Special: Sheologians & Apologia Mashup!
Watch thus special edition of Apologia Radio in which we are joined by the crew of Sheologians! We have fun, we laugh, and we engage with the utterly stupid.
- 00:00
- The bonus must stop. I don't want to rock the boat. I want to sink it Are you gonna bark all day
- 00:13
- Delusional is okay in your worldview. I'm an animal. You don't chastise chickens for being delusional You don't chastise pigs for being delusional.
- 00:20
- So you calling me delusional using your worldview is perfectly. Okay, it doesn't really hurt What Desperate times call for faithful men and not for careful men
- 00:36
- The careful men come later and write the biographies of the faithful men lauding them for their courage
- 00:43
- Go into all the world and make disciples not going to the world make buddies not to make brosives
- 00:49
- Right don't go in the world make homies Disciples, I got a bit of a jiggle
- 00:54
- Nick That's a joke master We cannot let somebody say they're speaking truth when they're not
- 01:20
- What's up guys, welcome back to another exciting episode of Apologia radio Apologia studios commas where you go to get more a p o l o g i a studios calm
- 01:31
- That's where you guys can go and you can get the after show you can get apology Academy You can get all kinds of great stuff there including over 300 radio shows podcast episodes
- 01:41
- With some really amazing pastors theologians scholars Scientists all kinds of cultural engagements
- 01:52
- Theological topics up all kinds of stuff So go there Apologia studios comm is where you go also sign up for all access there when you sign up for all access
- 01:59
- You get access to all the additional content that we have tons of apology Academy academies up there now
- 02:05
- And you participate with us in all of our ministry and make everything possible That we're doing all the evangelism all the teaching you see it's made possible because of people just like you sign up for all -access
- 02:16
- So go do it today Apologia studios comm is where you go. I'm Jeff. They call me the ninja. That's Luke the bear
- 02:22
- What uh, what's up? And as you can see we're joined right now live in the studio very exciting times
- 02:28
- We're living in actually, I think we have one way to put it Yeah, that's what we have a summer and joy here from sheologians.
- 02:35
- Welcome ladies. Hello. Hello. Hello Are you guys also partially from this show? Yeah, but I haven't been on I know
- 02:43
- I'm trying to make it sound cooler. I have two things happening here at once technically only have one special guest
- 02:53
- She eloges and good news too is summer now lives back in the zona
- 03:00
- Right during the time of the Rona your dad's on there throwing a fit cuz no one told him about this. Oh Well now he knows now, you know now, you know dad hey dad,
- 03:10
- I'm going on apology radio It's such a cool thing now
- 03:15
- We have your dad. Yeah, pastor James. Dr. White is an elder at Apologia Church and you are a member of Apologia Church You live back here.
- 03:24
- It's just it's it's a lot happening in water. It's like the circle of life It's a weird thing and I was saying while your dad's listening
- 03:33
- That It's surreal such a strange feeling I know your dad probably feels like this that like your kids are here today
- 03:40
- Uh -huh, and I love them so much. Yeah, and Jenny, I think loves me. She loves so much so bad and so bad
- 03:50
- I felt so bad the other day because we had the rule of no touching And she came up like ready to hug me and I was like,
- 03:55
- I'm so sorry I know I would love to crush your little body right now, but I cannot But but Clementine, it's so weird because I knew you when you were tiny right when you're small when that tiny but small
- 04:08
- Yeah, and it's you. I know it's it's summer part. Do Summer yeah, she's me not even just in how like they look but no so she like She has this little cabinet that she is so tiny
- 04:24
- She fits in it and she like goes in there and writes poems And so she's seven and it's already like it's already happening.
- 04:34
- Oh, that's already happening and My parents had to deal with that too. And I think they love seeing it come full circle full circle
- 04:42
- Like how's that a little justice? Yeah, there's justice in that for my parents. So yeah, so we today are gonna do a lot of things
- 04:50
- We are going to dissect an article. That was I think the official way to say it is on George Soros's It's his
- 04:59
- Organization. Yeah, yes one. Yeah, which one which one? It is open democracy open the gates and let everything in a lot of dotnet unleash the demons
- 05:19
- He looks like he looks like Palpatine but older Doesn't anything with like the word society in it make it kind of seem like a little like witchy
- 05:35
- Yes, yeah, like open society the society. Mm -hmm Yeah, it's a good point.
- 05:41
- Yeah, it's everything about the man is nefarious His worldview is scary.
- 05:46
- Scary scary so we're gonna talk about a really stupid article on that website and somehow connected to Soros We're gonna actually talk about some current events stuff
- 05:59
- I guess we should maybe good to start with this So another 6 .6
- 06:04
- million Americans lost their job last week according to NBC news .com another 6 .6
- 06:10
- million Americans lost their job last week. I would say there's no real way for them to gauge that maybe that's people who went in for Their benefits possibly that they can't actually get because the systems are crashing
- 06:23
- So many people are crashing and burning financially right now I know in a way it was almost a favor to you if your employer let you go like at the beginning right because then you actually had time to like File for unemployment and like have access to some of the stuff.
- 06:39
- Yeah, because then you know the people who Got to stick around for a few weeks aren't having a hard time getting getting any.
- 06:47
- Yeah Yeah, and I saw I remember the day that that Las Vegas shut down the strip just laid everybody off and went dark
- 06:53
- No, it was fun There were families just like walking up and down it cuz it's like the first time you like you could take kids
- 06:58
- You could take kids down Nothing to see still smell like marijuana. I'm sure that did but it was super eerie.
- 07:04
- It was weird Yeah, last two times we stopped there on long trips to stay the night.
- 07:10
- I think I got a contact high Uh -huh, just because you can't walk down the street. You can't walk anymore to Vegas now without Smells like weed.
- 07:18
- Yes All right, also there was a police
- 07:25
- Raid at a church's drive -in service issue 500 tickets to entire congregation really hot stars calm
- 07:33
- This is a drive -in service. They were abiding by like Saying the six feet.
- 07:38
- This isn't about social distance. No, no, that's not about social distancing. No, that's about power Money authority tyranny,
- 07:44
- I mean, I'm in my car. Can I drive down the road? Yes, please is the crown. Yes We saw
- 07:53
- Jerry Jerry works for Costco and Jerry was given the official letter from Costco that gave permission to the crown that he's an essential worker and he's allowed to be out and about and I thought whoever would have thought like in America you'd be
- 08:05
- Saying do you have your papers? Papers and it happened in a flash. Yeah, like it happened overnight so fast so fast.
- 08:12
- So so fast. It's crazy Yeah, so a lot's happening around the world right now with the Rona and I think that a good theme song
- 08:20
- I did I think this is a great theme song. Oh boy. You can't really do better than this theme song for the
- 08:25
- Rona I think you'll agree. I don't really think you guys Have you seen the video though Yeah It's the best it's not the best.
- 08:43
- It's the worst. It's the best totally 70s That's it's the worst.
- 08:49
- Yes. It's funny. You're saying this because I was I had this playing in the car the other day It's like my theme song for It's great what happens when you tip over 40 it's it's hey
- 09:01
- This isn't even my I was born in 78. So I wasn't like getting down to this and in 78
- 09:07
- But my but now Stella looked over at the video he was I am Over the video and he was like that video looks really old
- 09:16
- But this was like this is like seriously like they just like popped out the window Yeah, just like popping out like weird like warehouses and stuff in their weird pants.
- 09:24
- I was watching it like is this What is happening right? I don't understand the 70s. I don't get it.
- 09:30
- Well Did you see there was a somebody made, you know, like the like no
- 09:37
- Album 99 or whatever they had the like Corona now album and like that was one of the songs it was it was epic
- 09:43
- It was like all these songs that were like amazing for right the Corona nonsense Our kids are gonna be able to say remember that time.
- 09:50
- Oh, yeah I'm totally telling my kids that maybe I got that from my dad but like anytime anything was happening my dad would be like Stop, you're gonna remember this for the rest of your life and like I don't remember all of those things
- 10:01
- But I remember him telling me that but now I'm doing that to my kids I'm like you guys listen, you're gonna tell your kids about the time that you were quarantined and all this stuff was happening
- 10:09
- I know I'm in full circle. You can't stop the circle of life. Yeah. Yeah, I keep wanting to sing that song So there's another there's another song
- 10:18
- Okay Before before you get that did you do you remember it when we were in?
- 10:27
- Northern Ireland we were going to speak at that church and then we stopped at this gas station They had like the this is now
- 10:33
- CD at the gas station, but it was like 2008 We were we just moved and so I found like a stack of CDs that I had and my kids were like What is that technology
- 10:59
- Like wow, I mean for us CDs were like the thing like that was how you really remember when it started coming out with like I would like right
- 11:22
- I would write around in a circle in my driveway and on my Razor scooter But what if it when it like slid
- 11:31
- I don't know out of your pocket or like down to the ground and it just would Never ever be the same. Yeah Yeah, I actually do remember
- 11:40
- I think I'm older than everyone on this table I'm older than everyone on this table.
- 11:45
- So I do remember actually early on Jeff I mean, there is a picture of Calvin over there. Yeah, don't feel too bad I remember actually playing 8 -tracks
- 11:59
- I've never seen tapes were are like yeah cassette tapes were when we were little
- 12:05
- Yeah, and then like the CD transition happened. I actually remember two things.
- 12:10
- I remember the 8 -track And I also remember the laser discs Yep Like if you went into someone's house and their family had a laser dick disc movie player
- 12:20
- It was a laser one. That was like This big it was bigger than a record even like it was laser
- 12:31
- It was like a DVD it was like the DVD of the record of the 80s. Yeah It was a huge DVD Basically, yeah
- 12:43
- DVD player in 2001 and that was like we've arrived. Yeah He was holding out.
