DUMPSTER FIRE | April's Foolish Prophecies


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Welcome to another installment of Dumpster Fire. This is the second week of April 2018, and it's time for Prophecy Bingo!
Yeah, okay, now I gotta warn you, I gotta warn you, ahead of time here. Getting bingo on this installment of Dumpster Fire is going to be a challenge.
Bingo was bingo! Yeah, let me explain. Every month when we do our Prophecy Roundup, we play
Prophecy Bingo. And if you go to FightingForTheFaith .com, you can see that if you type in bingo in our search bar here, that it'll save Fighting For The Faith Prophecy Bingo.
And click here, this is our Prophecy Bingo card generator. And we wanted to let everybody in the audience know that if you will send up a tweet or put it on Facebook and hashtag
Prophecy Bingo, if you want to put together a Prophecy Bingo party, send us photographs of you and your friends or family playing
Prophecy Bingo, we will go ahead and select one or two of them to feature in the next
Prophecy Bingo segment here on Dumpster Fire. Now, like I've warned you, this installment of Prophecy Bingo is going to be tough to get a bingo for this reason.
We've noted that some of the people offering prophecies this month have made a concerted effort to try to steer away from buzzword prophecies.
And some of these prophecies are kind of dark, is the best way I could put it. So, buckle up, let's get to it.
Hey, Patrick, what am I now? Stupid? No, I'm...
The April Prophetic Word. What's the difference? And first up today is a person we haven't featured before,
JoLynn Whittaker. And here is her prophecy for the month of April.
It's time to soar. Here we go. Here it is, guys. The title for this word, it's time to soar.
Yeah! Tell me if this is you.
You know, I have been working out and I am a little sore, yeah. You are at a place in your life where you really know that it's time for you to move.
It's time for you to go from where you are to wherever the next level needs to be.
Right, it's time to move. Move to where the next level will be.
Now, let me go ahead and get this free space worked out here. Alright, let's see my prophecy bingo card.
Okay, yeah, not quite there. Let's come back to JoLynn as she explains it's time to move to the next level thingy.
And you're at a point in your life where you no longer want to have to take, let me say it like this, you no longer want to have to be the one to orchestrate everything regarding your elevation.
Right. Now, by the way, I was checking my prophecy bingo card here. I'm going to say that new level is definitely, see right there, right?
I think we got one. I think we got one. Let me go back to JoLynn. Sorry, she's giving us a word from the
Lord, you know. You want God to come in on it. Not only do you want to be sure that you are in the will of God.
Come on, we got to be able to talk like this. So you want to be sure that you are in the will of God. Amen.
Hallelujah. But you also want to be sure you want the God touch because with the
God touch comes acceleration. What's the
God touch that creates acceleration? Now, acceleration is one of our buzzwords, but I don't know if I have it on this card.
Bummer. Okay, so the God touch that creates acceleration. Okay. You know, with the
God touch comes that supernatural element that he brings to it.
And when you have the God touch in your elevation, that is when you know you're going to experience divine appointments.
Right. When I have the God touch in my elevation, that's when
I'll have the acceleration in the divine appointment thingy. No idea what she's saying.
Okay. That's when you know you will have those strategic connections. That's when you know, hear me, that's when you know you're going to have angelic protection.
That's right. Because wait a second. I thought that angels were ministering spirits, regardless of whether or not
I had the God touch acceleration new level thingy. Now, you know, she's really big on the buzzwords here.
Okay. And she threw so many of them out. You know, I can't remember all of them. Man. Okay, let's go back to JoLynn.
Okay. You know, you're going to have favor. And so the opportunities are going to come more easily.
You're going to know that it's connected to destiny. God has a way of doing things for us.
And no matter how hard you try, you could have never done it as good as God did it. I've never been able to do anything as good as God like ever.
I don't care who you know, and how talented you are. When God elevates you, he has a way of doing it in such a way so that you say, my goodness,
I never imagined this for my life. Never, never. I mean, because he could do infinitely more than we ever think or imagined.
You know, I'm twisting that text. I'm so fulfilled. I am so on fire.
I am. And Fuego. Yeah. Oh, passionate about this. It's time to soar.
If that is you, and if you are ready for the Lord to get come into alignment with the Lord. Am I ready to come into alignment with the
Lord? Okay. All right. His ideas for you, his definition of what your purpose is.
