Matt Slick Live: November 1, 2024



Matt Slick Live (Live Broadcast of 11-01-2024) is a production of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry (CARM). Matt answers questions on topics such as: The Bible, Apologetics, Theology, World Religions, Atheism, and other issues!  You can also email questions to Matt using: [email protected], Put "Radio Show Question" in the Subject line! Answers will be discussed in a future show. Topics Include: Matt Does Hate Mail Friday/ The Biblical View of Co-Habiting without Marriage/ How Do Christians Deal with Holiday Celebrations/ Suggestion--Comment for Previous Caller/ Email Questions/Matt’s Teenage Experiences/ November 1, 2024


The following program is recorded content created by The Truth Network. It's Matt Slick Live!
Matt is the founder and president of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry, found online at karm .org.
When you have questions about Bible doctrines, turn to Matt Slick Live! For answers, take in your calls and respond to your questions at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. Hey everybody, welcome to the show. It's me, Matt Slick. You're listening to Matt Slick Live.
If you want to give me a call, the number, as always, is 877 -207 -2276, and we have nobody waiting right now.
You can also email me if you want, info at karm .org, info at karm,
C -A -R -M dot O -R -G. I just put the subject line, radio comment or radio question, and we can get to them.
We often do that on Fridays because Fridays are often slow for some reason. People are out doing stuff, getting ready to vote.
I hope the voting goes well. I'm already hearing about cheating going on, that there's cheating where certain, let's just say, the,
I'm going to check the settings here, yeah, I think I got that already, that the, I think it was
Nebraska, I'm not sure where, maybe people can tell me, where they were trying to vote for Trump, and it wouldn't go, and it wouldn't go, wouldn't allow it, and then when they did something, anyway, it went to Kamala instead of Trump.
So this stuff's going on, you just can't trust the left. You cannot trust them.
Serious. Anyway, so let's see, we are going live, we're live on Rumble, if you want to check us out on Rumble, watch the show, watch me sitting here in my office doing this with the headset on and everything.
All you have to do is go to Rumble .com forward slash Matt Slick Live, all one word, you can also do that in YouTube, YouTube, what is it on YouTube?
Just type in Matt Slick Live, you'll find it, but on YouTube, I think it's
Matt Slick Live. Man, I can't remember, I was out of this, the country for three weeks, and I forgot some stuff.
Maybe Laura will tell me in the chat. So there's that, and I want to hear from you.
We maybe do some wacko mail, or hate mail, and some other mail. So I was shopping today, oh man,
I don't think I've ever spent that much money on groceries in my life. It's just insane. And I'm in line, this guy goes, you're
Matt Slick, okay, and he goes, yeah, I listen to you, and et cetera, et cetera, and this other guy comes up, and we get talking about the
Bible, right there, and it was fun, because both of them were working there, and I hope you can just bear with me as I work through these coughs,
I have a bad head cold, it's getting better, you can tell my voice is getting a little bit better, and by God's grace we'll get through it.
All right, why don't we just do some of the, I think we've got a hate mail.
I think we have a hate mail, and this is a little bit different. So, there is the, you, okay, yeah, okay, so,
I love this stuff, okay. So on one of the platforms, discussion platforms called
Clubhouse, there are people who hate Calvinism, they hate the idea that God is sovereign, that God is the one who predestines people, that God elects, that God grants people faith, that we're secure in Christ, and that He grants repentance, and that it's not up to our goodness and our wisdom, but God's graciousness to save us, and they don't like that, they want man -centered theology, and I go into these rooms, and I used to go into, but I don't go in anymore, because they don't listen, and what
I mean by that is, not that they have to believe what I say, but they don't actually listen. They'll ask me a question, they start to answer it, and they interrupt, and I go, can
I finish? And then when I do finish, then I give them the answer, they ignore the answer, and then they go into something else, they go, but did you acknowledge what
I just said, I just answered you, and this goes on, that's what I mean by they don't listen, okay, because they have an agenda.
Well, anyway, one of the rooms in there that they put is
Matt Slickness of Lies, The Wake Up Call, I love it, hold on a sec, more coughing, sorry about that.
