Daniel 9:24-27



Well good morning. We're going to get started. I'm going to open us up with a word of prayer and then we'll get right into it.
Father God, thank you for today. Thank you for this opportunity once again to dive into your word, which you have blessed us to study, to examine, and to see how it applies to our life,
Lord, and to see how miraculous you are in bringing about that which you have decreed. Father, I pray that you would be with me as I explain a very complex and difficult thing to grasp at times.
So Father, I pray that you would help my words to be clear, my thoughts to be clear, and Father, help the hearers to hear and understand.
In Christ's name, amen. Alright, Daniel, chapter 9.
Read verses 24 through 27. Seventy -seventh have been decreed for you and your people and your holy city to finish the transgression, to make an end to sin, to make atonement for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophet, and to anoint the most holy place.
So you are to know and discern that from the issuing of a decree to restore and rebuild
Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince there will be seven weeks, and 62 weeks it will be built again with plaza and moat even in times of distress.
Then after the 62 weeks, the Messiah will be cut off and have nothing, and the people of the
Prince who is to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary, and its end will come with a flood.
Even to the end there will be war and desolations are determined. And he will make a firm covenant with the many for one week, but in the middle of that week he will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offerings, and on the wing of abominations will come one who makes desolate.
Even until a complete destruction, one that is decreed is poured out on the one who makes desolate."
Okay, last week we went through verse 24 and saw the six things that were accomplished.
So God, right from the beginning, he through Gabriel gives the good news.
This was the good news. Those six things were going to be accomplished. But then, he's now going to give some bad news as he goes through this.
So, if you remember when we started this five or six weeks ago, he was punishing them for 490 years of disobedience.
It was 49 years, was the year of Jubilee. Ten Jubilees they had missed.
You understand? If I start going too fast, as Ms. Jackie said sometimes, I speak too fast.
Tell me to slow down. Alright, because this is important.
Because this number has set the motif for how we understand the next three verses.
So, he punished them 490 years for missing ten
Jubilees every 49 years in the seventh month on the tenth day of the
Day of Atonement. They blew a horn and that was to set the captives free and that started the year of Jubilee.
They didn't do that. So, they put them into captivity for 70 years.
That 70 years would end in restoration and back into the land.
Specifically, rebuild the temple, the city, and inhabit it.
That's what this would have. That's what would take place. Restoration, rebuild the city and everything, but into this, that 70 years was desolations.
So, this is what Daniel had looked forward to. This had been prophesied.
Does anybody remember who had prophesied all of this long before Daniel heard this? And who else?
Isaiah. Isaiah prophesied specifically who was going to set them free.
By name, in chapters 44 and 45, he said it's going to be Cyrus the
Mede of the Median descent that would send them back to rebuild the city, the wall, the whole deal.
It would be him that would send them back. So, when he's reading Jeremiah, like you just said, he understood that this time was near and had taken place.
That brings us to how we're going to understand verses 25 on.
He says, so you are to know and discern that from the issuing of a decree to restore and rebuild
Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince. There will be 7 weeks and 62 weeks.
Now, it needs to be understood in this way. 7, 62.
That will bring us to a total of 69.
Now, I'm going to tell you right off the rip, I don't particularly care for the word weeks.
I said a few weeks ago, a few weeks ago, weeks, weeks, a few weeks ago, that the word is not weeks that's used.
The Hebrew expression there is Shaba 'u Shaba 'im, and it's 77s.
I think the NIV and the New Living Translations, which are not word for word translations, are the only two translations that translate it literally.
And that is, for me, it's just baffling because we use word for word translations as Bible teachers so that we understand how it was translated literally.
It's the only two that do it. And actually, the New Living Translation translates it actually better because it says,
I'm setting to you 70 sets of 7s. That's actually how it is.
There's going to be first set of 7s, 62 set of 7s, there's going to be one set of 7s left set, which would be one, which would lead this to a total of what?
70 7s. Have I lost anybody in the numbers yet? That's not my intent.