How about this? His supernatural breath on your goals, your dreams, your desires.
So he's going to inspirate my dreams and goals and visions through his supernatural breath.
Wow. Little do you know, or maybe you do know, I'm sorry, but maybe you do know.
But so many people, the dreams that you have are actually connected to your purpose.
That's why. No way. I had no idea. Passionate about it. Yeah. For so many people, the desires and the goals that you have, you know, like those those those things you can't get away from, you can't get away from it.
You try to do other things. You keep coming. I tried to get away from it, but it kept catching me.
Right. Yeah. Back to this, nothing else feels right. Nothing. Nothing. It's very well a possibility, if not a probability, that the reason is because it's connected to your purpose.
God designed you with a desire to want to be a part of that industry. He designed you with a desire to want to be a part of that movement.
So God designed me with the desire to be part of the heresy busting industry.
Wow. This is revolutionized my life. All right. Let's check in with.
Oh, no. Hang on.
I got to do some breathing exercises here for a second here. OK, I think
I'm ready. Let's I'm going to hit the play button. I don't want to. But OK, here we go.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. This is a month of mysteries, says the
Lord. Mystery. You know, it's like we're almost to the halfway point and it's nothing mysterious about the month of April for me yet.
But wow, it's the international month of mystery. Yeah. Shaken, not stirred.
Yeah, there's a momentum and a mystery to this month that's going to be unprecedented.
Momentum. Now, I know momentum is one of our buzzwords here. Hang on. There's a purity of heart that will make you arise in this month.
Oh, Jesus. Oh, yeah. Thank you. Thank you.
Is she like conducting a seance? What is she doing? Is she channeling? He's pulling back distractions in this month.
He's giving you a new. If you were pulling back distractions, he'd shut your YouTube channel down.
And a sound mind and you're pushing through. I saw a train of a revival coming.
Hallelujah. A train. Hallelujah.
It's been hidden, but now the plans are being downloaded to the prophets. The prophets are getting the revival plan to restore the church back to order, to restore the five hold ministry back to order.
Jesus, Jesus. And he's so big.
The Lord is tearing down walls of religion this month. Jesus. Oh, come on.
Say the word religious spirit. It's right there on my bingo. Come on. Come on. And it's like right in the corner.
I'm going for a diagonal here. He's breaking walls.
I saw a big foot and I saw the Lord just kick. You saw Bigfoot. I think
Bigfoot is blurry. That's the problem. It's not the photographer's fault.
Bigfoot is blurry. And that's extra scary to me. There's a large out of focus monster roaming the countryside.
We have a Sasquatch sighting right here on privacy bingo on the wall.
And Jesus. Hallelujah.
Jesus, Jesus. He's doing some big kicking down this month.
Big kicking. Yeah, kicking this big with the Sasquatch and stuff.
Those demons, those big things in your life. The Lord is kicking them down in Jesus name.
I pray that he kicks them down. Kick them down. Kick them down. Yeah. Way to go.
Yeah. Kick the strongholds in our lives down. Kick down the addictions. I saw this woman and she was drinking and she thought it was
OK to be in ministry and drinking. And the Lord says, you know what? That's enough of that. Some people can handle it, but you cannot handle it.
Yeah. You know, Jesus was a drinker and just saying, you know. The individual word for someone out there.
And I pray that you are free from alcohol addiction in the name of Jesus. And somebody doesn't think they're addicted, but it's affecting their ministry's finances and their business.
Jesus, be free from alcohol addiction in Jesus name. Be free from sex addiction in Jesus name.
The Lord is freeing from addictions this month. I saw these two hands and it was a black woman and her hands had chains around them.
And I felt like the Lord said, he's freeing you from the chains this month. Jesus.
You know, one of the things the Lord's been talking about, and I've kind of been like about releasing this. But I felt like the
Lord said the black community is going to be on the front end of revival this year.
Come here. Come here. Come here.
And the reason they are going to be on the front end. So I was like, okay, God, so why, why them?
You know, and I felt like he said it because they are worshipers. I feel like the black community, because they are worshiping.
God is sending them first because they're bringing in the presence of God. They're bringing in the worship of God and that's going to start all of it.
And so I saw lots of people partnering up with the black community and there was. Yeah, I mean, that's not racial theology at all, man.
