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No sound, Joy Bubble saved us. Oh, the whole time I was talking, there was no sound.
I want to apologize. Thank you guys for letting us know. We're doing a live podcast. A live edition of your
Calvinist podcast is going to be coming tonight from the Set Free Annual Fundraiser here at Set Free Church.
We are at their new building, doing a great job here. They're having people here. They've got a room full of people raising money tonight and we're doing a live podcast, answering your questions, talking about whatever you want to talk about.
This is a movie themed event, which is my kind of event. You can't see what
I can see, but there's a box office when you come in. You get your tickets when you come in. There's a red carpet.
There's all this kind of like a paparazzi theme and there's all this kind of cool stuff. So we're having a good time, but we're going to begin our podcast as we always do with the greatest song in the history of podcast songs, our intro song.
Your Calvinist podcast is filmed before a live studio audience. And welcome back to your
Calvinist podcast. My name is Keith Foskey and I am your Calvinist. Joining me tonight is my brother,
Bobby Jones, and we're coming to you live from Set Free Church in Jacksonville, Florida.
And I want to give you a little bit of the history of Set Free Ministry and what they do for the men that come into this ministry.
I've been working with them for about six years and I go there every
Thursday and I teach a class for the men. The men who come to Set Free have a variety of different needs.
Some of them are coming off of drugs and alcohol. Some of them are coming out of prison. Some of them are coming out of just difficult stages and areas of life.
They come to Set Free. They have a place that provides them with food to eat, shelter, but most of all, the gospel of Jesus Christ.
They have a discipleship program that lasts, is it Bobby? Is it a, Bobby's one of the leaders here. Is it 150 days?
Is that, is that what the - It's five months. Five months. Yeah, just, they do a day thing, but it's just five months.
Okay. And once they do that, they complete what's known as phase one. Phase one.
Okay. Give me a favor, bring this a little closer and I'm going to turn you up a little bit cause I'm not sure I can hear you really well. We'll make sure everybody else can hear you as well.
Yeah, so Set Free Ministry is an opportunity for men who are struggling in whatever area to come in, be loved, be cared for, and be given the gospel to be discipled for five months.
And after that five month period, there's an opportunity for them to begin to help out in the program, sometimes moving into leadership roles and things like that, but also to help them get back to a life where they're more productive and able to not only serve
Christ, but go back to serving their community and being a part of their family and all of those things.
Bobby, you've seen a lot of things in your time of working here with these men.
I want to ask you just this quick question. What is the one best success story that you have seen?
And I know that may be a hard thing to come up with off the top of your head, but can you think of one particular success story that you feel is an encouragement to you?
There's been, that's what's different about Set Free. You know that I've been,
I went to a couple of other places before this. I won't mention names to be disparaging. One place
I went to, they had one success story come back and he would share his testimony. The other one had none.
The thing about Set Free is we see a lot of people doing well. And we have a lot of people that come back, come back here to go to church.
They leave the graduate program, but they still come to church here, still stay in fellowship with us. Yeah, and we're looking around.
I don't mean to interrupt you, but for those, you can't see what's going on here, but all these tables are filled with people who are either directly impacted by the ministry or they are helping the ministry in some way.
Some of them are churches like Pastor Neil and Amelia Baptist Church. They're huge supporters of Set Free. And the men who have been impacted positively by this ministry, many of them were here with their families.
I know this brother right here, he's a success story, right? Came through the ministry, sitting there with what I assume is his wife and they're having a good dinner together.
And we look and we see people walking around. They're sharing their testimonies, telling about the good things that have happened to them.
It's just a lot of really positive things. Oh yeah, yeah. And like I said, we've seen one guy, his wife dropped him off at Set Free.
She was done with him. It wasn't, I need you to get help. It was, I'm done with you. You're going here.
Good luck to you. And they're together today. That's awesome. And seeing these things rekindled, these relationships rebuilt, is when we're out there doing stupid stuff, it's whatever it is, it burns a lot of bridges.
There's a lot of bridges. And it's neat seeing something you can only attribute to God as mending.
It's something only God can fix. Those sorts of things, rebuilding trust and rebuilding these relationships.
Absolutely. Now I have a question here from Elijah Douglas. He's sending up, and you may know this because I don't know the answer to his question.
Elijah says, is this Set Free Ministries a part of the ministry with a location in Brantley County, Georgia?
If that's the Hunna, Georgia, I'm not sure of the county. We have one in Hunta. Okay. Set Free is actually a nationwide.
Okay. And they started out in California. That's where you'll see a lot of Set Free's, in California, and then moving more east into Wyoming and stuff like that.
You'll see a lot of Set Free's. Salter, the pastor here, him and Pastor Mark Yateman came here to start this one.
And then Pastor Yateman, his gift is weird. It's one of these, his gift is starting
Set Free's. Going to a place that there's nothing there, starting a
Set Free, getting church sponsors and all the stuff he does. So that's what he does. So he was here. He went up to me,
Hunna, and I believe that's the one. And started that one and just, that's what he does.
And it's, he does the hardest job. Awesome. And you just reminded me of something
I wanted to mention. Set Free is a nationwide ministry, but Set Free is also somewhat unique here in Jacksonville.