- 12:49
- Yeah, I know that was the earliest we could afford one And it was guys you need to start giving to Orgs where you go and you give
- 13:02
- You do it affects things All right, so I wanted to show you guys this speaking of the
- 13:10
- Rona and Current events. I'm sure you guys have probably seen this but for those of you guys that haven't because you've been on quarantine
- 13:16
- Maybe you're also stopping yourself from watching things which might be wise in some cases Pastor Kenneth Copeland claims.
- 13:23
- He can blow virus coronavirus away And yeah, well, is that like a finger speech?
- 13:29
- We just put pastor in quotes Well, you know, that's what we mean an apology pastor yeah, this guy's a charlatan of the highest caliber and He's got he's got a master's degree in in charlatan re charlotte's charlotte's hannery
- 13:46
- Charlotte North Carolina and this one's interesting because this guy fleeces especially old
- 13:53
- Professing Christians he fleeces them a lot and now his entire congregation is gone and I imagine it's a lot of old people and Boy, he's he's sweating bullets
- 14:03
- I think and so he has like himself and like four or five other dudes in here and I'll just let you see it
- 14:09
- So just enjoy the show South wind heat
- 14:25
- Burn this thing Burn this thing In the name of Jesus In the name of Jesus Say that you bow your knees
- 14:34
- Say that you bow your knees You fall on your face Real fast just want to say he looks like a snake and a turkey had a baby
- 14:43
- Laughter I mean
- 14:49
- I see the snake The snake eyes, he's got the little turkey dangle He's got the little jiggle
- 14:55
- He's out Thank you We're returning to the regular and he grows like a badger
- 15:07
- Okay, so the best part the best part is up and coming Oh Now the part that gets me is, you know
- 15:36
- Even the dudes are around him who are like doing this weird chance thing. Yeah at that part, you know for a second they were like That too.
- 15:44
- That's yeah, right Am I gonna say that responding quickly though? like they did pretty quick is like, you know, the reaction to his comments is one thing but They were like It's not like he just like Powerfully like blew away.
- 16:00
- He's like the kid that like spits on the birthday cake I mean he definitely He's the kid who spits on the birthday cake
- 16:06
- He definitely spread COVID -19 Oh yeah, I know He was blowing moistly
- 16:12
- In all reality he should have It was very wet Yeah COVID How many people are with him like four or five it's an empty empty stadium
- 16:24
- I think there's one guy in the audience. Are they like layering his or is it an echo? What's that?
- 16:30
- Are they layering because it sounds like multiple people. Yeah Yeah, I just was wondering if they like layered it to make it seem like they were more.
- 16:37
- No, no, I think it's echo No, it's it might be echo. Yeah. Yeah, cuz there's not as many bodies to take advantage of as normal But this is
- 16:46
- I think an even better representation of a little bit of theme song We'll all hear this like when we're like 90.
- 16:51
- We're like, that's my time. That's my beat. That was the Rona Rona 2020 Someone took the time to do this
- 17:33
- Well, they had the time to do this And I'm happy for our teams Thank you. They even worked in the creepy people under the bridge that always dance to the
- 17:45
- Christmas song What are you talking about? Oh, you didn't see the video You know, what's the dance to the
- 17:51
- Christmas song? The people under the bridge Oh, the techno weirdos are all dressed weird under the bridge.
- 17:58
- There's a video Is this a genre I've missed out on? The people under bridges dancing? You don't know it?
- 18:05
- I don't know it Have you seen the video to Mariah Carey's All I Want For Christmas They're all like raving
- 18:17
- Okay Like that for me is my favorite Christmas video
- 18:23
- It's perfect That is a perfect Christmas video They worked them into that Alright, so everyone who's watching right now know we are going to get into some seriously illogical discussions but we
- 18:34
- This is our favorite thing to do So we're just going to talk for a minute Just so you guys can hang out and enjoy yourselves
- 18:39
- You're going to learn things possibly in this moment So before we get into Oh man,
- 18:44
- I have so much I want to show you all Alright, so hold on We need some laughs Can I just do this because you'll laugh at this
- 18:51
- This is Luke's favorite thing right now Luke has sent me more GIFs about this in the history of our friendship
- 18:57
- Wow, I'm excited And he loves this Luke dreams about this
- 19:05
- He dreams in China He dreams in it I'm confident I love it
- 19:13
- Have you seen this? Have you seen this?
- 19:20
- Have you seen this? Have you seen this? Why do you keep using this? A lot of people say it's racist
- 19:27
- It's not racist at all It comes from China It comes from China It comes from China Yes, I have seen that He's doing that on purpose, he has to be
- 19:38
- Have you seen the memes and stuff from it? No, I haven't Just send me a bunch
- 19:44
- I bet when he wakes up in the morning he goes I bet I can make people
- 19:51
- GIF meme, pay attention to just one stupid thing I do
- 19:57
- I'm just going to say China weird today And just see what the people do I'm going to put a lot of lip into this one
- 20:04
- China Can I get duck lips into China? I can, watch me He's like, hold my beer, bro
- 20:11
- Diet Coke, he drinks a lot of Diet Coke I heard he drinks like 12 Diet Cokes a day 12?
- 20:17
- Like 12 a day Yeah, for lunch he has like 3 cheeseburgers
- 20:22
- Yeah, on BuzzFeed They basically, they did Donald Trump's diet And so in the morning Yeah, it's great
- 20:29
- It's like, it's on his nose On BuzzFeed they did Go watch this guys, it's funny, they actually eat his diet
- 20:35
- It's like an egg McMuffin for breakfast with a Diet Coke with a straw And then it's like 3
- 20:41
- Big Macs but no bread And he has to eat it with a pork And then for dinner Oh, for snacks he has like Vienna Sausages?
- 20:49
- No, sandwich things What? They're called like Vienna Ladyfingers Like Vienna sausages
- 20:59
- For dinner? No, for like a morning snack Oh, Ladyfingers And then he has
- 21:07
- For dinner he has like a burnt up steak He only will have a steak well done It's burnt up It's burnt up It covers it in ketchup
- 21:16
- I think Which is so weird because you know that man has the money to have some good steaks And he goes to fancy restaurants
- 21:23
- And I bet you they're like You are out of your mind Cause he goes to fancy restaurants and he's like He probably owns fancy restaurants
- 21:32
- Yeah, he does And they burn the steak for him Which is, I mean you ruin the whole thing Well he obviously has no taste buds
- 21:38
- Is he like a smoker or something? He's not Obama Just cause like if you ate
- 21:45
- McDonald's only For all day And then you put ketchup On a steak
- 21:51
- That you needed to be burned How is he still alive though? Because if I did that I wouldn't last another two years
- 21:59
- Diet Coke's all day Someone would make a documentary about it But somehow he's fine
- 22:05
- Diet Coke all day That stuff is poison It is gross I remember
- 22:10
- Marcus I'm talking to you Marcus He was like I'm a vegetarian All he would eat was like potatoes
- 22:18
- Potato chips Cookies And then he would just drink Diet Coke And I was like why are you doing this to your body?
- 22:25
- How are you living today? I don't understand that I have told this story a lot We went to Albeck one time You were there
- 22:30
- I think And he literally ordered Every type of potato on the menu
- 22:36
- There's five different types of potatoes Like baked potato Fries Mashed potato
- 22:45
- French fries Potatoes all rotten He got married
- 22:50
- Laura takes care of him She takes good care of him Doesn't have to be a carpentarian Thank you Laura Fish and chips
- 22:58
- Chips, more chips That's the power of women right there We keep the men's going You cannot eat potatoes all day
- 23:05
- I think the article Not like that One of my new favorite things
- 23:16
- It happened yesterday You have got to see The recent dividing lines
- 23:22
- With Dr. White Where he is reviewing the Flowers Wilson interview It is just such an amazing
- 23:30
- Just interesting All kinds of things that are interesting That your dad gets into And sort of examines and unpacks
- 23:36
- And applies the word of God to But this one in particular I'm fascinated It's like watching a train wreck
- 23:44
- It's really really bad But your dad I was driving home yesterday I have it playing next to me
- 23:50
- And so I'm listening to the DL on the way home And then this happens And I almost drove the car off the road
- 23:55
- I had to pull over just to text the guys On our elder thread Just to say, here's a link, everybody listen
- 24:03
- Poop What's it going to be? You'll see right now And you know what one of their
- 24:15
- You know what one of their primary Religious Duties and accomplishments
- 24:21
- He said duties As the elect Was, due to the
- 24:26
- Manichaean worldview Producing excrement What?
