WWUTT 970 Q&A Legion's Request, Women Teaching, Discipling Your Wife, and Dream Catchers?

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Responding to questions from listeners about the demon Legion's request, women teaching children, a husband discipling his wife, Capitol Hill Baptist Church, and dream catchers. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!


Why did Jesus grant the demon legion's request? How can a husband disciple his wife?
And is it okay for Christians to own trinkets like dream catchers? The answers to these questions and others when we understand the text.
This is when we understand the text, a daily study in the word of Christ who saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of works, but by his own purpose and grace.
Tell your friends about our ministry at www .utt .com. Here once again is
Pastor Gabe. Thank you, Becky. You're welcome. Last week when we started recording this program, I think we recorded it on a
Wednesday night, and it wasn't - Wednesday evening, right.
It wasn't too late. It wasn't too terribly late, no. And it wasn't until Thursday that literal word announced that I was going to be the voice of the
New American Standard Bible. That's right. We weren't able to make that announcement on the podcast because it hadn't been announced yet when we recorded it.
See, there are benefits to waiting the night before. That's right. In case you hadn't heard,
I'm reading through the entire Bible right now out loud and recording myself doing it.
Yes. And the dog barking and the other dog barking and the helicopters and -
It's like all the noises around Junction City just wanted to come out in full bloom when
I started recording the Bible. They wanted to be recorded. Everybody wants in on this.
The dogs next door. We've got a - The train. The train just - which is - how far away is that track?
I told somebody it's half a mile, but I don't think it's that far. No, I don't think so either. Maybe a quarter of a mile.
It's a few blocks. Yeah. It's a good walk. It's not right next to the house, but when it goes by, you can hear it in the microphone.
Yeah. It's a good walk. It's more than a stone's throw. Yeah, you know. Now, I used to have an apartment that was literally right next to railroad tracks.
Oh my goodness. When Becky and I were - It was so loud. We were dating, the train would go by and I'd have to say, hang on.
And we were talking on the phone and I'd have to go, hang on, train's going by. And we'd just have to stop, wait for the train to go by.
Because he couldn't hear me and I couldn't hear him. He couldn't talk. He couldn't talk.
He couldn't even talk on the phone with the train going by. With all the noise and distractions that's going on, nevertheless, I soldier on.
Yay. And I'm through. Well, I'm not all the way through the gospels yet. I've been slow to get that finished because of the
German shepherd barking right outside my window. Yes. I think the neighbor went on vacation.
I have no idea. And just left the dog outside. Because he's never out there barking. It's only when I started recording the
Bible. Yeah, of course. Now he's out there barking all the time. Do you think this is like one of those, not temptations, but...
It's a trial. Trial. Yes. That's what I was thinking. There's some endurance and patience going on here.
Dog starts barking. I have to stop. I stop right in the middle of whatever I'm doing. I got to wait for him to get over his fit, whatever squirrel he's barking at, for the squirrel to move on.
And then I can keep recording again. It's quite humorous to me.
I'm glad you're enjoying it. I am. Very much. Thank you. It is Friday and we're taking questions from listeners.
And you can submit questions to whenweunderstandthetext at gmail .com. Oh, we're only six weeks away from episode 1 ,000.
That's coming up on July 26, God willing, if we're continuing on our current trajectory. It'll be the last
Friday in July. Yes. And that will... Right before our anniversary. The anniversary of the podcast.
And our wedding anniversary. And our wedding anniversary. But all that is like right at the same time. That's true.
Because our anniversary is on August 1st and I think it was just like two days after that or something was the podcast and it started, it was in 2015.
So we're coming up on four years. So 1 ,000 episodes in four years of this podcast. Wow. Yeah.
I haven't even thought about we've been doing this for four years. Isn't that crazy? That's amazing. You haven't been on it that long.
Nope. You've been doing the liners that long. Yes. But you haven't been on Friday. Because it took two years.
Oh my goodness. It took two years of doing the podcast for me and for Sonya to convince you to get on here.
It took that long. Yep. And for the record, my phone was slow, but it's 0 .7
miles to the railroad tracks. Oh, so it's over a half mile. Yes.
Oh, okay. Apparently a train horn 0 .7 miles away will pick up in a microphone as you're podcasting.
In a condenser microphone specifically. This first question today comes from a
Cindy and this actually goes back to what we were talking about last week with the
Pope changing the Lord's Prayer. Remember that? Right. So the Pope changed the Lord's Prayer from lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
And he changed it to let me not be tempted. I can't remember what it is now. But he only changed it in the
Italian. He didn't change it in English. It's only the Italian that was changed.
Right. So Cindy writes in and says, since punctuation was not in the original text, wouldn't a simple insertion of a comma clarify any misunderstanding?
Lead us, comma, not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Now Cindy, I appreciate that observation and I've done the same.
And I think I've talked about that on the podcast before, like take the punctuation out and it makes a little bit more sense because there wasn't punctuation in the
Greek. We've added the punctuation in there. Right. But in this particular case with the Lord's Prayer, I'm not sure that changes the meaning.
Lead us, comma, not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. The problem the
Pope had with the statement was that not into temptation, God would never lead us into anyway.
