Matt Slick Q&A - 10-25-17




Yeah, you're live. I'm live? You're live now. I'm trying to get this stuff ready for Facebook first.
Well, we've had the banner up for seven minutes. Okay, I guess we're live. What's that?
My computer's acting awfully wiggy. Wow. You don't have to ask the first question. You ready? Oh, you don't have to say it.
Can I ask a question? You just did. While we were...
Oh, I'm sorry. Is this close enough? Good. Perfect. While we were setting this up to do the questions,
I'll get to my question. We were talking about the ceiling. Can someone explain the ceiling again?
What that means and why? Because in Mormonism, you have a pre -existence. What? It's right there.
Like this. So, in Mormonism, because Godfather and the
Godmother have a hand and they make babies, you're all kind of born up there. You come down to earth and you're in family.
So, Mormonism appeals to the family. And you can be sealed to one another, to children, to relatives, and various things, marriages and things like that, so that you can be joined and keep family relationships in heaven.
And you're at the ceiling. So, it sounds like some people are sealed and some people are not sealed.
So, why would you not be sealed? And doesn't that mean that you don't have a family in the new heaven, or your heaven, if you're not sealed?
If you're not sealed, then you won't have anybody to really hang around with. But I don't really know the extent of what that is. Yeah, they can visit.
Yeah, there's different levels. But what that ceiling really accomplishes, I don't know. Because you're with each other, but are you forced to stay with each other?
I don't know. Also, among Mormons, there is speculation as to if somebody, like,
I'm sealed to my parents, and I'm not LDS anymore. So, what's going to happen to me from their perspective?
And Joseph Smith said something about how the arms, the tentacles of mercy could reach out and pull up, and that's kind of speculated because of the righteousness.
If only my dad stays true to the LDS church, then maybe he can somehow keep us all together as an eternal family in heaven, or it's...
You must speculate it and debate it. Well, when we went to the temple last night, they had a film of how
H... Last night I started with an H. And I'm bad with names. And he said, heaven would not be heaven if I can't be with my family.
Holland? No, that's not the present. If you are Holland, thank you.
Imagine heaven in the traditional paradisiacal glory without my wife and my children.
So, it wouldn't be heaven. Yes, it would be. Jesus is what makes it heaven.
It just demonstrates to you that they don't understand how great heaven is, how great the presence of the
Lord Jesus is. To them, it's about family because it's a man -made religion and that's what they've got to offer. Yeah?
So, what is the Molten Sea? Molten Sea? It's that basin of water with the 12 oxen around.
I think, I don't know, I can't remember for sure because it's been a long time since I've studied it. I think it has to do with the ceremonial cleansing.
That might be representative of baptism, some have said. But what I want to do is actually read up on this, all this, and go through and study the significance of each one.
I've just not done it for about 25 years. So, it could be something for baptism.
No, it does say it was for the priests to wash in. Okay, for cleansing.
But it wasn't, I don't think it was by immersion, I think it was just a dipping, it was a symbol and with the 12 oxen symbolizing the 12 tribes of Israel.
So, the priests and you get a lot of study I don't know, I'm not an expert on this but the 12 oxen represented the 12 tribes and why would you have a basin of water that the priests would go in that would be represented by the 12 tribes?
Well, 12 tribes ultimately represent the revelation of God. All this symbolism could get into it which is why
I want to read a book by some experts, one or two books by experts who've studied this and say this is probably what it means, etc.
The Jews blew it, they didn't recognize the significance of the temple but the
Christians, of course, do and there are books I actually have it as a small paperback
The Tabernacle is one of them The Temple is another In fact, I remember one of the things with the Tabernacle that is instructed is that the pillars that uphold the tent are gold on the inside covered with wood on the outside and why would you have that?
You think gold would be on the outside? No, because divinity and humanity of Christ, that's why.
Okay, another question, comment? I can't hear you. Ask your question again if you would, that would be awesome.
Just stop at the tape. Perfect. So, the Mormon Church uses the temple as symbolism from the
Old Testament and they disregard completely the ultimate sacrifices and everything that went on and all the proceedings that went on with the temple.
The reason the temple existed, essentially, why is that left out and how do they justify leaving it?
The sacrifice? Because they will say that the reason they don't need that is because the sacrifice of Christ was accomplished and so therefore they don't need to have any sacrifices, blood sacrifices in the temple anymore.
Okay, but the blood sacrifices were done away with when Jesus' blood was shed on the cross and Matthew 27, 51 the temple was veiled, was destroyed but yet they put them back which is a contradiction because if the sacrifices are done away with that was where the sacrifice was done, behind, the blood was put but they don't need that anymore but they put it back.
So they're very inconsistent in how they see that. And so they'll just say, but we have now the ordinances for our salvation which is, you heard the quotes, the ordinances for salvation, exaltation, become
God's and none of that was in the temple. None of it. Ever. It's ridiculous. So, anyway.
Other comments, questions? Uh, no.
I have to get on there. Um, yeah. I should have been talking during the break. I should have got this going.
So let me get to YouTube. Can you talk about apostasy again?
The what? The apostasy. Apostasy? Thank you. Following away?
Three steps. Oh, according to Genesis 3, 1 -6 doubting the word of God, altering the word of God, contradicting the word of God.
That's just what's in those verses. And then subjecting everything to your feelings.
Alright, so I'm going on YouTube here. And, uh, there we go. So, uh, do you think the devil knows that some
Christians recognize the occult influence within Mormonism? Yes. Since I just said so, and that's very
Christian. Yep. Uh, probably Joe, and he does not like them. Right. Man, Mormons, I don't like, okay, that's not saying that I don't like Mormons.
No, Mormons are fine. Mormonism is the problem. So this is, I just logged in, so I haven't seen all the text.
If anybody has any comments or questions, uh, it'll catch up. I mean, uh, let me know.
I had to refresh. Okay. I couldn't get Facebook in. I can't log in on my computer.
You couldn't log in? No, I got to do all this stuff to set it up, and I just didn't do it right now. She'll get the
Facebook comments and read them. Or Cameron will read them.
Uh, we need to talk. You got your garments on underneath, so you're good to go. Okay. Yeah. Okay.
