Parenting &Grandparenting (Part 2)


Mike and Steve discuss their God given successes as parents and self inflicted parenting wounds. In other words, here is an episode of “hard knocks.”  


Classic Friday: Thankfulness or Jesus (Part 3)

Steve's gonna try to preempt me, so I'm gonna do it to him There's a cue welcome to no compromise review
Well, that's about a 12 second intro which I like and by the way You can tell if we have reruns because it's back to the old
English beat songs, right? So that's the rerun. That's Friday shows Can you say
English beat on the air? They used to be called the beat in England, but there was an
American band called the beat So when the beat from England came over they had to change their name to the English I thought they should just change the spelling to be et, you know wasn't a big vegetable once in a while.
I'll see on my Social media scrolling through things some Beal's stuff behind the scenes
Beatles like let it let it be stuff. Hey Jude stuff Mm -hmm.
I didn't know they could all play so many different instruments. Oh, well, I just think McCartney bass, but that's not true
Yeah, no, it's not true. Yeah, you know what's funny Talking about things that you see I just saw
Ed Sheeran play Leila, you know he goes that was the song that got him into music and So he just goes here, you know, and he just starts planning goes, you know
I don't I'm no Eric Clapton and he just starts playing it. Okay Interesting, maybe he is
Well, he's not but you know when you're talking about instrument being able to play multiple instruments
I think most most people who write songs Can do both a guitar and at least a little piano or you know piano and a little guitar you know that because once you understand musical theory, then you just kind of adapt and I Once started a sermon by saying today.
I'm going to teach you how to sing a song And then and then the whole congregation reach for its earplugs
I Know the last point that the internet says about how to sing. Well is stay hydrated.
Mm -hmm. I guess you have to keep Keep the vocal cords lined with moisture.
All right, no comment. I Have a deviated septum and so I went in to talk to the surgeon about trying to fix it all and they said well
It's probably 5050 that it'll work And you think you'll survive?
Uh -huh 50 % that you'll have you know, you're basically you're right nostril breathable for most the day and night because I have to do those strips
At night to keep my nose open since I got hit with the baseball of all things. I hate baseball Maybe that's one of the reasons why
I hate baseball. I was pitching. I broke my thumb playing baseball Yeah, I mean what a sport you think
I'd get hurt playing basketball or football, but no there's baseball Anyway, they said I said what's the downside?
What's the bad side of the 5050? You could have like a Perforated septum and it was sound like when you talk what you'd whistle all the time and I said well since I make my living speaking
Probably the best that I don't have to whistle every time. So I said no to this
If they were to say 90 % chance of fixing yeah, because I've had rhinoplasty in the past So I guess there's only so much you could do before trouble comes
Today we're talking about parenting and maybe some things we did well by the grace of God and we did poorly by our own stupidity or we weren't
Christians Or whatever and then grandparenting as well Steve last time we didn't elaborate very much on exasperating children.
I think that was a big one for me Maybe not being patient enough with the children or understanding their frame or how old they were
Kind of assuming, you know, they thought like I did and so well, that's I think I I regret
Maybe being a little too hard and having my face maybe not smiling when
I would give correct commands But just kind of from uh, you know, who are you to mess with me kind of thing?
Hmm Yeah, I mean, I I mean it's hard for me to remember, you know exactly what
I was like as a dad You know because I think our tendency maybe not for everybody, but I think our tendency is to remember the good things and And you know some of the bad things
Maybe not some so much of the bad things, but I think you know, if anything I probably was
Not anywhere near as patient as I would have liked to have been you know Yeah, I Mean things
I either I did not have a lot of self -restraint back then. I Don't know why
I wouldn't like I mean the one the one thing that's amazing to me you know now is to watch the way people parent and the way, you know,
I mean cursing is just like Second nature and I'm like boy boy I just never you know, if I ever would have cursed in front of my kids
I would have apologized even as an unbeliever, right? I just would have thought I Shouldn't be doing that, right?
Because I would have recognized the the wrong the wrongness in it You know that and not the sinfulness because I had no concept of of that but the wrongness of it and and now
I'm just like people this is how they talk to their kids and I'm like, are you kidding? I mean just if they're upset or if they're happy, they just kind of let go with these profane tourists.
They all have Tourette's. Oh See, I remember when I said something bad and I don't even remember what word
I said I would never say the f -word when I was a kid, but I remember I swore and then I remember tasting ivory soap
And my mom had to wash my mouth out with soap and I just that only needed to happen about one time
I you know, I think you know, it's funny because There was a little issue in my family growing up and that was that my brother actually liked soap.
