Twitch Bows to Trans-Madness Mid Program


Twitch Bows to Trans-Madness Mid Program

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Greetings and welcome to The Dividing Line. It is 15 minutes before I am genetically predisposed to take a nap, so...
And I could really use a nap today, but I'm not gonna get one Because Rich wanted to get the bed out of the
RV. I'm looking at our cameras on the parking lot. Can't see my truck But I can see
I can see our RV and she's beautiful. Well She was beautiful when
I left Las Vegas But I decreased the excess population of a number of different kinds of bugs
Between Las Vegas and Phoenix which are now plastered on the front grill of the truck And the front end of the
RV, but other than that, she's very very clean. Very very pretty right now Red Rock RV cleaners up in Las Vegas.
They they've always I've used them twice now and What's that? Hey, why not?
The the young men do a good job and they get it done quick and That young man
Robert actually cleaned my truck too. I didn't ask him to I okay I asked him if he was gonna walk by it with his hose to just sort of spray down the sides because I Live in Arizona.
I'm sorry. I've seen you guys's trucks that live in places with snow and Starting November you just give up but By March, you know, it's it's just it's just brown doesn't matter what color truck it and so you drive through that stuff
Yeah, it's that thick. Yeah You drive that stuff and it's just horrible. So I just asked him to he cleaned the whole truck
I mean he cleaned he did the oh man, I'll tell you I gave him a good tip
He needed he needed one. Anyways, it a good job. And so we just removed the bed and We're both standing there going
Man, this is small We're gonna have to yes, yeah, we're gonna have to Really work on the engineering on this one to make it work, but we hey, it's a whole lot bigger than a kitchen table so yeah, it'll it'll work it'll work, but the beds out and So we the beds out
The desk that rich believes we need to use is in but not assembled and Did you get those cameras?
Did you work it out? Okay. No, okay fine.
Oh Oh, okay. So we're we're waiting on someone else to get the price. Okay so we know which cameras want to get and I think you've already got lights and stuff like that and and the little
The the little board thing I was supposed to learn much about rich is very very happy about he he
He I think he lights candles to it. He thinks it's so special. So Yeah Yeah You are wonderful.
Yeah, terrible. So anyways, so yeah, it's sitting out front and Once we wrap up here, then
I need to I am almost on fumes. It's gonna be tight I need to Drag that baby off to storage for only three weeks and then three and a half weeks on the road in May and then home for one month and then 33
Days on the road in July. Well late June into July And then home for about a month a month and a half maybe even close to two months and then the big trip back for g3 and Everything else we're gonna try to tie together with that and Yeah, there you go.
These years go by fast the Lord told us to work while it is yet daylight a
Night comes when you cannot work and as we look at what is happening in our society. I You all have seen it
I was I Am so tired It you know if you're gonna expose your brain to MSNBC CNN NPR all of the state -run
Pravda Sources and that's what we have today. I know most most people don't know what
Pravda was I get it But Pravda was the state news service of the
Soviet Union Pravda means truth and Of course that was purposeful as well because you knew if it was in Pravda.
It was not Pravda that was just the whole that was the whole point of naming it that is that everybody knew it was a lie and when you force people to Face lies on a daily basis
It it dehumanizes them. Anyway, they're all they're all part of Pravda And I understand that on those
Platforms Every aspect of transgenderism homosexuality gay mirage
Pedophilia just let's just start let's just be honest. That's where this is going if you actually force
By public pressure and by Taking over the education institution.
So you have judges who are just utterly morally bankrupt They have the they literally have the moral formation of a junkyard dog
If you force them to legally say that an eight -year -old Can choose their gender and destroy their bodies?
So as to act on that choice Please tell me what the logical and rational argument is
That you can choose your sex at eight, but you can't choose to have sex at eight
There there is no logical or rational. That's the whole point That's the whole point. That's what the that's what the plus is
Okay, it's there. They're pushing it and I Retweeted a
Member of the Parliament in Ontario Somebody's actually jumped on me because well it says right there.
I was going I'm assuming this is Canada had Canadian flags but the the bug down left -hand corner was covered in Twitter by a how many views thing so I couldn't read it.
So I said pretty sure this is in Canada seemed fairly obvious, but You can't read it.