Right. But that's contradicted by the previous chapter, well, two chapters before in Matthew 4, 1, where it says the
Spirit led Jesus into the desert to be tempted. And that word tempted is interchangeable with tested and it's very clear that the
Lord does test us. Right. But he himself is not the tempter. Right.
He provides secondary means, but we are tested so that the Lord may know that we love him with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength, as he said in Deuteronomy to the children of Israel.
So we go through testing for the same reason, to demonstrate through trial that we love
God more than we love our own comfort. And our devotion to God is not dependent upon our comfort.
So there will be testing so that we may demonstrate our love for God. But the prayer would be, the
Lord's prayer would ask that God lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil so that we would be far away from evil.
The further away we are from evil, the less likely we are to be tempted. Right. And that's the reason why we would ask for that.
We would pray for that. You take the statement that James puts in James 4, draw near to God and he will draw near to you, resist the devil and he will flee from you.
So if you're facing God, your back is toward the things that your flesh would want or what Satan would tempt you with.
And so you're less likely to be tempted. But if you flirt with different worldly things or the temptations of your flesh, then you're more likely to be tempted.
So you're asking for the will of God to be upon your mind that you would desire to do the things that are pleasing to the
Lord. And if that is the condition of your heart to desire the things that delight
God, then you will be away from temptation and you will be in the favor of the
Lord. That sums it up nicely. All right, there we go. But thank you for that observation,
Cindy. I think that you got it. You're good. We're moving on. Don't second guess yourself.
We're cruising. Keep going. Keep going here. Go ahead. Anyway, I think that's a good way to examine the scriptures,
Cindy. I mean, you're thinking about it. You're looking at it going, what if we just do this? Would that change our understanding?
Would that clarify it a little bit better? I think that's a good exercise. Yes. But in this particular case, I don't think it changes what it was the
Pope didn't like about the prayer. Yeah, that's what I was going to say. Okay, good. I mean, really, that's exactly what
I was going to say. Sorry, I took your answer, your response. Next comment comes from Chris.
He says, Gobecki, why does it appear that the Lord Jesus submitted to Legion's request in Mark 5, 1 through 13?
I love your show and all that what does. Thank you in advance. So you know the story of Legion, right?
Yes. The story of a man with an unclean spirit, and really when it came down to it, he had more than one unclean spirit in him, which is why the demon referred to himself as Legion, because he was many.
Mark 5, I'm going to start in verse 1 here. They came to the other side of the sea, to the country of the
Gerasenes. And when Jesus had stepped out of the boat, immediately there met him out of the tombs, a man with an unclean spirit.
He lived among the tombs, and no one could bind him anymore, not even with a chain. For he had often been bound with shackles and chains, but he wrenched the chains apart, and he broke the shackles in pieces.
So demon -possessed people have super strength. Apparently. The Hulk, the incredible Hulk, is demon -possessed.
Okay. No one had the strength to subdue him. Night and day, among the tombs and on the mountains, he was always crying out and cutting himself with stones.
And when he saw Jesus from afar, he ran and fell down before him, and crying out with a loud voice, he said,
What have you to do with me, Jesus, son of the Most High God? I adjure you by God, do not torment me.
For he was saying to him, Come out of the man, you unclean spirit. And Jesus asked him,
What is your name? And he replied, My name is Legion, for we are many. And he begged him earnestly not to send them out of the country.
Now a great herd of pigs was feeding there on the hillside, and they begged him, saying, Send us to the pigs, let us enter them.
So he gave them permission, and the unclean spirits came out and entered the pigs, and the herd, numbering about two thousand, rushed down the steep bank into the sea and drowned in the sea.
The herdsmen fled and told it in the city and in the country, and people came to see what it was that had happened.
And they came to Jesus and saw the demon -possessed man, the one who had the Legion sitting there, clothed and in his right mind, and they were afraid.
And those who had seen it described to them what had happened to the demon -possessed man and to the pigs, and they began to beg
Jesus to depart from their region. As he was getting into the boat, the man who had been possessed with demons begged him that he might be with him.
And he did not permit him, but said to him, Go home to your friends and tell them how much the Lord has done for you and how he has had mercy on you.
And he went away and began to proclaim in the Decapolis how much Jesus had done for him, and everyone marveled.
So there's the story of Legion, at least according to Mark, Mark chapter 5. Chris's question was, why does it appear that the
Lord Jesus submitted to Legion's request? Well, the way that Mark puts it in particular is that Jesus permitted
Legion. Not that he submitted to Legion's request, but he permitted that Legion would go out of the man and into the herd of pigs.
Legion begged Jesus not to cast him out of the region. Now, when I've done my teaching on spiritual warfare, well, talk about like angels and demons and things like that.
I mean, we're in spiritual warfare all the time. We just talked about temptation, that's spiritual warfare. Conquering temptation and having the mind of Christ, that's a spiritual battle that we face every day.
But when we're talking about like the realm of angels and demons and how demons operate, demons, as we see in scripture, are very territorial and they seem to be confined to a particular region.
And here Legion is asking Jesus not to be sent out of the region. And the reason for that probably is if Legion were to be sent out of the region, it doesn't mean that he would go to another territory, probably means he would be cast into the pit.
And that's what Legion doesn't want. Of course, Legion thinks, remember by the request that he says to Jesus when addressing him, he says, what have you to do with me,
Jesus, son of the most high God? I adjure you by God, do not torment me.