So Well, I flavored so no just like I mean I I think they they got him one time like eating shaving cream and you know
It's just like he's a little goofy and you could tell obviously well, I mean if you look at him now you go
Yeah, well, you could see where that all went so Love you
Raj anyway Yeah, so so mom, you know, she got really inventive after that and those were
Her inventions were most unfortunate Let's talk about another thing regarding parenting
The Error that some dads make with moms, of course
Not talking about the proverbial birds and bees early enough
That is to say in the old days probably kids lived in a bubble and you know
You could wait till they were you know Just before puberty and talk to them and now you're probably gonna have to talk to them much sooner because everywhere you look
It's just sexploitation What are your takes on that? Well, I Mean, it's it really has gotten to the point where if you don't tell your kids they're going they're going to find out
You know and earlier than you think because of the Internet and everything else. I mean there are
You know situations I'm aware of where where kids have learned unbelievable things at very young ages and That you know, they're not ready to handle it, but they have no grid whatsoever
Because their parents haven't prepared them for and but I would say first of all I would say as long as you can keep your kids off the
Internet or Segregated away from anything remotely sexual and you're going to be
Disappointed when you find out how many different ways your kids will work to get around all the you know safeguards that you put up and Whatever you think you can do somebody's already found some way around it and the neighborhood kids will tell them and the kids at Church will tell them and you know, so long and short of it is
It's almost got to the point where I'm not gonna set an age But if you're if you're waiting till 11, you're waiting too long
And if you're a dad and you're just waiting for your wife to do it, it's something you should do Of course you
I mean for us I I talked to the children both boys and girls and that would be separate
But Kim would be there and then I would say to the girls by the way You can always ask me questions if you want, but you probably talk to your mom more about this subject and that's fine
And just parents leading and I think sometimes maybe it was with my parents It's uncomfortable to talk about sex with your children.
It's it's a little awkward and embarrassing and Therefore some some men just don't want to do it.
They're just I'm not gonna do that I'll let my wife do it And so I just think parents don't make that mistake where you don't talk to your children about it and as pastor
Steve just said Remind me of a Luke story Luke said when somebody on the playground said look take a look at this with the cell phone
It was gonna be porn and You know, I want to be Steve the one to teach my children about God's ordained view of sex what it's for His good pleasure in marriage
Loving one another not taking or something because then it leads in To me to talk to Luke about well the dangers of pornography and Luke Don't we want to try to protect our sisters?
Yes. Don't we try to protect our mother? Yes matter of fact You can you can hit people if they're gonna not do something in nice to your mom, right?
If they're gonna sorry if they're gonna try to hurt your mom, you can hit them That's why you have fists and bigger shoulders, etc
But when we see people in need we help them especially women and these girls on The internet sites they're not doing this for free
They don't do those things because they want to it's heroin and other things And so when we see a woman in distress, we should say
I want to rescue them versus I want to use them I want to have those conversations with Luke Yeah.
Well, I mean Chivalry is a dead and buried in many parts of the
United States as evidenced by that former Marine who got You know charged for for basically rescuing a woman who'd been socked in the face by some dude
You know and you just think this is the world we live in, you know Where it's okay for boys to hit girls and you know,
I mean crazy stuff that that you know in When it when
I was a kid Everybody would have condemned instantly and now you know, not so much but you know getting back to the parenting thing
I think it's I think it's good for parents to just resolve. This is the world we live in We we have to stay ahead of the curve.
We don't want our kids. We don't want to play catch -up You know, and if your kids I'm not saying anything about The sinfulness or the lack of sinfulness about how you educate your kids
But if you're if your children are in public school, well, then that just pushes it even further, you know when you have public school teachers who think it's their job to teach about all manner of abominable
Sexual behavior starting it even in kindergarten You know, Timmy has two daddies, you know all these kind of you know
Books and everything that they're getting given to kids now You've got to start earlier and earlier explaining in an age -appropriate way
I hate that phrase But you have to start talking to them earlier and earlier and earlier to combat what the what the world is
Essentially trying to do which is to get your kids ready for sex younger and younger and younger
Steve we have homeschooled. We have private Christian school. We have public school and when our children were in public school
I know Kim would meet with the English teacher and get all the books that they were going to read and she'd read them all
Right just to try to work through or say, you know, you can't read this section and a lot of rape and Suicide and cutting and all these things.
I'm like, what is going on? What in the world and Just it's unconscionable.
I get so angry, you know when I see people Saying that there's book banning going on these days and I'm like really
What books are being banned because I've missed those acts of Congress that have banned books and they're like well
No, they're being removed from school. And I'm like, have you read them? You know, I mean if you see even some of the graphic depictions in some of these books.