There's nothing you can do about it. Someone came down on me like Thank you lovely to be on Twitter at times anyway, they
Retweeted this video of some member of Parliament up there Introducing a bill probably won't pass first time but every crazy insane bill we're dealing with now started with some crazy insane person introducing it and people saying it'll never pass and Then it does eventually
And it's a bill To in essence do for basically
Pride shows drag queen story hours Performances, etc, etc to do for them.
What has been done for abortion facilities in Places like England where you know, we've now seen the same woman
Arrested multiple times for praying silently on a public sidewalk too close to One of the centers of worship of the culture of death and So the servants of the culture of death known as the police force
Will investigate your thoughts what you're thinking as you stand on a street corner and Will arrest you for thinking the wrong things.
Well now they want to do the same thing saying anything That would be offensive to the new
Protected class. I I've said many many times and we
It'd be really cool. If this works out. I don't know where we are on it, but Fellow came up to me in Tullahoma and said there's a way to Digitally index
Via voice The dividing lines going all the way back to as much as we have So you can do searches and it will search on The index not of what we've typed in you know for a while rich was dutifully sitting in the other room and he was
Typing all this stuff in and then he just got lazy and stopped, right? Is there anything right now keeping you from doing it?
No You just gave up on it. We were putting tags in And that was the only way you could really do a search
Because the search engine isn't actually searching The descriptions it's going on these tagged things and so it's really hard to find stuff at times and So we may have a way of doing that In the future and actually we'll find this
I would be really interested when I first used the phrase uber rights That'd be something to be really interesting to me
Because I started saying oh No, no, no, no, no, no 2000 2001 because that's when we wrote same -sex controversy
It's almost quarter -century That I've been saying homosexuals don't want equal rights. They want uber rights.
They want to be a protected elite class and I could not have imagined
Even when I started saying that when I saw where this was going it never crossed my mind
That what it would actually end up being is pedophilia bestiality and the utter mutilation of Boys and girls the mutilation of their bodies.
Sorry parents. I should have given you a warning at the top, but I was I Tweeted a few things last night and There was one from I think it was the
Netherlands. I think it was the Netherlands where?
This television program They literally bring 10 to 12 year old kids and sit them in chairs and they televised this and they have people come in and take their clothes off and Talk about their naked bodies and Then they did one with transgender people and it's all meant to normalize.
It's all meant to destroy any kind of moral structure or Development in young people because what you're doing with all those young people that experiences is you're creating the next generation of voters
That will make it even worse and worse and worse it's an accelerating downward spiral
That results in the utter collapse and destruction of any society that Puts up with these things and does these things so I So last night and Tom Buck troublemaker from Texas just retweeted the same thing
Same tweet that I retweeted this morning. You're a little bit behind there Tom. Come on I know
The the overall sort of slowly down moving a little bit the hand toward the you know, the mouse and stuff like that but you know,
I Retweeted this morning anyway here is a well, you know,
I I Could show it because there's not anything but I couldn't play the sound
Because trans activists can only say two or three words without dropping an f -bomb
That's just the way they are or beating a drum or blowing a whistle or any of the other deeply intelligent activities of the
Degraded left But this is what happened with Riley Gaines last night now
Riley Gaines is a award -winning award -winning female swimmer
Who actually tied in a race? with What's his real name
Thomas? Will will Thomas And that's what I was gonna say earlier.
I am so sick. I mentioned the MSNBC. I'm sorry. I got distracted even Fox News When they talk about these people will call him her he's not a her doggone it
We this is this is this is where we're standing. What will it take?
How much will will it take how much can you lose? For you to give in on this on this this issue because It will come to the point
If God just doesn't bring this thing crashing down around our ears Very very soon.
It will come to the point where if you do not use the proper pronouns
You will face Criminal charges it's coming.
You know that there are all sorts of people in The legislatures of the the states and And national level right now that would vote for that That would vote for that that would say if I mean think think about let's think a scenario here
Okay, let's let's think about a scenario for a second. I mean it sounds This would have sounded absolutely crazy
Only seven years ago But now every single person in this audience is captain sit there and go, you know
What if? The government sets up an
AI observation system that Analyzes all webcasts podcasts blogs
You know, it can be done you know Google could do it and Uses AI the same
AI we would be using to index my index the dividing line To make it easier for you to access information makes it just as easy for them to access access and if they want to censor and Silence, they can use the same technology.
So the government the regime Not a government. They're not governing anything.