- 24:33
- Yeah So they had very strict dietary laws And there were certain
- 24:38
- Aspects of food That by eating certain things They were purifying the world
- 24:44
- By going poopo And this is paralleled With the elect He can't take it
- 24:53
- He's just He doesn't know what to do with his hands I have to watch this now
- 24:59
- I didn't make it up I haven't seen the video He's having He's losing it
- 25:08
- Bye bye So Cause he has to talk about it
- 25:13
- But how do you talk about it without talking about it And then not laughing about it And it's I feel like my kids made up this religion
- 25:20
- I really just want to hear The part where he says it one more time I just got I got past it
- 25:28
- I'm sorry Yeah So one more thing If you watch that video you'll see
- 25:36
- You'll see the moment where Dr. James White lost it I lost the whole thing there But it's in the last episode of the dividing line
- 25:44
- Flowers Whatever The title is Elders Something examining
- 25:53
- My dad's DL titles are like Puritan titles I know It's like you need clickable
- 26:01
- You have to look for the date On those not the title And so I wanted to play this
- 26:06
- For anybody who didn't see I know your dad had such a good time with this And he was so excited to do this So there was an apologetics
- 26:12
- Apologist competition over 200 Apologists were entered and there was this Voting situation
- 26:18
- It's what you do during quarantine You do stuff like this And whittled it all the way down And I think the final results were
- 26:25
- Ravi was first, your dad was second I was third which is weird You're not even on the
- 26:30
- Twitters I know I'm not even on Twitter Anyway so your dad was so excited
- 26:36
- To do this video It's the best video You guys really nailed it So unless you guys see the video
- 26:42
- This is what we did because we were going head to head Against each other which doesn't make any sense I felt like I didn't want to say it during the time
- 26:48
- But I was like has everybody lost their minds I'm not even in the same Category or league
- 26:54
- It makes literally no sense It's like when Shielogens went up against the dividing line We were like It's been a great game
- 27:02
- I am so happy to take second place to that Like that's fine Alright it's cool It's all yours
- 27:09
- And then Ravi of course He ended up getting over the top The last few hours
- 27:14
- Dr. Brown I'm very disappointed He's like my second
- 27:21
- He's like a grandpa to me No comment Here's the video we did just for fun
- 27:29
- These are the things you do during quarantine Check Huh What But you taught me
- 27:53
- Well I ain't Dead yet It won't be long
- 28:00
- The question is Do you have a chin Three debates 174
- 28:12
- Debates If I hit your face I win If I stick it in your beard
- 28:23
- I win Really Alright you win
- 28:45
- Ninja I told you Really James You're taking this too seriously
- 29:07
- So there was a little behind A little behind the scenes On that is your dad Actually brought that sword that day 100 %
- 29:15
- He brought the sword, brought the gun He was so excited to do that section This is the one thing
- 29:21
- And I didn't say this to James Oh he's about to find out I was trying to be very humble
- 29:29
- So he hands me the sword I open it up Now mind you I've been doing martial arts my whole life I've taught shin kendo and sword fighting
- 29:35
- With real swords All that stuff And I pull it out and your dad goes
- 29:40
- Now be really careful with that It's sharp I was like That'd be like me walking into his office
- 29:48
- And opening up some ancient record Or some book Something only he could decipher
- 29:54
- And going now be careful Make sure you do this correctly He'd be like don't say that to me
- 30:00
- I've been reading this before you were born Did he get that sword out of his knife drawer? Your dad loves knives
- 30:06
- He loves knives I always have a new knife Oh he gives them to you too
- 30:12
- That's like his gift Here I love you I don't mind
- 30:17
- I'm not complaining I love it That's a definite sign of his love and affection Is if he's gifted you a weapon
- 30:24
- That's his love language The first time he gave them to us he was like Oh I was looking in my knife drawer today And then he starts talking
- 30:31
- And I was like whoa time out Did you say your knife drawer? He's like oh yeah I have a knife drawer It's not kitchen knives
- 30:39
- No it's just before he leaves the house He picks a knife for the day As one would like some jewelry
- 30:45
- He's like oh which knife am I bringing today That matches my outfit Where does
- 30:51
- Like just logically speaking Where is the knife drawer Is it probably above his underwear drawer
- 30:56
- I am not allowed to divulge All the many places you can find weaponry in my dad's house But there are many places
- 31:02
- You can find both Necklaces, bracelets, knives And assorted artillery
- 31:08
- Oh wow It's above a family photo There's like a gun back there I'm not saying any of that Oh it's true
- 31:18
- My grandparents had like candy drawers Whoa my dad has a chocolate drawer Chocolate, knives
- 31:27
- Firearms Did we talk about when we were in Salt Lake City We were doing the Mormon Easter No no whatever time we were there
- 31:34
- Not Easter it was last round winter Whatever that one is called The winter time
- 31:41
- But it's not technically winter It was the fall My brain is not working right now So we were there and we're all staying in Polygamy Palace What did you say
- 31:51
- Nothing Sir nothing We're all staying in Polygamy Palace Which if you guys don't know what that is
- 31:58
- There's plenty of homes Around about the Salt Lake area
- 32:03
- That you're like why are there actually Three houses in one Why are there three kitchens in this house
- 32:09
- And why are there 29 beds Y 'all ain't watching Sister Webs Interesting this is a very large house
- 32:16
- It's magnificent there's a lot of children That were here and possibly More than one wife So we have all the food
- 32:25
- Everyone's brought in for us to eat During that week and I don't know how many Times I saw your dad he was eating
- 32:31
- Crackers with butter Like we had all this Food to eat and he was eating crackers and butter
- 32:37
- Every night I was like are you eating anything else It was like crackers and butter He had some strange requests like cashews
- 32:44
- His little workout bars Quest bars Quest bars are delicious
- 32:50
- Quest bars bread and crackers So my whole life before I went to bed at night I would go out to the kitchen
- 32:56
- To say goodnight to my dad because he was Standing in the kitchen putting butter on Saltines That's what he was doing every night
- 33:04
- How was he still alive It's that generation There was something about That generation
- 33:12
- They've got something in their DNA That resists diet coke At obscene levels
- 33:17
- That resists whole buckets of butter A day Or for the first 30 years of their life
- 33:23
- They actually ate much better quality food than us And now they've given up They're alright
- 33:29
- He also every day Had white and delight some taco time Every day
- 33:35
- When you're around taco time he can't resist You can't expect that It got to the point where I was like Did you have taco time
- 33:43
- Just so you know While he's eating the taco time And the butter and the crackers He's calculating exactly how many kilometers
- 33:50
- He has to ride to balance it out Unlike the rest of us He's eating butter and saltines every night
- 33:58
- But also he knows exactly how many kilometers Are going to pay for that I am confident
- 34:03
- That in heaven one day In the rewards section Of heaven It's kind of like a knife drawer
- 34:11
- The rewards section The lord is going to be like To your dad and here is all your labor
- 34:18
- All your fighting All your putting up with stuff Here's this amazing little house And then literally next door is going to be a taco time
- 34:27
- He'll have a saltine room Maybe he'll He might live in a taco time
- 34:32
- That's his kitchen Taco time kitchen With just drawers of knives
- 34:37
- Yes They're all turquoise They're all shades of turquoise
- 34:43
- Light turquoise Medium turquoise Do you think the lord is going to get an entire wardrobe
- 34:49
- Full of kooji sweaters It'll be kooji sweaters And they're all ones that Jesus picked out
- 34:54
- They're going to be the best koojis you've ever seen I know and he really does That these are the best for you
- 35:01
- His bed will be made of kooji He'll have a kooji bed Alright Question time
- 35:08
- Here we go I'm not sure It doesn't matter which direction Just spit it out
- 35:16
- Don't do that Not like Copeland Don't do that Seriously don't
- 35:26
- Like ever Don't do that Your own personal opinion If you could say to somebody in the world
- 35:32
- Don't do that Like things that annoy you Don't do that Don't do what
- 35:38
- Kenneth Copeland did in that video Don't refer to a single psalm as Psalms 31
- 35:45
- It's Psalm 31 Jeremiah Roberts It's not Psalms 31
- 35:51
- Or Revelations Revelations chapter 10 When I see solid pastors say everyone turn to Revelations 10
- 35:57
- I'm like Don't do that like ever One of mine for sure
- 36:03
- I don't know if I have one We talked about it recently I do have one I just forget a lot of things
- 36:11
- That I think I think for sure I'll remember that But no I don't I can tell you and the
- 36:18
- Sheila audience knows this Don't ever Buy Little Tiny water bottles
- 36:26
- They're the stupidest thing on the planet It's so rude Cause then you just end up drinking 25 of them
- 36:33
- It's not cheaper Let me remind you that you're thirsty Or the little sodas What does this do
- 36:38
- I need 5 now No one needs any of those It's kind of like the last episode of Better Call Saul No don't do that I thought
- 36:49
- Jeff I heard him in the other room and I was like No I hadn't seen it yet Well when you see it
- 36:57
- You'll see what I'm talking about in terms of little water Little water So I was just saying before we started
- 37:03
- One of the things that really really gets To me it's like fighting words It's where you start to take everything off Alright let's go outside It's where someone says to you
- 37:12
- Hey newsflash And then they proceed to tell you It's so rude
- 37:17
- If you say newsflash It's such Well because no one's ever legitimately giving you
- 37:23
- Like a news update It's just condescending Like even if someone says newsflash tomorrow's voting day
- 37:29
- They're not just like hey just reminding you Hey guys newsflash newsflash No it's not like that Newsflash Are you gonna vote tomorrow
- 37:38
- Just say no Do you even live You'll know what don't do that What I seriously don't like ever
- 37:45
- Is don't ever message me and say hey Jeff newsflash Such and such Or don't ever send me a thumbs up You know how that works here at Apologia It's a thing here at Apologia Isaac listen to this
- 37:57
- If you send a thumb We see that as very offensive Hand gesture Especially I had somebody recently
- 38:04
- Ask me to be on their show I was like I think I could do that And then they sent the ginormous thumb
- 38:10
- And I was like nevermind I can't I'm not free actually Actually I've reconsidered
- 38:16
- And I don't do shows With people like you I'm just joking I hate the and go
- 38:22
- Like people are like I need a recommendation for this and go And I'm just like you're so bossy Why are you telling me to go
- 38:29
- Like stop it Who are you I hate that That guarantees that I will not go
- 38:38
- If you did that I'm not going I was going to say I was typing it And I erased it I was almost going
- 38:45
- But now I can't Because you did that Joy you're being asked if Todd Friel is your dad
- 38:52
- Todd Friel Not today So don't do that seriously Don't like ever
- 39:00
- Let's see here What's the worst injury You've ever experienced Oh that I've actually experienced
- 39:06
- What's your favorite injury Those are two different questions The worst is when I tore my back
- 39:12
- Making that stupid next week's But is that your favorite Because that's a different question That was my worst
- 39:19
- We'll do it in two What's your favorite and what's your worst Favorite? Tore my
- 39:25
- MCL My MCL tore in a car accident Is it your favorite
- 39:30
- It's not my favorite I don't have a favorite injury Would a tattoo count That's not an injury
- 39:37
- That's what I mean Whatever I have a favorite injury
- 39:44
- My shin came out of my leg once Why Favorite and shin
- 39:50
- Because it was when I think reflect That was really an amazing experience In Japan you don't really wear the gear
- 39:56
- That you normally wear in the US You didn't You could wear shin pads
- 40:01
- But if you wore shin pads it helped the guy you were fighting Because it didn't hurt him as bad So you didn't wear shin pads
- 40:07
- So are you about to tell me that you broke your shin From shin to shin contact We balled through roundhouse kicks
- 40:13
- Hard as we could We jumped back though And nailed We fell down He pulls his pant leg up And it's just purple
- 40:23
- And he's like oh I look down and there's blood streaming out of my pants And I tried to pull my gi
- 40:29
- But it was snagging on something No So I had to lift it up over And there's a piece of bone
- 40:37
- Sticking out That's my favorite How old were you 12, 13
- 40:44
- There's something you don't know This reminds me of it You guys know this
- 40:50
- But sometimes when Jeff sits At a table or a bench He sits like a cat He perches
- 40:59
- So Clementine Has started to sit like that in her chair So we're always like hey Jeff Can you sit
- 41:07
- How do you do that When you did that to your shin I grew up in Japan And that's how you would sit in a circle
- 41:14
- Whatever It feels totally normal to me I don't even think about it
- 41:19
- I've tried it And my knees feel like they're going to explode It's generally a sign of being in good shape
- 41:27
- Well that's good to know I'm glad to hear that Being healthy and in good shape physically
- 41:32
- If you can like Squat down like that That's how Jeff sits
- 41:37
- Jeff sits like that As a matter of fact When we're not recording the show
- 41:42
- I'll generally be sitting like that It just feels good I think you look like a cat
- 41:48
- So that's how I've always been like I've tried to explain it to people He sits like a cat My wife hates it so she'll yell at me
- 41:56
- Because I'll be at the dinner table like that And my son will, Stellar does too And she's like hey sit down I'm like I am sitting down In our culture it means
- 42:04
- That you're getting ready to like Leave You're not really sitting
- 42:12
- Okay but I don't think you gave yours yet Did you give yours? I gave my worst one when I tore that muscle That was it?