We we talked, um, while we were setting up about the Aztec and the
Incas. Yeah. Can you talk about that again, please? Yeah, a lot of the Mormons used to think that the
Aztecs and the Incas from the, uh, uh, Central and South America were actually the
Nephites Lamanites or descendants of them or break -offs from them. And, uh, then there's this rumor of someone called
Quetzalcoatl. Ever heard of Quetzalcoatl? And a blonde -haired guy, they say, see, that was Jesus. And, um, no, it's not.
That's Cortez. What? I said no, it's Cortez. It's Cortez? He was blonde -haired? Some people said that.
I don't know. They thought he was God. Yeah, that's true. So, um, that's the rumor.
And so some of the Mormons would say, see, look, these, uh, that reminds me, actually, of something.
The, uh, archaeological finds of the Aztecs and the Incas verified Mormonism. That reminds me, back in college,
I had a professor, art professor, that I got to know, and, uh, went over his house one time, and he liked archaeology from South America, and he's a
Mormon. And he said, oh, see this right here? It proves the Book of Mormon's true. And he's pointing to various devices, various things, and I'm like,
God, I didn't want to argue with him. I just said, no, it doesn't. But, you know, it does, whatever. And he's, you know, so I just went on.
Because there are times you fight, times when you don't, you're just so tired of it, you know. He just believed it.
No, it doesn't. Do your homework. So, they looked for it, but genetically speaking, it doesn't work.
Now, when I was on a, I went to see the, the pyramids in Mexico last year.
And we had a two -hour bus ride to get there. And the tour guide talked about Mormons.
He brought it up. The Mormons who say the Book of Mormon, Aztecs, Incas, and he was actually a descendant of one of them.
And he talked about a blue spot on his back, and the Jews don't have that, and he just nailed it.
And he said, no, there's no possible way that that's the case with them. And he knew.
And genetics don't support Mormonism either. So now the Mormons are kind of backpedaling about a lot of stuff and say, well, we haven't discovered the cities yet.
Except that the Book of Mormon says the cities were, you know, just huge and all over the place.
Yet, when they found Incas and Aztecs artifacts in cities, buildings, well, those aren't the ones.
They found out the genetics and the evidence doesn't support the Book of Mormon. So, there's different theories. And Bill McKee, a friend of mine, he knows that the various theories, there's names for the theories, and he can go into that.
I don't know them. Oh, yeah, it's a joke. Mormonism is such a false religion.
What? Oh, yeah. Horses were here back 400
B .C., but they weren't. They were brought over by the conquistadors. And then there was silk and steel.
The Book of Mormon says was here way before they were ever introduced. Huh? Chariots. With horses.
And some creature, cumin or something? I can't remember what it is. Cumulon? Cumulon?
I can't remember. Cumulon. That's the Greek word for feces.
And thank you very much. One Greek word he knows. Cumulon! Joe, oh,
I'll get to that question, Joe, in a minute. You got a question? Yes. What? Some people believe that the giants of history are factual, real giants and had double rows of teeth and extra thumb or extra digit on each hand, each feet, whatever.
Yeah, I know one of those guys. His name's Ken. I don't know Ken. Yeah, he's a big guy.
A lot of people believe that they're just bigger people had giantism, which is extremely rare, even now.
And a lot of people feel that they're the demons. Do you have a view on it?
Yeah, the church and the Jews always taught that the Nephilim of Genesis chapter 6 were the half -breeds between fallen angels and women.
And that's what they taught. That's what I believe. And that's what it is. And so the flood was there to prevent them from taking over and destroying the
Messianic line. And that's why it says in Genesis 6 -9 that Noah was pure in all his descendants, or his ancestry, all his generations.
And then if you go to Daniel chapter 2, verse 43, it gives some information about the
Nebuchadnezzar statue. And it represents different epochs of time. And then down towards the feet, it's about the rebuilt, some say the rebuilt
Roman Empire. And there's a debate on this, whatever. But in Daniel 2 -43 it says, they will mingle their seed with the seeds of men, the sons of men.
That they can't be people, the way the Hebrew construction is. So it looks like something like that was going on.
And some people think that when the flood came and destroyed the half -breeds, that they were disembodied, and they're the demons.
It says there seem to be fallen angels and demons. And so some demonologists think that there's a differentiation between them and that the half -breeds were released from their bodies, and they seek to inhabit human bodies, which is why demons try and inhabit people.
This is all theory. So that's what it is. Okay, let me see.
Why do you think the devil has placed in plain sight the occult references within Mormonism? I think it's partly because of mockery and hatred.
A way of mocking blatantly, publicly, God himself, and putting his stamp upon his false works.
I know a Lutheran who, after his baptism, has a little sign that says,
God, accept this little lamb. Why do Lutherans think God will wash away their sins through baptism? Because they don't understand what the word of God really says, and they're too close to Roman Catholicism.
That's why. CJ Miller, a little off -topic, but did that Native Americans receive the gospel somehow before Europeans showed up?
If not, then did they not get the opportunity of salvation? That's an interesting topic. God has his way of being able to communicate the gospel to different people, and this has been documented in various books, various cultures,
Eternity in Their Hearts is one of them, Abruzco is another, where different cultures, different tribes that are not in association with a western civilization, which is influenced by Christianity, have various gospel messages woven into their culture and their ancestry.
One group, the Modoloni tribe, I think it was in Columbia, had a prophecy that there would be a young man with white hair coming to them, this blonde -haired kid,
Bruce Olsen, came to them, and he would have the words of God written on banana leaves, because they were out in the jungle, that's all they knew.
So he came with a Bible, and he gave them the word of God, they received the word of God, they became
Christians. So there's things like that. Another culture, someplace has something equivalent to what's called the cities of refuge.
So they're out of the Old Testament, and I forgot,
I read about it, I can't remember too many details about it, but in the jungle, the warring tribes, if one was pursuing another, whichever tribe person got into this little area, like 15 feet by 15 feet stone little thing, like six inches high, eight inches high, foot high, rounded, as long as they were in there, the enemy couldn't hurt them.