And it's in Matthew's gospel where it says that Legion says to him, have you come to torment me before the appointed time?
So Legion thinks that Jesus is there to cast him into the pit. So Legion's request of Jesus is that he or they wouldn't be cast out of the region, but instead would be cast into the herd of pigs.
And it says Jesus permitted him to go into the herd of pigs. Them. Them.
Yes. Well, even the story switches pronouns. That is true. It goes from saying he to them.
So I'm not too out of league. Yeah. Now, now, why did
Legion go into pigs and why did the pigs then run down the hillside and drown? Yeah.
And then what happened to Legion after that? That's a good question. What did happen to Legion after that? My guess is that he was still in the region.
He was just not possessing anyone or anything once the pigs died. But why would Legion have been cast into the pigs and then they ran down the hillside and drowned?
I think that this actually exemplifies the fact that the devil and his minions are all going to be cast into the lake of fire.
Oh, yeah. According to the Book of Revelation. And so Legion being many goes into pigs, thousands of pigs.
Yeah. Which numbering 2000, according to verse 13, they rushed down the steep bank into the sea and drowned in the sea.
And this is, of course, a picture of how the devil and his angels are going to be cast into the lake of fire at the final judgment.
That's kind of what's being pictured there. Now, the wonderful grace of this story when you read it is that when the people come out to Jesus, it says they saw the man, the one who had
Legion in him, and he was sitting there clothed and in his right mind.
And that scared them. And that terrified them. Right. Because Jesus had the power even over this demon.
See, the demon scared the people. The demon possessed man terrified them. Right. And here Jesus had more power than the demon possessed man had.
He had so much strength, he could wrench chains apart. No one could bind him. But Jesus had so much power, he cast the demon out of him.
So that terrified the people even more. But again, all of this is showing a picture of the great
King who is Christ and the sovereign power that he has to command all of creation and even command powers seen and unseen.
This is the control and the sovereignty that even Jesus Christ has. So here we even have a picture of the book of Revelation of something that Jesus stated in Revelation, where it says the man was clothed and in his right mind.
And to the churches, Jesus has said to buy from me white garments, and I will clothe you.
And it's by faith in Christ that we have a sound mind that we would.
Right. We would love the Lord our God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength. And we have the mind of Christ.
I think there was a Proverbs that I read today. Proverbs or Psalm? I think it was Proverbs about having a sound mind.
Yeah. So you started the program quoting from 2 Timothy chapter one.
And it's just a couple of verses before that, where Paul says to Timothy, for this reason,
I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands.
For God gave us not a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of self control. And as I grew up reading the
NIV, that's actually of power and of love and of a sound mind is the way the
NIV translates that. So that's what I think of. Yeah, they both apply. Yeah. I mean, it's the same thing. Self control, sound mind.
It's having control over your thoughts, taking every thought captive and making it obedient to Christ.
2 Corinthians 10 5. But all of this, by the way, is the blessing of God. Not just over your mouth, but over your mind.
Well, yeah, over your mind first. Yes. Because then you're able to have rain over your tongue. Exactly. When you have a sound mind, this, of course, is the work of God.
This is what is transformed in us when we are given the Holy Spirit and we have a mind that is no longer after the things of this world, but we're now after the things of God.
Right. And that's having a sound mind. Yes, that's what we're learning about this week in VBS. Oh, yeah?
Yeah. What did you tell the kids about a sound mind? Well, it was more like treasuring God's word.
Okay. And. How it changes your thinking. Yes, yes. And I had totally lost my train of thought there.
It was like connect the dots and then all of a sudden gone. So. This would be a great place for a train sound effect.
If the train was going by. They'd be like, oh, I got my train of thought back. There it is. I wish
I would. What did you say? You said. Faith and of love and of a sound mind.
Having the mind of Christ. Taking every thought captive. Making it obedient to Christ. Okay. Not triggering anything?
No, I mean, kind of. It was. Those were ways to.
If we have control over our mind, then we have control over our tongue. Was it that? No. Then I just interrupted you and I probably.
You were on your way. I was on my way. I'm done. I'm done. It's okay. Move on. Okay. Moving on.
We need a moving on sound. Jake says, Dear Pastor Gabe and Becky.
We need walking music. Do do do do do do do. Dear Pastor Gabe and Becky.
I was watching the video. Women must be silent in church. And there you mentioned that women can teach children and reference the verse above.
While I agree with you, I fail to see what Second Timothy 1 5. Since we're still in Second Timothy here.
Has to say about this. I'm wondering if I'm wrong and I'm not seeing what you meant by it.
Or it might be a typo. Any clarification you can give me. I'd greatly appreciate. Okay, everybody might be confused as to what
Jake is asking here. All right, so back up I'm gonna go ahead and play the video. Oh, here's the what video and then we'll come back to Jake's question.
Alrighty. Mm -hmm What's wrong? You seem to be a little Hesitant to wanna to want to play this video.
Why why Becky? Why don't you want me to play this video? Y 'all can't see us y 'all can't see it, but she's turning red
It's because she's in this video, that's why okay You won't have to be able to see it.
I know I know you'll hear it, but you'll hear it. Hang on Collect yourself.