Matt Slickness of Lies. Now, I don't know what they're doing, I don't know what they're saying in there, because it's like,
I just get a kick out of it. If I go in there, then they just attack, and they're arrogant, and they lack knowledge in certain areas, theologically and illogically, and it's really interesting, because I rarely encounter people whose minds are so given over to something, where it doesn't matter what you say, you're just wrong, no matter what it is, you're wrong, and they're right, even if you say, but that's not what
I believe, yes, it is, no, it's not, I know what I believe, yes, it is what you believe, and you get that, and so, when you get to people like that,
I just, okay, fine, you just go, go to your little corner, and pat each other on the back, and so, now they're going publicly, calling me a liar, and well, okay, prove the lies, but they don't, they just misrepresent stuff, and that's it, and there's like four people in there, five people in there, poor people, but it's a flatter,
I'm flattered by it, that they take me seriously enough to want to create rooms where they use my name, misuse my name, and then misrepresent me and attack, that means
I'm doing something right, so praise God for that, let's get on the phone with Jacob from Ohio, Jacob, welcome, you are on the air.
Hey, man, how's it going, brother? It's going, man, it's going, what do you got, buddy? Hey, I've been listening to you for about a month now,
I finally got through, but what is your biblical view on two people living together before they're married, like, do you think that's wrong, do you think it says in the
Bible that you shouldn't, or, I mean, I know it says, you know, a man... It's sin, it's sin, you are only supposed to live with another woman if you're married, that's it, when, this is a false teaching in a lot of churches, that as long as you love each other, it's okay, you're gonna get married, it's okay, you're gonna live together, no, it's called fornication, and it's a great sin.
I don't want to try to have any relations or anything like that, sleeping in separate bedrooms, or, you know...
Well, if you're doing that, if you're doing that, then you're, what you're doing is participating in the appearance of evil, it looks like you're doing it, so now, if you have an apartment where you both go in, and you say, well, we're sleeping separate beds, oh, that makes it okay, so now people outside, they see you and a woman going in there, and you're telling them nothing's going on, are they gonna believe you, and if you say you're a
Christian, are they gonna believe you, and you bring shame upon the name of Christ in that case, so that needs to be stopped as well, okay?
So what if it's just like, you know, things happen when you're in a relationship, financial situations, or, you know, other persons lose a house,
I mean... Oh, yeah, when it's financial situations... Yeah, when it's a financial situation, it no longer becomes sin.
When it's a need situation, all of a sudden, it's no longer sin. When it's something you want and you need, then it's no longer sin, right?
Is that it? I don't know. No, I'm telling you, you are not supposed to live with a woman unless you're married to her.
Now, unless it's your mom, and you're living in the house of your mom, that's different, or your sister, okay, we get that, but you don't live with a woman that you're not married to, and you go, even if you're separate beds, in the same apartment, same house, whatever it is, where you don't get the potential of being married, and you're not, and financial situation doesn't make it okay, it doesn't do that, and I can get into this quite a bit and tell you that you're not being a good, godly man, if that's the case, if that's what you're defending.
Where does it state, like, because I want to look into it myself, where does it state that two are supposed to live together?
It's called the appearance of evil, okay? And let me see if I can find it.
Appearance of... Back in the day, I mean, you know, when that was all established, it was a man seeing a woman, and he said,
I want her to be my wife, and they would get married right there, and go right into a house after marriage, and that was kind of like, you know, kind of like a given, where today, you know, one person can barely make it on their own, and maybe the other person doesn't have any family that they can live with until then, or, you know, it's just, it's just not,
I don't feel, I know what you're saying, and I agree with you, I just don't feel it's as practical today as it was then, you know?
Oh, so I guess situations make it okay. I want you to hear what you're saying.
You're saying that if the situation is, is, you know, tough, then it's okay to violate
God's word. That's what you're saying. All right, so again, where God's word is a talk,
I mean, I know you're saying the presence of evil, but... First Thessalonians 5 .22,
abstain from every form of evil, every form, every appearance, every manifestation of it, okay?
So, look, I do marriage counseling, all right, and I often have to really rebuke the men.
Out of 36 couples that I've counseled over the years, and I counseled for three, four, five hours at a time, 33 of them, the men's been the main problem.
This is, this is true, okay? And the men I'm finding out are not being godly, and they are looking to circumstances to justify their selfishness and their sin and rebellion against God.
And what I tell people is... I'm sorry, what? What are they the problem, man?
Like when you say 33, the men are the problem, what, making the move to live together, or?
If they want to live together with their wife, they're either condemning, mocking, or they have been ridiculing their wives, varying things, causing problems.
When women have problems, it's a different kind of problem. They're more emotionally, more emotionally laden problems, that they build a world around those emotional problems.
And that's more difficult to get through. But the men, it's easier to deal with them, because I can just hit them between the eyes, you know, lovingly and directly, because that's men to men, we get it.