But, I mean, they're just two feet away, but three feet away. They have their arrows and their spears, they could just kill them. But they wouldn't do it, because he's in that little area of sanctuary.
Where'd they get this? So there's a lot of conjecture that there's a lot of truth that are handed down from people who spread it all over the world, and so God has his way of communicating that way.
Plus, in Middle East, in the Middle East, there are thousands and thousands and thousands of reports of Muslims having dreams and visions of Jesus.
And I encountered a guy in Jerusalem who said that Jesus appeared to him when he was 17.
Now, did he or did he not? I don't know, but he told me to my face, just outside of Jerusalem temple, he said that when he looked into the eyes of Jesus, he said, as it appeared to him, he said, that's when
I knew he was God. What'd he do with that? You know, so, these things happen.
So the gospel can be made known the way God wants it to be known in different areas, but we need to preach that word of God.
Yes? So, I don't know if you know the context on this one, but one of the proof texts that Mormons will give for modern temples is in Obadiah 1.
Obadiah? So, they'll turn to verse 17, which says, but upon Mount Zion, this is in the
King James, but upon Mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness, and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions, and they claim lineage from the house of Jacob.
And then 21, this is the one that they really focus on, is, and saviors shall come up on Mount Zion.
And when it says Mount Zion, they say, you know, Mount of the Lord, the high place of the Lord, any sort of mountain where the prophets would, you know, when
Moses went up on the mountain, that was a high place of the Lord. They say Mount Zion, Zion the
New Jerusalem, which is built in the Americas, that's modern temples, that's Mount Zion. Do judge the Mount of Esau, and the kingdom shall be the
Lord's. What does it mean? Well, as is always the case, what you do is you read something in context, and just like the two tablets and the scrolls that they refer to the book of Joseph, when you read on, you find out that the prophecy was answered there.
I haven't heard this about Obadiah, but I would rest assured that if you read on, it'll be answered in the context.
Obadiah? So, but on Mount Zion, there will be those who escape, and it'll be holy, and the house of Jacob will possess their possessions.
Well, Mount Zion is in Israel, but they're going to say that it's in, I think, Missouri? Is that where they say it is?
Zion is anywhere where the people of God are gathered together. Is that what they'll say? Yeah. Yeah.
And the house of, yeah, so they redefine what that is. And he said, verse 21, that deliverers will ascend
Mount Zion to judge the mountain of Esau. Yeah. They're just allegorizing everything in order to justify.
Because it's a natural mount. Judge the mountain of Esau. That's an actual place. So they're just allegorizing it in order to make it justified or stuff.
That's all that's going on. Or can we talk about the gospel? The gospel? I have to check that it's possible.
I have to check that to see if there might be an allusion to that later on. Because Mount Zion could be an allusion to the coming kingdom.
Could be. Jesus' kingdom. You'd have to do some studies on that. And the mountain of Esau, which he says in the
Bible, Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated. Right. And Esau, of course, would not be sold as inheritance.
Could be. For a million. Yeah. Which is stupid. What God gave him, which the Mormons do.
The Mormons take what God gave them and they use it for this life.
I'm going to enjoy this life. Jesus says no. It's not about this life.
It's about enjoying me. Rest in me. Enjoy me. So he hates people.
Jesus, of course, also teaches he who loses his life will find it.
He who finds his life will lose it. I see why. I guarantee you it's about the gospel in some way.
It's about Jesus. Yes, in context, but yeah, it's about Jesus.
I encourage you to just look for Jesus. I'm looking at Obadiah 19. It says those of the
Negev will possess the mountain of Esau and those in the Shephelah, the Philistine plain, also possess the territory of Ephraim and the territory of Samaria and Benjamin will possess
Gilead. And the exile is talking about specific geographical areas. Of course, it cannot be allegorized.
I wouldn't say so. Next question. Let's see.
Yeah. Eden was on the American continent. Yeah, I went to where Eden was in Missouri.
Mormon said it was, yeah. Oh yeah, I've been there. Yeah. I thought, oh, where's the
Euphrates River? Tigris. Yeah.
So where was that? I didn't see it. And then we were walking through there and there happened to be a rock that was flat that was kind of like a slight angle.
And I thought, I walked up to it and I went, uh -huh, they're probably going to say that's an altar. And then Bill goes, that's what they say an altar or blah blah blah was.
It's ridiculous. What's that? That's Preacher's Rock. Preacher's Rock. That's right. So I was right there.
We stood on it. We stood on it, yeah. It's called, it's been a while, but yeah, it's called that.
It's just a rock about three or four of these tables put together, kind of, you know, size.
No, what I mean is, is it symbolic of a podium? Oh, I don't know. It's the way it was located, the people could gather around it, a person could stand up there because the ground underneath it was a little bit low and angled out.
It'd be perfect to have an impromptu kind of a sermon. You could have a actually have a way you could walk around on it a little bit.
It was kind of cool. I guess that's why they call it Preacher's Rock. It is where the actual Sermon on the
Mount was. Where was that? That's where Adam was prophesying to his children, because he was a prophet.
I mean, it sounds stupid. Sorry, I shouldn't say that just like that, but it is. Very encouraging.
Go up a little higher than that above Charlie's comments. There's a question from Philly. Okay, shoot.
When did you realize Joseph Smith was a false prophet? When did I realize it? When I heard the first quote from him.
Very first quote I heard back in 1980, a friend of mine was in a Bible study and he goes, hey
Matt, listen to this. And all these affidavits and all these indictments, it is all the devil, all corruption, you false swears, all hail, boil over you burning mountains, or down your lava, for I will come out on top at last.
I have more to boast than ever any man had. I've done more to keep a church together since the days of Adam, Peter, John, Paul, Peter, nor Jesus has ever done such a work as I.
And he went on like this. And it just made me so mad that I go, who is this guy?
And my friend, Charlie Spine, he's actually here in the vid here. He goes, that's the founder of Mormonism.
And I said, well Mormons are Christians but he's not. That's what I said. And he goes, no,
Mormons are not Christians. I said, yeah they are. He goes, no they're not. What do you mean? And he started telling me what they've taught.
I went, what? What? And so he goes, well we're having a Bible study that we go to to study.