I just want you to understand that this, from a dispensational perspective, this stops after here.
And then there's this huge gap, indeterminate gap.
Matter of fact, that gap right now is over 2 ,000 years waiting for Messiah's kingdom.
This, under the dispensational scheme, is a church age.
That means that Daniel's prophecy was not fulfilled in Jesus' first advent.
If this is correct, then when Jesus came, he didn't put an end to transgression, he didn't put an end to sin, he didn't atone for iniquity, he didn't bring in everlasting righteousness, he didn't seal up vision and prophecy, right?
That he didn't do any of those. So, we're going to understand that this was all fulfilled in Jesus' first advent.
He says, from, it says here, know and discern from the issuing of a decree.
The first question has to be, what decree? What was the decree?
There are three decrees that are said to have taken place.
Cyrus, between 5 and 10, and these, you have to give or take a year.
The reason being is because we don't know what time of year it came in. In our case, we know because the dates were kept better.
Cyrus overtook Babylon in 539 to 538.
His reigning year, his accession year and his reigning year are not the same. The year they come to power, overtake that, is not considered their accession year.
So, it would be the first year of the reign of Cyrus, he made that decree. Don't take my word for it, go read
Ezra chapter 1 and 2 Chronicles chapter 36. In the first year of the reign of Cyrus, he gave that decree.
So, that decree came out, if my number is right, it's talking about Cyrus' decree, okay?
There is another. They say it is the decree of Artaxerxes in 458 to 457.
The problem with it saying it's Artaxerxes' decree, and you can look this up in Ezra chapter 7, is when he does tell
Ezra he can go back to Jerusalem, he doesn't tell him he can go back and do what
Cyrus' decree was. Cyrus' decree was go back to the land, you can rebuild the temple, the wall, you can rebuild it all.
You go back, and a matter of fact, when you go, I'm going to give you everything you need to do it. I'm going to give you the money, I'm going to send you with people,
I'm going to send you with everything necessary. A matter of fact, and everybody around you, I'm going to tell them to give you the timber that you need, and when you get there and you get the altar up,
I'm going to tell those people too there to give you all the stuff you need for your sacrifices. That's what
Cyrus did. Well, when Artaxerxes I said, hey, you can go back,
Ezra, had nothing to do with rebuilding the temple, had nothing to do with going back and doing any of that.
Only thing it had to do was that Ezra could go back and do what he had to do.
Teach the law. Teach the law.
That's what Ezra went back to do. Ezra had gotten word that they weren't upholding that which they were told to uphold, so he said, hey, can
I go back? Artaxerxes said, you know what, I'll give you the decree, you go back, do what you need to do. He gave
Ezra some pretty extensive instructions to take with him.
You need to set up how the Lord said to do the temple. You need to set up all the priesthood. You need to set it up just as the
Most High God told you to do it. As a matter of fact, when I send you back and you got people that are disobeying the law of the
Most High, which was given to Moses, I'm going to give you the ability to either banish them from the land or capital punishment.
He said if the Mosaic law says those people are put to death for being disobedient, Artaxerxes, he says, I'm giving the decree to Ezra to be able to do that.
But then, there's another one. Artaxerxes, again, has a second decree, 445 to 444, one of those falls in that range.
Anybody remember who that might have been by chance? And he knows, he talked through the book, men's
Bible study, Nehemiah. Nehemiah was sent back to do what?
Rebuild the wall. That's what he was sent back to do. Now, these two decrees, all they did was go back to the archives and see what had their predecessor had decreed them to do.
So, that means we can rule out this as being the decree, and we can rule this out as being the decree.
So, Cyrus. Cyrus is the one. Cyrus is the one that had been prophesied,
Cyrus is the one who sent him back, and Cyrus is the one who said go back and build it all. Now, there is an argument from the dispensational scheme that Nehemiah was told to build the wall and nobody else was.
That's not accurate. That comes from a clear and only interpretation that comes from the
King James, which says to rebuild the wall, and the word that's used is not wall.
