Sunday School "Clothing" July 1, 2018 Part 5

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Sunday School "Clothing" July 1, 2018 Part 5 ( The Salvation Story of Clothes) "Clothing is a Story of Mediation"


Sunday School "Clothing" July 8, 2018 Part 6

Sunday School "Clothing" July 8, 2018 Part 6

label as Lost causes and we pray that you would please supply their every need and that the equipment would come through it would be used for Their good and for your glory.
We pray for the wilderness as they Travel as they deal with the certifications and the
Organization there in France and as they get ready to also move to Ivory Coast to help In the hospital there
Capital we pray that you keep them safe and supply their every need. We also pray for Bobby who's
Trying to finish up his schooling or what has been invested in this and I pray that you would give him favor give him wisdom
Give him skill and help him to have great success As he does this he may always look to you and trust in you in these challenging times
What we think of those who are traveling Brian, Lisa, Ken and Cheryl and others We ask for safety and we ask that you would give them encouragement today and Help them to rejoice in the hope that we have
Jesus Christ our risen Savior it's for his sake that we pray. Amen We're gonna continue our story a salvation story about clothes our keyword is covered and we're just looking at what the
Bible has to say about the The theme of clothes and how their significance is ultimately resolved in who
Jesus is and what he does and so we talked about clothing as a story of provision
God provided clothes to Adam and Eve when they needed them and Thus also is the story of compassion that God had compassion on Adam and Eve and he has compassion on us as well
And we also see even in our world today as it was in Christ's time as it was in Abraham's time given clothes is an expression of compassion to those who are in need
Clothing is also a story of identity and thus deception very often
We identify ourselves by what we wear if you get uniform Maybe a certain class maybe a certain culture, but we can identify ourselves certain ways by what we wear
Consequently then we discover These stories in the Bible where clothing is used for for false identification for deception
Pretending to be something that you're not And so that too is a theme that we find throughout scripture
One of the most famous stories about deception and clothing of course is the story of Jacob and Esau Wherein Jacob wanted the blessing of the firstborn that Esau was supposed to get and so His mother
His mother Rebecca helped Jacob disguise himself in Esau's clothes and with the skin or the wool of the goat on his
Arms and so forth and around his neck so that he would be he would pretend to be a hairy
Man, and he would Smell like and feel like his brother
Esau and deceive his blind father Isaac and so that famous story
Is what we talked about last week in terms of deception? but we also noted that that story
As awful as it was Rebecca did and even in losing her son and after she
After she did that She really lost her son Jacob who had to flee because of Esau's murderous rage
And so she never got to see her son again after she did that. It's very sad Thus is the end of all deception is a sad brokenness and yet we find that yeah throughout the rest of scripture there is a a wonderfully ironic reversal of what happens in That we know we see that Jacob could not have his father's favor and father's blessing unless he took on the identity of Esau This reminds us of the gospel story
That the only way we have our heavenly father's favor and blessing is by taking on the identity of the beloved son
Who is Jesus Christ, but there's no deception involved here Jesus Christ offers that freely
And he is the only one with whom God is well pleased and Jesus Christ when he says To believe in him and to trust in him.
That's what he's offering that we would Be identified by him
The way that God looks at Jesus would be the way that God looks at us if we just have faith in Christ Well, we move on to our next section of our story
The next section of our study on the biblical theology of clothes and that's a story of mediation and thus incarnation
And so what is mediation to mediate? means to be in the middle
And that something must move from point A to point B But you're in the middle and you've got to move it along.
That's what it means to mediate And the incarnation refers to the fact that God the
Son Took upon human flesh born of a virgin and that he is fully man and fully
God the connection of these two I hope will become very clear as we look at this, but the backdrop to the idea of Mediation the backdrop to the idea of the need for a
Mediator there is only one mediator between God and man the man Christ Jesus.
