Romans 3:9-20
Text: Romans 3:9-20
Joshua Huggins
Coram Deo Reformed Baptist Church is a church plant west of Charlotte,NC.
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- We're in Romans 3 9 through 20. It seems like a very large chunk
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- It's not But it's very important As usual,
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- I'll start in verse 1 of chapter 3 and read through to where we are now
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- Then what advantage has the Jew or what is the value of circumcision much in every way?
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- To begin with the Jews were entrusted with the oracles of God What if some were unfaithful
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- Does their faithlessness nullify the faithfulness of God? by no means
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- Let God be true though. Everyone were a liar as it is written That you may be justified in your words and prevail when you are judged
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- But if our unrighteousness serves to show the unrighteousness of God What shall we say?
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- That God is unrighteous to inflict wrath on us. I speak in a human way by no means
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- Or then how could God judge the world? But if through my lie
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- God's truth abounds to his glory Why am I still being considered a sinner and Why not do evil that good may come as some people slanderously charge us with saying
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- Their condemnation is just what then are we
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- Jews any better off? No, not at all for we have already charged that all both
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- Jews and Greeks are under sin as It is written. No one is righteous.
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- No, not one. No one understands. No one seeks for God All have turned aside all together
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- They have become worthless No one does good not even one
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- Their throat is an open grave They use their tongues to deceive the venom of asps is under their lips
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- Their mouth is full of curses and bitterness Their feet are swift to shed blood in their paths are ruin and misery and the way of peace
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- They have not known There is no fear of God before their eyes Now we know
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- Whatever the law says it speaks to those who are under the law So that every mouth may be stopped and the whole world may be held accountable to God For by works of the law, no human being will be justified in his sight since through the law comes knowledge of sin
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- Paul in chapter 1 gave glory to God for the gospel of Christ and levies an indictment against the
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- Gentiles of their guiltiness of sin before God and his wrath against them and Thus their tremendous need for the gospel in chapter 2.
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- He does the same for the Jews He shows that they cannot lean on their ethnicity.
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- They cannot lean on the circumcision Or any other form of tradition that they may have put their faith in and thus showing their tremendous need
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- For the gospel of Christ and here in chapter 3 he comes to the culmination of this argument
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- Begins to Verse 9 what then are we
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- Jews any better off? No, not at all for we have already charged that all both
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- Jews and Greeks are under sin in this verse he
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- Begins to summarize his argument the things that he has previously laid out
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- With the Jews and with the Greeks both under sin Notice that he says under sin not in sin
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- We do things in sin, but we are under as in under its thumb or subject to Sin is what controls the natural man
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- Paul gives several biblical references for this in verses 10 through 18 all our references from the
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- Old Testament he's given an apologetical argument a justified scriptural argument in chapters 1 and chapters 2 and Coming to a conclusion here.
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- He sets forth these verses as If to say
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- Now are you with? the scriptures Jews and Gentiles without salvation are all depraved in their nature in their speech and In their action.
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- This is clear from just looking around Today, but it's made crystal clear in the scriptures one of the biggest lies
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- That we have been told today is that deep down under all of the bad things that we do
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- Humans are essentially good think of any pop cultural reference you want to That is what our culture pushes
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- Humans are essentially good, but is a lie from the pit of hell and It is promoted
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- Not only by pop culture But many churches every cultural political and social personal problem that we have
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- It is all a symptom of the actual problem The problem that the world has is sin and the fact that man has a sin nature
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- Paul says here in verses 10 11 and 12 He's pulling from psalms
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- Ecclesiastes and Isaiah, but you can also find them in other places as well where they're repeated in verse 10 as it is written
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- None is righteous. No, not one No one understands.
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- No one seeks for God all have turned aside Together they have become worthless.
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- No one does good. No Not even one This is
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- Psalms 53 3 in the 4th century.
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- There was a teaching That became very prominent in the church was circulated this teaching claimed that while grace was real
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- God's grace was a real thing that really affected human beings The teaching claimed the teacher and the teaching claimed that it was not necessary Grace wasn't necessary for man to be obedient to God The God having made man with free will and commanding us to obey
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- Must have left something for us to obey with We must have the freedom to choose to do good or to do evil and so be able to choose
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- God Or to not choose God that the nature of humanity was not corrupted in 429
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- AD Pelagius was declared a heretic by the church
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- And he was exiled to Constantinople the church at the
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- Council of Ephesus in 431 condemned Pelagianism as heresy, but despite that throughout church history.
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- The church has had to deal with various forms of humanism Semi Pelagianism different aspects of this teaching the one that we're most familiar with today is known as Arminianism that there is a small speck of light there still
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- The idea that God does a majority of the work you just have to ask him in or that the
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- Misconstrued scripture of He's just knocking at the door. All you have to do is open it.