And that this Set Free is a 1689 church.
Yes. See, all the Set Free's are autonomous. They're kind of on their own. When you get out toward California, most of them are there,
Pentecostal, if not all of them, or at least the majority is. And then, but they kind of just stand on their own.
The doctrine they teach and stuff like that. Yeah. But that's what was interesting to me when I first met
Pastor Souder, who's the pastor here. And I'm going to try to, if he's walking by in a moment, I'm gonna get him just to come stick his head in so you guys can see him.
But Pastor Souder, he and I met at a Pollo Tropical, or as we say it in the
South, a Polo Tropical. We went to a Pollo Tropical six years ago.
We met, had lunch. His wife and my wife had met at a pastor's wife meeting. And he was honestly somewhat suspicious when he met me because he's very particular about who he lets come and teach the men.
And I was sort of automatically, when I met him, I said, hey man, if you ever need any help, if you ever need anybody to come in and teach.
And I'm sure he hears that all the time, right? And that's - He probably reacted to it the same way as someone comes to your church and says, hey, you need me to teach?
Yeah. Well, yeah. And to his credit, he did wait quite a bit.
He wanted to check me out, make sure that I wasn't a nutbag, at least not more of a nutbag than I actually am.
Well, that your theology is not a nutbag. Yeah, exactly. And so he invited me to come teach.
And immediately I really began to enjoy being around the men. One thing I will say about Set Free, I have learned to be a better teacher.
Yeah. Because the men at Set Free, number one, love to ask questions. Number two, won't let you just skate by with an answer.
They're going to kind of drive into the question. And number three, they're sometimes going to take you down a rabbit hole you didn't know you were going down, i .e.
the Nephilim. That was the, yeah, that's the biggest, because you think about this, people that go to your church or Amelia Baptist or any of these churches, someone comes to a new city, they look online, they listen, they read
Statement of Faiths, and they pick your church based on, this guy teaches the theology,
I believe, I'm going to go there. Set Free is not that way. Set Free are people that are going through what we call life struggles, and they have to come there.
So with it, we've gotten everything, Catholic, Pentecostal, Jehovah Witness, Mormon, you name it.
And so when you're teaching something that they haven't heard before or goes against what they think is right, yeah, you're going to get a lot of questions, a lot of pushback.
And there've been a few times. I mean, you've dealt with it, you're a teacher there, and you've been a teacher there for a while. I've been teaching there for a while.
I remember very specifically, there was a guy who was Hebrew roots, and he did not like my
New Covenant theology at all, which is not the exact opposite.
If you want to know like, well, what's New Covenant theology? It's the opposite of Hebrew roots. Like everything is like, everything that guy just said is spook alarm.
I just got to say. Yeah, and knowing this,
I guess I kind of picked my own fight with it because the classes I did were on other religions.
Yeah, I did a comparative religion because a lot of people that are new believers coming into Set Free, they become new believers, and they leave.
We want them to be educated on, just because the name of Jesus Christ is on a building doesn't mean it's a church.
As we see it in Latter -day Saints. A lot of people claim a Christ and not the biblical
Jesus. So that was our point is, one, strengthen our faith in what we believe, but also to educate on guarding your soul when you go back out there, not winding up in some cult or a false religion.
Hey, speaking of cults, I've got some commercials I'm going to be throwing in tonight. I think this would be a good time to take a quick break and watch a commercial.
It's 8 a .m. on a Saturday morning. You hear a knock at your front door. You're not expecting anyone.
You haven't made any Amazon purchases or Uber Eats deliveries. You glance out the window to see two fairly well -dressed middle -aged women holding awake magazines, and you know it's happening again.
Heresy has come to the door. Hi, I'm Keith Foskey with Reformation Mutual Insurance, and we're now offering the
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So if you're looking to be equipped for your next doorway debate, we have just the solution for you.
We'll prepare you to engage with questions like, why has the Watchtower made so many documented false prophecies?
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If you're willing to opt for the Gold Package, we'll provide you with instant access to one of our partnering apologists, including
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Platinum Package includes James White parking his fifth wheel in your driveway and living with you until the next time a pair of unsuspecting publishers come calling.
So call us now at Reformation Mutual Insurance and sign up for the Jehovah Witness Protection Program.
It's time that you had peace of mind the next time the doorbell rings. Hey guys, we're back.
And I wanna take a moment to introduce, this is Pastor Mark Soudert. Bring it in, son.
He is the heart and soul of Set Free Ministry in Jacksonville, quote, Set Free Church, the pastor.
And he is, how long have you been doing this, Mark? I've been here for almost 11 years.
I've been a part of Set Free for 25 years, since 1999. Is there any idea how many men's lives have been touched by this ministry since you've been here?
Since I've been here, we're right around 2 ,300 men plus their families and just all kinds of neighborhoods, moms, dads, wives, sisters, brothers.
We've sent a whole bunch to a women's home out in Wyoming that has since closed. But we've sent 250, 300 people to Wyoming.
Wonderful, brother. Well, thank you so much. I know you got a lot of people to, hands to shake, some babies to kiss and all that, you know, walking around.