This is we're told in the New Testament but throughout the Old Testament we See that there are many mediators of us of a sort of different kinds of roles and we're going to try to Look at that this morning before we get going.
We need to understand the background to who we are How God made us how
God saves us so when we think about the background You have to go back to Genesis and so we can just go ahead and flip our
Bibles open to Genesis 1 and 2 And of course chapter 3 also will be helpful And when we think about what it means of who we are
We are reminded that we are made in the image of God so we look at verses 26 of chapter 1 verses 26 and 27 and 28
Then God said this is during the sixth day of creation Then God said let us make man in our image according to our likeness
Not said this of any other creature utterly unique Then God said let us the triune
God says let us make man in our image according to our likeness and let them rule let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth and Over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth
God created man in his own image in the image of God. He created him male and female.
He created them God blessed them and God said to them be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and Subdue it and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing
That moves on the earth When we read that description we see that Humanity stands as a section in all of creation.
There's only one city in the in the world Where I 40 I 44 and I 35 all intersect as Oklahoma City.
There's only one creature in all of God's creation That is an intersection of the relationship between God and humanity and the created order and that's humans
Made in the image of God. We are made to love God supremely to love others rightly and steward creation responsibly
We see that even in Genesis 1 26 through 28 in that God blesses them in Order that they would live in his image and live to his glory
His is the primary relationship everything that they do should be done in love for God to love
God supremely loving others rightly comes about because God created them in his own image
Adam and Eve male and female and so They being specially unique and all of God's creation are designed to live in special relationship with one another
Humans are to love each other rightly Jesus would expand on this When he talks about the law to love the
Lord your God with all your heart soul mind and strength and to love your neighbor As yourself and there's also this third component of what it means to be made in the image of God what it means to be human to steward creation responsibly they are to rule to Not only be fruitful multiply
But to subdue the earth and Rule over live it every living thing that moves on the earth
So they there is to be this stewardship over creation and then God goes on to say from the created order
You will receive your food your sustenance and towards the created order you have responsibility
So this is the basic framework for what it means to be humans in the threefold relationship of the image of God This is what we are made to do this is this is who we are to be and I have made this arrow very bold and we're going to talk more about it
But this is the primary relationship if we are not in relationship with God everything falls apart
If we're not living in the life of God and loving God then all of these arrows are
Just circles pointed right back at the self And we all become little black holes
And everything gets sucked in and destroyed But we are not made to be that we're made to be mediators
Because God blesses us not for our own sake It does bring us blessing.
It does do us good that God Shows us his love and gives us his life but we are to be mediating his goodness and this
What does it mean to live in the image of God as the goodness of God is mediated? So the glory of God is manifested
Meaning if we're not mediating the goodness of God through our lives, we're not manifesting his glory. Therefore.
We're not being we're not living in his image We're not showing him off. We're not we're not declaring who he is
Now what is this goodness that mediates through us? Well, you can break it down in terms of Authority holiness truth and wisdom and we see this in God's own way of Creation You can see his authority and that he commands and it is done let there be light
Let there be earth over here see over there You can come to this point and no further.
