Creflo Dollar Says He Is A GOD!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So for those of you who don't know,
Creflo Dollar is a pastor in Atlanta, Georgia, and he is one of the most popular pastors in the United States today.
Unfortunately, he also happens to be a complete and total heretic and a false teacher. This man believes things that are so unbiblical you'd have to be biblically illiterate to postulate such views.
In a video I found, Creflo describes why he thinks that human beings are gods with a little g.
His biblical rationale for this statement is so flawed, it's almost unbelievable. Check this out.
And if God now produces man and everything produces after its own kind, if horses get together, they produce what?
And if dogs get together, they produce what? If cats get together, they produce what?
But if the Godhead gets together and say, let us make man, then what are they producing?
They're producing gods. So let's tackle this false teaching using three biblical points, shall we?
Number one, Creflo Dollar suggests that he is God, based on the passage which says that God made man in his own image.
That much is certain. Genesis 127 does indeed say that, quote, God created man in his own image.
In the image of God he created him, male and female he created them. What's wrong with Creflo's interpretation here?
Well, pretty much everything. His argument goes something like this. God created man in his own image.
God is God. Therefore, human beings must also be gods. I wish I could say it was more sophisticated than that, folks, but sophistication isn't something you'll get from Creflo Dollar.
Fortunately, that only makes our jobs easier. And hopefully, some of you can already see what's wrong with this perspective.
You could just as easily use his argument to suggest that human beings are omnipresent, meaning that they are in all places at once in the same way
God is. Jeremiah 23, 24 says, quote, Can a man hide himself in secret places so that I cannot see him, declares the
Lord? Do I not fill heaven and earth, declares the Lord? Well, would you look at that? I guess human beings must also fill the entire earth.
After all, we are made in God's image and God is omnipresent. Therefore, human beings, like God, are everywhere at once, right?
Well, not so fast. The problem here is that we know human beings are not omnipresent. We even have a saying about that in America.
When we get stressed, we say, quote, I cannot be everywhere at once. It's very popular to say something like that.
So the problem with Creflo Dollar's argument here is that it could just as easily be used to suggest that a human being is omnipresent, and we know that that's not true.
And if your logic leads to a conclusion that is not true, then maybe we shouldn't use it. Instead, we should turn somewhere else for biblical wisdom.
Indeed, at a more basic biblical level, we know that human beings are not gods, because Isaiah 46, 9 says, quote,
I am God, and there is no other. Even the small bit of biblical analysis Creflo Dollar is capable of, apparently, is done improperly.
This man twists the word of God and mishandles it completely. He's a fool and a false teacher.
Number two, Creflo Dollar thinks that people are gods because everything reproduces after its own kind.
What a ridiculous argument. By that very same logic, you'd have to suggest that all babies are adults because people reproduce after their own kind.
But more than that, there's an even better argument against what Creflo said. In Genesis 1, 24,
God says, quote, Let earth bring forth living creatures according to their kinds. The passage clearly says that it is referring to, quote, living creatures of the earth.
In other words, this verse doesn't apply to what Creflo is talking about in the slightest. In fact, it is actually blasphemous for Creflo to compare these two things, because one is
God, and the other is God's creation. He is suggesting that God produces human beings in the same small and feeble way that a cow produces a calf or a dog produces a puppy.
This statement by Creflo is a denial of the very power and authority and spiritual depth of God.
And his comments are extremely concerning. But it only gets more concerning when he seems to suggest that the different members of the
Trinity here are having some sort of physical relations with one another to produce mankind. What a disgusting idea.
And I'm not saying that he was offering that idea explicitly, but even implicitly, it's rather hard to ignore.
He uses the example of, quote, Two dogs get together and produce a dog. But then he says that Genesis 1, 27 says,
Let us create man in our own image. In other words, Creflo seems to be at least accidentally implying that the different members of the
Trinity, quote, get together in the same way two dogs do. To be fair, he may have simply phrased this improperly.
But this is yet another example, nonetheless, of how irresponsible this man is with his preaching.
He cannot be trusted to give good, sound teaching whatsoever. None of the passages he tries to use are applicable to his view in the slightest.
He simply twists them and beats them beyond recognition before applying them out of context. Heretical, disgusting, and shameful.
Number three, there are some who will object to my statements here on the basis of Psalm 82, which says, quote,
I said, you are gods, sons of the Most High, all of you. Nevertheless, like men you shall die and fall like any prince.
This passage is not saying that everyone is a god, though. Rather, the passage is talking about rulers and judges of the nations who are referred to as gods on rare occasion in the
Old Testament. One of the Hebrew words for God, Elohim, is used here in the passage, but the word has a variety of different meanings.
It can sometimes mean the one true God of Israel. In a different context, it might mean rulers, judges, and other powerful men.
One thing we know for a fact, though, is that it is not suggesting all human beings are little gods, despite the fact that this interpretation has gained favor amongst the
Prosperity Gospel crowd. As I said earlier, Isaiah 46, 9 says, quote, I am God and there is no other.
So the choice is clear, guys. You can be a consistent Christian who honors God in your exegesis, and you can believe that the word gods in Psalm 82 is referring to powerful men.
Or, you can be a foolish heretic who ignores the verse's context in order to promote your unbiblical agenda.
I'll let you decide which one you want to be. In conclusion, Creflo Dollar is a heretic who suggests that all human beings are little gods.
In order to reach such a ridiculous conclusion, he manipulates some scriptures while altogether ignoring others.
This is a common thread in all false teaching today. Improper exegesis and poor exposition of God's word will, indeed, lead you to having unbiblical beliefs.
It's only a matter of time, and there's no doubt about that. So the takeaway here is simple. Find a good teacher of God's word who actually preaches the whole counsel of God, as Acts 20, 27 says.
Don't listen to deceitful heretics like Creflo Dollar who manipulate the word of God for money.
And pray for him, that he and his followers would repent and believe the truth of God's word.
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you and God bless.