But - Shaking babies. Yeah, shake, yeah, no, don't shake babies. We love you and we're thankful for what you do.
Appreciate it. Yes, sir. Yeah. All right. He's got a hard job. If there's any pastors listening,
I'll often compare his ministry that, imagine if you have an office at your church and every time you go to your office, your entire congregation is there.
Yeah. With questions, with things, yeah. Yeah. Well, I wanna paint a little bit different picture.
Okay. Imagine everybody in your church is in the most dramatic moment of their life all the time right now.
Yes. That's his life. Yeah. Because most of us as pastors, we serve congregations that are always in flux.
Because we have, I mean, I may have this family over here that's struggling with something difficult, but generally that's not everybody.
Right. That's just this one family or just two families. And there might be a time where there's three or four families in the church that are all struggling, maybe with a death or maybe with some kind of an issue.
But Pastor Souter is ministering to people who are all going through the worst time of their life right now.
Yeah. Yeah. And all the funeral, I forget how many funerals he's preached. He has never preached a funeral for someone who passed a natural causes.
Oh, wow. Yeah. I mean, just think about what he just said, that this ministry, hey, how are you?
This ministry does so much for people who are at a very difficult point in their life.
And some of these people are, as Bobby just mentioned, in a tragic state of life.
Yeah. Yeah. We've seen this place, people leave and overdose and die.
And we've had several now, and it got me thinking the other day that we've had a few that left or are doing well and passed away from natural causes.
And it made me realize that it's not about getting these guys clean and getting better.
It's about earning it up. Because we don't know how much time we have left. And it's really sad, especially for someone to leave and do better and then pass.
I mean, and it's a sad thing because here we get relieved when we find out it is natural causes.
Because our first question, anybody that leaves here dies, were they high? And that's sad.
Yeah. But there's a sense of relief when we find out, no, it was a natural causes. Yeah.
Well, again, this is a difficult ministry and I'm glad I had the opportunity to introduce Pastor Mark to you because again,
I wanted you to be able to put a face with what I'm asking you for tonight. Because what I'm asking you for,
I'm not asking you to subscribe to the podcast, even though I'd love it if you did. I'm not asking you to donate to my ministry, even though I'd love it if you did.
What I'm asking you for tonight is to consider donating to Set Free Ministries. You can see at the bottom of the screen, it says support
Set Free Ministry, setfreechurchnortheastflorida, nefl .com
slash give. You can go, you can give any amount and it would be a blessing to them.
Everything that they do, they live off the support of churches and other people. Because these men, most of these men here are coming in, they don't have enough money to pay rent or anything like that.
And they're being provided a place to live. They're being provided food to eat. They're being provided all kinds of things within the ministry.
And none of that's free. No. I mean, everything costs. Right. Well, one of the things we do in the program is we do the, it's a five month program for phase one.
After three months of being in it, we put the guys out on work lessons. The guys, people can call
Set Free at the office and if you need your yard cut or if you need something moved or anything like that, the guys will come out, people donate to the ministry.
That's how we support ourselves. We're not government funded, any of that. And the other thing too is, not to get getting too personal about Souders life.
He's the pastor and he is paid, but not much. He's bivocational. He does work.
He works and his wife works to make a living despite for themselves. So you can almost say that 99 .5
% of what's donated goes to the ministry. Yeah. You know what I mean? There's not CEOs and all this stuff.
Yeah, there's not administrative overhead. You're not giving to this and it's going to some CEO with a yacht who's contributing to his children's 401k plan.
Exactly. This is going to the ministry. This is going to men who need it. And again, I try to use the podcast in positive ways to help as many people as I can.
I try to promote good ministries. I try to promote people who are doing a good job. And that's why when
Pastor Souders said, come tonight and be with us, I said, well, hey, can I do something live from the place to let people know what's going on?
That's what we did. And we said we wanted to have some fun. So what I'm going to do, I'm going to play another commercial.
When I come back, we're right at the half hour mark. We're 24, almost 25 minutes now. We'll be right at that half hour mark.
When I come back, Bobby and I are going to be doing some movie trivia fun when we come back, and we're going to be doing some movie trivia in the comments.
So if you haven't commented yet, or you want to comment, jump in the comments. Let's talk movies because it's a movie themed night.
Let's have some fun. And we'll see you guys back here in just a minute. Do you have an almost allergic reaction anytime you hear the words sovereign grace?
When someone quotes A .W. Pink, do you have an urge to commit verbal assault? Have you convinced yourself that the men who wrote the
Westminster Confession were secretly a band of Manichean Gnostics? If so, you might be suffering from CDS, Calvinist Derangement Syndrome.
Hi, I'm Keith with Reformation Medical, and we have a new pill which might be perfect for you.
Calvinol. Calvinol is a once a day prescription medication which will allow you to actually tolerate someone with a different theological perspective without feeling the need to write a theological treatise in a
YouTube comment box, or make a 14 hour response video to a single offhanded comment.
Calvinol will allow you to get over yourself, relax, and stop being insufferable, at least for a few hours.
Side effects may include a desire for verse by verse expositional preaching, faster beard growth, and an intolerance for Leighton Flowers' voice and face.