Here we go. Ready self -control First Timothy 2 11 says let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness
So according to the Bible a woman is supposed to sit in church and be quiet, right? She's supposed to keep her mouth shut and leave the talking to the man.
Yeah Love you, sweetie. All right, so that's not the meaning of that verse rather it goes with the full instruction that follows
I do not permit a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man rather She is to remain quiet.
The context here is church leadership, which continues on into chapter 3 Basically a woman can't be a pastor or an elder in a church
That's no less controversial, but it's what the Bible says and this instruction is universal to all people in all cultures at all times
It's not exclusive to the time period in which the Apostle Paul was writing this How do we know that because Paul?
Exercising his authority as an apostle goes all the way back to Adam and Eve with his explanation For Adam was formed first then
Eve and Adam was not deceived But the woman was deceived and became a transgressor So because Adam was formed first and because Eve was deceived by the serpent a woman is prohibited from being an authority in the church
She can teach children and she can teach other women and she can lead others to Christ Priscilla did that for Apollos along with her?
Husband Akilah, but she can't be a pastor any church that appoints a woman as a pastor would be in biblical disobedience
There are other ways a woman can find godly fulfillment that a man cannot but the authority in the church is commanded for men to step
Up and lead. Was that a good explanation love? Yes. Very good, sweetheart. Oh, thanks
And that's when we understand the text Ah Brings back memories.
Yeah, that was a long time ago That was one of the earliest videos and we were still living at the parsonage at that time
We were yeah, and you look a little pregnant. I was pregnant with Aria That's the thing.
You're not supposed to ever say to a woman. Yeah, are you pregnant? Yes. No, I knew she was in that video
That's why I could say that and get away with that. Yeah, baby. Number three was on the way Yeah in that video.
I Never took our pictures again in another video. I don't even know why I did it for that one I don't know either but you insisted
But you have such a good grimace in that video All right, so back to Jake's question here, yes, and I'm gonna go ahead and start at the beginning of his question
I was watching the video women must be silent in church Question mark.
Mm -hmm. And there you mentioned that women can teach children and reference the verse
Second Timothy 1 5 so you didn't see that as I was playing the audio of the video, right? Where it says she can teach children and she can teach other women and second
Timothy 1 5 came up But I fail to see what second Timothy 1 5 has to say about this
I'm wondering if I'm wrong and I'm not seeing what you meant by it or it might be a typo any Clarification you can give me
I would greatly appreciate So here is what Paul said to Timothy at the start of his second letter second
Timothy 1 5 I am reminded of your sincere faith a faith that dwelt first in your grandmother
Lois and Your mother Eunice and now I am sure dwells in you as well
For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands
For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and of love and of self -control, you know
I really didn't intend the program today to all center around second Timothy 1 But it just how about that seems to be working out that way.
So verse 5 in particular ordained. It was predestined I'm reminded of your sincere faith a faith a faith that dwelt first in your grandmother and then in your mother so it doesn't explicitly say here that Timothy's grandmother taught him and then that his mother taught him, but that's certainly being implied
The sound faith that Timothy had even before the Apostle Paul came to him
Right was given to him first by his grandmother and then his mother two very very influent
Influential women in Timothy's life. Yeah, so it's not explicitly Any men no mention of any men right because Timothy's father was a
Gentile so this is the the The scriptures as given to the prophets that were taught to Timothy by Lois and Eunice his grandmother and his mother
Again implying that women teach children, right? But that men are to instruct the men now
I could have drawn from the Titus 2 passage where it said that women are to teach other women
I drew from Titus chapter 2 where it says that older women are to be irreverent in behavior not slanderers or slaves to much wine they are to teach what is good and so train the young women to love their husbands and children to be self -controlled pure working at home kind and Submissive to their own husbands that the
Word of God may not be reviled I could have used that same passage to imply that women can teach children
Just as young women and young women as as that passage alludes to that there as well
But I decided to diversify a little bit and went with 2nd Timothy 1 5 where you see that Lois and Eunice Instructed Timothy and you have the same instruction given of women in Titus 2 that they teach their children also
Now when it comes to learning how to be men, my wife can teach my son Certain principles but the best example that he's gonna get is from his father
Yeah, so when it comes to growing up and becoming a responsible young man I'm gonna be more influential on my son than my wife will be very true
There are things that she can teach him but it that has to come down to me to teach my son how to be a man and That's also there in Titus 2 the older men teaching the younger men.
This is the dynamic in the church Of course what we're looking at in Titus 2 But you take what should be happening in the home and you just expand it out to the church
Older men teaching younger men older women teaching younger women Mothers teaching their children, but when it comes to manliness manhood
That's what a father should be teaching his son, right? And when it comes to what a girl should be looking for in a man.
Mm -hmm. That's what a father's teaching his daughters Yes, and what to look up to. Yes I was just gonna clarify that the the older women teaching younger women and older men teaching younger men
It's not necessarily age. It's also maturity or faith, right? so that was a difficult thing for me to Grapple with when
I first became a pastor because I was ordained at 29 I took over the pastorship at 31 like right on the cusp of turning 32
And so I was still a young pup and we had some very seasoned men in our church
Who had been in church for a long time, but had not grown much in their faith, right?
unfortunately their history of church attendance did not in encourage them or motivate them in doctrine, you know, it was just just attending church and singing the songs and volunteering and but there wasn't any teaching of doctrine or going deep into spiritual truths and It was difficult for me
I like even in my own confidence to be think I have to teach this man he's older than me and Yet I am more mature than he is and my responsibility is to teach him
I would be the older man in Titus to that should be teaching the younger man though He's probably twice my age right, but he's younger than me in spiritual maturity, right?