Well, congratulations you've just seen pornography because that's what they're giving kids in school and you know, if those books get banned and You know,
I'd say I'm okay with that Totally well, I think and this is probably diving into another subject
I don't know if we want to go into but I think a lot of the trans stuff, you know what children can decide
If they want to be a boy or a girl and therefore at three or five or eight they can decide and they can give their consent because what they're after is they're after with child sex and What's stopping them will consent and so if children can consent to have a double mastectomy they can consent it to have
Sex with adults. Yeah, don't be don't be naive. I mean, this is this is Essentially preparing kids to be sexual objects.
That's the endgame. Yeah My cave and Roth was Steve Cooley today a no -compromise radio. We're talking at a high level here about well
They can judge if it's high level At a high altitude level it's rather rudimentary myself of things
We either did wrong Lee as parents or we did rightly or things we see in other people. What about Bible times?
Having Bible times and try to encourage parents Maybe you don't do it every night, but four or five nights a week three nights a week
Just so that the children look back in life and say yes We we set around and learn the Bible and dad open up the
Bible. What are your thoughts about? Mistakes or good things that happen around family
Bible time don't use Dake's mistakes Dake if you don't know it as a study
Bible by I he's probably Antitrinitarian and charismatic or something. It's like a oneness
Pentecostal type. I just remember you talking about it. I don't Study Bible somebody gave it to me.
They're like, well, why don't you teach from this? I Said let me count the ways. I already have an authoritative study
Bible. Hmm Wow The Avon dross that no compromise study
Bible I've been in rooms where people have said they'll never be my name on a study Bible and then there has been so there there
Never will be a study Bible with my name on it. Unless mine. I just write my name the half and wharf
Family Bible times. Yeah, I you know, I think again it gets back to and I know
I've talked about this before but what I would do is If we're reading the Bible or if we were reading like if I just like grabbed concise theology
Or now that's a good question or something else and then went to the dinner table You know just kind of depending on depending on how much time
I had how much time we had You know because various things going on sometimes somebody had to leave sometimes it was me
And so what would I do? I'd sit down and we would talk about Usually if it was the
Bible I'd still try to get to some doctrinal point where I could teach about that and talk about some important doctrine and I would ask questions and the way
I would make sure and I've I think this is just basic common sense if you know, you've got a span of ages
You want to aim at the youngest one to make sure that that one is understanding?
I mean within reason if you got a two -year -old at the table, obviously, you don't have to figure out if they if they understand what's going on My two -year -olds they they knew
Hebrew. I taught him Hebrew by two. Well, well They never they understand. They didn't know what
Masoretic texts was but they knew Hebrew. That's very impressive. Very impressive Yeah, I mean because if I I knew our youngest child is
Megan and I knew if Megan understood what we were doing that or what I was saying then
Kristen and Steve jr. Would understand too. And so, you know, it was like, you know, I I mean
I could I grill Steve jr Sure, you know, but And there were times
I'm sure I did ask him a question just to make sure he was paying attention Because he was prone, you know, you know how boys are and they just think oh this is so easy or whatever
So I just kind of zing him once in a while and he'd go. Oh Sorry dad. I wasn't listening
So Steve I think you bring some good points up as we're sitting there teaching our children
I think my my my biggest problem early on was I thought I had to prepare a sermon to teach the children, right?
And I thought you know what? This is has to be another I have to look at commentaries and everything else I mean if you're a dad and you say
I'm just gonna go to Exodus and I'm gonna read the study notes in my ESV study Bible Reformation study
Bible Whatever study Bible use and then I'm gonna read Exodus 1 and I'm gonna talk to the children afterwards about what can we learn?
About God and sin and why do we need a Savior? Then the next day you say what do we learn yesterday?
Now, let's read Exodus 2. It's not that hard And hopefully then your wife will say oh, I'm thankful that my husband's leading.
He's got the Bible open. He's teaching Steve is there something else to be said to besides regular family
Bible time? Deuteronomy 6 right after the Shema there the here Oh Israel the
Lord our God the Lord is one It says you shall teach them diligently to your children and shall talk of them when you sit in your house
And when you walk by the way, and when you lie down and when you rise in other words
Is there something more than just a formal Bible time or should there be something more than that? Well, I mean, wouldn't you wouldn't you want in your household for there to be you know?
A fairly consistent. I want to say constant, but that's not realistic Fairly consistent kind of gospel tone to the to the conversations.
Wouldn't you like, you know, Jesus? to be mentioned positively right
Frequently during the course of the day in your home. I mean, isn't that kind of I?
Mean if people, you know, if you were on some reality show or whatever Wouldn't you want those people to say who are watching just go man.
They sure talk about Jesus a lot, you know, man They sure pray a lot man. They sure do this a lot, you know
I mean, isn't that isn't that good and is it just so that people observe us or just so no it's because That's to be the focus of our life, right?