So if you've ever had the irrepressible urge to go angrily stomping through a field of tulips, get your prescription of Calvinol today.
Calvinol, brought to you by the makers of Nick Cage Stage Chewable Chill Pills. If you're a new
Calvinist and acting a little cagey, get yourself some Nick Cage Stage Chewables and learn to chill out.
It's better for everybody when you do. I love those commercials.
I have a lot of fun making them. And that one was actually, it started with the
Nick Cage stage joke. The Nick what? What we saw in the commercial, it was the
Calvinol for people with Calvinist Arrangement Syndrome. But it actually, the last thing, it says get yourself some
Nick Cage Stage Chewables, because it has Nick Cage's face. Oh.
Cage stage. Yeah. Cage stage Calvinism. It'll make you mellow out. Gotcha. And that was the actual, that was the joke that started that.
The Nick Cage Stage Chewables started that out. All right, well, we're gonna talk now a little bit about movies.
Something that you guys don't know, or something that you do know is that I love movies on my program. Yes, hi.
Well, the stage right over there is where they're doing the program. We're doing a live podcast here to raise money for the ministry.
We're doing a live podcast to raise money for the ministry. That's what we're doing right here. Yeah, no, you're fine.
You're fine. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, you're good. You're good. Yeah, so we are here, like I said, we're live.
There's about 200 people here at this gala event. Again, it's a movie themed event.
And we haven't got any comments coming in asking questions. I did say this was also an ask me anything night, which means you can ask me anything as long as it doesn't have to do with my social security number, personal questions about my wife and children, or something that would be totally embarrassing for me to answer.
You can ask me any theological question. And just about any personal question if you want to. But while we're waiting for that, we're gonna...
Okay, Bobby, you wanna ask a question? I have a feeling. I can't, because we're live. You told me not to.
Oh, yeah. Well, let me tell you the story of how Bobby and I met.
How about that? Okay. Okay, so Bobby and I are stepbrothers, not like the movie.
Well, kind of like the movie. We became best friends almost immediately.
Even though the first night I met him, I do believe I came to the door in my underwear. You did? I did, because I was born and bred in the country.
I didn't care. Oh, and we're not talking about boxers either. No, straight tights.
That's right. And the first night I spent the night at your house because my dad and your mom were dating.
And we spent the night in separate rooms. I'm talking dad and Pat were in separate rooms. Let's just be clear about it.
That wasn't gonna get personal. I just got very personal, very weird. No, no, no, but like when they were dating and they were starting to plan to get married,
I got to spend the night at your house. And what was the first thing that happened when I slept over at your house?
You had a nosebleed on my brand new pillow. I'm talking about like a one day old pillow.
I used to have the worst nosebleeds ever. I don't know if anybody else suffers with that.
My kids suffer with that. Do they know that? Yep, yep. JJ and Faith both suffer with nosebleeds. So I bled all over his pillow and I feel bad to this day.
Wouldn't it be great if I reached in here and pulled out a new pillow? And that was like the way I've prepared all these years.
Well, I have a surprise for you. I really don't. Yeah, I would have been impressed.
That would have been awesome. That would have been awesome. Okay, but one of the things that made us best friends was we loved movies.
We love movies. And we had a very particular genre of movie that we really enjoyed.
We really loved comedy movies. We really loved action movies. And comedy action were probably the best.
And so I want to talk a little bit about our favorite comedy action movies and also bring in the fact that we're getting really close to the
Christmas season. Yeah. Okay, so there's two movies that are comedic and action movies.
They're both set at Christmas time. Some people would argue that they are Christmas movies. Okay, and we're going to talk about which one is better.
The two movies, and I want to hear from you in the comments. If you haven't commented yet, I've been waiting for people to comment. If you haven't commented yet, please do.
We're talking about Die Hard and Lethal Weapon. Now, before anybody says anything,
I know what you're going to say. Why a pastor watching Die Hard? Die Hard says, yippee -ki -yay.
Bad word. What's the TV version? Yippee -ki -yay,
Ricky Martin. All right, so that's the thing, is in the 80s, when we grew up, when you watched something, you watched it on television or you rented it, but that was even before renting.
I would watch stuff on Saturday afternoon television. So I only remember Die Hard with censoring.
I didn't know it had all the cuss words. Lethal Weapon, I didn't know Riggs was going to shoot himself. I mean, it didn't even show that part.
I remember seeing it later and I was like, this explains so much. I didn't know he was suicidal.
I didn't get, you know. I just thought it was a little high -strung. Yeah, that was what the problem is. So anyhow, all right.
So Bobby, I want to ask you some questions, some Die Hard and Lethal Weapon trivia.
Okay, Die Hard is a Christmas movie. Is that one of the questions? Nope, that's not that. We won't debate that tonight.
It's not a debate. I just want to put this out there. There's, you can go on and look on it, by the numbers on YouTube, Die Hard, Christmas movie.
There are more Christmas references with words, decorations, songs in Die Hard than there is in Miracle on 31st
Street. See, it is a scientifically proven fact that Die Hard is in fact a
Christmas movie. Come at me, Eric Yeager. You want a piece of this? I got it all for you. You know who
Eric Yeager is? No, but I'll drop him. Neither one of us probably would drop him.