- 42:19
- Do you have a favorite one? I don't know how you have a favorite injury Worst favorite?
- 42:25
- I guess my worst injury Was when I Have a scar in my eyebrow
- 42:32
- But that was my worst one Just because I hate that it Messed up my eyebrow They're not really twins
- 42:40
- They're sisters not twins So But for a girl that's important I never even noticed
- 42:50
- It really wasn't like the worst thing I'm not shallow like that You're just a guy
- 42:56
- That's the only reason you've never noticed I didn't notice Plus you have your glasses you don't really see it
- 43:01
- But the worst one I mean I had like a prolonged injury Where Like my parents thought
- 43:07
- I had growing pains But I actually had This chronic shoulder injury where My joint lining breaks off And calcifies like in the cavity
- 43:17
- And so But because it's nerves It's all kind of displaced pain
- 43:22
- Like it hurts down here not like up here So it was hard it took like a really long time To get diagnosed with and then
- 43:28
- They went in and they look like Little teeth The first time they
- 43:33
- What do you get my thing for? I got my pant leg And you're like I got little teeth inside my bone
- 43:39
- They're not teeth It's a little mouth in there He opened it up and it was like They winked at him
- 43:47
- He opened it up there's a little man in there They do look like teeth It's been me the whole time
- 43:56
- But yeah I think I had that for like I don't know like three years And then I had to have two surgeries
- 44:01
- Oh man they opened you up There's like a little team of guys with jackhammers And I'm like hang on The first time there was like over a hundred teeth
- 44:09
- In there Don't say that that's disgusting I could say they also look like They looked like white corn
- 44:16
- Joy you are not Nightmare fuel that's nightmare fuel I looked at them
- 44:23
- I saw them in a jar I saw them in a jar They were right next to my bed
- 44:29
- When I woke up Did you keep them? No I wasn't allowed You could turn them into a rattle
- 44:34
- It's no big deal it was just little white corn danglies In my shoulder You could turn them into like a musical instrument
- 44:41
- A little maraca action Doctor comes in yeah well we did we went in We opened you up it was smooth surgery
- 44:47
- And then we shaved off a lot of white corn From inside your shoulder What the heck
- 44:53
- No no no it was more like you had teeth Inside your shoulder I'm sorry
- 44:59
- No one expected that this is where this was going to go Joy took it to like an unexpected place But is it your favorite
- 45:04
- I guess that was the most interesting It taught me a lot about That's a word for it
- 45:11
- Wow wow wow Alright so Most embarrassing moment
- 45:17
- Most embarrassing I can't say it No you can't
- 45:23
- Do you have one that's like Let's just say it involved Poopoo That needs to be
- 45:30
- When I was a kid I was going to say it has to be a sound bite for the show From now on You gotta clip that Welcome to Apology Radio This show is not poop it
- 45:45
- You don't even have to clip it Just have him come in and say it He couldn't redo it though He can't do that twice
- 45:52
- It was so cathartic So no one's going to talk about most embarrassing moment I don't think
- 45:57
- I have I have one but I actually can't talk about it I only ever remember my most embarrassing moments
- 46:02
- As I'm about to go to bed When I'm falling asleep I think I relive those moments But then when asked to produce one
- 46:10
- I just can't think of any I had to play the piano in church once I was like 10 or 11
- 46:16
- And halfway through the song I just like it disappeared It exited my brain entirely
- 46:23
- Everything I was supposed to do with my fingers Were you mumbling? Gone I just went blank
- 46:30
- And then everyone's still singing And I was just sitting at the piano I don't know how to play piano all of a sudden
- 46:36
- I don't know what I do She's just like She's looking at the crowd
- 46:44
- And there were four verses in the song And that was after the first one So I just like Got up and left
- 46:51
- Did you do this? You can't pretend to play piano If you don't press
- 47:00
- Then it's obvious that there's no noise coming If you do press It's all obviously wrong
- 47:06
- That's where everyone's like Hey guys news flash I'm nervous This was a hymn
- 47:13
- I knew I could play it with my eyes closed I could play it backwards and forwards And to this day
- 47:20
- I don't remember a single note That hymn left me Forever That's called trauma
- 47:27
- That is trauma It is legitimately trauma It wasn't long after that that I stopped taking lessons
- 47:33
- I was like I'm out I'm done Don't put me in that situation ever again
- 47:38
- I'm never learning something and then forgetting it In front of everybody I haven't learned anything since Don't put me in that situation again
- 47:47
- What did your dad after that go to you? Hey you're going to remember this Thankfully no
- 47:52
- Hey stop what you're doing You're going to remember this moment It's like every time you had
- 47:59
- A good thing happen to you in your life You had a child
- 48:05
- You got married and he's like yeah But remember that time He forgot the song He walked out the church
- 48:12
- You're like things are going well He's like yeah but remember There's always that one time And you know it may happen again
- 48:20
- It might Alright so we got embarrassing moments Worst injuries
- 48:28
- Let's do favorite place you've been Favorite place that you've been Edinburgh, Scotland Easy Favorite place you've ever been
- 48:37
- Whatever Favorite place you've ever metaphysically Been in That's so hard Why?
- 48:46
- Because I like a lot of things Because I like everything He thinks
- 48:51
- I don't like things but I like things Give me two or three places you've been I love this place I white water rafted down a glacier in Alaska I white water rafted
- 49:01
- Down a glacier In Alaska In 8th grade That was beautiful That'd be awesome
- 49:08
- If I could go anywhere I'd take you guys
- 49:14
- And my family And I'd go to Oregano's We're gonna make that happen Can't right now
- 49:24
- That's really my happy To have my people at Oregano's Let's make it happen We can bring
- 49:30
- Oregano's to us If they still exist Yes, after this That's what
- 49:36
- I want So you My favorite place I've ever been Is Gobert's Farm in South Barrington, Illinois Why?
- 49:44
- I love that place From the moment I put my foot down In it
- 49:53
- Getting out of the car I was just like I love it here It's because of the apple cider donuts I never stopped
- 49:59
- What's there that makes it I can say I know that the animal farm there Where you can play
- 50:04
- That's not even there all year That's just a zoo that comes down from Wisconsin What about the
- 50:11
- Gobert's Farm It's really I mean obviously I love the Gobert's Lee and Diane, what's up?