And that was that was tough for me I think that that was one of the reasons why Paul told Timothy not to let anyone look down on him because he was young he was likewise in his young 30s when
Paul was sending him to Ephesus a church that had been there for a little while now and already had an established eldership and the eldership was mostly older men
Mm -hmm, and Paul was telling Timothy not to let anyone look down on him because he was young But he needed to fulfill the obligations of his pastorate not be intimidated by the fact that there were people older than him
But he was spiritually more mature right because he had been commissioned by an apostle to go and become the pastor of that church
Mm -hmm, and those kinds of things going through first and second Timothy, which I did pretty early on in my pastorate
We're very helpful for me when it came to knowing how I needed to lead the flock. That's right
Next one comes from Steve in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. I used to live in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania Okay, Milton Pennsylvania nearby.
No, I'm not real close. No It's a little bit to the northwest. I think okay, but I don't know,
Pennsylvania very well I wasn't driving when we lived in Pennsylvania. So it's not like I drove around and got used to the area
But I still remember I remember the old stomping grounds. We went through Milton Yeah, we went out to my brother's wedding in Rhode Island.
Yeah still remember where the baseball fields were and Went down and ran around with the kids.
That was fun. Okay, your church in your school Yeah church in the Christian school. Mm -hmm. We're out there
Meadowbrook Christian School That was where I went to school Steve says hi pastor gave thank you for being faithful to the ministry.
The Lord has called you to it is clear that you take Your responsibility to disciple your wife seriously, please share one husband to another
How can I disciple my wife? Hmm now I got to be honest with you when I first read this email.
I thought it said how do I discipline my wife? Oh, no, I was like I I saw it in my in the subject heading in my inbox
I was like, oh, no, I've never answered this question before need more information. How do I discipline my wife?
How do you? Well, I can tell you how Aaron would answer this question, yes,
I know Yeah, we have a friend named Aaron and we haven't quite figured out if Aaron's being serious with his answers
Or if he's joking we can't Know he would go with the back of your hand
That's what he would say Still I don't know it's just like that. I don't know I can't tell if he's being serious or not.
So how do you disciple your wife? How do I disciple you? well you answer all of my questions, okay, and Whenever I do have a question you take me back to the
Bible and you show me other passages that it helps We pray
Often mm -hmm and we have why am
I answering? I'm trying to get what you're learning from me I don't know you tell me what we have our family devotional time
Yes, and Becky learns from that but that isn't primarily like how I'm leading my wife.
That's more how I'm leading my family and I'm Thinking of how I'm explaining things in a way that the kids are gonna understand
The and we go through table talk We're doing table talk magazine, which we receive at the church
And I I've I've gone away from table talk before like we just finished up What would it what I read through last
Exodus went through all of Genesis together? we went through Exodus up to the giving of the law and Then we and then we picked up table talk again and because they've been going through David life of David and jumping around to different Passages.
Mm -hmm. So that's one of the kids favorites, right? They love reading about David the kids his favorite book of the
Bible is Daniel. Yes I don't really know how that happened, but they love Daniel, especially the especially the difficult parts
Mm -hmm. We start talking about beasts and and giant trees and mountains covering the whole earth and they're going down It's not lion's den and fiery furnace.
They love the dreams and visions that that I don't understand And They don't want an explanation.
They just they just think the beasts sound cool. Yeah, all those Crazy creatures that that Daniel saw in his visions.
Anyway, so that's leading the kids and doing our family devotional time together We'll read the scripture.
We'll do the table talk We'll pray according to what table talk might encourage you to pray and then teaching the children to pray that way
Becky and I will pray together. We may read a psalm together our time together comes
And I don't know. I think there's questions that people ask of us. Mm -hmm, and There'll be talk through that.
Yes, definitely She listens to the sermons and takes notes during the sermons. Now, that's one benefit.
I have that of course Steve you're not gonna have But she's also learning through my preaching pastor and unless he's a pastor.
That's right. Yeah. Yeah that as well You sometimes listen to the podcast but not all the time Yeah, I haven't been able to hear of late but I'm planning on getting that back in the
Schedule back in the swing of things And sometimes you pick is ref net one of the things you'll listen to occasionally
What's one of the other like podcasts or something? You'll pick up. Is it just whatever is trending on Twitter? No, you'll see somebody like sharing it and you'll just click on that and listen to that podcast.
No, I I do theology theology driven, okay and wretched and I used to do
Al Mohler, but I he talks over my head Current events and so I have to go to you anyway and ask you what he's talking about So I just come to you
Just skip the briefing after that. Yeah, and then There was one other one that I would listen to now.
There are ways that in my discipling of her She's been able to take what
I've taught her and respond to my complaining Because when I'm complaining about something that isn't going my way
Well, I won't give you the various avenues. This might come about But let's just say something's not going the way that I want it to and I'm complaining about it.
Uh -huh, and she knows how To get my mind and my heart back in a direction of being thankful to God Being appreciative.