They're just the tyrants Set up AI To analyze your speech
If the if the Chinese social credit score system becomes our system and it will again unless God does something amazing
What will happen well they will look at where you go if you attend a unapproved church
If you meet with unapproved people They analyze your speech and you will not be able to travel anymore
It'll start with the nice ways of traveling that they can control more easily Airlines first obviously
But eventually the idea is you're no one's gonna be able to travel other than the elites anyway
You're gonna live in your 15 -minute. They call it the 15 -minute city It's actually what it's a better way of putting that is a prison
Where you can you're not allowed to travel anymore. You can only walk Which would be really great in Phoenix in July You can only walk a certain distance and if you go outside the
Parameters of that then you you get charged and you can only do it so many times per year
You know, like if your mom lives on the other side of line You can only see her certain number of times a year that this is already happening in Europe they're already setting these things up and And so your
Your understanding your views will determine How far you can go how often you can go?
How often you can get out of jail? is basically what what it'll amount to and Where do you draw that line?
Will you start saying she? for Will Thomas a big guy
Will you lie because that's what it is. It's lying Has nothing to do with compassion has nothing to do with Pronoun sensitivity or Anything like that it's will you be are you going to be willing to lie because this all goes back
I I I Don't know how many How long it's come on spell it, right?
I Don't know when last time was that I reminded us of this
But Let me Remind us once again of this quote
Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small in my study of communist societies I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince nor to inform but to humiliate and Therefore the less it corresponded to reality the better When people are forced to remain silent
When they're being told the most obvious lies and I just stopped for a moment. It is an obvious lie
That any three -year -old can recognize you have to engage So much of your mind to twist reality into a pretzel
To look at Will Thomas to look at Mr. Levine And call these people women
Because they're not women and you know it. I know it reality knows it children know it dogs and kitties know it
The fish in your aquarium know it when people are forced to remain silent when they're being told the most obvious lies
Or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves They lose once and for all their sense of probity
To assent to obvious lies is to cooperate with evil and in some way to become evil oneself one standing to resist anything is thus eroded and even destroyed a society of emasculated liars is easy to control
I Think if you examine political correctness it has the same effect as and is intended to well
We're way past political correct. We are in the realm of the tyrants and We can either make the commitment that I am going to speak in accordance with truth
And this isn't this is not even a matter of debating about what the facts are the facts are clear
The reality is right in front of us will we give in because all that Tyrannical AI has to do is go.
Oh look This person uses the wrong pronouns This person can no longer travel this person can no longer have jobs this person can no longer do any of these things.
That's what's coming and It will come in fits and starts and there will be some pushback probably even violence but unless There is a major move of the
Spirit of God upon hearts and souls and Western societies This is the degradation that's coming our direction and it is degradation
Every time one of those conservative news commentators on Fox Gives in and uses and speaks lies
They are degraded by their so doing and we are degraded by hearing it tremendous amount of degradation going on in our society right now, and so Riley Gaines a
Who my understanding is she actually tied With Will Thomas in a race and they gave him the trophy so that it would look good.
Yeah, absolutely humiliating Now it's humiliating for him. First of all, he is such a bad swimmer
That look Have you seen his arm length? Have you seen
Michael Phelps? Okay, there is a swimmers body and that swimmers body is a male body.
There are incredibly fast women swimmers but the fastest woman swimmer
Will be crushed By the fastest male swimmer. It's not even close.
Look at the records It's it's not even in the in the same ballpark. The other guy will be out of the pool and dried off If it's a long swim and it's just it's because of testosterone.
It's because of genetics. It's because of bone structure When you're when you're six foot six and Have a wingspan like that.
You can fly through the water if you learn how to do it Anyway She's speaking now.
Okay. She was in San Francisco. There should have been part of the problem right there You should realize this is a lawless city
It's a it's a degraded city. It was once a beautiful city. Now. It is a filthy city filled with human feces and drug users on the street corners and violence and theft and God's lifted his hand and so she was attacked
She was literally assaulted and then and then basically taken prisoner in a locked room
I've seen reports that they're asking for money to let her out Will anything be done to those people?
No Not in our society not now You're allowed to do anything
If 20 young men had tried to go in there to help her that are conservatives they'd all be in jail we do not have a legal system any longer in the
United States a legal system with a with Lady Justice holding the scales and a blindfold on the blindfold is off and right across the forehead says woke and so We've already seen it.
I mean everybody's talking about The reality of The what took place in regards to Donald Trump.