And so I said, this is your problem, this is what you got to do, it's going to stop. And they appreciate it.
Okay, but they need to be told the truth. And so I've had a couple, for example,
I had a couple before they were getting married, I asked them, I said, do they want me to perform the wedding? And I said, and I knew them both.
And I said, look, I'll do the wedding. But I think what marriage counsel you first. Okay, great. And so I said, okay, in the marriage counseling, you know, one of the sessions,
I said, okay, so have you been sleeping together? And they, you know, kind of squirm and said, yes. And I said, okay, here's how this works.
You will not have any more relations until after you get married. And if you do have any more relations, we postpone the wedding six months, or you find someone else to do it.
And that was point one, I said, you would agree with that, or you don't agree with that. If you agree with that, we continue to counsel. If you don't agree with it, we're done right now.
And I said to the woman, I said, once they both agreed, I said to the woman,
I said, do you love this guy? Yes. Okay. And he's willing to violate the word of God and take you to bed and violate the sanctity of your body outside of marriage.
He's willing to violate it. And you want to marry this guy. You're not used to this kind of counseling.
I did the same thing to him and say, what kind of woman do you want to marry? Who's willing to fornicate and offend
God and risk your sanctification before the Lord. They need to know the severity of their problem.
And once I get them squirming, then I talk about the blood of the Christ of the cross that forgives them and that they're to repent and never do that again.
And they save it for marriage. And I say, do you understand me? And they go, yes. Okay. That's the way it is then. And then each time we,
I tell them each time we, we counsel, one of the first questions I'm going to ask you is, have you, have you fallen?
And that's, I'm a tough counselor, but I'm biblical. People need to know the truth.
And I don't, I don't sit there and just bend over. Oh yeah. It's okay. As long as you love each other.
That's a bunch of lying crap. That's false. Men need to act like men and women need to act like women.
We've got a break coming up. If you want to hold on, please do Jake. We can keep talking, but we've got to go. So hold on or hang up either one.
Hey folks, we'll be right back after these messages. We have three open lines, 877 -207 -2276.
We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. All right, everybody. Welcome back to the show. It's 20 after the hour.
If you want to give me a call, the number is 877 -207 -2276.
And you can email me at info at carm .org, C -A -R -M dot O -R -G info.
And, um, just put in subject line, uh, radio question, radio comment, and we'll get to them.
All right, let's get back to Jacob. If he's still there, let's see. Jake, you still there, buddy? Okay. All right.
All right. So go ahead. No, you go ahead. Sorry. I was just saying, you know,
I met my girlfriend through, you know, I stopped dating for about eight months and decided to download a
Christian dating app. And we met on there and we were, we were dating. We weren't living together for a few months.
And then she pretty much was losing her house and can't live with any of her family because she don't really have any.
So I was like, well, I got a five bedroom house, you know, might as well just move in with me because we knew it was going to work.
And so now I'm just trying to figure out a way to make it right and go by God's design and figure out who can go where or for how long we should separate or what we shouldn't be, should not be, should not be living under the same roof if you're not married.
So that's one thing. The other thing is you need to trust God and you need to find a way.
And you, third, you need to go to the elders of your church and talk to them about this. Okay. Just, you know, just go talk to them and say, there's a situation
I need to rectify it. Uh, what do we do? They might have a roommate need in the church someplace and say, well, there's a roommate.
She can move in there. You see? So just trust God and move forward to get things done.
Right. Okay. That's what you got to do. That's definitely what I want to do is, you know, sometimes you feel like you got no other detours or routes you can take or, you know, you know,
I said, I want to do it right. You know, God's gotten me out of a very dark hole and I was saved in the beginning of this year and make him happy and be happy with me.
Yeah. Well, then what you need to do is, um, I would recommend go talk to the elders and see if they know of a situation where, you know, as I said, a roommate situation and you work with them.
Okay. And that's what you need to do. All right. Uh, also curious question is what version of the
Bible do you prefer? Well, I like the NASB because I do apologetics.
I need something more literal to the Greek. So that may not be for everybody. The ESV is good and it's more smoothed, but I prefer the
NASB 95. That's just me. Okay. I feel like NLT is pretty straight to the point.
That's what I, to read, to read it, I'll study other, but just to read it, NLT is what
I like to read. That's okay. If you have things that, you know, a Bible that you like,
I recommend you have two or three Bibles and that way you can just read versions because the original language is just like translating something into another language.