I'm going. And that's what got me started doing apologetics. So Charlie Spine right there is the one.
What's that? Blame Charlie. Oh yeah, I do. Everybody can blame him. Yeah, he's the guy. Or Joseph Smith.
Joseph Smith. Actually what I'll do is I'll say to Mormons, I'll say you know what, Joseph Smith changed my life. And they go, he did?
I says, yeah, I read something from him. It just altered the direction of my life and it did. I wanted to be a go to college and be a marine biologist.
I was thinking about what I was going to do and how and what and some other stuff and changed my life.
Yeah. So let's see. Here's the quote. God is in the still small voice and all these affidavits, indictments it is all of the devil.
All corruption, come on you prosecutors, you false swears all hell boil over, you burning mountains roll down your lava, for I will come out on top at last.
I have more to boast of than ever any man had. I am the only man that has ever been able to keep a whole church together since the days of Adam.
A large majority of the whole have stood by me. Neither Paul, John, Peter, nor Jesus ever did it.
I boast that no man ever did such a work as I. The followers of Jesus ran away from him, but the latter day saints never ran away from me yet.
That's what got me started. I went, what? And it just upset me so I started studying.
And that's what did it. Pretty arrogant. And he was dead one month later.
Now they did murder him. But his brother smuggled, or somebody smuggled a gun in, and he shot in three,
I think three rounds two people died, one was injured. That's what I think the, how it meant.
Who is he? Joseph Smith. What? Joseph Smith shot himself?
No, shot two people, three people. A whole lot came while he was in Carthage jail on trumped up charges, which the charges were that he burned down a expository.
Right. They set him up. And so they weren't in the like jail portion of the jail for some reason.
They say that it was because he was such a good man, and they were good men, that the jail person could recognize that they were just awesome, and so he let them go upstairs.
And so they were upstairs, and the mob comes and they're trying to break into the building. And they say that he was martyred, and that he didn't fight back, that he didn't have a gun, and nothing of the sort.
And he got shot. He told one guy, he's like, hey you're, I told you, you're going to serve a mission, you're yet going to serve a mission, you're not going to get shot.
And then he got shot, and then while he was shot, he fell out the window, and then they just shot him a lot more times.
A lot more times. Yeah, close casket. And also, another little something is, he said something, there's rumors and no one, yeah, he shot him in the face.
Right about here. And so, he said something that, they don't know if it's absolutely true, but it seems to be.
He said, is there no help for the widow's son? Which is a code word of distress for masons.
So some people think they saw, he saw the masons from his secret rituals with them, and so some think that maybe the masons had set this up, trumped up charges, because he didn't know what they said, as far as I understand, and they went to kill him.
And so he was appealing and he didn't know they were out to get him. But he did fire. That's a fact.
And it was not just a lay it down murder. He killed people. Go ahead.
So, what do you say to all the biblical evidence of the great apostasy, such as Revelations 225?
It teaches that the apostasy was foretold, and the apostles struggled against it for their whole careers.
And because Paul had to correct members repeatedly in all of his letters, he kept giving corrections.
Here's what you guys are doing wrong. Here's where you perverted the gospel in some sense. And at the end of Paul's life, you know, in Timothy, it's recorded that all the people he taught in Asia had turned against what
Paul taught. So, how do you maintain that the gospel is true to what it was in the early church, when the
LDS church says that it was so corrupt? The gospel is the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of our sins.
That's in 1 Corinthians 15, 1 -4. Those documents are accurate. That's what the gospel is defined as by Paul the
Apostle. So that's what the gospel is. What they're saying is the gospel is laws, ordinances, and all this stuff.
That's not what the Bible says it is. Now, in 2 Thessalonians 2, we request you brethren, with regard to the coming of our
Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering to him, that you be not quickly shaken from your composure or be disturbed either by a spirit or a message or a letter as if from us to the effect that the day of the
Lord has come. Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first. And the man of lawlessness is revealed.
That apostasy in 2 Thessalonians 2 is concomitant with the arrival of the Antichrist, an individual, that has not happened yet.
So the spirit of Antichrist is alive and well. 1 John talks about that. And there have been various forms of apostasy within the
Christian church, even at the beginning, in that they were denying certain things and getting prideful about certain things, and letters of correction were given.
But that apostasy is not what Paul's talking about. So there is an apostasy occurring in the
Christian church today, but the great apostasy, as some like to call it, has not yet occurred. And that will be my opinion at this point, is that the great apostasy cannot occur until the church itself has basically gone rogue.
And then the Holy Spirit will not be doing His work through the world because the Christians aren't doing what's right and they're not really
Christians, and then the great deception will come in. That's what I believe. Now some people will say, well that's a pre -tribulation rapture.
That's why the Holy Spirit's not here. That doesn't work. It just doesn't work. For other reasons, which
I've proved on the chalkboard behind me more than once. Any other comments or questions?
Let's see. James White doesn't support Islam. He's concerned with people. That's correct. James White does not support
Islam. He doesn't. He's not a radio host trying to bash them so that they can make a name for themselves.
Yeah. James White, I could maybe talk to him about it, but James knows that Islam is false, and he debates against Muslims, and I've not sucked my nose in his business or the stuff that's going on, but no, he does not believe
Islam is true. There's no possible way. It doesn't happen. I don't even think
Sam is saying that. Even Sam Shimon isn't saying that, right? Yeah, that's where this whole thing is, and Sam's not even saying that he believes that Islam is true.
Matt, can I make Charlie mad on my Facebook page? I'm sorry, what? Can I make Charlie mad on my Facebook page? Sure. Oh yeah, you have discretion.
I trust you completely. He's crying. Except for your taste in men, but other men. Did you know that in both the
Quran and the book of Abraham, it teaches that Abraham had an intense knowledge of the stars and heavens and how galaxies were in space, and how when
I was taking a world religions class at the LDS Institute, that was one of the things they talked about, is how all the world religions have a portion of the truth, and the
Quran, at least part of it, was from God, because it confirms the book of Abraham. I've never heard that before.
I've never heard that before. I know they teach it as like a broken mirror, and a bunch of people have little pieces of the broken mirror.