He commands an order is created. You see his authority You also see his holiness in that he sets spaces apart
Day and night are made separate land and sea and air are made separate He makes separate a place called
Eden and within that he makes even another separate place called the garden The Garden of Eden and you see he sets apart a space not only space
But also time the seventh day God rested and so we see him in his holiness
Setting things apart and sanctifying things. We also see his truth Let there be light and there was light everything he says is true it comes about Everything and then even in the way that he sits stands back and looks at everything he made and says it is very good
He is the standard for what is good. He's the standard for what is right and correct
So we see his truth. We also see his wisdom in that in six days
He made all things by the power of his word and it was very good according to his own standard
Look at his wisdom and in these these are the attributes of God in his authority and in his holiness and his truth and his wisdom and when he makes
Man in his own image he makes them to take upon these roles of the image of God That they would mediate this goodness that we would mediate his authority by exercising dominion over the created order
We would mediate his holiness by and we instructed Adam and Eve to keep the garden
Which is the same language that the Levites were told to keep the tabernacle To keep things the way that they are supposed to be
Also in terms of truth Adam Instructs Eve he receives the prohibition to not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
He also receives the instructions to eat freely from all the other trees. He communicates this to Eve He speaks the truth of God to Eve and also we see the wisdom of humanity in that Adam and Eve together are to be fruitful and to multiply and exercise dominion over the whole earth
Even and we see the wisdom in Adam himself as he names all the animals and all these things we see that the
The authority the holiness the truth and the wisdom of God were mediated through Adam and Eve as they took upon these roles of king priest prophet and wise man
That were called to live in this way Everybody whoever lives all humanity no matter who they are where they live on the face of this planet or in the scope of history
Fallen in sin because we are sinful in the way that Adam sinned So we also sin all of us have authority issues all of us.
We don't like necessarily other people being in charge over us and Yet when we get into charge of something
We recognize we don't do so well ourselves We've all got authority issues and we all have holiness issues keeping the holy and the profane where they ought to be and in pursuing things in a in a
In a pure way. We all have holiness issues. We all have truth issues We all deal with telling telling the truth
Being fully honest is really difficult for all of us But we know we should be and we really know that others should be honest with us, right?
And then All of us are always trying to figure out folly and wisdom. What's the wisest thing to do here and Then really regretting when we engage in foolishness
That's why God made us We're made in his image and therefore we are designed to so mediate his goodness that we manifest his glory and His goodness can be broken down in terms of his authority and holiness and truth and wisdom
And it's important that we notice these things because as we talk about the These roles in the history of the
Old Testament when we think about kings priests prophets and wise men throughout the scope of the Old Testament These are the four roles.
These are the four kinds of people in the Old Testament who got anointed had oil poured over their heads or and additionally
The Holy Spirit came upon them in a special way Those are the four kinds of people throughout the history of the
Old Testament that we find that that being the case And so as we pay attention to that It's going to be helpful for us to to remember
Also, we're and that's what we're gonna look at here in a moment They're all four of these special folks all had special identifying clothing distinctive clothing and in a sense
Before Adam and Eve sinned because they are both naked and unashamed in a sense before they sinned
They were clothed With God's authority with his holiness with his truth and with his wisdom and that's why they didn't need clothing
All right, they were clothed with the original righteousness with his original glory So they didn't need that But when we go through the rest of the
Old Testament We see kings priests prophets and wise men all have special clothing and they are seen to be anointed by the
Holy Spirit and this is important why because the
Greek word for anointed one is Christos Christ Translated in the
Hebrews Messiah He's the anointed one And it becomes even more important when we think about the fact that we are called
Christians Little anointed ones little messiahs little
Christ's So keeping that in mind, let's talk about kings
Kings and what they wore. What do kings wear? We don't really have you know There hasn't been a king of England for quite some time.
And so we're not talking about the Queen of England she always has hats a very nice hat and very expensive purse and flawless pearls and The dress always
Matches the hat but that's the kind of modern -day version of what?
More ancient Kings wore and what did they wear? Yeah, they wear a crown.
What else? robes Why robes?
We kind of hard to get work done we wearing robe but in this sense the king is wearing the robe because this is the garment of royalty, this is an expression of authority and so he wears the robe in order to reign in order to Exercise his reign or his dominion.
All right, so he wears robes This is that back said about the first time we come across the idea of a king in the
Bible other than Talking about, you know Abraham's interactions with Pharaoh or Isaac's interactions with The Philistine leaders we
Come across the idea of a true king in Genesis 48 49 chapter 49 verses 8 through 12 as Israel is blessing his sons and really prophesying over them we come to his description of Judah Anyway as he speaks about Judah He prophesies about one to come from Judah and Judah's ruling future
It is from this text verses 8 through 12 that we first hear about the Lion of Judah We know who the
Lion of Judah is It is Christ We also hear about Shiloh Shiloh means the one to whom it all belongs
Shiloh is a king in verse 10 says the scepter shall not depart from Judah nor the ruler staff from between his feet until Shiloh comes and to him shall
Be shall be all the obedience of the peoples He ties his fold to the vine in his donkey's coat the choice vine.