- 50:18
- She loves farms I don't know It changes a little bit every day
- 50:25
- There's corn There's white corn There's more corn It's been enough corn
- 50:31
- Every time I ever eat corn again in the future I'm going to think about I'm going to think about your shoulder
- 50:37
- And I'm just going to shudder I thought you loved corn, Jeff And then you're going to fall over Because you were sitting in your cat position
- 50:43
- Not anymore, I don't love corn anymore No, I just love it there
- 50:50
- It's the best Was it the weather, the donuts Simply the best Unpredictable But she likes that What about Edinburgh, Scotland Made it your favorite place
- 51:02
- What wasn't there to like The 2008 CDs That was in Ireland We talked about this a little bit
- 51:13
- Just the environment We did the Covenanters tour The architecture was amazing
- 51:18
- The way the city looks It's just incredible Edinburgh Castle, they're still using
- 51:24
- It's just everything about it It's pretty cool It's unlike any other place
- 51:29
- I've ever been to It's cool when you go somewhere that has Streets that are older Than your entire country
- 51:36
- And I will say That the Starbucks In Edinburgh Oh, it's the most magical Starbucks Why, tell me
- 51:46
- I have pictures And you will see Newsflash Newsflash, I've got photos
- 51:59
- First of all We thought it was closed Because there's nothing in the bottom But you have to walk upstairs to get up It's this huge, huge upstairs
- 52:08
- And the scene Is just all of Edinburgh And the castle Wow These people, these people
- 52:15
- These baristas are just looking at the most Epic scene all day
- 52:20
- It must be nice to work here It's just breathtaking There's a Starbucks that I go to at Laguna Beach And it is literally on the beach
- 52:28
- And if you are a barista What you are facing is just the most Beautiful blue water
- 52:33
- And I was just like, I wouldn't want to work here Because if that ever got old to me Then I would just die
- 52:39
- I wonder if it does get old, though It would, it would get old to you It would, absolutely
- 52:45
- It's hard, if you see it, it's like Nah, that can't get old No, that's how depraved we are
- 52:51
- We don't appreciate good things Speak for yourself I'm just kidding
- 52:56
- How much did you pray for restaurants every day A month ago That's true
- 53:02
- Favorite place, I forgot to mention Favorite place I've been Japan Gosh, I've been so many
- 53:09
- Japan's interesting I do love Japan You feel like you're stepping onto another planet
- 53:14
- That's what makes it really, really interesting And they do speak an alien language there I love London Speak not
- 53:22
- Have you gone? No, it's like my dream We gotta get you to London Someday, when they open the world back up again
- 53:31
- I wanna go to London London's amazing I was at Heathrow If you were in London Heathrow airport is the bomb
- 53:40
- I don't even care, I just be like, I'm here, I made it British Airways airport in Heathrow is the bomb
- 53:46
- It's the bomb It's like the highest end mall
- 53:51
- You're just in a mall You're just in a mall It's a mall Oh, and also, I'm highly offended at the fact that we're at a restaurant waiting for our flight
- 54:01
- It's the last time we're gonna get a chance to get a good big meal before an 11 hour flight And so we all order something nice and a steak and whatever
- 54:09
- It was Gordon Ramsay's restaurant I was so excited I'm in London, Gordon Ramsay's restaurant
- 54:15
- You can never get in, they're always a line We got right in Order the steaks and then they're like Yes sir, because this is the
- 54:23
- UK We cannot have knives at your table So we will cut your steak for you
- 54:29
- I was like, no, isn't that something I missed that part They had to cut it for you?
- 54:36
- Yes Because you weren't allowed to I totally missed that They had to cut the steak for me, because the regular old people, regular old folks aren't worthy of carrying, or using a knife.
- 54:50
- I was like, just bring me a butter knife No, no knives None I bet you could have cut a
- 54:55
- Gordon Ramsay steak That's what happens when you ban firearms Then you have to ban knives too For some reason
- 55:01
- I'm imagining them feeding it to you also No forks, no forks Forks are pointy as well
- 55:08
- My condition is that you're putting it in my mouth So what you're saying is
- 55:15
- Gordon Ramsay's restaurant is your favorite place on the planet It was delicious Jeff picks the
- 55:20
- London airport Yeah Edinburgh though It was good
- 55:25
- Edinburgh has to be up on your list I've been to all 50 states almost all 50 states
- 55:33
- Someone told me, oh I forgot I've been, except for Montana and Iowa People were like, dude you did a conference in Iowa I was like,
- 55:40
- I forgot I lost that one Trauma I've been everywhere except Montana Montana's supposed to be beautiful Maybe that's your favorite place
- 55:50
- I've heard it's amazing I always have the best feelings though Las Vegas I know it's
- 55:57
- Sin City and everything but my family's from Las Vegas and as a little boy I used to always have those moments where you'd fly into Vegas and see the beautiful lights
- 56:03
- So every time I go into Vegas it's nostalgia for me Fair enough I don't like what happens in Vegas but it's just memories
- 56:13
- I feel like I just had a long extended weekend in Vegas It lasted two and a half years and it was a little traumatizing
- 56:20
- It was enough I had a crazy two years in Vegas It was wild I was wondering how you were going to handle that It was wild My memories of Vegas as a kid were, it was a scary place to be
- 56:33
- It was a scary place to be but once we found a solid church there it was fine We're good We'll do a break and get right into the theological discussion
- 56:43
- Sorry but this is how we do it when we're together It's fun A little quicker Favorite movies
- 56:51
- Oh no Come on man Seriously? Hook Hot Fuzz Wow, never seen it
- 57:03
- Are you serious? Never seen it I think you'd really like it Obviously it's not a
- 57:10
- Christian movie You know what you would like? You know what you would like? The Apostle I knew you were going to say that I don't know that I would like it
- 57:20
- That's one of my favorites I haven't seen that one either She's not seeing it
- 57:26
- I already called it She's not seeing it Don't Summer don't
- 57:35
- Seriously Summer What? Don't see it
- 57:42
- You're not aware of this conflict? No no I know that she hasn't seen it and you're mad about it
- 57:48
- Do you understand that it started because she was just being defiant She was like I will not see it now
- 57:53
- Because we were like you have to see it She's like now I'm not gonna Is this like Ango? Pretty much yes
- 58:01
- So she won't see it because we want her to see it Remember how you were talking about depravity a few minutes ago
- 58:10
- No I don't remember that The Apostle Summer This is tough because some of our favorites are up here
- 58:18
- So probably my all time favorite just for nostalgia is Braveheart But more modern is probably
- 58:26
- The Revenant I love that movie It's so good I didn't enjoy that film
- 58:34
- Well that's too bad Some people didn't Newsflash Newsflash didn't like it
- 58:41
- You know what I think about that movie? It's great I don't know
- 58:48
- The Kill Bill Oh I just watched those for the first time I bet you enjoyed them
- 58:54
- I do love the Kill Bill movies Those were really weird I love
- 58:59
- Kill Bill I love the true stories about gangsters Mafia Goodfellas The Irishman Never seen it
- 59:09
- We just recently It's three and a half hours long You will make time
- 59:16
- You have to make time Ango We watched it in segments
- 59:22
- You have to watch it to break it up I was surprised though I've seen
- 59:27
- Goodfellas like 11 ,000 times I can't see in this movie
- 59:33
- I love the whole Mafia story Are those true stories?
- 59:38
- Yeah The Irishman was coming out It has
- 59:43
- Pacino And De Niro It's about the Irishman, true story Jimmy Hoffa, all this stuff
- 59:49
- She watched it and said I love that movie I was like what's happening in the universe That's surprising
- 59:55
- She loves the Irishman Maybe I'll try it So Favorite TV show
- 01:00:04
- This is tough now There's been so many good ones over the last decade It's not hard at all Go for it
- 01:00:10
- The Office The End She said okay
- 01:00:17
- I was surprised Of course yes The Office Stranger Things Stranger Things is a close second
- 01:00:25
- I like Breaking Bad And I really like I really like Bob's Burgers Candy will be like babe
- 01:00:34
- You're watching the whole series again Yes It's been about 25 times
- 01:00:41
- That's me with The Office I can't do that The Office I can because it's just funny
- 01:00:47
- I can't watch the same show over and over again If it's heavy I just can't do it
- 01:00:52
- Better Call Saul Is that what you would pick? I'm behind on Better Call Saul It's coming into like Okay guys
- 01:01:02
- I'm seeing what you're doing here I see what you're laying down How does it stand up on its own?
- 01:01:09
- I think that Better Call Saul I don't think you'll feel like this in season 5 It is probably one of the best written shows
- 01:01:16
- And I'd say that if you can believe this It is actually It's written better even than Breaking Bad I mean
- 01:01:24
- I would assume that Because it's like their second chance Basically whatever they thought they could do better And they have to develop
- 01:01:29
- Because there's less action going on So it's more about the story and the characters and the depth
- 01:01:34
- And so it's just like It's rich Did you say yours and I missed it?
- 01:01:41
- No I'm trying to think over here I mean I have several But like All these mentioned have been some of my favorites
- 01:01:48
- All these aforementioned Aforementioned All these aforementioned
- 01:01:53
- I really like Ozark Oh yeah Oh what's the
- 01:02:00
- I just lost it, Fargo Oh Fargo's a good show And you know say what you will
- 01:02:06
- For longevity, Walking Dead I still am a big Walking Dead fan This is the season I gave up We lasted a long time
- 01:02:12
- You gave up this season? I thought this season I gave up like season three And I know people say you gotta get back into it
- 01:02:19
- When they killed Glenn I was done That's it Well just because that Spoiler alert
- 01:02:26
- Oh I'm sorry if you haven't seen that Four years late Just to let you know they kill like the concept
- 01:02:33
- Of like an intact family And I was like where's this show going Like there's never gonna be any more happiness in this show
- 01:02:39
- Like the character we all love I like sad shows But there's a difference between sad and just like There's no future for this
- 01:02:46
- It's like oh so there was gonna be a mom and dad and a kid Well we can't let that happen It's like why can't we just let it happen
- 01:02:52
- No Why can't there be a mom and a dad and a kid I know Let there be a mom and a dad and a kid
- 01:03:00
- And they make it And they restart civilization Okay so what's a movie
- 01:03:07
- And we'll wrap it up on this one And go to commercial break and then we'll have the serious discussion About doing away with the family
- 01:03:13
- That's a good idea Let's do away Because of the coronavirus The suggestions being made that we do away with the family
- 01:03:20
- Because that's also where it's passing We have to just do away with that What is an old show
- 01:03:27
- Like 70s, 60s, 50s Taxi Okay the favorite one If it's on you can watch it a million times
- 01:03:34
- When the music comes on You get feelings I love Lucy 100 %
- 01:03:40
- I would say Taxi or Cheers I love Taxi It's hilarious
- 01:03:47
- I love Taxi You should check it out I think it's on something
- 01:03:53
- It's on one of the platforms Paul Razor I never really got into that show That would have been a weird age for you
- 01:04:02
- Mad About You would have been You would have been like a teenager Exactly Seinfeld can't count for this
- 01:04:10
- So not 90s So Mad About You 70s, 60s, 80s
- 01:04:16
- I love Lucy I like I Love Lucy But I like Laverne and Shirley too Bonanza I loved
- 01:04:26
- Bonanza My wife would say She would still watch it Every day
- 01:04:31
- Little House on the Prairie My kids are watching it My mom and I watched it Dr.