Why is it an issue that someone would know or not know about the galaxy and worlds?
Because the galaxies, no one knows about galaxies, because you don't see galaxies, you just see stars. And they used to think there's only 2 ,000 to 4 ,000 stars, depending.
I've heard something like that, but there's billions. And it's the Bible that says there's many. But what Muslims do is they like to read into their text anything they can attribute to being supernatural, in their desperate attempt to try and demonstrate that the
Quran is inspired. Not many people know about this, but the early
Jewish view of the constellations was gospel -oriented.
The Virgo Virgin, that precedes the Greek influence.
And there's another topic I need to study, among many others that I don't have time for, but that is the case.
And you can go on the web probably and find a Jewish view of ancient constellations, do something like that, and you'll find.
In fact, I remember reading articles about it, or a book excerpt 25 years ago or whatever.
When it's past 15 years, I kind of forget about stuff. But 15 minutes, some people would say.
But anyway. I remember something about the stars inside the constellation of the
Virgin. And the Jewish names, when we take the Jewish names, what those names mean was really interesting.
I can't remember what they were, but it was like, oh wow, that's like in the Bible. Form of a Virgin, journey to place, weird names of stars.
And then you go, that's what the scriptures teach. And I remember that. So it's worth studying as well.
Islam is a growing religion and its adherents promote it as a religion of peace. That's a lie. However, in actuality it's not a religion of peace.
That's correct. That's correct. Charlie's putting his stuff in there. Good for him. Okay. Matt, a little off topic.
What's your opinion on the impact of the long -term impact of the teaching of James White and his support for Islam? I do not believe he is supporting
Islam. Maybe I'll contact him and ask him sometime if it's needed, but I just take my nose out of other people's business like that.
Who's James White? James White is a very good apologist and he's written many books and he's very competent.
Very good apologist. He's reformed in his theology. So what I'm understanding is that some people believe that he believes in Islam now?
Yeah, he doesn't. I'm trying to remember what happened, but he had a
Muslim in a church he was at, or his church. Don't quote me on this. I'm trying to remember the details. But it was not a
Sunday morning. It was a place, a church, but on a different night and he had to come in and speak.
Of course, I would do something like that. Let's hear what the Muslim has to say and then let's tackle it.
Well, I think it was kind of a back and forth between the two, as well as I understand it. And he didn't attack everything the guy said.
He just went after specific things and was very, very cordial. It wasn't like, yeah!
He went at him. I can tell you as an apologist, having done things like that, there's lots of times when
I'm not going to pull out both barrels and start firing away because I've got something else going on.
I've done that many times. Most times it works but sometimes it doesn't. I don't know what James was doing and that's it.
But I know a lot of people are trying to get all over him. Leave him alone. I know what it's like to be ridiculed constantly by just Christians.
Oh, you're not a Christian. I got attacked Sunday night by a guy because I was defending reform theology and total depravity and I forgot what the words were.
You don't have the power of the presence of God or something. The power of the Spirit. I get so tired of it.
It's just so tired. Stop! People who are ignorant of what the word really says in a lot of areas they elevate their own knowledge and then they say that I'll pronounce judgment on you because it's alright.
Because you don't believe the way I do in a non -essential. It's just ridiculous.
No religion, not Islam, Mormonism, J -dubs, Catholicism has an advocate with a father who once purged our sin and after sat down at the right hand.
I'm not sure what that means. An interfaith dialogue, the man blasphemed Christ. You'd have to watch it to understand. If you blaspheme
Christ then he can blaspheme Christ then address it in the right context, the right way.
But they need to get off James White's back. Leave him alone. Unless he's such an incredibly heretical, leave him alone.
It's easy for people to sit in their armchairs and sit and watch a video in the comfort of their home and then type out a condemnation when they're not the ones sitting in the planes traveling across the country or across the world doing the study having to stand up in public and defend the faith.
Nobody says everything perfectly every time. And James and other apologists need support and they need prayer.
Because I'll tell you, I know from the inside it's very difficult. You see me, see what kind of toll it'll take, and it does.
And stuff like that. Your phone's possessed, it starts talking. That's right, that was an evil voice on your phone,
I don't know. Can I add to that? Add to his evil phone voice?
Can I add to your statement? You guys don't just need support prayerfully in every way, but financially too.
Yeah, we need support financially. People talk about how you're doing the radio show and they love you and you're great.
They need to back up what they're saying with their pocketbook. A lot of them do.
But we could use some more. We're trying to do just get 1 ,000 people to donate $5 a month.
If we had that, we wouldn't quite be a rubber band shooter, just bang, bang.
We wouldn't quite be above where we need to be. But, you know, I asked for that, nothing happened.
Well, not nothing, but there are some very great people who are supporting and there are some people who are just doing an awesome job.
I try and call them and don't always get them. I just want to say thanks. But the problem is, I don't want to know who donates because I don't want to treat anybody differently.
I don't want that upon me. And so, I don't know who donates and I just don't want to get involved with it. But my wife will every now and then say, you need to call this person, just say thanks.
And so, I'll do that. I've called people and they say, no need to call. My wife told me to. She made me.
It's like that. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to imply that you needed to know who was doing what. I'm just making a blanket statement that people need to back up what they're saying with, you know...
Oh, it's nice if they would. If your checkbook is showing that where your finances are is where your heart tends to be.
And if you're spending more money on cappuccinos instead of on tithing of anywhere and when, then you need to look at your life a little bit better and change that.
We ask $5 a month. $10 would be great. What's $10 a month? But, the only reason
CARM has not had to lay off most everybody is because we have a single donor who's bailing us out.
That's it. And he believes in the ministry and he's got a very successful business and that's the only reason.
We have a full -time guy in Bogota who does Spanish. We have a full -time guy in Brazil who does
Portuguese. We have a full -time guy in Turkey who does Turkish. And we have a full -time woman in Delaware who does the forums which get thousands of posts a day.
It's a place of evangelism. It's a lot of work. We have a full -time guy in Salt Lake City and he's pulling up the slack that I can't do now in a lot of areas.