He washes his garments and wine and his robes in the blood of grapes Prophesying about the abundance of the new creation over which
Christ will reign So he wears robes Okay, so if the
Kings not wearing his robes, what else is he wearing? Some days he's on his throne with the crown and the robes and he's reigning but other days
He's out of the office. And what is he doing then?
Yeah, he's uh, he's waging war Okay, and in when he wages war he doesn't wear robes and his crown.
What does he wear? Where's his armor? That's right. And even when times were really really bad in Israel and None of the army seemed to have any armament at all at least the king would have a suit of armor in fact
Saul did and his son Jonathan did and When we read about Jonathan's relationship to David because David was going to succeed
Saul Meaning that Jonathan the prince would not become king Jonathan selflessly like John the
Baptist to Christ Jonathan selflessly honored David and Encouraged David on in his task by doing what well in 1st
Samuel 18 verses 3 through 4 Jonathan made a covenant with David Because he loved him as himself and Jonathan stripped himself of the robe that was on him and gave it to David with his armor
Including a sword and his bow and his belt. What is he saying? Jonathan is saying to David I'm the prince.
I'm the next one who's supposed to be king, but I'm gonna give you my armor and my robes
Because you're gonna be king. So you need these It was a special it was through this that these garments that the king would
Mediate the authority of God now the king the king in the style what was
Intended for Israel the king was supposed to write himself a personal copy of God's law So that he would know
God's Constructions and commands and then lead all the people in that. So what is he doing? Is he exercising his own personal authority?
He's mediating the authority of God himself And he did that by wearing the robes and wearing the armor
And he didn't do it on his own Clearly was we read about those in authority such as the judges and the judges and then later on the
Kings there's a whole list of scriptures there where we Read about the Spirit of the Lord coming upon them to do the job that they were called to do
Also the priest so look over in Leviticus 8 verses 6 through 13 to be helpful to just read this description of the special type of clothing that the high priest and the priests sons would wear
Leviticus chapter 8 verses 6 through 13 Then Moses said
Aaron and his sons come near and wash them with water he put the tunic on him and girded him with the sash and clothed them with the robe and put the ephod on him and he girded him with the artistic band
Of the ephod with which he tied it to him He then placed the breast piece on him and in the breast piece.
He put the ermine the thumam He also placed the turban on his head and on the turban at its front.
