Spiritual Transition from an Electrician


One of the most difficult things for people when witnessing is the transition from the natural to the spiritual. This is a game we created to help sharpen those skills. This is a fun game to people with adults or youth groups. To play the game, you call out a person and name something for them to transition from and they have to transition from that to either a spiritual conversation or the gospel.


This is the spiritual transition game. The purpose of this game is really to train ourselves to learn to transition from anything that we have in the natural world swing it into a gospel conversation or a a
Spiritual conversation many Christians are fine when it comes to spiritual conversations.
It's the issue of how do you get there? and this game helps us to practice and find ways that we can learn to transition from Things that we talk about in the natural world swing it into the spiritual world.
And so tonight's topic that I've been given is electricians electricians, so How do you transition from?
Electricians to the gospel. Well, this is gonna be my attempt off the top of my head and at the end
I want you to try to think of how you would go about doing that What are you thinking if you had to transition from electricians to the gospel?
One of the things we think of when we think of electricians is we will we think of electricity Now the interesting thing about electricity is you see the effects of it, but you don't actually see it, right?
you you see that you can turn a light switch you turn a switch and immediately the what seems to be immediate is that the light turns on and We see the effect of it, but we can't actually see the electricity itself
You know that reminds me of something else that we have that we can't see but we see the effects all over the place
And that's God see God. We see the effects of him everywhere because he created all of creation.
I Understand some people they don't believe that God exists and that God created the universe
However, when we look at the effects we look at all around us We see his
Handiwork, we see stars now I understand that many people want to think that these stars just exploded from a really really really really really really small compact amount of mass and energy
That exploded into the entire universe that we see Yeah, okay something really small explosion and it creates not chaos but order all over the place
That's never happened before But what have we seen before? Someone that creates something and in that creation of something they create order because they're an orderly being
We see that all over the place. We don't see explosions that create anything more than chaos so right there is one way we could see that there's there's
Someone who created all this order, but there's a sound even more important. It's this we have a consciousness
We have a knowledge of right and wrong. We have a way of knowing when we do something that's morally wrong
That is another work of God. That's that's the something we see as an effect, but we can't really see it
You can't see your conscious but yet, you know that feeling that you have when you do something, you know is wrong
See the conscious that God gives us is so that we would know right from wrong So we would know that we break God's law knowing that we break
God's law We would know we're not in a right standing with him and we need to get in a right standing with him now The question that leads us to is how we know
God exists and we know we're not in a right state with him How do we get in a right state with him? Well, that's where we turn to his word and his word says that the only way to be in a right state with him is
By what he did on the cross 2 ,000 years ago when God himself died in our place and paid the fine for us
So that though we did the crime he did the fine What you need to do is to turn from trusting yourself and your good works turn to trusting
Jesus Christ That's how you can have eternal life. And that's how I would transition from electricians