Wow. Like, you know, a conference fire of all white people are all Hispanic people are all black people and the
Lord is mixing the pot. He's mixing the pot and he's creating this multicultural community of people that are on fire for him, that are worshiping him and praising him and moving forward to restore order to the church in the way of revival.
You know, I've talked a lot about revival and how it actually means to restore back to the former things. And, you know, but there's even more than that.
So once we get restored back into order, then the greater things will come. If we can't even steward what they already had, how is he going to give us the greater things?
God is a God of. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, how are we going to, if we don't do the. What'd you say again?
Think about the parable of the talents. It's all about stewardship, you know, and so if we can steward this revival, then we're going to get the greater things.
But if we can't even do the things that Paul did, how are we going to get the greater things like. Right. Yeah. You got to be doing those
Paul things. Yeah. Because how do you expect greater if you can't even do the Paul stuff? Yeah.
Yeah. And I'm surprised this woman has so many people watching her stuff. Because she's sure to specialize in saying nothing.
Think about the parable of the talents. It's all about stewardship, you know. And so if we can steward.
All right. Next up. Oh, somebody we've not covered before. Eamon Norman.
Let's check in with his prophecy for April. Here we go. Before in the morning of actually received a word from the
Lord and a dream. And I wanted to share that because it has to do with a now time, a time to come.
Now time. We've pointed this out before that, you know, any moment that you're in, it's now.
And if you're thinking about the time that you said now, that's then. Yeah.
And, you know, just revelation on what God has been doing. So in the dream,
I was at a meeting. Yeah. And the speaker was
Todd White and Todd White was OK.
Yeah. Heretic. Yeah. Got it. Preaching. But it's really funny because all his dreadlocks were cut off.
And so it's like Todd White is like, you know, Samson after his whole
Delilah Philistine incident. Got it. I thought was pretty strange in the dream.
I was thinking, wow, that looks really weird. You know, Todd White doesn't have his dreads and he was preaching.
Same same kind of fire, you know. And but his dreadlocks were gone and he gave an altar call and.
People came up and I was one of those people. I came up and the dream ended.
I woke up. First thing that popped on my phone was a notification about that Billy Graham had passed away.
No. And see, that's a sign, man. I mean, it's an omen of some kind.
We're not supposed to read those as Christians, but whoa. Yeah, that was a sign. I didn't know anything about the prophecies over Billy Graham or his life.
There were no real prophecies over Billy Graham and his life or when he when he passed away or anything like that.
I do know that on paper he he died. He lived 100 years and God was speaking to me about 100 years and he told me.
He gave me a revelation about the dream that he gave me, which was God used
Billy Graham to start a revival in a whole generation, a whole movement from the
Lord, and he used Todd White to awaken a generation.
No. So Todd White is like the next Billy Graham. Yeah, that's a false prophecy.
OK, moving along. OK, I got I got to warn you, this is a short prophecy.
It's a little bit on the dry and starchy side. So here this is a prophetic word from Kevin Bridges.
Here we go. This is a prophetic word for April 2018.
Stand up, stand up and get ready. Get ready for what I'm doing next. This is a month of transition, a month of change.
Just as the seasons battle a month of transition. Let me check my prophecy bingo card.
OK, bummer. That's the transition. Got it. Month will be a month of battle.
This month will be a month of breakthrough, a month of my plan winning through. Just as you know that the spring will follow the winter.
Know that my hasn't happened here yet in North Dakota. You got two inches of snow on the ground and it's like almost the halfway point in April.
This is will come to be just as the first bulbs and flowers are a sure sign that the spring is here.
What you see now is a sure sign that things are changing. Know that what
I have started cannot be stopped. Stand up, stand up and look. Know what exactly has been started.
That I am at work. Know that what I have promised will come to be. Have faith. What did he promise?
Have confidence. Step out in faith. Have confidence in what? What am I stepping out in faith in?
About ensure hope. Know for certain that what I have promised will be. Know for sure that what
I have said is about to break forth in your life. Plant your seeds and confidence.
No confidence. Yeah, I'm ain't planting no seeds yet here with snow on the ground out there. I'm looking at it right now.
We've got two more inches of it just tonight. Last night that the weather is changing and that it is time to plant and get ready.
Know that now is the time for you to make a step of faith. Know that now is the time to determine your destiny.