He placed the golden plate the Holy Crown Just as the
Lord had commanded Moses and on that plate it says Holy to the
Lord Moses then took the anointing oil and Anointed the tabernacle and all that was in it and consecrated them
He sprinkled some of the on the altar seven times and anointed the altar and all its utensils and the basin and its stand to consecrate them
Then he poured some of the anointing oil on Aaron's head and anointed him to consecrate him Next Moses had come near and clothed them with tunics and girded them with sashes and bound caps on them
Just as the Lord command had commanded Moses The priests are to Mediate between God and man between and they are to mediate the holiness of God to the people
To demonstrate who God is and his holiness They are to through the priests the people are to know
What is whole what is profane what is righteous and what is sinful they are to through the priests they are to Engage with the sacrificial system and see this
See this process through by which they offer up sacrifices for the forgiveness of their sins and in honoring who
God is The priests are the ones in charge make sure that the people are Themselves making themselves holy and setting apart their lives and their conduct and their resources unto
God in an appropriate way and everything that they are wearing has to do with that so They are dressed in special clothes that nobody else wore
Designed to say that they are set apart unto God And that means to be holy unto
God they the high priest wore the the ephod and the breastpiece where the urim and the thummim was and these were the stones by which very often
The children of Israel had to make decisions about things And God used these stones for the people's benefit if they got clarity
Through the casting of these lots so to speak it's casting of these stones Then they would know what what was what they were supposed to do in different cases
Also everything the anointed oil that made the entire tabernacle holy was also sprinkled on top of Aaron Okay, and so this idea is that everything that he wore
Was very very special and he was seen to be set apart unto God as holy not meant for common use
The best example of this is that in let's say in a tent of Of a family belonging to the tribe of Issachar they have a spoon
But they had an extra spoon So when the donation call came out to help furnish the tabernacle, they donated their extra spoon to God The two spoons are just alike made by the same person
But this spoon gets taken into the tabernacle is anointed with holy oil and is no longer meant for common use
This spoon may do all sorts of awful jobs, but this spoon will never do those things This spoon is special will only do special things unto the
Lord That's and all it was is being set apart And so Aaron and the priest were being set apart by what they wore as a clear symbol not for common use only for the
Lord So the clothes themselves are instruments to convey to mediate the holiness of God to the people
Well, let's think about a prophet Let's look up 2nd
Kings 1 7 through 8 somebody can read that who would like to read that passage 2nd
Kings 1 7 through 8 Any volunteers Okay, Cindy will read that and then somebody else
Can read Mark chapter 1 verse 6 Mark chapter 1 To Cindy and then we'll listen to Haley And they answered him
So pretty easy to identify him just by what he wore the Prophet was very Identifiable so let's listen to Haley's reading from Mark 1 6
John the Baptist was just as easily identifiable. In fact, he took on the ministry the role of Elijah In the time of Christ and Christ himself said he was the fulfillment of Elijah and Luke 7 24 through 26
Jesus spoke to the crowds about John the Baptist What did you go out into the wilderness to see a reed shaken by the wind?
But what did you go out to see a man dressed in soft clothing? Those who are splendidly clothed and live in luxury are found in royal palaces
What did you go out to see then a? Prophet yes, I say to you one who is more than a prophet
So when you go out to the wilderness and you see this hairy man Clothed in camel's hair in a leather belt You know, he doesn't belong in the palaces.
He's not in the seat of power John the Baptist as Elijah was ever the outsider speaking the truth to those who were in power who needed to repent
So these clothes of the Prophet signify the role of the Prophet calling for the people's attention to the truth of God And Throughout the
Old Testament we hear time and again about the Spirit of the Lord coming upon Certain people to prophesy and tell the truth
So they were anointed Kings priests prophets and wise men all were anointed in some way either by oil and or by the
Holy Spirit And they all had special kinds of clothes. So also the wise men the wise men
And again, we come back to the story of Joseph As we talked about the beginning the story of Joseph is like a thread that runs through the entire story about clothes throughout the
Bible now Joseph Was seen as a
Wise man was he not? Who noticed that he was a wise person his father is that's why he put him in charge of his brothers to make sure that They were doing a good job.
Okay Who else? Pharaoh noticed he was a wise man, especially in the way that Joseph assessed the not just the meaning of the dream
But its significance for the future of Egypt and what needed to be done You know and also
Potiphar and the jailer also noticed how wise Joseph was now in Genesis 41
Verses 37 to 39 After Joseph gives his proposal of how things should happen for the good of Egypt and really the whole known world
The proposal seemed good to Pharaoh and to all his servants and then Pharaoh said to his servants Can we find a man like this in whom is a divine spirit?