It's been translated wall in the King James. It is not. It is moat, and I bet most everybody in here says moat with the exception of maybe the new
King James and the King James. It's not. The word for wall is not the word that's used there.
The word's used for moat, and if you want to go and look at what Josephus had to say when he wrote
Antiquities in book 11, he says, he has supposedly a copy of that decree, and it says that Cyrus sent them back to go back to build the city, the wall, and have it, and the temple, and all of its surroundings.
So, Cyrus is the one, okay? So, our desert seems not.
Either one of his. Good morning.
So that decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem was from Cyrus until Messiah the
Prince. Now, that would be 62 weeks, or 62 sevenths, okay?
That's what it says. So, you've got the first set of sevenths is to go back, rebuild all of the temple, its surroundings, its altar, everything in it.
That's what it's supposed to do. The 62 weeks said it's supposed to go back and continue to build the city.
Somebody read that. What does it say? Does it say, in time of trouble? What does it say?
In a troubled time. So, I want you to understand so that we can see this playing out consecutively, not with this gigantic gap.
This would have been Cyrus's decree, the first set of sevenths. To go back, rebuild the time, this would go through Zerubbabel, Haggai, Zechariah.
These 62 sevenths is going to be a longer span. This would be the time of Ezra, Nehemiah.
Even, actually, you can back up just a little bit and start it with, in time of Malachi.
And this time would take you on into the time of Alexander the
Great, the
Maccabean Revolt. On through, after that, you would add in time with Heracanus, all of the
Aristobuluses. I'll move this down here because this is important.
And then Herod, the Great, comes on the scene.
What did it say it was? Yours said what? Time of trouble? Yeah, troubled time. Let me tell you.
All you got to do, was you hear what Andy was teaching through on Men's Breakfast? Was the time of Ezra and Nehemiah a time of trouble?
Yeah. What did Nehemiah tell them guys to do when they tried to stop him from building the wall? He said,
I want you to work in one hand, and I want you to hold your sword in another.
When they come get you, we're going to whack them. It says, in a time of troubles, also, who was the two, we know two instigators in this time that tried to keep them from doing that.
Who, you may remember who those people were, right offhand? Sam Ballat and Tobias. Matter of fact, they made a place for Tobias inside the temple.
Nehemiah lost his noodle. He went in there and flipped out on them. He said, if I come back and you do it again,
I'm going to put my hands on you. That's what he told them. Yeah. Time of trouble. Then, you keep going, you get to the time of Alexander the
Great. Alexander the Great had laid siege to Tyre.
How far is Tyre from Jerusalem? Not far. He got to the gates of Jerusalem.
They closed the gates on him. Alexander the Great wasn't happy. He was going to destroy the city.
Judas came out and says, hey, I want you to read this book right here. He handed him the book of Daniel.
He said, God prophesied you that you would come. He spared
Jerusalem because of that. That was a time of trouble. They were going to siege the city. Then, after Alexander the
Great, that was happening, I think, 331. Then, you had the
Maccabean Revolt, which we're going to get to that in chapter 11 with more detail. That happened about another 150 years or so later.
You had the Maccabean Revolt, the Bantanites Epiphanes, where they actually laid waste to the city.
The city was tore to pieces for three years, but they didn't destroy the temple. They had to go back after the
Maccabees had liberated the city and rebuilt it. Then, you had another time of trouble that came around with the time of Hyracanus I and II and Aristobulus I and II.
Now, all of this is not in scripture. This is extra biblical history.
From here to here is extra biblical. You have to go to history to see what had taken place with the
Jewish people. Aristobulus, those guys constantly fighting with the
Seleucid Empire, trying to come in and take over the city again. Some of them would make treaties with the
Seleucid Empire so that they would be spared, and God would send another to punish.
Well, then you had the rise of Herod the Great. We all know who he is, right?
Herod the Great actually laid siege to Jerusalem to overthrow
Antigonus Matthias, who was the last Hasmonean Maccabean ruler of Jerusalem.