Stand now is the time to stand up and stand ready.
Wasn't very long. Concise didn't make any sense, but there you go.
OK, so we'll check in with him from time to time. Time to head over to Russ Walden's YouTube channel.
Here's his prophetic word for April 2018. See if he's calmed down a little because in his
March prophecy, he seemed a little hot under the collar. Like, you know, he was a little upset or something.
But here we go. This is the breakthrough word for April 2018. The father says today, set your heart, set your heart to expect a positive outcome.
Set it, man, like a clock. Set that heart. Yeah. Those things that you're tempted to worry about, those situations that cause fear to arise in your heart.
Yeah, they are in my capable hands, says the father. Right on. God has gassed up a sobohete.
Oh, that sounds terrible. Trust me.
Trust me for the outcome, says the father. For in no way will I disappoint you or leave you disillusioned or in despair.
Why are you yelling at me? You're scaring me. The father says to you today,
I'm all about, I am all about highest heart's desire and greatest dream fulfilled.
He's all about that dream fulfillment thingy. Man, hang on. Hang on a second here.
Yeah, I seem to be stuck. I told you this month was going to be tough. Okay. My purpose in your life is to bring life and that more abundantly.
So start bringing that life stuff. It's your purpose, man. Get to it.
Are you ready for abundant life? Are you ready for more than you could ever ask or think? Yes, I'm ready.
I'm ready. You are breaking forth on the right hand and on the left.
How do I do both? I mean, usually you got to kind of pick like one or the other.
You're going to break through. You're going to go break through right. You know, you ever play football, you know, American football, you know, it's like, you know, they got to create a hole in a slant and, you know, and, you know, break an opening through the defense.
And so usually guys like will always like break through like right altogether or like left altogether.
But you don't, you can't break through on both directions at the same time. It just, it doesn't work.
You are blessed when you sit down and when you rise up. You are the favored of your father.
And I will, says the father, cause you to ride on the high places of the earth.
Reject every possible outcome that does not reflect the entitlement of sons that I have provided.
Yeah. Oh, great. You're creating entitlement here. Yeah. Yeah. A bunch of entitled sons running around.
I've never heard of. No, it doesn't sound Christian. You on Calvary, says the father,
I have given you power. I have given you power to become, says God.
Will any word that is proceeded out of my mouth come to failure? I say to you that all things that pertain unto life and godliness, they are yours.
And all means all. The fullness. Okay. Why is
God only now releasing all the things I need for life and godliness? I mean, it's like 2018, dude.
And it's like April, what has he been hanging out, holding out for on us for? I mean, I've been a
Christian like most of my life and, you know, I'll be 50 this year, you know? And you think of the two millennia of Christian history.
Why hasn't God released this all stuff until just now? How did the other Christians get along with like half the stuff, you know?
My plaintiveness and the surplus of heaven is being poured out right now in response to the cry of your heart.
Reject the narrative of hopelessness. Reject it. Reject Russ Walden. He's a false prophet.
Okay, let's check in with Myrrh Ministries and Heather Curnew. And her
April prophetic word. Here we go. In April, threefold message.
What God is doing, what the enemy is doing, and how we are to respond for victory.
Yay! Abundant living. Go fight win. So what is God up to? Yeah, you know, what is he up to?
I mean, we can just sit here and ponder, you know, maybe he's doing God kind of stuff, you know? What is God up to right now?
Do you think he's like taking a break? You know, maybe he's like painting a picture or something, you know?
Maybe he's off creating some other universe somewhere, you know? What is he up to?
It's a little tough to say, you know? He's going to be celebrating his son's accomplishments through his sons and daughters here on earth.
And he's lining up the spirit realm to bring glory to Jesus.
Lining it up. Yeah. It's been out of alignment all this time.
Who knew? With the traditions that we usually put in place this time of year.
And that's a celebration of Jesus and a celebration of you and I as sons and daughters of the most high
God. I love to celebrate me. Yes. One of my favorite kind of celebrations.
Let's celebrate me. So number one, Passover is from March the 30th to April the 7th.
And that is a celebration of when Moses led all the Israelites out of slavery.
Actually, that would be God freeing them from slavery. Yeah, you put the emphasis on the wrong syllable.
