want to be me I just you know, I'm not gonna follow him, but I just don't want to be me.
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- You'll be slain There'll be no place for people like that in the kingdom of God and really there's no place now
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- But there is a season of grace So When you pray for our poor nation and our neighbors and our friends all around us that are being taken
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- By Satan the destroyer of nations, let's pray Lord Thank you for your word.
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- It is sombering the passage We had this afternoon very sombering and we look at our poor nation and we just see people
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- Dumber than fish all the bait the bait just has to be thrown out there and they just bite it every time and Doesn't take much of a lure in this nation anymore and so Lord we see that Satan has
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- Done his work of weakening this nation. He will go on to do his work of destroying this nation
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- And yet Lord, we know that you have your elect as a remnant that is hidden within every city within every town
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- All over this nation. You have people that have never bowed the knee to bail and people that love you with all their hearts
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- So we ask you to give us your direction for how we ought to live in these last days
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- When we ought to witness and when we ought not to cast our pearls before the swine
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- Give us great wisdom when to know to open our mouths and when to remain silent and where to be at any given time
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- We ask you to especially give our young people a healthy portion of this type of wisdom or they shall surely
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- Be living in a nation that is far different than what we see today when they're our age someday
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- So give them great wisdom and help them to build it quickly as they study the
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- Word of God We ask you to protect those of our church family that are traveling and bring them back to us safely in Jesus name.