Right They were noticed that God's Spirit was upon Joseph So Pharaoh said to Joseph since God has informed you of all this
There is no one so discerning and wise as you are in verse 42 Then we hear about the clothing change that happens for Joseph Then Pharaoh took off his signet ring from his hand and put it on Joseph's hand and clothed him in garments of fine linen
But the gold necklace around his neck so I got the necklace up there on the illustration because it happened to Daniel as well
Happened to Daniel as well who also was said to have the spirit of the gods in him as the pagan
Belshazzar said Because Daniel was so wise then Daniel got a change of wardrobe as well and also
Mordecai In the story of Esther we have we have Esther wise
Esther over and against foolish Ahasuerus or Xerxes and we also have wise
Mordecai over and against the foolish Haman and In the end, it was
Mordecai who was dressed in The robes and it was Mordecai who had a crown on his head not because he was king
But because he was the wisest in all the land See, so we have again and again in the in the
Old Testament is just a sampling of These roles king priest
Prophet and wise man these different roles that we see throughout the Old Testament are Significant precisely because of the way that God made us to so mediate his goodness that we manifest his glory
And when we mediate God's authority and God's holiness and God's truth and God's wisdom
We glorify God and show him who he and show everybody who God really is that's what means living in the image of God The Only way to do this if we are fallen in sin and exiled from God because of of sin is
To be renewed in Christ to be saved by Christ himself To be given the life of God because of God's favor upon his son
Who is the image of the invisible God as we see in Colossians 3? I Think it's important for us to see that everyone that when
Adam and Eve fell in sin They try to clothe themselves with fig leaves and failed miserably it was only by the compassionate provision of the animal skins from God that gave him hope of some kind of Propitiation of their sins and there's only when we're covered in the righteousness of Christ That we in his anointed life take on these same roles
Which are inherent to what it means to be human all of us are called in some way to exercise authority
Even even if it's only just over our own selves But we are called to exercise some kind of authority and even not just over our own selves
But also just our own body our own cravings our own direction in life, but also of whatever
Spec of the created order has been entrusted to us. We need to exercise dominion over it and we use it correctly.
I mean if The widow has two mites. She's in charge of how she handles her two mites and if it's
Solomon He's got a whole lot more problems than the widow does and he's responsible for all of it
So and all of us are called to mediate God's holiness to To be set apart unto
God for his service and to be setting apart things in our lives whether time or space Resources unto
God all of us are called to mediate God's truth.
We're responsible to know what is true And to speak what is true and all of us are called to live in God's wisdom and to reject folly
And the only way to do that is if we're alive in Christ we have no hope of doing it on our own Because in the fall which is also can be described as the rupture if we have no life of God Flowing into us if we have no blessing of God coming into us, how can we mediate anything?
So it all depends it all depends on being alive in Christ having this relationship
Between God in us, which is only possible in Christ And What a gift we have in the
Holy Spirit Jesus said to his disciples He commissioned them to go to all the world and preach the gospel to all the nations.
But then he said this he said go and then In Luke 24 verse 49.
He says wait, he said go and then he said wait And verse 49 says and behold
I am sending forth the promise of my father upon you who is the Holy Spirit But you are to stay you are to wait in the city until you are clothed with power from on high
So you are clothed with power from on high This is the way that Christ did his work
Because the Holy Spirit descended upon him this is how Christ did his work on earth is how we are to do his work on earth and Our work has to do with so mediating
God's goodness that God's glory is manifested in our lives
That's what we're supposed to do Colossians 3 Verses 1 through 14 is
I think the definitive passage about what it means to Where we're headed as Christians believers
Just therefore if you've been raised up with Christ keep seeking the things above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God Set your mind on the things above not on the things that are on earth
For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God When Christ who was our life is revealed
Then you also will be revealed with him in glory So pay attention to Jesus Christ It is only if we are so heavenly minded that we are going to be of any earthly good
Verse 5 says therefore consider the members of your earthly body as dead to immorality impurity passion evil desire and greed which amounts to idolatry
For it is because of these things that the wrath of God will come upon the sons of disobedience And in them you also once walked when you were living in them, but now you also put them all aside
Put them all aside which Can be translated in the
Greek Take them off as you would your clothing Is your old clothing?