- 01:04:37
- Quinn Medicine That was the 90s It was a terrible show It always played
- 01:04:45
- Along with Walker Texas Ranger In that little Vein of heartfelt
- 01:04:51
- We called that Loser TV In my family Why is it called
- 01:04:56
- Loser TV? Because it's Walker Texas Ranger Do you know who's on that show? Chuck Norris I am afraid of him
- 01:05:04
- Newsflash Chuck Norris Alright So we're going to be coming right back
- 01:05:12
- Quick commercial break We're going to talk now about an article That Pastor Luke found
- 01:05:18
- Wait I think I found it way before Marcus I found it first Let's just be clear about that Alright so we're going to talk about this
- 01:05:28
- Coronavirus and Marxism Coronavirus destruction of the human society
- 01:05:34
- Human family He's coming up with his Puritan title right now It'll be about a paragraph long
- 01:05:42
- And stay with us We're going to talk about it Sheologians Apology Radio Mashup Be right back At the
- 01:05:48
- Runner Academy We arm and train emerging leaders To live out their calling In a way that truly honors
- 01:05:55
- Christ As the Lord of all things Especially in areas like Medicine, law, politics
- 01:06:01
- Education, the church, business And the arts The Runner Academy is hosted at the
- 01:06:08
- EICC Centre for Reformational Culture An environment that provides A healthy balance of work and rest
- 01:06:14
- And that stimulates creative discussion For engaging with and shaping Culture to the glory of God On this 24 acre
- 01:06:23
- Runner Farm and Retreat Centre Delegates can expect to find challenging Teaching, but also fun
- 01:06:29
- And fellowship with like -minded Christians Who are concerned to recover A vision of God's glory And who are committed to think through what it means
- 01:06:36
- To live the Christian life in all its fullness Apply today
- 01:06:42
- And get equipped to face the critical Issues of our time with a deep Rich and joyful confidence
- 01:06:48
- In the Lordship of Jesus Christ Over all life and culture I want their faith
- 01:07:05
- To not just be something that stands But something around which culture Can be built. We want students who can
- 01:07:11
- Think critically about arguments But also about the culture around them That can then speak clearly to it
- 01:07:17
- And that also have the ability to influence And shape because of the power Of their message.
- 01:07:22
- Because that's really what the Gospel does. The gospel Throws down all the arguments against it It speaks to the hearts of people, it influences
- 01:07:29
- And it changes The goal for New St.
- 01:07:38
- Andrews College As it trains Students is not to make People who will
- 01:07:45
- Be able to go out and just get jobs People who will just be Bricks in the wall of our society
- 01:07:51
- The goal for New St. Andrews College is to make Students into men and women Who will really impact
- 01:07:57
- Culture Don't you worry
- 01:09:36
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- 01:10:38
- Make sure you guys check out Sheologians So we're here today with Summer, Joy, Luke and myself
- 01:10:45
- And Georgia Georgia's under here It's family integrated
- 01:10:52
- Podcasting Your kids are here too My kids are here too I said they should have been on the show
- 01:10:57
- Can we at some point bring them in here Can we message Matthew Yeah, yeah, we'll do that Alright, so let's get into it
- 01:11:06
- We said just the kids Family integrated So Let's talk
- 01:11:13
- Luke, bring us into this article Do you have it pulled up here? So what's the title of the article
- 01:11:19
- The title is The coronavirus crisis Shows it's time to abolish the family
- 01:11:25
- Okay, alright This is on open democracy Definitively shows
- 01:11:31
- I mean it is definitive By someone named Sophie Lewis And then the
- 01:11:37
- Subtitle says what does the pandemic Tell us about the nuclear family And private household It's important to know the world view
- 01:11:45
- That drives this kind of thought Was saying these things Before coronavirus
- 01:11:52
- Opportunity Is what it is, it's an opportunity, it's a lane To get everyone to start driving You're so vain, you probably think this
- 01:11:58
- Pandemic is about you That's right, yeah, that's right So, yeah
- 01:12:04
- Give us some of it So I'm gonna scroll down here Basically the majority of the article
- 01:12:09
- Just kind of talks about the whole thing And being told to quarantine and all that And so I'm just gonna
- 01:12:16
- Scroll down Let's see, where should we start Because there really is only like a small section that really
- 01:12:22
- Actually talks about the title Well, let me have you guys Start talking about the world view
- 01:12:28
- Behind this, driving this Let's get into the discussion That would sort of fuel this sort of thing
- 01:12:34
- Sure It's a secular humanistic world view So The underlying presupposition
- 01:12:41
- Is gonna be one built on evolution And that essentially What you're gonna find is that What we think of as the nuclear family
- 01:12:50
- When we think of it We think of it as this thing that God Ordained, like it's a building block
- 01:12:56
- Of how he built the world And the way they think of it Is as oppression, so any kind of Hierarchy is oppression
- 01:13:03
- You see in the article them talking about This kind of patriarchal Mother -father setup
- 01:13:10
- And how it doesn't leave Room for queer people Or people who have other experiences
- 01:13:16
- And so basically this idea Of the family as normative Is this very
- 01:13:22
- Offensive thing because Built underneath everything that they See is this
- 01:13:27
- Marxist ideal Of like oppression And stuff like that Right and it's not biological
- 01:13:34
- Or Natural It's like a construct So the way that we
- 01:13:41
- So it's not really like objective Like where again as we would believe that there's Like a
- 01:13:46
- There's a standard for what a family What makes up a family right But For the secular humanist you believe
- 01:13:54
- That society created These roles And many
- 01:14:00
- Times you believe that society Created these roles so that there Is more power
- 01:14:06
- Yeah right so that some people Have more power than others Okay so I found
- 01:14:12
- The spot here so I will just start reading if you Want me to stop just say newsflash Uh So it says
- 01:14:20
- Newsflash we know that Uh nuclear households What's we'll stop there
- 01:14:26
- Nuclear households explain that to us Some some yes that's uh intact What they call well they I think people are calling it
- 01:14:32
- Intact now I was reading some statistics Or whatever and like the thing now is to talk about The intact family so an intact
- 01:14:38
- Family is a mother A father and their offspring That is a intact
- 01:14:44
- Family also family a family Yeah yes mother Well well well because As no
- 01:14:51
- I know I'm in as opposed To an extended family which would involve Things like grandparents
- 01:14:56
- Cousins yeah The nuclear family is is Dad mom kids okay
- 01:15:02
- So nuclear households it seems Are where we are all Intuitively sorry
- 01:15:09
- Expected to retreat in order to prevent Widespread ill health Staying home is what is somehow self
- 01:15:14
- Evidently supposed to keep us well But there are several problems with this as anyone Inclined to think about it critically
- 01:15:21
- Even for a moment In parentheses might figure out Problems one might summarize as The mystification of the couple form
- 01:15:29
- The romanticism Of kinship and the Sanitization of the fundamentally
- 01:15:34
- Unsafe space that is Private property So The fundamentally
- 01:15:42
- Unsafe space that is Private property So it's only safe If you're on property
- 01:15:51
- Owned by the government apparently Apparently yeah No one's ever heard of a concentration camp before Have they
- 01:15:57
- It was so safe there you guys And so Then it says how can a zone
- 01:16:04
- Defined by the power of symmetries of Housework here we go this is where i was saying They would not like what you said earlier
- 01:16:10
- About cooking food and taking care of your husband How can a zone defined By the power asymmetries of Housework and then in parentheses
- 01:16:19
- Reproductive labor Being so gendered Reproductive Labor being so gendered
- 01:16:27
- Of renting And mortgage debt land and deed ownership Of patriarchal Parenting and often the institution
- 01:16:34
- Of marriage benefit health That was a question all that How can a zone and then benefit health that was
- 01:16:40
- All a question such standard Homes are where after all Everyone secretly knows
- 01:16:46
- The majority of earthly Violence goes down like wars In the home
- 01:16:53
- It says Let me finish It says the who not the band
- 01:16:58
- The world The world The world
- 01:17:04
- The world Health organization The who
- 01:17:10
- I can't even say that Thinking of the band Calls domestic violence The most widespread
- 01:17:16
- But among the least reported Human rights abuses Right okay
- 01:17:23
- Well okay so not abortion I would yeah i would say that Just the issue just even
- 01:17:28
- Semantically i guess if you want to say Is that She's like this person's
- 01:17:34
- Talking about something that she admits is under Reported but she makes It seem very
- 01:17:42
- Like widespread yeah And also so so even Just like reading this critically
- 01:17:48
- Because sometimes that's all it comes down to like once You know someone's world but you can just read something Critically and understand that Like she's saying that because There is domestic violence
- 01:17:58
- Found in the home that home is not a safe Place right but that's not even a good Argument like it's lazy it's a
- 01:18:04
- Lazy argument that that I'm sure she came up with because of what She believes right there's
- 01:18:10
- Positions underneath it that drive that But it's actually not like that coherent Like while it's
- 01:18:15
- Written in a kind of a flourished Way it's not actually that great Well think about it logically people could say you know
- 01:18:22
- There's a lot of violence that takes place inside Grocery and department stores during Christmas time therefore do away
- 01:18:28
- With grocery stores and department stores It doesn't make any sense it doesn't it's not even it doesn't It non -sequitur it doesn't logically follow
- 01:18:34
- Because bad things happen at A place therefore do away with the Institution of the place right
- 01:18:39
- How about this there are doctors that Kill children by the Millions in clinics yeah therefore
- 01:18:46
- We should abolish all clinics I think we should actually talk About the abuse angle for a second
- 01:18:52
- Because I actually heard Christians Talking about this today a lot of Christians Are talking about this because The people are
- 01:18:59
- Wanting to talk about abuse happening in the home With the lockdowns and that is a legitimate Concern obviously
- 01:19:05