So so true and how many times are there something that come up in life and then we can use the biblical theological truths to help
Understand that particular subject so I just I've just randomly look at a proverb proverb.
I'll let Proverbs 11 Verse 22 like a gold ring and a pig snout is a beautiful woman without discretion and so let's say you see somebody at the beach or whatever and they're they're dressed inappropriately and And you're thinking you know what?
This is just not right. Here's how we think about it And so I'm all for formal Bible times when the dad opens up the
Bible for us It was during dinner or after dinner and then other times where you're just teaching the children about Ants and laziness and work and industry through the lens of the
Bible. Hmm I mean just you know basics about life. I mean just just things like, you know
Why should you be prepared for to go to work or for job interviews or for whatever, you know?
I mean, these are just things you're passing along Wisdom that the lessons that you've learned in life and the biblical applications, you know
Just kind of flow out of that too. You want to stand out at work work hard, you know
You want your boss to be impressed always tell the truth? I mean, you know just basic things and you're you're going to stand out especially these days.
That's so true All right. We're talking today on no compromise radio about parenting and what to do when it comes to parenting
What about the whole homeschool public school private school Don't you think
Steve eventually public school is going to be a non option. It's not gonna be an option for Christians well, we send our kids to school on the moon, so We took it to a whole nother level
I mean, it's it's it's hard, you know, I mean homeschooling has its own challenges some kids are just Shall we say homeschool resistant, right?
Public schools have their problems just because as we as we were talking about earlier the
I mean when it when I was in school, I mean I'll admit it was a long time ago, but We would we would learn actually
I remember we had a sixth grade teacher who taught us Negro spirituals, you know and so we were singing like Christian songs without understanding that they were
Christian songs, you know and just just different things like that and I'm like boy, I bet they wouldn't do that these days
I mean, it's this meme. I don't know if you've seen this, you know, imagine You know, there's a teacher at school who's baptizing kids and keeping it a secret from the parents the the outrage there would be right
But now it's like it's fine to tell your kids that they can be a different gender and keep that secret from the parents
When our children were at the local high school here they Learned in one of their history lessons about Calvinism and its influence in New England And I thought that's more and they had to learn the the tulip acronym about Cal really
That's what I would learn and it compared to the King James fundamentalist school that we sent him to for a while While they learned, you know some great things there that they would have never learned that right and I think about my brother
Pat If memory serves Molly was trained as a teacher was a teacher then they had their children and I think she's back into teaching now
Hmm, and so if someone said well, would you like to have Molly Abendroth?
And I don't know what she teaches her age as the fifth grade teacher Or would you rather have somebody at home who's basically not teaching their kids and it's basically self school
You can just learn on your own at home What would you rather have and I'm thinking I'd love to have Molly Abendroth as my children's teacher so I don't want to just say dogmatically public school is always wrong and private school is
Sometimes okay and homeschool is the most righteous. Mm -hmm. I say whatever you want to do as a parent.
That's on you Well, what about Moses? He was homeschooled Was it was Jesus homeschooled?
What would Jesus do? All right. I'm pretty sure he didn't go to the local public school But seriously,
I I don't know if my grandchildren or great -grandchildren can make it through public school without you know
Just this is just too crazy. It's it's teachers unions and rough Uh -huh.
Well, maybe maybe in Montana or something but here in Massachusetts Probably not.
I don't know. All right, how about Training children and they get a little bit older.
What do you do Steve with you know? You give them a little more rope and some more responsibilities and kind of test them a little bit and maybe driving and How do we work from they're young and we just tell them what to do to now?
we kind of have to coach them a little bit from being the drill instructor slash Parent who tells them the truth to I want to just have you own some of these truths any any advice there
Well, I'm gonna take it a slightly different direction than I normally would I we were My wife and I were just talking about when we came upon this idea of giving the girls a clothing allowance and it was because you know clothes became this sort of wrestling match between us and the kids, you know, and things that were appropriate
Things that cost a ton of money, you know, whatever So when we said well here you can have this money
This is what you get to spend per month, you know And you can spend it all on a pair of shoes.
You could do this. You could do that You could do whatever you want, but whatever you buy that's where you're going to be wearing and it better be appropriate, right?
So what what winds up happening is now the kids have they have agency in this and So one of them was like well,
I'm going to buy the clothes that I want to wear and if I only have You know two sets of clothes.
Those are just the ones I want and the other one was like well I just want to have Everything, you know a ton of stuff.
So I'll just go buy cheap clothes. Okay, you know, whatever whatever floats your boat, right?
Okay, I like that. Well Steve today we talked a little bit about parenting if you've got parenting questions dear listener
You can always write us. I thought Stream of consciousness work pretty well Steve. I can ask you any question and you just know how to answer it
No, but I but I have an answer whether it's whether it's right or not, you know Mike even draw