He might beat us both at the same time. Eric's a tough, tough dude. Eric is my friend from Arizona.
He is a person who does not believe Die Hard is a Christmas movie. And last year we did an actual debate.
And if it helps you, as far as his debating skills, he's James White's son -in -law. So he's a pretty good debater.
Oh, Lord. Oh yeah. Let's say, you know, that's more nurture versus nature.
He wasn't born with it, so. Yeah, well, that's true. That's true. I imagine his wife, Summer, is a better debater than him.
Yeah. I don't want to get in a fight with her. She got him genes. She got him debate genes.
Okay, so we're gonna talk about Die Hard. We're gonna talk about Lethal Weapon.
I'm gonna ask you some quiz questions. Okay. And I'm hoping I'll get some, I don't know, maybe we stop streaming.
I don't know. The stream, it says it's live. If you're out there and you're listening, leave us a comment, man. Let me know you're out there.
Cause I'm not seeing anybody jump on and talk. And I'm not used to that. I'm used to seeing these things. Let's see.
Maybe, let's see. All right. We'll just keep it on going.
We're praying that it's continuing on to work. Says it's working. Oh, there it is. Zesterhaus.
Is that you? That's not me, Mrs. Zesterhaus. That's Jennifer.
Says it sounds like we have feedback or something. Okay. I don't know. Thank you for that,
Dennis. All right. He said you're on fire, brother. Okay. That was
Adam Page. Okay. Adam Page is watching. Good evening, Ms. Faith. You wanna come stick your head in here and introduce yourself to the world?
All right, everybody. This is, oh, she's gonna come get in the middle of us. This is
Faith Souter. Hello, hello, hello. This is the wife of the Reverend Dr.
Pastor Mark Souter. That's the most holy Reverend in this house. Otherwise known as my man. That is her man.
And we wanna thank you for all the hard work of putting this together tonight. And we're encouraging people to give to set free.
So thank you for all you do. Thank you. Absolutely. We know it's a big sacrifice.
We love you. All right, guys. Okay, so we got some people watching. No, Jacob Glass is out there.
Jacob Glass is my buddy. He had me on a show recently. All right, so let's talk about it.
Quiz questions, Bobby, are you ready? I'm ready. All right, this is Lethal Weapon, Die Hard, Christmas action comedy movies.
And would you, first of all, would you classify these as comedies or just Christmas action? Christmas action.
They do have a comedic element involved in it, but it's not, I wouldn't say it was interwoven into the show.
But see, I don't know. I would somewhat disagree. I think specifically Lethal Weapon has some tremendously, like intentionally funny, especially the longer it gets, the longer the series gets, the more funny it gets.
Joe Pesci came in and then Chris Rock. That's right. And Joe Pesci, I can't repeat any of his lines.
Well, let's just say, without repeating it, let's just say I don't use the drive -through. Yeah, exactly.
Okay, all right, so in both movies, you have somewhat of a buddy cop element.
There's certainly a buddy cop element in Lethal Weapon, but there's also a buddy cop element woven into the story of Die Hard.
So what I want you to do, your first quiz question, is I want you to tell me the name of the main two characters in Lethal Weapon, their names in the movie, and the main two characters in Die Hard, if you count the, obviously the
Bruce Willis character and the one played by Reginald Bell Johnson. Give it to me.
Well, there's - Okay, we just flipped out.
Let's give it a second to get back. Give it a second to get back. All right, Martin Riggs.
All right, go ahead. And Roger Murtaugh. Roger Murtaugh, Roger Murtaugh, that's a good looking man.
Yeah, he is. And I say that only because that was what was said in the movie.
Yeah, it was. Lethal Weapon 3, Dolores. Carl Winslow. Jacob Glass just said Carl Winslow.
That's also Reginald Bell Johnson's character. He plays a lot of cops. And he played a cop in Ghostbusters.
All right. Ghostbusters. Okay, so that's Riggs and Murtaugh. All right.
And - Die Hard, that one was Roy or John McClane. John McClane, also called
Roy, as in Roy Rogers. Yeah, and Reginald Bell Johnson was Al Sherman.
No. Adam's got it. Adam Page, Sergeant Al Powell.
And look at that. Look how beautiful of a man that is. Adam, look at there with his, he and his wife, that picture.
That'd just make you sick. He's so handsome. He's so talented. Don't get me started on Adam. I know.
If I, when I do meet a woman and go to propose to her, Adam, to not meet this woman.
Did you hear the story on how he proposed to his wife? No, but I want to hear it now and just remember, one, we're live, and two, he's watching.
That's fine. If it's a lie, he told it. It was, he was in Jerusalem on the
Mount of Olives overlooking the city. I'm like. Sounds like, all right, you win.
I was on a softball diamond in the 12th grade. It was not the same.
I was living in sin. Say, hey, you want to go get married? I mean, that was -
Sin is not funny, Bobby. I'm just saying that it was before I was saved. It was
BC. Mount of Olives, baby. That's what he just put. Mount of Olives. I can't comment on behalf of Bobby.
Well, I can. I could put living in sin. There, that's for Bobby.