We often think that Herod was a kind of a benevolent leader to the
Jewish people. He was not. He was put in place by the Rome, Mark Anthony, who was married to none other than Cleopatra, or mistress
Cleopatra. It was Mark Anthony that put Herod the Great in place.
Hey, man, this time of here, this time from here to the time that Jesus would come on the scene was a time of trouble.
That's the 62. That's the 62 sevens.
First seven, 62 sevens. What's the total? 69.
That leaves how many set of sevens left? One. It says then, this verse 26, then after the 62 sevens, the
Messiah will be cut off and have nothing, and the people of the prince who is to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary.
So after the 62 sevens, there's going to be another.
This is going to be when Jesus comes on the scene. Let me just put Jesus here.
Did Jesus relatively lay under the radar for about 30 years? Yeah, He did.
Yeah, He did. Jesus comes on the scene for the last set of sevens.
The last seven of sevens, right here. Jesus comes on the scene. I take this to start at Jesus' baptism.
This is when Jesus would have been anointed. He would have been the anointing of the most holy, which we saw in last week, going through chapter 20, verse 24.
You would see the Baptist, He has been anointed the most holy. So now we see
Messiah in this time frame, this last seven, Jesus is going to be cut off.
The word for cut off there is korot. If you know anything about Hebrew, that means to be basically sacrificed.
That's the word that was used to sacrifice an animal. So what does it say? It says that the Messiah will be basically sacrificed and He will not be sacrificed.
Does one of your translations say, but not for Himself? Does anybody's translations? Who? It does say that.
What about yours, Andy? But not for yourself. Is that true? Would the
Messiah be crucified and sacrificed for Himself? No, He would be sacrificed for someone else.
Not for something that He did, not for His own doing, but for the sins of the people. It says that He will be cut off and have nothing.
And that's exactly what takes place with Jesus when He comes. Now, I have to do this so that, verse 26, somebody read the first part of it for me.
After three score and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for Himself, and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary.
Okay, it says, and, what does it say, after the, the three, the, what does it say, 60, after the 62?
Messiah will be cut off, right? Yeah. ESV says, and shall have nothing.
Uh, actually, the New Bakers Sanctuary says both. Yeah, shall be cut off and have nothing. That means He's going to be,
He's going to be killed, extinguished. All right, this is Saint 26a.
Keep, uh, read it, keep going, Mike, after it says, uh, He'll be cut off. Yeah, and, uh, cut off, not for Himself, but for the people.
Okay, then the prince shall come and the sanctuary.
Section A is saying what's going to happen to the Messiah. Then B is saying what's going to happen after the
Messiah is cut off. Okay, 27.
Somebody read me the first part of 27. And He shall make a strong covenant with many. Okay, hang on.
Does anybody say confirm a covenant? Does. I'm going to use that because that's actually more accurate, and I'm going to put here, does anybody say prevail?
ESV say prevail? No. No. Make a confirmed covenant, and then keep going.
He shall make a strong covenant with many for one week. Okay. And for half of the week,
He shall put an end to sacrifices. All right, and at the half, what does it say?
You ever say? He will put an end with many for one week, and for half of the week, actually,
He shall put an end to sacrifice and offering. At the, at the half point,
He'll put an end to sacrifice. And then it says on the wing of abomination, don't it says?
You know, the wing of abomination shall come one who makes desolate. And I'm just going to sum this up in desolations.
These two are parallel, and these two are parallel. This is saying
He's going to be cut off, and when the Messiah is cut off, what does He do? He confirms a covenant.
Okay, that's what He does. When Jesus is cut off, what does He do? He then inaugurates a new covenant in His blood.
Jesus said that up in the upper room. This is the blood of the new covenant, which I will shed for many.
Many, code word for who? The elect. This and this are parallel.
Then it says the prince shall come, and it says, and the people of the prince will destroy the city and sanctuary.
This, I'm sorry, this and this are parallels.
It's telling you what's the prince, when the prince comes, what's going to happen? Once He puts an end to sacrifice, what happens to the city?