Wrong. The emphasis doesn't go on Moses. It actually goes on the Lord, you know? Adversities that all the
Israelites experienced led to a major victory for them.
Yeah. So what the Lord is doing is he is bringing you to a new place of victory.
Yeah, because Passover. So there. New place of victory for you.
I mean, it logically follows. I mean, it's a really tight syllogism. But it checks out.
Place of victory, though, is going to reflect all the adversities that you've been through.
So these long -standing negative situations that you have been experiencing, you are going to have victory in those things.
For example, things that if you've been in hiddenness, if you've been misunderstood.
I can't remember. What was the last time I suffered from hiddenness? You know, it's just.
It's been a while. Yeah. A long time. Really. It seems like ages.
Suffering from hiddenness. If you've been overpassed in a career opportunity.
If you haven't had. You've been sort of struggling. Where should I go? What should
I be doing? Business deals in the past that have been sitting up in the air.
These kinds of things that have been sort of the shadow over your life for a number of months and even years.
Perhaps you started writing a book two years ago and yet you haven't finished it. Or an assignment that you started for the
Lord several years ago and it kind of just fizzled out because it didn't seem to be producing much fruit.
God is. I kind of like this prophecy. Yeah, let's see what kind of fruit this thing is producing. Yeah. Yeah.
Oh, breakthrough, breakthrough. I can't believe I missed that. All right. Yeah, because I've heard that one today.
I'm not going to win. How many months is this now? I'm running through a dry spell.
Powering you in the month of April to overcome these longstanding situations with major victory.
Supernatural intervention. Intervention. And what is that going to look like? Yeah. There's going to be a new ability to be spirit led.
New ability. You're going to. Some new abilities. This is like the way the video games work where you earn a new ability or a special skill.
You need a combo on the handset to make that ability work. Over these new heart, this celebration of heart with new levels of praise and worship.
You're going to discover that you've got new motives and that your level of contentment has certainly improved.
Oh, yeah. Well, right now, my level of discontentment with this prophecy is like at an all time high.
So let's move on from Heather. OK. Yeah, it's like, you know,
I just I hit these things and I look at them and it's like, oh, here we go again. OK, let's check in with Throne Builders.
They clearly don't know how to do color correction or even how to do white balancing on their videos.
But OK, let's see what the prophetic word for the month of April is from the
Throne Builders. God gave me a very specific word today and said, it's the wisdom that has been built inside of you that's going to enable you to build the vision that I placed in your heart.
That's right. It's got to be true because she just said, that's right.
I don't even know what the sentence meant, but wow, it's right. Life of a believer in the kingdom of heaven is so powerful because we have been completely unified with the father.
You are one with him. That's why the Jews pick. I'm one with the father. Yeah, I'm going to back that up a little bit.
This sounds like false doctrine to me. Hang on. We have been completely unified with the father.
You are one with him. That's why the Jews picked up stones to stone Jesus, because he said,
I am I am God's son. And they understood it to mean that when he said he's the son of God, he's making himself equal with or at one with God.
That's because he is. Jesus is actually the second person of the
Holy Trinity. He is one with God. And the Jews picked up stones to stone him because he made himself equal with God.
Are you saying we're that kind of united with God? Like, so we're equal with God?
Oh, please don't say that. You are one with God. You are a God being. Oh, no.
Heresy. Yeah, the throne builders, man, they have got a they they think in terms of deified humanity.
Wow. It's divine nature. You lack none of this power. You lack none of the inheritance. You have it all.
You are already seated on the throne. You have everything that is necessary. And in your physical experience on Earth, this this is not
OK. This needs to stop now. This is cancer.
God has been building the wisdom inside of you through all that you've gone through, even all the garbage that he despises.
It's been wasted, by the way. None of it's wasted, man. He recycles all the time, too. He ordains evil to come into our lives.
You know, there's that scripture that says, I create the evil and the good. But the word create actually means to recreate or to refashion according to the original intent.
It's not God doesn't bring evil, but he takes the evil that comes and he uses it to build wisdom inside of you.
That wisdom is an experiential wisdom.
It's practical wisdom that you glean from the mind of Christ that you already have.
You know, we say, God, I need answers. But you already have the answers. You have the mind of Christ. We say things like God, come down and be with us.
But he's already in us. That's right. So there's a practical experience of wisdom that has been getting built inside of you.