Again, sin's not funny, Bobby. No, I was showing the context of my heart. Yes. Adam Page proposed to his wife on, did you say
Mount Moriah? I thought he said on the Mount of Olives. I'm just kidding. Wouldn't be on Mount Moriah.
But I do believe the Dome of the Rock is on Mount Moriah. A lot of Muslim get nervous when you get down on one knee.
Reach in your pocket. Were we allowed to make it?
Just say these jokes? I don't know. I don't know. I don't like it. It's live, it's wrong. Okay, all right.
So we got, the question was, okay, name the characters in both movies. All right. Now, in Die Hard, John McClane carries the same gun as which of the characters, well now, you know the answer.
Which character in Lethal Weapon? Okay, so Lethal Weapon and John McClane, well,
I'll just say Martin Riggs. Martin Riggs and John McClane carry the same gun. Do you know the model?
And I wanna know if anybody in the audience, do you know the model of this gun? What gun?
And it was actually stated in the movie Die Hard. I know it was a Beretta. Okay.
No. Okay. Well, it's the Beretta model is never stated.
I just, I need to correct myself. What Roger Murtaugh said, as he said, can
I see your gun? And he took it out that we're in the parking lot. And he said nine millimeter Beretta, 15 in the mag, one in the pipe, wide ejection port, so no jams.
That was the line that he said talking about the gun, which is actually not true. The Beretta can jam, it does jam.
And so the wide ejection port does not keep it from jamming. Thank you, John. Okay, but it is a 92F.
That's the brand. That is the model. It was one of the more famous models.
And in the military, they have the same gun, but it's called the M9. So don't you dare pretend that's not, that's great information.
Don't you dare pretend. For all my gun people out there, tell me if I'm right. It's a Beretta 92.
Speaking of gun people, we've got a guy walked in, police officer, he's got multiple guns on him.
Hi, how are you? How are you doing? Doing good. We're doing a live broadcast. Thank you for being here to protect us.
What does that say? Tri -County Public Safety? Yes, that's for three counties. I don't know why that made me laugh so hard.
I don't know. That was not, I have to be careful with that. That was, I don't know why. I think it's time for another commercial.
I have to compose myself. By the way, I recently ran for office and this is a...
I'd like to thank all of you who have chosen me for the presidency of the newest and greatest church network in the history of evangelicalism.
The Superior Theology Network is gonna be greater than TGC, T4G, or even
G3. And we're going to be even moodier than Moscow. As your president,
I promise to rule benevolently and to appoint a cabinet of men who are certain to bring everyone together.
Men who are known for their careful attention to nuance. Like Doug Wilson, who's going to be our press secretary.
James White, our secretary of defense. And Joel Webbin, our secretary of clickbait.
And to show our love for all of our not yet Calvinist friends, we're offering associate memberships. You can be part of the network, but we will not grant you the rank of superior.
So if you're ready to be part of the Superior Theology Network, the only church network that really matters, send in your application today.
And don't forget to write legibly, especially when you're entering your credit card number. All right, guys, we're just sitting here talking during that commercial and reminded.
So tell them what you just told me. Oh, we were talking earlier about the people that have left and if they're doing well.
And I was thinking, just sitting right here where I'm sitting, I can spot six people that have reunited with their families and doing well with it.
A lot of people ask what our success rate is. Because, you know, people leave and, but Set Free's goal is to share the gossip.
And that's it. So our success rate is 100%. If someone's at Set Free and goes to at least one class, they're going to hear the gossip.
Yeah, absolutely. And you know what else I noticed about the success rate? A lot of the guys that enter into the program look very slim.
But then when they start looking more like you and me, yeah, then you know, things are getting better.
Yeah, and actually, I mean, you say that, but it is a gauge we use when seeing people that have left the program to see if they, is there is a natural of coming to Set Free and being super skinny, gaining weight, and then going to work and losing some.
Yeah. But when someone who was real big working out, they're back and they're 110 pounds.
Yeah, it's a gauge we use to see how well someone's doing. Yeah. Well, guys, we're getting pretty close to the end here.
I want to jump back to the movie question one more time, because we didn't really get too far into the diehard lethal weapon thing.
Asked you a movie question about the gun. Asked a movie question about the characters. But I do want to ask you this, Bobby, and this is probably the most important question
I can ask you about these two movies. Which movie is better? Better? Oh, that's easy.
Lethal Weapon. Oh, okay. I didn't know we would agree. Yeah. It's funny growing up. I didn't know.
Okay, why would you say, oh, Parker Brown is here. Parker Brown is the, one of the two voices of the
Watch Well podcast. He's one of my best friends online and he's a sweet young man. And his whole podcast is about looking at the theology of movies.
And so it's called Watch Well. You know, to watch the movies well. And Parker, I'm going to tell you this,
Parker, if you're watching and you're still out there, you need to have Bobby on your show. If you enjoyed having me on, he said I'm the only person who does his podcast better than him.
Well, Bobby and I grew up watching and loving movies together. We would love to do a
Teen Wolf episode. Oh, yeah. Oh, the theology. I have a whole thing about how Teen Wolf actually teaches you how, even if you get all the things you want in life, if you're not happy with yourself, you're not going to be happy.