And then my wife is full -time and I'm full -time. We have seven full -time employees and so my wife doesn't make very much but she works at least, well, lately not so much because her health is really taking a dive and she's had some major problems.
She has a very rare disease and broken bones and she coughed and recracked some stuff just by coughing.
Once. One cough. So we've got some serious problems coming up.
But at any rate, and she might need open -heart surgery. So we're thinking about getting someone else to help us now.
Take up her slack because of that. But at any rate, so we have people and they're not getting paid a lot of money.
And we're just trying to make ends meet. In fact, we have a guy named
Glenn and he hosts the Karm website. A DOS attack is a
Denial of Service attack. So what's a DOS? Picture any website as a door and to get you to get to the website, which is on the other side of that door.
A port gives you access to the website. The port is the door.
If one person wants to go through the door at a time to look at the website, they can walk in and out of that door.
But what do you do if 100 people want to go in now? Nobody gets through. And that's what a
DOS attack is. Thousands of computers are activated to destroy the site and or bring it down or destroy or overwhelm the port so no one else can get in.
And they'll have viruses on computers or whatever the proper terminology is all over wherever.
A continent. And they'll signal them to all start accessing the
Karm port all at once. And so you'll be home. Your computer could be infected and be used in part of this.
You won't even know. And so it'll send stuff out. And so that's called a DOS. And so an average movie you might download might be two and a half gigabytes.
So it takes you a half hour to download a movie, right? On the internet. Roughly. So let's say 2 .5
will take you an hour of download on my system which is 40 megs per second.
It's pretty fast. Takes a half hour to 45 minutes to download. 2 .5
gigabyte movie. Glenn says that sometimes we get 25 to 27 gigabytes per second attack.
So where it might take just, I mean it's hard to describe where it might take 100 people a minute to go through a door.
5 ,000. Like that. It's like boom. And he says that he hosts banks and none of the banks ever get attacked as much as Karm does.
And in order to stop the DOS attacks he sometimes has to block continents.
He had to block Africa to stop the DOS attacks so that others could use the site.
So the Karm hits go down. And so it affects us.
And it does hurt us. But this is what it is. So I asked Glenn one day about a year ago.
I said, how much money are you saving us by you doing this? How much would it, he said a real, a company that would charge you to administer the
DOS attacks and defend against them? $6 ,000 to $8 ,000 a month. So we've got people.
The reason Karm exists in one sense is because, well this dumb guy got an idea and wrote some articles.
But the reason it's still here and functioning is because Glenn does the tech stuff.
And because we have another person who does the finance stuff. We just had an annual
Karm meeting at our house last week. Seven or eight guys there. He came over for a little while. And a bunch of people there.
And we spent two days discussing the strategies for Karm's future. And we've got a lot of things we're going to be doing.
A lot of changes. And even though we've got all kinds of problems, we're moving forward. How many cuts in pay have you taken over the years?
I've taken two cuts in pay. But there's a guy out there who hates my guts and misrepresents how much
I get paid. I get paid pretty well. I've got a master's degree.
I've been doing this for 37 years. I work 50 -60 hour weeks. So I make decent money.
I think we have $8 in our bank account now. Medical bills. Everything. It's just insane.
I've not had a raise. That's my favorite. You've taken cuts. You're not even keeping up with inflation.
And people need to understand that. And they need to get out their little pocketbooks. That's why
I'm doing Patreon. One of the reasons I'm doing Patreon is so that people can go and support me specifically. And then the money literally saves us.
We had a check come in from Patreon. It's only $300 - $500 a month maybe at that.
And at one time that just gave us enough money for food and gas. Things are working.
That's one of the reasons I'm doing that. It's tough. There are a lot of people out there who have financial issues.
You do. Your situation is pretty dire. There are lots of people.
And then Cameron's mental problems that are surfacing. Those are really bad.
He's over there going like this. You do that. I will always be the preacher of financially supporting.
Put your money where your mouth is. Let's just say we've got another $100 ,000 a year.
What do we need? What I could do with that would be to rent a room that I could convert into a video studio.
And one of the things we want to do in the future with the Karim website is actually start having interviews. I want to interview you actually.
You're one of the guys I wanted to interview. And also with Sam. We could do it at my house.
We've got a small room. We'll just set it up and I want to just ask you questions about where you were and brought you out.
And then I'll edit it to make you look intelligent. Which would probably go from a half hour interview down to two or three minutes maybe.
Maybe four or five. Okay. So that's one of the things
I want to do. And I'm having to use one of our spare bedrooms because now our kids are gone.
And the bedrooms, it's not that big. And so you have to be really strategic when you do video.
So I've got one wall, the only wall that I can video on. But there's a door next to it so you have to keep the door closed.
But you can't be too far back because then the shadows are on the wall. You can't have that because you've got to be up forward.
Well, if you're up forward, you're too close to the camera. Your nose looks like this. So then you've got to have the camera back up against the wall.
It's just enough where I can do it. Where I can move up and back. But I can't go too far this way until we do interviews.
We'll have to set it up a little bit differently. You just make do with what you've got. Well, if I had enough money,
I don't need a lot. Just a bigger room to set things up so the camera's at the right distance and the light's at the right distance.
So it just looks good. So you can produce good stuff, have people come in. And then I have to do all the editing.
A lot of people don't know this, but I'm just rambling now, but if I want to do, like, I want to start doing two -minute videos.
We'll call it maybe Two Minutes with Matt or the Calm Moment or something like that. And just start doing teaching.
So in order to do that, I would have to get the scriptures, because I don't have everything memorized. I'd have to work on the computer to get it going.
Then convert my notes to PowerPoint. Then take the PowerPoint thing, put it into the on this laptop here, put it here, hook that up with a splitter so that the monitors can see it.
Then I have to get my my clicker for the
PowerPoint, because I just need my notes up there. Because I want to do it on a certain time, right?
And so the camera is next to the monitor. So it looks like I'm looking at the camera.
Let me get that thing going. And then I have to set up the microphone, the wireless mic, make sure everything's set.
Because I've done this before where I do all this, and I forget to turn the microphone on. And of course, it only happens when it's really good.
And then, so then when I do that, I have to turn all the lights on, make sure all the lights are right, make sure everything's closed, make sure everything looks good.