But it's that practical wisdom that he's been building inside of you that is going to enable you to look into the thing.
Did he, like, zoom in on himself to cut his wife out of the shot? What's going on there?
A little post -production snap zoom there. That's not on our end, by the way.
Before you and make the plans that you need to make. It's not necessarily money that you lack, although you need money.
It's the understanding of how to take the money when it comes into your hands and expand and unfold it so that it becomes more.
Yeah. I usually when I unfold the money, you know, I just never mind.
I use a technique, but, you know. Strategy, strategic wisdom. And those are keys. Strategy.
All right. Hang on a second here. Yes. All right. Okay. You know what?
I thought I heard the word purpose. Yeah, I did hear the word purpose in Russ Walden's.
You see, I got to I got to kind of like put this in the crockpot and let it stew a little bit. Okay. So I'm doing a little better than I thought.
But still nowhere. I'm just not even going to get bingo. It's not happening. Okay. Let's come back to the throne builders and see what they have to say.
No, those are keys. A lot of people are talking about keys right now. And you all out there know that I love keys. Sometimes I wear key necklaces or whatever.
But keys are important because everybody has keys. Now, if you don't know what your keys are, you should ask the father to show you what they are.
Because every person. What my keys are. I had no idea that I even had any keys or that I needed them.
Which biblical text says I need keys? And has keys. Has been giving certain keys.
And so you should seek him out for that. And do you mind if I share the other. I heard something else a little while ago and I wasn't sure if I was going to share it or not.
But I'm going to do it. As I was coming out into this living room here, I looked out the window.
And I was thinking in my mind, oh, it's a sunny day. And blah, blah, blah. Get on with it. Yes, get on with it.
I looked out the window and it looked not quite sunny. And I saw all these leaves blowing in the air. Like twirling in the air.
And just all this wind. And I thought, well, that's a little unusual. I just wasn't, you know. I didn't think I was going to be seeing that.
I was expecting sunshine. And all of a sudden I heard the father say, there is acceleration in the winds.
I really feel like. There's acceleration in the winds. Yeah. I'm just not seeing that.
Okay. All right. Coming back. Let's see. Acceleration in the winds.
And God was showing me, hey, what you're going through right now. Because we're going through a lot right now.
We're moving. We have to be out of this place by tomorrow. And we're going into our permanent house. And like we told you before, we're still praying in the furniture.
We still need a lot of things. In fact, we don't have anything yet. But we know some miracle is coming because it always does.
And I really felt. Yeah, they don't have what they need. But some miracles coming because it always does. Okay. Moving along.
This is Cameron. And he prophesied from his vehicle. I think he's in sunny Southern California.
That looks like Southern California, you know, track housing and palm trees to me.
Let's see what Cameron has to say is happening in the month of April. Thank you, God. Thank you,
God. I can feel his presence. You can. Thank you, Jesus. You feel his presence in your vehicle.
Got it. Maybe you just need to turn the air conditioning on. Good job. I want to share this word.
So, thank you, Jesus. So, Holy Spirit, just rest upon us.
Just let your presence manifest. Thank you, Lord. We receive you.
It's like he's fishing for words or something. Jesus name. So, what happened is, earlier,
I was just in my own time. Yeah. And I was recounting and thinking about the word
God gave me earlier this month about the month of April. Yeah. And while I was thinking about it,
I started to say in my mind, hold on, hold on. And what
I saw was a vision of this roller coaster and people on the roller coaster ride like this.
You know, like when you're on a ride and it's turning and you're just. All right. That was awesome.
You're on a roller coaster ride. Yeah. What God was telling me was, in this season, what has been happening is people have been on a coaster, you know, up and down.
Just certain stuff happening to you in your life. Just up and down and stuff like that.
And so, God was. Up and down and stuff like that. God told you that people have been, you know, like up and down and stuff like that.
Profound, man. Really profound. Me to hold on and to encourage you to hold on, you know, at this particular moment.
Hold on in this season. Hold on this March, you know, and wait until we get to April. Can you hold on seven days, eight days, whatever it is?
Can you just hold on? Because I know things have been twisted. I know things have been convoluted. I know you like wondering why this happened or how did this happen or whatever the situation is.
You know, it seemed like. How did this happen? How did this prophecy happen? And then here and now you just kind of just rolling with the punches.