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- All you have to do is pray a prayer Invite him in All you have to do is one work verse 13
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- Their throat is an open grave They use their tongues to deceive
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- Psalm 5 9 Psalm 5 verse 9 the venom of the venom of asps is under their lips
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- Psalm 140 3 Their mouth is full of curses and bitterness
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- This is Psalm 10 7 the throat
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- Tongue lips and mouth are described as being depraved
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- As well So natural man is not only depraved from the beginning in his nature.
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- He is also depraved in his speech and just in case We needed more proof of what
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- Paul is saying so that we can't just say well, this is just Paul Turn with me to Matthew 15 verses 10 through 20 15 and he called the people to him and said to them hear and understand
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- It is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person But what comes out of the mouth that defiles a person
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- Then the disciples came to him and said do you know that the
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- Pharisees were all were offended? When they heard this saying He answered
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- Every plant that my heavenly father has not planted will be rooted up Let them alone.
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- They are blind guides and If the blind lead the blind both will fall into a pit, but Peter said to him
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- Explain the parable to us and he said are you also still without?
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- understanding Do you not see? Whatever goes into the mouth passes into the stomach and is expelled
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- But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart and defiles a person for out of the heart come evil thoughts murder adultery sexual immorality theft false witness slander
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- These are what defile a person But to eat with unwashed hands does not defile anyone for further context in this part of Matthew The Pharisees have gotten angry with the
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- Apostles because they failed to wash their hands before they ate And called them unclean
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- Christ is correcting that false teaching By teaching them what truly defiles a man
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- How easy it is for our? mouths to run away from us for us to say things that we didn't mean to say in the heat of the moment or things
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- That we wouldn't normally say out loud to speak out of turn Or to even use the tongue as a weapon to injure other people with lies or with truths used as a barb to see corrupt morals exposed
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- From what someone simply says We see the mouth as one of the first things corrupted in Genesis 3 when
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- God confronts Adam and Eve They do not take ownership They immediately show the corruption with what they say
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- Eve blames the serpent Or Adam blames Eve and God and then
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- God questions Eve and she blames the serpent You can also tell a lot of by a person about what comes out of their mouth
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- We as Christians can use this to examine ourselves to examine others examine teachers
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- We can't always see what a person loves most But we can always hear them talk about it.
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- Is it God? Or is it something else? Is it a godly topic even?
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- There is it something that does not honor him James has more to say about the tongue in chapter 3 verses 1 through 12
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- Not many of you should become teachers my brothers For you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness for we all stumble in many ways and If anyone does not stumble in what he says
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- He is a perfect man Able also to bridle his whole body
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- If we put bits into the mouths of horses So that they obey us we guide their whole bodies as well
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- Look at the ships also Though they are so large and are driven by strong winds.
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- They are guided by by a very small rudder wherever the will of the pilot directs
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- So also the tongue is a small member yet. It boasts of great things How great a forest is set ablaze by such a small fire and The tongue is a fire a world of unrighteousness
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- The tongue is set among our members staining the whole body setting on fire the entire course of life and Set on fire by hell
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- For every kind of beast and bird Reptile and sea creature can be tamed and Has been tamed by mankind
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- But no human being can tame the tongue It is a restless evil full of deadly poison
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- With it. We bless our Lord and Father and with it. We curse people who are made in the likeness of God But the same mouth from the same mouth come blessing and cursing
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- My brothers these things ought not to be so Does a spring pour forth the same?
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- There's a spring pour forth from the same opening both fresh and salt water Can a fig tree my brothers bear olives or grapevine produce sprigs?
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- figs Neither can a salt pond yield fresh water verse 15.
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- Their feet are swift to shed blood and Their paths are ruin and misery and the way of peace they have not known
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- Proverbs 6 18 Isaiah 59 7 there is no fear of God before their eyes
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- Psalms 36 Verse 1 we see here.
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- Every action of Man is corrupted as well. There is nothing that the natural man does that is righteous
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- History bears this out quite well from different manners of philanthropy to Genocide it is all tainted by sin
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- They give because it makes them feel good and they take Because it makes them feel good
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- Every action is a self -centered boast in one way or another
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- And we do things Because we do not fear the
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- Lord we say to ourselves there will be no consequences so why not
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- Why not do it? Examples of this in history are too numerous to lists
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- But in an attempt, I've got a few more recently in the 20th century
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- Humans devised various pseudosciences one particular called eugenics
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- We're familiar with it which led to some of the worst atrocities in Just Western culture
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- That we have seen in the past 200 years keep in mind that some of these things are still in practice today
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- We still do them But we've been doing them so long that it's normalized
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- Hate that word normal life from a cultural standpoint is
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- Normative is a good word When you normalize something it means you do it so much that it becomes routine
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- People don't think about it anymore. They just do it One this teaching of eugenics and the things that surround it is number one a consequence of an idiotic and stupid
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- Evolutionary worldview at its base. It is a god -hating religion the things that were done in the name of this religion are
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- We're done for the betterment of humankind Get rid of the undesirables and human beings will benefit those undesirables be human beings the
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- Jews and people with mental illness Poles pretty much anyone
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- Who someone else didn't like What it boiled down to But as we go further back into the
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- Old Testament as we read earlier There's another example of this same god -hating behavior
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- When Manasseh took the throne he did everything that was evil in the sight of the Lord and he led people the people of Judah to do the same human sacrifice quickly became
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- Very widespread they began to sacrifice their children Particularly the firstborn
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- They would sacrifice them to a false God the Bible calls they all
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- Israel basically instituted child sacrifice on a national scale now.