I am NOT. I am NOT a supporter of Donald Trump. I and the stuff that I'm seeing turns my stomach
But no one with a functioning brain can possibly argue
That he is being treated the same way that Hillary Clinton would be treated or Barack Obama would be treated or Joe Biden being treated in light of the mountain of Actionable material.
Can you imagine? When the news came out of the millions of dollars given to the
Biden family by the Chinese if that was Trump and He was an office
How many articles of impeachment would already be making their way through the
House Representative? Oh, yeah, I mean, it's just It is so painfully obvious that we have not just a two -tier but about a ten -tier system and That there is simply no concern whatsoever any longer about Doing anything about justice in our society.
That's That was innocent until proven guilty Comes from the
Christian worldview and What we are seeing is when an entire society says we want nothing to do with any of that any longer
We want to throw it all out The double standards the hypocrisy is astonishing.
So Riley Gaines assaulted for daring That it's amazing thing is, you know, you look at her you look at Oh Harry Potter JK Rowling These are not conservatives,
I mean, I don't know where where Riley Gaines is, but JK Rowling is not a conservative by any stretch the imagination.
She's a feminist But There's no room for that These when
I first saw turf t -e -r -f a couple years ago, it's like Trans -exclusionary radical feminists,
I think is what it's like This Hatred of Mankind because that's what it is.
Transgenderism is a demonic hatred of mankind. It is a demonic rebellion Against how
God has created us how God has made us And when you look like I said,
I couldn't I can't play it because of the constant f -bombs but these people
These people remind me of the Gadarian demoniac and think about think about the parallels now that I think about it.
I Mean he he was cutting himself. He was he was really
Damaging himself and that that's exactly what transgenderism does it is an anti human demonic movement utterly opposed to all rationality morality ethics everything everything and yet now these people are
Running free in the streets. I retweeted also a guy that that Want that went down and tried to talk to some of these transgender protesters
Not a one of them would exchange a word with him they would either sit there and cover their faces with a
Transgender flag or they'd beat a drum or this one guy. He sat there with him Whistle his mouth and every question.
Yes. He's a he just blow the whistle Just over and over again. Just blow the whistle that There's there's no
Morality, no ethical formation. No maturity. These are these are children these these are these are children who have been retarded in their development and yet they're in adult bodies and Probably holding university positions
There there is They will not moderate They will not back off And there is no end to where this goes outside of the destruction of the human race and so Is this judgment?
Yes. Will God use it to his own glory? Yes but we can't see what the time frame of that is and so We have to look at this situation and we have to be very very clear
How far how much will how much will it cost you? Before you start referring to Will Thomas as a woman.
That's the question. How much? your job Your house your freedom that could never happen
United States. Oh, yes, it can Yes, it can in Europe right now
There is no way I Could get away with saying anything. I've said so far in this program in Europe without being brought up on charges in the
EU, you know that it was what for four years No, it was five years ago.
I went to the Netherlands and There was sincere concern five years ago
About what I was gonna say about homosexuality That was five years ago and that wasn't on and well
Well, it was on something that they were hoping to post on YouTube eventually And they were really really nervous and there's a reason for it.
There's a reason for it and it's coming here It is coming here and coming here quickly anyway
The public indoctrination system is totally sold out to this totally sold out
Oh, they're still good Christians. And yeah, but what can they do? They're not in leadership.
I I Know in certain local Contests Progress can be made.
I've got a dear friend in st. Charles not quite two years ago,
I guess He and his wife were dragged into The politics surrounding the school board in st.
Charles st. Charles is a very conservative area But it's very close to borders right up against st.
Louis and so CRT and all that idiocy was flowing into the schools and He got involved
He's very good organizer Not a community organizer, but it's very good organizer.
He was a salesman most of his life. He's retired but a very high -end salesman for a very large company and He just applied his
Training to the local school board elections and They got two people elected last year and this year they had a slate of three and So I've been hearing about you know getting the signs and people tearing down signs and you know this that and the other thing
All the things you have to do They got all three of their people elected and so they now have the majority on the school board for now and hence can put the brakes on and say
No more of this here But the amount of time and effort and see most conservatives and most
Christians we want to want to worship God when I raise our children we want to Basically leave other people alone outside of proclaiming the gospel to them
The other side this is all they have so many of them don't have children that want to have children Really hate children
So that they've got nothing They're not looking they have no eternity to even be thinking about This is it.
And so man, they can be zealous and they can give with their funds and their money So it's hard very very hard to fight back against that kind of stuff.