You're just kind of just going. And God wants you to hold on this season.
Hold on until April. And you say, why? Okay, what's in April? God told me.
What's in April then? I don't know. Let me see if I can figure something out quicker.
Yeah, what's in April? That's Jesus. God told me this about the month of April.
All right. He told me just like I said some days ago or however long earlier in the month. He was like, April is a month of the sons of God.
And he also said that April is a month of direct alignment.
You're right. The sons of God and direct alignment. Right. Yeah.
So it's a month of the sons of God. Our ministries to birth forth. A month of the sons of God. Who are the sons of God?
The sons of God are going to birth forth. Ministry stuff. Got it. Okay. The Bible says that for as many as are led by the spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
That's us. So April was going to be a month for us to come forth. A month for us to begin.
A month for us. How does the us come forth exactly?
If you were to point to a fulfillment of this prophecy, Cameron, you'd say, oh, yeah, this is how.
There's an example of us coming forth. What would the fulfillment of this prophecy look like?
To birth. It's going to be new beginnings. So we're going to birth. That's right.
Get ready to take your prophecy Lamaze class. It's for us. Okay. For as many as are led by his spirit, those of us who belong to him, the sons of God, that month is for us.
And he also said it's a month of direct alignment. So you're going to be put into position. You're going to be put into right position, direct alignment.
So all this convoluted stuff, you know, whatever has been happening, don't even think about that. Don't even trip off it. Don't even know.
Don't even worry about it. Don't even think about it. Don't. Yeah. Moving forward. Yeah. Just finish off this month.
Finish it off. When we get into the next one, God is going to begin to place you in positions and place you in certain circumstances.
And it's going to be directly where he wants you to be. All right. So if you could just hold on until April.
Hold on. And then you're going to see when you get there, that change is coming. Yeah. You're going to see that. Okay. So thank you,
Jesus. That's the word that he wanted me to share. Yeah. It doesn't make any sense at all. In fact, it's quite vague and vacuous.
But that's what Jesus wanted me to know, man. Wow. Yeah. Changed my life.
Okay. Let's check with Reina4321 and her prophecy for April.
I want to show you this week's coloring calendar because there are clues within this coloring calendar for our month of April 2018.
So we've got two mermaids here or sirens if that's what you want to call them.
Yeah. I mean, whatever your personal preference is on those things. Yeah. Which is interesting because there apparently is a
TV show called Sirens that just came out recently. Okay. And the
Holy Spirit told me to color one side light, and I did the green fin and one side gray.
Yeah. To represent light and darkness. Okay. And my son did this side, which represents peace.
And then, of course, there's an anchor here in the middle, and they're pulling the anchor up, and it says,
The End. Wow. Which is very interesting to me. The End. Yeah.
So you bought a coloring book, and you decided to color this page in April.
And this just so happened to be a prophetic coloring page that tells me something that God wants to make clear in the month of April.
So I died a little, I prayed, and so let's pray right now.
No, no, no. So yeah, just call me skeptical, but I'm not into prophetic coloring books.
All right. Let's check in with Marcus Allen, your prophetic coach, and his four things that God is doing for dreamers.
Prophetic word for 2018. Here we go. I have four things that I feel like the
Lord wants to share with you. Yeah. These are the four things I feel like that's been on the rise in this year.
Okay. And the four things I'm going to share with you are the things that I believe you want to pay very close attention to and invest your time and energy into.
Because I believe this is where God is moving, and this is where his hand is on at this moment and at this hour.
Got it. So before we get started, I want you to go ahead and click that like button. It shows your support, and I would really appreciate it.
So if you can click like, that would be awesome. Now let's get into the topic at hand.
Okay. Number one, the first thing that I believe that God is releasing in this hour is creativity.
I've seen so many different conference flyers. Right. So God's releasing creativity.
Okay. Let's go back there. Conference posters about creativity.
And I believe that this is the will of God. So if you're out there and you're sitting on an idea,
I hear the Father's heart is telling you to begin to move on the dreams that God has given you.
Move on him because he's releasing creativity in April. Fear is something that holds us and it keeps us from stepping out.
God -sized dreams should be the type of dreams that scare you. Why? Because God -sized dreams.
Right. Yeah. What size is that? I mean, is that like you got a tall, you got a grande, you got a venti.