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- Why did they sacrifice their children you might ask? Because The teaching was that you had to sacrifice the thing you cared for the most
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- To get what you wanted This at all sound familiar
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- Today we do the same We sacrifice children We're just honest about it
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- And we don't call it sacrifice. We call it abortion The thousands of children today
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- Are sacrificed to the God of self so that people can get what they want
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- And there is no fear of God in them We know from the truths of scriptures of the scriptures and from the annals of history that human beings are conceived in sin period
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- Scripture makes this clear from the beginning our desire is corrupt As I stated before about those in the church who hold the view that humans can choose
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- God This one view is an issue first with sovereignty and secondly
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- It is a Misunderstanding of the correct view of free will the only people the only humans to ever be on this earth
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- With a true form of free will there were only two
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- Adam and Eve they truly had free will we know how that turned out that went badly
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- This issue is that when they sinned When Adam sinned because of his headship it corrupted the desire of human beings period
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- Every human being born of a human father from that point on Had a corrupted desire a bend
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- Towards sinning we were we are bound by it in our nature
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- We are not free to choose unless God first chooses us and even even after that We have
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- We were given more of an understanding of what free will is But we still don't have the same free will that Adam and Eve had
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- Because we go from being slaves to sin to being slaves to Christ Indwelt with the
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- Holy Spirit There's a great question that John MacArthur asks at a conference one time that question is who lives your
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- Christian life. Oh, is it you?
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- Is it the Holy Spirit? The same question is who wrote Romans? Right Paul the
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- Holy Spirit It's Paul's hand. It's his pen We do not have free will
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- Because our desires are either for sin or for God we now as Christians have the understanding to be able to see the difference between godly behavior and sinful behavior and We still sin we will sin until the day that he calls us home
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- Because we still live in our flesh and our flesh is corrupted But over time through sanctification the
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- Holy Spirit changes our desires Makes us love the things that we hated and hate the things that we loved and Over time we more and more and more want to do the things that he commands
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- But we will always struggle with our nature. This is why
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- In our natural state we cannot choose God there is No free will to do so It is corrupted
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- Naturally, we don't want to choose God because we don't desire
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- God as Christ says in John 6 verse 44
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- No one can come to the father Or no one can come to me unless the father draws him
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- That is That is a final statement that is there's no it's not no one may
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- Or some can No one can the state that natural man is conceived in is known as the doctrine this doctrine that we've been hearing is known to us as total depravity or Radical depravity, this is the effect of Adam's sin in the world
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- We are all affected by it all of us have human fathers No human in the history of the world save one
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- Has ever been good enough. He was truly man and truly
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- God He was conceived by the work of the Holy Spirit Not a human father
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- No curse He is the one the second
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- Adam the one who comes to open the way for us to the father verse 19 now we know that whatever the law says it speaks to those who are under the law so that every mouth may be stopped and The whole world may be held accountable to God For by works of the law no human being will be justified in his sight since through the law comes the knowledge of sin
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- This is the purpose of the law to bring forth the knowledge of sin
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- This is why it is so important that we share it. How else
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- Is natural man to know first that he is a sinner and To that he needs saving they must hear the law they must know that they are broken
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- They must know that they have broken it And because of this they are under God's wrath
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- We must tell them the bad news so that they will understand the good news But yes, they have offended a thrice.
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- Holy God and his wrath is kindled toward them and that they should be afraid Matthew 10 28 says and Do not fear those who kill the body
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- But cannot kill the soul rather feared him who can destroy both soul and body in hell they have to know this there's a
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- Pithy statement that we like to see put on t -shirts and and put on bumper stickers and we see everywhere.
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- It says Jesus saves Absolutely, yes, he does from what from what
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- If you don't know the rest of that statement It does you no good he saves
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- From his judgment From the wrath of God. He's the only one that can save us
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- He is the only one who has done the work Jesus Christ the
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- God -man who bore our sins Sins of those he loves on the cross and took the punishment that we all deserve
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- Trust in him and he will save you he will even mediate on your
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- Behalf with the father. I will end with the words of Charles Spurgeon as The salt flavors every drop in the
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- Atlantic So does sin affect every atom of our nature? It is so sadly there so abundantly there that if you cannot detect it
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- You are deceived the venom of sin is in the very foundation of our being
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- It has poisoned our heart it is in the very marrow of our bones and Is as natural to us as anything that belongs to us a