What is Rob Bell Talking About When He's Talking About What We Talk About When We Talk About God?


Chris Rosebrough of Fighting for the Faith (http://www.fightingforthefaith.com) attempts to answer the question "What is Rob Bell Talking About When He's Talking About What We Talk About When We Talk About God?"


Rob Bell has a new promotional video out there put out by HarperOne, and it's on the HarperOne video
YouTube channel, where he's discussing his forthcoming book entitled
What We Talk About When We Talk About God. And as you're about to hear,
I think the more important question to ask is, what is Rob Bell talking about when he's talking about what we talk about when we talk about God?
Yeah, listen in. I think there are a lot of people in our culture who can't do the
God sort of belief system or the idea. And so there's this very, very, very popular movement that essentially says, this is all there is.
The problem is, for lots and lots of people, that doesn't work. Because your kid is born, or you hear that piece of music, or you find yourself in the middle of some natural wonder, and you're like,
I find it hard to believe this is all there is. There's nothing else. There's just such extraordinary, great, interesting, fascinating truths and insights and discoveries.
Where'd the idea for the book come from? It actually started years ago. Kept having all these ideas, and it all seemed to have something connecting it, but I didn't really know what.
Oh yeah, there's some stuff on Italian monkeys eating peanuts. Stuff on Italian monkeys eating peanuts.
Right, because that makes perfect sense when you're talking about Christianity and God.
The strangeness of the universe, it dug up all these questions, and I realized
I needed to read. I needed to do a bit of research. Yeah, because those monkeys eating peanuts,
I mean, that causes all kinds of questions to come flooding into my mind.
How about you? I started amassing books, because there's like 50 different topics, and then
I was trying to organize it because it was so much sort of percolating there, and I had no idea how to organize it, so I figured maybe
I'd do three by five cards. You know, I come to think of it, you know, he's got this,
I'm watching the video, he's got this huge stack of three by five cards with all these little ideas that he's talked about. You ever, what is that television program out there about those people who hoard things?
It's called Hoarders, isn't it? I think it is, but so they actually have like one of those reality
TV shows about the people who have like that mental disorder where they can't actually throw away anything, and so the clutter and the collections like take over their entire house, their garage, and they end up buying multiple storage facilities because they can't just get, it can't get rid of anything.
I mean, and so, you know, literally their houses become like the Grand Canyon where this is just these little tiny walkways where you can go through, and see,
I'm beginning to think that postmodernism has done a number on poor Rob Bell that now, rather than, you know, being a hoarder of, you know, like stuff,
I'm beginning to think that he is a hoarder of non -lucid ideas, you know, because that's quite a collection.
I'm looking at the stack of three by five index cards that he's collected. Every single card had one of the ideas for the book.
Here's one about cosmic significance. Here's one about crime for the divine.
Like there's just tons and tons and tons of them. So here's one about boombox, snail, volume, further closer.
Boombox, snail, volume, further closer.
Yeah, because, you know, that just points us straight to Jesus, I'm sure.
And then comes the inevitable moment when you have to just sit down at the computer and start typing.
I could just imagine how hard that would be with all these weird non -lucid disjuncted ideas.
It's just blank pages. Yeah. You just begin each morning like type word, letter, paragraph, and it doesn't matter who's going to read this or like this or not like this.
It's all totally irrelevant. The only thing. Yeah, I agree. This book is probably totally irrelevant.
It matters is, you know, that you are here to make this. And so your feet get planted under the table and you start typing.
Yeah, it's important that you have good posture. While typing in your word processing program.
And it's almost like the desires of your heart are revealed at that moment. Yeah. Do you want to make the next thing?
Do you want to make the next thing? Again, the question I'm asking is, what is
Rob Bell talking about when he's talking about what we talk about when we talk about God? I haven't any clue what he's talking about.
Do you have any idea what he's talking about? Snail, further closer. Boombox. Do you love it?
And so you just give a big giant yes. The book is essentially.
God is not behind us dragging us backwards. God is not behind us dragging us backwards.
I'm not familiar with any passages scripture that actually says anything of the sword.
Nor am I familiar with any Christians who are making that claim. But, you know, as strange as his life is, maybe he's running into a whole bunch of people who have gotten in his face and say, no,
God is behind us and he's dragging us backwards. And so Rob Bell felt the importance of, you know, he might have been one of those like, you know, people sitting on the side of the road, you know, with the sign that says, we'll work for food.
But he since he thinks this is an important thing he's need he needs to address. That's apparently what
Rob Bell is talking about when he's talking about what we talk about when we talk about God. Into some primitive regressive state.
God has always been ahead of us pulling us forward. I know. So God's ahead of us pulling us forward.
Like a big horse, like a Clydesdale or maybe like an ox. I mean, or maybe it could be like, you know, like those those animals, the
Malamutes and Huskies, you know, that they use for like the Iditarod or something. Maybe God's like the great dog team pulling us forward into the future.
Okay. Into greater and greater peace, integration, wholeness and love.
Yeah. So available March 12th. Rob Bell's new book,
What We Talk About When We Talk About God. And that's Rob Bell talking about what we talk about when we talk about God.
And I'm not sure what he's talking about. So, I mean, do you understand what Rob Bell was talking about when he was talking about what we talk about when we talk about God?
Because I'm totally at a loss. And I find that reading the
Bible is so much easier on my brain than listening to a
Rob Bell promotional video or reading a Rob Bell book. And I mean, of course, the obvious question is, is that if we're going to talk about God, what's going to be the source of our information about God?
Is it going to be non -lucid postmodern disjuncted ideas that Rob Bell has collected on a three by five index card?
Or is it going to be God's word? Call me old fashioned, you know, I'm sure
I'll be accused of believing in the God that's behind me pulling me backwards. But I'm going to go with the
Bible because I've never had never once in reading the
Bible have I had the experience that I had while listening to this latest Rob Bell promotional video and where I just said,
I have no clue what on earth he's talking about or even where to begin to figure out where he's.
Yeah, so there you go. So, I mean, if you have any ideas as to what it is that you just heard there,
I'd love to get your feedback. Again, the question is, what is or what was, since we're now listening to, what was
Rob Bell talking about when he was talking about what we talk about when we talk about God? If you have like even the foggiest notion of what it is that he was actually saying, maybe you can write it down on a napkin and scan it into your computer and email it to me so that I can share it with the rest of the listeners here at Fighting for the
Faith, maybe on Facebook and Twitter, because I'm beginning to think I probably need a visual graphic depicting what it was that he was talking about when he was talking about what we talk about when we talk about God.