Once He puts an end to the sacrifice, the sacrifices are done, they're no good, and then He's going to at what some point,
He is going to do what to the city and the sanctuary? He's going to destroy it.
These are parallel to one another. Now, it is under this scheme right here that the vast majority of us in this room
I had only been saved maybe a year and a half, and I had heard some guy talking about this very passage right here, and he says in the middle of one week, he's going to make a covenant.
That's talking about the Antichrist making a covenant with the Jewish people.
I just want you, does any of your Bible say that? It does not say that.
That is the dispensational scheme. That this is not talking about Jesus.
Take my word for it. John MacArthur's Bible says this is not talking about Jesus.
How do you not say this is talking about Jesus? Who is the Messiah?
Who will be cut off? Jesus. Who is the prince of the people?
It's the Messiah. Who will confirm the covenant with the people? Jesus. Who will put an end to sacrifice and in judgment destroy the city?
Jesus will. That's right. Jesus will. Jesus will do that.
Not some future dispensational scheme that sets this gap waiting for Messiah's kingdom to come.
Look, Messiah's kingdom comes on the scene at Jesus's baptism, and what did
Jesus preach? Behold, the kingdom of heaven is at hand. It is here.
It is now. Then when he inaugurates the new and everlasting covenant in his blood, what does he do?
He enacts an everlasting righteousness. What were the six things that it said would happen when
Jesus would come, or when these 70 sevens were over?
He would finish transgression. Did Jesus do that? Yes, he did. Did he make an end to sin?
Yes, he did. Did he make atonement for iniquity? Yes, he did. Did he bring in everlasting righteousness?
Yes, he did. That's called justification by faith alone apart from any work of you, all on the work of the
Messiah. Did he seal up vision and prophecy? Yes, he fulfilled everything.
And was the most holy one, and I'm going to say place, anointed?
Yes, every bit of that took place at the time of Jesus's first advent and the surrounding events.
Now, when you get to, it says in verse 26, it says, and the people of the prince who is to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary.
Who is the people of the prince? That's the question. Who is the people of the prince?
Well, if you just a logical reading of it, who is the people of the prince? The Jews.
Who destroyed the temple from the inside long before Titus got there?
Jews. If you were here during, we talked during the great tribulation, there was a three -way civil war on the temple complex.
I don't know if y 'all have ever seen the temple complex. It's about 35 acres. It's big. That place was an absolute war zone.
You had Simon the Zealot. You had Eleazar, who was also a zealot.
You had John Giskella, who were fighting against one another on the temple complex for nearly three and a half years.
They were slaughtering Jews at will. They were killing one another.
They actually had set the temple on fire from the inside long before Titus got there and said, just knock it down.
Long before that. So we understand that it was the people of the prince who were already destroying the sanctuary.
Who did that? It was the Jews. The Jews had already destroyed the city. Matter of fact, you can read not only, you can read
Tacitus and you could read Josephus and Jewish wars that as when
Titus had gotten back there after they had made Vespasian.
Vespasian was the general that came originally to destroy Jerusalem. Nero killed himself, so he had to go back to be put in place as the
Roman emperor. When he sent his son Titus back, remember, it had been nearly two and a half years, a year and a half of absolute chaos in this city.
There was no siege outside the city anymore. It was just killing one another. When Titus got there and he rode his horse around the wall of the city to see the best place to start chopping down all the trees around Jerusalem, set up a siege ramp to bust through, he raised his hands to heaven.
He wasn't talking to the gods of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and just said, oh, I hope the gods understand that we have not done this to these people.
He looked over the wall and saw the carnage that they had already done to their people.
The city itself had already been laid waste to by the Jews. Now, don't get me wrong. I want you to keep going.
I do have a question about the last seven. Once Titus got there, don't get it wrong.
Titus tumbled every stone down to nothing. He said, leave the western wall as a place for fortification.
At some point, if we decide we want to come back and build our own place like the Atollia garrison again, we can have somewhere to do it.