It's always a little bit difficult. Not always. Sometimes it's difficult. And very frequently there's different ways to, to, uh, say the exact, uh, to say things.
Okay. So that's why a couple, three versions is good. Okay. All right.
And I'm hoping somebody asked you at some point, but I'm kind of curious your view on how you would handle the holidays with your kids, like Halloween and Christmas.
Well, I believe in Aaron on the side of grace and I'm not a legalist.
So people can enjoy Halloween if they want, as long as they're not celebrating anything demonic, but if they have little kids going to go to door, which is what last night
I was up, my wife doesn't even go to the door. I do. I just love seeing the kids and I love seeing the outfits just awesome.
You know, last night they were so cute. And so it's fine. It's no big deal. It's not going to hurt anybody.
And the same with Christmas. All right. So if you don't feel that those are, are within your purview to be able to celebrate, then don't do it.
But we're free as Christians and to do things like in first Corinthians 10,
I always go there in first Corinthians 10, people were eating meat sacrifice to idols. Christians were doing this.
Was that okay to do? Yeah, it is because they're nothing. It's not that that bothers that is the problem.
It's what's in your heart. That's the issue. So in this regard, they could do that, but don't let anybody else be stumbled by the knowledge of what you're doing.
So it's a delicate thing. So just because it's a pagan origin doesn't mean we can't participate.
Okay. Yeah. There's gotta be like boundaries and fine lining with that stuff. I feel like you don't want to take, you don't want to deprive your kid of doing what everybody else is doing, but you also want to have that fine line that, you know, finally talked to you.
All right. Well, good. Okay. Well, God bless Jacob. Yeah.
God bless you too. I'll see you. All right. All right. That was Jacob. We have nobody else waiting.
If you want to give me a call, it's easy. 877 -207 -2276.
And let's just jump on and get some hate mail. So I'm going to try this one, see what it is.
Uh, I came across your website. There's so much inaccurate and wrong information on your website.
Wait a minute. If something's inaccurate, wouldn't it also be wrong? That's like inaccurate and wrong.
So you could be, could you have inaccurate and right? He says, and you claim to be of Christ.
I'm seriously confused. Yeah, I think so. It also makes me wonder if you have any special motives like a
CIA op would, you know, when I'm reading something like this and then they bring in the
CIA within the first couple of lines, this gets my interest because, uh, you know, it's very conspiratists and, uh, all of a sudden the
CIA is involved with this and it's like, uh, what's this got to do with anything? And I would like to see if they could connect the dots.
Let's see what happens. Did you know the prophecy of Christ's return was fulfilled mid 19th century, mid access sensational or no, that's
SDA. You know, it's, uh, um, Oh, I can't remember his name. Miller Miller writes.
No, no, no, it wasn't. I wonder why the CIA five eyes and oligarchs want to keep this secret from the masses.
So Jesus returned in 19th, the 19th century. Really? It says every, I would see him. And, uh, really?
Hmm. That's interesting. And the rapture occurred. Yeah. I, uh, I don't know.
I haven't seen any documentaries, you know, the mid 1800s where, uh, Jesus returned.
Um, let's keep going. The Jews rejected Christ and many followers of Christ in Islam have done the same.
Do you also know Christ and Muhammad are relatives? You know, this person obviously does not have all his paws in the litter box.
He says, as our King David, the black, the Bab, Oh boy, here we go. Uh, Baha will allow.
Yeah, no wonder. Uh, if you really are Christian, you should know Christ is related to King David. Like this person does not, it goes on and on a more
CIA stuff down in let's see. I have also humiliated, embarrassed the likes of the
CIA, NSA, FBI, five eyes, TKE, I U E C various political figures, et cetera.
The handwritten part was hand delivered to them on this date. Wow. Yeah.
Well, we'll just move on from that because it's like, uh, no, not working.
Hey, there's a, right back. Eight, seven, seven, two, zero, seven, two, two, seven, six.
We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live taking your calls at eight, seven, seven, two, zero, seven, two, two, seven, six.
Here's Matt Slick. Oh, Robert. Welcome back to the show. If you want to call me, like I said, eight, seven, seven, two, zero, seven, two, two, seven, six.
Let's get to Linda from Raleigh, North Carolina. You're on the air. Hi, Matt.
Uh, first time caller in a, it's just a brief call. I want to thank you for all you do.
You've been such a help to me in my spiritual growth. I'm calling because Jacob, uh, had a bad situation there and it will be difficult for him to help his girlfriend financially.