It really really is But That's where it has to happen on the local level and But the tyrants at the national level
They they just they simply can't allow for any any variation of that thing.
So today the Biden regime
It's funny. I Think it was Doocy on Fox the way he put it was
You don't hear Biden talking a lot about this, but the people he's put in key positions of authority
So it's sort of like people recognize Biden doesn't spend much time thinking about almost anything
But it's the people beneath him that are running this show and they have
Proposed a new rule from the executive branch the title 9 Be used to exclude any local or state banning of transgender athletes
Which is the exact opposite of what title 9 was intended to do. Title 9 was intended to protect female sports
Transgender competition is the destruction of female sports. And so they're turning that law on its head upside down They don't care
It's original intentions, they don't care Their only their only goal is to destroy
And bring about the Great Reset that's all they care about that's where their power comes from and they will lie
Deny the Constitution do whatever they Jolly well want To accomplish their ends.
That's that's just how they are That's how people on the left are and there's plenty of people on the right that are not
Christians and don't have much moral compass either, but anyway Those are the things we're facing.
All right Switching gears I'll be honest
You know today if if we were a really liturgically oriented group of people
This is quote -unquote Holy Week My week has been blown up blown away by I Mean it's next
Tuesday. It's getting close. It's gonna get close to 100 here. I see 98 right now
I Spent Wednesday morning Digging that RV right there out from nine inches of snow and ice now you might say what do you mean you've got to understand
I Wondered when I pulled out. I wonder how much heavier The unit was as I started down the road
Because that entire roof had nine inches of snow on it and I got a Long ways before that was all gone.
I mean a really long ways for that was all gone. I was down toward Vegas. I Stopped, I don't know maybe an hour outside of Vegas and there was just water pouring off the top because there was still that much
Ice and snow that was still melting anyway What takes so long is the slide outs the slide outs get covered with that too and you can't just slide it in It'll get jammed or take that ice and snow inside and it'll melt inside your unit.
You've got to get it off So I'm going from my whole week this one
People from Apologia have been out at the Mormon Easter pageant this week and I Haven't had a chance to go so I'm gonna get to go
Lord willing tomorrow night after the photos. I Really appreciate how many of you listen so closely to the last dividing line because I've seen a number of comments from from guys
Especially going. Yep. You got to make it to the photo shoot when the wife when the wife wants family photos
You get family photos, that's don't don't mess with it It doesn't matter that you've been planning that trip for the past three years.
You're gonna have to cancel it when the wife wants to get family photos taken and we're going out in the desert and and You know,
I was standing there this morning with the wife rifling through the closet going.
Oh, this would be nice Yeah, this is good cuz she's obviously got her stuff picked out and so now she's picking not you just stand there and You go.
Yes, dear. Yes, dear That's how you get that's how you stay married for 40 years.
Yes, dear. We'll do whatever you say So I've sort of lost track of what day of the week it is and and And everything else.
I think it's I think it's nice Friday, right? Okay, it is Good Friday. All right
I'm watching what's going on in the parking lot here, and I'm not really sure what What it is, but anyway so I'm not gonna get into because because we've done it so many times in the past and and I think a
Search would bring this up if you really want to get into and I haven't seen a bay talking about on Twitter I'm sure somebody is thankfully
I haven't been tagged in it but if you want to get into a discussion about the day of the crucifixion and how
Friday Saturday Sunday, it's not three days three nights. Oh, we're all getting We're all getting stuff stuck on our windshields right now
This is sort of weird Yeah, well they're leaving so but it's on your windshield already
I Thought they were construction workers, but yeah, there you go um
We're not getting that today. We've done entire programs. I've done stuff in response to Bart Ehrman on this thing
Not getting that right now let's Put that aside for a moment
Consider that settled Preparation day is a specific name for Friday so this is the day of the crucifixion and It's interesting to me and Appropriate I think
I think it's appropriate as well that in many ways
The crucifixion Historically we know
When you when you talk to people like when you listen to people like John Dominic Ross and and Bart Ehrman and others they will say that the
Super skeptics will say that the most certain one of the most certain things that we know About the historical
Jesus is that he died by crucifixion under Pontius Pilate That's in our creeds.