Yeah, you know because if when I'm complaining, I'm not technically with her, right?
I'm in my own world complaining about a circumstance. That's not going my way so she's bringing me back into well your wife and kids are here and aren't you grateful for these things and showing my
Appreciation and my thankfulness for the the areas where God has blessed me In my mind
I can come into don't worry about tomorrow. Let were let tomorrow worry about itself sufficient for the day
Is its own trouble? Yeah, so That's one of the ways that I've seen my discipling and my wife come into even discipling me and I've also used your sermon notes occasionally on you
That's right. She has Now you just preached about this.
Yeah, I know I know but when I preach about that what I really meant was this And then she'll just go okay and then she'll walk away and then
I'm sitting there going right But this is after you've convicted me of what
I was doing wrong. Okay, right, so so I can bring her with a sermon It's it's a back -and -forth conviction.
And I mean the biggest thing is to take that with grace Just be patient and sometimes you do have to walk away say, okay
And you walk away and then they think about it They they let it stew a little bit and sometimes
The pride gets the better of them. Mm -hmm and other times They repent and humble themselves before the
Lord and well, yeah, we're grateful. It's that love is patient thing Yeah, sometimes convicting a person or confronting a person over sin is not gonna have an effect
Immediately in the moment that you're talking about it mm -hmm, but maybe walk away and see how it's gonna take effect and see if What you had to say to that person is gonna convict them and maybe bring about a change of behavior
And if so, praise God, and that's the way that Becky Deals with me when I get into those modes.
Those are just tiny things. Those are like heavy things, right? so That that's that's a bit more
Delicate with the heavier things. So don't just dump a load on somebody and be like just think about that Yeah, right
Just the little things I Am NOT a scheduler. I don't do well with creating schedules
Becky does she does better with schedules? I try I think you do it out of necessity. Oh, yeah more than anything else
So I'm like, I'm not like waking up and first thing in the morning doing devotionals Sometimes it happens at lunch tonight when we were
Getting the kids ready for bed. It was in the evening course. We've had VBS going on all week Oh, yeah, it's been crazy. So the kids have been getting
Bible lessons of VBS anyway And then and then we're doing our family devotions before they're going to bed. So everything's kind of late
Yeah late later than usual. Everything's kind of in disarray because it's an unusual week
But even though I don't schedule you still have to be deliberate about you know Before we sit down and watch a movie or watch a
TV show We're gonna do a devotional and pray and the devotionals that you do with your kids.
You can't let that be Well now I've discipled my wife because there is attention that she deserves
That is going to be different than the attention that you give your kids It should not be the same your wife will feel belittled if you're showing the same kind of attention to your wife as you're showing
To your children definitely You didn't marry your children. Yeah So, yeah, that's that's important and the discipleship that you have with your spouse
Husband with his wife a wife with her husband is You know, not that you don't love your kids
It's more important than the discipleship that you have with your children Mm -hmm this relationship if you truly love your kids, you will husbands love your wife wife.
You will submit to your husband Mm -hmm. That's how the church works. That's right. That's right. It's how the church the big
C Church We have our relationship with the bride. Yeah, well Christ had sorry
Christ has his relationship with the bride We have our relationship with Christ and that relationship is primary and then it benefits the whole church
Right, and so the same same thing goes for the way that you disciple in your home The husband discipling his wife a wife submitting to her husband a bit in the same way encouraging her husband in The ways of Christ according to the scriptures my wife using what
I've taught her to then therefore teach me And you and to convict me And that is the primary dynamic in your home
And and that's even before the discipleship that you give to your children I would be careful maybe on using the word teaching you because I don't really teach you
I just help implement it right, but we're sanctifying each other. Yes, definitely
That's definitely the you know Regardless of how you fall on the usage or application of teaching.
I just wanted to clarify. Okay Ears perked up on that Yeah, so definitely sanctifying one another
And yeah, I can't remember who it was that said this but I think number numerous teachers have said this in some way shape or form
Don't expect to get married and think that that's gonna solve all your problems Oh, no, it only shines a light on all of your problems
You're gonna you're gonna be aware of all the idiosyncrasies that you didn't know that you had once you got married
Yes, but it is through loving one another and considering one another's needs ahead of your own and Implementing what scripture instructs of us and showing that love to each other that you sanctify one another
Mm -hmm, and we are growing in holiness Becky and I are growing in holiness together, right? Take that and run with it
A gen in Washington, can you ask Abe a question for me? So Jen sent this to Becky.
Mm -hmm I want to know if he would think it concerning if the pastor of a church He was attending went to a conference at Capitol Hill Baptist Church, which is
Mark Devers Church in Washington, DC The reason I ask is knowing what we know from observations on Twitter and the
Shepherds conference Q &A Devor seems to be on the TGC the gospel coalition
Social justice bandwagon and I worry about that influencing my pastor
We have been at the church for under a year and we are not members yet and it was just last week that I even mentioned something troubling that came from Jonathan Lehman who is also one of the
Pastors that has come from Capitol Hill Baptist Church. Yeah Jen's concern is somebody going to a conference.
That would be at Capitol Hill or would be led by Mark Devor I can't say that I would necessarily
That that alarms necessarily go off in my head immediately when somebody says that they've gone to a conference at Mark Devor's Church The direction that he's going is definitely concerning but note something about that Q &A at Shepcon Mark Devor had to be asked a question before he would open up about it.