Um, I have a suggestion for Jacob in, uh, if you don't mind in hopes that he might still be listening.
Uh, you had mentioned the elders and, uh, the possibility of, uh, her finding a female roommate.
Um, yes. And I thought of this too. He said he had, I believe he said he had five bedrooms.
Uh, why couldn't he ran out one or two bedrooms to males that he would certainly have to screen and use that money to secure a place for her to live either a room someplace or paying her share, um, to another woman that she might, um, uh, get a small apartment with.
So that would be one way of, uh, one way of producing money to help her financial situation.
And that was my comment. And thank you so much. Well, I appreciate that.
See, there's another option and you can look into that if he's listening. Um, there's always options and we need to try and do that, which honors
God. Sometimes it takes a while, but that's what we need to do. Exactly. Exactly.
And that just popped in my head and I wanted to run that by Jacob. Thank you for all you do,
Matt. Well, you're welcome and God bless. God bless you.
Bye bye. Okay. Bye. All right. We have nobody waiting right now. And if you want to call me 877 -207 -2276, then you certainly can.
Let's get to some more of the, uh, the questions, radio comments and questions. Here's one. Um, when did
Jesus get the spirit? Well, he was, when he was baptized, the Holy spirit came upon him and that's in Matthew three.
So I would just say that he received the Holy spirit. Holy spirit was poured out upon him at his baptism.
Now what's interesting, a lot of people don't know this is that for example, if you go to Joel, let's see two 28, it will come about after this that I will pour out my spirit on all mankind.
And, uh, that's first 28 and 29, even to them on the male and female servants,
I will pour out my spirit in those days. And then when you go to acts chapter one 17, uh, no two 17, sorry.
It says he's quoting that Peter's quoting that. And it shall be the last days. God says that I will pour forth my spirit on all mankind.
And then he quotes the verse 29. Also in those days I'll pour forth my spirit. So the
Holy spirit is poured out upon. Now what you do is you go here, you go to acts one five and Jesus says this for John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the
Holy spirit. Not many days from now. Whoa. So what does that mean? What's the word baptized mean there?
When it says baptized with the Holy spirit, because it says John baptized with water. Well, people will assume that means he would, he immersed people in water, but you will be immersed with the
Holy spirit. That doesn't fit the scriptures. How about this? Let's do a poor
John poured water on you for baptism and you will be baptized.
You'll be poured upon with it by the spirit. Well, that would be consistent with scripture, but people say, well, no baptism means immersion.
Does it? Then why does baptism right here refer to pouring in actual one five, you'd be baptized with the
Holy spirit and to other places where the word baptism does not mean pouring. Can you be baptized with the baptism?
I'm undergoing. He's asked the disciples talk about his persecution. So people say that the word always means immersion.
No, it does not. I'm just saying that just as a point doesn't always mean it. You have to, you don't want to just assume something and then say that's just the way it is.
Verify it with scripture. All right. So, uh, that's what he got. The spirit was poured out upon him and, uh, he's baptized by John.
It was like a dove. He went into the wilderness to be tested in this other evidence. Holy spirit, the Holy spirit came upon him like a dove came down on him.
And, uh, that's the baptism that Jesus was, uh, in the Holy spirit. All right, now let's see.
Let's see. Let's go to the next one. I'm sorry if you already address us on radio.
Uh, can you please answer the question? Are there any examples in the Bible of God, Jesus changing his mind?
Yes, there are. And, uh, let's see if I can find this. I have a section on karma that I've written on open theism and, and I'm trying to find,
I'll just put this type to sit here and get the reference. God changed his mind. And we'll talk about this a little bit because how could
God change his mind if he knows all things from eternity? That's the, that's the thing. So the
Jeremiah 26, 19, it says, uh, did Hezekiah king of Judah and all Judah put him to death.
Did he not fear the Lord and entreat the favor of the Lord? And the Lord changed his mind about the misfortune, which he had pronounced against them.
But we are committing a great and evil against ourselves. That's Jeremiah 26, 19.
Now. So the word here is, uh, in Hebrew is
Nasham. It also means to relent. And so we had to understand that God would, how he works with us is anthropomorphic.
What this means is that he will condescend to our level and communicate to us on our level.
So when Adam and Eve were in the garden, the pre -incarnate Christ came and walked and spoke to them.
That is a condescension. It is an anthropomorphic manifestation of God. Anthropos man, morphate form, anthropomorphic, anthropomorphic, the form of man.