So leave the western wall. That's the western wall that's still there today, by the way. That's still there. Yes, sir. I was just going to say the last seven.
Yep. And just to make sure, because I'm not, you said begin with Jesus' baptism.
I'm assuming we hadn't got to the half the week. Good. I'm just saying if Jesus' baptism to this death, burial, and resurrection, is that the first three and a half?
That's three and a half. It's cut off in the middle. And then the last three? The last three. Daniel does not address that.
Okay. Hang on. I had that answer. I had that answer.
Okay. I had that answer. Daniel cuts it off in the middle of that week.
That's seven. Because y 'all say weeks. It's really seven. In the middle of that seven. That's right.
It'd be three and a half years. What happened in the middle of that seven? Jesus was killed. Yes. In the middle of that three and a half?
Okay. And the question you're asking is, what happened to that?
That's your question. Well, I was asking, is that the lead -up to 70? Because you just said it was three and a half years of them, of the
Jews killing each other in the temple and everything. Is that, do you think that's when it was? Or am I getting ahead of you? No, I don't.
I don't. Okay. I think this is not, this is, I don't think this is even addressed in Daniel.
The last three and a half is not even addressed. Y 'all do just a plain reading of the text. But we do have a hint later on when you get to chapter 11 and 12 where it brings up the destruction of Jerusalem again.
He is prophesying that. And Daniel asked the questions of when will these things be? What, you know, and God tells him, seal it up.
He says, Daniel, it's none of your business. I mean, he says it in a nice way to Daniel. But he says, it's none of your business, Daniel. Seal it up.
This vision's not for you. Now, where do we see another three and a half, somewhere else, to help us understand when this takes place?
I mean, we do see it towards the time, time, half of times, 1260 days, 42 months.
Where do we see those? We see those in the only section in Revelation, which is chapters 11 through 13.
And I certainly don't have time to do that. But when we get to that, we'll deal with it. Now, for a while, for a good while, okay,
I would say probably close to 10 years,
I held that these three and a half, this is an assumption, opinion, okay?
So if you want to throw something at me, wait, I'll turn the video off so they don't see me get hit. That last three and a half,
I saw that ending with the commission of Paul to go to the
Gentiles. And I'll tell you why.
Because it says that these were dealing with the city and the people. From Jesus's crucifixion to the commission of Paul to go to the
Gentiles was what? Three and a half years. What we know, about three and a half years.
I'm not saying that's right. I'm just saying that's the position that I held. Because then that would close it off.
But I had no biblical, I had no biblical warrant to do that. I'm just going, okay,
Paul comes along, he says, I'm not going to take the gospel to the Jews anymore, because y 'all continually, and it was,
I'm going to go, I'm done with the Jews. And that's basically what he did. He walked out of that synagogue, he dusted the shoes off his feet, and he went on next door and preached the gospel to the
Gentiles. I'm not saying it was right. That was just my conclusion. But the more that I study,
I have to say, okay, where are we seeing another time, time, half a time, 1260 days, 42 months, that would help us understand the time of Jesus, his death, burial, resurrection, exaltation, and enthronement?
Where would I see that? I see that in Revelation chapter 11 through 13.
So I don't have time to get into that. But I can just make sure I think it's the interadvental period. I can explain that when we get to chapter 10, 11, 12, and 13.
Okay. And it says, and at the end, it will destroy the city and the sanctuary, and its end will come with a flood.
This is in verse 26. In the
Old Testament, as they talked about armies coming, and they would surround the city, even if you look in Isaiah, where it talked about the
Assyrians coming and surrounding the city, it says that they were going to overtake it like a flood of water.
Hey, when a flood happens, is it controllable? What's going to happen when the armies come, and they go through Jerusalem?
Are they going to be able to control them? That's actually what's being said.
It will come like a flood. And to the end, there will be war, and desolations are determined.
Then he goes on into 7, and he just basically gives us more information about verse 26.
He will make a firm covenant with the many. That firm covenant with the many is the new and everlasting covenant that is with the elect.