And that's just the lighting. And then when I'm done, I have to turn everything off.
And then take the disc, go into my office, and then do transport the stuff over to Vegas 13.
Then in Vegas 13, I have to put it into the system, tell it to analyze the thing. Then I have to put in the scripture references behind me and around me, things like that.
Then I have to convert it and export it to an MP4 file. Then I have to upload it to YouTube, and then that's how we do it.
That's just for a two -minute show. Two -minute thing. I have to do all of it. It just slows me down.
In fact, it's so daunting that it's hard to do any of it because I have to do half hours to two hours work for two minutes.
Do you sleep? Yeah, I sleep. And then when I go to sleep, I'm reading, prepping for the debates that I've got to be in Denver in four weeks.
Four or five weeks. So that's what I do. I get up and I have 500 emails to answer in one account.
I'm trying to teach myself WordPress so that we get a new system going as we get Karma converted. I've got to teach myself that.
We're trying to get HisMormonismChristian .com converted over. Calvinist Corner converted over. All kinds of stuff.
I've got Atheistica. I have to develop the website for that. The novella. I've got to work on my novel.
I've got to finish and I've got a series to do on apologetics and I've got to write three lessons for two lessons for Saturday, one for Sunday and a sermon.
I think I've got most of... I've got about halfway done. So this is how it is.
And so if I had enough money, I could actually hire people to do some of this stuff. And so if it wasn't for you guys coming in here and doing all this stuff,
I wouldn't do this. I'd get tired of walking and set everything up. Set everything, set everything.
It takes two of us. Three of us. A half hour to set everything up. It'd be nice to have a studio.
It'd be nice to have a studio. Then we could have volunteers come in and do the editing and stuff like that. Remove a whole bunch from your plate and get a bigger presence on YouTube for you.
Yeah. But you know, it doesn't take much. But you can rent a room. You know, I've got a spare bedroom and it's not that big and you've got to do the best you can with what you've got.
And that's okay. But if we had a bigger room, twice that size is just what you need.
You know, the size of my office would be perfect. Then you can have things set up and you can have people sitting on a couch and it looks comfortable and you can interview.
I want to do good work and stuff. So it's just what it is.
Just life. And then I turn on TV and Kenneth Copeland, Kenneth Hagan, Joyce Meyer, millions and millions and millions of dollars preaching heresies.
All you've got to do is start doing heresies and you can have all those millions of dollars too. Sell out your integrity.
Sell out your conscience. It's no big deal. Just tickle our ears. Yeah, I'll tickle your ears.
Yeah, that's right. I'll puke in the process. Land in Georgia and just share a radio studio on and off.
If you would, that'd be interesting. What? I said, and then burn in hell for all I know. Oh yeah, there's no way. What's that Bible verse?
If you gain this life but lose your soul, it's okay. Is it worth it? Yeah. Yeah, I don't know what that is.
I like that version better. I think that's Abraham. I was, so I have, you were mentioning atheists.
I was talking to some Mormon missionaries last night at the temple and I was with Josh and Josh has never been a
Mormon and so he's just asking them some basic questions. One thing they say a lot is a plan of salvation.
He goes, okay, you guys keep saying that so I'm wondering, what should I be terrified of? What do
I need to be saved from? And you know, they couldn't give him a straight answer for the life of him.
We talked to some really nice people and we talked to these missionaries for, I don't know, an hour and they still hadn't told us what we should be scared of.
But one of the things they were talking about with the plan of salvation is pre -existence and how our souls are eternal and weren't created by, and so they're given this crazy, you know, you know what it is,
I know what it is. But I was talking to an atheist today about abiogenesis.
And you know, I know when I'm talking to an atheist, the problem is their sin. That's what's keeping them from recognizing the
God they know, according to God's word. But I'm just wondering, what should
I know as, I know you've studied it. Know about what? Abiogenesis. It's not true.
Because I know like Miller -Uwe's experiment. That's a bunk. The Miller -Uwe experiment in the 50s was an attempt to mimic what they thought was the conditions of the early atmosphere in which life formed.
And they've long since discovered that that experiment did not accurately represent that. That's one thing.
Second, when they got pseudo -amino acids produced, they had to immediately extract them from the environment in which they were created.
But that's not realistic to the experiment. Or to the conditions of Earth, you know. The environment would have destroyed them.
Right. So the Miller -Uwe experiment, and it's already been declassified as being reliable and accurate.
Yet it's still in a lot of books on evolution. You can get the book, Icons of Evolution, and it'll talk about that.
But abiogenesis, formation of life by chance, cannot happen. Life is information.
In a biological structure, that which becomes biological in life is information.
Information has to be sent. Information has to be received. Otherwise, it's not information. So if I were to write you a letter, now, it is information, even if you don't read it, because I know it's information, and I put it there.
But what if you were to be walking along the forest road, and you saw this on the ground?
Chalk. Yeah, you saw chalk. Diatomaceous Earth. You just saw that. Is that information? No. What if you were walking, and there was a stick, a couple sticks like that?
Is that information? Pie. Pie. Is it? Be. Might not be. Might not be, right?
Well, what if you saw some sticks like this? Is that information?
And what if you saw another stick like that? Is that information? No. No? How about that?
How about that? How about that? Now, wait a minute, that's a little bit too complex, just to be random.
And so you'd see, you know, there's the word cap. So, what if you were walking along the path, and you saw this word in sticks?
Oh, am I misspelling it? Intelligence.
Intelligence. Is that information? Why is it information? Specific. Specified complexity.
There's complexity, but the longer it gets, the more complex it is.
And that doesn't necessarily mean information. That might be.
It could be coincidence. You see this. I'm sorry it's not a random formation of sticks on the road.
Nobody's going to say, well, look at that. That's just random. In a straight line. It's not going to happen. At what point would you say it's information?
Because you could actually see this in a forest floor, but you wouldn't know. Look, it's the word in, but it's not intended.
You know, the squirrels were kicking their sand and those sticks found that. Now, what is it here?
You go, well, that's a little bit too much. You go, hey, wait a minute, these are letters. Now you're starting to see patterns.