Is God -sized higher, bigger than venti -sized dreams? How does that work exactly?
You know that can't nobody do it but God. So God -sized is can't nobody do it size.
Got it. I believe that creativity is on the rise. We've been seeing a lot of prophets talk about it.
This is very creative prophecy. Prophecy, sure, yeah. I want to say that a lot of my creativity has been spiraling.
It's so much that God has been giving me to the point where I can barely keep up. I'm like,
God, I'm so disgruntled. Yeah, he's got so much creativity he's become disgruntled.
All right, last of the prophecy roundup. Yeah, I'm sure
I missed some, but still, there's no way I got a bingo this month. Getting skunked now.
This is four months in a row. Okay, let's check in. Last of the prophetic words for April.
The significance of April. William Koenig telling us how important April is on the
Jim Baker show. This one's a little bit dark, but listen in. April, you talk so much.
April keeps happening over and over again. Right, April keeps happening, folks.
In fact, April is happening right now. In fact, it hasn't even happened for a year, and then all of a sudden
April started happening again. Yeah, I don't know if you noticed that about April.
I hope you're sitting down. May keeps happening, too.
In fact, May is about to happen. Shortly after April, May will start happening.
Teen and 20 throughout history has been a day of infamy. We've had some of our major wars in the
United States that have started on that April 1920 period. Okay, so notice the totally different direction in talking about April that the
Jim Baker show is heading. I mean, April 1920, and those are significant days.
World Wars have started. You're talking about Israel's 70th anniversary as a nation. I mean, there could be a major terrorist attack coming in in April.
And so you're going to note they're selling kind of doom and gloom. Everyone else is talking creativity and breakthrough, and there's going to be a releasing and a shaking.
And then here comes Jim Baker. It's the end of the world. April keeps happening.
Quick, buy some food buckets, would you? When it comes to Israel, the
Roman Empire was established on April 21st. Muhammad was born on April 20th.
No, no, no way. See, Muhammad has a birthday, and you know what that means.
You know, April keeps happening. Hitler was born on April 20th. Hitler and Muhammad, same birthday.
Who knew? Who? Usually. Somebody said who? Really? In many cases, what happens on the
April 1920th date is an indicator of what will happen in the year in advance.
So from April 1920 through the rest of the year, it's an indicator. Right. So, folks, pay close attention to April 1920, because that's a bellwether.
Whatever happens on those two days, the whole rest of the year is going to be like that. The news that was in April 2016 and April 2017 that I documented, it was unbelievable.
It was like a year's worth of news in one month. No way. So what's happening, what's interesting, Doug can acknowledge here, is
Israel's 70th anniversary will be celebrated this year, April 18th, 19th, and 20th.
Wow. For a 70 -hour period. 70 hours of celebrating the 70th year, you know, because April keeps happening, folks.
April keeps happening. The key here is an enemy like Iran would like to disrupt that.
On those dates. Oh, yes. They like to pick the dates. And here's another thing, Jim. Yeah, that probably is a high -probability terrorist attack kind of day, yeah.
Since 2006, the nation that's dominated the news in April, all the way back to 2006, been
Iran. Every year, they're one of the— So, yeah, have you noticed the April -Iran connection yet?
I mean, first time publicly revealed and discussed scientifically and proven beyond a shadow of a doubt,
Jim Baker's television show. News stories of April. Yeah.
So, what is going to happen between now and Israel's 70th anniversary?
I don't know, but things are getting very tense right now with Iran, with Turkey, with Syria, with Russia, inside of Syria, including the
United States. Is the nuclear threat kind of woven in there? It is. The big concern now about the nuclear threat is the fact that Iran is perfecting the missile capability to put all of the
Middle East at risk, and they're getting very close to having Europe at risk, and we're not very far off with an
ICBM. I think they have more than we ever thought. Oh, no doubt about it. All right. So, there you go, folks.
That's our prophecy roundup for this month. Now, again, just a reminder, hashtag prophecy bingo, and we'll take a look at that.
And if any of you are doing prophecy bingo parties or things like that, and you send us some photographs, or if you got bingo this month, because I haven't gotten bingo in four months now, but if you got bingo, let us see your card.
Share with us what's going on, and we'll try to make a point of including that in the next prophecy bingo segment that we do in May.
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God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ, his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.