Right. Because that's really the message of the movie, right? Yeah. Yeah. He gets everything he wants. He gets superpowers, gets all these things, and realizes he's not happy if he's not happy with himself.
Man, that movie's awesome. He realized Pamela wasn't the one, but Booth was. That's right. And Booth was better anyway.
Yeah. If you've ever seen Teen Wolf, Booth is better in every way. She's nicer. She's beautiful.
She's great. All right. Parker said this. He said, I think we should have a lethal weapon, diehard debate on the podcast.
Book it, Keith. All right. We can do that. All right. We can do it. Well, thank you for watching, Parker. Thank you for being out there.
All right. So last, okay, Bobby, tell me why Lethal Weapon and Diehard, they're both Christmas movies.
I would say they're Christmas comedy action films. You're kind of iffy on the comedy, but I think there's enough in it to make me laugh.
And I think there's comedic elements in both, but let me ask you this. Why is Lethal Weapon? I know why
I think so, but I want to hear from you. Why is Lethal Weapon the superior movie? I'm all about superior.
Why is it the superior movie? Lethal Weapon, I would even say it as superior, it's a superior sequel of any of the others.
Okay, just think about the 80s. The 80s, you make a movie, a movie, and then you make a sequel.
Your character is now, the end of the first one is the winner. He's the head guy. He's doing well.
Beginning of the second one, he's not doing so good. We've seen in Karate Kid 2, Ali left him.
His car ain't even running right. Seen in Ghostbusters 2, they're doing the birthday party.
Real quick, just because you mentioned, and you know Karate Kid, I love to analyze Karate Kid. How is goofy
Daniel LaRusso falling butt backwards into a different girl in every sequel?
How? Good writers. Okay, I was gonna say.
Anyway, all right. So you watch Lethal Weapon and you see, from Lethal Weapon 1, here's
Murtaugh, Riggs, suicidal and all these things. And then the second one, he steps out, tries to date the
South African girl, but she dies. In the third one - Whoa, whoa, whoa. Spoiler alert for a 30 -year -old film.
Oh, sorry. She kind of makes it. And then you go to 3 and 4 where -
She received a Bethel version of a resurrection. They're still praying for her.
All right. And then by the end of it, he's married and children and stuff. It was a good movie because it was good action.
There's more comedic, I think, in Lethal Weapon. And then it just, each episode builds upon a better and better version.
She kind of makes it. Parker says she kind of makes it. So, I don't know the argument there.
That's my life at a funeral home. I know they don't kind of make it. No, no. If you're not dead when you come to the funeral home, you're dead when you leave.
Yes. They are certain of that. Okay. So, my reason for why
Lethal Weapon is, because I also agree it's a superior film. I think that Lethal Weapon is much more of an enjoyable rewatch.
And that's why I say it's a superior film. Die Hard is a great movie. And I do watch it probably once a year around Christmas time because it is a
Christmas movie. Fight me, Eric Yeager. But, in fact, I got to have you back on the show if you watch this,
Eric. Come back on the show. We don't have to talk about Die Hard because you already lost that one. But we'll talk about something else.
But no, I think the way I judge movies is do I want to watch this movie again?
Do I want to enjoy this movie again? And Die Hard, hey, brother, how are you? It's good to see you again.
Good to see you. We're doing a live broadcast here.
We're broadcasting out, trying to get people to support the ministry. Yeah. Yeah, he's watching it right there.
That's what we're doing right there. Yeah. Yeah. But that's why, for me, there's a lot of movies that I've only seen once and I don't want to see again.
Like modern movies. Man, modern movies are not rewatchable. They're not rewatchable. They're relying too much on CGI and special effects to make, worry about the scoring.
Yeah, it's just not fun to rewatch. I can watch Back to the Future today.
Oh yeah. And I would prefer to watch Back to the Future today out of most of the movies that are out there. Yeah.
My kids, my kids don't want to watch something new. Why? The best movies ever were made in 1980, or in the 1980s.
And I mean, okay, so let's very quickly, let's end the podcast with this. Let's end the podcast. He said, preach.
Preach. Yeah. All right, so we're going to end the podcast with this. Best Christmas movies that are not
Christmas movies, technically. I mean, like Die Hard is not. Technically it wasn't billed as a Christmas movie. We say it is.
All right, so Die Hard, Lethal Weapon. I have another one. Gremlins. Gremlins. Oh man,
Gremlins is a classic. And let me tell you something. Unsung Superwoman is, oh,
I can't think of her name. Come on. What's her mom's name? The character. Oh, you got the internet.
Look her up. This woman single -handedly took down three Gremlins in her house when she didn't even know they existed.
And they just popped out of the cabinet. She blends one. She stabs one.
She puts one in the microwave because she is awesome. And her name?
Lynn Peltzer. Lynn Peltzer. Lynn Peltzer is better than Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman ever thought about being.
Fight. Yeah, I said it. I said it. She don't need no bracelets. She don't need superpowers.
She needs the power of a mom. A mom with a husband with a terrible job.
He was an inventor. He invented stuff that already existed. You don't invent a juicer when juicers exist.