- It's a very legitimate concern but what I find Super interesting about her argument is that she's Saying that because We know abuse
- 01:19:13
- There are there's abusive situations in the home Like here's all the reasons why we Need to abolish the family but Statistically we know
- 01:19:21
- I mean and we know That statistically the least Safe place for a kid to be
- 01:19:27
- Is in a family That is not intact right We know that by the numbers even
- 01:19:33
- Technically like you know and we Don't have to get into all the like CPS Department of Child Services but even even
- 01:19:41
- In the instance of violence For children statistically It's better for the child to be
- 01:19:47
- In the home and not away which is Why there's such a heavy emphasis like in The foster care program on reunification
- 01:19:53
- And not like Adopting out of the family so like We statistically if You are in if you are a child
- 01:20:01
- In a fatherless home or You're with a single even a single parent or whatever So ninety percent of all
- 01:20:07
- Runaway kids are from a broken Family 71 % of all high school dropouts are from A broken family and last
- 01:20:15
- I checked And this is not like Christian Numbers that have been skewed the Department Of Justice has recorded that Over 70 % of the prison population
- 01:20:23
- Comes from A non intact Family is what they're calling it
- 01:20:29
- So if you look at the number The least safe place For a kid currently and In the long run is
- 01:20:37
- In a broken family So what she's talking Again to her as we walk through this
- 01:20:43
- For us it's kind of like Oh well there's the statistics To even like back up what we're trying
- 01:20:49
- To say but for her What she's she's not saying like Disband this thing that's very natural
- 01:20:55
- And normal because there are instances Of abuse she's saying we need to dismantle The social construct she
- 01:21:01
- Believes that this is something that we as humans Have created and it's Past its time because now we can
- 01:21:07
- See like how detrimental the family is So we need to like tear the the construct Down there's nothing natural about it
- 01:21:13
- And so this is nothing less Than a complete revolt Against the creator
- 01:21:19
- Creator creation distinction And of course the story Laid down in history that provides
- 01:21:25
- The foundation of all human flourishing Is God creating God as creator the good world he creates
- 01:21:31
- Male and female he says come together be one flesh Be fruitful multiply Fill and subdue the earth
- 01:21:36
- So that is what these people Are revolting against They hate it it's very it's interesting
- 01:21:41
- Because it's always very sometimes they can do it in such a way That's like very erudite very Great I'm just asking these probing questions
- 01:21:48
- It's like it's like in very simple Way this is just rebellion Against the very
- 01:21:53
- First three chapters of scripture Right that's all it is it's just an expression Of it and it sounds so good because It's being funded very well
- 01:22:01
- Some highly educated people Yeah but they Just can't really ignore
- 01:22:09
- The Underpinnings of all of Society and creation this is how God Made the world and they don't like it
- 01:22:15
- So how do you destroy God's plan To fill the earth to take Dominion you have to destroy
- 01:22:22
- The mechanism That actually subdues the earth and creates That ability for dominion and so What do you do you go after the children you see it in Abortion kill the babies why
- 01:22:32
- Because what is the enemy what What can Satan do to prolong his time Kill mankind
- 01:22:38
- Kill man The seed of man to just destroy it And so that's so it can come
- 01:22:45
- To it comes in overt ways like Moloch kill your children sacrifice Him to this false
- 01:22:50
- God It comes in overt ways like Planned Parenthood kill the children And it comes with less
- 01:22:56
- Overt ways by saying let's Question this unit here this family unit Is it really necessary is it really important To those sorts of things right that's what it is
- 01:23:05
- It's a revolt against God's order So so I think the next Paragraph I think
- 01:23:10
- I think The heart of where this person Is coming from immediately comes out so She says queer
- 01:23:16
- And feminized people especially very Old and very young ones are Definitionally not safe There they're flourishing in the
- 01:23:25
- Capitalist home is the Exception not the rule So I was like okay
- 01:23:31
- I See where we're going with this so you're just mad That people that come out and say they're gay And their parents kick them out that's your problem
- 01:23:37
- That's why you're upset I also think it's funny That all of the revolt against capitalism And private property is coming
- 01:23:43
- From the fingertips of a person Who's on a website that was funded via Capitalism and private property
- 01:23:49
- So like revolt against private property Oh so does everybody own this website Right or how about Soros And his home can everybody walk in And take what they like from his house or does he believe
- 01:23:59
- In that version of private property Or how about your article itself is it Your article or can I put my name on the bottom
- 01:24:04
- Of it and say it was mine I wonder if she's making money Off of this article yeah I wonder I wonder if she's being paid
- 01:24:10
- To do what she does It's always such a complete And utter contradiction it's like the atheist
- 01:24:16
- Complaining it's like the atheist Complaining about anything it's like Well you have to borrow capital
- 01:24:22
- From something else in order to get your complaint off the ground Like her she has to Borrow capital from a capitalist or Biblical worldview the idea of Private property in order to get her thing
- 01:24:32
- Launched it's unworkable It's unworkable and destroy The nuclear family destroy
- 01:24:38
- What God created in human order and You're not going to have a world anymore Because either you're going to kill all your
- 01:24:44
- Babies or you're going to have such a broken World that people will set it on fire They'll burn it down I think her worldview is so pervasive
- 01:24:52
- And it's so standard in our culture That there's actually ways in which as Christians we should be vehemently
- 01:24:59
- Against everything that she's saying Because she hates God and that's where all this is coming from But you can kind of see it in the
- 01:25:06
- Christian Community in subtler ways like In much less pervasive ways You hear people talking all the time about Well maybe we idolize the family
- 01:25:14
- And maybe you know Hey Christians you know Especially to women motherhood's not all there is
- 01:25:20
- Like you just find all these ways in which Even within Christianity People are Have so deeply
- 01:25:28
- Imbibed what this Culture is saying That you don't even realize that you
- 01:25:34
- Sound closer to the World than you do maybe to Scripture and it is always
- 01:25:40
- It's kind of like you said it sounds so erudite Like well of course we shouldn't idolize The nuclear family of course we shouldn't
- 01:25:46
- Be guilty of idolatry but like The way it's dressed up they dress everything up It's like hard to argue against but then what you
- 01:25:52
- End up with is a bunch of like Christian men and women who Don't know how to lead their homes
- 01:25:59
- Who haven't been Discipled but they have all these reasons Why you know
- 01:26:04
- You shouldn't idolize marriage Yeah exactly I always do think we should pay attention
- 01:26:10
- To that when you hear professing Believers say things like We shouldn't idolize motherhood we shouldn't idolize
- 01:26:16
- Fatherhood I'm like do you realize how Stupid that sounds because anybody who's Doing fatherhood or motherhood rightly
- 01:26:23
- Knows the truth about God and this institution And they wouldn't want to worship it
- 01:26:28
- They're trying to live it out in The way that God calls us to And so when someone says something like you shouldn't
- 01:26:34
- Idolize motherhood I'm like do you really know Somebody who's doing that can you give me their name Or their website because I like to read this person
- 01:26:40
- Who's idolizing motherhood A lot of people who claim to be idolizing motherhood are Actually idolizing themselves because they want
- 01:26:46
- A break from motherhood Very very important Anything else Yeah I'll quickly
- 01:26:53
- So I'm going to just kind of pick through here a couple Quotes So she goes on to say that a quarantine
- 01:26:59
- Is in effect An abuser's dream a situation that Hands near infinite power to those with The upper hand over a home and then
- 01:27:08
- Uses quotes from Wait hold on there's some truth in that But I would say which direction
- 01:27:13
- Because I would say the abuser's Quarantine is an abuser's dream I would say yeah and the governor of Nevada I'd agree with that And other places so in some cases
- 01:27:23
- That could be a true statement it's an abuser's Dream it's a tyrant's dream But which direction
- 01:27:29
- As a Christian I think I can say That a household In which a dad
- 01:27:35
- Abuses the mom That is not A nuclear family That's not what we're talking about That is not natural
- 01:27:44
- Or normative And it's not A construct it's not a
- 01:27:50
- Construct it's sin We didn't create this Construct where mom and dad
- 01:27:56
- Have unequal power rights And so dad is In this position to where he'll always lord
- 01:28:02
- Things over that's not That's not even the position that we're coming From and so Like for her to use a
- 01:28:10
- Broken family as an argument Against intact families Is doesn't make
- 01:28:16
- Any sense it doesn't make any sense It's a problem with unbelief is a woman like her Is a fool according to the biblical world view
- 01:28:22
- In terms of not submitting to God's truth his wisdom His knowledge she won't submit herself to God so She becomes a fool so She doesn't have a concept of sin
- 01:28:32
- Right so all she can do is look at the world And say yeah things are obviously screwed up here So it must be institutional she
- 01:28:38
- Can't boil it down to This is sin against a holy god God's defined it and it's a problem of the heart
- 01:28:44
- She sees it as a problem of institution Rather than a problem of the heart In the institution and that's
- 01:28:50
- The issue is that this woman Doesn't have a workable world view She's abandoned the creator creation
- 01:28:56
- Distinction and God's order and so she's Trying to figure out how to manage all of this but she Can't just call it sin
- 01:29:02
- So then she Goes on to Quote someone from China China Because we know that they're
- 01:29:14
- Ethically and morally superior To us and how they handle things And she said the quote is that According to our statistics in China China 90 % of the
- 01:29:24
- Causes of violence are related to the COVID -19 Epidemic 90 % Also that's a horribly
- 01:29:30
- Vague statistic that she just gave Of violence? How do you figure that out? Violence in the home?