I've actually never heard him talk about this Now I know that he's on the social justice side and I know that everything that's been coming out of Capitol Hill I'm saying everything but a lot of what's coming out of Capitol Hill lately
Speaking of Capitol Hill Baptist Church has been infused with social justice jargon So I know that it's taken hold over there, but notice that Devor is not exactly up front about it
Like he's not standing out in front of everybody else saying come follow me He's almost like a silent partner in the background, okay, and not that I think that he is silent on social justice issues
He's just not the voice that you primarily hear I have some theories about that But I'm not gonna go into the reason why all of that just to say that I don't see it being a platform issue for Devor even though he is on the the the critical race theory
Intersectionality side of things. He also put out a tweet earlier this week. That was really concerning and he was quoting
JD Greer. Mm -hmm He said I recently heard someone say quote.
This is JD Greer's quote Although mark doesn't attribute it to Greer that is where it came from All right, quote the core of the gospel is
God's commitment to protect the vulnerable unquote What do you think? No now as of the time that I'm reading this to you on the podcast it has 417 comments 11 retweets and a hundred and twelve likes.
This is what is referred to in the Twitter community as being ratioed When the comments exceed the retweets and the likes it's called ratioed
So people responded heavily to this tweet and and said no and this is a false gospel.
It's a gospel of works It is the gospel of works that Paul repudiated with the
Galatians when he wrote to them Right and said receive no other gospel. This is another gospel
The the gospel of Jesus Christ is that God sent his son into the world to save sinners?
Mm -hmm. The core of the gospel is not God's commitment to protect the vulnerable The core of the gospel is
God's commitment to save sinners. Yes through the the work of Jesus Christ Mark ever asked that question.
I'm concerned about the tweet. He doesn't exactly say that he agrees with it He says what do you think right?
But why does he never come back to that again and clarify what his position on that would be that's that's what troubles me
Exactly how much is he in the ring with all of these guys who are saying things like this like Russell Moore and JD Greer How much does
Devor agree with it? And how much is he just kind of sitting on the side going? I don't think that's coming out quite the way that we should say that biblically
Mm -hmm, and is he asking that question in that tweet because he himself is questioning these things.
I Don't know. I don't think he would go to Twitter and ask for clarification though I mean, he probably has people he respects and and would go to them if he had a question certainly
So I'm sure he has a stance on it But maybe he's wondering what his followers think and he's getting a feel for that.
Yeah all of I don't know Or just to get the discussion going something
All of that is just to say it's very concerning and yet If someone told me they went to a conference at his church
I don't really think I would I'm not gonna think of them coming back going Oh, man, now he's all in intersectionality now
Definitely not but to spend that money to go to a conference when there are so many other sound
Conferences being put on. Yeah right now That would be concerning that he chooses that one instead of I would just ask him
You know, why why is this one the most important to go to whereas there is this one and this one?
And maybe he doesn't know any of the others or isn't aware of them going on at the same time Yeah, now
I'll tell you this Jen though I wouldn't necessarily say that I'm concerned if somebody were to go to such a conference at Capitol Hill Baptist I also cannot recommend them and I don't recommend that anybody attend that church or those workshops or Anything else that's affiliated with nine marks in Capitol Hill as long as they are in this trajectory right now of Heading down the woke hole the way that they are
All right last question here this one comes from Callie she says Hey, I know it's not right or wise for professing
Christians to wear pagan idol symbols as jewelry Clothing or art would dream catchers from the
Native American belief that it captures bad dreams Promotes good dreams fall into that category or would it be considered something else?
I don't know a whole lot about it What would your counsel be on that Callie from Texas well in 1st
Corinthians chapter 8 verse 4 The Apostle Paul he's talking about food offered to idols so in a
Corinth you would have food offered to false gods and then what was
Left or even that food that had presumably been blessed by a false God would be sold in the marketplace right and all the meat that was in the market
You couldn't tell which was offered to a false god and which was not Some of the consciences of the
Corinthians were then, you know kind of plaguing them It can I eat this meat? Can I not?
Was it offered to idols? Is it now bad for me because it was offered to an idol and so what Paul says related to that in chapter 8 verse 4
Therefore as to the eating of food offered to idols We know that an idol has no real existence and that there is no
God but one in other words There's nothing to an idol. It's it's man -made. It's stone or wood or carving or whatever
I Remember my dad giving an illustration of this one time in one of the sermons that I saw him preach when I was a kid
Uh -huh, and he got a microphone stand kind of out there on the stage and he took his suit jacket off And he's kind of doing that as he's talking as he's explaining an idol
Okay, and he sets the suit jacket on the microphone stand and he goes there you go. That's an idol
That's what an idol is right there. It's an empty suit, huh? It's a suit with nothing in it. Yeah, and that's the
Apostle Paul kind of giving that illustration to the Corinthians here as well We know an idol has no real existence
So what is a dreamcatcher a dreamcatcher is sticks and yarn pretty much.
That's all it is They do look pretty though Looks like an interesting.