And so it's a way of God communicating to us. So he does this. And when the pre -incarnate Christ was in the garden with Adam and Eve and said,
Adam, where are you? In Genesis three, Adam, where are you? Well, he didn't know.
Of course he did. So there's evidence right there that we say, okay, so what we're perceiving from our perspective is that the
Lord changed his mind on something. And well, then that's all it is, is from eternity past, he knew exactly what would happen by speaking to us saying,
I'll do this under these conditions. And if those conditions changed, I'll change this. And that's what happened. That's all it is.
Okay. Uh, let's see. There's a verse I want to look at because there's a related verse.
I think it's, let's see, Jeremiah 18, eight. Yes. If that nation against which
I've spoken turns from its evil, I will relent concerning the calamity I planned to bring on it.
So there we see that there's a statement here, and it's also the same word that is there in Jeremiah 26, 19.
So God will relent. He's saying, he's going to do certain things. And then the nation or the people repents of what they're going to do.
Then God says, no, I won't do it. But he says, that's what he will do in those circumstances.
He says, if the, uh, if, uh, the nation against which I spoken turns from its evil,
I will relent concerning the calamity. So think about this. God could say to a nation, a group of people, even
I'm going to judge you in five days. It's going to be bad because of you sin in this area, that area, in that area, it's, you guys are in trouble.
And let's say they all get together and they say, that's it. We're done. They all repent. They all come to the place of repentance in God.
And then God says, okay, I'm not going to, uh, just, you know, wipe you guys out because you repented.
Well, did he know that they're going to repent? Of course. But a lot of times the fact that God threatens them is the means by which they get motivated to repent, to accomplish
God's goal. And then he relents because he planned that all the time anyway. All right.
There you go. That's one way of looking at it. Let's try another one. How about this? Um, hey brother,
Matt, what are some books you recommend? Let's see my book. Uh, the influence is good.
And also my book time trap is good. Uh, best reform books. Oh, in that case, um, cause he wasn't specific in the first sentence.
I was having fun. Reform books. Uh, I would get a Grudem systematic theology. I think it's just a good, uh, reform thing to have
Grudem systematic theology. That's what I recommend. I don't really listen to much. I don't really read a whole bunch.
I get books that are useful and then I, I just, I scan through them and I get them on Kindle so I can search and I'll search certain words or phrases and get to the areas
I want to find in research and I'll read those. Then I go into something else. That's what I do. The person goes on and says, also looking into a new study
Bible using the MacArthur NSB. Yeah, that sounds good. Study Bible. Yeah, it sounds good. And it's got a commentary.
I don't agree with everything that, uh, MacArthur says, but boy, he's, he's great. I would definitely recommend it.
So good stuff. Hey, there's the, there's the break and the number again is 877 -207 -2276.
Be right back. It's Matt Slick live taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. Everybody, welcome back to the show. Last segment of the hour on this lovely
Friday, November 1st. Actually, it's an anniversary for me.
Um, so it's an anniversary of when I almost got killed. And I'll tell the story briefly.
I tell it each, uh, almost every year. So back when I was in high school, a friend of mine, Dave and I were walking up an overpass over the freeway and going to school.
And, uh, we're in the left hand side, walking up, walking our bikes because of the traffic and the situation.
And, um, this, this guy in a van, he, he came up over the crest of the, the hill, the overpass stopped, got out of the van right in front of us and started screaming at us that we almost killed him.
I don't know why. I don't have any answers of that. He just started yelling it. He grabbed my friend by the shirt and started screaming at him.
And he says, you're going to kill us both. He's going to get us. And, uh, so, uh,
I got on my bike. I couldn't stay where he was. I don't want him to get me to started going down to the hill to just a little bit, put a distance between us so that I could flag down some cars.
And I realized I just left my friend. I turn around on my bike and I look, my friend's broken free.
And, uh, the guy's chasing me. He's in his van now. So what happened was
I ended up going down to the bottom of the hill, making a right, going into a trailer park. And this guy was on my tail.
And I mean, uh, the van, you could tell with a sound behind it in the gravel, he was six feet behind me.
And I just jumped off my bike and kept running. And, um, and I heard his brakes slide, you know, they locked up in the gravel and then the door opened up and he's on his foot after me on foot.
And, uh, so he is chasing me, screaming and yelling. I don't know if the guy's on drugs.
I don't know what's going on. I have no idea. And, uh, but he's, he's yelling and it was quite fast and light.
And even though he was faster, I could change direction, uh, pretty quickly. And so that would cause him to lose, uh, to lose some ground on me.