- 01:29:37
- Who figured this out? There's no way to accurately record that And also what is
- 01:29:42
- The violence you recorded? Is it when a brother hits a sister? Also are we starting to trust
- 01:29:49
- China in their numbers right now? China We don't trust how many
- 01:29:56
- Deceased they're reporting But we trust their Domestic violence statistics Communism works
- 01:30:03
- It's done so well Over the last 100 years It's great In short the pandemic
- 01:30:11
- Is no time to forget about family Abolition In the words of feminist theorist and mother
- 01:30:17
- Madeline Lane McKinley Households are capitalism's Pressure cookers
- 01:30:22
- This crisis will see a surge in Sorry Joy is reading
- 01:30:29
- Along so she knows why I'm laughing Let me try that again I can't say it without laughing This crisis will see a surge in Housework Cleaning Cooking Caretaking But also child abuse
- 01:30:43
- Molestation Intimate partner rape Psychological torture And more Far from a time to acquiesce
- 01:30:49
- To family values ideology Then the pandemic is an acutely Important time to provision
- 01:30:56
- Evacuate and generally empower survivors Of and refugees from The nuclear household
- 01:31:03
- Refugees Refugees yeah all the guys Well and so yeah all those things that she listed If we just get rid of the family
- 01:31:10
- They'll all stop happening Cleaning Cooking Caretaking A teenager that just like hated their parents
- 01:31:19
- And never grew up never Wait to get out of the house My mom made me do the dishes
- 01:31:25
- The reproductive Chores and slavery It's slavery I worked without Pay guys
- 01:31:32
- I really like the part where she Was upset that reproductive labor Was gendered right yeah
- 01:31:37
- I know go figure because that's where babies Come from right I know what she Meant by that Yeah here's a person who came out of a woman
- 01:31:47
- Going complaining about it yeah Yeah well that that is where you just see this Is hatred for God yeah like I'm So mad that women give birth
- 01:31:55
- Like that is legit you Just woke up hating God today Yeah that's all because it's so nonsensical
- 01:32:02
- Like no one's looking at A group of primates of Monkeys in the jungle going I can't believe
- 01:32:07
- All the women are having the babies Like that's not a thing This is just God hatred
- 01:32:13
- Yes yes you know what I have to say about it The Lord said to me basta I'm telling you it's enough
- 01:32:20
- Basta Satan Basta Basta Basta Basta Basta Stop it
- 01:32:35
- That laugh Was amazing what was that Now I'm going to be saying the rest of the day and my wife's Going to hate me.
- 01:32:40
- It's the Jim Bakker show it's the Thing where they mash up the Jim Bakker thing and it's This woman saying she says
- 01:32:46
- Like no more basta Have you not seen one of those Vic Berger Oh we have so much
- 01:32:52
- To show you Yeah we have so much To show you Before Before we show you
- 01:33:01
- You have to watch this movie Oh see this is just tag it's just what it is Joy told me no
- 01:33:07
- This is such 10 years of sin You're carrying Generationally She's passing it on Georgia will never see it
- 01:33:17
- No Basta you're going to see it playing Basta She says it's a word that God told her
- 01:33:24
- Or something like Be gone Satan or something like that I'm going to say this to my kids and see if it works
- 01:33:30
- First time I babysit that child Guess what we're watching The Apocalypse I'm just kidding
- 01:33:36
- You lost your babysitter I'm kidding I'm legitimately mad
- 01:33:42
- Are you trying to break up our family So messed up Are you undermining your parent
- 01:33:50
- You're going to have extra household work Alright let's get the kids in here I couldn't say it
- 01:33:56
- You guys want to meet Summer's kids So George is in here right now
- 01:34:02
- Enjoying a delicious meal Passed out I think I messaged Matthew to have him come bring the kids
- 01:34:08
- Basta It's so funny You read stupid stuff like that It's pure foolishness and ignorance
- 01:34:15
- Can you bring the kids in here to say hi I love how all the while We're reading something as ignorant as dumb as that We have this
- 01:34:25
- Beautiful precious child Doing this thing that is so It's awesome
- 01:34:31
- It is so awesome That God made women so Unique and amazing and powerful
- 01:34:37
- That you are able to produce Another human being And then get out of your body and then your body is like fit
- 01:34:43
- All that reproductive labor Your body is fit in such a way where this can happen The child just sort of lays there and it's like Isn't it amazing it all just fits right there
- 01:34:51
- And it's amazing I was saying that even to Candy when she was breastfeeding Our kids back at night
- 01:34:56
- They'd be hungry she'd just lay them down And I was like that's the most amazing thing It's magical You don't have to cook
- 01:35:04
- It's so awesome Where else does this happen It's way better than what you have to deal with in fallen world
- 01:35:11
- Where sometimes things don't work And then dads have to get up at midnight And at 3am to go heat a bottle
- 01:35:17
- To feed a child that will take 35 minutes To drink it down Danny come here
- 01:35:22
- That's what I have to do every night Right Get to do
- 01:35:28
- I get to do that Hi Danny Look at that sweet girl
- 01:35:35
- Hey kids You want to introduce yourselves The camera is that way You got to talk into the microphone
- 01:35:42
- Say hello You can speak Good job Danny So what are your names
- 01:35:49
- What's your name Teddy Good job My name is
- 01:35:55
- Waylon My name is Clementine My name is
- 01:36:00
- Katie Hey what's up Katie Aren't they great If you ever wanted to know what summer looked like as a child
- 01:36:06
- Welcome to part 2 Clementine is summer part 2
- 01:36:13
- And I know Matthew come on you can say hi What's up Matthew It's the family episode
- 01:36:20
- That's right This is Joy's husband Matthew So I actually
- 01:36:27
- Kiss it I've been watching the kids in there And I just I just showed
- 01:36:35
- Clementine I looked up the hashtag Clementine says And I showed her like all of the
- 01:36:42
- Clementine says posts And she just goes I said that And I was like Yeah look this one has 350 likes
- 01:36:49
- And all these comments and she's just like I'm famous too My poor kids
- 01:36:55
- I keep trying to tell them I'm not famous But they don't believe me They just don't believe it I am not famous I say
- 01:37:02
- I'm married to someone famous It's just family support They're just like yeah oh honey
- 01:37:09
- You're famous You know it's funny And I know that We'll go all over She's our hype man
- 01:37:19
- She's right She really is We'll go all over the world And people will recognize us
- 01:37:25
- But I'm always with my kids And someone will walk up and be like Oh thank you so much for your show I listen all the time
- 01:37:31
- And your ministry And then as the person walked away
- 01:37:38
- And Saylor was like I don't know why he's so impressed Yeah I used to do that to my dad
- 01:37:44
- That's how my family is like If they only knew His friend
- 01:37:50
- Yeah I used to do that to my dad It's a teenage thing And they'll move past it
- 01:37:56
- Well because teenagers can't be impressed by anything No Nothing I do is impressive to my children
- 01:38:02
- They're like that's just who you are I'm not impressed You need to get above it dad Try something new
- 01:38:09
- So funny thing happened You saw this Sunday at church We're doing the doxology
- 01:38:14
- And she's behind in the pew And Jannie comes like Makes her way around the pew to come up to me
- 01:38:21
- To let me know as doxology is happening That I already know it She's like I know this song What you guys didn't see was that While you were ending the sermon and praying
- 01:38:30
- She reached up and started rubbing the back of my dad's head Like all throughout the prayer
- 01:38:35
- She was just like rubbing the back of his head Jannie do you know the doxology?
- 01:38:44
- Yeah Can you sing it? Hallelujah Hallelujah Amen Very good
- 01:39:15
- The most important thing Is I heard some Chinese in there I did hear some
- 01:39:21
- Chinese But the most important thing Is that you definitely had Father, Son, and Holy Ghost Very clearly
- 01:39:28
- Good job uncle Good job grandpa That's so funny I know
- 01:39:35
- Alright guys Thank you for watching Apologia Radio Make sure you check out the Sheologians And Cultish And all the rest that's coming out of Apologia Also we have a new show
- 01:39:46
- Provoked with Pastor Zach and Desi And that is
- 01:39:52
- On Apologia Studios Somewhere And it's also on Apologia Studios we released it last week
- 01:39:58
- You can look through here the videos You'll find it Provoked, Pastor Zach, Desi And yeah just be in prayer
- 01:40:03
- Be in prayer for our country, our states, our churches right now And make sure you all keep fighting