Yeah, it looks like an arts and crafts project It does uh -huh, which is why I'm there they appeal to me because they're arts and crafts
Yeah, now I wouldn't I wouldn't own one. I wouldn't have it hanging in my home I wouldn't hang one from the rearview mirror of my car
I know that that's popular for people to do as well. Certainly don't hang it over your bedroom door Thinking that hey all the bad dreams are gonna get caught in this thing
Who was it that decided that good dreams were small enough to fit through that weave and bad dreams will get caught in there
Who decided that? Anyway, it was something to help the kids sleep at night.
Yeah, right It must have been some some nursery rhyme sort of a thing. Yeah, but it's come it's from a form of shamanism
Which was common among Native American religion. There's so much diversity in Native American religious thought
Yeah, but shamanism is that whole idea of you know, kind of witch doctors Or in the case of Native American culture, you'd have a shaman
Dreamcatcher would catch the evil spirits So you let the good spirits through although it was probably just used as more of a good luck charm than anything else.
Yeah And once again, it's what's the benefit of having such a thing hanging such a thing on your window or having it in your home?
They might look pretty but most people are going to catch on pun
That what that is and what it represents. So are you really giving a good witness by having those kinds of things?
Yeah, it's an it's an empty thing It means nothing and you can have such a thing in your home thinking to yourself.
It doesn't mean anything to me, right? It does not bring a curse upon your home because you have something of pagan origin to it in your home
Paul is Paul is even laying that out. There's nothing to it But but the reason why we don't is because it might cost somebody else to stumble exactly and so we we just avoid it it communicates to others a
Kind of syncretism the idea that you can have a lot of different religious beliefs at once Yeah, and it's okay, right and this is very very common among Americans to think this way
I have my Christianity, but I also believe in karma, especially in today's society it's yeah, they they just mix and mesh whatever makes them feel good and Whatever is the god of their mind and that they have made yeah the god of their circumstance yeah their own idol and so They can pick and choose whatever they want
So, you know, they might just without asking even they might just assume that that's okay
And that's because that's what you believe so you guys will get along great and then yeah It gets rid of all the confusion just to not have any sort of idol.
Don't you don't have rabbits foots on your keychain? I Guess you would only have one at a time
Yeah Horseshoes, that's one of those things where it's like if you live on a ranch or a farm
You're probably gonna have horseshoes over your door Oh, yeah, it doesn't see it doesn't have anything to do with a good luck charm But just be thinking in a mindfulness of what does this communicate to somebody else?
Am I causing someone else to stumble and once again considering somebody else's needs ahead of your own?
Even when it comes to the kind of decor you would accept or the kind of trinkets that you think look pretty right be mindful
Of what those things represent. I don't think you have to be obsessed or paranoid But there's a definitely there's certain symbols that just have a common popular connotation to them
And most people know what a dreamcatcher is. Yeah, so just avoid them So that that would be one that's just like the the
Buddha little little Buddha statues Yeah, they I mean they know where they come from.
Yeah, and it's just yeah some of those more Well -known things just avoid there was a dollar store that you and I frequent
I won't say which one this is but they have little like Ganesh statues little Buddha statues in there
Okay, so don't think that a idol worship is a thing the pagans do in another part of the world and an uncivilized culture
No, it's it's big in America. Yeah, you can find them in your little corner stores even even watching on Watching those decorating shows on on TV They have a lot of them just add the
Buddha statue in there and it's like what I've noticed that yeah But it's like in everyone walking around the house and you'll see a little
Buddha statue there Yeah, it was it was like episode after episode after episode. I was like,
I see a theme here Not crosses but Buddha statues or they'll have
I don't know if it's the new decor or if they're actually You know, yeah religious in that but I don't know they'll have a little
Zen garden and it'll have the Shinto thing in there Yeah, it'll be something like that. Yeah. Yeah, just better to avoid all of that and don't don't let anyone stumble
You know at the start of this program we were talking about the literal word app and how I'm now reading the
Bible But we didn't talk about how you can get that app. Oh, yes. Let's talk about that here's how we'll close so you and whether you use an iPhone or a
Android any other kind of smartphone that has like Android capability on it, you can download the literal word
NASB from the App Store and that's what you want to look for literal word
It'll come up if you type in NASB. I think it ends up being like the second or third option
It's not the first thing that comes up, but you can still find it that way Okay, lots of great features one of the best
Bible apps I've ever used up to this point It is the best Bible app I've ever used and they are even adding note -taking and highlighting
Oh, wow a couple of the features that are gonna be added later this year and then whenever I get the recording of the
Bible done there Will be an audio feature on there as well. Yeah, and it will be the what guy reading the
Bible to you And that's our program for today, we'd love to hear from you
Go to our website WWW .com you can leave a comment on Facebook but the best way to get to us is by email when we understand the text at gmail .com
let's close with a quick a Yes, let's
Heavenly Father we thank you for our time together and thank you for a medium such as this that we can talk about the scriptures and And be sanctified according to your word know what it is that Delights in you and how we take the gospel and then apply it to our lives and it changes our life as we live in This world, so let us walk according to your word illuminating our steps guiding our path and And being the light that we must also show to the rest of the world
That they may know Jesus Christ and turn from their sin and live we ask these things in Jesus name
Amen This is when we understand the text a daily study in the
Word of Christ who saved us and called us to a holy calling Holy calling
I know it went holy calling Holy calling