It's in It's the most basic element of the gospel proclamation and summary of the gospel in first Corinthians 15
But isn't it interesting that when we think of this season of the year our primary focus is the resurrection
It's on the resurrection It's not that there, you know,
I You have the really gory movies and stuff that just seem to Rejoice in the level of blood they can show in regards to the beatings and everything else and I'm sure it was horrible, but the gospel writers don't
Don't focus on that what what We've been kicked off of twitch for hateful conduct
Just got the email and it's this show right now
Insulting an individual with a slur based on their ethnicity asserting that another streamer is mentally inferior to their gender
Claiming that another person is in danger as a danger to society because of their religion, of course
I don't think you did any of that but you know bottom line is There we go, so there's that Are you still recording?
Oh, yeah. Yeah, we're not we're not gonna miss anything here We'll get it up on YouTube and see if they kick us off.
Oh, I want YouTube will take us out immediately So well Odyssey here we come again,
I guess so everything goes to Odyssey anyway, so it's been collecting. Well, there you go But Odyssey is a free speech platform
Then unless you're really threatening someone You're free to say what you want, so There you go.
It is it is the dogma of a depraved society The dogma of a depraved society.
I wonder if this is other people Yeah, so we're starting to get people on Twitter making comments.
Yep. This channel has been suspended. Yep. Yep Well, there you go.
If you say Anything in accordance With Christian convictions
These platforms that's it they are sold out They will not be fair.
They have no they have no basis or foundation for being fair. And So if you dare say that man is a man
You're out. You can't say that here. You cannot speak the truth on Twitch You can't speak the truth on YouTube That's where we are that's where we are
That's what we're up against. Wow, that's um, that's amazing.
Well, okay Let me try to refocus here briefly and we will get this up on Odyssey and You know those the the options are getting fewer and fewer
Because this nation has been given over to its own self -destruction
To its own self -destruction the shame that should be theirs the shame of Whoever wrote that email the shame of the person that reported it may not happen in this life
But it will happen See they don't believe in a future day of judgment every day of judgment every
Christian does every Christian does and I am
NOT ashamed To say that's a man That's a woman God made them that way and it's good
The shame is on you for daring to say that God doesn't have the right to make men and women as he pleases and As he has revealed that he has
The shame is on you not on me. Yep That's that's what we're up against that's what we are up against so very briefly since I started
One of the thoughts I've had over the years in thinking about Resurrection Sunday all the events going on Was what it was like from Friday night to Sunday morning the the gospel writers don't
Invent invest much time there in fact both Matthew and Luke Just Actually use a subclause to describe the crucifixion and and they crucified him they don't
They don't exalt the gore or anything like that But then there isn't a whole lot of discussion of what must have seemed like one of the longest periods in their entire life
How long? Could they sleep could they eat what was it like?
We call it Good Friday because we know the end but it was dark black
Friday and dark black Saturday For the
Apostles what? incredible Confusion, it's real easy for us.
We can look backwards. We're looking back from Post -resurrection and we've got all this stuff in the
Gospels where Jesus was talking about these things but they were obviously completely confused by it they they had their traditions and When your traditions are challenged it becomes truly
How do you put it Disconcerting it it it jumbles everything up.
They didn't know How could they even look at the future? How could they have hope for the future?
They were just simply left In the dark during that period of time and Yes when
Jesus rises from the dead Slow to believe But that's where most of us are slow to believe they could not have imagined
What was coming they could not have imagined? The appearance of the Lord amongst them the joy that was going to be theirs the light that would come from everywhere
So the darkness much of it must have been very very deep on This day and the next day
Long long nights of introspection disappointment, we know from the disciples in the road to Emmaus that We had thought he was the one what deep disappointment was theirs that was not going to last for very long, but During that time period and I I think it's good for us to remember that because it's really easy to rush past that go straight to John 20
Jesus appears Thomas, you know all the rest that stuff, but we all face those dark nights of the soul, we all face him and It's nice to know it's helpful for us to realize
That there were that the men who walked with Jesus Faced the same thing
God brought them through he'll bring us through as well. Someone just texted him
Said they're rather prophetic Given what you had said just minutes before and it's true.
I mean we were calling that one. I Even said let's think about What if the regime?
Developed AI and started and boom and I said it's already here.
Well, there you go. It's already here. That's what we're up against and So, how long did we get to use that six eight months
There you go Six to eight months and Boom gone.
Yes, sir. I've been here It's nice to put my pretty picture right
Phil there. Let's get that in there. All right so a Lot of folks are giving us advice of all the different places that we need to go to to get
You know freedom and all these different places. Look I did a lot of research on this Rumble, yeah rumbles got great reputation.