In the middle of that week, he will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offerings. Okay. Did Jesus actually put a stop to the grain offerings and sacrifice?
The Jews would continue to do them, but he put an end to them. Yes. Here's how
I make it easier to understand. We even say this about the destruction of Jerusalem.
Theologically, it took place at crucifixion, which
I'll say is around 30. Okay. Historically, 70
AD. He said, wait a minute, they were still doing sacrifices and all of that.
So what? Who cares? You don't think some pagans were out doing it somewhere else too? They were non -effectual, and I'll even go even, yeah, non -effectual for sure.
I'll even go a step further. Every blood sacrifice that was offered in the temple after Christ came was storing up wrath until this day here.
That was a blasphemous act. Why do you think it's not? It is absolutely absurd for them to build another structure over there in Palestine, erect it, build another altar, and start instituting temple sacrifice to God.
It's because they're ineffective, but they're blasphemous. Any blood sacrifice that goes against the one and only sacrifice provided by Christ is an abomination.
Matter of fact, the book of Hebrews says, if you continue to go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, you have to understand who he was talking to.
The Jews had already been told, look, the once and for all sacrifice has come.
He said that in chapter 9 and chapter 10. He said, you continue to go on sinning willfully after receiving that knowledge of the truth, the only thing that remains for you is a fiery indignation of a wrathful
God that will consume his adversaries. In other words, you keep on doing it, I'm going to knock your lights out, and that is exactly what he did in 70
AD. Exactly. I don't think Schofield's going to come to your
Bible study. Hey, what's funny is Schofield, I have his 19,
I think it's 1919 Bible, and all of his notes were obviously more dispensational because of John Darby and all that, okay?
But I already erased it. He held that it was the 444, 445
Nehemiah decree in his Bible, but later in another book that he wrote, he said,
I have to say, if I'm going to be biblical, I have to say the biblical decree was Cyrus. That changes, like I said,
I don't care how you come to your 69 weeks. I really don't. I mean, can we agree that those six things were accomplished in the 70 and in Jesus' first advent?
Because if they did not, then we're waiting for something else. They would say, the dispensational would say, well, we're waiting on Messiah's kingdom.
You show me anywhere in Daniel, everybody that's been in here, we've been teaching through Daniel, there's been a five kingdom scheme from the beginning, one consecutive after another, one comes around after the next, wipes out the other, there is no gap.
You look at the Colossus, there's no gap between the legs and the feet. No gap.
You get to chapter seven, chapter eight, is there any gap there? No gap.
When you get to here, which is talking about the Nebuchadnezzar's Babylonian has been gone away, he's prophesying within the
Persian empire, we're fixing to see in the next week or so, well, who's going to come and wipe out the Persians? He actually tells us the
Greeks are coming, no gap. Then he says, who's going to come after the Greeks? It's going to be the one who's fierce, who's worse and has teeth like iron and is more beastlike than the others.
He's going to come, he's going to wipe out the Greeks. Who is that? Rome. Then it says that at that time, while that empire is still reigning, there's going to be a stone cut without hands that's going to come out and it's going to shatter all this.
Do you see the gap? There's no gap. Look, we are living in Messiah's kingdom.
Now, is there coming a time when Messiah's kingdom will be consummated and all we will be eradicated and removed from every presence of sin?
Yes, but that is the eternal state. Andy preached on that at our conference, the eternal state, where there's a new heavens, new earth, where there's no more sin.
But until this, we live at the time between the times, which is between his exaltation, enthronement and the consummation of the new heavens and the new earth.
Any questions? Have I confused you enough?
Huh? The bringing in of the new heavens and new earth.
You see a king that's inaugurated. Has his kingdom started? No, it hasn't.
It's just been inaugurated. The policies are not set. We know what those policies will be, but look, there's coming a time when
Jesus is going to remove every bit of evil that wreaks havoc on his people.
Confused? Okay, Andy, you'll close us out. Father again, thank you for your word.
Thank you for the ability to search it out. Persuaded by the thoughts of man.