That's not an invention, Bobby. Tell me, don't you dare say it was an improvement.
Okay, hold on. He had the bathroom, buddy. Which was basically all the things in your bathroom.
Hot food to a bar of soap. Tell me. Okay, so Gremlins.
Mine was gonna be trading places. Trading places is a Christmas movie.
Trading places is one of the greatest movies ever. And it has a scene at the end that nobody understands.
How did they make the money? There's whole YouTube videos about how they sold the options for the stocks or whatever.
I have no idea what they did. And I don't know how anybody can stand there with that little pencil. Yeah, it's real easy.
All you do is you hold a slip of paper up and you do this. Yeah, I know what they did. I just don't know.
Oh, my blessed soul. Thank you. Thank you and God bless you so much. I want you to know that this lovely lady just brought us cake.
And so we are gonna sign off this broadcast. Wait, wait, wait. Oh, okay, everybody's wondering what we're doing and why they can't hear us.
David just said, well, we're doing a live broadcast. All right, we're gonna sign off.
We've been going for almost an hour. We've gotta get and enjoy the party. And I'm gonna be speaking in just a few minutes and reminding everybody why it's important to support
Set Free Ministry. I wanna tell you, again, last thing. Support Set Free Ministry by going to setfreechurch,
N -E -F -L, that's northeastflorida .com slash give. All the money that you give, as Bobby said earlier, it's like 99 point something percent goes directly to the ministry.
There's very little overhead, very little things. It's all going to these men. It's all going to house them, to shelter them, to feed them, to give them the gospel.
If you wanna be part of the ministry that's helping get the gospel to men in a position that need it, please consider supporting
Set Free Ministry. I'm gonna leave this link up for just a few minutes, but we're gonna sign out. God bless you guys.
Thank you again for being a part of your Calvinist podcast. ♪ Sometimes I feel the weight of the world fall down on me ♪ ♪
And I need a friendly voice with some good theology ♪ ♪
So I mix a manly drink, then I hit the YouTube link ♪ ♪
And I feel my troubles all melt away, oh oh ♪ ♪
It's your Calvinist podcast with Keith Foskey ♪ ♪
It's and bow ties, laughs till sunrise ♪ ♪
It's your Calvinist podcast with Keith Foskey ♪ ♪ He's not like most
Calvinists, he's nice ♪ Your Calvinist podcast with Keith Foskey, striving for superior theology and denominational unity, one joke at a time.
Do you ever do something and then immediately ask yourself, was that a sin? Hi, I'm Keith with Reformation Technologies, and I'm excited to present to you the latest tool in your journey to sanctification, the
Total Depravity Tracker. There are dozens of apps that can help you with your physical health, like activity trackers, which monitor your diet and exercise.
But at Reformation Technologies, we're concerned with your spiritual health. So we've created an app, which uses state -of -the -art technology, harnessing the potential of artificial intelligence to let you know for sure if what you just did, or even thought, was actually sinful.
Like when my air conditioner quit working on the hottest day of the year in Florida so far. And I said to myself, are these thoughts sinful?
Total Depravity Tracker says, yes. And our app has a variety of features and is useful for professing
Christians from all backgrounds. For our Roman Catholic partners, we have a deal with Google Maps to find you the nearest church with an available confessional.
And you can even schedule a meeting with a priest inside the app. For our Pentecostal users, we have a dial, which is designed to let you know when your amount of sinning is getting dangerously close to you losing your salvation.
Don't wanna do that. And for our Baptist customers, it doesn't count your sins because they don't matter.
You're eternally secure. But it does help you count your neighbor's sins, so you will know how to judge them more efficiently, just like Jesus would want you to.
And for our most persnickety self -loathers, we even have alarms, which you can set to go off to let you know when you've really failed.
And the alarms feature some of the greatest voices in modern evangelicalism, like this one.
If you can't say amen, you ought to say ouch. Or this one. I don't know why you're clapping. I'm talking about you.
And who could forget this one. What's wrong with you people? And for those whose consciences are a little more tender than others, we have the
Romans 14 option, which allows you to input warnings for things that aren't really sins, but you're bound by your conscience to not do anyway.
So the next time you find yourself wondering if you need to repent, chances are you probably do.
But just to be sure, download our Total Depravity Tracker today. Hey guys,
I just want to quickly say thank you for watching this episode. And if you're enjoying it, please hit the thumbs up button.
If you're not enjoying it, hit the thumbs down button twice. Also, if you haven't already, please subscribe to the channel.
It really helps us out. And some of you've asked about how to support the channel. If you'd like to support us, you can go to buymeacoffee .com
slash your Calvinist and leave a donation. Most importantly, we want to make sure that everybody who hears this podcast hears the gospel.
The word gospel means good news. And that good news has to be preceded by some bad news. And the bad news is this, that we are all sinners.
Sin is breaking God's law. So we stand guilty before the Lord of the universe. But the good news is
God sent his son into the world to pay the penalty for everyone who would believe in him. Jesus came into the world, lived a perfect life, and he died a substitutionary death for everyone who will believe.
And he calls us all to repent of our sin, to turn from our unbelief, and trust in him as Lord and Savior.