The Difference Between Law and Grace

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"And of His fullness we have all received, and grace for grace. For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ." -John 1:16-17


The Bible says in John 1, 17, the law came through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ, which is better, which is better.
So that's, that's the difference between law and grace. And I want to just use a very simple, practical illustration to demonstrate the difference between law and grace, something that we can all understand, except for maybe a handful of you, but you will, you will understand this.
So if you get in your car and you drive 75 miles an hour in a 65 mile an hour zone, and you get pulled over and you get a citation and you have to pay that fine, you know what?
That's just, you might not like it, but it's just because that's what? That's the law.
That's the law. Grace is when the police officer gives you a warning or just ignores it and lets you blow right by it.
That's grace. And yet if you drive 65 and someone just blows past you going 90, actually that happened this morning.
We were going 65 and someone went by nine, but if you do that and a couple of miles up the road, you see that person pulled over.
What do you think? Yeah, it serves them right. I hope they get a ticket passing me like that, but that's the way people are.
We want grace for ourselves. We want law and justice for everybody else, but we need to be careful with that.
But obviously grace is better. Grace is so much better. And there are many reasons why the new covenant is greater than the old.
It had a better priesthood, it's based on better promises, and it has a better mediator.
Here's the thing. Moses was a great man. Jesus is better. Moses was a man of God, but Jesus is the