My Visit to the LDS Temple Open House

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Thoughts after my visit to the new Phoenix LDS Temple. Here is a link to my debate on the topic of temples with an LDS representative:


So I just got back from visiting the new Arizona LDS temple up on Pinnacle Peak Road here in Phoenix I've been sort of watching the construction for years.
I think it started about 2011 Pinnacle Peak, Happy Valley that area up there is an area that I ride very frequently and Actually, I've been trying to avoid it recently because well because the construction
It's not really safe to be on a bike on Pinnacle Peak these days. But anyway you know saw the groundbreaking and slowly saw it coming up and building the spire and I knew that the
Mormons that had trouble with the Neighbors, I didn't really realize why until today because normally when
I'm riding by the place I'm on a bike and I can't see over the fences today They made you park way down this water world place or wet and wild or whatever it was and you took these big
You know full -size Greyhound bus type things over to the temple and So you're way up higher than you would be on a bike, you know
Probably six seven eight feet higher and so I could see over the back fences and I could see these houses and I went
Oh, that's why I mean, these are huge huge rich rich folks big houses big houses
So I I see now why there was the issues as far as you know, people were You know complaining and grousing and I I never supported that Look if they want to build a building
This is supposed to be American they can build their building anyway It's probably one of the smaller it's only like it's less than 28 ,000 square feet.
So it's probably one of the smaller LDS temples in the world because of that but it's it's there and this is the second temple that I've Gone through the open house.
The other was the Manhattan Temple, which is one of the only two temples in the world That's not a freestanding building Just simply because we're supposed to find a place to build in Manhattan and So it was you know
What I expected it was a silent tour unlike the one in Manhattan So you just had to read the signs and you know, it's heartbreaking to to see the just gross biblical illiteracy of Joseph Smith just continued on for Decades after his death obviously over a century, obviously it's sad to see
Mormonism is in transition It's it's sort of lost its way
But this stuff is still there and it was so sad to see all these really nice folks
And just know they've been completely deceived. I've got some pictures here here's the
The baptismal font and We walked around The the font there and I saw where the recorder stand will go
With the network cables and stuff like that so you can slide your temple recommend and all the rest that kind of stuff
It's all electronic now, but they don't have the those things in while you're while you're doing the tours But you know, it's just it's just this
That there was a video beforehand all about How Christians had built temples and they're restoring these things
Christians ever built temples In fact, if I can get the link put together I'll link beneath this to the debate that I did on that subject with an
LDS representative and it I'll just be perfectly honest with you. It wasn't even close. It can't be it's just facts or facts history is history and Christians never built temples this whole idea about You know
Priesthoods and temples and all the rest that kind of stuff. It's just bogus. It's just just part of the entire system that Joseph Smith came up with and to see this baptismal font and to know that the people going in there think they hold the
Aaronic and Melchizedek priesthoods and and baptism for the dead and and you know, there's these rooms off the side of the ceiling rooms and and You know going back to Solomon's temple and and all the rest this kind of stuff just absolutely
Amazing that it's that it's there and then here's the celestial room pretty small celestial room
You know, you got you got four little Chandeliers here and I mean, it's it's nice.
It's pretty small. I mean, that's That's pretty much the entire size of it. Here's the there was there was one large
Ceiling room and two smaller ceiling rooms. I'm not sure how you rate which one, you know But this evidently is the larger of the ceiling rooms and of course you see the
You know all of them have this mirror thing where you look both directions and it's infinite and supposed to represent eternity and You know all the rest of that kind of stuff
And then one of the instruction rooms and there's the entrance and so on so forth And yeah, that's what it looks like.
That's it's fairly accurate, but it's just so Such a sad perversion
Just so indefensible and Yet, there are so many people who who believe it
So we continue to pray for the Mormon people take opportunities to reach out to him. It's it's it's tougher and tougher though I'll be honest with you.
It was easier to reach out to Mormons when the lines were delineated now between all the wacky
Evangelicals who are blurring the lines You know former Fuller Seminary presidents
Richard Mao and people like that and then on the other side We had a guy come into chat channel recently under the
Nick Mormon who goes Well, I I know Joseph Smith's first vision story evolved over time and I know the earlier vision versions
He didn't say he had seen more than one God and you know all that kind of stuff and I'm I'm sitting here going
I don't have any problem with any of that I mean just stuff that I have tried to help
Mormons to come to understand for years is oh, yeah I know all that no problem at all still think it's still think it's great.
So I think it's wonderful This this form of liberalism in in Mormonism, man
It's it's next to impossible to get through to somebody like that. It really is so we we pray for them and You know,
I know what's gonna be going on in these rooms. It has nothing to do with biblical Christianity at all And yet these folks have been taught that it that it will so we pray for them and we continue to Speak the truth to them and ask the
Lord to to bless those efforts So a little trip through the the LDS temple and now in Phoenix, I guess it opens.
It's dedicated on November 16th and Pretty soon as I ride by I'll look over there and they'll be those folks and I'll be going in to be baptized for the dead
They've done their genealogy work and others thinking they're going in to be sealed for time and eternity