Okay, it can be it is legitimately translated Undress yourself from Anger wrath malice slander and abusive speech from your mouth
Not lie to one another since you laid aside Same idea laid aside the old self with practical and Have put on That's the idea of putting on clothes.
That's the image that Paul is using here and put on The new self he was being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the one
Who created him a Renewal in which there is no distinction between Greek and Jew Circumcised and uncircumcised barbarians
Scythian slave and free man, but Christ is all and in all So as those who have been chosen by God holy and beloved put on Put on part of compassion kindness humility
Gentleness and patience bearing with one another and forgiving each other Whoever has to complain against anyone just as the
Lord forgave you So also should you beyond all these things put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity
It's I think the central idea there is not just in verses 10 and 11 but also in verses 1 through 4 is
That because Christ is the fulfillment of all of these roles that he is king of kings that he is our great high priest and that he is the great prophet and that He is a wonderful counselor and all the wisdom and truth of God are hidden in him
Because he is the fulfillment of all of these anointed roles as Messiah This is defining for who we are supposed to be
If we're in Christ Then we ought to be growing up into all things of who he is
And so we got to put off the old things and then put on the new things in Christ How do we know who we're supposed to be?
We have to keep our attention on who Christ is How we ever have access to? the authority
Holiness truth and wisdom of God in the first place because Christ himself gives that to us because he's on he's our mediator on high
And he's the one who is renewing us into the image of God So we talk about clothing.
We talk about clothing the the sense that I see in The Scriptures is that those who have this special role of mediation and the
Old Testament all have special clothes Draw our attention to that but then when
Christ comes it's it's like he puts on the whole wardrobe he puts on the whole wardrobe of all these mediatorial roles and then calls for us to do the same in him and That and that we should have that Of that framework in our minds now next week
My intention is to then just go ahead and transition into Talking about the incarnation because Jesus Christ.
I mean God the Son took on human flesh and he lived as we live and Knows what we know about life here on earth and I find it very interesting and you can read ahead if you like And find those significant passages that have to do with Jesus and his clothes and What we might learn about that.
Any questions or thoughts before we close? Yes Yes Yeah, so what translation do you have?
Yeah well It it can be translated
Until he comes to whom it belongs now again Hebrew Hebrew one word
Is gonna be very rich and context depends on how you translate it, but is it a capital
T? Yeah It's an unfortunate Decision I think by Leland Rykin and those who translated the
ESV to happen upon this particular translation because it has long been translated as capital
S Shiloh a person not big not just because of this context, but also because of New Testament and later
Old Testament passages that Reference this and quote this as talking about a person the same person as the
Lion of Judah But a different name so it should be trained. It should really ought to be
In deference to the rest of the Bible translated as a personal name. Yeah No, I'm just trying to figure out because I I'm not familiar with their particular translation
Okay Right. So what they're doing is they're taking
Because the term in the Hebrew can be translated either in a passive or an active sense Something coming to a person or this person himself coming
Okay so that the quick is a question mark on the translation then and they're deciding to translate it in the passive sense instead of the traditional active sense
In which a person then becomes more prominent in the translation. It's a good question
Yes, sure
Yeah, yeah so when you look at the What are the judges do they are very often it's very temporary role as a leader who had a thought who exercised?
Authority and did what later Kings did only not in succession The only reason why
Gideon see Gideon was a judge But the only thing he said when they said we'll make you king He said you will not make me king
My sons will not rule over you you see the only difference between a judge and a king was succession
In Gideon's mind so that's that's why you would think of the judge as someone who is
Supposed to be mediating God's authority in this situation, but not in a permanent successive role All right.
Let me pray for us and we'll be dismissed father I thank you for gathering us together this day to look at your word.
I pray that we've been encouraged And what we've seen from the scriptures and I pray that she would help us to keep our attention
Fixed upon a Christ our mediator and pray that she would encourage us to take on more and more of what