And so I was keep kept doing this and I was going to get tired here pretty soon. So what I decided to do was, uh, run across the street, a
Boulevard about seven 50 in the morning, I went across the street of Boulevard, uh, to a building where I was going to try and get some help.
And, uh, this guy's on my, my tail. And, um, so let's just say that, uh,
I was able to get across the street behind this building in a parking lot and a lot of cars were there and I got some cars between him and me.
And I see my friend, Dave, uh, I guess he'll see him and he's with a, a chef because it was a restaurant and it was getting ready for something in the morning.
And the chef had a big knife in his hand. So I'm trying to get over there for protection. It's a good thing
I didn't because they found out later that the chef didn't speak English.
He spoke Spanish. This is in Southern California of course. And he misunderstood my friend who's saying that both of us were trying to kill him.
He tried to kill him. So he would have knifed me to protect me or protect my friend, but I wasn't able to get over there.
And, uh, about this time I'm getting super tired and this guy's, you know, climbing over cars, he's running around, he's doing whatever he can to get me.
He didn't climb over cars. Nobody, he would try and do stuff. And, and, uh, I ended up running into a door, uh, into a door.
It was just open, uh, into a building. It was attached to this other building. He just ran right in because I was going to collapse pretty soon.
And I was just hoping that people would be in there because there were cars next to that door. I assume people would be in there. And so I just ran straight in there and it was a bar.
Uh, you know, people were drinking at seven 15 in the morning. I ran right in there. I was under age. I was 17 at the time,
I think. And, uh, just ran in there. And then
I'm, I'm, I can tell you, you know, it takes, when you're in a bright and you go into the dark, you can't see anything.
I was able to see very clearly, very fast, the adrenaline, whatever it was. I don't know.
I was able to see, I ran down, uh, the length of the bar and, uh, there was a dead end.
There was no way out of the building. And then I see, I turn around and I see this guy at the door and then somewhere with a silhouette with the light behind him.
And he knows he's got me and he starts walking aggressively. You could tell it was a bolting out of a movement with his hands, fists and everything.
And, uh, there's this big man, uh, at the bar about six feet from me. And I said to him,
I didn't do anything. And that this guy's trying to kill me. I didn't do anything. And right before the guy got to me, this big man stood up and stopped him big guy to like six foot 50, that kind of thing, you know, 400 pounds, kind of big.
And just told the guy, there'd be none of that in here and get out of here. And, uh, the guy, uh, the bad guy just weighed it and finally decided to leave.
So this big man went back to drinking and I stayed in that bar for 20 minutes, 20 minutes.
Well, what had happened was my friend had called the police. And so the police were there.
They showed up a S a P because coincidentally the, uh, the police refueling station was literally a quarter mile, a third of a mile from that, that location where we were.
And, uh, really it was, so they were there within a minute. And my friend
Dave, he told me this later. He said that, uh, he told them, he goes, Matt is gone. His bike was mangled because the bad guy bent my bike up, damaged it.
And the blue van was gone and I wasn't there. So they put an APB out or whatever it is they do that I was kidnapped and they didn't know.
I'm just a hundred feet away inside of a bar because they wouldn't think I might be in a bar. I don't know what the, you know, so they, all this stuff and I, and I wait 20 minutes and I stick my head out to look, there's cops and, uh,
I go, Oh my goodness, there's cops. Good. And I come walking out and Dave sees me. He goes, there he is. You know?
And, um, so they never caught the guy. They never caught the guy.
Uh, we don't know what happened, but, um, that was, uh, that was, uh, many years ago, back in the seventies and November 1st.
In fact, uh, it's kind of a habit. My friend, we still are in contact on, on the first, we sometimes call each other,
Hey, happy, still alive day, you know? And, um, so I've known him since I was 12 and now
I'm 67 up there. So anyway, there's a story for you. I got stories.
I got lots of stories and stuff like that. Almost, you know, and, uh, then there was a time I almost, I almost got killed when
I said something mean to my wife. You know, she had a frying pan in her hand. That was another incident.
You gotta be careful. And, uh, you gotta be careful what you say when your wife has a frying pan or anything. What'd you say?
Nothing. I'll just go over here and sit around. So, uh, I've had a couple of close calls in my life. Um, then it was the car accident where I drove a car off a cliff and, uh,
Turnbull Canyon in Southern California. That really happened. Took two years to fully recover. I do not recommend you do that.