Well, you know, here you don't get you don't really get to see it until later. It's a full word. So when does something like this become information?
Well, in this context, it's a long word and we can see it. But if we have the word, you know, like this with sticks, that might not be information.
It might just be a coincidence because that's simplistic enough. But the longer this goes,
Caterpillar. Okay, I was going to do catapult, but let's do that. Okay, caterpillar.
Now that's information. It's too much. So what DNA is is deoxyribonucleic acid and it has the nucleotide bond pairs here.
This is where information is formed. Along these things. Not here, it's these little things here.
These are actually two things put together and they're joined. And so you get all this stuff.
Well, when is this information? Because the complexity here, the
DNA molecule, which when you unravel it, is like this. Because it's one and four, it doesn't become information until way over here.
But even then, it has to have a reader. So I ask people, if the only thing in the universe, no minds, nothing.
The only thing was something resembling a piece of paper with this on it.
Is it information? It's the only thing that exists in the universe.
How about this? Is that information?
I'm playing kind of a game with you. That's the only thing that exists. Is it information? With no one to read it or interpret it, it doesn't have meaning on its own.
Exactly correct. That's exactly correct. It's not information. You might not be able to read it or interpret it.
There is nothing else. It's just nothing. That's the only thing that exists. It's not information. It has no meaning.
Letters don't mean anything. They can't be formed or nothing. It's a representation. It's not a representation.
There's nothing to represent. Exactly. So this is why it's a game to kind of stretch your mind.
This has no meaning if that's the only thing in the universe. There's no chalkboard. How do these letters exist in nothingness?
I haven't got that far. Let's just say it looks like a piece of paper and it's just that. There is no meaning there.
But if I were to write this word on a piece of paper and hand it to you, either one of you would say, read that word and you'd pronounce the word.
Well then that's information that's been transferred. That's one of the things about information. It's transferable. Does this have any weight?
Any mass? The chalk itself. You know what the chalk does. Now there's chalk.
Does G, the letter G, have mass? Now on here it does.
But what if I went like this in the air? Does that have mass? What if I went like that?
An A, an N, and a T. Does that have mass? No. What's interesting about information, it has no weight.
It's purely abstraction. No, that is a physical thing. The more information in the phone, the phone's weight doesn't change.
That's right. You could have a laptop, a phone, you could put all kinds of information in it and it doesn't change its actual mass.
Right. So information's an interesting thing. It has no mass to it. It's simply an arrangement.
And so you could have a thousand sticks and they'll weigh exactly 20 pounds.
You arrange them into a sentence, it still weighs 20 pounds. The mass has not changed. That's what's interesting about information.
You know I like talking about this kind of stuff. I know. And so, that's why you asked? Yeah. Thank you.
So in abiogenesis, you have the helix. Right? The DNA molecule. The deoxyribonucleic acid, you have adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine.
A, G, here, adenine, guanine, cytosine,
I messed up, and thymine. So these are grouped. And so you have
A, G, and G, A, and C, T, and T, C. Each rung is 1 in 4, times 1 in 4, times 1 in 4, and it goes on.
So it's 1, or it's 0 .25, to the whatever power you're going to have. A thousandth power.
It gives you the mathematical equivalent of what the odds are of any particular sequence forming.
But the smallest molecule, DNA molecule, is in a certain virus, and it's like 200 ,000 nucleotide bond pairs.
So it would be, I think it's 220, I'll just do 200. 0 .25 times the 200 ,000th power.
That's just infinitesimally small. It's even more complex than that now, they're finding out.
Like if you were to say the A, G, C, T, if we replaced it with 1's and 0's, and you put all the 1's and 0's in the chalkboard, and then you saw an image of a face, because that's how the 1's and 0's are, that's how they're describing it now.
Now they're like, not only are those the A, G, C, T, or the 1's and 0's, but now we can see the third dimension of the information, so now they multiply even more, and that's just recently they're learning that.
Oh yeah, it's ridiculous. So how do people not see a creator in that?
Because their minds are blinded by their unbelief, they're given over to the depravity of their sinfulness, and they believe a lie and worship the creature rather than the creator.
Information requires a mind. And life is information.
Life is complex information. That's what it is, in a biological structure. In a biological structure.
They have the different molecules that exist. If they're just sitting there, how much do they weigh? Well, one -tenth of whatever it is.
And if you rearrange it into information, it still has the same mass. It's the arrangement that makes something work like that, as far as real information goes.
So you can't have a biogenesis form without a mind behind it, it just doesn't work.
Not only, and they'll say, yes you do, no it's not true, it's not. You have the helix, you also have to have a reader.
This is why, when you have this, you have the things in half, they unzip.
And then a reader comes in and matches every production. And so you have a sender, so to speak, and a receiver.
And where does the receiver get information to do what it's doing? It just gets so incredibly complex. Anybody would believe that it's by chance, they just don't.
There's no dissatisfaction, it's just not true. That's it?
The Body of Divinity by Thomas Watson.
What? The Body of Divinity by Thomas Watson. I haven't read it, I don't know what it is. Read it and let me know.
I wish I could read a thousand words a minute, I could do all this stuff. Listen to audiobooks while you're driving.
I actually want to get Sirius Radio, so I can listen to news stations, so I can start getting up on news stations, but I can't afford it.
Just do podcasts. It's free, and you can listen to it at your leisure. I don't know which ones are good, and I like to listen to live current stuff instead of me having to do another job of finding out what shows.
It's just the next day, they're only a day late. And a dollar short. So everybody donate their dollar.
Yeah. I have a question, how do Amelino explain the wolf and the lamb and the peace and the stuff?
I don't know. I don't know what content you're talking about. Okay. Wolf and the lamb.
Alright. I guess we're done? Okay, we're done. One question.
New Apostolic Reformation is bad because some of the teachers in it are claiming to have Apostolic Authority and submitting all truths to them, and they're getting into some heretical teachings.
I've got more research to do in another couple, three, four hundred hours. See you guys.
So yeah, it's a hierarchical kind of a structure that the issue of the
New Apostolic Reformation is more important than the Gospel itself. And that's how I would summarize it so far from my research.