The problem is rumble is a Canadian company and So rumbles existence and they're also on the
Nasdaq their existence under this kind of environment
It may be a good place to go now But when you're talking about all the work that it goes into moving everything that you've got over on YouTube that we've been doing for years
Over to another platform. It's extremely laborious And we've been working on that Goodness, I think well over a year because we got our strike our first strike on YouTube in December of 21 21
So My research found that Odyssey is not the most robust platform.
Let's say that but the fact of the matter is there are a bunch of libertarians and They have a setup on a blockchain that You know what?
Unless you're a threat a physical threat to someone else. They're not gonna mess with you and so we're gonna continue to work with Odyssey and see if we can't
Make that function as best as we possibly can if we think that you know But I mean you didn't say anything about you know,
Kovat today No, no, but but here we are You're not allowed to Criticize those subjects anymore because that's politically incorrect and twitches finally stood up and said what they're gonna say and so here we are
There you go All right, well self -fulfilling prophecy but not surprising at all is it everything
I was saying The thought experiment everything else there there it is there it is.
So anyways, all right enough of that We'll figure out
Saddam I don't know what the live streaming issue is going to look like in the future Let me let me address that here cuz
I'll switch over to This Gotta be faster than this.
I know you're supposed to be good at this. Yeah Well, they kind of caught me off guard to be a professional. I mean, you know How many does this one button says rich on it?
No, there's more than one button on this but Odyssey has a live stream feature and that they've been trying to that's what
I meant when I say it's not the road's most robust platform because their live stream Still had the last time we did a live stream with them still allowed a lot to be desired
But they've been working on it. They're not the richest guys in the block Yeah and so they're doing what they can to try to build their platform and the more things like this happen on a platform like twitch
Or on YouTube people are gonna keep going to Odyssey and they're going to eventually build up So, you know, like I said,
I've done my research on it I think of all the places that we most likely will be able to survive long term
That's one of them it can't be the only one but that's my best guess and so, you know a
Lot of people said that twitch isn't gonna put up with us for very long They put up with us a lot longer than a lot of people thought. Yeah, but you know today
That was it. That was that Yeah, I could appeal it. I don't know I don't think that's worth doing if they're gonna pull the trigger on it at this point in the middle of a live stream
Yeah, why why? Yep, well, there you go
We will let folks know via the app where to find us next week because one of the things
I wanted to do after resurrection Sunday Was to delve into I've had this morning
Tony Arsenal on Twitter Said if you haven't listened to the
Trinity lecture by Mike Riccardi The most recent Shepherds conference take time make time today to do that is by far the clearest and most straightforward explanation and refutation of EFS error and The various errors of the theology proper errors.
I have no idea what theology proper errors are being propagated by James White Owen Strand and others from the
GBTS seminary school of thought now that is Really muddled.
I have no idea what it actually is attempting to say But as I listened to the presentation, it did seem to me that in the first half hour
There were a number of statements that minimally Suggested that they were aimed my direction could have been interpreted otherwise, but are being interpreted in this way and So it was my intention already after Resurrection Sunday to spend some time going through at least that first half hour now
The the next portion of the presentation is against EFS and just one more time for the slow folks.
I Never held EFS. I've never promoted EFS. I've argued against EFS And yet people just don't seem to get it for some reason.
I'm not sure why but the last After the first half hour that was the focus was
EFS now It wasn't you know, I think
EFS needs to be argued against biblically primarily rather than from certain theological or philosophical presuppositions, but as it may
That can't be about me because I don't believe in EFS and don't promote EFS But there were a number of statements that were made beforehand about webcasts and Things like that that I'd like to look at fairly and respectfully and if they were intended to Provide a proper context
To help the conversation move forward in a biblical on a biblical foundation
I think that would be helpful and well, we're planning on doing that. Just don't know where the live stream will be available we will
It'll be on Odyssey according to Rich. So There you go. And Unless you get booted from there, too
But I can't imagine that anybody Would have any problem with a program we would do in regards to inter
Trinitarian discussions but you can see now not only the childish sensitivity of these advocates these
Transgender they have the mental development of children and And see your three -year -old will keep running in and saying mommy mommy mommy somebody did this and that's where they are
They are stuck there They cannot live with the idea that there's someone saying something somewhere
That would offend them and They will run to anybody and scream help me help me help me
Um, that's Amazing really amazing. All right. Well, there you go