I don't recommend you do that. That's not good. So I got stories like that, you know, just stuff. All right, let's get back on to some emails here because who cares what those stories are, right?
Uh, the person goes on. Um, I already got that audio book.
No, he says, should I approach an elder at church and try to show him predestination being biblical and not a cause of sin?
Oh, why is he saying that? Because I tried to remember because, uh, uh, anyway, the elder is also my boss and definitely not reformed.
Oh, he likes Fertick. Oh, that's not good. It's heavy. My heart to have him know this danger and denial.
He's in an opinion, strong arguments, soft words today. Wow. That that's a, you pray about that and you ask
God to soften his heart and then you memorize scripture addresses that deal with predestination and God's election and let the word of God do what's needed at the right time.
You would just say, well, God elected us. Ephesians one four. That's what it says. He chose us for salvation.
You leave it at that. Ephesians one four and you go on and the people, they get mad and they, you know, they get mad.
But the truth of God's word will just work on it. It happens a lot like that. Okay. All right, let's go to another email.
Let's see. Delete that one. How do I go about confronting my, oh, I left the same email.
Okay. All right. Let's try this one then. Who was
King James? Okay. Who was King James? King James was the
King of England, uh, or Scotland, uh, England, England. And he was
James the sixth. That's what he was. And he helped institute the translation of the
King James Bible. That's what, why they call it was under him. I should write an article on that, on, on, on who he was a little bit more detail.
That's a good question. How about this one? I wasn't sure if you listen to this guy or not.
If not enjoy biblical approach, understanding of aliens. It's a portrait of a non -Christian. Ooh, it sounds good.
I liked alien stuff. Um, I do. Uh, let's see.
Does Satan do anything physically on earth? Why or why not? Well, now this gets, this is an interesting question because there's a lot of stuff here.
You see, um, because Jesus says Satan was bound in Matthew 12, 22 through 32, believe it or not.
That's what he said. He was bound Matthew 12, 22 through 32. Now, what kind of binding is that?
That's a question. It's a binding so that Jesus could cast out demonic, uh, forces out of people and to bind
Satan in order to do that. That's what it says. Now it also says in revelation 20, that Satan was bound so that he could not deceive the nations anymore.
It doesn't say he's bound. He couldn't do anything bad, but specifically in reference to deceiving the nations anymore.
Are those two bindings the same? If they are, we have questions.
If they are not, we have questions. So this is a good topic. So when we ask, can
Satan do anything physically on earth? We have to ask the issue. Is he bound? And if he's bound, does it mean he can or can't do anything physically?
And what would mean by physical? Move an object, throw a rock. Does he mean possess a person and then have that person do something in the world?
So the question is not very narrow. It's so broad that there's so many topics that could be broached in order to try and answer it.
So it's just not an easy one. Okay. So does Satan do anything physical on earth? I would say just top of my head,
I'd say, yeah, I think he can. When he is indwelling individuals and or the demonic forces are dwelling people, then they can do physical things on earth.
And then this person goes on and says, have you still only paid for one dinner for Mr. Rappaport?
That is true. That is true. But it was majestic though. I got him royally. It was good.
So, but I do owe him some of the dinners. All right, let's see. I was listening to your show when you were asked about the age of Adam when he was created.
It occurred to me that as the last Adam, Jesus began his ministry at 30. This is also the age of a
Levite become a priest. That's correct. Would it be wrong to think Adam's ministry beginning with him and the animals?
I lean towards that, that for those reasons, I lean towards the idea that Adam was probably created around being about 30 years old at that maturity level and physical level.
I wouldn't die in that hill. I don't know how old he was. God doesn't tell us, but no, there's some support for that kind of thing.
And as long as you don't get too dogmatic about it, we could say, well, maybe that's what it is, but maybe it's not what it is and that's okay.
All right. And are either of the following views acceptable within the Christian understanding of the faith?
Full preterism? No. Partial preterism? Yes. Full preterism says Jesus returned in 70
AD. He did not. Uh, that's refuted by Acts chapter one, verses nine to 11. Uh, and I don't have time to get into that because we're out of time.
Then you're just going to start in about 10 seconds. May the Lord bless you and hope you had a great, uh,
Halloween and a great, um, reformation date, which was yesterday. And, uh, the weekend is upon us.
I hope you go to church, pray for our country because this election is critical. Get out there and vote.
All right. Get out there and vote. May the Lord bless you by his grace. We're back on the air on Monday and we'll talk to you then.
God bless everyone. Another program powered by the truth network.